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Aggregation and species coexistence in fleas parasitic on small mammals   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The aggregation model of coexistence states that species coexistence is facilitated if interspecific aggregation is reduced relative to intraspecific aggregation. We investigated the relationship between intraspecific and interspecific aggregation in 17 component communities (the flea assemblage of a host population) of fleas parasitic on small mammals and hypothesized that interspecific interactions should be reduced relative to intraspecific interactions, facilitating species coexistence. We predicted that the reduction of the level of interspecific aggregation in relation to the level of intraspecific aggregation would be positively correlated with total flea abundance and species richness of flea assemblages. We also expected that the higher degree of facilitation of flea coexistence would be affected by host parameters such as body mass, basal metabolic rate (BMR) and depth and complexity of burrows. Results of this study supported the aggregation model of coexistence and demonstrated that, in general, a) conspecific fleas were aggregated across their hosts; b) flea assemblages were not dominated by negative interspecific interactions; and c) the level of interspecific aggregation in flea assemblages was reduced in relation to the level of intraspecific aggregation. Intraspecific aggregation tended to be correlated positively to body mass, burrow complexity and mass-independent BMR of a host. Positive interspecific associations of fleas tended to occur more frequently in species-rich flea assemblages and/or in larger hosts possessing deep complex burrows. Intraspecific aggregation increased relative to interspecific aggregation when species richness of flea infracommunities (the flea assemblage of a host individual) and component communities increased. We conclude that the pattern of flea coexistence is related both to the structure of flea communities and affinities of host species.  相似文献   

The resource specialization or niche breadth of a species is not fixed across populations, but instead varies over geographical space. A species may be a local specialist but a regional generalist, if it uses locally few resources that are substitutable across locations. In contrast, a species is a local generalist and a regional specialist if it uses locally many resources that cannot be substituted from 1 location to the next. Scale‐dependence can thus be a major factor in estimation of niche breadth. Here, we test for relationships between local and global estimates of host specificity (a measure of niche breadth for parasites) in fleas (Siphonaptera) parasitic on small mammals from 49 different regions within the Holarctic. Across all fleas, we found a strong, positive relationship between the number of host species that a flea uses in 1 locality and the number of different host species that can serve as the flea's principal host (i.e. the one supporting the most fleas in a region) among all regions. Also, we observed a strong positive relationship between the taxonomic distinctness of the host species used in 1 locality and that of all known principal hosts among all localities. These relationships held after correcting for potentially confounding phylogenetic influences. We discuss the implications of scale‐independent host specificity and its association with geographical range size and species‐specific patterns of host use.  相似文献   

Species composition and structure of ectoparasite arthropod communities were examined all year round six years in the bank vole Clethrionomys glareolus, Ural wood mouse Apodemus uralensis and the common shrew Sorex araneus in forests of the Ilmen'-Volkhov depression. In total, 4500 host samples have been examined and all ectoparasites have been collected. The species composition of ectoparasite community in small mammal species are as follows: the bank vole--29 insect, tick and mite species, the common shrew--23 species, the Ural wood mouse--16 species. In forest biotopes, many temporary ectoparasitic species occur on several host species living in the same habitats under a forest canopy and contacting each other. A parasitic supracommunity in the ecosystem examined has a pool of temporary ectoparasites, which is available for all the community of small mammals. A role of different rodent and shrew species are hosts of insects and ticks changes depending on a density of potential host populations and numerous other environment factors.  相似文献   

Scaling biodiversity patterns has been recognized lately as a very important issue in the search of global processes; however coexistence and assemblage patterns are typically approached at a single spatial scale. Here, we examined coexistence and co-occurrence patterns of desert small mammal communities across different spatial scales in the search of general community patterns. We sampled small mammals in Monte desert (Argentina, South America) for small spatial scales and reviewed published papers from other worldwide deserts for large spatial scale analyses. We used classic community estimators (Shannon, Richness), rank abundance curves and fitting distributions to analyze species coexistence and co-occurrence patterns. Assemblage patterns were analyzed evaluating nestedness across spatial scales and among deserts. Worldwide desert small mammal assemblages are characterized mainly by low species richness and high variation in species composition. The central Monte desert of Argentina showed a consistent assemblage pattern across spatial scales, with a generalist species being the most abundant and widely distributed, accompanied by other subordinate and more narrowly distributed species. All Monte desert communities were significantly nested, with nestedness increasing with scale from patch to regional. Assemblage and coexistence patterns were similar when comparing worldwide deserts despite differences in total richness and faunal singularity. The degree of nestedness varied among worldwide deserts; however all of them showed a consistent nested pattern. Differences in the degree of nestedness could be a result of different regulating factors depending on the desert and scale. These results highlight the importance of including multiscale approaches when dealing with processes that structure desert communities.  相似文献   

