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Growth inhibitors produced by the green algae (Volvocaceae)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary A complex system of growth inhibition is present in the green algae (Volvocaceae). Inhibitors are found in the culture filtrates of some genera which limit their own growth (autoinhibition) while others in the family produce inhibitors which check the growth of other genera (heteroinhibition). These inhibitors are destroyed by autoclaving.  相似文献   

Morphological variability of polyhedral colonies of green algae (Volvocaceae) were studied using some elements of combinative theory of polyhedron and the theory of diophantine equations. These colonies are considered as results of self-organization according to topological regularities of sphere dissection by convex polygons. It was shown that in three-dimensional Euclidean space for each colony of Pandorina morum (Müll.) Bory only three different forms are possible. One of them has no plane of symmetry and, thus, has two enantiomorphous varieties. It is suggested that frequency spectrum of forms can be used as potential indicator of environment pollution.  相似文献   

Morphological features of sexual reproduction in the Volvocaceae are reviewed, focusing particularly on gametic union and zygote gemination. Both of the two conjugating gametes of the isogamous generaPandorina, Volvulina andYamagishiella bear a tubular mating structure (mating papilla), and plasmogamy is initiated by union of the papillae tips. On zygote germination, a single biflagellate gone cell is released from the zygote wall. Although all the anisogamous and oogamous genera of the Volvocaceae produce “sperm packets” during gametogenesis and a single gone cell at zygote germination, some difference can be recognized in the male gametes. The male gametes ofEudorina bear a tubular cytoplasmic protuberance (putative mating papllla) near the base of the flagella, whereas such a structure recognized at the light microscopic level is not evident inPleodorina andVolvox. Evolution of the sexual reproduction characteristics of volvocacean algae is discussed on the basis of recent cladistic analysis of morphological data as well as of the ribosomal (r) RNA phylogeny and large subunit of the ribulose-1, 5-biphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase(rbcL) gene trees. Dedicated to Emeritus Prof. Hideo Kasaki (Tokyo Metropolitan University) on the occasion of his 77th birthday. Recipient of the Botanical Society Award for Young Scientists, 1994.  相似文献   

A physical restriction map of the mitochondrial genome from one clone (TCC 854) of the sexually isolated populations (syngens) of the morphologically uniform species Pandorina morum Bory has been constructed using restriction endonucleases Ava I, Bam HI, Bgl II, Eco RI, Kpn I, and Pst I. The 20 kb linear genome can easily be separated from plastid DNA, nuclear satellite rDNA, and main band (nuclear) DNA on a Hoechst/CsCl buoyant density gradient. The Pandorina mitochondrial DNA shows sufficient similarity to the 16 kb mitochondrial genome of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii to cross-hybridize, and also hybridizes with a probe containing maize mitochondrial 18S rRNA genes. Double digests, self-probing, and Bal31 exonuclease experiments suggest that 1.8 to 3.3 kb of sequence is repeated at each end of the genome as an inverted repeat. Mitochondrial genome sizes of other P. morum syngens were found to range from ca. 20 to ca. 38 kb. The mitochondrial genome should be valuable for taxonomic studies; it can be used for comparative organellar studies; and it should be of interest to compare with that of other plant and animal mitochondrial genomes.  相似文献   



Green algae of the family Volvocaceae are a model lineage for studying the molecular evolution of multicellularity and cellular differentiation. The volvocine alga Gonium is intermediate in organizational complexity between its unicellular relative, Chlamydomonas, and its multicellular relatives with differentiated cell types, such as Volvox. Gonium pectorale consists of ~16 biflagellate cells arranged in a flat plate. The detailed molecular analysis of any species necessitates its accessibility to genetic manipulation, but, in volvocine algae, transformation procedures have so far only been established for Chlamydomonas reinhardtii and Volvox carteri.  相似文献   

Multicellularity arose several times in evolution of eukaryotes. The volvocine algae have full range of colonial organization from unicellular to colonies, and thus these algae are well-known models for examining the evolution and mechanisms of multicellularity. Gonium pectorale is a multicellular species of Volvocales and is thought to be one of the first small colonial organisms among the volvocine algae. In these algae, a cytoplasmic bridge is one of the key traits that arose during the evolution of multicellularity. Here, we observed the inversion process and the cytoplasmic bridges in G. pectorale using time-lapse, fluorescence, and electron microscopy. The cytoplasmic bridges were located in the middle region of the cell in 2-, 4-, 8-, and 16-celled stages and in inversion stages. However, there were no cytoplasmic bridges in the mature adult stage. Cytoplasmic bridges and cortical microtubules in G. pectorale suggest that a mechanism of kinesin-microtubule machinery similar to that in other volvocine algae is responsible for inversion in this species.  相似文献   

