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Little is known about the nature of the association between mycobionts and photobionts in isolated lichen communities. Here we studied the photobiont diversity of different Caloplaca species in a fog-induced community in the Atacama Desert. We compared nrDNA ITS sequences of both symbionts, photobionts and mycobionts, along with morphological characters of the different lichen thalli, to investigate the diversity and to assess the degree of selectivity and specificity of photobiont species in a community of Caloplaca species. Specimens of six fungal species (C. orthoclada, C. fernandeziana, and four undescribed species) were sampled along an altitudinal gradient on a coastal bluff with a strong fog presence, 60 km south of Iquique, Chile. The photobiont species in this community belong to three species of the genus Trebouxia in the strict sense: T. arboricola, T. decolorans, and T. gigantea. Most of the fungal species were lichenized with photobionts belonging to different haplotypes of T. arboricola and T. decolorans, although the algae of three specimens, associated with two fungal species (C. orthoclada and C. sp1), were related to representatives of T. gigantea. These results indicate that members of the genus Caloplaca in northern Chile have moderate photobiont selectivity and appear to be selective to members of the T. arboricola group. Also, at high altitudes, changes in the photobiontal haplotype composition were observed in comparison to lower altitudes, probably generated by a higher water availability given higher fog condensation and precipitation in the upper areas of the bluff. This may suggest that ecological factors, such as altitude and water availability could result in a local shift of the associated photobiont and specialization as a product of local adaptation.  相似文献   

The availability of highly variable markers for the partners of a fungal symbiosis enables the integrated investigation of ecological and evolutionary processes at the symbiotic level. In this article we analyze the specificity of the first and to date only microsatellite markers that had been developed for an epiphytic lichen (Lobaria pulmonaria). We used DNA extracts from cultures of the fungal and of the green algal symbionts of L. pulmonaria as well as total DNA extracts from related Lobaria species associated with the same algal partner, and got evidence that five of the previously described microsatellite markers, proposed to be fungus-specific, are indeed alga-specific. Hence, highly variable microsatellite primer sets available for both, the algal and the fungal symbionts of L. pulmonaria are now at our hands, which allow us to investigate so far unexplored biological processes of lichen symbionts, such as codispersal and coevolution. In a broader sense, our work evaluates and discusses the challenges in developing biont-specific molecular markers for fungi forming close associations with other organisms.  相似文献   

The asexual blood stages of the Plasmodium falciparum parasite are responsible for inducing the clinical symptoms and the most severe presentations of malaria infection that causes frequent mortality and morbidity in tropical and subtropical areas of the world, making the blood stages of infection a key target of new malaria treatment and prevention strategies. Progress towards the development of more effective treatment and prevention strategies has been hindered by the limited availability of infection models that permit the sequential analysis of blood stage parasites in vitro followed by in vivo analysis to confirm therapeutic benefits. To advance a model for in vitro and in vivo analysis of blood stage parasites, we examined nine laboratory strains of P. falciparum to determine which strains could adapt to growth in vivo in splenectomized squirrel monkeys (Saimiri sciureus). Only one of the nine laboratory strains tested, the FCB strain, adapted to in vivo growth. Morphological analysis show that the adapted ring-stage parasites have a different morphology from original parasites cultured in vitro, and more often they were found to localize at the edge of the infected red blood cell. No remarkable differences were observed for both trophozoites and schizonts. The adapted strain can be cultured back in vitro similar to the original parasite, indicating that the adapted parasite can develop both in vitro and in vivo. This squirrel monkey-adapted P. falciparum parasite is expected to be suitable and is advantageous for the research and development of vaccines and antimalarial drugs.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: We investigated adaptation changes in dynamic postural control and contingent negative variation (CNV) in 13 young and 12 elderly adults. Subjects repeatedly underwent backward postural disturbance by a forward floor translation (S2) 2 s after an auditory warning signal (S1). Initial and second sets were conducted, each set with 20 trials. Posterior peak position of the center of pressure in the anteroposterior direction (CoPy) after S2 was identified. Electroencephalograms from Cz were averaged for each set, and the CNV negative peak was identified. RESULTS: Compared with the first trial, the posterior peak position of CoPy changed significantly forward from the 12th trial in the young and from the 19th trial in the elderly during the initial set. The mean of the posterior peak position was more forward in second set than in the initial set for both groups and was significantly backward in the elderly compared to the young for both sets. These findings indicate that subjects in both groups adapted better to the postural disturbance in the second set than in the initial set, and the adaptation was later in the elderly. Late CNV in the young started to increase negatively from the middle of the S1-S2 period and peaked just before S2. Peak CNV amplitude was larger in the second set than in the initial set. In contrast, late CNV in the elderly exhibited no negative increase as in the young and peaked in the middle of the S1-S2 period, which was followed by gradual decreasing toward S2. No adaptive changes were found in late CNV for the elderly. CONCLUSIONS: It is conceivable that reduced activation of the frontal lobe may be one of the factors contributing to the decrease in postural adaptability in the elderly. The elderly may use various brain regions for the adaptation of dynamic postural control compared with the young.  相似文献   

