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Abstract. 1. Although the majority of lycaenid–ant associations is facultative, few studies have documented the protection benefits provided by ants to lycaenids that are tended facultatively (Pierce & Easteal, 1986; Peterson, 1993).
2. Larvae of Hemiargus isola (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae) feeding on Dalea albiflora are tended facultatively by several species of ant. In 1999 and 2000, the levels of parasitism and the identities of attendant ants were determined for larvae of H. isola . In addition, the presence of ants was manipulated experimentally to determine the efficacy of protection provided by attendant ants to H. isola .
3. Lycaenids were parasitised by a braconid wasp, Cotesia cyaniridis (Riley), and a tachinid fly, Aplomya theclarum (Scudder). In 1999 and 2000, 62 and 65% of larvae were parasitised; the percentage of the population parasitised did not differ significantly between years. In both 1999 and 2000, parasitism by the braconid wasp C. cyaniridis accounted for > 99% of all parasitism events.
4. Four species of ant, Crematogaster sp., Dorymyrmex sp., Forelius sp., and Formica sp., were associated with 88–99% of the tended lycaenids collected in both 1999 and 2000. For both years, there was a single, numerically dominant species associated with >80% of the tended larvae collected, but the identity of this numerically dominant ant differed between years.
5. Experimental exclusion of ants from D. albiflora plants resulted in 78% larval mortality as a result of parasitism, nearly twice that of larvae that were tended by ants on unmanipulated plants.  相似文献   

Diane Wagner 《Oecologia》1993,96(2):276-281
The transfer of nutrients between organisms is a common feature of mutualism. The production of these food rewards is often assumed to be costly. Estimation of the costs of producing food rewards is important for understanding the overall effects of the interaction on fitness. When food rewards are harvested by several species differing in foraging behavior, costs to the producer may differ. The larvae of many species in the butterfly family Lycaenidae produce secretions consumed by tending ants. Here I report that three North American ant species, Formica perpilosa, Dorymyrmex sp. (smithi complex), and Forelius foetida, had no negative effect on the duration of development and adult size of the lycaenid Hemiargus isola. Moreover, tending by the ant Formica perpilosa significantly enhanced larval growth, resulting in butterflies that were 20% heavier than their untended counterparts. Tending by the ants Dorymyrmex sp. (smithi complex) and Forelius foetida had no effect on butterfly weight. Tended, nonfeeding larvae lost 69% more weight than untended, nonfeeding larvae. Taken together, the results suggest that, although ant tending imposes a physiological cost, H. isola larvae use behavioral or physiological mechanisms to compensate or overcompensate for nutrients lost to ants.  相似文献   

  • 1 Juveniles of the Australian lycaenid butterfly, Jalmenus evagorus (Donovan), secrete to ants a solution of sugars and amino acids, primarily serine. The attendant ants protect the larvae and pupae from parasites and predators.
  • 2 The effect of caterpillar nutrition on the defence provided by ants was investigated. Potted food plants of Acacia decurrens were either given water containing nitrogenous fertilizer or were given water alone. Fertilized plants had a higher nitrogen content than unfertilized plants.
  • 3 Fifth instar larvae of J.evagoras feeding on fertilized plants attracted a larger ant guard than those feeding on unfertilized plants. In the absence of caterpillars, ants were not differentially attracted to fertilized and unfertilized plants.
  • 4 In the presence of ants, over a 10-day period, larvae on fertilized plants survived better than larvae on unfertilized plants. In the absence of ants larvae survived equally on fertilized and unfertilized plants. It is concluded that larvae on fertilized plants attracted a larger ant guard, and thereby survived better, than larvae on unfertilized plants.
  • 5 Adult females of J. evagoras preferred to lay egg batches on fertiized, rather than unfertilized plants, but they did not lay larger egg batches.

