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European grayling populations in Bavaria have shown steady declines during the last 10–20years. In order to provide guidelines for conservation strategies and future management programs, we investigated the genetic structure of 15 grayling populations originating from three major Central European drainages (the Danube, the Elbe and the Rhine/Main) using 20 microsatellite loci. Genetic divergence between the three drainage systems was substantial as illustrated by highly significant heterogeneity of genotype frequencies, high number of drainage-specific private alleles, high between-drainage F ST values, high assignment success of individuals to their drainage of origin and the high bootstrap support for the genetic distance based drainage-specific population clusters. In agreement with earlier studies, microsatellites revealed relatively low levels of intrapopulational genetic diversity in comparison to the overall level of variation across populations. Maximum likelihood methods using the coalescent approach revealed that the proportion of common ancestors was generally high in native populations and that the estimates of N e were correlated with the genetic diversity parameters in all drainages. The number of effective immigrants per generation (N e m) was less than one for all pairwise comparisons of populations within the drainages, indicating restricted interpopulational gene flow. Based on these findings we recommend a drainage and sub-drainage specific conservation of grayling populations in order to preserve their overall genetic diversity and integrity. For large-scale stocking actions to supplement declining or to restore extinct populations, creation of separate broodstocks for major conservation units (ESUs and MUs) is warranted. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

In order to provide guidelines for conservationand management of the severely declining LakeSaimaa (eastern Finland) European grayling(Thymallus thymallus, Salmonidae), weinvestigated the microgeographic geneticstructure of three populations from the watersystem using 17 microsatellite loci andmitochondrial DNA polymerase chainreaction-restriction fragment lengthpolymorphism analysis. Microsatellites revealedlow levels of intrapopulation genetic diversityand substantial divergence between populationssampled from spawning sites separated by aslittle as 55 kilometers. Mitochondrial analysisindicated the occurrence of two compositehaplotypes within Lake Saimaa. The nucleotidesubstitution estimates between the haplotypessuggested their separation to markedly predatethe late Pleistocene period. The populationsexhibited marked frequency differences for thetwo mitochondrial haplotypes, reinforcing theview of limited interpopulation gene flowwithin Lake Saimaa. An individual basedmicrosatellite Neighbor-Joining dendrogramdemonstrated clustering of all the specimensaccording to their sampling origin. Individualassignment tests revealed 100% assignmentsuccess of individuals into their population oforigin and 100% exclusion (p <0.05) from all alternative referencepopulations. These findings exemplify that T. thymallus populations may be genetically highly structured over small geographical scales and provide a good starting point for the development of appropriate conservation strategies for Lake Saimaa grayling.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to investigate the genetic variation in Danish populations of the endangered European crab apple (Malus sylvestris). Special emphasis was given to hybridization between the wild species and its cultivated relative Malus ×domestica. A total of 178 wild individuals from four Danish populations were studied along with a reference sample of 29 old cultivars. The genetic variation within and among samples was studied at ten microsatellite marker loci. Additionally, a morphological analysis was carried out to identify hybrids and test for correspondence between phenotypic and genotypic indices of hybridization. From application of ordination and a model-based cluster analysis to the molecular data, two clusters were identified consisting of wild and cultivated individuals, respectively. This indicates that pronounced admixture between the two species is not present. At the population level, a high correspondence was found between geographic isolation from M. ×domestica and genotypic and morphological indices of hybridization. As expected, isolated populations appeared less affected by hybridization than poorly isolated populations. Isolated “pure” M. sylvestris populations could thus be identified. However, morphological and molecular evidences of hybridization were found to be divergent at the individual level. This is suggestive of some historical introgression into the M. sylvestris gene pool and indicates that relying exclusively on either morphological or molecular characters as diagnostic markers in studies of hybridization between M. ×domestica and M. sylvestris might lead to fallible results. Combined application of genetic and morphological markers is therefore recommended.  相似文献   

