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Null and low enzyme activity alleles recovered from two natural populations were analyzed for a number of genetic and biochemical properties. Analysis of 58 mutations at 14 loci showed that all but one allele were genetically viable and fertile, four alleles were associated with chromosome rearrangements, 28 alleles retained some enzyme activity, 13 alleles formed an active heterodimer with active alleles and five alleles showed partial interallelic complementation. Available evidence indicates that this sample includes mutations resulting from lesions in both coding and regulatory sequences. Certain mutations may be caused by transposable element insertions.  相似文献   

Mettler LE  Voelker RA  Mukai T 《Genetics》1977,87(1):169-176
Twenty different natural populations of Drosophila melanogaster were sampled to determine the frequencies of inversions. Based on their frequencies and geographical distributions, the inversions could be classified as follows: (1) Common cosmopolitan inversions that are present in many populations in frequencies exceeding five percent and that may exhibit frequency clines over large geographical regions; (2) Rare cosmopolitan inversions that occur throughout the species range but usually at frequencies below five percent and that may be absent in many populations; (3) Recurrent endemic inversions that are found in several adjacent populations in frequencies usually not exceeding one or two percent; and (4) Unique endemic inversions that are found only among the progeny of a single individual and that may represent one aspect of the syndrome termed "hybrid dysgenesis". Four common cosmopolitan inversions that exhibit highly significant clines in populations in the eastern United States are In(2L)t, In(2R)NS, In(3L)P and In(3R)P.  相似文献   

Two large, stable populations (Texas and Japan) of Drosophila melanogaster were surveyed at 21 allozyme loci on the second and third chromosomes and for chromosomal gene arrangements on those two chromosomes. Over 220 independent gametes were sampled from each population. The types and frequencies of the surveyed genetic variation are similar to those observed previously and suggest only slight differentiation among geographically distant populations. Linkage disequilibrium among linked allozymes loci is only slightly, if at all, detectable with these sample sizes. Linkage disequilibrium between linked inversions and allozymes loci is common especially when located in the same arm. These disequilibria appear to be in the same direction for most comparisons in the two population samples. This result is interpreted as evidence of similar selective environments (ecological and genetic) in the two populations. It is also noted that the direction of these linkage disequilibria appears to be oriented with respect to the gene frequencies at the component loci.  相似文献   

Two hundred second chromosomes were extracted from a Japanese population in October of 1972, and the viabilities and productivities of homozygotes and heterozygotes from them were examined. Viability was measured by the Cy method and productivity by the number of progeny produced per female. The frequency of lethal-carrying chromosomes was 0.315. When the average heterozygote viability was standardized as 1.000, the average homozygote viability was 0.595 including the lethal lines, and 0.866 excluding them. The frequency of recessive sterile chromosomes among 131 non-lethal lines was 0.092 in females and 0.183 in males. There were two instances in which homozygosis for the second chromosome caused sterility in both sexes, which was close to the number expected (2.2) on a random basis of 0.092 x 0.183 x 131. When the average heterozygote productivity of 200 lines was standardized as 1.000, the average homozygote productivity was 0.532 including female steriles, and 0.584 excluding them. The ratio of detrimental load to lethal load was 0.383, while the ratio of partial sterility load to complete sterility load was 5.767. The average viability of lethal heterozygotes was slightly, but not significantly, lower than that of lethal-free heterozygotes, while the average productivity of lethal heterozygotes was significantly lower than that of lethal-free heterozygotes. There was a significant association of sterility in either sex with low viability of homozygotes. However, no statistically significant differences in viability and productivity were detected between sterile heterozygotes and non-sterile heterozygotes. The heterozygous effects of viability and productivity polygenes were examined by regressions of the heterozygotes on the sum of corresponding homozygotes. The regression coefficients were slightly positive for both viability and productivity if lethal and sterile chromosomes were excluded. The correlation between viability and productivity in homozygotes was significantly positive when sterile chromosomes were included, but the significance disappeared when the sterile chromosomes were excluded. In the heterozygotes there were no detectable correlations between them.  相似文献   

Clark AG  Feldman MW 《Genetics》1981,98(4):849-869
The effects of larval density on components of fertility fitness were investigated with two mutant lines of Drosophila melanogaster. The differences in adult body weight, wing length, larval survivorship and development time verified that flies reared at high density were resource limited. Experimental results indicate that: (1) relative fecundities of both sexes show density-dependent effects, (2) there is a strong density effect on male and female mating success, and (3) in general, there is a reduction in fecundity differences between genotypes at high density. These results imply that it may be important to consider fertility in models of density-dependent natural selection.  相似文献   

Singh RS  Hickey DA  David J 《Genetics》1982,101(2):235-256
We have studied allozyme variation at 26 gene loci in nine populations of Drosophila melanogaster originating on five different continents. The distant populations show significant genetic differentiation. However, only half of the loci studied have contributed to this differentiation; the other half show identical patterns in all populations. The genetic differentiation in North American, European and African populations is correlated with the major climatic differences between north and south. These differences arise mainly from seven loci that show gene-frequency patterns suggestive of latitudinal clines in allele frequencies. The clinal variation is such that subtropical populations are more heterozygous than temperate populations. These results are discussed in relation to the selectionist and neutralist hypotheses of genetic variation in natural populations.  相似文献   

