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The growth and mortality of European glass eel Anguilla anguilla 192 days after marking with oxytetracycline and alizarin red S were not significantly different between the two treatments and not different to the unmarked A. anguilla .  相似文献   

Mortality of small (60–100 mm total length) perch Perca fluviatilis after marking with coded wire tags in relation to water temperature (6·9, 14·2, 17·8 and 22·6° C) was experimentally tested and exclusively occurred within the first day of the experiments. Moreover, mortality rates were generally low with a maximum of 4%. No increased mortality at higher water temperatures was observed.  相似文献   

Due to unfavourable conditions (declines in salinity and water oxygen content) in the spawning areas, there has been a considerable decrease in the Baltic cod stock since the beginning of the 1980s, and consequently a decrease in catches. In order to examine the feasibility of introducing yolk-sac larvae in areas of low salinity to improve the stock, laboratory experiments were performed on the effects of salinity on the survival, level of activity and feeding ability of larvae. Yolk-sac larvae from spawning cod caught off northern Gotland, Sweden, were exposed to four different salinities: 10 and 15%○ (salinities of the main spawning areas); and 5 and 7%○ (salinities in the Bothnian Sea and the Baltic proper respectively).
The survival of yolk-sac larvae was high at all salinities, even though there was an indication of higher mortality at low salinities in less viable larval groups. No differences were found in swimming speed or feeding ability at the four salinities, but a significant difference in vertical distribution was recorded. There were significant differences in survival, vertical distribution and feeding ability among larval groups, which indicates that larval quality or viability is of greater importance for larval survival than salinity, in the range of 5–15%○.  相似文献   

Biochemical genetic polymorphism in cod from several fjords in Troms, northern Norway was analysed. Gene frequencies at several polymorphic loci ( Hb, Pgi, Ldh, Pgm, Gpd and Idh ) are given. Significant variation was found both within and between fjords, and even between samples from the same locality sampled in different years, indicating a mosaic structure of the cod population in the area studied. The results of the haemoglobin variation are compared to similar results obtained more than 20 years ago in the same and adjacent areas. The biochemical genetic variation is discussed in relation to stability of gene frequencies, isolation mechanisms and migration patterns.  相似文献   

The effects of temperature and size on growth and mortality of cod larvae   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The optimal temperatures for growth of four groups of hatchery-reared cod larvae (geometric mean weight: 73, 191, 249 and 251 μg), reared on rotifers at four or five constant temperatures between 4 and 16° C for 14, 12, 9 and 16 days were 9.7, 12.3, 12.7 and 13.4° C, respectively. The maximum growth rate also increased with size and was 6.5, 9.6, 11.7 and 11.3% day−1 for the respective size groups. The optimal temperature for survival was 8.5–8.8° C for all size groups. The results indicate an opposite relationship between (1) size and optimal temperature for growth and (2) size and maximum growth rate of cod larvae, to that observed for juvenile and immature cod.  相似文献   

The use of inter-specific hybrids in aquaculture and fisheries   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Inter-specific hybrid fishes have been produced for aquaculture and stocking programmes to increase growth rate, transfer desirable traits between species, combine desirable traits of two species into a single group of fishes, reduce unwanted reproduction through production of sterile fish or mono-sex offspring, take advantage of sexual dimorphism, increase harvestability, increase environmental tolerances, and to increase overall hardiness in culture conditions. Hybrids constitute a significant proportion of some countries' production for certain taxa; for example, hybrid striped bass in the USA, hybrid clarid catfish in Thailand, hybrid characids in Venezuela, and hybrid tilapia in Israel. Despite its widespread use, there is a general impression that inter-specific hybridization is not a very useful tool for aquaculture. We believe this impression stems from inaccurate reporting of some useful hybrids, limited testing of strains used for hybrids, and from early work on salmonids that did not result in hybrids of commercial advantage.Experimentation with new hybrid fishes is ongoing, especially in marine culture systems where sterile fish may be preferred because of the concern that fish may escape into the marine and coastal environment.Hybridization has been used in tandem with polyploidization to improve developmental stability in hybrid progeny. The results of inter-specific hybridization can be variable and depend on the genetic structure (including the sex) of the parent fish. Inadvertent hybridization and backcrossing can lead to unexpected and undesirable results in hybrid progeny, such as failure to produce sterile fish, loss of color pattern, and reduced viability.Hybridization is only one tool to improve aquaculture production and will require knowledge of the genetic structure of the broodstock, good broodstock management and monitoring of the viability and fertility of the progeny. Hybridization does represent a genetic modification wherein genes are moved between different species; implications for biodiversity conservation and regulation of this type of modification are discussed.  相似文献   

The effects of distance between hatching larvae on survival and development were investigated inMonochamus alternatus. Two newly-hatched larvae were inoculated intoPinus densiflora bolts at a distance of 2.5 cm or 10 cm, simultaneously or at an interval of 2 weeks. Some larvae were inoculated singly as a control. When larvae were inoculated simultaneously, mortality of the closely-inoculated larvae was significantly higher than that of distantly-inoculated larvae. Such high mortality was identified as due to conspecific bites. When the two larvae were inoculated asynchronously, the first-inoculated larvae killed some second-inoculated larvae but were never killed by them. Consequently, mortality was higher in second-inoculated larvae than in first-inoculated larvae. In particular, there was a significant difference in mortality between them when the larvae had been inoculated closely. The mortality of second-inoculated larvae was higher in the closely-inoculated group than in the distantly-inoculated group although there was no significant difference between them. In the case of two simultaneously-inoculated larvae, the initial distance between them had no significant effect on the development and growth in the early larval stage. When the larvae were inoculated asynchronously, the first-inoculated larvae grew more quickly than singly-inoculated control larvae.  相似文献   

Understanding the biophysical mechanisms that shape variability in fisheries recruitment is critical for estimating the effects of climate change on fisheries. In this study, we used an Earth System Model (ESM) and a mechanistic individual‐based model (IBM) for larval fish to analyze how climate change may impact the growth and survival of larval cod in the North Atlantic. We focused our analysis on five regions that span the current geographical range of cod and are known to contain important spawning populations. Under the SRES A2 (high emissions) scenario, the ESM‐projected surface ocean temperatures are expected to increase by >1 °C for 3 of the 5 regions, and stratification is expected to increase at all sites between 1950–1999 and 2050–2099. This enhanced stratification is projected to decrease large (>5 μm ESD) phytoplankton productivity and mesozooplankton biomass at all 5 sites. Higher temperatures are projected to increase larval metabolic costs, which combined with decreased food resources will reduce larval weight, increase the probability of larvae dying from starvation and increase larval exposure to visual and invertebrate predators at most sites. If current concentrations of piscivore and invertebrate predators are maintained, larval survival is projected to decrease at all five sites by 2050–2099. In contrast to past observed responses to climate variability in which warm anomalies led to better recruitment in cold‐water stocks, our simulations indicated that reduced prey availability under climate change may cause a reduction in larval survival despite higher temperatures in these regions. In the lower prey environment projected under climate change, higher metabolic costs due to higher temperatures outweigh the advantages of higher growth potential, leading to negative effects on northern cod stocks. Our results provide an important first large‐scale assessment of the impacts of climate change on larval cod in the North Atlantic.  相似文献   

Atlantic halibut eggs and yolk-sac larvae were incubated at 1, 5 and 8° C. Eggs incubated at 8° C gave slightly shorter larvae at hatching with a significantly smaller total cross-sectional area of white muscle fibres than eggs incubated at 5° C. Transport of eggs 2 days prior to hatching gave significantly longer larvae at hatching with a significantly larger red fibre cross-sectional area than when eggs were transported shortly after the blastopore closure. A higher survival until 230 degree days after hatching was also observed in the former group. All eggs incubated at 1° C died before hatching and all larvae incubated at 1° C died before 45 degree days after hatching. From hatching until 230 degree days the total white cross-sectional area increased threefold in all temperature groups. The increase in white cross-sectional area was entirely due to hypertrophy between hatching and 150 degree days (10 mm L S). Recruitment of new white fibres increased in germinal zones at the dorsal, ventral and lateral borders of the myotome from 150 degree days onwards, but at 230 degree days (12–13 mm L S) the recruitment fibre zone constituted <10% of the total white cross-sectional area. Larval incubation at 8° C gave slightly longer larvae with a significantly larger cross-sectional area of recruitment fibres at 230 degree days than incubation at 5° C. The larval group incubated at 8° C also had a significantly lower survival until 230 degree days than did the 5° C group. Incubation temperature regimes did not affect the volume density of myofibrils in the axial muscle fibres at 230 degree days. Thus hypertrophy is the predominant mechanism of axial white muscle growth in Atlantic halibut yolk-sac larvae and an increased rearing temperature during the yolk-sac stage increases white muscle fibre hyperplasia.  相似文献   

Less than 2% of the O–group cod Gadus morhua of mean length 8 cm at release survived their first 3 months in the sea, while c . 75% of those of mean length 12 cm survived a similar period. There was no difference in mortality rates during their first winter at sea between groups with mean lengths 12 and 17 cm at release. The results could probably be explained by the relatively small sizes of predatory fishes in the fjord and the degree of overlap between size at release and the preferred prey sizes of the predators.  相似文献   

Estimates of age derived from daily ring counts from otoliths and capture rates of larval June sucker Chasmistes liorus were used to determine the relationship between discharge rates of the Provo River and residence time and patterns of larval drift. During 1997, larval drift occurred over a 22 day period when discharge rates were low (mean ±s.d. 3·2 ± 0·0 m3 s?1). In 1998, larval drift occurred in two separate events over a 40 day period. Discharge was higher during the first larval drift period (19 days; 24·8 ± 1·3 m3 s?1) and lower during the second larval drift period (17 days; 7·0 ± 0·9 m3 s?1). In 1997, no larval fish were collected at the lowermost transect on the Provo River (nearest Utah Lake), and few larvae >21 days of age were found. During the first drift period of 1998, larval C. liorus were collected at all transects, and mean age of larvae collected between upstream and downstream transects increased by c. 7 days. During the second drift period of 1998, only a few were collected in the lowermost transects, and age did not increase with proximity to the lake. Patterns in catch and age distribution of larval C. liorus in the lower Provo River suggest that recruitment failure occurs during the larval drift period in years with insufficient discharge to transport larvae into the lake.  相似文献   

To investigate whether wild fish populations are food limited, this study explored whether the provision of supplementary food had a positive effect on the abundance, condition and growth characteristics of estuarine fish assemblages in New Zealand. Feed (7690 kg) was delivered from an anthropogenic feeding station over a 60-week period to a naturally occurring assemblage of wild fish. Yellow-eyed mullet (Aldrichetta forsteri) of juvenile, sub-adult and newly matured size classes were the dominant species actively foraging at the feeding station throughout its operation, whereas larger piscivorous species visited and foraged from the feed station over the summer period only. Other species were present in the wider area of Nelson Haven, but not at the feed station. No obvious changes in the condition factor of yellow-eyed mullet were observed across the period of monitoring, and no changes in their catchability were detected – although marked seasonal variation in catch rates was observed. Results from tag-recapture data identify that the length-based growth rates of yellow-eyed mullet recaptured near the feed station were higher than those of tagged individuals recaptured at a nearby comparison site, and were higher than the growth rates observed in natural populations of yellow-eyed mullet in the wider region. Shifts in the median size of fish, as observed by acoustic observations, agreed with the tag-recapture data. Although some of the results identified were not amenable to statistical analyses, the attendance of yellow-eyed mullet at the feeding station, in combination with the improved estimates of growth by most of the techniques employed, indicates that yellow-eyed mullet are food limited in their natural environment and that the growth performance of these fish can be positively affected by the increased availability of food.  相似文献   

Two cod stocks (western Baltic cod, WBC, and eastern Baltic cod, EBC) are managed in the Baltic Sea which is characterized by different main spawning areas and different main spawning periods. In this study we analyse the spatial and temporal occurrence of spawning individuals of both cod stocks in the main spawning grounds of the Baltic Sea based on eight microsatellite loci. Our results suggest that EBC (Gadus morhua callarias) has formed currently temporally stable, substantially homogeneous population not only in the Bornholm Sea (ICES SD: 25) but also in the Arkona Sea (ICES SD: 24). The presented analyses proved that EBC (G. m. callarias) can temporarily also spawn in the Belt Sea.  相似文献   

Laboratory experiments were performed with cultured and wild juvenile winter flounder Pseudopleuronectes americanus to evaluate differences in behaviour and adaptation affecting post‐release vulnerability to predation. Studies revealed that the cryptic abilities of cultured winter flounder increased over time. Sediment‐naïve, cultured fish required a minimum of 2 days to improve their burying skills and at least 90 days for colour adaptation to match the sediment. Cultured winter flounder selected sediments consisting of small grains and colours matching their own pigment. Cultured winter flounder, regardless of their colour, were significantly more vulnerable to predation by birds. Additionally, cultured fish reacted differently than wild winter flounder when exposed to cues from a potential predator.  相似文献   

Growth and survival through the early larval phase probably limit the production potential of many commercially important fish stocks. Attempts to increase the production of these stocks by restocking of juveniles have generally failed. Here, we analyse how enhanced concentrations of phytoplankton and zooplankton affect the survival of fish larvae during their early life stages. The analysis is developed for larvae feeding on copepod eggs and nauplii, with fish and invertebrates as major predators. A model of feeding and growth of fish larvae is applied to assess the benefit of enhanced phytoplankton and zooplankton abundance. The analysis shows that the shading effect of higher phytoplankton concentration may reduce predation rates on fish larvae substantially. This `top-down' effect may be more important for the cohort survivorship than the `bottom-up' mechanism in situations when larval food is sufficiently abundant. However, while increased algal biomass will improve recruitment at high zooplankton concentration, it may also reduce recruitment at low zooplankton concentrations and shallow mixing depths. Both the larvae and their vertebrate predators are dependent on light to detect their prey, and the longer reactive distance of the predators make them more susceptible than the larvae to reduced light levels and increased turbidity. We discuss the implications of reduced predation and increased zooplankton abundance on recruitment and production of fish larvae, and point at environmental conditions where changing algal biomass is likely to affect recruitment success.  相似文献   

Reporter marker GUS (-glucuronidase gene from Escherichia coli) and luc operon from the American firefly were introduced into cyanobacteria and the stability of these markers in soil was examined. To transfer the integrational vector into cyanobacteria, the genomic DNA library of Synechocystis sp. or Anabaena cylindrica maintained in pBR 322, pCY 100 and pCY 101 were transformed with HB 101 containing pRL 528 and selected for Cmr and Ampr. These clones of HB 101 containing pRL 528 and the vectors carrying different cyanobacterial chromosomal DNA fragments were used for triparental mating with HB 101 [pRK 2013/pRK 2073] and cyanobacteria. The frequency of transconjugants for integrational vectors was between 2.1 × 10–5 and 4.0 × 10–4. The transfer frequency of RSF 1010 based vectors (pDSK 519 and pCY 106) was 1.0–4.5 × 10–4 in Synechocystis sp. whereas A. cylindrica failed to maintain these vectors. Low frequency transfer (2.0–2.3 × 10–6) of RK 2 based vectors pVK 100 and pCY 104 was observed in A. cylindrica but these were unable to replicate in Synechocystis sp. The vectors in general were stable at least by 74.9% for 60 days of incubation in BG-11 medium. The markers were less stable in A. cylindrica (74.9–84.2%) compared to Synechocystis sp. (80.1–88.8%) at 60 days of incubation. Integrational vectors were almost 85% stable in both the strains. The RK 2 derivative of pCY 104 was less stable in A. cylindrica (74.9–77.3%) than the RSF 1010-based vector pCY 106 in Synechocystis sp. (80.1–81.0%). A maximum of 64.7% of the markers were lost in soil. The chromosomal markers through integrational vectors were found to be highly stable and 68.2–72.7% of these markers were retained in cyanobacteria at 60 days of incubation. Plasmid markers were less stable, with a loss of 64.7–48.7% at the end of the experiment. In A. cylindrica 58–65% of the RK 2 vector was lost whereas in Synechocystis sp. 49–61% of RSF 1010 was lost at 60 days of incubation.  相似文献   

A promising new method of marking larval freshwater fishes with enriched stable isotopes by means of injecting the maternal parent with the marking agent was investigated. The 138Ba:137Ba ratios in the otoliths of larval golden perch Macquaria ambigua were compared to determine the effect of injecting female broodstock with different dosages of enriched 137Ba at various times before spawning. There was 100% mark success in the progeny of fish injected with 20 μg g−1 of enriched 137Ba 24 h before inducing spawning with hormones and 40 μg g−1 administered at the same time as inducement of spawning. Injection of 40 μg g−1 enriched 137Ba 21 days before spawning resulted in only 81% mark success and suggests rapid elimination of barium in M. ambigua . Injection with enriched 137Ba did not significantly affect the fertilization rate, number of fertilized eggs or hatching rate compared with long-term hatchery records. These results suggest that transgenerational marking is an effective and affordable means of mass-marking larval fishes. Thousands of larval fishes can be permanently marked with a unique artificial isotopic mark via a single injection into the maternal parent, thus avoiding the handling of individual fishes or having to deal with chemical baths. Because no single mark or tagging method is suitable for all situations, transgenerational marking with enriched stable isotopes provides another method for researchers and managers to discriminate both hatchery-reared and wild fishes.  相似文献   

The genetics of adaptation to tomato in Leptinotarsa decemlineata (Say) were investigated in reciprocal F1, F2, and backcross populations generated from crosses between beetles from a tomato adapted population and from a population that was poorly adapted to tomato. Larvae from the parent and test populations were reared on tomato for four days, after which survivorship and larval weights were recorded. Most results indicate that differences in larval growth and survival on tomato between the parent populations are largely determined by autosomal, polygenic mechanisms, the inheritance of which involves a significant dominance component. However, results from F2 crosses are not consistent with this conclusion. A significant difference in larval weights, but not in survival, between reciprocal F1 populations in an analysis of combined data from four separate experiments suggests that maternal cytoplasmic effects may contribute to differences in larval performance on tomato between the adapted and unadapted populations. The unusual results obtained from F2 crosses in this study are not atypical of results from previous studies of the genetics of adaptation to host plants by the Colorado potato beetle. Host plant adaptation by Colorado potato beetles may therefore involve unusual genetic mechanisms that are not easily assessed by classical Mendelian analysis.  相似文献   

Large eggs (1·38 mm) of Atlantic cod reared in the laboratory produced large larvae. However, large larvae had low survival rates. Results also indicated that the first few days' of growth of cod larvae mainly resulted in an increase in mass. Exogenous feeding tended to result in faster growth than endogenous feeding. In the delayed feeding groups (larvae not fed until 67 degree-days), larvae from large eggs grew faster than those from small eggs (1·28 mm) after feeding commenced, while there was no significant difference in growth rate within feeding groups. Compensatory growth was detected in the delayed feeding groups.  相似文献   


Reductions in salinity can have adverse effects on larval development and larval survival in some invertebrate taxa but not others. Salinity tolerance of larvae may be particularly important in echinoderms because they are both poor ion regulators and stenohaline. I examined the effect of six levels of salinity (15, 18, 21, 24, 27 and 33 PSU) on survival and rate of development of larvae in the subtropical sea urchin Echinometra lucunter. In the short-term, mortality rate was significantly lower in 33 PSU than in all other salinities except 27 PSU, and it was significantly greater in 15 and 18 PSU than in all higher salinities. In the long-term, daily and cumulative mortality were significantly greater in 15 PSU than in most other salinities over 11 days of development (except for cumulative mortality in 18 PSU). They were significantly greater in 18 PSU than in 21 PSU or 33 PSU over a period of 13 days. Furthermore, daily mortality was significantly greater in 18 PSU than in 24 PSU or 27 PSU at 13 d after fertilization. Daily and cumulative mortality were significantly lower in 33 PSU than in 21, 24 or 27 PSU over a period of 17 days. Although in the control (33 PSU) 75% of larvae completed development to the 8-arm stage at 35 d, no larvae developed further than the 4-arm stage in 18, 21, 24 or 27 PSU; in 15 PSU, ~60% of larvae did not develop further than swimming blastulae. Since prolonged exposure to salinities as high as 27 PSU (frequently recorded in the adult habitat) can result in great larval losses, adaptive behaviours that prevent larvae from entering water layers of low salinity will enhance their chance for survival.  相似文献   

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