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Chromosomes undergo a major structural reorganization during mitosis. The first step in this reorganization is the compaction of interphase chromatin into highly condensed mitotic chromosomes. An evolutionarily conserved multi-subunit ATPase, the condensin complex, plays a critical role in establishing chromosome architecture and promoting chromosome condensation in mitosis. How does condensin promote chromosome condensation and how, in turn, is the cell cycle machinery activating or restraining condensin activity during the cell cycle are fundamental questions for cell biology. In this review, we examine the role of post-translational modifications, and in particular multi-site phosphorylation, in the regulation of condensin activity during the cell cycle. Remarkably, inspection of phosphorylation sites identified through multiple proteome-wide mass spectrometry analyses reveals that the phosphorylation landscape of condensin is highly conserved evolutionarily and that several kinases regulate condensin in vivo. This analysis leads us to propose the ultrasensitive-kinase switch model, whereby the phosphorylation of condensin by multiple kinases allows the process of chromosome condensation to be maintained and even increased under fluctuating levels of cyclin-CDK activity during mitosis. Our model reconciles how chromosome condensation might be highly sensitive to low levels of CDK activity in early mitosis and subsequently insensitive to the declining levels CDK activity in late mitosis.  相似文献   

Dej KJ  Ahn C  Orr-Weaver TL 《Genetics》2004,168(2):895-906
Chromosomes are dynamic structures that are reorganized during the cell cycle to optimize them for distinct functions. SMC and non-SMC condensin proteins associate into complexes that have been implicated in the process of chromosome condensation. The roles of the individual non-SMC subunits of the complex are poorly understood, and mutations in the CAP-G subunit have not been described in metazoans. Here we elucidate a role for dCAP-G in chromosome condensation and cohesion in Drosophila. We illustrate the requirement of dCAP-G for condensation during prophase and prometaphase; however, we find that alternate mechanisms ensure that replicated chromosomes are condensed prior to metaphase. In contrast, dCAP-G is essential for chromosome condensation in metaphase of single, unreplicated sister chromatids, suggesting that there is an interplay between replicated chromatids and the condensin complex. In the dcap-g mutants, defects in sister-chromatid separation are also observed. Chromatid arms fail to resolve in prophase and are unable to separate at anaphase, whereas sister centromeres show aberrant separation in metaphase and successfully move to spindle poles at anaphase. We also identified a role for dCAP-G during interphase in regulating heterochromatic gene expression.  相似文献   

The effect of the DNA polymerase inhibitor beta-arabinofuranosyladenine (araA) on radiation-induced damage was studied at the cell survival and chromosome level in unfed plateau-phase cultures of Chinese hamster ovary cells. At the cell survival level postirradiation treatment with araA fixed a form of radiation-induced potentially lethal damage, termed alpha-PLD. In the absence of araA treatment, repair of PLD resulted in the formation of the survival curve shoulder in immediately plated cells and in the increase in survival observed after delayed plating. The repair kinetics observed after delayed plating of plateau-phase cells or after delayed administration of 500 microM araA were similar, suggesting that both protocols assay similar lesions. AraA-mediated fixation reached a plateau at concentrations higher than 500 microM, indicating complete fixation of alpha-PLD. At the cytogenetic level, postirradiation treatment with araA at concentrations higher than 500 microM caused a complete inhibition of chromosome repair, as scored by premature chromosome condensation. In the absence of araA, the linearity of the dose-effect relationship for chromosome fragmentation obtained immediately after irradiation was preserved even after long repair times. The repair kinetics of chromosome damage measured in cells held postirradiation in the plateau phase were the mirror image of the repair kinetics for alpha-PLD. The half-time was 1 h in both cases and repair reached a plateau after about 4-6 h. AraA-mediated repair inhibition of chromosome damage was reversible, and a decrease in residual chromosome damage was observed after post-treatment incubation in araA-free conditioned medium. This persistent chromosome damage increased with increasing araA concentration and, as with PLD fixation, reached a plateau at about 500 microM. These results suggest that repair and araA-mediated fixation of alpha-PLD have their counterparts at the chromosome level as indicated by the similar repair kinetics and inhibition/fixation characteristics obtained for alpha-PLD and chromosome damage. This relationship implies a correlation between repair at the DNA and the chromosome level and suggests that DNA polymerization is required for the repair of chromosome damage.  相似文献   

