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Peripherin-2 (also known as peripherin/rds), a photoreceptor specific tetraspanin protein, is required to maintain normal cell structure through its role in renewal processes requiring membrane fusion. It is the first tetraspanin fusogen and has been shown to directly mediate fusion between disk membranes and opposing membranes to maintain the highly ordered structure of rod outer segments. Localized to the C terminus of human, bovine, and murine peripherin-2 is an amphiphilic fusion peptide domain (residues 312-326) and a highly conserved region upstream of this domain that we hypothesize is essential for fusogenic function. Our previous studies indicated that substitution of a threonine for a proline at position 296 within this highly conserved region enhanced fusion activity. In this study we wanted to determine whether this proline is essential with the introduction of three additional substitutions of proline with alanine, leucine, and glutamic acid. Wild type, P296T, P296A, P296L, and P296E mutants of peripherin-2 were expressed as His6-tagged full-length proteins in Madin-Darby canine kidney (MDCK) cells. All of the proteins were localized to intracellular membranes and detected as 42-kDa monomers by Western blot analysis. The wild type, P296A, and P296L assembled into core tetramers; in contrast the P296T and P296E formed higher order oligomers. Fusogenic activity of full-length protein expressed in MDCK membranes and purified protein reconstituted in model membrane liposomes was determined using fluorescence quenching techniques. Fusion activity was decreased in the P296L, P296A, and P296E mutants both in endogenous MDCK membranes and in model liposomes. Collectively, these results suggest that the proline at position 296 is necessary for optimal function.  相似文献   

ER membrane protein complex required for nuclear fusion   总被引:17,自引:5,他引:12       下载免费PDF全文
Diploid cells of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae form after the mating of two haploid cells of the opposite mating type. After fusion of the two plasma membranes of the mating cells, a dinucleated cell forms initially in which the two haploid nuclei then rapidly fuse to form a single diploid nucleus. This latter event, called karyogamy, can be divided into two distinct steps: the microtubule-based movement that causes the two nuclei to become closely juxtaposed and the fusion of the nuclear membranes. For the membrane fusion step, one required component, the ER luminal protein Kar2p (BiP), has been identified. For topological reasons, however, it has been unclear how Kar2p could function in this role. Kar2p is localized to the luminal (i.e., noncytoplasmic) face of the ER membrane, yet nuclear fusion must initiate from the cytosolic side of the outer nuclear membrane or the ER membrane with which it is contiguous. There is both genetic and biochemical evidence that Kar2p interacts with Sec63p, an ER membrane protein containing both luminal and cytosolic domains that is involved in protein translocation across the membrane. We have isolated novel sec63 mutant alleles that display severe karyogamy defects. Disruption of the genes encoding other Sec63p-associated proteins (Sec71p and Sec72p) also results in karyogamy defects. A suppressor mutant (sos1-1) partially corrects the translocation defect but does not alleviate the karyogamy defect. sec61 and sec62 mutant alleles that cause similar or more severe protein translocation defects show no karyogamy defects. Taken together, these results suggest a direct role for Sec63p, Sec71p, and Sec72p in nuclear membrane fusion and argue against the alternative interpretation that the karyogamy defects result as an indirect consequence of the impaired membrane translocation of another component(s) required for the process. We propose that an ER/nuclear membrane protein complex composed of Sec63p, Sec71p, and Sec72p plays a central role in mediating nuclear membrane fusion and requires ER luminally associated Kar2p for its function.  相似文献   

