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沿海防护林体系热效应的遥感分析王述礼,金昌杰,关德新(中国科学院沈阳应用生态研究所110015)RemoteSensingAnalysisontheHeatEffectsofCoastalShelterbeltSystem.¥WangShuli;Ji...  相似文献   

根据生态经济型防护林体系及其建设模式的内涵,研制开发出了以专家为核心,包括数据及数据库、图形及图形库、模型及模型库等模块的智能决策支持系统,以便为给定区域提供有关生态经济型防护林体系建设方面的决策服务。  相似文献   

三北防护林体系建设面临的机遇和挑战   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在总结三北防护林工程(三北工程)30年建设成就和经验的基础上,立足国内外相关领域发展趋势,全面分析了三北工程在应对气候变化、增加农民收入、拉动内需等方面显现的机遇,剖析了立地条件、发展动力、投资水平和改革创新等带来的严峻挑战,总结提出了三北工程未来发展应坚持以建设完备的区域性防护林体系为目标,以防沙治沙、保持水土为主要任务,以服务新农村建设、发展特色产业、推进林权改革为重点的发展思路和具体措施.  相似文献   

试论“三北”生态经济型防护林体系   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
本文介绍了“三北”防护林体系工程的概要、建设指导思想和技术路线,从理论上较深入地探讨了林业观念更新的意义及其基础。从而,提出“生态经济型防护林体系”的学术概念,以及它同建立区域性人工生态系统的相互关系,并结合“三北”黄土高原昕水河流域生态经济型防护林体系示范区的特点进行分析,探讨丘陵山地条件下,生态经济型防护林体系的技术内涵、组成及其生态经济特点。最后,作者提出了由“三北”防护林工程的实践对我国如何建设好其它防护林工程的几点启示。  相似文献   

发展林业碳汇推动三北防护林体系建设   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
三北防护林体系建设作为中国六大林业重点工程之一,30年来取得了巨大成就.但长期以来,工程建设资金不足一直困扰着工程发展.林业碳汇的兴起和快速发展,将对其产生重大影响.本文在对林业碳汇进行分析的基础上,提出了加快发展林业碳汇推动三北防护林体系建设的建议.  相似文献   

白音他拉疏林草场气象效应的初步分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  

多层次多树种防护林的生态效应彭锦钊(广西大桂山林场,贺县542824)EcologicalEffectsofMulti-LayerandMulti-SpeciesShelterbelt.¥PengJinzhao(DaguishanForestfore...  相似文献   

高志义 《生态学杂志》1991,2(4):373-378
本文介绍了“三北”防护林体系工程的概要、建设指导思想和技术路线,从理论上较深入地探讨了林业观念更新的意义及其基础。从而,提出“生态经济型防护林体系”的学术概念,以及它同建立区域性人工生态系统的相互关系,并结合“三北”黄土高原昕水河流域生态经济型防护林体系示范区的特点进行分析,探讨丘陵山地条件下,生态经济型防护林体系的技术内涵、组成及其生态经济特点。最后,作者提出了由“三北”防护林工程的实践对我国如何建设好其它防护林工程的几点启示。  相似文献   

辽宁省河流水系及流域的遥感解译   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
水资源是人民生活、生产不可缺少的重要资源,随着人口增长和工业发展,水资源供需矛盾日益突出,水资源的合理开发利用是当前急需解决的问题,而河流水系分布及流域面积的准确计算是开发利用的基础。1984年辽宁省曾进行第一次水资源普查工作,由于时间变迁和当时技术水平的限制,许多河流水系分布、流域面积等基础资料己不能准确反映当前状况。本研究利用美国地球资源卫星TM数字图像资料,选用ER-Mapper图像处理软件,对辽宁省河流水系及流域进行遥感解译。采用多比例尺、多波段、多时相的解译方法,同时还进行了直方图均衡化处理、滤波处理、线性变换等多种图像处理技术。采用波谱间关系法,建立了河流水系和流域遥感解译标志,同时采用主成分分析方法进行海岸线的遥感解译。计算了辽宁省主要河流长度及流域面积,与第一次水资源普查时的计算结果进行了对比分析,并探论其变化的原因。  相似文献   

