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Three monoclonal antibodies specific for tubulin were tested by indirect immunofluorescence for their ability to stain cytoplasmic microtubules of mouse and human fibroblastic cells. We used double label immunofluorescence to compare the staining patterns of these antibodies with the total microtubule complex in the same cells that were stained with a polyclonal rabbit antitubulin reagent. Two of the monoclonal antitubulin antibodies bound to all of the cytoplasmic microtubules but Ab 1-6. 1 bound only a subset of cytoplasmic microtubules within individual fixed cells. Differential staining patterns were observed under various fixation conditions and staining protocols, in detergent-extracted cytoskeletons as well as in whole fixed cells. At least one physiologically defined subset of cytoplasmic microtubules, those remaining in cells pretreated for 1 h with 5 microM colcemid, appeared to consist entirely of Ab 1-6. 1 positive microtubules. The same was not true of the microtubules that remained in either cold-treated cells or in cells that had been exposed to hypotonic medium. The demonstration of antigenic differences among microtubules within single fixed cells and the apparent correlation of this antigenic difference with at least one "physiologically" defined subset suggests that mechanisms exist for the differential assembly or postassembly modification of individual microtubules in vivo, which may endow them with different physical or functional properties.  相似文献   

About 10--20% of the total protein in the outer fiber fraction was solubilized by sonication in a solution containing 5 mM MES, 0.5 mM MgSO4, 1.0 mM EGTA, 1.0 mM GTP, and 0 or 50 mM KC1 at pH 6.7. The sonicated extract was shown by analytical centrifugation to consist largely of a 6 S component (tubulin dimer), having a molecular weight of 103,000, as determined by gel filtration, and possessing a colchicine-binding activity of 0.8 mole per tubulin dimer. The tubulin fraction failed to polymerize into microtubules by itself. Addition of a small amount of the ciliary outer fiber fragments or reconstituted short brain microtubules, however, induced polymerization, as demonstrated by viscosity of flow birefringence changes as well as light or electron microscopic observations. The growth of heterogeneous microtubules upon mixing outer fiber tubulin with DEAE-dextran-decorated brain microtubules was observed by electron microscopy. Microtubules were reconstituted from outer fiber tubulin without addition of any nuclei fraction when a concentrated tubulin fraction was warmed at 35degree. A few doublet-like microtubules or pairs of parallel singlet microtubules that were closely aligned longitudinally could be observed among many singlet microtubules. Unlike other fiber microtubules, the reconstituted polymers were depolymerized by exposure to Ca2+ ions, high or low ionic strength, colchicine, low temperature or SH reagents. No microtubules were assembled under these conditions.  相似文献   

Microtubule organization in the cytoplasm is in part a function of the number and length of the assembled polymers. The intracellular concentration of tubulin could specify those parameters. Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains constructed with moderately decreased or increased copy numbers of tubulin genes provide an opportunity to study the cellular response to a steady-state change in tubulin concentration. We found no evidence of a mechanism for adjusting tubulin concentrations upward from a deficit, nor did we find a need for such a mechanism: cells with no more than 50% of the wild-type tubulin level were normal with respect to a series of microtubule-dependent properties. Strains with increased copies of both alpha- and beta-tubulin genes, or of alpha-tubulin genes alone, apparently did down regulate their tubulin levels. As a result, they contained greater than normal concentrations of tubulin but much less than predicted from the increase in gene number. Some of this down regulation occurred at the level of protein. These strains were also phenotypically normal. Cells could contain excess alpha-tubulin protein without detectable consequences, but perturbations resulting in excess beta-tubulin genes may have affected microtubule-dependent functions. All of the observed regulation of levels of tubulin can be explained as a response to toxicity associated with excess tubulin proteins, especially if beta-tubulin is much more toxic than alpha-tubulin.  相似文献   

