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Summary Rabbit corneal epithelium contains a large-conductance, potassium-selective channel, which is a major contributor to the whole-cell current. In perforated-patch recordings of the macroscopic current, the isolated cells studied had resting voltages of –41±20 mV and capacitances of 5.8±2.6 pF (mean + sd for n=255). Activation of the channels was weakly voltage dependent. They opened at about –100 mV and reached an open probability of about 0.2 at +100 mV. The current was blocked by millimolar concentrations of external Ba2+ and quinidine. Diltiazem also blocked when applied to the external surface of the membrane. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents of the fenamate group were powerful activators of the channel at submillimolar concentrations when applied either to the inside or the outside of the channels. The mechanism of action which leads to his activation is not yet known.We are grateful to Erika Wohlfiel for secretarial help, Helen Hendrickson for cell preparation, and Joan Rae for software development. This work was supported by NIH grants EY06005 and EY03282 and an unrestricted award from Research to Prevent Blindness.  相似文献   

Summary The apical membrane of the rabbit corneal endothelium contains a potassium-selective ionic channel. In patch-clamp recordings, the probability of finding the channel in the open state (P o) depends on the presence of either HCO 3 or Cl in the bathing medium. In a methane sulfonate-containing bath,P o is <0.05 at all physiologically relevant transmembrane voltages. With 0mm [HCO 3 ] o at +60 mV,P o was 0.085 and increased to 0.40 when [HCO 3 ] o was 15mm. With 4mm [Cl] o at +60 mV,P o was 0.083 and with 150mm Cl,P o increased to 0.36. LowP o's are also found when propionate, sulphate, bromide, and nitrate are the primary bath anions. The mechanism of action of the anion-stimulated K+ channel gating is not yet known, but a direct action of pH seems unlikely. The alkalinization of cytoplasm associated with the addition of 10mm (NH4)2SO4 to the bath and the acidification accompanying its removal do not result in channel activation nor does the use of Nigericin to equilibrate intracellular pH with that of the bath over the pH range of 6.8 to 7.8. Channel gating also is not affected by bathing the internal surface of the patch with cAMP, cGMP, GTP--s, Mg2+ or ATP. Blockers of Na/H+ exchange, Na+–HCO 3 cotransport, Na+–K+ ATPase and carbonic anhydrase do not block the HCO 3 stimulation ofP o. Several of the properties of the channel could explain some of the previously reported voltage changes that occur in corneal endothelial cells stimulated by extracellular anions.  相似文献   

This study was undertaken to determine the effect of U50488, a kappa-opioid receptor agonist, on outwardly rectifying potassium channel (Ik) in undifferentiated PC12 cells. Using whole-cell and on-cell patch-clamp techniques, we found that U50488 decreased Ik amplitude in a time-dependent manner and Ik activation was delayed. Single-channel kinetic analysis provided a two-stage model for us to illuminate the blockage effect induced by U50488. To identify whether U50488 mediates the effect through opioid receptor and G-protein, several specific blockers and activators were used. Not only naloxone but also PTX and GDPbetaS abolished U50488-induced suppression; however, such effect was not observed when cAMP or other adenylyl cyclase activators were used. It is postulated that kappa-opioid receptor and Gi/o protein, but not cAMP, are involved in U50488-induced suppression of Ik.  相似文献   

Summary Ionic conductances of rabbit osteoclasts were investigated using both whole-cell and cell-attached configurations of the patch-clamp recording technique. The predominant conductance found in these cells was an inwardly rectifying K+ conductance. Whole-cell currents showed an N-shaped current-voltage (I–13;V) relation with inward current activated at potentials negative to EK. When external K+ was varied, I-V curves shifted 53 mV/10-fold change in [K+]out, as predicted for a K+-selective channel. Inward current was blocked by Ba2+ and showed a time-dependent decline at negative potentials, which was reduced in Na+-free external solution. Inward single-channel currents were recorded in the cell-attached configuration. Single-channel currents were identified as inward-rectifier K+ channels based on the following observations: (i) Unitary I-V relations rectified, with only inward current resolved. (ii) Unitary conductance () was 31 pS when recorded in the cell-attached configuration with 140 mm K+ in the pipette and was found to be dependent on [K+]. (iii) Addition of Ba2+ to the pipette solution abolished single-channel events. We conclude that rabbit osteoclasts possess inwardly rectifying K+ channels which give rise to the inward current recorded at negative potentials in the whole-cell configuration. This inwardly rectifying K+ current may be responsible for setting the resting membrane potential and for dissipating electrical potential differences which arise from electrogenic transport of protons across the osteoclast ruffled border.This work was supported by The Arthritis Society and the Medical Research Council of Canada. M.E.M.K. was supported by a fellowship, S.J.D. a development Grant and S.M.S. a scholarship from the Medical Research Council. We thank Dr. Zu Gang Zheng for help with scanning microscopy.  相似文献   