Habitat alteration, fragmentation and destruction as a consequence of human impact are a global phenomenon. Here we document changes in genetic variation in the marsh orchid Anacamptis palustris as a consequence of such habitat changes. We examined historical specimens that were collected during the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, prior to the most recent massive habitat changes affecting this species. Sequences of a hypervariable region in the plastid DNA, located in the tRNALEU intron, from herbarium vouchers were compared with those from a near-exhaustive survey of the extant A. palustris populations on the Italian peninsula. It was found that private haplotypes and alleles found in small, extant populations were once widespread and more common in historic populations and that alleles, once present in historic populations, have gone extinct. In addition, genetic differentiation among populations has increased over time and haplotype frequencies significantly differ among historic and extant populations. These results document that human induced habitat changes have reduced genetic diversity and increased the importance of random genetic drift in this species. It is concluded that the analysis of herbarium specimens may provide important insights into changes of genetic diversity over time and may be critical for correct inference of the evolutionary history of rare and endangered species.  相似文献   

It may often be necessary to perform genetic analyses of temporal replicates to estimate the significance of spatial variation independently from that of temporal variation in order to ensure the reliability of estimates of a defined population structure. Nevertheless, temporal studies of genetic diversity remain scarce in the literature relative to the plethora of empirical studies of population structure. In vertebrates, a limited number of studies have specifically assessed the temporal stability of population structure for more than one generation. In this study, we performed a microsatellite analysis of DNA obtained from archived scales to compare the population structure among four sympatric landlocked populations of Atlantic salmon ( Salmo salar ) over a time frame of three to five generations. The same patterns of allele frequency distribution, θ, R ST and genetic distance estimates were observed among populations for two time periods, confirming the temporal stability of the population structure. Despite population declines and stocking during this period, no statistically significant changes in intrapopulation genetic diversity were apparent. This study illustrates the feasibility and usefulness of microsatellite analysis of temporal samples, not only to infer changes of intrapopulation genetic diversity, but also to assess the stability of population structure over a time frame of several generations.  相似文献   

We used RAPDs (Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA) to test genetic divergence between two populations of Bosmina spp. in Lake Östersjön, Sweden. Previous taxonomic studies on European species within the genus Bosmina have been based on morphological characters alone. RAPD markers distinguished the two populations and supported the specific status of B. coregoni and B. longispina based on morphological characters. Furthermore, juveniles with a long antennule and a mucro were classified as B. coregoni. RAPDs also revealed genetic differences among the tested individuals, suggesting several clones within each species.  相似文献   

Summary Aedes albopictus is commonly distributed in most parts of the Oriental region and on many islands in the Indian and the Pacific Oceans. The species was recently introduced into the United States and Brazil. Feulgen cytophotometric quantitation of haploid nuclear DNA content was carried out for 37 populations of Ae. albopictus to determine the extent of intraspecific variation in nuclear DNA content and whether the range expansion of the species has coincided with an increase in DNA content. The haploid nuclear DNA content varied nearly three-fold. The minimum DNA content was 0.62 pg in Koh Samui from Thailand, and the maximum DNA content was 1.66 pg in Houston-61 from the United States. Statistical comparisons of populations revealed significant differences in DNA contents. No geographic clustering of populations was noted with respect to DNA content. In general, populations from the United States and Brazil had higher DNA contents, but there was no indication that the range expansion had occurred hand in hand with an increase in DNA content. Each population had a specific amount of DNA that is probably imposed by the microenvironment.  相似文献   

We compared genetic variation of sexualAmelanchier bartramiana and facultatively agamospermous (asexually seed-producing)A. laevis at one site where the two species are sympatric. We analyzed 77 random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers in 29A. bartramiana individuals and 76 RAPD markers in 31A. laevis individuals. The two species do not differ significantly in mean genetic variation. However, 22.4% of genetic similarity values betweenA. laevis individuals exceed the highest value ofA. bartramiana and may represent the effect of agamospermy. Variation withinA. laevis may be the result of sexuality, hybridization, polyploidy, and other factors.  相似文献   