Reduced and alkylated tubulin, obtained by aqueous extraction of an acetone powder of axonemes of starfish sperm flagella, was separated into two peaks of protein by column chromatography on urea/hydroxylapatite with a linear gradient of sodium phosphate (2 mm to 250 mm, pH 6.5). Sodium dodecyl sulfate/ polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis indicated that the first peak mainly consisted of α-subunit, while the second was β-subunit of tubulin. Furthermore, when analyzed by gel isoelectric focusing, α and β-subunit were resolved into four distinct bands, respectively. These bands appeared between the pH range of 5.5 to 6.0 and never overlapped.  相似文献   

Gossypol is a polyphenolic pigment, which is employed as a male antifertility drug. It inhibits, among other reported effects, the growth of cultured mammalian cells, spermiogenesis, flagellar motility in Trypanosoma and sperm, dynein ATPase and the lactate dehydrogenase X (LDH-X) isozyme. We have characterized the non-covalent binding of gossypol to purified calf brain tubulin in 10 mM phosphate buffer, 0.1 mM GTP pH 7.0 at 25 degrees C. Equilibrium measurements were performed by difference spectroscopy. A peak at 435 nm was produced by the perturbation of gossypol light absorption upon binding to tubulin. The experimental isotherm was fitted by 1.96 +/- 0.06 gossypol binding sites per tubulin molecule, with identical apparent equilibrium binding constants of (7.5 +/- 1.1) X 10(4) M-1. The complex formed could be separated from free gossypol by gel chromatography. Binding of gossypol was independent of the presence of 0.1 mM GTP in the buffer. Gossypol did not affect the binding of ligands to the colchicine site. Gossypol interacted with vinblastine but apparently did not bind to the vinblastine sites of tubulin. Gossypol did not displace anilinonaphthalene sulphonate (ANS) bound to tubulin, but caused a strong (fivefold) quenching of its fluorescence. This indicated that gossypol probably binds in the vicinity of the ANS site of tubulin. Gossypol inhibited in vitro microtubule assembly at the same concentration range employed in the binding studies. An increase in the critical protein concentration required for polymerisation was observed, most simply interpreted by a stoichiometric mechanism. Gossypol did not induce any noticeable distortion of the microtubules observed under the electron microscope. This compound constitutes a new tubulin ligand and an inhibitor of microtubule assembly in vitro.  相似文献   

S Roychowdhury  F Gaskin 《Biochemistry》1986,25(24):7847-7853
Two conflicting interpretations on the role of guanosine 5'-O-(3-thiotriphosphate) (GTP gamma S) in microtubule protein and tubulin assembly have been previously reported. One study finds that GTP gamma S promotes assembly while another study reports that GTP gamma S is a potent inhibitor of microtubule assembly. We have examined the potential role of Mg2+ to learn if the conflicting interpretations are due to a metal effect. Turbidity, electron microscopy, and nucleotide binding and hydrolysis were used to analyze the effect of the Mg2+ concentration on GTP gamma S-induced assembly of microtubule protein (tubulin + microtubule-associated proteins) in the presence of buffer +/- 30% glycerol and in buffer with GTP added before or after GTP gamma S. GTP gamma S substantially lowers the Mg2+ concentration required to induce cross-linked or clustered rings of tubulin. These cross-linked rings do not assemble well into microtubules, and GTP only partially restores microtubule assembly. However, taxol will promote GTP gamma S-induced cross-linked rings of microtubule protein to assemble into microtubules. The effect of GTP gamma S on microtubule protein assembly in the presence of Zn2+ with and without added Mg2+ suggests that GTP gamma S also effects the formation of Zn2+-induced sheet aggregates. Purified tubulin was used in assembly experiments with Mg2+, Zn2+, and taxol to better understand GTP gamma S interactions with tubulin. The optimal Mg2+ concentration for assembly of tubulin is lower with GTP gamma S than with GTP.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Assembly of tubulin, purified from eggs of the sea urchin Stronglyocentrotus purpuratus, was examined at physiological (18 degrees C) and nonphysiological (37 degrees C) temperatures. Critical concentrations for assembly were 0.71 mg/ml at 18 degrees C and 0.21 mg/ml at 37 degrees C. At tubulin concentrations above 1.2 mg/ml at 18 degrees C and 0.5 mg/ml at 37 degrees C, a concentration-dependent "overshoot" in turbidity and in small-angle light scattering was observed; turbidity and scattering increased rapidly to a peak, then decreased asymptotically toward a steady-state value. Quantitative sedimentation analysis revealed that the mass of assembled polymer reached and maintained a constant level during overshoot of turbidity. Changes in the wavelength dependence of turbidity were consistent with the initial formation of sheets of tubulin, followed by conversion of the sheets to microtubules, both at 18 and 37 degrees C. Examination by negative-stain electron microscopy showed that sheetlike structures predominated during the early stages of overshoot assembly, while complete microtubules were present at steady state. Furthermore, measurements of average polymer length revealed that the overshoots in turbidity and in light scattering are unlikely to be caused by polymer length redistribution. Qualitative observations of solution birefringence suggested that the polymer became progressively more aligned during assembly. These results suggest that the turbidity/light-scattering overshoots reflect changes in the form or in the organization of the assembling polymer, or both.  相似文献   