Aim We studied the relationships between the numbers of species and numbers of higher taxa (genera, tribes, subfamilies and families) in flea assemblages of small mammalian hosts with the aims of: (a) comparing these relationships across different regions, and (b) testing the hypothesis that flea assemblages in warmer regions diversify mainly via intrahost speciation, whereas those in colder regions diversify mainly via host switching. Location The study used previously published data on flea assemblages on small mammalian hosts from 25 different regions of the Holarctic. Methods The number of flea genera, tribes, subfamilies or families in an assemblage (host species) was plotted against the number of flea species in this assemblage for each region separately, and a power function was fitted to the resulting relationships. Then, the values of the exponent of the power function for a region were regressed against the mean annual temperature in this region, across all regions. Results The relationships between the number of flea species and the numbers of flea genera, tribes, subfamilies or families on a host species in each region were found to be well described by simple power functions. The exponent of the power function of the relationship between the number of flea species and the number of flea genera per host tended to decrease with increasing local mean annual temperature. When two apparent outliers from the trend (corresponding to regions where sampling was not performed as in other regions) were omitted from the analysis, the negative relationship between temperature and the exponent of the power function between the number of flea species and number of flea genera per host became highly significant. No relationship was found between the values of the exponents of the power functions between the number of flea species and the number of flea tribes, subfamilies or families per host, and the mean local annual temperature. Main conclusions The results suggest that the diversification of flea assemblages is associated with climatic variables. In warm regions, the greater number of congeneric species per flea assemblage, reflected by the lower exponent of the power function, may well be the outcome of intrahost speciation. This indicates that, as regional temperature increases, intrahost speciation becomes a relatively more important mode of diversification than acquisition of fleas via host switching.  相似文献   

Animal species with larger local populations tend to be widespread across many localities, whereas species with smaller local populations occur in fewer localities. This pattern is well documented for free-living species and can be explained by the resource breadth hypothesis: the attributes that enable a species to exploit a diversity of resources allow it to attain a broad distribution and high local density. In contrast, for parasitic organisms, the trade-off hypothesis predicts that parasites exploiting many host species will achieve lower mean abundance on those hosts than more host-specific parasites because of the costs of adaptations against multiple defense systems. We test these alternative hypotheses with data on host specificity and abundance of fleas parasitic on small mammals from 20 different regions. Our analyses controlled for phylogenetic influences, differences in host body surface area, and sampling effort. In most regions, we found significant positive relationships between flea abundance and either the number of host species they exploited or the average taxonomic distance among those host species. This was true whether we used mean flea abundance or the maximum abundance they achieved on their optimal host. Although fleas tended to exploit more host species in regions with either larger number of available hosts or more taxonomically diverse host faunas, differences in host faunas between regions had no clear effect on the abundance-host specificity relationship. Overall, the results support the resource breadth hypothesis: fleas exploiting many host species or taxonomically unrelated hosts achieve higher abundance than specialist fleas. We conclude that generalist parasites achieve higher abundance because of a combination of resource availability and stability.  相似文献   

We studied body size ratio in gamasid mites (Acari: Mesostigmata) parasitic on Palearctic small mammals at 3 hierarchical scales, namely infracommunities (an assemblage of mites harboured by an individual host), component communities (an assemblage of mites harboured by a host population), and compound communities (an assemblage of mites harboured by a host community). We used null models and asked a) whether body size distributions in these communities demonstrate non‐random patterns; b) whether these patterns indicate segregation or aggregation of body sizes of coexisting species; and c) whether patterns of body size distribution are scale‐dependent, that is, differ among infracommunities, component communities, and compound communities. In most mite assemblages, the observed pattern of body size distribution did not differ from that expected by chance. However, meta‐analyses demonstrated that component and compound communities of gamasid mites consistently demonstrated a tendency to reduced body size overlap, while we did not find any clear trend in mite body size distribution across infracommunities. We discuss reasons for scale‐dependence of body size distribution pattern in parasite communities and propose ecological and evolutionary mechanisms that allowed the reduced body size overlap in component and compound communities of ectoparasites to arise.  相似文献   

