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GroEL-mediated protein folding.   总被引:18,自引:6,他引:12       下载免费PDF全文
I. Architecture of GroEL and GroES and the reaction pathway A. Architecture of the chaperonins B. Reaction pathway of GroEL-GroES-mediated folding II. Polypeptide binding A. A parallel network of chaperones binding polypeptides in vivo B. Polypeptide binding in vitro 1. Role of hydrophobicity in recognition 2. Homologous proteins with differing recognition-differences in primary structure versus effects on folding pathway 3. Conformations recognized by GroEL a. Refolding studies b. Binding of metastable intermediates c. Conformations while stably bound at GroEL 4. Binding constants and rates of association 5. Conformational changes in the substrate protein associated with binding by GroEL a. Observations b. Kinetic versus thermodynamic action of GroEL in mediating unfolding c. Crossing the energy landscape in the presence of GroEL III. ATP binding and hydrolysis-driving the reaction cycle IV. GroEL-GroES-polypeptide ternary complexes-the folding-active cis complex A. Cis and trans ternary complexes B. Symmetric complexes C. The folding-active intermediate of a chaperonin reaction-cis ternary complex D. The role of the cis space in the folding reaction E. Folding governed by a "timer" mechanism F. Release of nonnative polypeptides during the GroEL-GroES reaction G. Release of both native and nonnative forms under physiologic conditions H. A role for ATP binding, as well as hydrolysis, in the folding cycle V. Concluding remarks.  相似文献   

Two papers recently published in Cell investigate the role of protein encapsulation by GroEL in assisting folding. The first shows how encapsulation can "smooth" the folding landscape, accelerating folding of some proteins. The second defines a confinement-independent pathway, which allows GroEL to assist folding of substrates too large to be encapsulated.  相似文献   

M K Hayer-Hartl  F Weber    F U Hartl 《The EMBO journal》1996,15(22):6111-6121
As a basic principle, assisted protein folding by GroEL has been proposed to involve the disruption of misfolded protein structures through ATP hydrolysis and interaction with the cofactor GroES. Here, we describe chaperonin subreactions that prompt a re-examination of this view. We find that GroEL-bound substrate polypeptide can induce GroES cycling on and off GroEL in the presence of ADP. This mechanism promotes efficient folding of the model protein rhodanese, although at a slower rate than in the presence of ATP. Folding occurs when GroES displaces the bound protein into the sequestered volume of the GroEL cavity. Resulting native protein leaves GroEL upon GroES release. A single-ring variant of GroEL is also fully functional in supporting this reaction cycle. We conclude that neither the energy of ATP hydrolysis nor the allosteric coupling of the two GroEL rings is directly required for GroEL/GroES-mediated protein folding. The minimal mechanism of the reaction is the binding and release of GroES to a polypeptide-containing ring of GroEL, thereby closing and opening the GroEL folding cage. The role of ATP hydrolysis is mainly to induce conformational changes in GroEL that result in GroES cycling at a physiologically relevant rate.  相似文献   

Despite extensive structural and kinetic studies, the mechanism by which the Escherichia coli chaperonin GroEL assists protein folding has remained somewhat elusive. It appears that GroEL might play an active role in facilitating folding, in addition to its role in restricting protein aggregation by secluding folding intermediates. We have investigated the kinetic mechanism of GroEL-mediated refolding of the small protein barstar. GroEL accelerates the observed fast (millisecond) refolding rate, but it does not affect the slow refolding kinetics. A thermodynamic coupling mechanism, in which the concentration of exchange-competent states is increased by the law of mass action, can explain the enhancement of the fast refolding rates. It is not necessary to invoke a catalytic role for GroEL, whereby either the intrinsic refolding rate of a productive folding transition or the unfolding rate of a kinetically trapped off-pathway intermediate is increased by the chaperonin.  相似文献   

Various proteins sharing thioredoxin (Trx)-like active site sequences (Cys-Xxx-Xxx-Cys) have been found and classified in the Trx superfamily. Among them, transmembrane Trx-related protein (TMX) was recently identified as a novel protein possessing an atypical active site sequence, Cys-Pro-Ala-Cys. In the present study, we describe the properties of this membranous Trx-related molecule. Endogenous TMX was detected as a protein of approximately 30 kDa with a cleavable signal peptide. TMX was enriched in membrane fractions and exhibited a similar subcellular distribution with calnexin localized in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). The examination of membrane topology of TMX suggested that the N-terminal region containing the Trx-like domain was present in the ER lumen, where protein disulfide isomerase (PDI) was found to assist protein folding. Recombinant TMX showed PDI-like activity to refold scrambled RNase. These results indicate the possibility that TMX can modify certain molecules with its oxidoreductase activity and be involved in the redox regulation in the ER.  相似文献   