Summary This paper describes experiments carried out in the absence of sodium and calcium in the external solution. Frog atrial trabeculae were stimulated in current clamp with the double sucrose gap technique. The voltage responses looked like slow action potentials with a clear threshold. These responses were not suppressed in the presence of EGTA, in the presence of sodium or calcium channel blockers, or when sulfate ions replaced chloride. Guinea pig isolated ventricular myocytes were studied in whole cell clamp mode with a pathch pipette. Under current clamp, they displayed also voltage responses with a threshold. These responses were resistant to cadmium (5mm), and were suppressed by barium (0.5mm). A negative slope conductance is required to take into account these results. The membrane current in current clamp can be estimated by plotting the response in the phase plane. This analysis shows that on both types of preparations, the current responsible for the negative slope is not time dependent. This current is suppressed by barium. It can be concluded that it is the outward current flowing through the inward rectifying potassium channels. To confirm this hypothesis, data obtained in voltage clamp on the same preparations were introduced into a computer model to predict the response in current clamp. The results were in agreement with the experiments. Similar responses could be recorded and analyzed on skeletal muscle in isotonic potassium solution. These results show that the inward rectifier can induce by itself properties looking like excitability on different preparations. The physiological significance of this effect in normal conditions is discussed. The voltage responses described in this paper look similar to the slow action potentials on heart, which are sensitive to modifications of the calcium channels, but also of the potassium channels. Some implications in cardiac pharmacology are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Inward currents in the murine macrophage-like cell line J774.1 were studied using the whole-cell and cell-attached variations of the patch-clamp technique. When cells were bathed in Na Hanks' (KCl=4.5mm, NaCl=145mm), and the electrode contained Na-free K Hanks' (KCl=145mm) single-channel currents were observed at potentials below –40 mV which showed inward rectification, were K-selective, and were blocked by 2.5mm Ba in the pipette. Single-channel conductance was 29 pS, and was proportional to the square root of [K] o . Channels manifested complex kinetics, with multiple open and closed states. The steady-state open probability of the channel was voltage dependent, and declined from 0.9 to 0.45 between –40 and –140 mV. When hyperpolarizing voltage pulses were repetitively applied in the cell-attached patch mode, averaged single-channel currents showed inactivation. Inactivation of inwardly rectifying whole-cell current was measured in Na Hanks' and in two types of Na-free Hanks': one with a normal K concentration (4.5mm) and the other containing 145mm K. Inactivation was shown to have Na-dependent and Na-independent components. Properties of single-channel current were found to be sufficient to account for the behavior of the macroscopic current, except that single-channel current showed a greater degree of Na-independent inactivation than whole-cell current.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that the resting potential (E m) of the corneal endothelium hyperpolarizes following an increase in temperature above 24°C. Whole-cell studies using the perforated-patch technique were used to compare currents and E mvalues from isolated corneal endothelial cells at 24 and 32°C. These studies revealed a small, outwardly rectifying, slowly activating, weakly voltage-dependent current with a reversal potential showing K+ selectivity (E rev = –80 mV). This current had features similar to the whole-cell current seen following addition of HCO3 to these cells. E mmeasurements found an average 24 mV hyperpolarization following temperature elevation in NaCl Ringer. Single channel studies found the only change in channel activity following an elevation in temperature to be an increase in the open probability (P o) of a K+ channel previously reported in this cell type to be activated by external anions. P o(–30 mV) at 24 and 32°C equaled 0.003 and 0.06, respectively. Increases in P owere found at all voltages examined. This increased P ocan account for the magnitude of the hyperpolarization seen in these cells following temperature elevation. Addition of HCO3 along with elevated temperature produced a synergistic effect on the increase in P oalong with an increased hyperpolarization of the cell, pointing to separate mechanisms of activation from these two stimuli.The authors would like to thank Ms. Helen Hendrickson for her technical support and Drs. Gianrico Farrugia and Adam Rich for their helpful comments. This work was supported by NIH grants EY09673, EY03282, EY06005, and an unrestricted award from Research to Prevent Blindness.  相似文献   

