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The temporal modulation of the behavioural response to carbon dioxide and its chronobiological basis were investigated in larvae of Triatoma infestans. We analysed the orientation towards CO(2) of insects kept under three different illumination regimes: (1) 12 h light/12 h darkness cycles (L/D), (2) constant darkness (D/D) and (3) constant light (L/L). When maintained under L/D conditions, insects exhibited an oriented response towards airstreams added with 1500 ppm of CO(2) during the first hours of the scotophase only. Bugs maintained under D/D also showed a positive orientation response towards CO(2) during the first hours of the subjective night, while bugs kept under L/L did not show a rhythmic oriented behaviour. Thus, T. infestans displayed a daily rhythm of orientation towards CO(2) (i.e. a potential food source) only at the beginning of the scotophase. The persistence of the rhythm under constant darkness reveals the existence of an endogenous circadian control of this behaviour.  相似文献   

The projections of first-order ocellar interneurons were analyzed in the hematophagous bug Triatoma infestans by cobalt filling. The axons run between the calyces of the mushroom bodies and dorsal of the central body to different regions of the brain and the subesophageal and thoracic ganglia. The interneurons can be grouped into large L cells and small S cells. The L cells have cell bodies ranging from 11.5 to 25 μm and axons ranging from 8 to 25 μm diameter (measured in the ocellar nerve); the S cells have smaller cell bodies of 9 μm or less and axon diameters less than 5 μm. The projections of ten L cells are described in detail; they project to the protocerebral posterior slope (PS), the other ocellus (O), the optic neuropile, and the subesophageal, pro-, meso-, and metathoracic ganglia, either to ipsi- (PS I, II), or contra- (PS IV, V), or bilateral areas. In this case projections occur to the same areas (PSO, PS III) or different areas at each side (PSOE; E = eye). Large-descending (LD) first-order interneurons project to the contralateral posterior slope of the protocerebrum, the deutocerebrum, and subesophageal, pro-, mesa-, and metathoracic areas (LD I-III). Cell bodies are located in the dorsal protocerebral lobes and pars intercerebralis, except the PS II neuron and three LD cells, which are located in the ipsilateral posterior protocerebrum. This is the first report about ocellar pathways in Hemiptera. Their adaptive function is discussed with reference to the bugs' behavior as Chagas disease vectors. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

We studied the spectral sensitivity of the visual system of the blood-sucking bug Triatoma infestans, one of the main vectors of Chagas Disease in South America. We quantified the photonegative reaction of this insect in a rectangular arena, half of which was kept dark and the other half illuminated with various intensities of different monochromatic lights (or broadband stimuli for λ>665 nm). As a behavioral parameter of the photonegative response, we measured the time each insect spent in the dark half of the arena. We found that low intensity levels (under 0.06 μW/cm2) of monochromatic lights of 397, 458, 499, and 555 nm evoked a statistically significant (i.e., different from that of control groups) photonegative reaction. Insects were less sensitive to monochromatic lights of 357 nm (UV) and 621 nm (dark orange), and to broadband stimuli in the red part of the spectrum (665–695 nm). These findings indicate that the visual system of T. infestans is sensitive to broader regions of the spectrum than those previously reported.  相似文献   

The chronobiological basis of the daily dynamics of thermopreference was tested in adults of Triatoma infestans, continuously registering the preferred temperature of insects released over a temperature gradient for 13 days. We found that the thermopreference in T. infestans is a dynamic process that depends on the time of the day and the post-feeding time. When submitted to a 12:12 h light/darkness cycle (L/D), the preferred temperature reached the highest and the lowest values at the end of the light and dark phases, respectively. This daily rhythm persisted under constant conditions of illumination (D/D and L/L), suggesting the existence of an internal oscillator controlling this behaviour. Statistical analysis revealed that the thermopreference of insects kept under L/D exhibited a ca. 24 h periodicity, while insects kept in D/D and L/L showed free-running periods of tau((D/D))=23.35 and tau((L/L))=27.35 h, respectively. The persistence of a cyclic pattern of thermopreference under constant conditions, and free-running periods, close to, but different from 24 h, demonstrate the existence of an endogenous control of the thermopreference in this species. The biological relevance of these results is discussed in the light of the hypothesis that both the length of time elapsed since feeding and the time of the day modify thermopreference in these bugs. The gradual decline in preferred temperature following feeding may be associated with energy conservation during starvation. The rhythmic modulation of thermopreference may be associated with the daily rhythm of locomotion activity shown by these bugs.  相似文献   

