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The color preferences of the green-veined white butterfly Pieris napi (Linnaeus, 1758) that are associated with its foraging behavior were studied in experiments with artificial flower models. It was found that newly emerged inexperienced butterflies that are searching for food prefer flower models that are blue or red and select yellow ones at a considerably lower rate. With repeated visits on artificial flowers, P. napi individuals display are highly consistent in their preference for the first chosen color. Males and females of this species display similar color preferences.  相似文献   

  • 1 Evolutionary pressure should select for efficient foraging strategies, within the constraints of other selective forces. We assess the mechanisms underlying flower choice in the butterfly, Pieris napi (L.), which as an adult forages for nectar. Experiments were carried out on a laboratory colony, using artificial flowers of two colours, and replicated on two successive generations.
  • 2 When nectar was freely available from all flowers, equal numbers of butterflies visited each colour, but individual butterflies exhibited flower constancy, showing a strong preference for one colour or the other.
  • 3 Following 3 day conditioning periods in which nectar was available from flowers of one colour only, butterflies responded by developing a preference for this colour, which persisted when both flower colours were refilled. This preference could subsequently be switched to the other flower colour following a further 3 days of conditioning. These are interpreted as adaptive (learned) responses, which would have obvious selective benefits in the field, enabling butterflies to avoid flower species which experience has shown are poor sources of nectar, and to adapt to temporal and spatial changes in nectar availability.

  • 1 The flight apparatus in butterflies, as well as in other insects, is costly to manufacture. Since most animals live in a world where resources are limited, trade‐offs are expected and available resources must thus be allocated between flight and other functions, such as reproduction.
  • 2 To mitigate this trade‐off, previous studies have shown that butterflies can break down flight muscles in the thorax as they age in order to use muscle nutrients for reproduction.
  • 3 Although breakdown of flight muscles is expected to reduce flight ability, relative flight muscle mass (thorax mass/body mass) in many butterfly species does not decrease with age. The aim of the present study was to test the relationship between flight endurance and adult age in the green‐veined white butterfly Pieris napi (L.). The tests were performed in the laboratory at five different temperatures.
  • 4 The results showed that age has a significant influence on butterfly flight endurance; older butterflies showed reduced flight endurance. Male butterflies fly for a longer time than females and flight endurance increases with temperature in both sexes.

Nuptial gifts and the evolution of male body size   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
In many insect systems, males donate nuptial gifts to insure an effective copulation or as a form of paternal investment. However, if gift magnitude is both body size-limited and positively related to fitness, then the opportunity exists for the gift to promote the evolution of large male size. In the striped ground cricket, Allonemobius socius, males transfer a body size-limited, somatic nuptial gift that is comprised primarily of hemolymph. To address the implications of this gift on male size evolution, we quantified the intensity and direction of natural (fecundity) and sexual (mating success) selection over multiple generations. We found that male size was under strong positive sexual selection throughout the breeding season. This pattern of selection was similar in successive generations spanning multiple years. Male size was also under strong natural selection, with the largest males siring the most offspring. However, multivariate selection gradients indicated that gift size, and not male size, was the best predictor of female fecundity. In other words, direct fecundity selection for larger gifts placed indirect positive selection on male body size, supporting the hypothesis that nuptial gifts can influence the evolution of male body size in this system. Although female size was also under strong selection due to a size related fecundity advantage, it did not exceed selection on male size. The implications of these results with regard to the maintenance of the female-biased size dimorphic system are discussed.  相似文献   

Insects rely on their innate immune system to successfully mediate complex interactions with their microbiota, as well as the microbes present in the environment. Previous work has shown that components of the canonical immune gene repertoire evolve rapidly and have evolutionary characteristics originating from interactions with fast‐evolving microorganisms. Although these interactions are likely to vary among populations, there is a poor understanding of the microevolutionary dynamics of immune genes, especially in non‐Dipteran insects. Here, we use the full set of canonical insect immune genes to investigate microevolutionary dynamics acting on these genes between and among populations by comparing three allopatric populations of the green‐veined white butterfly, Pieris napi (Linné; Lepidoptera, Pieridae). Immune genes showed increased genetic diversity compared to genes from the rest of the genome and various functional categories exhibited different types of signatures of selection, at different evolutionary scales, presenting a complex pattern of selection dynamics. Signatures of balancing selection were identified in 10 genes, and 17 genes appear to be under positive selection. Genes involved with the cellular arm of the immune response as well as the Toll pathway appear to be enriched among our outlier loci, regardless of functional category. This suggests that the targets of selection might focus upon an entire pathway, rather than functional subsets across pathways. Our microevolutionary results are similar to previously observed macroevolutionary patterns from diverse taxa, suggesting that either the immune system is robust to dramatic differences in life history and microbial communities, or that diverse microbes exert similar selection pressures.  相似文献   