DNA polymerase eta is unique among eukaryotic polymerases in its proficient ability to replicate through a variety of distorting DNA lesions. We report here the crystal structure of the catalytic core of S. cerevisiae DNA polymerase eta, determined at 2.25A resolution. The structure reveals a novel polydactyl right hand-shaped molecule with a unique polymerase-associated domain. We identify the catalytic residues and show that the fingers and thumb domains are unusually small and stubby. In particular, the unexpected absence of helices "O" and "O1" in the fingers domain suggests that openness of the active site is the critical feature which enables DNA polymerase eta to replicate through DNA lesions such as a UV-induced cis-syn thymine-thymine dimer.  相似文献   

The segregation of many bacterial chromosomes is dependent on the interactions of ParB proteins with centromere-like DNA sequences called parS that are located close to the origin of replication. In this work, we have investigated the binding of Bacillus subtilis ParB to DNA in vitro using a variety of biochemical and biophysical techniques. We observe tight and specific binding of a ParB homodimer to the parS sequence. Binding of ParB to non-specific DNA is more complex and displays apparent positive co-operativity that is associated with the formation of larger, poorly defined, nucleoprotein complexes. Experiments with magnetic tweezers demonstrate that non-specific binding leads to DNA condensation that is reversible by protein unbinding or force. The condensed DNA structure is not well ordered and we infer that it is formed by many looping interactions between neighbouring DNA segments. Consistent with this view, ParB is also able to stabilize writhe in single supercoiled DNA molecules and to bridge segments from two different DNA molecules in trans. The experiments provide no evidence for the promotion of non-specific DNA binding and/or condensation events by the presence of parS sequences. The implications of these observations for chromosome segregation are discussed.  相似文献   

DNA polymerases catalyze the synthesis of DNA using a continuous uninterrupted template strand. However, it has been shown that a 3'-->5' exonuclease-deficient form of the Klenow fragment of Escherichia coli DNA polymerase I as well as DNA polymerase of Thermus aquaticus can synthesize DNA across two unlinked DNA templates. In this study, we used an oligonucleotide-based assay to show that discontinuous DNA synthesis was present in HeLa cell extracts. DNA synthesis inhibitor studies as well as fractionation of the extracts revealed that most of the discontinuous DNA synthesis was attributable to DNA polymerase alpha. Additionally, discontinuous DNA synthesis could be eliminated by incubation with an antibody that specifically neutralized DNA polymerase alpha activity. To test the relative efficiency of each nuclear DNA polymerase for discontinuous synthesis, equal amounts (as measured by DNA polymerase activity) of DNA polymerases alpha, beta, delta (+/- PCNA) and straightepsilon (+/- PCNA) were used in the discontinuous DNA synthesis assay. DNA polymerase alpha showed the most discontinuous DNA synthesis activity, although small but detectable levels were seen for DNA polymerases delta (+PCNA) and straightepsilon (- PCNA). Klenow fragment and DNA polymerase beta showed no discontinuous DNA synthesis, although at much higher amounts of each enzyme, discontinuous synthesis was seen for both. Discontinuous DNA synthesis by DNA polymerase alpha was seen with substrates containing 3 and 4 bp single-strand stretches of complementarity; however, little synthesis was seen with blunt substrates or with 1 bp stretches. The products formed from these experiments are structurally similar to that seen in vivo for non-homologous end joining in eukaryotic cells. These data suggest that DNA polymerase alpha may be able to rejoin double-strand breaks in vivo during replication.  相似文献   