Striga hermonthica is a root hemiparasite that attacks onlyGramineae, includingSorghum and millet for which it is a principal cause of lowered yield. Enzyme electrophoresis was used to investigate genetic diversity inStriga hermonthica and to determine the level of differentiation between host-specialized populations. Nine genetic loci coding eight enzymes were interpreted and data obtained from three populations: oneSorghum-adapted population from Sudan and two populations from Burkina Faso, oneSorghum-adapted and the other millet-adapted. Levels of polymorphism were similarly high in all three populations (P=0.625, A=2.6–2.8, H=0.293–0.401). Genotypic frequencies at most loci conformed to Hardy-Weinberg expectations in each population, consistent with outcrossing as predicted from previous studies of floral biology. Occasional heterozygote deficiencies were probably the result of Wahlund effect. The mean value of FST over the three populations was 0.068, indicating a slight to moderate level of genetic differentiation among the populations. The two Burkina Faso populations were more closely related (S=0.940, D=0.006) than either was to the Sudan population, suggesting that geographic separation is more important than host specialization in contributing to population differentiation. TheSorghum-adapted population was slightly closer to the Burkina FasoSorghum-adapted population (S=0.873, D=0.047) than to Burkina Faso millet-adapted population (S=0.851, D=0.074). The absence of substantial genetic divergence between host-specific populations ofStriga could result either from recent evolution of host-specialized strains or from strong selection for physiological specialization in the face of substantial gene flow between the populations.  相似文献   

Populations of the endangered giant kangaroo rat, Dipodomys ingens (Heteromyidae), have suffered increasing fragmentation and isolation over the recent past, and the distribution of this unique rodent has become restricted to 3% of its historical range. Such changes in population structure can significantly affect effective population size and dispersal, and ultimately increase the risk of extinction for endangered species. To assess the fine-scale population structure, gene flow, and genetic diversity of remnant populations of Dipodomys ingens, we examined variation at six microsatellite DNA loci in 95 animals from six populations. Genetic subdivision was significant for both the northern and southern part of the kangaroo rat’s range although there was considerable gene flow among southern populations. While regional gene diversity was relatively high for this endangered species, hierarchical F-statistics of northern populations in Fresno and San Benito counties suggested non-random mating and genetic drift within subpopulations. We conclude that effective dispersal, and therefore genetic distances between populations, is better predicted by ecological conditions and topography of the environment than linear geographic distance between populations. Our results are consistent with and complimentary to previous findings based on mtDNA variation of giant kangaroo rats. We suggest that management plans for this endangered rodent focus on protection of suitable habitat, maintenance of connectivity, and enhancement of effective dispersal between populations either through suitable dispersal corridors or translocations.  相似文献   

In this study, inter-simple sequence repeats (ISSR) ans simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers were used to investigate genetic diversity of 27 mulberry accessions including 19 cultivated accessions (six M. multicaulis, three M. alba, two M. atropurpurea, two M. bombycis, one M. australis, two M. rotundiloba, one M. alba var. pendula, one M. alba var. macrophylla, and one M. alba var. venose) and 8 wild accessions (two M. cathayana, two M. laevigata, two M. wittiorum, one M. nigra and one M. mongolica). ISSRs and SSRs were compared in terms of their informativeness and efficiency in a study of genetic diversity and relationships among 27 mulberry genotypes. SSRs presented a higher level of polymorphism and greater information content. All index values of genetic diversity both markers analyzed using Popgene 32 software indicated that within wild species had higher genetic diversity than within cultivated species. Cultivation may caused the lose of genetic diversity of mulberry compared with wild species revealed by ISSR and SSR markers. The mean genetic similarity coefficients among all mulberry genotypes ascribed by ISSR and SSR matrices were 0.7677 and 0.6131, respectively. For all markers a high similarity in dendrogram topologies was obtained although some differences were observed. Cluster analysis of ISSR and SSR using UPGMA method revealed that the wild species are genetically distant from the domesticated species studied here. The correlation coefficients of similarity were statistically significant for both marker systems used. Principal coordinates analysis (PCA) for ISSR and SSR data also supports their UPGMA clustering. These results have an important implication for mulberry germplasm characterization, improvement, molecular systematics and conservation.  相似文献   