Many temperate insects survive harsh environmental conditions, such as winter, by entering a state of developmental arrest. This diapause state is predominantly induced by photoperiod. The photoperiod varies with latitude and has led to local adaptation in the photoperiodic induction of diapause in many insects. To understand the rapid evolution of the photoperiodic threshold, it is important to investigate and understand the underlying genetic mechanisms. In the present study, the genetic basis of photoperiodic diapause induction is investigated in the green‐veined white butterfly Pieris napi (Lepidoptera, Pieridae) by assaying diapause induction in a range of conditions for a Swedish and Spanish population. Furthermore, the inheritance of diapause induction is assessed in reciprocal F1 hybrids and backcrosses between the two populations. The southern population shows a clear photoperiodic threshold determining diapause or direct development, whereas the northern populations show a high incidence of diapause, regardless of photoperiod. The hybrid crosses reveal that the inheritance of diapause induction is strongly sex‐linked, and that diapause incidence in the genetic crosses is highly dependent on photoperiod. This emphasizes the importance of assaying a range of conditions in diapause inheritance studies. The results indicate a strongly heritable diapause induction with a major component on the Z‐chromosome, as well as a minor effect of the autosomal background.  相似文献   

PanuVälimäki  ArjaKaitala 《Oikos》2006,115(1):110-116
In the nuptial gift-giving butterfly, Pieris napi, multiple mating corresponds to higher lifetime fecundity than monandry does. Yet, female mating frequency, which is genetically determined and heritable, varies from strict monandry to a high degree of polyandry. Polyandrous females are known to suffer from reduced longevity when denied the opportunity to mate according to their intrinsic mating frequency. Here we test if monandry is likely to be maintained due to a lack of mating opportunities in the wild. We also explore longitudinal variation in female mating frequency (i.e. lifetime number of matings) and remating rate (i.e. time interval between successive matings). The latter was explored by comparing the mating patterns of females with varying origins in a laboratory, and the former by comparing the mating frequencies of wild and laboratory females. We were able to reveal spatial variation in female mating frequency, with monandry being a clearly more common mating tactic in the north than in the south. However, we did not find direct evidence that either the maintenance of monandry or spatial variation in female mating frequency is promoted by a lack of mating opportunities. Still, our findings may have profound implications, since decreasing mating frequency towards the north generates spatial variation in the strength of sexual selection.  相似文献   

1. In scramble competition all individuals suffer equally from competition, whereas in contest competition some individuals outperform the others. Generally, larger individuals gain asymmetric advantage in competition over smaller ones. Given the positive correlation between age and size, asynchronous birth may result in asymmetric competition among juveniles. 2. In Pieris napi (Lepidoptera: Pieridae), reproductive rate is determined by the females' intrinsic mating tactic. The early reproductive rate is high in females with a low mating frequency and low in females with a high mating frequency, whereas lifetime fecundity shows the opposite pattern. Thus, offspring of monandrous females start to develop in relatively low densities and they are relatively large when the offspring of highly polyandrous females start to hatch. 3. The purpose of this study was to explore if asymmetry in larval competition could outweigh the late-life benefits of polyandry. In a laboratory experiment, P. napi larvae of different ages were reared together in different densities. 4. Increasing density decreased both larval survival and reachable pupal mass, but had no effect on duration of larval period. Younger larvae suffered from high mortality and reduced size compared with the older larvae. Mortality decreased in the older cohort with increasing age difference between the cohorts, and the reverse occurred in the younger cohort. Increasing age difference between the cohorts was associated with increase in pupal mass in both cohorts. All the variables showed a lot of variation between broods of different females. 5. The results suggest that polyandrous females, or more generally females with a low early reproductive rate, may lose a great proportion of their late-life benefits, which may partly explain the maintenance of polymorphism in reproductive strategies within species.  相似文献   

