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Primate teeth adapt to the physical properties of foods in a variety of ways including changes in occlusal morphology, enamel thickness, and overall size. We conducted a comparative study of extant primates to examine whether their teeth also adapt to foods through variation in the mechanical properties of the enamel. Nanoindentation techniques were used to map profiles of elastic modulus and hardness across tooth sections from the enamel-dentin junction to the outer enamel surface in a broad sample of primates including apes, Old World monkeys, New World monkeys, and lemurs. The measured data profiles feature considerable overlap among species, indicating a high degree of commonality in mechanical properties. These results suggest that differences in the load-bearing capacity of primate molar teeth are more a function of morphology-particularly tooth size and enamel thickness-than of underlying mechanical properties.  相似文献   

Structure, composition, and mechanical properties of shark teeth   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The teeth of two different shark species (Isurus oxyrinchus and Galeocerdo cuvier) and a geological fluoroapatite single crystal were structurally and chemically characterized. In contrast to dentin, enameloid showed sharp diffraction peaks which indicated a high crystallinity of the enameloid. The lattice parameters of enameloid were close to those of the geological fluoroapatite single crystal. The inorganic part of shark teeth consisted of fluoroapatite with a fluoride content in the enameloid of 3.1 wt.%, i.e., close to the fluoride content of the geological fluoroapatite single crystal (3.64 wt.%). Scanning electron micrographs showed that the crystals in enameloid were highly ordered with a special topological orientation (perpendicular towards the outside surface and parallel towards the center). By thermogravimetry, water, organic matrix, and biomineral in dentin and enameloid of both shark species were determined. Dentin had a higher content of water, organic matrix, and carbonate than enameloid but contained less fluoride. Nanoindentation and Vicker's microhardness tests showed that the enameloid of the shark teeth was approximately six times harder than the dentin. The hardness of shark teeth and human teeth was comparable, both for dentin and enamel/enameloid. In contrast, the geological fluoroapatite single crystal was much harder than both kinds of teeth due to the absence of an organic matrix. In summary, the different biological functions of the shark teeth ("tearing" for Isurus and "cutting" for Galeocerdo) are controlled by the different geometry and not by the chemical or crystallographic composition.  相似文献   

Tooth enamel, a highly mineralized tissue covering the outermost area of teeth, is always damaged by dental caries or trauma. Tooth enamel rarely repairs or renews itself, due to the loss of ameloblasts and dental epithelial stem cells (DESCs) once the tooth erupts. Unlike human teeth, mouse incisors grow continuously due to the presence of DESCs that generate enamel-producing ameloblasts and other supporting dental epithelial lineages. The ready accessibility of mouse DESCs and wide availability of related transgenic mouse lines make mouse incisors an excellent model to examine the identity and heterogeneity of dental epithelial stem/progenitor cells; explore the regulatory mechanisms underlying enamel formation; and help answer the open question regarding the therapeutic development of enamel engineering. In the present review, we update the current understanding about the identification of DESCs in mouse incisors and summarize the regulatory mechanisms of enamel formation driven by DESCs. The roles of DESCs during homeostasis and repair are also discussed, which should improve our knowledge regarding enamel tissue engineering.  相似文献   

Peritubular dentin (PTD) is a relatively dense mineralized tissue that surrounds the tubules of coronal tooth dentin. It is composed mainly of crystals of carbonated apatite together with a small amount of collagen. Its mode of formation has been investigated by studying the relatively dense particles isolated from a powdered preparation. Electron microscopic examination of the PTD particles, including 3-dimensional image reconstruction and electron diffraction, shows that the organization of the crystals of PTD is very similar to that of the adjacent intertubular dentin (ITD). The latter contains relatively large amounts of collagen and the carbonated apatite crystals are closely associated with the collagen matrix. The proteins present in the PTD particles are soluble after decalcification and stain with Stains All. The principal protein has higher molecular weight and a quite different amino acid composition than the phosphophoryns of the intertubular dentin. The interface between the PTD and the ITD shows structural continuity. These data show how two distinct carbonated apatite-based mineralized tissues can be organized and formed contiguously within the same organ by utilizing different sets of matrix proteins.  相似文献   

Chromosome stability is ensured by precisely fine-tuned dynamics of mitotic spindles, which are controlled by a network of various microtubule-associated and interacting proteins including the kinesin-13 family. The best characterized member of this family is the mitotic centromere-associated kinesin (MCAK). By efficiently depolymerizing microtubules, MCAK influences various key events during mitosis. MCAK itself is regulated by its interaction partners, its intrinsic conformation switch and the phosphorylation of mitotic kinases like Aurora A/B, cyclin-dependent kinase 1 and Polo-like kinase 1. Perturbing its regulation alters MCAK’s conformation, catalytic activity, subcellular localization and stability, leading further to mitotic defects in spindle formation and chromosome movement. Indeed, MCAK is aberrantly regulated in various cancer types, which is linked to increased invasiveness, metastasis and drug resistance. In the current review, we summarize recently published data concerning MCAK, correlate its conformation changes with its depolymerization activity and function, propose a model of its regulation by multiple mitotic kinases and highlight its potential involvement in oncogenesis and drug resistance.  相似文献   