The spindle checkpoint inhibits anaphase until all chromosomes have established bipolar attachment. Two kinetochore states trigger this checkpoint. The absence of microtubules activates the attachment response, while the inability of attached microtubules to generate tension triggers the tension/orientation response. The single aurora kinase of budding yeast, Ipl1, is required for the tension/orientation, but not attachment, response. In contrast, we find that the single aurora kinase of fission yeast, Ark1, is required for the attachment response. Having established that the initiator codon assigned to ark1(+) was incorrect and that Ark1-associated kinase activity depended upon survivin function and phosphorylation, we found that the loss of Ark1 from kinetochores by either depletion or use of a survivin mutant overides the checkpoint response to microtubule depolymerization. Ark1/survivin function was not required for the association of Bub1 or Mad3 with the kinetochores. However, it was required for two aspects of Mad2 function that accompany checkpoint activation: full-scale association with kinetochores and formation of a complex with Mad3. Neither the phosphorylation of histone H3 that accompanies chromosome condensation nor condensin recruitment to mitotic chromatin were seen when Ark1 function was compromised. Cytokinesis was not affected by Ark1 depletion or expression of the "kinase dead" ark1.K118R mutant.  相似文献   

The atomic force microscope (AFM) was used to assay the extent of DNA condensation in approximately 100 different complexes of DNA with polylysine (PL) or PL covalently attached to the glycoproteins asialoorosomucoid (AsOR) or orosomucoid (OR). The best condensation of DNA was obtained with 10 kDa PL covalently attached to AsOR, at a lysine:nucleotide (Lys:nt) ratio of 5:1 or higher. These conditions produce large numbers of toroids and short rods with contour lengths of 300-400 nm. Some DNA condensation into shortened thickened structures was seen with 10 kDa PL attached to AsOR at Lys:nt ratios of 1.6:1 and 3:1. Some DNA condensation was also seen with 4 kDa PL at Lys:nt ratios of 3:1 and higher. Little DNA condensation was seen with PL alone or with PL convalently attached to OR at Lys:nt ratios up to 6:1. AsOR-PL enhanced gene expression in the mouse liver approximately 10- to 50-fold as compared with PL alone.  相似文献   

R Ghirlando  E J Wachtel  T Arad  A Minsky 《Biochemistry》1992,31(31):7110-7119
Evidence for a conceptually novel DNA packaging process is presented. X-ray scattering, electron microscopy, and circular dichroism measurements indicate that in the presence of positively charged micellar aggregates and flexible anionic polymers, such as negatively charged polypeptides or single-stranded RNA species, a complex is formed in which DNA molecules are partially embedded within a micellar scaffold and partially condensed into highly packed chiral structures. Based on studies of micelle-DNA and micelle-flexible anionic polymer systems, as well as on the known effects of a high charge density upon the micellar organization, a DNA packaging model is proposed. According to this model, the DNA induces the elongation of the micelles into rodlike aggregates, forming a closely packed matrix in which the DNA molecules are immobilized. In contrast, the flexible anionic polymers stabilize clusters of spherical micelles which are proposed to effect a capping of the rodlike micelles, thus arresting their elongation and creating surfactant-free segments of the DNA that are able to converge and collapse. Thus, unlike other in vitro DNA packaging systems, in which condensation follows encounters between charge-neutralized DNA molecules, a prepackaging phase where the DNA is immobilized within a matrix is proposed in this case. Cellular and nuclear membranes have been implicated in DNA packaging processes in vivo, and negatively charged polyelectrolytes were shown to be involved in the processes. These observations, combined with the basic tenets of the DNA condensation system described here, allow for the progression to the study of more elaborate model systems and thus might lead to insights into the nature and roles of the intricate in vivo DNA-membrane complexes.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli SeqA binds clusters of transiently hemimethylated GATC sequences and sequesters the origin of replication, oriC, from methylation and premature reinitiation. Besides oriC, SeqA binds and organizes newly synthesized DNA at replication forks. Binding to multiple GATC sites is crucial for the formation of stable SeqA-DNA complexes. Here we report the crystal structure of the oligomerization domain of SeqA (SeqA-N). The structural unit of SeqA-N is a dimer, which oligomerizes to form a filament. Mutations that disrupt filament formation lead to asynchronous DNA replication, but the resulting SeqA dimer can still bind two GATC sites separated from 5 to 34 base pairs. Truncation of the linker between the oligomerization and DNA-binding domains restricts SeqA to bind two GATC sites separated by one or two full turns. We propose a model of a SeqA filament interacting with multiple GATC sites that accounts for both origin sequestration and chromosome organization.  相似文献   