Griseofulvin—shown previously to disrupt the mitotic apparatus in vivo—inhibited the in vitro microtubule assembly reaction completely at 8 × 10?4M griseofulvin. In a gel filtration assay, randomly tritiated griseofulvin associated stoichiometrically with purified tubulin, as determined by chromatography on Sephadex G-25. No detectable drug binding was observed when bovine serum albumin was used as a control in an identical column assay. Both gel filtration chromatography and a kinetic analysis of the inhibition of assembly by griseofulvin suggest that the drug interacts directly and stoichimetrically with the tubulin dimer, and that the interaction is both rapid and independent of temperature.  相似文献   

The structure of tubulin has recently been solved by electron crystallography of zinc-induced tubulin sheets. Because tubulin was studied in a polymerized state, the model contains information on the interactions between monomers that give rise to the αβ dimer as well as contacts between adjacent dimers that result in the structure of the protofilament. The model includes the binding site of taxol, an anti-cancer agent that acts by stabilizing microtubules. The present tubulin model gives the first structural framework for understanding microtubule polymerization and its regulation by nucleotides and anti-mitotic drugs at the molecular level. Received: 15 December 1997 / Revised version: 25 January 1998 / Accepted: 2 February 1998  相似文献   

Chlamydia species are obligate intracellular pathogens that utilize a type three secretion system to manipulate host cell processes. Genetic manipulations are currently not possible in Chlamydia, necessitating study of effector proteins in heterologous expression systems and severely complicating efforts to relate molecular strategies used by Chlamydia to the biochemical activities of effector proteins. CopN is a chlamydial type three secretion effector that is essential for virulence. Heterologous expression of CopN in cells results in loss of microtubule spindles and metaphase plate formation and causes mitotic arrest. CopN is a multidomain protein with similarity to type three secretion system "plug" proteins from other organisms but has functionally diverged such that it also functions as an effector protein. We show that CopN binds directly to αβ-tubulin but not to microtubules (MTs). Furthermore, CopN inhibits tubulin polymerization by sequestering free αβ-tubulin, similar to one of the mechanisms utilized by stathmin. Although CopN and stathmin share no detectable sequence identity, both influence MT formation by sequestration of αβ-tubulin. CopN displaces stathmin from preformed stathmin-tubulin complexes, indicating that the proteins bind overlapping sites on tubulin. CopN is the first bacterial effector shown to disrupt MT formation directly. This recognition affords a mechanistic understanding of a strategy Chlamydia species use to manipulate the host cell cycle.  相似文献   