The colonial volvocine algae span the full range of organizational complexity, from four-celled species to multicellular species, and this group of algae is often used for the study of evolution. In recent years, many organelle genomes have been sequenced using the application of next generation sequencing technology; however, only a few organelle genomes have been reported in colonial volvocine algae. In this study, we determined the organelle genomes of Eudorina elegans and Eudorina cylindrica and analysed the organelle genome size, structure and gene content between these volvocine species. This provided useful information to help us understand the composition of colonial volvocine organelle genomes. Based on the chloroplast genome protein-coding genes, we conducted a phylogenomics analysis of the volvocine algae. The result revealed an unexpected phylogenetic relationship, namely, E. elegans is more closely related to Pleodorina starrii than to E. cylindrica. The substitution rate of volvocine algae was then calculated based on organelle genome protein-coding genes; our analysis suggested the possibility that the two Eudorina species may be under similar evolutionary pressure. Lastly, the synteny analysis of the mitochondrial genome showed that gene arrangements and contents are highly conserved in the family Volvocaceae, and the synteny analysis of the chloroplast genome indicated that the genus Eudorina may have experienced genomic changes.  相似文献   

The vitamin B requirement of Phaeocystis globosa (Prymnesiophyceae)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In batch cultures of flagellates and non-flagellate cells ofPhaeocystis globosa, the biomass yield was significantly enhancedby the addition of a mixture of the vitamins thiamine (B1),cyanocobalamin (B12) and biotin (H). A bioassay with B1 andB12 using the non-flagellate cells of P.globosa showed thatthis prymnesiophyte is a B1 auxotroph. The bioassay also indicateda significant difference in growth rate between culture mediumwith 10 nmol l–1 B1 (µ = 0.80 day–1) and culturemedium with 10 nmol l–1 B12 (µ = 0.52 day–1).These findings are discussed in relation to the hypothesis thatcentric diatoms, through vitamin B1 excretion or B12 depletion,initiate Phaeocystis blooms. It is concluded, however, thatan alternative hypothesis, that diatoms provide a solid substratefor colony initiation, has more experimental support.  相似文献   

A 16‐week experiment was accomplished to determine the dietary niacin requirement of fingerling Channa punctatus (6.8 ± 0.92 cm; 4.65 ± 0.46 g) by feeding seven casein‐gelatin based isonitrogenous (450 g/kg CP) and isoenergetic (18.39 kJ/g GE) diets with graded levels of niacin (0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 and 60 mg/kg diet) twice a day to apparent satiation to triplicate groups of fish. Significantly best absolute weight gain (AWG; 38.19 g/fish), feed conversion ratio (FCR; 1.42) and protein retention efficiency (PRE; 26.47%) were registered in fish fed 40 mg niacin/kg diet. Also, fish fed above diet exhibited maximum carcass protein. Hemoglobin (Hb), RBCs counts and hematocrit (Hct) were improved with the incremental levels of dietary niacin up to 40 mg/kg. However, liver niacin content showed the positive correlation up to 50 mg/kg niacin and then leveled off. Fingerling C. punctatus fed niacin‐free diet showed retarded growth, poor feed utilization, high mortality, difficult motion and skin haemorrhage. Broken‐line regression analysis of AWG, FCR and PRE indicated that fingerling C. punctatus require niacin in the range of 37.1–42.1, whereas that of liver niacin concentration indicated the niacin requirement at 52.3 mg/kg dry diet.  相似文献   

在广东省深圳水库采集的浮游植物样品中发现团藻科1个单种属及其种:板藻属(Platydorina)、具尾板藻(Platydorina caudata Kofoid)。植物体扁平状马蹄形,微呈左旋;在马蹄形后端具3至5个胶质突起;由16或32个细胞在胶质基质中朝不同的方向排列成单层的群体,细胞球形或梨形,具2条等长鞭毛,细胞在群体两面交错排列;每个细胞具1个眼点;鞭毛基部具2个伸缩泡;色素体大型杯状,1个蛋白核位于杯状色素体的基部。无性繁殖通过亲体部分或全部细胞的反复分裂完成;有性生殖为异配生殖,形成厚壁休眠合子。  相似文献   