The butterfly Pieris napi (L.) and relatives exemplify recently evolving taxa, exhibiting variation that makes their evolutionary dynamics interesting, but their systematics difficult. Wing-pattern characters commonly used to distinguish these Holarctic insects display both genetic polymorphism and environmentally-cued polyphenism. Often, these causes of variation are confounded, impairing the characters' phylogenetic usefulness. DNA sequences of four mitochondrial genes offer an independent view of pierine phylogeny. Sampling diverse relatives within family Pieridae assists resolution of the P. napi complex, suggests previous underestimation of clade diversity in subfamily Pierinae, and shows that other genera near Pieris also display confusions of wing-pattern-based phylogenetic inference. The European P. napi is sister to all North American taxa, and is well diverged from them all in sequences. The North American taxa comprise a northern subclade including Pieris oleracea , and questionably distinct Pieris ' angelika ', and a southern subclade including distinct Pieris virginiensis , Pieris marginalis , and Pieris macdunnoughii , and other regional entities yet to be clarified. Weak bootstrap support for some nodes in this group arises from a closeness of sequence identity rather than character conflict; more sequence data and denser geographical sampling may resolve these nodes more clearly. Evidence of reproductive isolation, from other experimental hybridization studies, agrees with the DNA results where these conflict with other divergent character sets. The system offers much promise for a deeper understanding of character evolution in relation to phyletic differentiation.  © 2006 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2006, 88 , 413–435.  相似文献   

Male Lepidoptera produce an ejaculate during copulation thatcontains both sperm and accessory gland nutrients and may functionas paternal investment and/or male mating effort Several studieshave examined how ejaculates function as paternal investment,but few have determined the influence of sperm competition onmale investment This study examines the effect of male bodysize on sperm precedence in the polyandrous butterfly Pierisnapi L. We used male body mass as an indicator of the size ofejaculate transferred and found that relative male size hada significant effect on paternity. The offspring of twice-matedfemales showed a low incidence of mixed paternity. Larger malesobtained the majority of fertilizations, and the degree of second-malesperm precedence was influenced by relative body size of matingmales. In general, second mates obtained fewer fertilizationsthe larger the size of the first mate. The interval betweenthe first and second mating was influenced by the size of thefirst male mate Females first mated to small males remated soonerthan females first mated to larger males Our results suggestthat large males may have a selective advantage over small maleswhen both a male's fertilization success and a female's refractoryperiod are influenced by the size of ejaculate transferred.Furthermore, the effect of male body size on the proportionof offspring sired lends support to the hypothesis that spermcompetition has played a major role in the evolution of ejaculatesize.  相似文献   

Sexual selection theory predicts that the larger sex shouldbe that for which fitness increases at the faster rate withsize. In butterflies, as in most invertebrates, females areusually the larger sex, but previous comparative analysis hasshown that relative male size increases with female polyandryamong butterflies. In agreement with this pattern, males arelarger than females in the strongly polyandrous green-veinedwhite butterfly, Pieris napi L., and in this article we assessthe size dependence of reproductive success in both sexes. Inan experiment where virgin males and females were released inthe field, we found no strong association between size and malemating success. However, laboratory experiments showed thatthere was a strong correlation between size and the ejaculatethat the male delivered to the female at mating and that largeejaculates delayed female remating for a longer time comparedto small ejaculates. Moreover, female P. napi utilize male-derivednutrients received at mating to increase their fecundity. Hence,large males sire more offspring both by way of donating morenutrients to female egg production and by way of delaying femaleremating (given that the last male to mate with the female willfather most of the offspring). Laboratory experiments showedthat the association between size and fecundity was low, ornonexistent, among P. napi females allowed to mate only once.However, weak size dependence was found for polyandrous females.We hypothesize that size dependence of female fecundity maybe especially weak among polyandrous butterflies because a fundamentalsource of variation in fecundity relates to their ability tofind nutrient giving males, an ability which may be unrelatedto female size. According to this hypothesis there is a causalassociation between weak size dependence of female fecundityand polyandry, and a strong size dependence of male reproductivesuccess that may underlie the comparative pattern of positivecorrelation between relative male size and polyandry.  相似文献   