The protein folding behavior of a polyelectrolyte protein, bovine dentine phosphophoryn (BDPP), in the pH range of 1.82–11.0 has been investigated. One- and two-dimensional nmr spectroscopy has been utilized to obtain proton spin assignments for amino acid residues in D2O and in H2O. One-dimensional 31P-nmr experiments verify the existence of three separate classes of O-phosphoserine (PSer) resonances in BDPP (α, β, χ), representing three distinct PSer residue populations at pH 6.94. By means of pH titration and 1H-nmr, five populations of Asp residues can be identified. Three of these populations exhibit secondary inflection points on their pH titration curves that correspond to an observed pKa of 6.17–6.95. The presence or absence of secondary inflection points for Asp populations and the 31P-nmr chemical shift dispersion for the three PSer residue populations indicate that BDPP may be comprised of homologous (Asp-Asp)n. (PSer-PSer)n, and heterologous (PSer-Asp)n sequences arranged into polyelectrolyte cluster regions. The pH titration also revealed that certain populations of Ser, Gly, and Pro residues in BDPP exhibit pH-dependent resonance frequency shifts. The “apparent” pK, for the transition points of these frequency shifts corresponds to either the pK of Pser monophosphatc ester and/or the pKa of Asp COOH group of BDPP polyelectrolyte regions. On the basis of these transition points, we can assign four types of Ser, Gly, or Pro-containing “intervening” regions in BDPP, based on their sensitivity to protonation and deprotonation events occurring at (Asp)n, (PSer)n, or (PSer-Asp)n anionic cluster regions that flank the intervening regions. Our 1H-ninr experiments also reveal that BDPP assumes a folded conformation at low pH. As the pH increases, this conformation undergoes several unfolding transitions as the BDPP molecule assumes more open conformations in response to increased electrostatic repulsion between polyelectrolyte anionic regions in the protein. These folding-unfolding transitions are mediated by the intervening regions, which act as “hinges” to allow the polyelectrolyte regions to fold relative to one another. © 1994 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Although molecular simulation methods have yielded valuable insights into mechanistic aspects of protein refolding in vitro, they have up to now not been used to model the folding of proteins as they are actually synthesized by the ribosome. To address this issue, we report here simulation studies of three model proteins: chymotrypsin inhibitor 2 (CI2), barnase, and Semliki forest virus protein (SFVP), and directly compare their folding during ribosome-mediated synthesis with their refolding from random, denatured conformations. To calibrate the methodology, simulations are first compared with in vitro data on the folding stabilities of N-terminal fragments of CI2 and barnase; the simulations reproduce the fact that both the stability and thermal folding cooperativity increase as fragments increase in length. Coupled simulations of synthesis and folding for the same two proteins are then described, showing that both fold essentially post-translationally, with mechanisms effectively identical to those for refolding. In both cases, confinement of the nascent polypeptide chain within the ribosome tunnel does not appear to promote significant formation of native structure during synthesis; there are however clear indications that the formation of structure within the nascent chain is sensitive to location within the ribosome tunnel, being subject to both gain and loss as the chain lengthens. Interestingly, simulations in which CI2 is artificially stabilized show a pronounced tendency to become trapped within the tunnel in partially folded conformations: non-cooperative folding, therefore, appears in the simulations to exert a detrimental effect on the rate at which fully folded conformations are formed. Finally, simulations of the two-domain protease module of SFVP, which experimentally folds cotranslationally, indicate that for multi-domain proteins, ribosome-mediated folding may follow different pathways from those taken during refolding. Taken together, these studies provide a first step toward developing more realistic methods for simulating protein folding as it occurs in vivo.  相似文献   

Recently some heat-shock proteins have been linked to functions of 'chaperoning' protein folding in vivo. Here current experimental evidence is reviewed and possible requirements for such an activity are discussed. It is proposed that one mode of chaperone action is to actively unfold misfolded or badly aggregated proteins to a conformation from which they could refold spontaneously; that improperly folded proteins are recognized by excessive stretches of solvent-exposed backbone, rather than by exposed hydrophobic patches; and that the molecular mechanism for unfolding is either repeated binding and dissociation ('plucking') or translocation of the protein backbone through a binding cleft ('threading'), allowing the threaded chain to refold spontaneously. The observed hydrolysis of ATP would provide the energy for active unfolding. These hypotheses can be applied to both monomeric folding and oligomeric assembly and are sufficiently detailed to be open to directed experimental verification.  相似文献   