Summary Single anion-selective channels have been studied in cultured human epithelial cells using the patch-clamp technique. Three cell types were used as models for different anion transport systems: (i) PANC-1, a cell line derived from the pancreatic duct, (ii) T84, a Cl-secreting colonic cell line, and (iii) primary cultures of sweat duct epithelium. Outwardly rectifying anion-selective channels were observed in all three preparations and were indistinguishable with respect to conductance, selectivity and gating. Striking similarities between HCO3- and Cl-secreting epithelia, and the high density of outward rectifiers in pancreatic cells prompted us to study HCO3 permeation through this channels. HCO3 permeability was significant when channels were bathed in symmetrical 150mm HCO3 solutions, Cl–HCO3 mixtures, and under bi-ionic conditions with outwardly and inwardly directed HCO3 gradients. Permeability ratios (P HCO3/P Cl) estimated from bi-ionic reversal potentials ranged from 0.50 to 0.64, although conductance ratios greater than 1.2 were observed with high extracellular pH. Chloride did not inhibit HCO3 permeation noticeably but rather had a small stimulatory effect when present on the opposite side of the membrane. The prevalence of outward rectifiers in PANC-1 and their permeability to bicarbonate suggests the channel may have a dual role in HCO3 secretion; to allow Cl recycling at the apical membrane and to mediate some of the HCO3 flux. Defective modulation of this channel in cystic fibrosis might provide a common basis for dysfunction in epithelia having very different anion transport properties (e.g., HCO3 secretion, Cl secretion and Cl absorption).  相似文献   

A novel potassium-selective channel which is active at membrane potentials between -100 mV and +40 mV has been identified in peripheral myelinated axons of Xenopus laevis using the patch-clamp technique. At negative potentials with 105 mM-K on both sides of the membrane, the channel at 1 kHz resolution showed a series of brief openings and closings interrupted by longer closings, resulting in a flickery bursting activity. Measurements with resolution up to 10 kHz revealed a single-channel conductance of 49 pS with 105 mM-K and 17 pS with 2.5 mM-K on the outer side of the membrane. The channel was selective for K ions over Na ions (PNa/PK = 0.033). The probability of being within a burst in outside-out patches varied from patch to patch (> 0.2, but often > 0.9), and was independent of membrane potential. Open-time histograms were satisfactorily described with a single exponential (tau o = 0.09 msec), closed times with the sum of three exponentials (tau c = 0.13, 5.9, and 36.6 msec). Sensitivity to external tetraethylammonium was comparatively low (IC50 = 19.0 mM). External Cs ions reduced the apparent unitary conductance for inward currents at Em = -90 mV (IC50 = 1.1 mM). Ba and, more potently, Zn ions lowered not only the apparent single-channel conductance but also open probability. The local anesthetic bupivacaine with high potency reduced probability of being within a burst (IC50 = 165 nM). The flickering K channel is clearly different from the other five types of K channels identified so far in the same preparation. We suggest that this channel may form the molecular basis of the resting potential in vertebrate myelinated axons.  相似文献   

Summary The effects of proteolysis on a hyperpolarization- and Ca2+-dependent K channel from the surface membrane ofParamecium tetraurelia were examined in the inside-out excised patch mode. Treatment with trypsin, pronase or thermolysin removed the Ca2+-dependence of the channel activation, yielding an increase in channel activity greater than 2.5-fold at all Ca2+ concentrations between 10–4 and 10–8 m. Thermolysin addition-ally removed the voltage dependence of channel opening and gave the most activation among the three proteases tested. Proteolysis did not affect the single-channel conductance. In an analogy to the mechanism of activation of many Ca2+-dependent enzymes it is suggested that thisParamecium channel has a cytoplasmic inhibitory domain which can be removed by proteolysis, and that the physiological activation by Ca2+ is due to a temporary removal of this inhibition. Moreover, these findings indicate structural differences between depolarization-, Ca2+-dependent K channels (BK channels) and the hyperpolarization-, Ca2+-dependent K channels inParamecium.  相似文献   