We show that DNA topoisomerase II (topo II) is continuously required for mitotic chromosome changes in Schizosaccharomyces pombe. We constructed cold-sensitive (cs) or temperature-sensitive (ts) strains mutated in the genes coding for topo II (top2) and beta-tubulin (nda3). The ATP-dependent activity of the top2cs gene product is cs in vitro. The cloned top2cs gene sequence predicts an amino acid substitution. A cs top2-cs nda3 double mutant at 20 degrees C shows long, entangled chromosomes, which condense and separate upon the shift to permissive temperatures. If spindle formation is prevented at permissive temperatures, the chromosomes condense but do not separate. Thus topo II is required for final chromosome condensation; moreover, pulse-shift experiments show that topo II is required for chromatid disjuction. Experiments with ts top2-cs nda3 cells show that topo II is also required for chromosome separation in anaphase: inactivation of topo II and activation of beta-tubulin allow normal spindle formation but result in "streaked" chromosomes.  相似文献   

Although alphoid DNA sequences shared among acrocentric chromosomes have been identified, no human chromosome 21-specific sequence has been isolated from the centromeric region. To identify alphoid DNA restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs) specific for chromosome 21, we hybridized human genomic DNA with alphoid DNA probes [L1.26; aRI(680),21-208] shared by chromosomes 13 and 21. We detected RFLPs with restriction enzymes ECoRI, HaeIII, MboI,StuI, and TaqI. The segregation of these RFLPs was analyzed in the 40 CEPH families. Linkage analysis between these RFLPs and loci previously mapped to either chromosome 13 or 21 revealed RFLPs that appear to be specific to chromosome 21. These polymorphisms may be useful as genetic markers of the centromeric region of chromosome 21. Different alphoid loci within the centromeric region of chromosome 13 were identified.  相似文献   

Restriction enzymes can be electroporated into mammalian cells, and the induced DNA double-strand breaks can lead to aberrations in metaphase chromosomes. Chinese hamster ovary cells were electroporated with PstI, which generates 3' cohesive-end breaks, PvuII, which generates blunt-end breaks, or XbaI, which generates 5' cohesive-end breaks. Although all three restriction enzymes induced similar numbers of aberrant metaphase cells, PvuII was dramatically more effective at inducing both exchange-type and deletion-type chromosome aberrations. Our cytogenetic studies also indicated that enzymes are active within cells for only a short time. We used pulsed-field gel electrophoresis to investigate (i) how long it takes for enzymes to cleave DNA after electroporation into cells, (ii) how long enzymes are active in the cells, and (iii) how the DNA double-strand breaks induced are related to the aberrations observed in metaphase chromosomes. At the same concentrations used in the cytogenetic studies, all enzymes were active within 10 min of electroporation. PstI and PvuII showed a distinct peak in break formation at 20 min, whereas XbaI showed a gradual increase in break frequency over time. Another increase in the number of breaks observed with all three enzymes at 2 and 3 h after electroporation was probably due to nonspecific DNA degradation in a subpopulation of enzyme-damaged cells that lysed after enzyme exposure. Break frequency and chromosome aberration frequency were inversely related: The blunt-end cutter PvuII gave rise to the most aberrations but the fewest breaks, suggesting that it is the type of break rather than the break frequency that is important for chromosome aberration formation.  相似文献   