TSG-6 (TNF-α-stimulated gene/protein 6), a hyaluronan (HA)-binding protein, has been implicated in the negative regulation of inflammatory tissue destruction. However, little is known about the tissue/cell-specific expression of TSG-6 in inflammatory processes, due to the lack of appropriate reagents for the detection of this protein in vivo. Here, we report on the development of a highly sensitive detection system and its use in cartilage proteoglycan (aggrecan)-induced arthritis, an autoimmune murine model of rheumatoid arthritis. We found significant correlation between serum concentrations of TSG-6 and arthritis severity throughout the disease process, making TSG-6 a better biomarker of inflammation than any of the other arthritis-related cytokines measured in this study. TSG-6 was present in arthritic joint tissue extracts together with the heavy chains of inter-α-inhibitor (IαI). Whereas TSG-6 was broadly detectable in arthritic synovial tissue, the highest level of TSG-6 was co-localized with tryptases in the heparin-containing secretory granules of mast cells. In vitro, TSG-6 formed complexes with the tryptases murine mast cell protease-6 and -7 via either heparin or HA. In vivo TSG-6-tryptase association could also be detected in arthritic joint extracts by co-immunoprecipitation. TSG-6 has been reported to suppress inflammatory tissue destruction by enhancing the serine protease-inhibitory activity of IαI against plasmin. TSG-6 achieves this by transferring heavy chains from IαI to HA, thus liberating the active bikunin subunit of IαI. Because bikunin is also present in mast cell granules, we propose that TSG-6 can promote inhibition of tryptase activity via a mechanism similar to inhibition of plasmin.  相似文献   

The PapC usher is an outer membrane protein required for assembly and secretion of P pili in uropathogenic Escherichia coli. P pilus biogenesis occurs by the chaperone/usher pathway, a terminal branch of the general secretory pathway. Periplasmic chaperone-subunit complexes target to the PapC usher for fiber assembly and secretion through the usher to the cell surface. The molecular details of pilus biogenesis at the usher, and protein secretion across the outer membrane in general, are unclear. We studied the structure and oligomeric state of PapC by gel filtration, dynamic light scattering, and electron microscopy and image analysis. Two-dimensional crystals of wild-type PapC and a C-terminal deletion mutant of PapC were produced by reconstituting detergent purified usher into E.coli lipids. PapC formed a dimer both in detergent solution and in the phospholipid bilayer. Cryo-electron microscopy revealed that the usher forms a twin-pore complex. Removal of the C-terminal domain did not change the basic shape of the PapC molecule, but altered the dimeric association of the usher, suggesting that the C terminus forms part of the dimerization interface. The overall molecular size (11 nm), pore size (2 nm), and twin-pore configuration of PapC resemble that of the Tom40 complex, a mitochondrial outer membrane protein translocase.  相似文献   

An abundant integral membrane protein, Hmp35, has been isolated from hydrogenosomes of Trichomonas vaginalis. This protein has no known homologue and exists as a stable 300-kDa complex, termed HMP35, in membranes of the hydrogenosome. By using blue native gel electrophoresis, we found the HMP35 complex to be stable in 2 m NaCl and up to 5 m urea. The endogenous Hmp35 protein was largely protease-resistant. The protein has a predominantly beta-sheet structure and predicted transmembrane domains that may form a pore. Interestingly, the protein has a high number of cysteine residues, some of which are arranged in motifs that resemble the RING finger, suggesting that they could be coordinating zinc or another divalent cation. Our data show that Hmp35 forms one intramolecular but no intermolecular disulfide bonds. We have isolated the HMP35 complex by expressing a His-tagged Hmp35 protein in vivo followed by purification with nickel-agarose beads. The purified 300-kDa complex consists of mostly Hmp35 with lesser amounts of 12-, 25-27-, and 32-kDa proteins. The stoichiometry of proteins in the complex indicates that Hmp35 exists as an oligomer. Hmp35 can be targeted heterologously into yeast mitochondria, despite the lack of homology with any yeast protein, demonstrating the compatibility of mitochondrial and hydrogenosomal protein translocation machineries.  相似文献   

ORF-2, a 32-kDa viral protein expressed by herpesvirus saimiri-transformed lymphocytes, is essential for transformation and is expressed on the plasma membrane of transformed cells. The current work now shows that most (approximately 80%) of ORF-2 resides in the cytoplasm, while only a small portion protrudes from the cell surface. Expressed as a glutathione S-transferase fusion protein, ORF-2 was found to interact with a 56-kDa cellular protein in untransformed, herpesvirus saimiri-transformed, and Jurkat lymphocytes. Microsequencing proved that this protein is the lymphocyte-specific tyrosine protein kinase p56lck. Two regions of ORF-2 were found to be required for p56lck interaction. Current evidence suggests that the interaction of ORF-2 with p56lck plays a key role in the specific transformation of T lymphocytes to an interleukin-2-independent phenotype.  相似文献   

