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A new species of haemogregarine was found in the fish Barbus sharpeyi (Cyprinidae): Haemogregarina majeedi n. sp. which is broadly oval to reniform and with a large, subterminal nucleus. It was found with one to two schizonts within the erythrocytes and erythroblasts which were shorter and broader than normal. This is the third haemogregarine described from fishes in Iraq.  相似文献   

A new nematode species, Cucullanus angeli n. sp., is described from specimens recovered from the intestine of Vieja intermedia (Günther, 1862) from the Lacantun River, State of Chiapas, Mexico. It is characterized largely by having an unusual distinct unpaired median papilla present on anterior cloacal lip in the male and the situation of phasmids (close to eighth pair of papillae); it is further characterized by equal spicules (length 175-475 microm), distribution of caudal papillae, a preanal sucker surrounded by first and second pair of papillae, and conical tail in both sexes, ending in small terminal digitiform process (being more conspicuous in the female).  相似文献   

The authors describe a new species in the genus Schilbetrematoides Kritsky & Kulo, 1992 from the gills of Schilbe mandibularis (Günther, 1867) (Schilbeidae) caught in the rivers Bia and Agneby in Ivory Coast. S. manizani n. sp. differs from S. pseudodactylogyrus Kritsky & Kulo, 1992, a parasite of Schilbe intermedius Rüppell, 1832 by having morphologically distinct gripi.  相似文献   

Paraorygmatobothrium taylori n. sp. (Tetraphyllidea: Phyllobothriidae) is described from the Australian weasel shark Hemigaleus australiensis White, Last & Compagno in Moreton Bay, off Queensland, Australia. The new species differs from 10 of the 11 described species of Paraorygmatobothrium Ruhnke, 1994 by the possession of prominent, semicircular bothridial muscle bands. From Pbarberi Ruhnke, 1994, with which it shares the bothridial muscle bands, it differs in the possession of a cephalic peduncle and vitelline follicles that extend almost to the mid-line of the proglottis and are reduced, rather than completely interrupted, at the level of the ovary. P. janineae Ruhnke, Healy & Shapero, 2006 is recorded from its type–host but in a new locality, Moreton Bay, off Queensland, Australia. P. taylori is the third species of the genus recorded from the Hemigaleidae in Australian waters. Three of the eight known hemigaleid species are now recorded to harbour this genus, and three different species are now known from the two hemigaleids found in Australian waters.  相似文献   

Aetheolabes goeldiensis n. g., n. sp. (Diplectanidae) is described from the gills of ‘pescada’ Plagioscion sp. (Sciaenidae) collected from the Baía de Marajó, about 30 km north of Belém, Pará, Brazil. The monotypic Aetheolabes n. g. is characterised, in part, by its type-species having the haptor and haptoral sclerites modified as a clasp for attachment to the gill tissue of its host, the copulatory complex situated far posterior to the intestinal bifurcation near the mid-length of the trunk, the vaginal pore apparently within the genital atrium, the tegument lacking scales, anchors atypical for diplectanids, and by lacking peduncular spines and squamodiscs. A. goeldiensis n. sp. closely resembles Diplectanum umbrinum Tripathi, 1957 from India and China by the haptoral sclerites forming a clasp, but differs from it primarily by the orientation of the reproductive organs and absence of squamodiscs.  相似文献   

Neoechinorhynchus qatarensis sp. n. (Acanthocephala: Neoechinorhynchidae) is described from the marine blue-barred flame parrot fish Scarus ghobban Forssk?l, 1775 in the Arabian Gulf waters off the coast of Qatar. The new species is distinguished from all other species of the genus Neoechinorhynchus by its unique reproductive system and a glandular structure associated with the proboscis receptacle in both males and females. Other uncommon features of N. qatarensis are also discussed.  相似文献   

Three new species of Lamellodiscus are described from four (including two undescribed) species of Gymnocranius off New Caledonia, South Pacific. All three species have a similar body anatomy and morphology of the haptoral hard parts and are distinguished on the basis of the male copulatory organ (MCO). Lamellodiscus tubulicornis n. sp. (type-host: G. grandoculis; other host: Gymnocranius sp. B) has an MCO with a tube and horn; L. magnicornis n. sp. (type-host: G. grandoculis; other hosts: G. euanus, Gymnocranius sp. A and Gymnocranius sp. B) has an MCO with a long horn and a membrane; L. parvicornis n. sp. (type-host: G. euanus; other hosts: G. grandoculis and Gymnocranius sp. B) has an MCO with a small horn and a membrane. Lamellodiscus epsilon Yamaguti, 1968 is redescribed based on the type-specimens (from Monotaxis grandoculis off Hawaii). Lamellodiscus sp. is recorded from Gnathodentex aureolineatus off New Caledonia. All these five species have lamellodiscs that exhibit a unique characteristic: the second lamella forms an almost closed circle, in contrast to all other described species of Lamellodiscus in which the second lamella has the form of one or two crescents. Lamellodiscus spp. are usually classified in two groups, the ‘ignoratus’ and ‘elegans’ groups, according to the structure of the lamellodisc; we propose a new ‘tubulicornis’ group for these five species. In addition to their lamellodisc structure, species of the tubulicornis group are also characterised by their egg (elongate in contrast to tetrahedral in the two other groups) and their hosts (monotaxine lethrinids as opposed to mainly sparids). The generic diagnosis of Lamellodiscus given by Amine & Euzet (2005) is amended to include species with elongate eggs.  相似文献   