We studied patterns of phylogenetic and compositional diversity of fleas parasitic on small mammals and asked whether these patterns are affected by environmental variation or evolutionary/historical processes. We considered environmental variation via both off‐host (air temperature, precipitation, the amount of green vegetation, latitude) and host‐associated (phylogenetic and species composition) environments. The indicators of evolutionary/historical processes were phylogenetic and compositional uniqueness estimated via phylogenetic or compositional, respectively, β‐diversity of either fleas or hosts. We found that phylogenetic uniqueness of flea assemblages was the main predictor of their phylogenetic diversity in all realms. In addition, host phylogenetic diversity and uniqueness played also some role in the Palearctic, whereas the effect of the off‐host environment was either extremely weak or absent. Compositional diversity of fleas was consistently affected by compositional diversity of hosts in all realms except the Neotropics. The effect of the off‐host environment on compositional flea diversity was substantial in all realms except the Palearctic. No effect of latitude on either metric of flea diversity was found. We conclude that phylogenetic diversity of fleas is driven mainly by evolutionary/historical processes, whereas drivers of their compositional diversity are associated with current ecological conditions.  相似文献   

The evolution of host specificity remains a central issue in the study of host‐parasite relationships. Here we tackle three basic questions about host specificity using data on host use by fleas (Siphonaptera) from 21 geographical regions. First, are the host species exploited by a flea species no more than a random draw from the locally available host species, or do they form a taxonomically distinct subset? Using randomization tests, we showed that in the majority of cases, the taxonomic distinctness (measured as the average taxonomic distances among host species) of the hosts exploited by a flea is no different from that of random subsets of hosts taken from the regional pool. In the several cases where a difference was found, the taxonomic distinctness of the hosts used by a flea was almost always lower than that of the random subsets, suggesting that the parasites use hosts within a narrower taxonomic spectrum than what is available to them. Second, given the variation in host specificity among populations of the same flea species, is host specificity truly a species character? We found that host specificity measures are repeatable among different populations of the same flea species: host specificity varies significantly more among flea species than within flea species. This was true for both measures of host specificity used in the analyses: the number of host species exploited, and the index measuring the average taxonomic distinctness of the host species and its variance. Third, what causes geographical variation in host specificity among populations of the same flea species? In the vast majority of flea species, neither of our two measures of host specificity correlated with either the regional number of potential host species or their taxonomic distinctness, or the distance between the sampled region and the center of the flea's geographical range. However, in most flea species host specificity correlated with measures of the deviation in climatic conditions (precipitation and temperature) between the sampled region and the average conditions computed across the flea's entire range. Overall, these results suggest that host specificity in fleas is to a large extent phylogenetically constrained, while still strongly influenced by local environmental conditions.  相似文献   

The total aestival ectoparasitic burden of six small mammal species ( Sorex araneus, Clethrionomys glareolus, C. rutilus, C. rufocanus, Microtus agrestis , and M. oeconomus ) was investigated in terms of frequency distribution, frequency of occurrence, species diversity and joint occurrences. The mammals were collected in northern Fennoscandia during peak density years. The frequency distribution of the ectoparasites was best described as negative binomial on C. glareolus, M. agrestis , and M. oeconomus but not so on S. araneus, C. rutilus and C. rufocanus. The distribution did not fit the Poisson distribution in any species. The percentage of S. araneus that had ectoparasites was 49%, and of the microtidae species, 73-96% had ectoparasites. The median number of ectoparasites on the vole species was between 2 and 9 specimens of 1 or 2 species. There was a significant, positive correlation between the number of ectoparasitic species and the total number of individuals on all host species. Pairs of ectoparasitic species occurring together more or less often than expected by chance were found on all host species. However, the pairs rarely repeated themselves on the same host species under different environmental conditions, or on other host species under similar circumstances. Differences in total infestation between reproductive categories and sexes were observed in M. agrestis but not in S. araneus and C. glareolus.  相似文献   