We analysed how the assembling behaviour of Triatoma infestans is modulated by the convergence of chemical cues released by their faeces and the spectral quality of the light associated with refuges. Second-instar larvae were confronted with refuges associated with a visual stimulus (either blue, green or red lights having the same intensity, or darkness) and a chemical cue (presence or absence of faeces). In this context, faeces constitute a major attractant for bugs. In the absence of faeces, bugs always assembled in dark places. Green light was always rejected despite the presence of faeces, i.e. the assembling behaviour was controlled by a photonegative reaction to this light. In the presence of red light, orientation towards the chemical cue dominated over the bugs' photonegative reaction to this light. Such a light was avoided in the absence of faeces but not in their presence. Also, negative phototaxis to blue light could be counteracted by the presence of the chemical cue. Thus, a concrete interaction between visual and olfactory cues occurred in these experiments: the bugs' response changed depending on the specific combination of spectral light and faeces. Finally, bugs responded differentially to blue, red and green lights of the same intensity. They assembled preferentially on red, followed by blue and then by green. Thus, discrimination between lights of different spectral quality is possible, probably through an achromatic mechanism.  相似文献   

The negative phototactic response of Triatoma infestans (Hemiptera) was studied in an arena, half of which was kept dark and the other half illuminated with different light intensitites. For each intensity we measured the time the insects spent in the dark half, the time to reach the side opposite to that where they were released, and the number of passages through the middle line of the arena. T. infestans displayed a photonegative behaviour that was enhanced by high light intensities. Bugs maintained in 12:12 light-dark cycles responded differently to the same illumination levels when tested in their photophase and scotophase: sensitivity to light was higher during the latter. Bugs entrained to light-dark cycles, kept afterwards either in constant darkness or in constant light, and tested in their subjective night and day, showed the same responses as bugs from the light-dark group tested in their corresponding photophase and scotophase. Thus, phototactic sensitivity is under endogenous control. The behaviour shown by T. infestans may be understood as being composed of at least two different drives: an exploratory one, and a negative phototactic response that is under endogenous control and is particularly sensitive to light during the scotophase, when activity peaks occur. Accepted: 16 July 1998  相似文献   

Abstract. The response of Triatoma infestans (Klug) to odours left behind by walking insects was analysed. The insects aggregated on papers marked with putative chemical footprints in the absence of other assembling chemical signals. Contact of the receptor insect with the treated surface was necessary to elicit the response because the signal was not able to attract insects, only to arrest them on marked surfaces. These requirements contrast with other chemical aggregation signals of triatomines that attract the insect and involve olfactory responses. By washing the cuticle of the insects with hexane and impregnating papers with the extract, a response was evoked in test insects similar to that elicited by papers on which insects had walked. The biological role of this novel aggregation factor is discussed in relation to other assembling signals of different origin.  相似文献   

Summary Triatoma bugs turn away from a vertical black stripe on the inner surface of a rotating or oscillating drum by keeping it in the lateral visual field at an angle relative to the long axis of the body. The value of depends on the angular velocity w of the drum. Below w=5° s–1, increases with increasing w, and the stripe can lie to either side of the animal. Occasionally, the bugs switch between these two tracking modes. Above w=5° s–1, remains nearly constant at about 120° and the stripe lags behind the animal. We call this lateral tracking. At velocities over 5° s–1 the animals track the leading edge of a wide black stripe in the same manner as they track a narrow stripe. Below 5° s–1 they walk towards the centre of the stripe (skototaxis). Objects moving towards the insect above the horizon are also fixated at an angle of about 120°. Lateral tracking is mediated mainly by the dorsal part of the visual field, as can be shown by occluding either the dorsal or ventral halves of the eyes. The walking speed of the bugs increases significantly during lateral tracking of an oscillating stripe compared with that during frontal fixation of a stationary one. We therefore interpret lateral tracking as an escape response.  相似文献   