DNA gyrase on the bacterial chromosome: DNA cleavage induced by oxolinic acid.   总被引:34,自引:0,他引:34  
Treatments in vivo of Escherichia coli with oxolinic acid, a potent inhibitor of DNA gyrase and DNA synthesis, lead to DNA cleavage when extracted chromosomes are incubated with sodium dodecyl sulfate. This DNA breakage has properties similar to those obtained in vitro with DNA gyrase reaction mixtures designed to assay production of supertwists: it is oxolinic acid-dependent, sodium dodecyl sulfate-activated, and at saturating drug concentrations produces double-strand DNA cleavage with a concommitant tight association of protein and DNA. In addition, identical treatments performed on a nalA mutant strain exhibit no DNA cleavage. Thus the DNA cleavage sites probably correspond to chromosomal DNA gyrase sites. Sedimentation measurements of the DNA cleavage products indicate that there are approximately 45 DNA breaks per chromosome. This value is similar to the number of domains of supercoiling found in isolated Escherichia coli chromosomes, suggesting one gyrase site per domain. At low oxolinic acid concentrations single-strand cleavages predominate after sodium dodecyl sulfate treatment, and the inhibition of DNA synthesis parallels the number of sites that obtain a single-strand scission. Double-strand breaks arise from the accumulation of single-strand cleavages in accordance with a model where each cleavage site contains two independent drug targets, one on each DNA strand. Since the nicking-closing subunit of gyrase is the target of oxolinic acid in vitro, we suggest that each gyrase site contains two nicking-closing subunits, one on each DNA strand, and that DNA synthesis requires both to be functional.  相似文献   

E Gilson  D Perrin    M Hofnung 《Nucleic acids research》1990,18(13):3941-3952
Starting from a crude E. coli extract, two activities which specifically protect highly repetitive bacterial DNA sequences (called PU for Palindromic Unit or REP for Repetitive Extragenic Palindromic sequence) against a digestion with Exonuclease III have been purified. We show that one of these activities is due to the DNA polymerase I (Pol I). This constitutes the first indication for a specific interaction between Pol I and a duplex DNA. This interaction requires the presence of PU. It was confirmed and analyzed by native gel electrophoresis and DNase I footprinting experiments. The other activity contained at least five polypeptides. Its binding to PU DNA sequences was confirmed by native gel electrophoresis. Implications for the possible origin and functions of PU are discussed.  相似文献   

Mac Donald  I. M.  Cox  D. M. 《Human genetics》1985,70(3):281-283
Summary We report a case of an X-autosome translocation t(X;4)(q13;p16) found in both sexes in three generations. The anomaly was diagnosed in a couple referred for cytogenetic investigation as a result of three spontaneous abortions. With the exception of the miscarriages there are no particularities in the gynecologic data of the woman or in the pedigree. In all 50 lymphocytes and in 66 of 68 fibroblasts investigated the normal X chromosome was the late replicating one.  相似文献   

Polyamines such as spermidine and spermine are abundant in living cells and are believed to aid in the dense packaging of cellular DNA. DNA condensation is a prerequisite for the transport of gene vectors in living cells. To elucidate the structural features of polyamines governing DNA condensation, we studied the collapse of lambda-DNA by spermine and a series of its homologues, H2N(CH2)3NH(CH2)n=2-12NH(CH2)3NH2 (n = 4 for spermine), using static and dynamic light scattering techniques. All polyamines provoked DNA condensation; however, their efficacy varied with the structural geometry of the polyamine. In 10 mM sodium cacodylate buffer, the EC50 values for DNA condensation were comparable (4 +/- 1 microM) for spermine homologues with n = 4-8, whereas the lower and higher homologues provoked DNA condensation at higher EC50 values. The EC50 values increased with an increase in the monovalent ion (Na+) concentration in the buffer. The slope of a plot of log [EC50(polyamine4+)] against log [Na+] was approximately 1.5 for polyamines with even number values of n, whereas the slope value was approximately 1 for compounds with odd number values of n. Dynamic light scattering measurements showed the presence of compact particles with hydrodynamic radii (Rh) of about 40-50 nm for compounds with n = 3-6. Rh increased with further increase in methylene chain length separating the secondary amino groups of the polyamines (Rh = 60-70 nm for n = 7-10 and >100 nm for n = 11 and 12). Determination of the relative binding affinity of polyamines to DNA using an ethidium bromide displacement assay showed that homologues with n = 2 and 3 as well as those with n > 7 had significantly lower DNA binding affinity compared to spermine and homologues with n = 5 and 6. These data suggest that the chemical structure of isovalent polyamines exerts a profound influence on their ability to recognize and condense DNA, and on the size of the DNA condensates formed in aqueous solution.  相似文献   

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