Nuptial gifts and sexual selection in photinus fireflies   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The phenomenon of nuptial gift transfer during mating occursacross a remarkably wide range of taxa, and such male donationsare likely to influence both pre-copulatory and post-copulatorysexual selection. This paper reviews what is known about nuptialgifts in Photinus fireflies (Coleoptera: Lampyridae), and discussesthe adaptive significance of spermatophores in firefly matingsystems. During copulation Photinus males transfer a spiral,gelatinous spermatophore to the female: sperm are released intothe female's spermatheca for storage, while the remainder ofthe spermatophore disintegrates within a specialized gland.Radiolabelling studies indicate that male-derived protein isused to help provision the female's developing oocytes, andmultiply-mated females show increased fecundity. As most Photinusadults do not feed, these studies suggest that females shouldcontinue to forage for matings to supplement their diminishinglarval reserves, even after they have gained sufficient spermto fertilize their eggs. Male spermatophore mass declines acrosssequential matings, and smaller spermatophores are associatedwith lower paternity success in situations where males competefor fertilizations. Declining spermatophore size across sequentialmatings may thus lead to diminishing reproductive returns forfirefly males. Taken together, these results suggest that seasonalchanges in nuptial gift availability may contribute to reversalsof traditional courtship roles, with male choice and female-femalecompetition occurring as spermatophore availability declines.  相似文献   

The large white butterfly Pieris brassicae L. (also called cabbage white) is very common in Europe, Asia and the northern region of Africa, and has also been found in South Africa during approximately the last 20 years. The species is considered a pest insect, with larvae attacking brassicaceous crops. The adult is a strong migratory flyer and new territory can be infested this way. As a first step to investigate methods for combating this pest species, the present study aims to determine the complement of adipokinetic peptides, here generically referred to as adipokinetic hormones (AKHs), which are required to regulate the mobilization of fuels for insect flight. Biological assays, as well as mass spectrometry, reveal information about the presence, structure and function of AKHs in P. brassicae: a methanolic extract of the corpora cardiaca has hypertrehalosaemic activity in cockroaches, does not cause hyperlipaemia in locusts, and has adipokinetic activity in P. brassicae itself. Liquid‐chromatography electrospray ion trap mass spectrometry reveals three peptides that can be associated with the AKH family: the non‐amidated undecapeptide Vanca‐AKH (pELTFTSSWGGK‐OH), the nonapeptide Manse‐AKH (pELTFTSSWG amide) and the novel octapeptide Piebr‐AKH (pELTFSSGW amide). Sequence confirmation of all three assigned structures is obtained from matching mass spectrometry spectra from synthetic and native peptides. Moreover, the synthetic peptides Manse‐AKH and Piebr‐AKH have significant hyperlipaemic (=adipokinetic) activity when injected into newly‐emerged adult cabbage white butterflies. The non‐amidated Vanca‐AKH is, apparently, incompletely processed Manse‐AKH without hormonal activity. Simulated dispersal flight is able to release AKHs, as indicated by the higher concentration of lipids in the haemolymph of adult P. brassicae after activity and rest periods.  相似文献   

In butterflies, wing colour may simultaneously be under sexual selection in the context of mating selection and natural selection in the context of thermoregulation. In the present study, we collected mated females of the green‐veined white butterfly (Pieris napi) from locations spanning 960 km of latitude across Fennoscandia, and investigated sex‐specific latitudinal wing colour variation in their offspring raised under identical conditions. We measured wing colour characteristics, including reflectance at wavelengths 300–700 nm and the degree of wing melanization. At all latitudes, females reflected more light in the short wavelengths (< 400 nm) and less in the long wavelengths (> 450 nm), and they were more melanized than males. However, female wing colour varied more with latitude than that of males. Among females, long wavelength reflectance decreased, whereas short wavelength reflectance and melanization increased, towards the north. By contrast, among males, latitudinal variation was found only in the ventral hindwing melanization. These results are consistent with the idea that the balance between natural and sexual selection acting on wing colour changes with latitude differently in males than females. The dark wing colour of females in the north may be a thermoregulatory adaptation, although males may be constrained from evolving the dark dorsal wing colour favoured by natural selection because of constant sexual selection across latitudes. © 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, ?? , ??–??.  相似文献   