This study focuses on the phenomenon of kinetic partitioning when a polypeptide chain has two ground-state conformations, one of which is kinetically more reachable than the other. We designed sequences for lattice model proteins with two different conformations of equal energy corresponding to the global energy minimum. Folding simulations revealed that one of these conformations was indeed much more kinetically accessible than the other. We found that the number and strength of local contacts in the ground-state conformation are the major factors that determine which conformation is reached faster; the greater the number of local contacts, the more kinetically reachable a conformation is. We present simple statistical–mechanical arguments to explain these findings. Our results may be relevant in explaining the phenomenology of such proteins as human plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1), photosystem II, and prions. Proteins 31:335–344, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Different multivariate data analysis techniques based on factor analysis and multivariate curve resolution are shown for the study of biochemical evolutionary processes like conformational changes and protein folding. Several simulated CD spectral data sets describing different hypothetical protein folding pathways are analyzed and discussed in relation to the feasibility of factor analysis techniques to detect and resolve the number of components needed to explain the evolution of the CD spectra corresponding to the process (i.e., to detect the presence of intermediate forms). When more than two components (the native and unordered forms) are needed to explain the evolution of the spectra, an iterative multivariate curve resolution procedure based on an alternating least squares algorithm is proposed to estimate the CD spectrum corresponding to the intermediate form.  相似文献   

Solvent accessibility, protein surfaces, and protein folding.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Studies of the native structures of proteins, together with measurements of the thermodynamic properties of the transition between unfolded and native states, have defined the major components of the forces that stabilize native protein structures. However, the nature of the intermediates in the folding process remains largely hypothetical. It is a fairly widespread and not implausible assumption that the intermediates in the folding of a monomeric protein contain the same kinds of secondary and tertiary structures that appear in the native conformation, and that, although unstable, their lifetimes are prolonged by forces similar to those that stabilize the native structure. We wished to examine what happens if, during the folding of a monomeric protein, regions of secondary structure come together to form an intermediate of reduced instability. We applied calculations of accessible surface area (a measure of hydrophobic stabilization) and parameterized nonbonded energy calculations (measuring the strengths of van der Waals forces) to identify the kinds of stabilizing interactions that might be available to such an intermediate. First, we analyzed the total buried surface area of two types of proteins into contributions from formation of secondary structure alone, interaction of pairs of secondary-structural elements, the formation of the structure alone, interaction of pairs of secondary-structural elements, the formation of the complete secondary structure without the turns, and the complete native structure. The formation of secondary structure alone, without tertiary-structural interactions, buries roughly half the surface that the complete structure does. We then analyzed in more detail the approach of two alpha-helices to form a complex, as an illustrative example of the nature of the interaction between compact structural units which remain fairly rigid during their interaction. Many features of the results are not limited to the interaction of alpha-helices. (The results therefore neither confirm nor refute the hypothesis that alpha-helices are intermediates in the folding proteins). We find that the first forces to be felt upon approach arise from solvent conditions on the relative position and orientation of the two helices as does the close packing which optimizes the van der Waals interactions at shorter distances apart. Therefore there appears to be a range of distances in which hydrophobic interactions could create a nonspecific complex between two helices in which the side chains might have sufficient time to seek the proper interdigitation observed in the native structure, where the two helices are in intimate contact. Indeed, we find that only in the final stages of approach is the native geometry the most stable; in the region in which solvent-exclusion forces predominate, the conformation with helix axes parallel is more stable than the native conformation, in the cases we examined...  相似文献   

Protective antigen (PA) is the central receptor binding component of anthrax toxin, which translocates catalytic components of the toxin into the cytosol of mammalian cells. Ever since the crystal structure of PA was solved, there have been speculations regarding the possible role of calcium ions present in domain I of the protein. We have carried out a systematic study to elucidate the effect of calcium removal on the structural stability of PA using various optical spectroscopic techniques, limited proteolysis and mutational analysis. Urea denaturation studies clearly suggest that the unfolding pathway of the protein follows a non-two state transition with apo-PA being an intermediate species, whereas the folding pathway shows that calcium ions may be critical for the initial protein assembly.  相似文献   

Protein folding: Chaperoning protein evolution   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

The review analyzes the research concerning the folding of proteins in the course of their synthesis on ribosomes. The experimental data obtained for various proteins using various methods give grounds for concluding that a nascent protein largely acquires its spatial structure while still attached to the ribosome, and final folding into the biologically active conformation takes place as soon as the completed protein is released therefrom. Cotranslational folding is characteristic of both bacterial and eukaryotic cells, and appears to be the universal and the most evolutionarily ancient mechanism.  相似文献   

Single-molecule force-quench atomic force microscopy (FQ-AFM) is used to detect folding intermediates of a simple protein by detecting changes of molecular stiffness of the protein during its folding process. Those stiffness changes are obtained from shape and peaks of an autocorrelation of fluctuations in end-to-end length of the folding molecule. The results are supported by predictions of the equipartition theorem and agree with existing Langevin dynamics simulations of a simplified model of a protein folding. In the light of the Langevin simulations the experimental data probe an ensemble of random-coiled collapsed states of the protein, which are present both in the force-quench and thermal-quench folding pathways.  相似文献   

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