Materials on occurrence and abundance of 36 species of fleas on 17 species of small mammals are systematized. A great similarity between the faunas of ectoparasites of rodents and predators has been shown by means of special indices. The conception of parasitic field is formulated which implies the phenomenon of community of the fauna of plague vectors parasitic on its potential carriers. Some aspects of the formation of parasitic field and its possible effect the epizootic process are considered. It is established that the similarity between the faunas of fleas from different animals is ensured in this region first of all by a wide distribution of specific parasites of gerbils.  相似文献   

Opportunistic parasite species, capable of exploiting several different host species, do not achieve the same abundance on all these hosts. Parasites achieve maximum abundance on their principal host species, and lower abundances on their auxiliary host species. Taxonomic relatedness between the principal and auxiliary host species may determine what abundance a parasite can achieve on its auxiliary hosts, as relatedness should reflect similarities among host species in ecological, physiological and/or immunological characters. We tested this hypothesis with fleas (Siphonaptera) parasitic on small Holarctic mammals. We determined whether the abundance of a flea in its auxiliary hosts decreases with increasing taxonomic distance of these hosts from the principal host. Using data on 106 flea species from 23 regions, for a total of 194 flea-locality combinations, we found consistent support for this relationship, both within and across regions, and even after controlling for the potentially confounding effect of flea phylogeny. These results are most likely explained by a decrease in the efficiency of the parasite's evasive mechanisms against the host's behavioural and immune defences with increasing taxonomic distance from the principal host. Our findings suggest that host switching over evolutionary time may be severely constrained by the coupling of parasite success with the relatedness between new hosts and the original host.  相似文献   

根据2002年7月的调查资料对乌鲁木齐市养禽场鼠类群落进行了研究。结果表明:该地区分布的鼠类可划分为2种群落,(1)褐家鼠 小家鼠群落;(2)小家鼠 灰仓鼠群落。同时对鼠类群落的多样性,均匀度等进行了初步研究。  相似文献   

F. E. G. COX 《Mammal Review》1987,17(2-3):143-147
In the wild, small mammals are frequently infected with more than one parasite. Laboratory studies have revealed complex interactions between parasites and also between parasitic protozoa and viruses or bacteria. In general, infection with many parasites is accompanied by a period of immunodepression during which superimposed infections are favoured, giving rise to more intense and prolonged secondary infections while the original infection is unaffected. On the other hand, organisms that activate macrophages may protect die host against a subsequent infection. These kinds of interactions have been investigated in the laboratory using Trypanosoma musculi, T. lewisi, Giardia muris, Spironucleus muris, Babesia microti and Heligmosomoides polygyrus , all of which occur in British small mammals, suggesting that such interactions occur in the field, are worth investigating and should be considered in epidemiological studies.  相似文献   

Cathemeral species are routinely active during the day, the night and at twilight. For the majority of species it is advantageous to specialize on the environmental conditions of a particular phase of the 24-hour day, so this rather uncommon type of activity must be a consequence of specific constraints. Good examples are the polyphasic activity patterns found in some small mammals. In shrews, with small body size and extremely high metabolic rate, polyphasic activity represents a simple short-term hunger cycle. In voles the short-term rhythm is triggered by an additional endogenous ultradian clock that interacts with the common circadian system, which probably is functionally related to endosymbiont digestion of cellulose-rich food. The activity bouts of individuals are synchronized on the population level to spread predation risk. As cathemeral species, voles are not specifically adapted to particular light conditions, but they are also not restricted to a particular activity phase. Therefore, the benefits from flexible responses in activity timing to environmental challenges may compensate for the disadvantages of not being specialized.  相似文献   

Data on the species composition of fleas, their abundance and distribution on hosts and on territory are given. Changes in the species composition and abundance of fleas in the latitude and meridional directions are shown.  相似文献   