Adults of the Chagas disease vector Triatoma infestans Klug (Hemiptera: Reduviidae: Triatominae), possess paired exocrine glands: the metasternal and Brindley's glands. Both glands are discharged by disturbed adults, releasing an alarm pheromone that elicits an escape response of larvae. The present study analyzes the individual (or combined) effects of some of the volatiles of the whole pheromone blend released under disturbance, searching for active compounds and for possible interactions (e.g. synergism, additive effects) between them. Using an experimental arena, different doses of components emitted by disturbed adults are tested against larvae. Larvae show escape responses to some of the acids, as well as to one alcohol, but no response to ketones. This is observed with certain doses of compounds from Brindley's glands (isobutyric, butyric and acetic acid; 2‐methyl‐1‐butanol), although the compounds tested in the present study that are produced by metasternal glands are shown to evoke random responses, suggesting that mainly Brindley's glands are involved in the alarm context. Two combinations of two individually repellent compounds (2‐methyl‐1‐butanol with acetic or isobutyric acid) evoke escape responses, although other combinations make the individual effect disappear. A different mixture of two individually repellent compounds (butyric and isobutyric acid) evokes attraction, although these are also host odours. The potential use of the active compounds released by disturbed adults to monitor triatomine populations is discussed.  相似文献   

Simple eyes or ocelli coexist with compound eyes in many adult insects. The change in the morphology of the ocelli along the five larval instars of Triatoma infestans was studied by light and scanning electron microscopy. Our analysis showed that the development of the ocelli of these bugs occurs gradually along the larval life. The photoreceptor layer is present from the second-instar onwards. The cornea appears first at the imaginal stage and grows up to the 18-20th day after the last ecdysis, associated to an increase in the retinal mass. Findings are discussed in a comparative fashion and in relation to the functionality of the ocellar system in T. infestans.  相似文献   

The projections of mechanosensory hairs located on the dorsal and lateral head of the adult haematophagous bug Triatoma infestans were analyzed by means of cobalt filling. Axons run into the anterior and posterior tegumentary nerve and project through the brain to the ventral nerve cord. The fibres are small in diameter and run as a fascicle. Some branches run into suboesophageal and prothoracic centres; others run as far as to the mesothoracic ganglion. These sensory projections resemble that of wind-sensitive head hairs of the locust. The functional role of this sensory system in this species is discussed.  相似文献   

1) Nymphs of the haematophagous bug Triatoma infestans (Heteroptera: Reduviidae) are attracted to volatiles from their own faeces on a servosphere. 2) Biological substrates attractive to triatomines release NH3: wetted triatomine faecal papers release NH3 at 256 ppb NH3 from a 60-g source and stale rabbit urine at 394 ppb from 200 ml. Ammonia released from aqueous NH3 also attracts bugs at doses of 3 ppb and 17 ppb on the servosphere. 3) Bugs typically show negative anemotaxis in a stimulus-free air-stream on the servosphere. At onset of stimulation with ammonia from either biological substrates or aqueous NH3 the bugs stop, move their antennae, turn and walk upwind, i.e. odour-mediated anemotaxis. 4) At lower NH3 doses a latency in attraction is recorded, but this latency disappears when the relative humidity of the stimulus delivery air-stream is dropped from 90 to 35%. 5) Electrophysiological recordings from single olfactory sensilla on antennae of Triatoma nymphs reveal two different types of NH3-excited receptors, both within grooved-peg sensilla. The responses of one of these receptor cells to NH3 has been studied in detail and shows that the action potential discharge rate is dose-dependent over the range 2–200 ppb. 6) The amplitudes of electroantennograms recorded from Triatoma nymphs to NH3 are dose dependent over the range 5–550 ppb. Accepted: 16 January 1997  相似文献   

