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Determinants of Home Range Size for Polar Bears (Ursus maritimus)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The mean home range size of female polar bears ( Ursus maritimus ; 125 100 km2 ± 11 800; n  = 93) is substantially larger than the predicted value (514 km2) for a terrestrial carnivore of similar weight. To understand this difference, we correlated home range size and sea ice characteristics. Home range size was related to (i) the ratio of land vs. sea within a given home range (42% of explained variance), and (ii) seasonal variation in ice cover (24%). Thus, bears using land during the ice-free season had larger home ranges and bears living in areas of great seasonal variation in ice cover also had larger home ranges. In another analysis we investigated how variation in a bear's environment in space and time affects its choice of home range. We found that polar bears adjusted the size of their home range according to the amount of annual and seasonal variation within the centre of their home range. For example, polar bears experiencing unpredictable seasonal and annual ice tended to increase their home range size if increasing home range size resulted in reducing variation in seasonal and annual ice. Polar bears make trade-offs between alternate space-use strategies. Large home ranges occur when variable ice cover is associated with more seals but also a more unpredictable distribution of those seals.  相似文献   

Stereotypical behaviors in captive polar bears (Ursus maritimus) can be detrimental to their welfare. These behaviors can be reduced through enrichment programs but are often not completely eliminated, so identifying potential triggers is important. The present study investigated the influences of seasonal changes, visitor density, and concurrent bear activity on stereotypical behaviors exhibited by 3 captive polar bears at the Toronto Zoo. All bears exhibited these behaviors; however, individual differences were found in duration and form. The male exhibited less stereotypical behavior during spring, and the females exhibited less stereotypical behavior during winter. An increase in visitor density was associated with more stereotypical behavior in 1 female but less stereotypical behavior in the other 2 bears. All bears engaged in more stereotypical behaviors when the other bears were inactive, and 1 female engaged in more stereotypical behaviors when the other bears were out of sight. Further, when conspecifics were active, all bears engaged in less stereotypical behaviors. Given the variability among individual bears, future enrichment programs must be tailored to the needs of individuals to maximize efficacy.  相似文献   

C. Wemmer  M. Von  Ebers  K. Scow   《Journal of Zoology》1976,180(3):425-439
In an effort to determine the function of a low intensity repetitive call termed chuffing, quantitative data were analyzed for behavioural associations and contingencies, and several hypotheses were tested regarding variable call structure. Adult bears of both sexes chuff in a variety of circumstances, but the call is heard predominantly in maternal females during early stages of cub development. In the maternal situation it is most often emitted during simple behavioural changes, and with the exception of promoting mother-cub contact it evokes no specific response. Differences in call duration do not signal qualitative or quantitative differences in the mother's behaviour, nor do they evoke different responses from the cubs. Neither distance nor visibility of the cub affects the number of sound elements composing the call. The physical structure of the call suggests its source potentially can be localized with regard to both direction and distance.  相似文献   

Mammals in a patchy environment are often required to make regular spatial movements in order to obtain necessary resources. Polar bears (Ursus maritimus) are known to move distances of several hundred kilometres to locate favourable feeding areas or suitable habitats for female maternity denning. This paper describes the routes followed by adult female Polar bears in spring from a region in north-eastern Manitoba, Canada, where they had denned over winter, to the sea ice of Hudson Bay where they could hunt seals. Over a five-year period, 74 tracks in snow were followed for a total distance of 1081 km. Most tracks ( n = 64) were made by adult females accompanied by recently born cubs-of-the-year. These family group tracks followed relatively parallel and straight courses toward the sea with a mean heading of 39° but did not follow the shortest straight line distance to the sea. The remaining tracks were made by solitary bears, probably adult females. These tracks had a mean heading similar to that of family groups but travelled more convoluted courses. Solitary bears also frequently dug snow caves and multiple shallow snow pits along their routes, structures never observed along the routes of family groups.  相似文献   

In March 2009, we documented the death of one member of a triplet polar bear (Ursus maritimus) litter at its den site in the southern Beaufort Sea (SBS) of Alaska. We used a self-contained video camera unit to document activity between den emergence and departure. All three cubs showed low activity levels relative to other cubs observed, and one died within one week of den emergence. Necropsy confirmed that the dead cub had a low body weight and was malnourished. Capture later confirmed that the two surviving cubs were also undersized. Polar bear cub survival is influenced by many factors including litter size and sea ice conditions. Triplet litters are often smaller and suffer higher mortality rates than singletons and twins. This cub was not only a triplet but also born following 2 years of record minimum sea ice extent, both of which may have played a role in this cub’s demise.  相似文献   