Sciadicleithrum juruparii n. sp. is described from the gills of the Neotropical cichlid fish Satanoperca jurupari (Heckel) caught in the Guamá River, in the delta of the Amazon River, at Belém, Pará State, Brazil. Diagnostic characters of the new species are a basally articulated male copulatory organ with clockwise coils and an accessory piece; a ventral bar with a median process; similar hooklets; vagina in the form of a sclerotised tube; and a sinistral vaginal aperture with a sclerotised papilla lying in a small surface depression. It is the only species of Sciadicleithrum Kritsky, Thatcher & Boeger, 1989 with a medial projection on the ventral bar.  相似文献   

A new genus and species of tetraphyllidean cestode, Caulopatera pagei n. g., n. sp., is described from the grey carpetshark Chiloscyllium punctatum Müller & Henle in Moreton Bay, Australia. The new genus is placed in the Phyllobothriidae, subfamily Phyllobothriinae. Caulopatera n. g. is distinct from all other phyllobothriine genera in having stalked, circular, non-loculate bothridia that lack an apical sucker, testes that are restricted to the region anterior to the cirrus-sac and circum-medullary vitelline follicles. The new genus most closely resembles Carpobothrium Shipley & Hornell, 1906, with which it shares non-loculate, stalked, unhooked bothridia without an accessory sucker and testes that are entirely anterior to the cirrus-sac, but differs from it in that it lacks a slit-like opening in each bothridium and flaps surrounding the opening. The possession of bothridial stalks is consistent with two cestode orders, the Tetraphyllidea and the Rhinebothriidea. The morphology of the bothridial stalks is consistent with other tetraphyllidean genera, in that Caulopatera possesses triangular bothridial stalks surrounding the back of the bothridia, indicating that it belongs in the Tetraphyllidea senso stricto, rather than in the recently recognised Rhinebothriidea.  相似文献   

Heterodera longicolla n. sp., a member of the H. goettingiana group, is described and illustrated from roots of buffalo-grass, Buchloë dactyloides (Nutt.) Engelm., in Manhattan, Kansas. This new abullate species, having second-stage larvae with only three lines in the lateral field, is most closely related to H. cyperi Golden, Rau & Cobb, 1962, but differs particularly in having a shorter stylet in larvae, males and females; in possessing only three annules on the head of larvae and males; in having a shorter tail in larvae; and by the presence on cysts of a small anus without a circum-anal pattern.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown considerable variability in morphological features and the existence of genetically distinct sibling species in the acanthocephalan Echinorhynchus gadi Zoega in Müller, 1776. The aim of the present study was to follow up and extend those earlier studies by using a combination of DNA analysis and morphometrics to investigate differences between samples of E. gadi from Atlantic cod Gadus morhua L. caught at five fishing grounds in the Baltic Sea and three in different parts of the North Atlantic. Twelve morphological features were measured in 431 specimens of E. gadi, 99 individuals were studied by polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphosm (PCR-RFLP), and selected PCR products were sequenced. The molecular analyses showed the nucleotide sequences of E. gadi rDNA from cod caught at all the sampling sites to be identical. The comparative morphological study, in contrast, revealed significant differences between samples of E. gadi from different sampling sites and showed the separation of E. gadi into two groups corresponding approximately to the systematic classification of cod into the two subspecies, Atlantic G. morhua morhua and Baltic G. morhua callarias. The E. gadi infrapopulation size had a significant effect on some of the morphological features. The results are discussed in relation to cod population biology, the hydrography of the study area and the history of the Baltic Sea formation.  相似文献   

We describe 2 new species of leucochloridiid-like brachylaimoid digeneans parasitizing a variety of birds in the Area de Conservación Guanacaste, Costa Rica, each of which we assign to a new genus. According to Pojmanska's (Pojmanska, T. 2002a. Superfamily Brachylaimoidea Joyeux & Foley, 1930. In Keys to the Trematoda, D. I. Gibson, A. Jones, and R. A. Bray [eds.]. CAB International and The Natural History Museum, London, U.K., p. 31-36.) key for the Brachylaimoidea, we are unable to place either species in any family. One species most closely resembles members of Leucochloridium by having well-developed suckers, lacking an esophagus, and having cecal shoulders, gonads at the posterior end, and the genital pore at posterior end of body but differs by having symmetrical testes, a posttesticular ovary, and a terminal genital pore; thus, we propose the genus Bakkeius for it. The second new genus resembles members of Michajlovia by having ventral genital pores but differs by having extracecal uterine loops in the forebody, a cirrus sac containing the pars prostatica and seminal vesicle, and gland cells surrounding the genital pore; thus, we propose Pojmanskia for it. These new genera must currently be treated as incertae sedis according to Pojmanska (op. cit.); however, we feel that future phylogenetic analyses will require emendation of the family diagnosis for Leucochloridiidae to include those taxa with terminal and ventral genital pores and with preovarian testes.  相似文献   