Teeth have provided insights into many topics including primate diet, paleobiology, and evolution, due to the fact that they are largely composed of inorganic materials and may remain intact long after an animal is deceased. Previous studies have reported that the mechanical properties, chemistry, and microstructure of human enamel vary with location. This study uses nanoindentation to map out the mechanical properties of Alouatta palliata molar enamel on an axial cross‐section of an unworn permanent third molar, a worn permanent first molar, and a worn deciduous first molar. Variations were then correlated with changes in microstructure and chemistry using scanning electron microscopy and electron microprobe techniques. The hardness and Young's modulus varied with location throughout the cross‐sections from the occlusal surface to the dentin‐enamel junction (DEJ), from the buccal to lingual sides, and also from one tooth to another. These changes in mechanical properties correlated with changes in the organic content of the tooth, which was shown to increase from ~6% near the occlusal surface to ~20% just before the DEJ. Compared to human enamel, the Alouatta enamel showed similar microstructures, chemical constituents, and magnitudes of mechanical properties, but showed less variation in hardness and Young's modulus, despite the very different diet of this species. Am J Phys Anthropol 2010. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

We studied the abnormalities in enamel microstructure associated with enamel hypoplasia in human teeth from the early medieval (5th-7th century AD) cemetery of Barbing, Germany, using light and scanning electron microscopy. The main aim of the study was to test the hypothesis that by analyzing the microstructure of fully formed enamel it is possible to reconstruct the reaction pattern of secretory ameloblasts to stress events leading to enamel hypoplasia. From the histological findings, a sequence of increasing impairment of secretory ameloblast function involving three thresholds was deduced. Surpassing of each of these thresholds is assumed to result in characteristic changes in enamel microstructure attributable to specific functional/morphological alterations of secretory ameloblasts. Based on our results we propose a model identifying the principal factors influencing the reaction of secretory ameloblasts to stress. The present study demonstrates that by including microscopic analysis in the study of enamel hypoplasia, it is possible to obtain a more complete picture of the formation of these developmental defects than is possible by inspection of crown surface features alone, and to draw more substantiated conclusions about the possible nature of developmental defects of enamel.  相似文献   

Basement membranes provide structural support and convey regulatory signals to cells in diverse tissues. Assembly of collagen IV into a sheet-like network is a fundamental mechanism during the formation of basement membranes. Peroxidasin (PXDN) was recently described to catalyze crosslinking of collagen IV through the formation of sulfilimine bonds. Despite the significance of this pathway in tissue genesis, our understanding of PXDN function is far from complete. In this work we demonstrate that collagen IV crosslinking is a physiological function of mammalian PXDN. Moreover, we carried out structure–function analysis of PXDN to gain a better insight into its role in collagen IV synthesis. We identify conserved cysteines in PXDN that mediate the oligomerization of the protein into a trimeric complex. We also demonstrate that oligomerization is not an absolute requirement for enzymatic activity, but optimal collagen IV coupling is only catalyzed by the PXDN trimers. Localization experiments of different PXDN mutants in two different cell models revealed that PXDN oligomers, but not monomers, adhere on the cell surface in “hot spots,” which represent previously unknown locations of collagen IV crosslinking.  相似文献   

The group 1 pathogenesis-related (PR-1) proteins have long been considered hallmarks of hypersensitive response/defense pathways in plants, but their biochemical functions are still obscure despite resolution of the NMR/X-ray structures of several PR-1-like proteins, including P14a (the prototype PR-1). We report here the characterization of two basic PR-1 proteins (PR-1-1 and PR-1-5) recently identified from hexaploid wheat (Triticum aestivum). Both proteins were expressed in Pichia pastoris as a single major species of ∼15 kDa. Sequence identity of the expressed PR-1 proteins was verified by MALDI-TOF/TOF analysis. Accumulation of the native PR-1-5 protein in pathogen-challenged wheat was confirmed by protein gel blot analysis. Low-temperature SDS-PAGE and yeast two-hybrid assays revealed that PR-1-1 exists primarily as a monomer whereas PR-1-5 forms homodimers. Both PR-1 proteins are resistant to proteases compared to bovine serum albumin, but PR-1-1 shows resistance mainly to subtilisin and protease K (serine proteases) whereas PR-1-5 shows resistance to subtilisin, protease K and papain (a cysteine protease). Site-specific mutations at the five putative active sites in the PR-1 domain all affected dimerization, with the mutations at Glu-72 and Glu-102 (in the PR-1-5 numeration) also diminishing protease resistance. Sequence analysis revealed that the Glu-72 and Glu-102 residues are located in motif-like sequences that are conserved in both PR-1 and the human apoptosis-related caspase proteins. These findings prompt us to examine the function of PR-1 for a role in protease-mediated programmed cell death pathways in plants.  相似文献   

The alternative oxidase is a ubiquinol oxidase found in plant mitochondria, as well as in the mitochondria of some fungi and protists. It catalyzes a cyanide-resistant reduction of oxygen to water without translocation of protons across the inner mitochondrial membrane, and thus functions as a non-energy-conserving member of the respiratory electron transfer chain. The active site of the alternative oxidase has been modelled as a diiron center within a four-helix bundle by Siedow et al. (FEBS Lett. 362 (1995) 10-14) and more recently by Andersson and Nordlund (FEBS Lett. 449 (1999) 17-22). The cloning of the Arabidopsis thaliana IMMUTANS (Im) gene, which encodes a plastid enzyme distantly related to the mitochondrial alternative oxidases (Wu et al. Plant Cell 11 (1999) 43-55; Carol et al. Plant Cell 11 (1999) 57-68), has now narrowed the range of possible ligands to the diiron center of the alternative oxidase. The Im protein sequence suggests a minor modification to the recent model of the active site of the alternative oxidase. This change moves an invariant tyrosine into a conserved hydrophobic pocket in the vicinity of the active site, in a position analogous to the long-lived tyrosine radical at the diiron center of ribonucleotide reductase, and similar to the tyrosines near the diiron center of bacterioferritin and rubrerythrin. The Im sequence and modified structural model yield a compelling picture of the alternative oxidase as a diiron carboxylate protein. The current status of the relationship of structure to function in the alternative oxidase is reviewed.  相似文献   

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