The role of mutualistic interactions in adaptive diversification has not been thoroughly examined. Lycaenid butterflies provide excellent systems for exploring mutualistic interactions, as more than half of this family is known to use ants as a resource in interactions that range from parasitism to mutualism. We investigate the hypothesis that protection from predators offered to caterpillars by ants might facilitate host-range evolution. Specifically, experiments with the butterfly Lycaeides melissa investigated the role of ant association in the use of a novel host, alfalfa, Medicago sativa, which is a sub-optimal host for larval development. Survival on alfalfa is increased by the presence of ants, thus supporting the hypothesis that interaction with ants might be important for host-range evolution. Using a demographic model to explore ecological conditions associated with host-range expansion in L. melissa, we conclude that the presence of ants might be an essential component for populations persisting on the novel, sub-optimal host.  相似文献   

The swallowtail butterfly Papilio polytes is known for its striking resemblance in wing pattern to the toxic butterfly Pachliopta aristolochiae and is a focal system for the study of mimicry evolution. Papilio polytes females are polymorphic in wing pattern, with mimetic and nonmimetic forms, while males are monomorphic and nonmimetic. Past work invokes selection for mimicry as the driving force behind wing pattern evolution in P. polytes. However, the mimetic relationship between P. polytes and P. aristolochiae is not well understood. In order to test the mimicry hypothesis, we constructed paper replicas of mimetic and nonmimetic P. polytes and P. aristolochiae, placed them in their natural habitat, and measured bird predation on replicas. In initial trials with stationary replicas and plasticine bodies, overall predation was low and we found no differences in predation between replica types. In later trials with replicas mounted on springs and with live mealworms standing in for the butterfly's body, we found less predation on mimetic P. polytes replicas compared to nonmimetic P. polytes replicas, consistent with the predator avoidance benefits of mimicry. While our results are mixed, they generally lend support to the mimicry hypothesis as well as the idea that behavioral differences between the sexes contributed to the evolution of sexually dimorphic mimicry.  相似文献   

The growth process of a living organism is studied with the help of a mathematical model where a part of the surplus power is assumed to be used for growth. In the present study, the basic mathematical framework of the growth process is based on a pioneering theory proposed by von Bertalanffy and his work is the main intellectual driving force behind the present analysis. Considering the existence of an optimum size for which the surplus power becomes maximum, it has been found that the scaling exponent for the intake rate must be smaller than the exponent for the metabolic cost. A relationship among the empirical constants in allometric scaling has also been established on the basis of the fact that an organism never ceases to generate surplus energy. The growth process is found to continue forever, although with a decreasing rate. Beyond the optimum point the percentage of shortfall in energy has been calculated and its dependence on scaling exponents has been determined. The dependence of optimum mass on the empirical constants has been shown graphically. The functional dependence of mass variation on time has been obtained by solving a differential equation based on the concept of surplus energy. The dependence of the growth process on scaling exponent and empirical constants has been shown graphically.  相似文献   

Summary Larvae and pupae of lycaenid butteflies are often associated with ants: this is usually a mutualism in which ants guard the lycaenids from natural enemies, and the lycaenid larvae and pupae provide sugars and amino acids for the ants. A possible consequence of the interaction is spatially correlated ant and lycaenid distributions, but the phenomenon is poorly documented. We examined the lycaenid Plebejus argus, which is tended by Lasius ants. Within habitat patches, P. argus eggs, larvae and pupae were all spatially associated with Lasius. On a larger scale, the densities of butterflies in different habitat patches and populations, and whether the butterfly was present or not, were correlated with Lasius ant densities. The association of P. argus with Lasius ants is consistent among populations, and occurs at several spatial scales. Other aspects of the ecology of P. argus are more variable.  相似文献   