兰州中心城区用地扩展及其热岛响应的遥感分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
以兰州中心城区为研究区,以1978、1993、2001和2010年的Landsat MSS/TM/ETM+影像为数据源,采用NDBI-SAVI指数相结合的方法,提取建设用地信息,利用热红外波段的单窗算法反演城市地表温度.结合城市热岛比例指数和地表温度分级,定量研究城镇用地扩张对城市热环境的影响.结果表明:兰州中心城区建设用地在1978-2010年的30余年间面积由87.47 km2增加到172.61 km2,增幅近l倍.城市扩展与热岛扩展趋势具有空间一致性,在城市扩张的同时,城区地表温度逐渐上升,城市热岛面积不断扩大.  相似文献   

科尔沁沙质荒漠化评价遥感信息模型   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
范文义  张文华 《应用生态学报》2006,17(11):2141-2146
采用遥感信息模型对科尔沁沙地奈曼旗荒漠化主要评价因子(植被盖度、生物量和土壤含水率)进行定量反演;利用线形混合光谱分析(SMA)模型计算裸沙占地百分比.通过每个像元可获取全部评价因子的指标值.在现有荒漠化评价方法的基础上,建立以像元为单位的荒漠化程度评价的定量化遥感信息模型,并输出荒漠化程度分布图.选取了60个样点进行评价模型的精度验证,被正确评价的点数为55个.结果表明,该模型对研究区域荒漠化程度进行定量评价,其精度可达91.7%,说明利用遥感信息模型评价土地荒漠化的方法具有较高的科学性.  相似文献   

Appropriate integration of remote sensing technologies into ecosystem services concepts and practices leads to potential practical benefits for the protection of biodiversity and the promotion of sustainable use of Earth's natural assets. The last decade has seen the rapid development of research efforts on the topic of ecosystem services, which has led to a significant increase in the number of scientific publications. This systematic review aims to identify, evaluate and synthesise the evidence provided in published peer reviewed studies framing their work in the context of spatially explicit remote sensing assessment and valuation of ecosystem services. Initially, a search through indexed scientific databases found 5920 papers making direct and/or indirect reference to the topic of “ecosystem services” between the years of 1960 and 2013. Among these papers, 211 make direct reference to the use of remote sensing. During the search we aimed at selecting papers that were peer-reviewed publications available through indexed bibliographic databases. For this reason, our literature search did not include books, grey literature, extended abstracts and presentations. We quantitatively present the growth of remote sensing applications in ecosystem services’ research, reviewing the literature to produce a summary of the state of available and feasible remote sensing variables used in the assessment and valuation of ecosystem services. The results provide valuable information on how remotely sensed Earth observation data are used currently to produce spatially-explicit assessments and valuation of ecosystem services. Using examples from the literature we produce a concise summary of what has been done, what can be done and what can be improved upon in the future to integrate remote sensing into ecosystem services research. The reason for doing so is to motivate discussion about methodological challenges, solutions and to encourage an uptake of remote sensing technology and data where it has potential practical applications.  相似文献   

基于GIS的浙江省水稻遥感估产最佳时相选择   总被引:20,自引:4,他引:16  
水稻遥感估产最佳时相选择应包括水稻种植面积估算最佳时相和水稻产量预报最佳时相两部分。在水稻遥感估产最佳时相选择中,由于首次引入GIS技术提取水稻可能种植区域,缩小了研究范围,植被种类也较简单一,因此仅用农作物物候历即可确定水稻种植面积估算最佳时相,而不需要考虑所有的植被类型。利用盆栽试验和小区试验研究水稻产量与不同时期的农学参数、农学参数与植被指数及水稻产量与植被指数的关系,结果表明,水稻产量与农业参数、农学参数与光谱变量的关系均以孕穗以抽穗期最好,水稻产量与光谱变量的关系则从分蘖盛期到抽穗期的极显著。因此,以孕穗期到抽穗期作为建立水稻遥感估产模型的最佳时期。再利用1998年各地的水稻发育期观测资料,确定各区水稻产量遥感最佳时相。  相似文献   

Satellite remote sensing for ecological analysis of forested landscape   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Ravan  Shirish A.  Roy  P.S. 《Plant Ecology》1997,131(2):129-141
The spatial characterisation and vertical analysis are together considered important to evaluate structure of forested landscapes. In recent years, increased human impacts have resulted in changes in landscape and structure of the forest ecosystem. The present study is aimed to analyse impacts of disturbance on landscape structure using satellite remote sensing and a geographic information system (GIS) in Madhav National Park of India. The Landsat TM data have been used to identify vegetation types. The patch characteristics of the vegetation like size, shape, porosity and patch density have been studied. The physical and humanmade features have divided the national park in three zones. These zones are also utilised as management zones by the State Forest Department. The study indicates that the central zone is distinctly different from the south and north zones. The patch size and porosity have been found to be most important parameters to discriminate differences in the ecological status of three different zones of the park. The patchiness and shape provide supportive information and characterise the patches of the zones. The structural analysis of the vegetation revealed effect on species diversity and biomass distribution in the different disturbance regimes.  相似文献   

Space remote sensing for spatial vegetation characterization   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The study area, Madhav National Park (MP) represents northern tropical dry deciduous forest. The national park, due to its unique location (nearest to township), is under tremendous biotic pressure. In order to understand vegetation structure and dynamics, vegetation mapping at community level was considered important. Prolonged leafless period and background reflection due to open canopy poses challenge in interpretation of satellite data. The vegetation of Madhav National Park was mapped using Landsat TM data. The ground data collected from sample points were subjected to TWINSPAN analysis to cluster sample point data into six communities. The vegetation classification obtained by interpretation (visual and digital) of remote sensing data and TWINSPAN were compared to validate the vegetation classification at community level. The phytosociological data collected from sample points were analysed to characterize communities. The results indicate that structural variations in the communities modulate spectral signatures of vegetation and form basis to describe community structure subjectively and at spatial level.  相似文献   

大尺度不透水面遥感估算方法比较——以京津唐为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
岳玉娟  周伟奇  钱雨果  韩立建 《生态学报》2015,35(13):4390-4397
城市不透水面既是常用的城市化程度指标,也是衡量环境质量的重要指标。采用遥感技术准确提取城市不透水面并分析其空间扩张过程,对生态城市建设具有重要意义。基于Landsat 5 TM影像,采用NDVI二元法和线性光谱分解法,分别提取北京、天津和唐山3个城市不透水面信息,并将不透水面估算结果与近同期的ALOS影像提取结果对比验证。结果表明,线性光谱分解法获取的不透水面结果较好,RMSE为20.6%,能有效提取大范围的不透水面信息。  相似文献   

Remote sensing with time series data offers considerable potential in the trajectory of post forest fire dynamics beyond the current monitoring of structural attributes that are displayed in the post-fire area. Many studies have addressed this topic by using time series remote sensing indices; however, this approach has sometimes been demonstrated as an unrealistic and biased representation of the post-fire forest patterns due to the saturation issues of vegetation indices. These saturation issues then lead to an underestimation of the forest successional stages and an overestimation of the forest recovery rate. This paper aims to develop a framework for trajectory of the post-fire forest patterns in the Siberian boreal larch forest (Larix sibirica) with the synergistic use of different remote sensing based vegetation-cover indicators derived from the Landsat time series and the WorldView-2 images. A time-series of the forest recovery index (FRI) and fractional vegetation cover (FVC) has been analyzed to estimate the rates of forest regeneration and vegetation recovery across different burn severity levels in the Siberian larch forest. The results showed that the FRI method can be used to observe the regrowth of the larch forest from the tenth year after the fire overlapping with the period of significant increase in the sapling stem volume. The post-fire larch forest canopy can fully recover to the pre-fire condition with respect to the magnitude of the FRI values after 30–47 years where the highest regeneration rate was observed in the moderate burn severity areas followed by the low and high burn severity. On the other hand, the FVC method was positively correlated with burn severity and more sensitive for evaluating the early stages of the forest succession in which the FVC dramatically increases after 5–6 years after the fire. The significant growth of FVC was accentuated by the maximum emergence of the sapling density as well as the rapid growth of herbaceous plants, grasses, shrubs, and shade-intolerant trees immediately after the fire, which could not be evaluated using the FRI. Both time series of the FRI and the FVC are valuable tools for determining the dominant stages of the post-fire larch forest succession in order to understand the relationships between fire disturbance and natural cycles of the boreal larch forest.  相似文献   

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