The evaluation of enrichment programs is important to determine their effect on nonhuman animal welfare. The daily activity pattern and use of space of 3 brown bears (Ursus arctos) were used for long-term macroevaluation of enrichment to compare the baseline and enrichment phases. Focal sampling methods were used for data collection, and instantaneous scans were made at 2-min intervals during 15 sessions of 1 hr for each animal during the 2 study periods. The enrichment devices were categorized as feeding, occupational, and sensorial. The long-term macroevaluation in 3 bears showed statistically significant differences in some types of activity but not in others. There were also statistically significant differences for the use of space in 4 of the 8 zones in which the enclosures were divided. A more homogenous pattern in the use of space was only observed during the enrichment phase in the old female. The 3 brown bears followed different patterns concerning the enrichment program.  相似文献   

Morbillivirus ecology in polar bears (Ursus maritimus)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Polar bear (Ursus maritimus) morbillivirus infection was initially reported by Follmann and co-workers in 1996, based upon serologic results using canine distemper virus (CDV). The impetus for the evaluation of polar bear populations for morbillivirus infections was prompted by epidemics of canine distemper-like disease in seal populations in the north Atlantic regions of Greenland, Europe, and Russia. Since marine morbilliviruses have been further characterized into three major species, phocine distemper virus (PDV), dolphin morbillivirus (DMV) and porpoise morbillivirus (PMV), it was of value to determine the origin of the polar bear infection. One hundred serum samples were selected from a group of sera collected from regions of Alaska and Russia and tested by differential serum neutralization assay against the three major marine morbilliviruses and CDV, to determine the predominant virus infecting the polar bear. Polar bears had higher serum antibody titers to CDV than they did to PDV, DMV, and PMV. These data suggest that polar bears are being infected with a morbillivirus of terrestrial origin. Furthermore, based on the high serum antibody prevalence in the population, the virus may be indigenous to the polar bear and not necessarily the result of interspecies transmission from other arctic mammals susceptible to CDV and/or marine morbilliviruses. Accepted: 20 December 1999  相似文献   

Vonk J  Beran MJ 《Animal behaviour》2012,84(1):231-238
Studies of bear cognition are notably missing from the comparative record despite bears' large relative brain size and interesting status as generalist carnivores facing complex foraging challenges, but lacking complex social structures. We investigated the numerical abilities of three American black bears (Ursus Americanus) by presenting discrimination tasks on a touch-screen computer. One bear chose the larger of two arrays of dot stimuli, while two bears chose the smaller array of dots. On some trials the relative number of dots was congruent with the relative total area of the two arrays. On other trials number of dots was incongruent with area. All of the bears were above chance on trials of both types with static dots. Despite encountering greater difficulty with dots that moved within the arrays, one bear was able to discriminate numerically larger arrays of moving dots, and a subset of moving dots from within the larger array, even when area and number were incongruent. Thus, although the bears used area as a cue to guide responding, they were also able to use number as a cue. The pattern of performance was similar to that found previously with monkeys, and suggests that bears may also show other forms of sophisticated quantitative abilities.  相似文献   

M. A. Ramsay    Ian  Stirling 《Journal of Zoology》1988,214(4):601-633
Data on age-specific natality rates, litter size, interbirth interval, age of first reproduction, reproductive senescence, age of weaning and cub survival were determined for a free-ranging population of polar bears inhabiting Hudson Bay, Canada, near the southern limit of the species range. Serum progesterone levels were also determined for females at different stages of their reproductive cycle to provide corroborative support for the reproductive parameters described. Animals were live captured using immobilizing drugs and each animal uniquely marked for future identification. First parturition occurred at four or five years of age and the age-specific natality rate increased with age until approximately 20 years, after which it dropped markedly. At least 40% of adult females displayed two-year interbirth intervals and 55% of cubs in their second year were independent of their mother. Mean size of cub litters in spring was 1.9 and 13% of litters had three or more cubs. The natality rate for 5–20-year-old females was estimated as 0.9, higher than that reported for any more northerly polar bear populations where two-year interbirth intervals are rare, fewer than 5% of yearling cubs are weaned and triplet litters occur with less than 1% frequency. Cub mortality was initially high and declined with age. Although cubs in western Hudson Bay were weaned at a younger age and a lighter weight than their counterparts in more northern populations, cub mortality rates were similar. The reason for the marked differences in reproductive parameters in the western Hudson Bay population is not known. We speculate that sea-ice conditions may be sufficiently different to allow weaned bears at a lighter body weight to hunt seals more successfully there than further north.  相似文献   

