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The relative activities of seven gibberellins have been testedin their ability to induce antheridia in prothallia of Anemiaphyllitidis. The spectrum of activities differs from the spectradescribed for other gibberellin reactions. Allogibberic acidproved to be highly active in the Anemia test. Additionallyit causes a change in the polarity of the germinating spore.Under the influence of this compound the primary rhizoid istransformed into an additional chloronema. In high concentrationsof allogibberic acid more than 80% of the prothallia developinto those "twins". Out of the polypodiaceous ferns only fewspecies respond to gibberellin application. The relations between chemical structure and activity of differentgibberellins are discussed. (Received January 17, 1966; )  相似文献   

During the past 20 years, palaeoecology has established itself as a concept in palaeontology and geology. As in other interdisciplinary sciences, the interchange of methods and terminology between the branches involved has led to changes in the meaning of the terms, and changes or confusion in the corresponding scientific concepts. This calls for stricter adherence to the original definition of the terms in many cases and for their redefinition in others. Starting with a critical review of the scientific and methodological range of palaeoecology, this paper presents a reconsideration of its basic concepts, with proposals concerning the conservation or redefinition of terms and with special regard to terms coined in German literature. It is desirable that similar revisions be undertaken in other language areas in order to attain a stricter, internationalized terminology, preferably substantiated in a dictionary.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Kontinuierliche Gradienten-Gele in l Kapillaren wurden zur Fraktionierung von wasserlöslichen und membranständigen Proteinen aus Speicheldrüsen und Hämolymphe von drei Simuliidenarten Boophthora erythrocephala (De Geer), Odagmia ornata (Meigen) und Wilhelmia lineata (Meigen) verwendet. Speicheldrüsen von Männchen und Weibchen haben jeweils charakteristische für die einzelne Art spezifische Bandenmuster. Das Proteinmuster der weiblichen Hauptdrüse unterscheidet sich deutlich von dem der Nebendrüse, das nahezu identisch ist mit dem Proteinmuster der männlichen Drüse. Die Hauptdrüse der Weibchen enthält im wesentlichen relativ neidermolekulare Proteine (>6000<69000); bei der Blutaufnahme werden 50%–60% von Haupt-und Nebendrüsenproteinen in das Wirtstier injiziert. Die Wiederauffüllung der Drüsen ist nach 4–5 Stunden abgeschlossen. Einige Proteine der Nebendrüse haben einen identischen Rf-Wert mit bestimmten Hämolymphproteinen. Dies spricht für eine Aufnahme von Hämolymphproteinen in die Drüse. Es wird gezeigt, daß eine einzelne Drüse mit einem Proteingehalt von ca. 3 g für eine Fraktionierung ausreicht, wenn die Drüse direkt über dem Gel mit SDS inkubiert wird.
Summary High numbers of simuliid bites may cause allergic reactions or even death in cattle due to the injection of salivary gland secretions. By means of micro-electrophoresis the proteins of the salivary glands and the hemolymph of three black fly species Boophthora erythrocephala, Odagmia ornata and Wilhelmia lineata were fractionated in polyacrylamide gel gradients in 10 l capillaries. The molecular weight of the proteins was determined. The microtechnique applied allows a fractionation of salivary gland proteins from a single animal. Identical protein patterns mainly with relatively high molecular proteins (MW>69000) were found in the spherical salivary glands in males and in the so-called accessory gland in females which has the same histological structure.The tube-shaped main gland which is only found in bloodsucking females contains several low molecular proteins (MW>6000<69000). These proteins are found neither in male nor in female hemolymph. These observations support the assumption that the females produce a specific type of salivary secretion in their main glands.During bloodsucking 50%–70% of the soluble salivary proteins are injected into the host animal. The recharging of the glands takes 4–5 hr.Proteins from the accessory glands show a very similar pattern to those of the hemolymph, but not to those in the main glands. This suggests a close relationship between the two sites.Membrane-bound proteins of the salivary glands can be fractionated as well on micro gel gradients after SDS charging. They differ from the water-soluble proteins. The ratio of these two types of proteins is 2:1.The proteins of a single salivary gland or parts of it can be fractionated without loss of material after complete solubilisation in SDS in a capillary directly on top of the separation gel.

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