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Steer BT 《Plant physiology》1973,51(4):744-748
Expanding leaves of Capsicum frutescens L. cv. California Wonder, Cucumis melo L. cv. Hales Best, and Citrus sinensis L. Osbeck cv. Washington Navel showed a marked diurnal periodicity in the incorporation of 14C from photosynthetically fixed 14CO2 into amino acids. Incorporation was virtually nil at the beginning of the photoperiod, reached a maximum in the 6th to 7th hour and decreased during the latter part of the photoperiod. In Capsicum frutescens this was apparently a reflection of the availability of reduced nitrogen controlled by the activity of nitrate reductase in the leaves. This also controlled the periodicity of the incorporation of 14C into fraction I protein. Possible control mechanisms and the relation of nitrogen metabolism to the periodicity of leaf expansion growth are discussed.  相似文献   

Acetate and bicarbonate metabolism in photosynthetic bacteria.   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  

Vicentic A 《Peptides》2006,27(8):1942-1948
The central role of CART peptide in feeding, drug abuse and stress has been widely researched however, CART's role in the peripheral system are less explored. CART peptide is present in a variety of peripheral tissues including sympathetic ganglion neurons, adrenal glands, gut, pancreas and blood. Studies that examined circulating CART demonstrated that the active fragment with a molecular weight of CART55-102 is present in the blood of rats and rhesus macaques. Interestingly, CART expression in these species exhibits a distinctive diurnal rhythm which correlates with the respective daily rhythms of corticosterone and feeding. In the rat, adrenalectomy significantly reduces blood CART levels and abolishes its daily rhythm while corticosterone replacement reinstates CART expression to control levels. In addition, direct administration of corticosterone significantly increases CART blood levels while administration of corticosterone synthesis blocker metyrapone, inhibits CART blood levels. These data suggest that the adrenal gland could be a source of blood CART and that glucocorticoids may play a role in the generation of CART's diurnal rhythm. Moreover, fuel availability may be important in the control of CART levels and its daily rhythm, since 24 h food restriction alters CART levels and abolishes its rhythm. In addition to blood, both CART peptide and mRNA exhibit food-dependent diurnal rhythm in discrete rat brain areas including the nucleus accumbens, amygdala and hypothalamus. Altogether, these findings suggest that CART is influenced by hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal interactions and that it may play a role in multiple physiological processes possibly involving feeding, stress, reward and motivation.  相似文献   

Summary An annual cycle, based on the differences between the speed of locomotion around midday and in the evening, was found for earthworms,Lumbricus terrestris L., maintained in the laboratory under constant conditions of light and temperature, and studied during parts of 1965, 1966, 1967 and 1968. During each month, the worms were faster in the evening than at noon, but this difference varied in degree through the year (Fig. 1). In addition, during part of the year, the differences between midday and evening were much greater for a 15-day period which centered on full moon than for a block of 15 days centered on new moon. Therefore, seasonal changes in lunar correlations were also indicated. These rhythms have been compared with others of lunar and annual frequencies, and their possible biological significance has been discussed.
Zusammenfassung In den Jahren 1965 bis 1968 wurde das lokomotorische Verhalten von Regenwürmern (Lumbricus terrestris L.), die bei konstanter Beleuchtung und Temperatur unter Laboratoriumsbedingungen gehalten wurden, untersucht; und zwar wurde mittags (12.00 Uhr) und abends (19.00 Uhr) die Zeit gemessen, die die Tiere benötigen, um 10 cm zu kriechen. Die Auswertung der Versuche zeigte, daß die Würmer abends immer schneller waren als mittags. Die Differenz der beiden Kriechgeschwindigkeiten schwankte jahresperiodisch (Fig. 1). Außerdem ergaben sich Hinweise dafür, daß die Mondphase von Bedeutung ist: Im Frühjahr und im Winter war der Unterschied zwischen der mittäglichen und der abendlichen Kriechgeschwindigkeit in der Woche vor und nach Vollmond viel größer als in den beiden Wochen um Neumond. Die Rhythmen der Lokomotionsgeschwindigkeit werden mit anderen Jahres- und lunarperiodischen Erscheinungen verglichen; ihre mögliche biologische Bedeutung wird diskutiert.