A Huber  P Sander  A Gobert  M Bhner  R Hermann    R Paulsen 《The EMBO journal》1996,15(24):7036-7045
The transient receptor potential protein (Trp) is a putative capacitative Ca2+ entry channel present in fly photoreceptors, which use the inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (InsP3) signaling pathway for phototransduction. By immunoprecipitation studies, we find that Trp is associated into a multiprotein complex with the norpA-encoded phospholipase C, an eye-specific protein kinase C (InaC) and with the InaD protein (InaD). InaD is a putative substrate of InaC and contains two PDZ repeats, putative protein-protein interaction domains. These proteins are present in the photoreceptor membrane at about equimolar ratios. The Trp homolog analyzed here is isolated together with NorpA, InaC and InaD from blowfly (Calliphora) photoreceptors. Compared to Drosophila Trp, the Calliphora Trp homolog displays 77% amino acid identity. The highest sequence conservation is found in the region that contains the putative transmembrane domains S1-S6 (91% amino acid identity). As investigated by immunogold labeling with specific antibodies directed against Trp and InaD, the Trp signaling complex is located in the microvillar membranes of the photoreceptor cells. The spatial distribution of the signaling complex argues against a direct conformational coupling of Trp to an InsP3 receptor supposed to be present in the membrane of internal photoreceptor Ca2+ stores. It is suggested that the organization of signal transducing proteins into a multiprotein complex provides the structural basis for an efficient and fast activation and regulation of Ca2+ entry through the Trp channel.  相似文献   

The conserved vacuolar protein-sorting (Vps) pathway controls the trafficking of proteins to the vacuole/lysosome. Both the internalization of ubiquitylated cargo from the plasma membrane and its sorting at the late endosome via the Vps pathway depend on ubiquitin (Ub) binding motifs present in trafficking regulators. Here we report that Ub controls yet a third step in the Vps pathway. Vps9p, which promotes endosomal and Golgi-derived vesicle fusion, binds directly to Ub via a Cue1p-homologous (CUE) domain. The CUE domain is structurally related to the Ub-associated (UBA) domain. In an assay for vacuolar delivery of a transmembrane receptor fused to Ub, a Ub mutation impairing interaction with Vps9p led to a cytoplasmic block in receptor trafficking. This block resembled that of a receptor fused to wild-type Ub but expressed in a vps9-null background. Strikingly, this trafficking defect caused by a mutant Ub was rescued by deletion of the Vps9p CUE domain, indicating that lack of the CUE domain renders Vps9p independent of Ub for activation in vivo. We thus provide evidence for biochemical and genetic interactions between Ub and a novel Ub binding domain in Vps9p. Ub plays a positive role, whereas the CUE domain plays both positive and negative roles in Vps9p function in trafficking.  相似文献   

Somatic cell fusion is common during organogenesis in multicellular eukaryotes, although the molecular mechanism of cell fusion is poorly understood. In filamentous fungi, somatic cell fusion occurs during vegetative growth. Filamentous fungi grow as multinucleate hyphal tubes that undergo frequent hyphal fusion (anastomosis) during colony expansion, resulting in the formation of a hyphal network. The molecular mechanism of the hyphal fusion process and the role of networked hyphae in the growth and development of these organisms are unexplored questions. We use the filamentous fungus Neurospora crassa as a model to study the molecular mechanism of hyphal fusion. In this study, we identified a deletion mutant that was restricted in its ability to undergo both self-hyphal fusion and fusion with a different individual to form a heterokaryon. This deletion mutant displayed pleiotropic defects, including shortened aerial hyphae, altered conidiation pattern, female sterility, slow growth rate, lack of hyphal fusion, and suppression of vegetative incompatibility. Complementation with a single open reading frame (ORF) within the deletion region in this mutant restored near wild-type growth rates, female fertility, aerial hyphae formation, and hyphal fusion, but not vegetative incompatibility and wild-type conidiation pattern. This ORF, which we named ham-2 (for hyphal anastomosis), encodes a putative transmembrane protein that is highly conserved, but of unknown function among eukaryotes.  相似文献   