  • 1 The relationships between red wood ants (Formica rufa group) and other ground‐dwelling arthropods were studied in young managed forests stands in Eastern Finland. The main objectives were: (i) to test the influence of stand type (dominant tree species; age: sapling versus pole stage) and numbers of red wood ants on the occurrence of other ground‐dwelling arthropods and (ii) to study the occurrence of red wood ants versus other arthropods on a distance gradient from ant mounds. We used pitfall traps set in 5–14‐year‐old sapling stands and 30–45‐year‐old pole‐stage stands of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) and birch (Betula spp.) forests.
  • 2 Pitfall trap catches of red wood ants did not vary significantly between the forest stand types, although some groups of other arthropods showed clear responses to stand type (e.g. catches of other Formicinae and Gnaphosidae were higher in sapling stands than in pole‐stage stands). The number of red wood ants clearly explained less of the variation in assemblages of other ground‐dwelling arthropods than the forest stand type.
  • 3 Red wood ant numbers decreased significantly with distance from the mounds, but the other ground‐dwelling arthropods were insensitive to this gradient or even showed a preference for proximity to ant mounds and high ant activity.
  • 4 The results obtained in the present study suggest that wood ants do not have strong effects on several other ground‐dwelling arthropod groups in young managed forests other than in the immediate vicinity of their mounds.

  • 1 Larvae of the North American lycaenid butterfly Hemiargus isola Reakirt tended by the ant Formica perpilosa Wheeler often enter nests of this ant species, and pupate in tunnels and chambers near the surface. Untended larvae and those tended by the ants Dorymyrmex Forel sp. (smithi complex), Forelius foetida (Buckley), and Myrmecocystus mimicus Wheeler pupate in crevices in the ground, under bark, and on leaves; but rarely inside ant nests.
  • 2 The location and structure of F.perpilosa nests facilitates discovery by H.isola prepupae. At the southeast Arizona study site, F.perpilosa nests are located at the base of H.isola's host plant, whereas other species’nests are in open ground. Also, F.perpilosa nest openings are wide, whereas those of other species may be too narrow for prepupae to enter.
  • 3 Prepupae associated with F.perpilosa spent 67% less time on the ground searching for pupation sites than prepupae associated with other ant species. Pupae in artificial chambers connected to F.perpilosa nests were 4–5 times less likely to disappear overnight, presumably due to predation, than those not connected to nests.
  • 4 Formica perpilosa ants tend pupae inside nests. However, in the laboratory experiments tended pupae did not lose more weight prior to eclosion than untended ones, suggesting that chemicals or sounds produced by pupae as ant attractants are inexpensive, or are produced whether or not ants are present.
  • 5 Newly-eclosed butterflies exited nests unmolested by ants in the field, but were attacked if confined with ants for several minutes after eclosion in the laboratory.

We compared the pupal stridulatory organs of 35 species and one subspecies of Iberian Lycaenidae using scanning electron microscopy. The studied species belong to the tribes Theclini, Eumaeini, Lycaenini, and Polyommatini. Nine species do not show stridulatory organs on the pupae but all other species possess them. Stridulatory organs are formed by a stridulatory plate (pars stridens) placed on the fifth abdominal segment and a file (plectron) in the sixth abdominal segment. The plate has tubercles in the Theclini and Lycaenini, tubercles, ridges, or undulations in the Eumaenini, and tubercles, teeth, or unspecialized structures in the Polyommatini. Morphological differences can be found in the files of the different tribes, regarding the number of teeth, their form and size. Cuticular formations of the organs were studied on a surface of 2,500 µm2 and the average of ridges, tubercles, and teeth was measured searching for relevant taxonomic information. Stridulatory organs were thought to be an adaptation to myrmecophily but we show that they are present both in myrmecophilous and nonmyrmecophilous species; therefore, we suggest that this trait probably did not evolve in relation with myrmecophily, but may be used to enhance relationships with ants. J. Morphol. 275:414–430, 2014. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Theoretical studies have predicted a trade-off between growth rate and yield in heterotrophic organisms. Here we test for the existence of this trade-off by analyzing the growth characteristics of 12 E. coli B populations that evolved for 20,000 generations under a constant selection regime. We performed three different tests. First, we analyzed changes in growth rate and yield over evolutionary time for each population. Second, we tested for a negative correlation between rate and yield across the 12 populations. Finally, we isolated clones from four selected populations and tested for a negative correlation between rate and yield within these populations. We did not find evidence for a trade-off based on the first two tests. However, we did observe a trade-off based on the within-population correlation of yield and rate. Our results indicate that, at least for the populations studied here, an analysis of the within-population diversity might be the most sensitive test for the existence of a trade-off. The observation of a trade-off within, but not between, populations suggests that the populations evolved different genetic solutions for growth in the selective environment, which in turn led to different physiological constraints.  相似文献   