Proline–alanine-rich Ste20-related kinase (PASK, also referred to as SPAK) has been linked to ion transport regulation. Here, we report two novel activities of PASK: binding to tubulin and microtubules and the promotion of microtubule assembly. Tubulin binding assay showed that full-length PASK and its kinase domain bound to purified tubulin whereas the N-terminal or C-terminal non-catalytic domains of PASK did not. The full-length PASK and its kinase domain were sedimented with paclitaxel-stabilized microtubules by ultracentrifugation. These results indicate that the kinase domain of PASK can interact directly with both microtubules and soluble tubulin in vitro. Truncated PASK lacking the N-terminal non-catalytic domain promoted microtubule assembly at a subcritical concentration of purified tubulin. FLAG–PASK expressed in COS-7 cells translocated to the cytoskeleton when the cells were stimulated with hypertonic sodium chloride, and stabilized microtubules against depolymerization by nocodazole. Our findings suggest that PASK may regulate the cytoskeleton by modulating microtubule stability.  相似文献   

Two structures on the distal ends of Chlamydomonas flagellar microtubules are described. One of these, the central microbutule cap, attaches the distal ends of the central pair microtubules to the tip of the flagellar membrane. In addition, filaments, called distal filaments, are observed attached to the ends of the A-tubules of the outer doublet microtubules. Inasmuch as earlier studies suggested that flagellar elongation in vivo occurs principally by the distal addition of sublnits and because it has been shown that brain tubulin assembles in vitro primarily onto the distal ends of both central and outer doublet microtubules, the presence of the cap and distal filaments was quantitated during flagellar resorption and elongation. The results showed that the cap remains attached to the central microtubules throughout flagellar resorption and elongation. The cap was also found to block the in vitro assembly of neurotubules onto the distal ends of the central microtubules. Conversely, the distal filaments apparently do not block the assembly of neurotubules onto the ends of the outer doublets. During flagellar elongation, the distal ends of the outer doublets are often found to form sheets of protofilaments similar to those observed on the elongating ends of neurotubules being assembled in vitro. These results suggest that the outer doublet microtubules elongate by the distal addition of subunits, whereas the two central microtubules assemble by the addition of subunits to the proximal ends.  相似文献   

Buey RM  Díaz JF  Andreu JM 《Biochemistry》2006,45(19):5933-5938
GTP-binding proteins from the tubulin family, including alphabeta-tubulin, gamma-tubulin, bacterial tubulin, and FtsZ, are key components of the cytoskeleton and play central roles in chromosome segregation and cell division. The nucleotide switch of alphabeta-tubulin is triggered by GTP hydrolysis and regulates microtubule assembly dynamics. The structural mechanism of the switch and how it modulates assembly are beginning to be understood. A conserved structural change between the active and inactive states, different from other GTPases, may be extracted from recent tubulin and FtsZ structures. From these and the biochemical properties of tubulin, the new concept emerges that, contrary to what was thought, unassembled tubulin-GTP is in the inactive, curved conformation as in tubulin-GDP rings, and it is driven into the straight microtubule conformation by the assembly contacts; binding of the GTP gamma-phosphate only lowers the free energy difference between the curved and straight forms.  相似文献   

Microtubule assembly in vivo was studied by hapten-mediated immunocytochemistry. Tubulin was derivatized with dichlorotriazinylaminofluorescein (DTAF) and microinjected into living, interphase mammalian cells. Sites of incorporation were determined at the level of individual microtubules by double-label immunofluorescence. The haptenized tubulin was localized by an anti-fluorescein antibody and a second antibody conjugated with fluorescein. Total microtubules were identified by anti-tubulin and a secondary antibody conjugated with rhodamine. Contrary to recent studies (Salmon, E. D., et al., 1984, J. Cell Biol., 99:2165-2174; Saxton, W. M., et al., 1984, J. Cell Biol., 99:2175-2186) which suggest that tubulin incorporates all along the length of microtubules in vivo, we found that microtubule assembly in interphase cells was in vivo, as in vitro, an end-mediated process. Microtubules that radiated out toward the cell periphery incorporated the DTAF-tubulin solely at their distal, that is, their plus ends. We also found that a proportion of the microtubules connected to the centrosomes incorporated the DTAF-tubulin along their entire length, which suggests that the centrosome can nucleate the formation of new microtubules.  相似文献   