The adaptation of black and polar bears to their environments is proportional to the severity of climate and food restriction. Both black and polar bears mate during the spring, despite differences in their recent metabolic state. Reproductive activity in black bears follows 4 mo of torpor, whereas reproduction in polar bears occurs prior to torpor. The goals of this study were to measure the annual changes in serum sex steroids in male and female black and polar bears, and to determine if changes in serum levels of these steroids were associated with metabolic condition or photoperiod. Serum testosterone (T) concentrations were elevated during spring in black and polar bears. Moreover, this increase in serum T in polar bears during spring was correlated with age and testis size. Serum progesterone (P4) concentrations increased in pregnant polar bears in fall coincident with the time of expected implantation. No increases in serum P4 were observed in nonpregnant black and polar bears. Serum estradiol (E2) was elevated in nonpregnant and pregnant polar bears 2 mo prior to the time of expected implantation. We found that serum sex steroids measured in black and polar bears change independent of torpor. Therefore, our results suggest that photoperiod may be a more important regulator of serum steroid levels and reproduction than metabolic condition.  相似文献   

Distribution of polar bears (Ursus maritimus) in the Svalbard area   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
ø. Whg 《Journal of Zoology》1995,237(4):515-529

Age-specific patterns of maternal weight, litter size, litter weight and reproductive effort were investigated for polar bears ( Ursus maritimus ) from western Hudson Bay. Most relationships were described by quadratic equations. Maternal weight in spring and autumn increased until 17 and 15 years of age, respectively, and then declined. Age-related increases in maternal weight were thought to be associated with improving hunting skills. The relationships between age and litter size, litter weight and reproductive effort, in both the spring and autumn, increased until 14 to 16 years, followed by a decline. We speculate that age-related decreases in reproductive performance are due to undetennined processes associated with ageing that impair the accumulation of fat stores necessary for reproduction. Pregnant females lost an average of 127 kg overwinter which represented an average of 43.5% of their autumn weight. Fat stores remaining after the overwinter fast may be critical for maintaining an energy supply to cubs once they return to the sea ice where the distribution and abundance of their prey is unpredictable. We suggest that maternal condition is an important factor contributing to lifetime reproductive success in polar bears.  相似文献   

This study compared the fatty acid composition of polar bear (Ursus maritimus) adipose tissue (n=2) to the fatty acid (FA) composition in published literature for maternal milk (n=3 samples) and a primary milk formula (liquid Esbilac, Pet Ag Inc., Hampshire, IL) commonly used in hand rearing, to look at possible dietary influences on ultimate body fat constituency. All tissue and commercial milk fatty acids were analyzed on a percent relative (% of fat) basis for consistency in reporting results and to make easier comparisons between samples with varying fat contents. Thirty‐eight individual fatty acid profiles were measured and the results tabulated into saturated, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats. The tissue adipose results for the two cubs had similar patterns throughout the assay. Saturated FA totals were 30% of the total fat, monounsaturated FA represented 50% of the total fat, and polyunsaturated FA was 15%. Similar fatty acid proportions were reported when comparing adipose to published data for maternal milk of polar bears. The most striking differences were between the commercial milk replacer (liquid Esbilac) and the tissue samples and maternal milk values. Esbilac FA summaries for saturated FAs were 24%, monounsaturated were 26%, and polyunsaturated comprised 50% of the total fat. Polyunsaturated fat in Esbilac is substantially higher than the tissue and milk scores. Although lipid sources from whole cream or half‐and‐half are used to increase the fat concentration of milk replacers for the hand‐reared polar bear cub, alternative ingredients such as fish oil may prove more suitable for this species, as their FA profiles better duplicate natural diets and resulting lipid stores in milk and adipose tissues of free‐ranging polar bears. Zoo Biol 0:1–11, 2006. © 2006 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The difficulty of observing polar bears (Ursus maritimus) in the wild has prohibited the gathering of behavioral data necessary to develop a baseline set of milestones for monitoring cub development. This study describes and quantifies previously undocumented trends in behavior observed in a captive cub–information that will be useful both in future comparative studies and in the implementation of husbandry improvements. Nearly 400 hr of behavioral data were collected, 100 hr of which were video recordings from the maternity den during the first 3 months of life. Den videos were scored to determine activity budgets and levels of maternal contact. For the remainder of the first year, mother and cub were observed in the outdoor enclosure. The onset and relative frequency of 40 discrete cub behaviors were tracked, as were patterns of mother–cub contact, including nursing and weaning. This study revealed that environmental conditions, habitat enrichment, and conditioning procedures influenced the patterns of developmental behavior exhibited by a polar bear cub. Both climatic and developmental factors had significant effects on the time the bears spent swimming. Management practices, such as environmental enrichment, and a conditioning procedure involving separation of mother and cub caused transient changes in several tracked behaviors. As the cub aged, the longest time between consecutive maternal contacts increased. Nursing bouts recorded per hour of observation decreased, and the duration of individual nursing bouts and pre‐nurse begging periods increased. Zoo Biol 22:507–514, 2003. © 2003 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

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