In order to manipulate the shoot demand for mineral nutrients per unit root weight, maize ( Zea mays L.) seedlings were grown in nutrient solution with different temperatures in the root zone and at the shoot base. The aerial temperature was kept uniform at 24/20°C day/night. At a root zone temperature (RZT) of 24°C, shoot growth was reduced by decreasing the shoot base temperature (SBT) to 12°C; at a RZT of 12°C, shoot growth was increased by raising the SBT to 24°C. At both RZT root growth was not affected by the SBT. Thus, the shoot demand for nutrients per unit root was either increased by raising, or decreased by lowering the SBT. The net uptake rate of potassium (K), as determined from accumulation rates between sequential harvests, was not affected within the first 3 days after lowering the SBT, whereas net translocation rates of K into the shoot and translocation rates in the xylem exudate of decapitated plants were markedly reduced. Obviously, translocation of K into the shoot seems to be regulated independently from K uptake into the root cells. Translocation rates of K in the xylem exudate of decapitated plants were markedly reduced when the nutrient solution was replaced by CaCl2 solution during exudation. But, depending on the SBT before decapitation, significant differences remained in the translocation rates of K even when K uptake from the nutrient solution was prevented.
From the results it is suggested that xylem loading of K is regulated separately from K uptake from the external solution and that the adaptation of K translocation to shoot demand is coupled with an altered capacity of the root for xylem loading.  相似文献   

A decrease in nitric oxide availability in the brain tissue due to the inhibition of nitric oxide synthase (NOS) activity during the early phases of hyperbaric oxygen (HBO) exposure was found to be involved in hyperoxic vasoconstriction leading to reduced regional cerebral blood flow. We hypothesized that the concentration of asymmetric dimethylarginine (ADMA), an endogenous inhibitor of nitric oxide synthase (NOS), may be an important factor during this hyperoxic vasoconstriction state. Rats were exposed to 1, 2 and 3 atmospheres pure oxygen for two hours. A fourth group of animals served as control. Asymmetric dimethylarginine, L-Arginine and nitrite/nitrate (NOx) concentrations were measured from deproteinized rat brain cytosols. In rat brains exposed to 3 atmospheres O2, ADMA and L-Arginine levels were found to be significantly higher and NOx significantly lower than control levels. Additionally, statistically significant correlations between ADMA and L-Arginine, and ADMA and NOx concentrations were detected. In conclusion, this is the first study indicating increased ADMA levels in rat brains exposed to HBO. The simultaneously decreased NOx values suggest that ADMA elevation resulted in NOS inhibition and therefore may be responsible for the early phase hyperoxic vasoconstriction.  相似文献   

Antioxidant status was assayed in leaves of two local lesion hosts of tobacco mosaic virus (TMV), namely in wild-type Xanthi-nc tobacco and in NahG transgenic tobacco, the latter of which is not able to accumulate salicylic acid (SA) and therefore is unable to develop systemic acquired resistance (SAR). Activities of several enzymes related to antioxidative defense, and the levels of glutathione, chlorogenic acid and rutin were studied. The majority of antioxidant enzymes were less active in uninfected NahG tobacco than in Xanthi-nc. Furthermore, important enzymatic and non-enzymatic antioxidants were down-regulated in TMV-infected NahG plants, as compared to Xanthi-nc. Correspondingly, SA pretreatment primed the leaves for stronger induction of antioxidants in infected Xanthi-nc, but not in NahG tobaccos. The antioxidant status of NahG tobacco even decreased after an attempted induction of SAR, while the antioxidative level increased in Xanthi-nc leaves in which the SAR was successfully induced. After infection, a greater accumulation of superoxide and H 2 O 2, and a more intensive necrotization was positively correlated with the reduced capability of NahG leaf tissue to detoxify reactive oxygen species.  相似文献   

Organisms exhibit an incredible diversity of life history strategies as adaptive responses to environmental variation. The establishment of novel life history strategies involves multilocus polymorphisms, which will be challenging to establish in the face of gene flow and recombination. Theory predicts that adaptive allelic combinations may be maintained and spread if they occur in genomic regions of reduced recombination, such as chromosomal inversion polymorphisms, yet empirical support for this prediction is lacking. Here, we use genomic data to investigate the evolution of divergent adaptive ecotypes of the yellow monkey flower Mimulus guttatus. We show that a large chromosomal inversion polymorphism is the major region of divergence between geographically widespread annual and perennial ecotypes. In contrast, ~40,000 single nucleotide polymorphisms in collinear regions of the genome show no signal of life history, revealing genomic patterns of diversity have been shaped by localized homogenizing gene flow and large‐scale Pleistocene range expansion. Our results provide evidence for an inversion capturing and protecting loci involved in local adaptation, while also explaining how adaptive divergence can occur with gene flow.  相似文献   