  1. To study the relation of growth variation to the behaviour pattern, newly hatched Hemiramphus sajori, Chrysophrys major and Zebrias zebra were reared in 30 litter aquaria during one month, and body length was measured four times.
  2. In Hemiramphus sajori coefficient of variation of body length (CV) first increased but showed a tendency to decrease with development of schooling behaviour.
  3. In Chrysophrys major CV markedly increased and mode of the distribution curve of body length inclined towards the left side, associated with appearance of aggression and cannibalism.
  4. In Zebrias zebra, when behaviour pattern changed from planktonic to demersal some of the small individuals nearly ceased growing. At that time CV of body length remarkably increased and the mode of the distribution curve of body length shifted towards the right side.
  5. In all the species a positive correlation was seem between specific growth rate and initial body length soon after intensive feeding began. An negative correlation was observed in most of individuals of Hemiramphus sajori after the appearance of schooling behaviour. When a conspicuous increase in CV and skewness in distribution curve took place, a separate type of correlation was seen in large and small group in the population.
  6. Based on above mentioned and other materials a general mechanism of growth variation in fishes was discussed.

Publilia concava is an eastern North American membracid commonly occurring in large but spatially patchy aggregations, primarily on the host plant Solidago altissima. Like other myrmecophiles, P. concava provides sugary excretions to ants in return for the various protective, competitive or even sanitary benefits that ants provide. We developed nine microsatellite loci from P. concava. Mean per locus allele number was 6.78, and observed heterozygosities ranged from 0.03 to 0.850. One locus exhibited significant heterozygote deficit, possibly due to the presence of null alleles. These markers provide important tools for future spatial ecological studies in this model system for the study of mutualism.  相似文献   

Abstract Larvae and pupae of the Australian lycaenid butterfly, Jalmenus evagoras Donovan (Lepidoptera; Lycaenidae), are protected from parasites and predators by attendant ants. In return, the juveniles of J. evagoras secrete to the ants a solution containing substantial amounts of sugars and amino acids. Larvae of J. evagoras were reared from hatching until adult eclosion either with or without ants. Experiments were performed to examine whether fifth (final) instar larvae attempt to compensate for the nutrient loss to ants, by consuming more food, digesting food more efficiently, or extending development time. The presence or absence of ants had no effect on the feeding rate, efficiency of digestion or development time of fifth instar larvae. Larvae with ants converted a smaller proportion of ingested food into biomass, and consequently grew less than their counterparts without ants. Thus fifth instar larvae of J. evagoras do not appear to compensate for the nutrient loss to ants. Possible reasons for the failure to compensate are discussed.  相似文献   