Osmotic adjustment, defined as a lowering of osmotic potential (ψπ) due to net solute accumulation in response to water stress, has been considered to be a beneficial drought tolerance mechanism in some crop species. The objective of this experiment was to determine the relative contribution of passive versus active mechanisms involved in diurnal ψπ changes in sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench) leaf tissue in response to water stress. A single sorghum hybrid (cv AT×623 × RT×430) was grown in the field under variable water supplies. Water potential, ψπ, and relative water content were measured diurnally on expanding and the uppermost fully expanded leaves before flowering and on fully expanded leaves during the grain-filling period. Diurnal changes in total osmotic potential (Δψπ) in response to water stress was 1.1 megapascals before flowering and 1.4 megapascals during grain filling in comparison with 0.53 megapascal under well-watered conditions. Under water-stressed conditions, passive concentration of solutes associated with dehydration accounted for 50% (0.55 megapascal) of the diurnal Δψπ before flowering and 47% (0.66 megapascal) of the change during grain filling. Net solute accumulation accounted for 42% (0.46 megapascal) of the diurnal Δψπ before flowering and 45% (0.63 megapascal) of the change during grain filling in water-stressed leaves. The relative contribution of changes in nonosmotic volume (decreased turgid weight/dry weight) to diurnal Δψπ was less than 8% at either growth stages. Water stress did not affect leaf tissue elasticity or partitioning of water between the symplasm and apoplasm.  相似文献   

Nitrogen fixation and hydrogen metabolism in photosynthetic bacteria.   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
J Meyer  B C Kelley  P M Vignais 《Biochimie》1978,60(3):245-260
The photosynthetic bacteria are found in a wide range of specialized aquatic environments. These bacteria represent important members of the microbial community since they are capable of carrying out two of the most important processes on earth, namely, photosynthesis and nitrogen fixation, at the expense of solar energy. Since the discovery that these bacteria could fix atmospheric nitrogen, there has been an intensification of studies relating to both the biochemistry and physiology of this process. The practical importance of this field is emphasized by a consideration of the tremendous energy input required for the production of artificial nitrogenous fertilizer. The present communication aims to briefly review the current state of knowledge relating to certain aspects of nitrogen fixation by the photosynthetic bacteria. The topics that will be discussed include a general survey of the nitrogenase system in the various photosynthetic bacteria, the regulation of both nitrogenase biosynthesis and activity, recent advances in the genetics of the nitrogen fixing system, and the hydrogen cycle in these bacteria. In addition, a brief discussion of some of some of the possible practical applications provided by the photosynthetic bacteria will be presented.  相似文献   

The diurnal metabolism of leaf starch   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Starch is a primary product of photosynthesis in leaves. In most plants, a large fraction of the carbon assimilated during the day is stored transiently in the chloroplast as starch for use during the subsequent night. Photosynthetic partitioning into starch is finely regulated, and the amount of carbohydrate stored is dependent on the environmental conditions, particularly day length. This regulation is applied at several levels to control the flux of carbon from the Calvin cycle into starch biosynthesis. Starch is composed primarily of branched glucans with an architecture that allows the formation of a semi-crystalline insoluble granule. Biosynthesis has been most intensively studied in non-photosynthetic starch-storing organs, such as developing seeds and tubers. Biosynthesis in leaves has received less attention, but recent reverse-genetic studies of Arabidopsis (thale cress) have produced data generally consistent with what is known for storage tissues. The pathway involves starch synthases, which elongate the glucan chains, and branching enzymes. Remarkably, enzymes that partially debranch glucans are also required for normal amylopectin synthesis. In the last decade, our understanding of starch breakdown in leaves has advanced considerably. Starch is hydrolysed to maltose and glucose at night via a pathway that requires recently discovered proteins in addition to well-known enzymes. These sugars are exported from the plastid to support sucrose synthesis, respiration and growth. In the present review we provide an overview of starch biosynthesis, starch structure and starch degradation in the leaves of plants. We focus on recent advances in each area and highlight outstanding questions.  相似文献   

This article evaluates the influence of gender on diurnal and postlunch period variations in subjective activation and mood. This topic is not often addressed in the literature; particularly, little attention has been paid to how biological rhythms might bias research results. We studied 40 university student volunteers (20 men, 20 women) aged 18 to 23 years old (X = 20.23, SD = 1.03); they responded to questions on eight unipolar visual analog scales every hour from 08:00 to 21:00. Gender differences were observed in both diurnal and postlunch variations for scales of positive activation (alertness, vigor); sleepiness, however, was only sensitive to diurnal variation, and weariness was sensitive only to a postlunch effect. Women displayed a morning- type pattern, with their optimal moment (11:00) coming 2h earlier than for men, and their activation ratings ranged more widely. The only mood scale that showed differences related to gender was that of happiness, for which women had a higher diurnal mean, a diurnal peak 2h earlier, and a less-intense postlunch effect. Endogenous control of rhythmic pattern appears to be less intense in women, probably due to the coexistence of circamensual rhythmicity, although environmental or sociocultural influences may play a modulating role. Chronopsychological gender differences in affective states should be studied further given the implication they have for the prevention and treatment of mood disorders. (Chronobiology International, 18(3), 491-502, 2001)  相似文献   

Recently, it was observed that the freely chosen pedal rate of elite cyclists was significantly lower at 06:00 than at 18:00 h, and that ankle kinematics during cycling exhibits diurnal variation. The modification of the pedaling technique and pedal rate observed throughout the day could be brought about to limit the effect of diurnal variation on physiological variables. Imposing a pedal rate should limit the subject's possibility of adaptation and clarify the influence of time of day on physiological variables. The purpose of this study was to determine whether diurnal variation in cardiorespiratory variables depends on pedal rate. Ten male cyclists performed a submaximal 15 min exercise on a cycle ergometer (50% Wmax). Five test sessions were performed at 06:00, 10:00, 14:00, 18:00, and 22:00 h. The exercise bout was divided into three equivalent 5 min periods during which different pedal rates were imposed (70 rev · min-1, 90 rev · min-1 and 120 rev · min-1). No significant diurnal variation was observed in heart rate and oxygen consumption, whatever the pedal rate. A significant diurnal variation was observed in minute ventilation (p=0.01). In addition, the amplitude of the diurnal variation in minute ventilation depended on pedal rate: the higher the pedal rate, the greater the amplitude of its diurnal variation (p=0.03). The increase of minute ventilation throughout the day is mainly due to variation in breath frequency (p=0.01)—the diurnal variation of tidal volume (all pedal rate conditions taken together) being non-significant—but the effect of pedal rate×time of day interaction on minute ventilation specific to the higher pedal rate conditions (p=0.03) can only be explained by the increase of tidal volume throughout the day. Even though an influence of pedal rate on diurnal rhythms in overall physiological variables was not also evidenced, high pedal rate should have been imposed when diurnal variations of physiological variables in cycling were studied.  相似文献   

Unicellular green algae and cyanobacteria have mechanism to actively concentrate dissolved inorganic carbon into the cells, only if they are grown with air levels of CO2. The carbon concentration mechanisms are commonly known as "CCM" or "DIC-pumps". The DIC-pumps are environmental adaptation that function to actively transport and accumulate inorganic carbon (HCO3- and CO2; Ci) within the cell and then uses this Ci pool to actively increase the concentration of CO2 at the site of ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase-oxygenase (Rubisco), the primary CO2-fixing enzyme. The current working model for dissolved inorganic carbon concentration mechanism in unicellular green algae includes several isoforms of carbonic anhydrase (CA), and ATPase driven active transporters at the plasmalemma and at the inner chloroplast envelopes. In the past fifteen years, significant progress has been made in isolating and characterizing the various isoforms of carbonic anhydrase at the biochemical and molecular level. However, we have an inadequate understanding of active transporters that are located on the plasmalemma and at the chloroplast envelopes. In this mini-review we focus on certain aspects of the induction, function and significance of the dissolved inorganic carbon concentration mechanisms in aquatic photosynthetic microorganisms.  相似文献   

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