Neotropical rivers are home to the largest assemblage of freshwater fishes, but little is known about the phylogeny of these fishes at the species level using multi-locus molecular markers. Here, we present a phylogeny for all known species of the genus Satanoperca, a widespread group of Neotropical cichlid fishes, based on analysis of six unlinked genetic loci. To test nominal and proposed species limits for this group, we surveyed mtDNA sequence variation among 320 individuals representing all know species. Most nominal species were supported by this approach but we determined that populations in the Xingu, Tapajós, and Araguaia+Paraná Rivers are likely undescribed species, while S. jurupari and S. mapiritensis did not show clear genetic distinction. To infer a phylogeny of these putative species, we conducted maximum likelihood and Bayesian non-clock and relaxed clock analyses of concatenated data from three genes (one mitochondrial, two nuclear). We also used a multi-species coalescent model to estimate a species tree from six unlinked loci (one mitochondrial, five nuclear). The topologies obtained were congruent with other results, but showed only minimal to moderate support for some nodes, suggesting that more loci will be needed to satisfactorily estimate the distribution of coalescent histories within Satanoperca. We determined that this variation results from topological discordance among separate gene trees, likely due to differential sorting of ancestral polymorphisms.  相似文献   

Oligogonotylus mayae n.sp. is described from the intestine of the Mayan cichlid Cichlasoma urophthalmus (Günther) in Ría Lagartos, Ría Celestún, and Estero Progreso, Yucatán State. This is the second species described for Oligogonotylus Watson, 1976, the other being O.manteri Watson, 1976. The new species is readily distinguished from O. manteri by the anterior extension of the vitelline follicles. In O. Manteri, Vitelline follicles are found entirely in the hindbody, extending posteriorly to mid-testicular level. Vitelline follicles in the new species extend from teh anterior margin of posterior testis to the region between the bentral sucker and the pharynx. comparison of approximately 1,850 bases of ribosomal DNA (ITS1, ITS2, 5.8S, and 28S), and 400 bases of cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (cox1) strongly supports the status of O. mayae as a new species, as compared to O. manteri collected from cichlids in other localities of Mexico, Belize, and Guatemala.  相似文献   

A new cucullanid, Dichelyne bonacii n. sp., is described from the intestine of the grey snapper Lutjanus griseus and the stomach of the black grouper Mycteroperca bonaci off the coast of Yucatán. The absence of a ventral precloacal sucker and the presence of 11 pairs of caudal papillae in males allocate it to the subgenus Dichelyne. It differs from its congeners in body dimensions and by having two almost equal spicules (left 712-950 and right 722-945m), two intestinal caeca and in the position of the deirids and excretory pore. Apparently, L. griseus acts as definitive host of this species, whereas M. bonaci may be considered as a postcyclic host. This new species represents the first record of a nematode of the subgenus Dichelyne in marine fishes of Mexico.  相似文献   

Euryhaline Cichlid fish of the species Coptodon guineensis are present in different water holes situated in a dried depression in the desert in the extreme South of Morocco, the Sebkha of Imlili. A genetic survey of this population, using complete sequences of the ND2 gene (mtDNA) and sixteen microsatellite loci, revealed that the fish in the sebkha did not form a single population, but rather a metapopulation. This metapopulational structure may be regarded as good news from the point of view of the conservation of fish in the sebkha. Although small individual populations may have short, finite life spans, the metapopulation as a whole is more stable, because immigrants from one population are likely to re-colonize the habitat, left open by the extinction of another.  相似文献   

Paeonocanthus antarcticensis (Hewitt, 1965) is redescribed based on four specimens recovered from a deep-sea smelt, Bathylagus antarcticus Günther, collected in the Antarctic Ocean (65 degrees S, 139 degrees 59.6'E). Studies on the morphological variations of these four specimens plus comparison with the three documented specimens yielded that the sphyriid reported as P. antarcticensis from the goiter blacksmelt, Bathylagus euryops Goode & Bean, taken in the Northwest Atlantic Ocean is a different species. It is renamed Paeonocanthus hogansi n. sp.  相似文献   

A new genus of trypanorhynch cestodes is described from the brownbanded bambooshark, Chiloscyllium punctatum Müller & Henle (Hemiscylliidae) from off Nickol Bay, