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BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Introgressive hybridization between two co-existing Betula species in Iceland, diploid dwarf birch B. nana and tetraploid downy birch B. pubescens, has been well documented. The two species are highly variable morphologically, making taxonomic delineation difficult despite stable ploidy levels. Here an analysis is made of morphological variation within each ploidy group with an aim to establishing a reliable means to distinguish the species. METHODS: Plant materials were collected from 14 woodlands in Iceland. The plants were identified based on 2n chromosome numbers. Morphological variation in species-specific characters within each ploidy group was analysed qualitatively and quantitatively. The morphological index was based on eight discrete characters, whereas the multivariate analysis was based on nine leaf variables. KEY RESULTS: Of the 461 plants examined, 9.5 % were found to be triploid hybrids. The three ploidy groups were morphologically distinguishable but their variation overlapped. The diploid, triploid and tetraploid groups had average scores of 1.3, 4.1 and 8.3, respectively, in the morphology index scale from 0 (B. nana) to 13 (B. pubescens). A linear discriminant analysis also revealed significant separation among the three ploidy groups and the model assigned 96 % and 97 % of the B. nana and B. pubescens individuals correctly. The triploid hybrids were difficult to predict since only half of them could be assigned correctly. Leaf length was the most useful variable identifying triploid hybrids. Geographical patterns within the ploidy groups could partly be explained by differences in mean July temperature. CONCLUSIONS: Hybridization between B. nana and B. pubescens is widespread in Iceland. The species can be distinguished from each other morphologically, and from the triploid hybrids. The overlapping morphological variation indicates bidirectional introgression between the two species via triploid hybrids. Iceland could be considered a birch hybrid zone, harbouring genetic variation which may be advantageous in subarctic regions.  相似文献   

Three different experiments in birch (Betula pubescens Ehrh. andBetula pendula Roth) stands were conducted during summer 1991: an evaluation of the accuracy of the vertical tube method measuring crown free projection (CFP) in four birch stands; a study of relative irradiance (RI; photosynthetically active radiation, PAR), in birch stands differing in stem density and basal area; and an estimation of the CFP in different types of birch stands and the correlation between RI and CFP. The results indicate that the number of observation points well distributed over an area of 0.1 ha can vary between 50 and 200 to achieve sufficient accuracy. There were no significant differences in the CFP estimates made on the same plot by different observers including an untrained observer. CFP was related to basal area, stem number and diameter sum in a non-linear regression, CFP = A*e-BX. The correlations between RI and basal area, density and diameter sum, respectively, were 0.54, 0.57 and 0.67 for PAR. The coefficients of determination for RI (PAR) and CFP were high (0.86).  相似文献   

 Dehydrins accumulate in various plant tissues during dehydration. Their physiological role is not well understood, but it is commonly assumed that they assist cells in tolerating dehydration. Since in perennials the ability of the shoot apex to withstand dehydration is pivotal for survival through winter, we investigated if and how dehydrins may be involved. A first step in assessing such a role is the identification of their subcellular location. We therefore mapped the location of dehydrin homologues, abscisic acid-responsive (RAB 16-like) polypeptides, in the apex of birch (Betula pubescens Ehrh.). In non-cold-acclimated plants a single low-abundant RAB 16-member (a 33-kDa polypeptide) was produced, and localized in the cytoplasm only. During cold acclimation two additional members were produced (24 and 30 kDa) and accumulated in nuclei, storage protein bodies and starch-rich amyloplasts. Western blots of proteins isolated from purified starch granules and from protein bodies revealed the presence of the 24-kDa dehydrin. Since starch and protein reserves are gradually consumed during winter, serving cell maintenance, starch- and protein-degrading enzymes must remain locally active. We therefore investigated the hypothesis that dehydrins might create local pools of water in otherwise dehydrated cells, thereby maintaining enzyme function. In agreement with our hypothesis, enzyme assays showed that under conditions of low water activity a partially purified dehydrin fraction was able to improve the activity of α-amylase (EC relative to fractions from which dehydrin was removed by immunoprecipitation. The results confirm the general belief that dehydrins serve desiccation tolerance, and suggest that a major function is to rescue the metabolic processes that are required for survival and re-growth. Received: 12 September 1998 / Accepted: 19 April 1999  相似文献   

玛曲县植被覆被变化及其对环境要素的响应   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
植被覆被变化是气象要素和人类活动综合作用的结果,能够反映区域内生态系统的演替趋势。玛曲高寒生态区作为黄河上游重要的水源涵养和补给区,具有维持区域生物多样性和生态安全,保障经济社会健康发展的重要作用,因此厘清该区域植被变化与气候及人类活动等环境要素的相互关系有助于为玛曲县生态治理与恢复提供科学参考。鉴于此,以2000-2015年MODIS/NDVI数据为基础,结合同期气象与人类活动数据,应用趋势分析法、相关分析以及通径分析等方法,分析了玛曲县植被NDVI的时空变化规律,并详细探讨了气象要素和人类活动对植被覆被变化的影响。结果表明:(1)2000-2015年玛曲县NDVI呈波动上升趋势,上升速率为0.01015/10a;各土地利用/覆被类型中,增加幅度由大到小依次为高山稀疏植被、湿地、沙化草甸、山地疏林地、高寒草甸、亚高山硬叶灌丛、亚高山阔叶灌丛和高寒草原;增加面积占相应地类总面积比例由大到小分别是高山稀疏植被(75.57%)、山地疏林地(71.45%)、沙化草甸(71.18%)、湿地(70.66%)、高寒草甸(68.15%)、亚高山硬叶灌丛(66.96%)、亚高山阔叶灌丛(66.24%)和高寒草原(66.05%);(2)气象要素中,气温与NDVI间具有显著正相关(P < 0.05),是影响植被覆被的决定性因子,利于植被的生长与发育;降水与NDVI间相关不显著(P > 0.05),对植被覆被的影响较小;(3)人类活动要素中,与放牧强度密切相关的大牲畜存栏数和羊存栏数是植被生长的主控因子,其中大牲畜存栏数呈显著的抑制作用(P < 0.05),羊存栏数具有较强的促进作用(P < 0.05);(4)通径分析发现,气温、大牲畜存栏数和羊存栏数的决定系数依次为0.3005,-0.0563和0.0128,说明气温对NDVI的综合作用强度最高、大牲畜存栏数次之,羊存栏数最低;此外,剩余通径系数为0.53。该数值较大,表明仍有部分对NDVI增加存在影响的环境要素未考虑到,需在今后的研究中给予关注。  相似文献   

We explored Hamilton and Brown's autumn signalling hypothesis in mountain birch (Betula pubescens). As predicted by the hypothesis, early autumn colour change (i.e. high degree of autumn colouration in September) was negatively correlated with insect damage the following season. Furthermore, as expected, indices of physiological stress (i.e. leaf fluctuating asymmetry) and reproductive investment (i.e. catkin production) were positively correlated with insect damage the following season. Indirectly, we also found support for the idea that the proposed handicap signal (i.e. early autumn senescence) might be associated with an honesty ensuring cost in terms of lost primary production. Further work is, however, required to determine whether the link between autumn colours and insect damage observed in this study is causal.  相似文献   

基于2013年夏季(6、7、8月)在黄河口及其邻近水域进行的渔业资源底拖网调查,应用多元分析方法研究了黄河口水域夏季鱼类群落空间结构,以及其与环境因子的关系.结果表明: 该海域夏季共捕获鱼类44种,隶属于11目25科40属,以暖温性和底层鱼类为主.经聚类分析,该海域夏季各月鱼类群落可大体划分为3个站位组.经单因子相似性分析(ANOSIM),黄河口不同水域鱼类群落物种组成存在显著差异.相似性百分比分析表明,矛尾虾虎鱼、斑鰶、短吻红舌鳎、蓝点马鲛和日本鳀等是各月份各站位组的典型种及造成不同站位组间群落差异的主要分歧种.典范对应分析(CCA)表明,影响夏季鱼类群落空间结构的主要环境因子为盐度、温度和深度.  相似文献   

The community structure of the macrobenthic fauna (>0.5 mm) ofPotamogeton andMyriophyllum beds of the upper reaches of Canal de Mira (0.5–2) and of macrofauna density (369, 240 ind m–2).Potamopyrgus jenkinsi, Corophium multisetosum andLimnodrilus hoffmeisteri are dominant species in the study area. The community of station 1 includes an important set of taxa usually associated to freshwater habitats (oligochaetes, leeches and insect larvae) whilst in station 3 typically estuarine species (Cyathura carinata, Leptocheirus pilosus, Nereis diversicolor, Streblospio shrubsolii) occur. A succession of peak densities of different taxonomic groups during the year indicates seasonal variation in the community structure. The faunal assemblage of the study area is compared with similar ones in NE Atlantic and Mediterranean coastal systems.  相似文献   