Tang B  Tang M  Du YM  Liu CJ  Hong ZG  Luo HY  Hu XW  Song YL  Xi JY  Hescheler J 《生理学报》2004,56(5):625-631
为了从离子通道水平上探讨机体低氧适应的离子机制,本实验将雄性 SD 大鼠随机分为常氧对照组和慢性间歇性低氧组[氧浓度(10 ± 0.5) %, 间断缺氧每天 8 h]。用酶解法急性分离单个大鼠肺内动脉平滑肌细胞(pulmonary artery smoothmuscle cells, PASMCs),以全细胞膜片钳技术记录 PASMCs 膜上的电压门控性钾通道 (voltage-gated potassium channel, KV) 电流,观察急性缺氧对慢性间歇性低氧大鼠 PASMCs 的 KV 的影响, 为机体适应低氧能力提供实验依据。结果显示:⑴常氧对照组在电流钳下,急性缺氧可使膜电位明显去极化(由-47.2 ±2.6 mV 去极到 -26.7 ±1.2 mV ); 在电压钳下, 急性缺氧可显著抑制 KV电流( 60 mV 时, KV电流密度从 153.4 ± 9.5 pA/pF降到 70.1 ± 10.6 pA/pF), 峰电流的抑制率为(57.6 ± 3.3) %, 电流-电压关系曲线向右下移。⑵慢性间歇性低氧组KV电流密度随低氧时间延长而逐渐减少(慢性低氧10 d后就有显著性意义),电流- 电压关系曲线逐渐右下移。⑶急性缺氧对慢性间歇性低氧大鼠PASMCs KV电流的抑制作用随慢性间歇性低氧时间延长而逐渐减弱。上述观察结果提示慢性间歇性低氧减弱急性缺氧对 KV 的抑制, 这可能是机体低氧适应的一种重要机制。  相似文献   

Summary The effects of cyclic GMP (cGMP), carbachol and diltiazem on a potassium-selective, delayed-rectifier current in freshly dissociated rabbit corneal epithelial cells were studied using a modified perforated-patch-clamp technique. The current was stimulated by both 500 m cGMP (2.3–4.5-fold, mean = 2.9) and 250 nm carbachol, a muscarinic agonist (1.12–7.04-fold, mean = 3.8), and the stimulated current was totally blocked by diltiazem (10 m). The effects of cGMP appeared to be, at least in part, different from those of carbachol as they required the presence of external calcium. Single-channel data suggest that cGMP and carbachol activate the potassium current by increasing the open probability of the channel via a second-messenger system and that the action of diltiazem is probably through a direct blocking effect on the open channel.We are grateful to Erika Wohlfiel for secretarial help, Helen Hendrickson for cell preparation, and Joan Rae for software development. The work was supported by NIH grants EY06005 and EY03282 and an unrestricted award from Research to Prevent Blindness.  相似文献   

Charged residues in the S4 transmembrane segment play a key role in determining the sensitivity of voltage-gated ion channels to changes in voltage across the cell membrane. However, cooperative interactions between subunits also affect the voltage dependence of channel opening, and these interactions can be altered by making substitutions at uncharged residues in the S4 region. We have studied the activation of two mutant Shaker channels that have different S4 amino acid sequences, ILT (V369I, I372L, and S376T) and Shaw S4 (the S4 of Drosophila Shaw substituted into Shaker), and yet have very similar ionic current properties. Both mutations affect cooperativity, making a cooperative transition in the activation pathway rate limiting and shifting it to very positive voltages, but analysis of gating and ionic current recordings reveals that the ILT and Shaw S4 mutant channels have different activation pathways. Analysis of gating currents suggests that the dominant effect of the ILT mutation is to make the final cooperative transition to the open state of the channel rate limiting in an activation pathway that otherwise resembles that of Shaker. The charge movement associated with the final gating transition in ILT activation can be measured as an isolated component of charge movement in the voltage range of channel opening and accounts for 13% ( approximately 1.8 e0) of the total charge moved in the ILT activation pathway. The remainder of the ILT gating charge (87%) moves at negative voltages, where channels do not open, and confirms the presence of Shaker-like conformational changes between closed states in the activation pathway. In contrast to ILT, the activation pathway of Shaw S4 seems to involve a single cooperative charge-moving step between a closed and an open state. We cannot detect any voltage-dependent transitions between closed states for Shaw S4. Restoring basic residues that are missing in Shaw S4 (R1, R2, and K7) rescues charge movement between closed states in the activation pathway, but does not alter the voltage dependence of the rate-limiting transition in activation.  相似文献   