We have investigated the effects of taxol on steady-state tubulin flux and on the apparent molecular rate constants for tubulin addition and loss at the two ends of bovine brain microtubules in vitro. These microtubules, which consist of a mixture of 70% tubulin and 30% microtubule-associated proteins (MAPs), undergo a net addition of tubulin at one end of each microtubule (A end) and a precisely balanced net loss of tubulin at the opposite end (D end) at steady state in vitro. They do not exhibit to a detectable extent the "dynamic instability" behavior described recently for MAP-free microtubules, which would be evident as an increase in the mean microtubule length and a decrease in the number of microtubules in the suspensions [Mitchison, T., & Kirschner, M. (1984) Nature (London) 312, 237-242]. We used a double-label procedure in which microtubules were labeled with tritium and carbon-14 at A ends and carbon-14 at D ends to distinguish the two ends, combined with a microtubule collection procedure that permitted rapid and accurate analysis of retention of the two labels in the microtubules. We found that taxol slowed the flux of tubulin in a concentration-dependent manner, with 50% inhibition occurring between 5 and 7 microM drug. The effects of taxol on the apparent molecular rate constants for tubulin addition and loss at the two microtubule ends were determined by dilution analysis at an intermediate taxol concentration. The results indicated that taxol decreased the magnitudes of the dissociation rate constants at the two ends to similar extents, while exerting little effect on the association rate constants.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

MotA and MotB form a transmembrane proton channel that acts as the stator of the bacterial flagellar motor to couple proton flow with torque generation. The C-terminal periplasmic domain of MotB plays a role in anchoring the stators to the motor. However, it remains unclear where their initial binding sites are. Here, we constructed Salmonella strains expressing GFP-MotB and MotA-mCherry and investigated their subcellular localization by fluorescence microscopy. Neither the D33N and D33A mutations in MotB, which abolish the proton flow, nor depletion of proton motive force affected the assembly of GFP-MotB into the motor, indicating that the proton translocation activity is not required for stator assembly. Overexpression of MotA markedly inhibited wild-type motility, and it was due to the reduction in the number of functional stators. Consistently, MotA-mCherry was observed to colocalize with GFP-FliG even in the absence of MotB. These results suggest that MotA alone can be installed into the motor. The R90E and E98K mutations in the cytoplasmic loop of MotA (MotA(C) ), which has been shown to abolish the interaction with FliG, significantly affected stator assembly, suggesting that the electrostatic interaction of MotA(C) with FliG is required for the efficient assembly of the stators around the rotor.  相似文献   

Summary Microtubule-associated proteins (MAPS) were separated from tubulin with several different methods. The ability of the isolated MAPs to reinduce assembly of phosphocellulose purified tubulin differed markedly between the different methods. MAPs isolated by addition of 0.35 M NaCl to taxol-stabilized microtubules stimulated tubulin assembly most effectively, while addition of 0.6M NaCl produced MAPs with a substantially lower ability to stimulate tubulin assembly. The second best preparation was achieved with phosphocellulose chromatographic separation of MAPs with 0.6 M NaCl elution.The addition of estramustine phosphate to microtubules reconstituted of MAPS prepared by 0.35 M NaCl or phosphocellulose chromatography, induced less disassembly than for microtubules assembled from unseparated proteins, and was almost without effect on microtubules reconstituted from MAPs prepared by taxol and 0.6 M NaCl. Estramustine phosphate binds to the tubulin binding part of the MAPs, and the results do therefore indicate that the MAPs are altered by the separation methods. Since the MAPs are regarded as highly stable molecules, one probable alteration could be aggregation of the MAPs, as also indicated by the results. The purified tubulin itself seemed not to be affected by the phosphocellulose purification, since the microtubule proteins were unchanged by the low buffer strenght used during the cromatography. However, the assembly competence after a prolonged incubation of the microtubule proteins at 4° C was dependent on intact bindings between the tubulin and MAPs.Abbreviations Pipes 1,4-Piperazinediethanesulfonic acid - EDTA Ethylenedinitrilo Tetraacetic Acid - MAPs Microtubule-Associated Proteins - SDS-PAGE SDS-Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis  相似文献   