Nine Swedish populations, 1–5 individuals/population, and one cultivated individual of the rare speciesVicia pisiformis were investigated for genetic variation. In hybridizations with two rDNA probes using 8 restriction enzymes, only two individuals belonging to one population were polymorphic. A map of the rDNA gene cluster was constructed for four of the restriction enzymes used. Two of the polymorphic sites were mapped and were found to be located outside regions coding for rRNA, presumably caused by single point mutations or small deletions. The repeat length of the rDNA region was c. 10,000 bp, which corresponds well with the size found for other species belonging toFabaceae. No length polymorphism was found in the intergenic spacer, contrary to the situation found for most other plant species investigated for rDNA variation. The haplotype diversity for the species (Hsp Shannon) was very low (0.055). Within-population values (Hpop) was 0 for all populations except the variable one, which had 0.301. PCR amplification with 6 random primers also revealed very low levels of genetic diversity. A polymorphism was observed in a limited number of individuals for four populations. Hsp was 0.065 and was 0.050. The average D value (Wetton) for the PCR haplotypes was 0.99.  相似文献   

For tenBlandfordia grandiflora populations spanning about 90% of the species' range, univariate and multivariate analyses on 14 vegetative and reproductive characters separated plants into distinct coastal and tableland groups. Distinguishing characters were number of flowers and leaves, leaf length and width, and inflorescence stalk height and diameter; coastal plants were larger than tableland plants. In a transplant experiment, coastal and tableland plants retained their phenotypic distinctness, indicating that vegetative morphology was genetically determined. Coastal plants exhibited clinal variation with latitude. Compared to tableland plants, coastal plants had higher pollen: ovule ratios, and produced fewer but heavier seeds per flower. Tableland and coastal plants are phenotypically distinct, indicating that separate subspecific status is warranted.  相似文献   

Rivers in Asturias (northern Spain) constitute the southern limit of the distribution of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) in Europe, a biological resource facing one of the more serious challenges for conservation today. In this work, eight microsatellite loci have been used to analyse samples collected in 1993 and 1999 from four Asturian rivers (Esva, Narcea, Sella, and Cares), obtaining information about the temporal and the spatial genetic variation in these populations and, in addition, estimations of their effective population sizes. The temporal analysis revealed a general decrease in all the estimated genetic variability parameters when samples from 1993 (mean A (1993) = 6.47, mean H O(1993) = 0.472, mean H E(1993) = 0.530) were compared with those obtained in 1999 (mean A (1999) = 6.16, mean H O(1999) = 0.460, mean H E(1999) = 0.490). This reduction was particularly notable for the case of the Esva river. Our results pointed to a pattern of spatial genetic differentiation inside the Asturian region (F ST (1993) = 0.016 P < 0.01; F ST (1999) = 0.023 P < 0.01). Using the standard Temporal Method we found estimates of N e^ (Esva) = 75.1 (33.2–267.2); N e^ (Cares) = 96.6 (40.0–507.5), N e^ (Sella) = 106.5 (39.1–9396.4) and N e^ (Narcea) = 113.9 (42.0–3693.3). The use of likelihood-based methods for the N e^ estimations improved the results (smaller CIs) for the Esva and Cares rivers (N e^ (Esva) = 63.9 (32.3–165.3); N e^ (Cares) = 76.4 (38.8–202.0) using a Maximum likelihood approach) and suggested the presence of larger populations for the Sella and Narcea rivers (N e^≈200). These results showed that the Asturian Atlantic salmon populations (in particular Esva and Cares river populations) could be close to the conservation genetic borderline for avoiding inbreeding depression although we discuss some implications of the analysis of temporal genetic change in populations with overlapping generations.  相似文献   

Salsola komarovi lljin is a herbaceous annual native to the sand dunes and beaches of Japan, northern China, Sakhalln and Korea. Starch-gel electrophoresis was conducted on leaves and stems collected from 300 plants in eight Korean populations. The mean number of alleles per locus (A p=1.51), mean expected heterozygosity (He p=0.116), and total genetic diversity (H T=0.279) were comparable with those for species with similar life history and ecological traits. A general conformance of genotype frequencies to Hardy-Weinberg expectations (meanF IS=−0.030) indicates thatS. komarovi is an outcrossing species. Slightly more than 20% of the genetic variation was found among populations (F ST=0.204). In addition, significant differences in allele frequency were detected between populations at all 11 polymorphic loci (P<0.001). Nei's genetic identities range from 0.885 to 0.985 with a mean of 0.942. However, indirect estimates of the number of migrant per generation (0.97, calculated fromF ST and 0.31, calculated from seven private alleles) indicate that the levels of gene flow is low among Korean populations. Although the species maintains a moderate level of genetic variation within populations, the small, isolated natural populations of the species have been severely destructed by human activities, particularly in summer season. If this is true, conservation efforts should be focused on those populations that currently maintain the most genetic diversity (e.g., populations of Cheju Island and coast of the southwestern Korean Peninsula).  相似文献   