The diuresis which follows the pupal-adult ecdysis of Pieris brassicae is hormonally controlled. Use of the isolated Malpighian tubules as a bioassay shows the presence of substantial diuretic activity in homogenates of the brain and corpus cardiacum-corpus allatum complex. The hormone is probably produced in the brain and released from a storage site in the corpora cardiaca. The tubules of the butterfly are maximally responsive to the diuretic hormone at the time of eclosion.  相似文献   

Serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine, 5-HT) plays a key role in modulating diverse physiological processes and behaviors in both protostomes and deuterostomes. These functions are mediated through the binding of serotonin to its receptors, which are recognized as potential insecticide targets. We investigated the sequence, pharmacology and tissue distribution of three 5-HT receptors (Piera5-HT1A, Piera5-HT1B, Piera5-HT7) from the small white butterfly Pieris rapae, an important pest of cultivated cabbages and other mustard family crops. Activation of Piera5-HT1A or Piera5-HT1B by 5-HT inhibited the production of cAMP in a dose-dependent manner. Stimulation of Piera5-HT7 with 5-HT increased cAMP level significantly. Surprisingly, with the exception of 5-methoxytryptamine, agonists including α-methylserotonin, 8-Hydroxy-DPAT and 5-carboxamidotryptamine activated these receptors poorly. The results are consistent with previous findings in Manduca sexta. All three receptors were blocked by methiothepin, but ketanserin and yohimbine were not effective. The selective mammalian 5-HT receptor antagonists SB 216641 and SB 269970 displayed potent inhibition effects on Piera5-HT1B and Piera5-HT7 respectively. The results we achieved here indicate that the pharmacological properties of Lepidoptera 5-HT receptors are quite different from those in other insects and vertebrates and may contribute to development of new selective pesticides. This study offers important information on three 5-HT receptors from P. rapae that will facilitate further analysis of the functions of 5-HT receptors in insects.  相似文献   

This study examines the role of learning and memory in the butterflyPieris rapae crucivora Boisduval during foraging for flowers. In an outdoor cage with 6 flower species,P. rapae showed various visiting patterns: some visited only one species, while others visited several species in a day. The foraging process for flowers ofErigeron annuus (L.) Pers. could be divided into two successive steps: (1) landing on the nectaring caputs, and (2) finding the source of nectar in the caput. Butterflies learned to proceed through the two steps more efficiently with successive attempts: they gradually decreased landings on nectarless caputs and probings on the nectarless petals of ligulate flowers respectively. As a result, handling time per unit caputs became shorter, and apparent rewards per unit time, i.e. the efficiency of collecting nectar, increased. In addition, once learned,P. rapae could remember a rewarding flower color for 3 days, which was not interfered with by learning another flower color. This indicates thatP. rapae keeps memory for a period longer than 3 days, and that they can remember at least two flower species as suitable flower resources. Furthermore, data indicated that they sometimes can apply the foraging skills obtained on other flower species to a novel one. These abilities could enable butterflies to easily switch flower species, or to enhance labile preference. It has been known thatP. rapae also shows flower constancy, which may be due to memory constraints. Therefore, they may appropriately use two foraging tactics: visit consistency and labile preference, to get enough nectar according to their circumstances.  相似文献   

1. The multivoltine butterfly Pieris brassicae (Linnaeus) inhabits most climatic zones in Europe and Asia. Its regional populations are adapted to the respective climatic conditions and hibernate in those regions. Yet how these adaptations are stabilised in spite of the species' regular migration events is unclear. 2. In this study, significant differences were found in the preferred flight direction of P. brassicae depending on the season and the butterfly's geographic origin. The individual flight behaviours indicated that flight direction is a heritable character. 3. The bivoltine population from northern Germany undertook a typical return flight in the second generation of the year. This reverse flight was induced by the developmental mode of the caterpillars. A diapause in the pupal stage triggered a northward migration, and a non‐diapause a southward migration. 4. In contrast to bivoltine populations, the second generation of multivoltine populations maintained the direction of the hibernating generation. 5. A unique situation was determined for the population from the northern coast of Spain. The North Sea seemed to be a migration barrier that forced an adaptation, with the first generation flying southeastward, and the second generation northeastward. 6. The flight pattern of at least some of the investigated populations suggests that, after their yearly migration, the descendants of a local population are able to reach the home range of their ancestors again.  相似文献   

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