We investigated the bacterial communities of nine Bartonella-positive fleas (n = 6 Oropsylla hirsuta fleas and n = 3 Oropsylla montana fleas), using universal primers, clone libraries, and DNA sequencing. DNA sequences were used to classify bacteria detected in a phylogenetic context, to explore community assembly patterns within individual fleas, and to survey diversity patterns in dominant lineages.  相似文献   

During 1998–2000, at least 14 species (n = 309) of small mammals were live‐trapped and examined for ectoparasites in moist forests of the Taita and Shimba Hills and drier savannah habitats of Nguruman, southeastern Kenya. Ectoparasites were recorded from 11 species of mammals. Five species of sucking lice [Hoplopleura inexpectans Johnson, H. intermedia Kellogg & Ferris, Polyplax reclinata (Nitzsch), P. waterstoni Bedford and Schizophthirus graphiuri Ferris], six species of fleas (Ctenophthalmus leptodactylous Hubbard, Dinopsyllus grypurus Jordan & Rothschild, D. lypusus Jordan & Rothschild, Hypsophthalmus campestris Jordan & Rothschild, Listropsylla basilewskyi Smit and Xiphiopsylla lippa Jordan) and at least six species of ticks (Amblyomma sp., Haemaphysalis sp., Ixodes sp., I. alluaudi Neumann, I. cumulatimpunctatus Schulze, I. muniensis Arthur & Burrow and Rhipicephalus sp.) were recorded from these hosts. Four of the five species of sucking lice were host specific whereas P. reclinata was recorded from two different species of white‐toothed shrews, Crocidura spp. Although fleas and ticks were less host specific, C. leptodactylous, D. grypurus and I. cumulatimpunctatus were only recorded from the murid rodent Praomys delectorum (Thomas), Amblyomma sp. was only recorded from the nesomyid rodent Beamys hindei Thomas, Rhipicephalus sp. was only recorded from the murid Lemniscomys striatus (L.) and I. muniensis was only recorded from the dormouse Graphiurus microtis (Noack). More species of ectoparasites and significantly greater infestation prevalences were recorded from small mammals in moist habitats compared with those from the savannah habitat. At least one of the fleas recorded, D. lypusus, is a known vector of Yersinia pestis Lehmann & Neumann, the causative agent of plague, which is present in the region.  相似文献   

  • 1.1. Changes in the composition and abundance of 5 marsupial and 3 eutherian mammal species, and of their helminth communities pre- and post-perturbation by wildfire at Nadgee and Timbillica State Forests in southeastern coastal New South Wales during the period September 1977 to September 1985 are reported.
  • 2.2.Dasyurid marsupials (Antechinus stuartii, Antechinus swainsonii and Sminthopsis leucopus), peramelid marsupials (Perameles nasuta and Isoodon obesulus) and native eutherian rodents (Rattus fuscipes and Rattus lutreolus) occurred pre-fire. These species and the introduced house mouse (Mus musculus) occurred post-fire.
  • 3.3. All host taxa harboured a diverse helminth fauna dominated by nematodes. The helminth communities in A. stuartii, A. swainsonii, S. leucopus and R. lutreolus represented more than 70%, those in P. nasuta, R. fuscipes and M. musculus represented more than 50% and that in I. obesulus represented less than 40% of the total helminth faunas known to occur in these hosts throughout their geographic ranges in Australia.
  • 4.4. Adult nematodes of Capillaria sp. 11 and Tetrabothriostrongylus mackerrasae occurred in all host groups, those of Peramelistrongylus skedastos occurred in both marsupial groups but not in rodents, larval stages of the ascaridoid nematode Ophidascaris robertsi occurred in all host groups and physalopterid nematode larvae believed to be Abbreviata spp. occurred in dasyurid marsupials and in rodents but not in peramelid marsupials.
  • 5.5. Four helminth communities were recognised: one in the dasyurid marsupials, a second in the peramelid marsupials, a third in the native rodents and a fourth in the introduced house mouse.
  • 6.6. Differences in the helminth communities in host taxa pre- and post-wildfire were associated with the ecological strategies of the hosts and their roles as opportunistic invaders (M. musculus), fire-enhanced species (S. leucopus) or slow recolonisers (P. nasuta) post-perturbation by wildfire.

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