The distribution of Auchenorrhyncha species assemblages on 174 grassland sites in northern England and Scotland was investigated using ordination and classification techniques. Altitude appeared to be the most important environmental variable influencing assemblage distribution but the effects of altitude on soil type and moisture, and on plant composition, either herbaceous or woody, and structure were likely to have been primary influences. The main differences between sites in the eight habitat groups of the classification were products of these soil and plant variables, with the geographical position of sites in the survey area having less of an effect on site classification. A considerable number of nationally and regionally rare and scarce species were recorded. The results indicate that Auchenorrhyncha could be used in site conservation based on invertebrate species assemblages and rare species distribution but that more information is required to assess both habitat diversity and species rarity. More survey work would also be required to identify appropriate site management procedures for the conservation of Auchenorrhyncha within an overall programme for terrestrial invertebrates.  相似文献   

At the northern limit of its distribution, arctic dwarf birch, Betula glandulosa, shows nearly complete absence of sexual reproduction (i.e., <;0.5% viable samaras) and maintains its populations vegetatively. To investigate the possible role of pollination dynamics in the loss of sexual reproduction, pollination biology of arctic dwarf birch was compared at two locations: Tarr Inlet on Baffin Island, Northwest Territories near the northern limit of the species, and Kuujjuaq, Quebec in the center of its distribution where sexual reproduction is the primary mode of reproduction. Relative production of staminate and pistillate flowers, pollen rain, pollen viability, and stigmatic pollen loads throughout pollen dispersal were compared. Plants at Tarr Inlet produced 15%–30% of pollen produced at Kuujjuaq, both as a result of a lower density of staminate catkins and less pollen per catkin. Potential seed productivity is limited at the northern limit because pistillate catkins produce 50% fewer flowers in the north than in the south. While stigmatic pollen loads were similar at both sites, lower pollen viability (68% vs. 93%) and a higher probability of geitonogamous pollen due to clonal growth pattern reduced fertilization success at the northern site. These data suggest that lack of sexual reproduction in B. glandulosa at its northern limit is in part due to pollen limitation.  相似文献   

Autumnal change in leaf colour of deciduous trees is one of the most fascinating displays in nature. Current theories suggest that autumn leaf colours are adaptations to environmental stress. Here I report that the number of ripening female catkins altered timing of yellow autumn leaf colours in mountain birch. The tree's autumnal colour change was brought forward if the tree matured plenty of female catkins. Since yellow colour pigments in leaves are unmasked as leaf nitrogen is re-translocated, sexual reproduction may alter resource allocation at times of leaf senescence. Thus, our current view on the reasons for leaf senescence has to be re-examined, and a novel evolutionary explanation is needed for the appearance of yellow autumn leaf colours.  相似文献   

The relation between the different microhabitats and habitats and the quantitative distribution of macroinvertebrates was investigated as well as the applicability of different sampling devices. Data processing took place by means of multivariate analysis (Flexclus, Canoco). It was concluded that the spatial-physical structure is more important to macroinvertebrates than the plant species. In fact, this spatial physical structure can be indicated as the mesh size of a (micro-)habitat. In order from open vegetation, shore/dense vegetation, artificial substrate, bottom material, and filamentous algae the mesh size decresed. It is advisable to use different sampling devices to sample a macroinvertebrate community.  相似文献   

Aims To determine the relationship between satellite‐derived land cover data and distribution patterns of water beetle species pools. Location A total of 687 British national grid 10 km squares in Scotland and 588 1 km grid squares in 99 10 km grid squares in northeast England. Methods Multivariate classification and constrained ordination analyses were used with water beetle species and land cover data. Results The major variation in both the Scotland and northeast England 10 km species pools was from squares with upland acid water habitats to squares with lowland fens and ponds whilst for the 1 km northeast England data it was from squares dominated by fast‐flowing streams and rivers to those with fens and ponds. The secondary variations in the 10 and 1 km analyses were the primary ones juxtaposed. Constrained ordination of the Scottish 10 km data showed upland land cover types to be most influential in determining species pool distribution whilst lowland covers were more important with both the 10 and 1 km northeast England pools. The three analyses showed that coastal cover had a relatively high influence on species pool distribution but no species pool group was dominated by coastal species. Main conclusions There were strong relationships between water beetle species pool distributions and the satellite‐derived land cover types dominating upland and lowland areas. The major variation in the northeast England species pool data differed at the two scales analysed. Results indicated that there is considerable potential for the synthesis of water beetle distribution and land cover data for use in environmental and conservation monitoring at both the regional and national scales.  相似文献   

滴水湖浮游动物群落结构及其与环境因子的关系   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
林青  由文辉  徐凤洁  俞秋佳  余华光 《生态学报》2014,34(23):6918-6929
为研究上海市滴水湖浮游动物群落结构及其与环境因子的关系,于2012年1—12月对滴水湖进行了一年调查采样。共检出浮游动物33属61种,其中轮虫22属45种,枝角类4属7种,桡足类7属9种。优势种包括10种轮虫,桡足类为中华窄腹剑水蚤(Limnoithona sinensis)和无节幼体,枝角类不形成优势种。浮游动物年均密度为1200个/L,年均生物量为1.67mg/L,种类数、密度和生物量均为春夏两季相对较高。Shannon-Wiener多样性指数H'和Margalef丰富度指数D年均值分别为1.61和1.01,多样性季节差异显著而各样点间差异不显著。相关性分析和多元回归分析显示,水温是影响滴水湖浮游动物群落结构变化的决定性因子,冗余分析(RDA)显示TN、TP、叶绿素a和p H也是影响浮游动物群落变化的重要因素,表明滴水湖浮游动物群落结构的季节变化与水体营养状况密切相关。综合运用水质理化因子、综合营养状态指数、多样性指数及浮游动物优势种对滴水湖进行水质污染水平和富营养化评价,得出2012年滴水湖水质状况属于α-中污型,营养程度为中富营养水平。  相似文献   

东太湖鱼类群落结构特征及其与环境因子的关系   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
基于2019年4月、7月和10月的调查数据,用多元分析方法研究了围网拆除后东太湖鱼类群落结构的变化,及其与主要环境因子的关系。共调查到鱼类4目10科31属39种,其中鲤形目鱼类占69.23%。按不同生态类型东太湖鱼类主要为定居性鱼类、中上层鱼类以及肉食性和杂食性鱼类。优势种为鲫(Carassius auratus)、大鳍鱊(Acheilognathus macropterus)和(Hemiculter leucisculus)等。鱼类的种类数、渔获量、丰富度指数和多样性指数在监测月份间均差异显著(P<0.05),均为4月 > 7月 > 10月。鱼类个体呈现小型化,鱼类物种多样性处在一般水平。等级聚类分析(Cluster)结果表明,除10月份的1号点和3号点外,各样方间的相似度在46.75%以上。单因子相似性分析(ANOSIM)和相似性百分比分析(SIMPER)也表明,4月和10月的鱼类群落物种组成差异显著,平均相异性为59.41%。丰度/生物量曲线(ABC)分析表明,东太湖鱼类群落结构处于中度干扰状态。冗余分析(RDA)表明,总磷对主要鱼类变化的解释量为21.0%,是重要的解释因子(蒙特卡罗检验P=0.036)。而总磷、pH、溶解氧等是目前影响东太湖鱼类群落的主要环境因子。  相似文献   

濒危植物永瓣藤的种群结构及与环境的关系   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
基于相邻格子法调查资料,分析了安徽省南部山区——祁门县棕里村次生灌丛、毛竹林、杉木林和马尾松林4种类型群落中永瓣藤种群的基径、结构以及环境因子对其种群特征的影响.结果表明:不同群落中永瓣藤种群的平均基径依次为毛竹林(10.5 mm)>马尾松林(9.1 mm)>杉木林(7.2 mm)>次生灌丛(7.0 mm),其中次生灌丛、杉木林与毛竹林、马尾松林之间的差异均达到显著水平(P<0.05).不同群落中永瓣藤种群的结构有一定差异,次生灌丛和马尾松林群落的径级呈非典型的金字塔型分布,为稳定型种群;毛竹林群落属于纺锤形,以中等级别个体最多,种群处于衰退的早期阶段;杉木林群落属于典型金字塔型,永瓣藤幼苗数量最多.棕里村永瓣藤种群的存活曲线属于Deevey Ⅱ,为增长型种群,未出现衰退迹象.永瓣藤适于生长在海拔低、土壤含水量和有机质含量高、坡度缓和、乔木层盖度较高的生境中,频繁的人为干扰将对其种群更新产生不良影响.最后就有关永瓣藤的保护提出了一些建议.  相似文献   

母娅霆  刘子琦  李渊  朱大运 《生态学报》2021,41(7):2738-2749
喀斯特地区土壤温度变化特征对研究该区土壤活性及小气候变化具有重要意义。为探明喀斯特地区土壤温度变化特征及其与环境因子的关系,以喀斯特高原峡谷区四种典型土地类型(花椒地、金银花地、火龙果地、荒地)为研究对象,采用土壤含水量监测系统(ECH2O)对各样地土壤温度变化进行连续定点监测,分析土壤温度的动态变化特征及其与环境因子的关系。结果表明:10 cm处土壤温度日变幅最大,土层越深日变幅越小;土壤温度日变幅为夏季较大,秋、冬季较小。火龙果地、金银花地土壤温度日变幅明显大于花椒地、荒地;随着土层加深,土壤温度日变化出现滞后现象;不同季节土壤温度均为火龙果地 > 荒地 > 花椒地 > 金银花地。夏季土层越深,土壤温度越低;秋、冬季土层越深,土壤温度越高;土壤垂直温度变异系数表现为冬季大于夏季。相关分析表明,土壤温度与气温、太阳辐射及土壤含水量均呈显著正相关(P<0.05),土壤温度变化与容重、孔隙度、土壤质地、有机碳等土壤理化性质相关性显著。花椒地土壤温度日变幅最小,与其较高的土壤含水量和总孔隙度、容重小、土壤持水性强密切相关。综上,花椒地对土壤温度的调节效果较好,因此,在喀斯特地区生态恢复的过程中,种植花椒能在一定程度上改善土壤性质,提升土壤肥力。本研究为喀斯特地区的生态恢复提供了科学依据,为植被生态效益评价提供一定参考。  相似文献   

Summary Growth of selected clones of birch and willow obtained from nitrogen deficient soils was compared with that of unselected controls in pot experiments using three levels of nitrogen. Unselected controls of both genera continued shoot growth, albeit very slowly, with a very low level of nitrogen (5 ppm), while selected clones of birch grew significantly more than the controls. Selected clones of willow, on the other hand, ceased shoot growth after 10 weeks with this low nitrogen treatment. Nevertheless, they remained healthy, their leaves containing similar concentrations of nitrogen to those of the plants which continued stem growth throughout the experiment. Furthermore, they had very high root: shoot ratios compared with those of control willows and both selected and unselected birch. The two genera may have developed different mechanisms for tolerating low nitrogen, birch producing a small, relatively efficient root system; willow a larger but less efficient one. Both appear equally effective in ensuring survival on low-nitrogen sites in the field since all the selected clones were obtained from such sites and have survived well in field trials on similar sites. Both birch and willow responded toincreased nitrogen availability with increasing shoot growth and a relative decline in root growth. However, whereas in willow the unselected plants responded significantly more than selected clones, a similar but less markeddifference was found in birch. It appears that in both genera, as in herbaceous plants originating from nitrogen deficient sites, selected clones are less able to respond to increasing nitrogen supply than control plants from more fertile habitats. Attempts to correlate the response of the selected clones to nitrogen in this experiment with that to added nitrogen fertilizer in field trials has been unsuccessful. Further work is required to determine the importance of the many interacting factors which influence the response of young trees to nitrogen under the unusual field conditions associated with restored mineral workings.  相似文献   

呼伦贝尔草原生物量变化及其与环境因子的关系   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
根据呼伦贝尔草原大范围草地生物量的调查和实验数据,分析了该地区草地生物量的动态变化规律及其与环境因子的关系。结果表明,沿着环境梯度,不同区域草地生物量差异显著,其变化与水分、温度变化关系不显著,与0~20cm土层的土壤有机碳含量呈正相关,而与土壤容重呈负相关。逐步多元回归表明,土壤有机碳是制约生物量变化的主要因素,可能是当地草地利用方式使土壤养分成为制约草地植物生长的限制因子,从而影响草地生物量。  相似文献   

该研究以广西低海拔盆地向云贵高原过渡的连续地理区域内江南油杉(Keteleeria fortunei var.cyclolepis)林为对象,采用方差分析、多重比较、相关分析、逐步回归分析等方法,对4省(区)9个江南油杉天然种群的16个种实表型性状进行比较研究,探讨种群间种实表型性状多样性及其与地理环境因子的关系。结果表明:江南油杉种实表型性状在种群间存在丰富变异,16个种实性状在种群间均达到显著或极显著差异;9个种群中望谟种群变异最大(2.54%),16个种实表型性状中种子宽变异最大(9.04%),种群间种子性状的变异高于球果的变异,说明球果性状变异稳定性高;种实部分表型性状间呈显著或极显著相关,其中种子宽、种子厚、种子长宽比、种鳞长宽比、苞鳞长宽比是较为关键的性状,能在一定程度上反映种实质量;种子性状受地理环境因子的影响比球果大,表现为西部种源种子更趋于圆形,饱满,种翅较长,较宽;地理环境因子中,海拔与多数种实性状间呈显著相关性,是种实表型性状变异的主要来源,因此,海拔是影响种实表型性状变异的主要因素。该研究结果对进一步保护、利用江南油杉种质资源具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

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