In addition to compound eyes, most adult insects posses two or three simple eyes, the ocelli. The function of these photoreceptors remains elusive in most cases. Triatomine bugs posses two well-developed ocelli, located in a latero-dorsal position, behind the compound eyes. We tested the role of the ocelli in the phototactic behaviour of Triatoma infestans, by measuring the time spent by adult males in the dark half of an experimental arena, which had the other half illuminated. The occlusion of the ocelli or the compound eyes alone had little effect on the phototactic response of the bugs. Only those insects which had both their ocelli and compound eyes occluded showed a significant reduction in their negative response to light. The ability of the ocelli of T. infestans to mediate the phototactic response by themselves (i.e., not through the modulation of compound eyes sensitivity) constitutes the first report on this function in insects.  相似文献   

Two aspartate protease encoding complementary deoxyribonucleic acids (cDNA) were characterised from the small intestine (posterior midgut) of Triatoma infestans and the corresponding genes were named TiCatD and TiCatD2. The deduced 390 and 393 amino acid sequences of both enzymes contain two regions characteristic for cathepsin D proteases and the conserved catalytic aspartate residues forming the catalytic dyad, but only TiCatD2 possesses an entire C-terminal proline loop. The amino acid sequences of TiCatD and TiCatD2 show 51-58% similarity to other insect cathepsin D-like proteases and, respectively, 88 and 58% similarity to the aspartate protease ASP25 from T. infestans available in the GenBank database. In phylogenetic analysis, TiCatD and ASP25 clearly separate from cathepsin D-like sequences of other insects, TiCatD2 groups with cathepsin D-like proteases with proline loop. The activity of purified TiCatD and TiCatD2 was highest between pH 2 and 4, respectively, and hence, deviate from the pH values of the lumen of the small intestine, which varied in correlation with the time after feeding between pH 5.2 and 6.7 as determined by means of micro pH electrodes. Both cathepsins, TiCatD and TiCatD2, were purified from the lumen of the small intestine using pepstatin affinity chromatography and identified by nanoLC-ESI-MS/MS analysis as those encoded by the cDNAs. The proteolytic activity of the purified enzymes is highest at pH 3 and the respective genes are expressed in the both regions of the midgut, stomach (anterior midgut) and small intestine, not in the rectum, salivary glands, Malpighian tubules or haemocytes. The temporal expression pattern of both genes in the small intestine after feeding revealed a feeding dependent regulation for TiCatD but not for TiCatD2.  相似文献   

The behavioural response to water vapour of the haematophagous bug Triatoma infestans was analysed. Dry or humid discrete sources at different temperatures were used as stimuli for insects walking on a locomotion compensator. Humidity significantly increased the tendency of these bugs to orientate towards thermal sources. Furthermore, humid sources at room temperature were attractive to T. infestans, but this effect was limited to short-range distances. On the other hand, dynamic sources, i.e. airstreams carrying different water vapour contents did not affect the spontaneous anemotactic behaviour of this species, neither in sign (positive) nor in intensity. The anemotactic behaviour was also not influenced by the physiological water balance state of the bugs. Results are discussed in relation to the cues released by living hosts of triatomine bugs and in relation to their responses to air-currents.  相似文献   

Triatoma infestans (Klug) is the main vector of Chagas disease, which is a public health concern in most Latin American countries. The prevention of Chagas disease is based on the chemical control of the vector using pyrethroid insecticides. In the last decade, different levels of deltamethrin resistance have been detected in certain areas of Argentina and Bolivia. Because of this, alternative non-pyrethroid insecticides from different chemical groups were evaluated against two T. infestans populations, NFS and El Malá, with the objective of finding new insecticides to control resistant insect populations. Toxicity to different insecticides was evaluated in a deltamethrin-susceptible and a deltamethrin-resistant population. Topical application of the insecticides fenitrothion and imidacloprid to first nymphs had lethal effects on both populations, producing 50% lethal dose (LD50) values that ranged from 5.2-28 ng/insect. However, amitraz, flubendiamide, ivermectin, indoxacarb and spinosad showed no insecticidal activity in first instars at the applied doses (LD50 > 200 ng/insect). Fenitrothion and imidacloprid were effective against both deltamethrin-susceptible and deltamethrin-resistant populations of T. infestans. Therefore, they may be considered alternative non-pyrethroid insecticides for the control of Chagas disease.  相似文献   