利用线粒体细胞色素氧化酶亚基I(COI)和微卫星标记分析了文蛤7个地理群体(朝鲜新义州,辽宁丹东、蛤蜊岗和盘山,山东东营,江苏如东和启东)的遗传多样性和群体分化。PCR扩增获得142条602 bp的COI核苷酸片段,比对到13个变异位点,包括11个转换和2个颠换,定义了22个单倍型,共享单倍型12个,新义州、丹东和启东群体分别拥有特有单倍型。单倍型多样性最高的是如东群体(h=0.900),最低的是东营群体(h=0.600);核苷酸多样性最高的是丹东群体(π=0.00350),最低的是蛤蜊岗群体(π=0.00115)。基于COI数据的Fu's Fs中性检验和核苷酸不配对分析揭示文蛤种群历史上曾经历过群体扩张事件。分子变异分析(AMOVA)表明,群体内遗传变异占71.64%,群体间遗传变异占28.36%,群体间发生显著的遗传分化(P0.05)。7个微卫星标记扩增280个个体共获得54个等位基因,平均等位基因数为7.7个,平均观测杂合度和期望杂合度分别为0.3878和0.7996。江苏群体具有较高的遗传多样性,但7个群体间遗传多样性不存在显著差异(Kruskal-Wallis检验,P0.05)。Hardy-Weinberg平衡检验结果显示49个群体-位点组合中有18个偏离平衡(P0.05),表现为杂合子缺失。单倍型邻接(NJ)树显示聚类未展示地域性特色,但某几个同一或者相近地理群体的单倍型具有聚类现象(如东和启东部分单倍型出现地理聚类)。依据群体间遗传距离以Kimura 2-parameter为模型建立UPGMA系统发育树,显示丹东群体和江苏的如东和启东群体聚为一支,暗示江苏苗种的异地养殖已经污染丹东文蛤的遗传背景。  相似文献   

Phylogenetic and taxonomic difficulties are common within the woody bamboos, due to their unique life cycle, which severely limits the availability of floral characters. To addresss some of these problems, 20 species of woody bamboos in the genus Phyllostachys were analyzed using nuclear restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs). The RFLP data were used to generate genetic distances between all pairs of taxa and to examine the degree of genetic variation within and among bamboo species. The genetic distances were also used to create dendrograms of accessions and species. These trees supported the current division of the genus into two sections and provided some information on the thorny taxonomic problems in this group. We show that RFLPs can be used for species identification and the delineation of species limits.  相似文献   

We studied allozyme and chloroplast (cp) DNA variation in natural populations of Pinus kesiya and P. merkusii from Thailand and Vietnam. The results showed striking differences between the two species in the amount and distribution of allozyme variation. P. kesiya harboured considerable allozyme variation and showed weak interpopulational differentiation. In contrast, P. merkmii had very low intrapopulational variability but a high level of interpopulational differentiation. The average Nei's genetic distance separating the two species was exceptionally high (0.701) taking into account their close taxonomic placement in the same subsection Sylvestres. The constructed phylogenetic trees revealed very early divergence of P. kesiya and P. merkusii. The present analysis of cpDNA variation also confirmed the dissimilar character of these two species and was compatible with other evidence indicating the outstanding position of P. merkusii as compared to other Asian members of the subsection Sylvestres. Analysis of cpDNA variation in sympatric populations of P. kesiya and P. merkusii revealed that they are pure representatives of the species in question. This result indicates that despite an overlapping distribution P. kesiya and P. merkusii do not hybridise in nature. We suggest that the distinctive character of P. merkusii is a result of an early separation from other Eurasian pines. Despite spatial proximity, P. kesiya and P. merkusii are kept apart by strong reproductive barriers. The low genetic variability of P. merkusii may be explained by previous bottlenecks, reduced gene flow among populations, and an inbreeding due to small population size and asynchronous flowering.  相似文献   

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