This paper discusses the results of homology modeling and resulting calculation of key structural and physical properties for close to 300 tubulin sequences, including alpha, beta, gamma, delta and epsilon -tubulins. The basis for our calculations was the structure of the tubulin dimer published several years ago by Nogales et al. (1998), later refined to 3.5 resolution by Lowe et al. (2001). While, it appears that the alpha, beta and gamma-tubulins segregate into distinct structural families, we have found several differences in the physical properties within each group. Each of the alpha, beta and gamma- tubulin groups exhibit major differences in their net electric charge, dipole moments and dipole vector orientations. These properties could influence functional characteristics such as microtubule stability and assembly kinetics, due to their effects on the strength of protein-protein interactions. In addition to the general structural trends between tubulin isoforms, we have observed that the carboxy-termini of alpha and beta-tubulin exists in at least two stable configurations, either projecting away from the tubulin (or microtubule) surface, or collapsed onto the surface. In the latter case, the carboxy-termini form a lattice distinctly different from that of the well-known A and B lattices formed by the tubulin subunits. However, this C-terminal lattice is indistinguishable from the lattice formed when the microtubule-associated protein tau binds to the microtubule surface. Finally, we have discussed how tubulin sequence diversity arose in evolution giving rise to its particular phylogeny and how it may be used in cell- and tissue-specific expression including embryonal development.  相似文献   

We have investigated the solution conformation of the functionally relevant C-terminal extremes of alpha- and beta-tubulin, employing the model recombinant peptides RL52alpha3 and RL33beta6, which correspond to the amino acid sequences 404-451(end) and 394-445(end) of the main vertebrate isotypes of alpha- and beta-tubulin, respectively, and synthetic peptides with the alpha-tubulin(430-443) and beta-tubulin(412-431) internal sequences. Alpha(404-451) and beta(394-445) are monomeric in neutral aqueous solution (as indicated by sedimentation equilibrium), and have circular dichroism (CD) spectra characteristic of nearly disordered conformation, consistent with low scores in peptide helicity prediction. Limited proteolysis of beta(394-445) with subtilisin, instead of giving extensive degradation, resulted in main cleavages at positions Thr409-Glu410 and Tyr422-Gln423-Gln424, defining the proteolysis resistant segment 410-422, which corresponds to the central part of the predicted beta-tubulin C-terminal helix. Both recombinant peptides inhibited microtubule assembly, probably due to sequestration of the microtubule stabilizing associated proteins. Trifluoroethanol (TFE)-induced markedly helical CD spectra in alpha(404-451) and beta(394-445). A substantial part of the helicity of beta(394-445) was found to be in the CD spectrum of the shorter peptide beta(412-431) with TFE. Two-dimensional 1H-NMR parameters (nonsequential nuclear Overhauser effects (NOE) and conformational C alphaH shifts) in 30% TFE permitted to conclude that about 25% of alpha(404-451) and 40% of beta(394-451) form well-defined helices encompassing residues 418-432 and 408-431, respectively, flanked by disordered N- and C-segments. The side chains of beta(394-451) residues Leu418, Val419, Ser420, Tyr422, Tyr425, and Gln426 are well defined in structure calculations from the NOE distance constraints. The apolar faces of the helix in both alpha and beta chains share a characteristic sequence of conserved residues Ala,Met(+4),Leu(+7),Tyr(+11). The helical segment of alpha(404-451) is the same as that described in the electron crystallographic model structure of alphabeta-tubulin, while in beta(394-451) it extends for nine residues more, supporting the possibility of a functional coil --> helix transition at the C-terminus of beta-tubulin. These peptides may be employed to construct model complexes with microtubule associated protein binding sites.  相似文献   

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