Cavener DR  Clegg MT 《Genetics》1981,98(3):613-623
Seasonal patterns of allozyme variation are examined for 12 polymorphic enzyme loci in Drosophila melanogaster. The data derive from a total of 56 samples taken from a natural population in the Summer and Fall of 1978 and 1979. Samples were obtained at approximately five-day intervals and assayed for 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase (6Pgd), phosphoglucomutase (Pgm) and glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6pd). The remaining nine enzymes were assayed in an average of eight samples per season. None of the loci exhibit regular seasonal cycles of gene-frequency change, although 6Pgd does show significant, but irregular, frequency oscillations. There is also little evidence for gene-frequency differences between years, although 6Pgd is again exceptional in showing significant frequency changes between years. In addition, genotypic frequency distributions are usually consistent with random mating expectations. With the notable exception of 6Pgd, the data give a strong impression of gene-frequency homogeneity within and among years, despite obvious seasonal changes in climate and in the distribution of breeding sites.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of a study of linkage disequilibrium between five polymorphic enzyme genes located on chromosome 3 of D. melanogaster. Three sets of chromosomes were examined: two represented samples from successive years of the same natural population, and one came from a large laboratory population. Out of the thirty possible tests for linkage disequilibrium between pairs of loci, two were significant at the 5% level and two at the 1% level. This result cannot reasonably be ascribed to chance alone. The pairs of loci that had a significant correlation in one sample had higher than average correlations in the other samples (though not necessarily in the same direction); this effect was highly significant statistically. There was no tendency for the high correlations to be associated with tightness of linkage between the loci concerned. All five loci were involved in at least one significant effect. It was concluded that these results are difficult to explain on the neutral allele theory of protein polymorphism, but are consistent with the concept of selective control of allele frequencies.  相似文献   

The theory of evolution predicts that the rate of adaptation of a population is a function of the amount of genetic variation present in the population. This has been experimentally demonstrated in Drosophila populations in which genetic variability was increased either by mass hybridization of two gene pools, or by X-irradiation.—Mutator genes increase the spontaneous mutation rates of their carriers. We have now studied the effects of a third-chromosome mutator gene, mt, on the rate of adaptation of laboratory populations. Initially, experimental and control populations had similar genetic constitutions except for the presence or absence of the mt gene. The populations were maintained for 20–25 generations by "serial transfer" under conditions of very intense selection.—The number of flies produced per unit time remained constant throughout the experiment in the experimental as well as in the control populations. However, in the mutator-carrying populations the average longevity of the flies (and consequently the average population size) gradually decreased. Under the experimental conditions natural selection is unable to counteract completely the increased input of deleterious mutations due to the mt gene.  相似文献   

Mukai T  Nagano S 《Genetics》1983,105(1):115-134
About 500 second and 500 third chromosomes were extracted, using the marked inversion technique, from the Orlando-Lake Placid, Florida, population. From the experiments using these chromosomes, the following findings were obtained: (1) The frequencies of lethal-carrying chromosomes were 0.37 in the second and 0.55 in the third chromosomes. (2) The size of the population was estimated to be effectively infinite, on the basis of the allelism rate of lethal-carrying chromosomes. (3) The detrimental and lethal loads for viability were, respectively, 0.40 and 0.45 for the second and 0.52 and 0.78 for the third chromosomes. Consequently, the detrimental to lethal load ratio is 0.90 for the second and 0.67 for the third chromosomes. (4) Lethal genes were shown to be deleterious when heterozygous. (5) The average degree of dominance for mildly deleterious genes (viability polygenes) was estimated to be nearly 0.5, although the confidence interval is large. (6) Additive (sigma( 2) (A)) and dominance (sigma(2) ( D)) variances of viability were estimated by using a partial diallel cross method. The results were (see PDF) and (see PDF) for the second chromosomes. (7) Environmental variances of viability were estimated. The result indicates that the heterozygotes are more homeostatic than the homozygotes. The most striking finding is that the additive variance is larger than expected on the classical hypothesis from the detrimental load. Several possible explanations for the discrepancy are offered. The most likely cause, we suggest, is genotype-environment interaction (diversifying selection) acting on viability polygenes. Overdominance is inconsistent with the low dominance variance, and frequency-dependent selection also appears unlikely as an explanation.  相似文献   

Collections of D. melanogaster from Japanese populations were analyzed for enzyme and chromosomal polymorphisms. Allelic frequencies at the Adh and alphaGpd loci were compared with polymorphic inversion (In(2L)B, In(2R)C) frequencies in the second chromosome. There was a significant positive correlation between the frequencies of AdhS and In(2L)B, caused by linkage. On the other hand, inversion-free cage populations maintained in the laboratory for a long time showed considerably larger variation in the frequencies of these enzyme alleles, which seem very likely to be a consequence of random drift. Two fitness components of these enzyme and chromosomal variants were measured in two different environmental conditions; neither of the two loci showed heterozygote superiority in viability or productivity, while the inversion heterozygotes showed a superior productivity compared to the corresponding homozygotes in the fluctuating environment. These findings are compatible with the hypothesis that polymorphic isozyme genes are maintained by random drift of neutral genes in natural populations, and that association with linked inversions is a historical accident.  相似文献   

Linkage disequilibrium among ten polymorphic allozyme loci and polymorphic inversions on chromosomes 2 and 3 in a natural population of Drosophila melanogaster was examined early and late in the annual season. Similar to previous studies, little linkage disequilibrium was observed among allozymes. The two significant cases that were observed in the first sample behaved in a contradictory way. One declined much more rapidly than expected due simply to recombination; the other declined slowly as expected. There was little change in allozyme or inversion frequencies during the season.  相似文献   

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