The distribution of proctolin in the central nervous system of the hemipteran bug, Triatoma infestans, was studied by immunohistochemistry using the sensitive avidin‐biotin technique combined with nickel salt intensification of the reaction product. Proctolin was present in cells and fibers of the brain and ganglia. In the brain, protocerebral proctolin‐immunoreactive cell bodies were found in the pars intercerebralis, the optic lobes, and the lateral soma rind. The deutocerebrum showed positive somata in relation to the antennal motor center and the tritocerebrum had intense immunoreactive fibers but few positive cells. Proctolin‐immunoreactive cell bodies of different sizes were observed in the subesophageal ganglion. Large cell bodies were found mainly rostrally and beaded positive processes were present around the ventral border of the esophageal foramen and in the rostrolateral neuropil of this ganglion. Small‐ to medium‐sized positive somata were found in the posterior part of the prothoracic ganglion; some of these cells were sending immunoreactive processes to the central neuropil. The meso‐metathoracic‐abdominal ganglionic mass showed positive cells in all the neuromeres, where some of them were large and had thick immunoreactive granules. The results show that the labeling pattern of proctolin‐like immunoreactivity in Triatoma i. appears to be widespread and unique for its central nervous system. It is suggested that proctolin may serve neuroendocrine, integrative, and motor functions in the brain of T. infestans. J. Morphol. 240:39–47, 1999. © 1999 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Triatomines are of great concern in public health because they are vectors of Chagas' disease. This study presents an analysis of the species Triatoma melanosoma. The cytogenetic characteristics of triatomines include holocentric chromosomes, post-reductional meiosis in the sex chromosomes and nucleolar fragmentation in the meiotic cycle. The methodology utilized consisted of the techniques of lacto-acetic orcein staining and silver ion impregnation. The organs analyzed were adult testicles. The results enabled to classify the chromosomes by number and size, being three large, eight medium and one small heterochromosome. The three largest chromosomes and the heterochromosomes showed heteropyknotic chromatin in meiosis. The heterochromosomes in 8.05% of the cells in metaphase I behaved as pseudobivalents, contrasting with 91.95% of the cells with individualized sex chromosomes, confirming the achiasmatic nature of these chromosomes. However, the pseudobivalents occurred prominently in metaphase II (78.38%), this fact probably is related to the post-reductional nature of the sex chromosomes. The nucleolus in T. melanosoma persisted until the diplotene phase after which it began to fragment. Nucleolar corpuscles were observed in metaphases I and II and during anaphases I and II, these characteristics being related to the phenomenon of nucleolar persistence. In the initial spermatids, peripheral silver ion impregnation occurred, which could be analogous to the pre-nucleolar corpuscles observed after fragmentation. Thus, this study extends our knowledge of the characteristics of triatomines, in particular, heteropyknotic degree, kinetic activity, formation of sex chromosome achiasmatic pseudobivalency, confirmation of the fragmentation phenomenon, and post-meiotic nucleolar reactivation.  相似文献   

The fine structure of the salivary glands of adult Triatoma infestans (Hemiptera: Reduviidae) bugs has been analyzed. Stereomicroscopy and scanning electron microscopy showed that each insect presents a pair of salivary glands, each pair containing three distinct units (main, supplementary, and accessory) with different sizes and colors. Transmission electron microscopy demonstrated that all gland units consist of a monolayer of epithelial cells surrounding a large central lumen. The gland units are enveloped by a thick basal lamina containing bundles of muscle cells. Microvilli are present at the apical plasma membrane domain of the gland cells, thus enlarging the available membrane area for saliva secretion towards the large gland lumen, although occasionally budding vesicles could be observed among the microvilli. Cytochemical analysis showed that the salivary gland cells of T. infestans present abundant endoplasmic reticulum profiles and several lipid droplets.  相似文献   

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