Hisayoshi Nozaki 《Biologia》2008,63(6):778-780
Zygote germination of the anisogamous/oogamous colonial green flagellate Pleodorina starrii was observed. After the zygotes were transferred to the usual, illuminated conditions from the dark treatment on the agar plate, they began to germinate. The germinating zygotes gave rise to one or two viable biflagellate gone cells. This type of zygote germination is rare in the colonial Volvocales and may characterize a certain lineage within the anisogamous/oogamous members of the colonial Volvocales. Presented at the International Symposium Biology and Taxonomy of Green Algae V, Smolenice, June 26–29, 2007, Slovakia.  相似文献   



A problem has remained unresolved regarding the exceptions to the unilateral inheritance of chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) from MT+/female in Chlamydomonas and other volvocaleans demonstrated by the previous genetic analyses. For identification of the parental types of cpDNA, these studies used parents that have differences in restriction fragment length polymorphisms and exhibit partial sexual incompatibility.

Methodology/Principal Findings

In the present study, we used sexually compatible parents of the isogamous colonial volvocalean Gonium maiaprilis that seemed an ideal species to identify the pattern of cpDNA inheritance based on the length difference in the putative group I intron interrupted in the Rubisco large subunit gene and objective identification of mating types by the presence or absence of the minus-dominance (MID) gene. We examined patterns of inheritance of cpDNA and presence/absence of a MID ortholog (GmMID) in 107 F1 progeny of G. maiaprilis that were obtained by inducing germination of separated single zygotes. The results demonstrated no exception of the uniparental inheritance of cpDNA from the MT+ parent (lacking GmMID) in sexually compatible or genetically less divergent strains of G. maiaprilis.


The present data suggest that the uniparental inheritance of cpDNA is likely more strict in crossings of less diverged strains or sexually compatible parental volvocaleans, and some genetic inconsistency between the parents may cause exceptional uniparental inheritance of cpDNA.  相似文献   

Although sterlet sturgeon is a valuable candidate for aquaculture development, information regarding the nutrient requirements of this species is limited. Therefore, in this study, we aimed to determine the optimum protein level required by sterlet sturgeon fingerlings. Groups of fingerlings (mean initial body weight ± SD: 7.02 ± 0.02 g; N = 3) were assigned to one of the six dietary protein levels at 29.1%, 39.1%, 46.8%, 49.2%, 53.7%, and 57.6% on a dry matter basis. Isocaloric (18.3 ± 0.2 kJ GE/g diet) semi-purified diets were prepared using white fish meal and casein as the major sources of protein. After the 8-week feeding trial, the fingerlings fed the 49.2% protein diet exhibited the best results in terms of weight gain, feed efficiency, and whole-body nutrient composition (crude protein, crude lipid, gross energy, and amino acid contents), whereas those fed the 53.7% and 57.6% protein diets showed poor performance. Application of the two-slope straight broken-line and quadratic models on the dataset of weight gain revealed the optimum protein level to be 45.9% and 44.1%, respectively. Based on the model selection criteria, including the adjusted coefficient of correlation and corrected Akaike information criterion, the protein level (44.1%) estimated using the quadratic model was more accurate than that obtained using another model (45.9%). Taken together, 44.1% protein level (18.3 kJ GE/g diet on dry matter basis) resulted in the optimal growth of the sterlet sturgeon fingerlings (initial body weight: approximately 7 g).  相似文献   

在广东省深圳水库采集的浮游植物样品中发现团藻科1个单种属及其种:板藻属(Platydorina)、具尾板藻(Platydorina caudata Kofoid)。植物体扁平状马蹄形,微呈左旋;在马蹄形后端具3至5个胶质突起;由16或32个细胞在胶质基质中朝不同的方向排列成单层的群体,细胞球形或梨形,具2条等长鞭毛,细胞在群体两面交错排列;每个细胞具1个眼点;鞭毛基部具2个伸缩泡;色素体大型杯状,1个蛋白核位于杯状色素体的基部。无性繁殖通过亲体部分或全部细胞的反复分裂完成;有性生殖为异配生殖,形成厚壁休眠合子。  相似文献   

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