《The Journal of cell biology》1990,111(5):2041-2052
We have developed procedures for detecting synaptic vesicle-binding proteins by using glutaraldehyde-fixed or native vesicle fractions as absorbent matrices. Both adsorbents identify a prominent synaptic vesicle-binding protein of 36 kD in rat brain synaptosomes and mouse brain primary cultures. The binding of this protein to synaptic vesicles is competed by synaptophysin, a major integral membrane protein of synaptic vesicles, with half-maximal inhibition seen between 10(-8) and 10(-7) M synaptophysin. Because of its affinity for synaptophysin, we named the 36-kD synaptic vesicle-binding protein physophilin (psi nu sigma alpha, greek = bubble, vesicle; psi iota lambda os, greek = friend). Physophilin exhibits an isoelectric point of approximately 7.8, a Stokes radius of 6.6 nm, and an apparent sedimentation coefficient of 5.6 S, pointing to an oligomeric structure of this protein. It is present in synaptic plasma membranes prepared from synaptosomes but not in synaptic vesicles. In solubilization experiments, physophilin behaves as an integral membrane protein. Thus, a putative synaptic plasma membrane protein exhibits a specific interaction with one of the major membrane proteins of synaptic vesicles. This interaction may play a role in docking and/or fusion of synaptic vesicles to the presynaptic plasma membrane.  相似文献   

We have examined the in situ organization and nearest neighbours of the 'lamina-associated polypeptide-1' (LAP1), a type II membrane protein and a major constituent of the mammalian nuclear envelope. We show here that, during interphase, LAP1 forms multimeric assemblies which are suspended in the inner nuclear membrane and are specifically associated with B-type lamins. The LAP1-lamin B complex is distinct from analogous complexes formed by the 'lamina-associated polypeptide-2' (LAP2), another inner nuclear membrane protein, and includes a protein kinase. Upon nuclear envelope breakdown, LAP1 partitions with mitotic vesicles which carry nuclear lamin B. The LAP1 vesicles can be distinguished from fragments of the nuclear envelope containing LAP2 and exhibit a striking co-alignment with spindle microtubules. These observations suggest that the inner nuclear membrane comprises discrete territories which accommodate specific integral membrane proteins and are differentially disassembled during mitosis.  相似文献   

MFG-E8 (milk fat globule-EGF factor 8) is a peripheral membrane glycoprotein, which is expressed abundantly in lactating mammary glands and is secreted in association with fat globules. This protein consists of two-repeated EGF-like domains, a mucin-like domain and two-repeated discoidin-like domains (C-domains), and contains an integrin-binding motif (RGD sequence) in the EGF-like domain. To clarify the role of each domain on the peripheral association with the cell membrane, several domain-deletion mutants of MFG-E8 were expressed in COS-7 cells. The immunofluorescent staining of intracellular and cell-surface proteins and biochemical analyses of cell-surface-biotinylated and secreted proteins demonstrated that both of the two C-domains were required for the membrane association. During the course of these studies for domain functions, MFG-E8, but not C-domain deletion mutants, was shown to be secreted as membrane vesicle complexes. By size-exclusion chromatography and ultracentrifugation analyses, the complexes were characterized to have a high-molecular mass, low density and higher sedimentation velocity and to be detergent-sensitive. Not only such a exogenously expressed MFG-E8 but also that endogenously expressed in a mammary epithelial cell line, COMMA-1D, was secreted as the membrane vesicle-like complex. Scanning electron microscopic analyses revealed that MFG-E8 was secreted into the culture medium in association with small membrane vesicles with a size from 100 to 200 nm in diameter. Furthermore, the expression of MFG-E8 increased the number of these membrane vesicle secreted into the culture medium. These results suggest a possible role of MFG-E8 in the membrane vesicle secretion, such as budding or shedding of plasma membrane (microvesicles) and exocytosis of endocytic multivesicular bodies (exosomes).  相似文献   