Ecological constraints on effective dispersal have been suggested to be a key factor influencing social evolution in animal societies as well as the shift from single queen colonies (monogyny) to multiple queen colonies (polygyny) in ants. However, little is known about the effective dispersal patterns of ant queens. Here we investigate the microgeographic genetic structure of mitochondrial haplotypes in polygynous populations of the ant Formica exsecta, both between pastures and among nests within pastures. An analysis of molecular variance revealed a very high genetic differentiation (phiST = 0.72) between pastures, indicating that queens rarely disperse successfully between pastures, despite the fact that pastures were sometimes as close as 1 km. Most of the pastures contained only a single haplotype, and haplotypes were frequently distinct between nearby pastures and even between groups of nests within the same pasture. In the three pastures that contained several haplotypes, haplotypes were not randomly distributed, the genetic differentiation between nests being phiST = 0.17, 0.52, and 0.69. This indicates that most queens are recruited within their parental colonies. However, a large proportion of nests contained more than one haplotype, demonstrating that colonies will sometimes accept foreign queens. The relatedness of mitochondrial genes among nestmates varied between 0.62 and 0.75 when relatedness was measured within each pasture and ranged between 0.72 and 1.0 when relatedness was assessed with all pastures as a reference population. Neighboring nests were more genetically similar than distant ones, and there was significant isolation by distance. This pattern may be due to new nests being formed by budding or by limited effective queen dispersal, probably on foot between neighboring nests. These results show that effective queen dispersal is extremely restricted even at a small geographical scale, a pattern consistent with the idea that ecological constraints are an important selective force leading to the evolution and maintenance of polygyny.  相似文献   

The effects of tannins on growth and digestion were compared in two species of swallow-tail caterpillars — Papillio polyxenes, a specialist on Umbelliferae that normally does not encounter tannins in nature, and P. glaucus, a generalist whose hostplant range includes tanniniferous tree species in several families. In one experiment, tannin extracted from Liriodendron tulipifera, a P. glaucus foodplant, was applied to leaves from hostplants on the two species; tannin in the diet caused greater mortality in P. polyxenes but failed to do so in P. glaucus. In a second experiment, tannins did not affect digestion, growth rate or nitrogen utilization in either species over a 24-hour period. These findings are inconsistent with the proposed mechanism of digestibility reduction by tannins and, moreover, demonstrate that some degree of counteradaptation is possible in coevolved species. Tannins may thus possess toxic properties other than digestibility reduction.
Résumé La comparaison a porté sur les effets des tanins sur la croissance et la digestion de deux espèces, Papilio polyxenes, spécialiste d'Ombellifères qui ne rencontre pas normalement de tanins dans la nature, et P. glaucus, généraliste dont les plantes hôtes comprennent des espèces d'arbres tanifères de plusieurs familles. Dans une expérience, des feuilles de plantes hôtes des deux espèces ont été traitées par du tanin extrait de Liriodendron tulipifera, consommé par P. glaucus; ce tanin dans l'aliment a provoqué une forte mortalité chez P. polyxenes mais a été sans effet sur P. glaucus. Dans une second expérience, les tanins n'ont pas modifié la digestion, le taux de croissance et l'utilisation d'azote par ces espèces pendant une période de 24 heures. Ces résultats ne concordent pas avec les mécanismes de réduction de la digestibilité envisagés pour les tanins, et, par ailleurs, démontrent qu'un certain degré de contreadaptation est possible chez des espèces ayant coévolué. Les tanins peuvent alors posséder quelques propriétés toxiques différentes de la réduction de la digestibilité.

A general equation correlating the variation rate of the fermenting medium weight (dry matter) and the cell biomass growth rate in solid-state fermentation tests is proposed with the main purpose of identifying the microbial growth phases. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Phenological records of 50 plant species were made during 1988–89 in an alpine meadow (30° 10-30° 13 N lat. and 79° 39-79°-41 E long.) of Central Himalaya located between 3100–3750 m elevation. The growth initiation occurred when temperature began to rise continuously and the resulting in snowmelt. The peaks of the various phenophases succeeded one after another in time, within a period of about four months (from May to September) which is longer than the period reported for the alpine sites of higher latitudes. The period of growth initiation appeared to be related to growth form, the species showing earlier growth initiation (when temperatures were lower) deployed leaves to lower heights, close to the ground. A majority of forbs completed growth cycle earlier than the grasses. For example, one group represented by Trachydium roylei reached peak growth a few weeks before did another group of species, represented by Danthonia cachemyriana, which is indicative of niche separation of the respective group of species. Activities of accumulation of live and dead shoot biomass were clearly separated in time in most communities, the former occurring from May to August, and the latter mainly in September. Nomenclature: Osmaston (1926).  相似文献   

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