The effects of cyhalothrin on the transient outward potassium current in central neurons of Helicoverpa armigera were studied by using the patch clamp techniques. The results showed that before using cyhalothrin (10.5 mmol/L), activation potential was approximately -40 mV, after application of the drug, the activation potential shifted roughly 10 mV to the negative potential direction, so channels can be activated more easily. Before and after cyhalothrin application, the change of current amplitude was insignificant. The value of V1/2 and k of activation curves did not change significantly, however, the V1/2 of the inactivation curves changed significantly. Inactivation curves significantly shifted to a negative direction, so that inactivation of the channels was hastened. It is indicated that there may exit a primary way in which cyhalothrin provides neurotoxicity to the nervous system through the regulation of activation potentials and inactivation state of IA channels.  相似文献   

目的:研究高血压病患者肠系膜动脉平滑肌细胞钙激活钾通道(KCa)的功能活动。方法:应用膜片钳制技术内面向外式单通道记录方法。结果:①人肠系膜动脉平滑肌细胞KCa开放具有电压依赖性。KCa通道电导在高血压组、正常组分别为191.4pS、197.7pS。胞内侧应用TEA可阻断通道。②增加浴液中Ca2 浓度(从0增至10-8、10-7、5×10-7、10-6mol/L),各组KCa开放概率(Po)均呈浓度依赖性增加,高血压组Po从0.016增至0.023、0.031、0.053、0.094,正常组Po从0.004增至0.023、0.041、0.072、0.184。通道平均开放时间延长,平均关闭时间缩短。③Ca2 浓度为0时,高血压组KCa开放概率明显高于正常组,在其它Ca2 浓度下高血压组KCa开放概率等于或低于正常组。结论:高血压病患者肠系膜动脉平滑肌细胞KCa的Ca2 敏感性较低,可能促进高血压的发生。  相似文献   

Summary A voltage-sensitive, cation-selective ion channel ofEscherichia coli has been reconstituted into liposomes and studied with the patch-clamp method. The single channel conductance was 91 pS in symmetric solutions of 150mm KCl. Many channels were open most of the time, with frequent brief transitions to closed levels. Multiple conducting units could close and reopen simultaneously, and this apparent cooperativity in gating was increases with depolarizing voltages. Above a voltage threshold, the channels closed irreversibly, often in groups.  相似文献   

Summary We have studied a class of Ca i 2+ -dependent K channels in inside-out excised membrane patches fromParamecium under patch clamp. Single channels had a conductance of 72 ±9.0 pS in a solution containing 100mM K+. The channels were selective for K+ over Rb+ with the permeability ratio of 1 0.56. and over Na+, Cs+ or NH 4 + with a ratio 1<0.1. The channel activity was dependent on Ca i 2+ , which was applied to the cytoplasmic side; the Ca i 2+ concentration for the half maximal activation was 2 m. The Hill coefficient for the Ca i 2+ dependence of the channel activity was 2.58, indicating that more than two Ca i 2+ bindings are necessary for full activation. Unlike most Ca i 2+ -dependent K channels in other organisms, the channels inParamecium were slightly more active upon hyperpolarization than upon depolarization. The voltage dependence was fitted to a Boltzmann curve with 41.2 mV pere-fold change in channel activity. While a high Ca i 2+ concentration activated the channels, it also irreversibly reduced the channel activity over time. The decay of channel activity occurred faster at higher Ca i 2+ concentrations. Quaternary ammonium ions suppressed ion passage through the channel; more highly alkylated quaternary ammonium ions were more efficient in blocking. Ba i 2+ and Ca i 2+ were relatively ineffective in blockage. It was concluded that these Ca i 2+ -dependent K channels inParamecium are different from the previously described Ca i 2+ -dependent K channels, and are perhaps of a novel class.  相似文献   

Protoplasts of the filamentous alga, Mougeotia, and the filamentous fungal oomycete, Saprolegnia ferax, exhibit two K+ ion channels (2–6 pA) using the patch-clamp technique when the seals are less than 1 GΩ (about 100 MΩ). The membrane potential of the protoplasts was near 0 mV as measured intracellularly with double-barreled micropipettes; thus, inward K+ flux is due solely to concentration differences. Although conductances are in the range expected for K+ channels, the activity at 0 mV is not seen in other organisms under gigaseal conditions. This paper draws attention to the usefulness of this subsidiary patch-clamp technique and the novel characteristics of ion channels in Mougeotia and Saprolegnia.  相似文献   

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