Zhang C  Li A  Gao S  Zhang X  Xiao H 《PloS one》2011,6(6):e21233
Efficient membrane fusion has been successfully mimicked in vitro using artificial membranes and a number of cellular proteins that are currently known to participate in membrane fusion. However, these proteins are not sufficient to promote efficient fusion between biological membranes, indicating that critical fusogenic factors remain unidentified. We have recently identified a TIP30 protein complex containing TIP30, acyl-CoA synthetase long-chain family member 4 (ACSL4) and Endophilin B1 (Endo B1) that promotes the fusion of endocytic vesicles with Rab5a vesicles, which transport endosomal acidification enzymes vacuolar (H+)-ATPases (V-ATPases) to the early endosomes in vivo. Here, we demonstrate that the TIP30 protein complex facilitates the fusion of endocytic vesicles with Rab5a vesicles in vitro. Fusion of the two vesicles also depends on arachidonic acid, coenzyme A and the synthesis of arachidonyl-CoA by ACSL4. Moreover, the TIP30 complex is able to transfer arachidonyl groups onto phosphatidic acid (PA), producing a new lipid species that is capable of inducing close contact between membranes. Together, our data suggest that the TIP30 complex facilitates biological membrane fusion through modification of PA on membranes.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli OmpW belongs to a family of small outer membrane proteins that are widespread in Gram-negative bacteria. Their functions are unknown, but recent data suggest that they may be involved in the protection of bacteria against various forms of environmental stress. To gain insight into the function of these proteins A we have determined the crystal structure of E. coli OmpW to 2.7-A resolution. The structure shows that OmpW forms an 8-stranded beta-barrel with a long and narrow hydrophobic channel that contains a bound n-dodecyl-N,N-dimethylamine-N-oxide detergent molecule. Single channel conductance experiments show that OmpW functions as an ion channel in planar lipid bilayers. The channel activity can be blocked by the addition of n-dodecyl-N,N-dimethylamine-N-oxide. Taken together, the data suggest that members of the OmpW family could be involved in the transport of small hydrophobic molecules across the bacterial outer membrane.  相似文献   

PKA contributes to many physiological processes, including glucose homeostasis and cell migration. The substrate specificity of PKA is low compared with other kinases; thus, complex formation with A-kinase-anchoring proteins is important for the localization of PKA in specific subcellular regions and the phosphorylation of specific substrates. Here, we show that PKA forms a complex with WAVE2 (Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome protein family verprolin-homologous protein 2) in MDA-MB-231 breast cancer cells and mouse brain extracts. Two separate regions of WAVE2 are involved in WAVE2-PKA complex formation. This complex localizes to the leading edge of MDA-MB-231 cells. PKA activation results in enlargement of the membrane protrusion. WAVE2 depletion impairs PKA localization at membrane protrusions and the enlargement of membrane protrusion induced by PKA activation. Together, these results suggest that WAVE2 works as an A-kinase-anchoring protein that recruits PKA at membrane protrusions and plays a role in the enlargement of membrane protrusions induced by PKA activation.  相似文献   

The mechanism by which the 14-kDa fusion protein of vaccinia virus (VV) is anchored in the envelope of intracellular naked virions (INV) is not understood. In this investigation, we demonstrate that the 14-kDa protein interacts with another virus protein with an apparent molecular mass of 21 kDa. Microsequence analysis of the N terminus of the 21-kDa protein revealed that this protein is encoded by the VV A17L gene. The 21-kDa protein is processed from a 23-kDa precursor, by cleavage at amino acid position 16, at the consensus motif Ala-Gly-Ala, previously identified as a cleavage site for several VV structural proteins. The 21-kDa protein contains two large internal hydrophobic domains characteristic of membrane proteins. Pulse-chase analysis showed that within 1 h after synthesis, the 14-kDa protein forms a stable complex with the 21-kDa protein. Formation of the complex was not inhibited by rifampin, indicating that the interaction between these two proteins occurs prior to virion morphogenesis. Immunoprecipitation analysis of disrupted virions showed the presence of the 21-kDa protein in the viral particle. Release of the 14-kDa-21-kDa protein complex from INV required treatment with the nonionic detergent Nonidet P-40 and a reducing agent. The protein complex consisted of 14-kDa trimers and of 21-kDa dimers. Since the 14-kDa fusion protein lacks a signal sequence and a large hydrophobic domain characteristic of membrane proteins, our findings suggest that the 21-kDa protein serves to anchor the 14-kDa protein to the envelope of INV.  相似文献   

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