Comparative electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopic studies on spin-labeled native and protein-free purified tonoplast membranes in the CAM plant Kalanchoë daigremontiana showed that the phenotypic decrease in tonoplast fluidity occurring upon acclimation to elevated temperature is brought about by specific protein-lipid interaction. However, there are indications that, to some extent, the properties of the bulk tonoplast lipids may also be affected by acclimation to high temperature. In contrast to heat acclimated individuals and for still unknown reasons, in plants grown at normal temperature depletion of the tonoplast membrane of its proteins had no effect on membrane fluidity. The results are considered as evidence for the occurrence of homeoviscous adaptation in the tonoplast of CAM plants towards changes in the temperature climate during growth.  相似文献   

Because asexual species lack recombination, they have little opportunity to produce genetically variable offspring and cannot adapt to changes in their environment. However, a number of asexual species are very successful and appear to contradict this general view. One such species is the phytophagous mite Brevipalpus phoenicis (Geijskes), a species that is found in a wide range of environments. There are two general explanations for this pattern, the General Purpose Genotype (GPG) and Frozen Niche Variation (FNV). According to the GPG model, an asexual species consists of clones that can all survive and reproduce in all the different niches. Alternatively, the FNV model postulates that different clones are specialized to different niches. We have performed a test to distinguish between these models in B. phoenicis. Mites from three populations from three different host plant species (citrus, hibiscus and acerola) were transplanted to their own and the two alternative host plants and mite survival and egg production were measured. Additionally, the mite populations were genotyped using microsatellites. Fitness was seriously reduced when mites were transplanted to the alternative host plant species, except when the alternative host was acerola. We concluded that B. phoenicis clones are specialized to different niches and thus the FNV best describes the broad ecological niche of this species but that there is also some evidence for host plant generalization. This conclusion was strengthened by the observations that on each host plant species the native mite population performed better than the introduced ones, and that three microsatellite markers showed that the mite populations are genetically distinct.  相似文献   

The communication signals in many grasshopper species are composed of multiple repetitions of highly stereotyped subunits, and thus provide redundancy. In a behavioural paradigm, we tested the ability of males of the grasshopper Chorthippus biguttulus to recognize shortened versions of the communication signals of conspecific females. Males reliably responded to a three-subunits signal (250 ms), i.e. to a signal of less than a quarter of the natural duration. This performance is remarkable in view of the substantial adaptation and the variability present in the spiking responses of auditory interneurones. These behavioural results will impose constraints for investigating possible encoding mechanisms used by the grasshoppers' auditory system. Accepted: 1 September 1998  相似文献   

In most symbioses between animals and luminous bacteria it has been assumed that the bacterial symbionts luminesce continuously, and that the control of luminescent output by the animal is mediated through elaborate accessory structures, such as chromatophores and muscular shutters that surround the host light organ. However, we have found that while in the light organ of the sepiolid squid Euprymna scolopes, symbiotic cells of Vibrio fischeri do not produce a continuously uniform level of luminescence, but instead exhibit predictable cyclic fluctuations in the amount of light emitted per cell. This daily biological rhythm exhibits many features of a circadian pattern, and produces an elevated intensity of symbiont luminescence in juvenile animals during the hours preceding the onset of ambient darkness. Comparisons of the specific luminescence of bacteria in the intact light organ with that of newly released bacteria support the existence of a direct host regulation of the specific activity of symbiont luminescence that does not require the intervention of accessory tissues. A model encompassing the currently available evidence is proposed for the control of growth and luminescence activity in the E. scolopes/V. fischeri light organ symbiosis.Abbreviations CFU colony-forming-unit - LD light-dark  相似文献   

Summary The purpose of the study was to quantify long distance movements in populations of pea aphid, Acyrthosiphon pisum (Harris), by estimating origins and distances travelled by immigrants into a southern Manitoba population. A strong relationship was demonstrated between latitude of origin and photoperiods at which pea aphid populations are stimulated to produce the diapause stage (Smith 1987). Therefore, the approach was to use photoperiodic response as a physiological marker to identify the source of immigrant aphids. The responses of 89 clones from Glenlea, Manitoba (49°38N), sampled 5 times over 2 seasons, were measured. One sample of clones collected the first season had photoperiodic responses similar to those of a population about 300 km to the south, and significantly different from clones collected in spring of the same year at the same site. Weather analysis corroberates that the migrants were probably carried into Manitoba on a southerly flow of air during the previous 24 to 36 h.  相似文献   

Land snails often exhibit intra-annual cycles of activity interspersed by periods of dormancy (hibernation/aestivation), accompanied by a range of behavioural and physiological adaptations to ensure their survival under adverse environmental conditions. These adaptations are useful to understand species-specific habitat requirements and to predict their response to environmental changes. We examined the seasonal physiological and biochemical composition patterns of the threatened land snail Codringtonia helenae, endemic to Greece, in relation to its behavioural ecology and climatic conditions. Fuel reserves (glycogen, lipids, proteins) and water were accumulated prior to aestivation, but subsequently were rapidly depleted. LDH exhibited substantial rise during aestivation, suggesting that anaerobic pathways may provide additional energy. The major outcome of our study was the unambiguous discrimination of the four life-cycle periods. Most remarkable was the clear distinction of the aestivation period, with hibernation, the other dormancy period, showing similarity with the two active periods but not with aestivation. We observed disassociation between behavioural and physiological responses and climatic conditions. The physiological responses of C. helenae were effective during hibernation, but only partly compensate the effect of adverse conditions during aestivation, since its aestivating behaviour is occasional and time limited. Perhaps, the behavioural ecology of Codringtonia is relictual and shaped during past environmental conditions. This constitutes an important extinction threat considering the current climatic trends and the deterioration of the habitat of that species due to human activities.  相似文献   

Portocaval anastomosis (PCA) in the rat leads, within 4 weeks, to severe liver atrophy, sustained hyperammonemia, and increased brain ammonia. Because brain is not equipped with an effective urea cycle, removal of ammonia involves glutamine synthesis and PCA results in significantly increased brain glutamine. Glutamine synthetase activities, however, are decreased by 15% in cerebral cortex and are unchanged in brainstem of shunted rats. Administration of ammonium acetate to rats following PCA results in severe encephalopathy (loss of righting reflex and, ultimately, coma). Glutamine concentrations in brainstem of comatose rats are increased a further two-fold, whereas those of cerebral cortex are unchanged. Consequently, ammonia levels in cerebral cortex reach disproportionately high levels (of the order of 5 mM). These findings suggest a limitation in the capacity of cerebral cortex to remove additional blood-borne ammonia by glutamine formation following PCA. Such mechanisms may explain the hypersensitivity of rats with PCA and of patients with portal-systemic shunting to small increases of blood ammonia. Disproportionately high levels of brain ammonia in certain regions, such as cerebral cortex, may then result in alterations of inhibitory neurotransmission and, ultimately, loss of cellular (astrocytic) integrity.  相似文献   

我国洪涝灾害受灾及成灾面积的预测分析   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
运用SAS软件的非线性回归,并结合马尔可夫链方法建立了因洪涝灾害造成的我国农田受灾及成灾面积的2个预测模型,结果表明本文所作的预测效果较好,为我国的灾害预测提供了一种方便实用的方法。  相似文献   

Empirical tests for the importance of population mixing in constraining adaptive divergence have not been well grounded in theory for quantitative traits in spatially discrete populations. We develop quantitative-genetic models to examine the equilibrium difference between two populations that are experiencing different selective regimes and exchanging individuals. These models demonstrate that adaptive divergence is negatively correlated with the rate of population mixing (m, most strongly so when m is low), positively correlated with the difference in phenotypic optima between populations, and positively correlated with the amount of additive genetic variance (G, most strongly so when G is low). The approach to equilibrium is quite rapid (fewer than 50 generations for two populations to evolve 90% of the distance to equilibrium) when either heritability or mixing are not too low (h2 > 0.2 or m > 0.05). The theory can be used to aid empirical tests that: (1) compare observed divergence to that predicted using estimates of population mixing, additive genetic variance/covariance, and selection; (2) test for a negative correlation between population mixing and adaptive divergence across multiple independent population pairs; and (3) experimentally manipulate the rate of mixing. Application of the first two of these approaches to data from two well-studied natural systems suggests that population mixing has constrained adaptive divergence for color patterns in Lake Erie water snakes (Nerodia sipedon), but not for trophic traits in sympatric pairs of benthic and limnetic stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus). The theoretical framework we outline should provide an improved basis for future empirical tests of the role of population mixing in adaptive divergence.  相似文献   

Fabric and compliance tensors of a cube of cancellous bone with a complicated three-dimensional trabecular structure were obtained for trabecular surface remodeling by using a digital image-based model combined with a large-scale finite element method. Using mean intercept length and a homogenization method, the fabric and compliance tensors were determined for the trabecular structure obtained in the computer remodeling simulation. The tensorial quantities obtained indicated that anisotropic structural changes occur in cancellous bone adapting to the compressive loading condition. There were good correlations between the fabric tensor, bone volume fraction, and compliance tensor in the remodeling process. The result demonstrates that changes in the structural and mechanical properties of cancellous bone are essentially anisotropic and should be expressed by tensorial quantities.  相似文献   

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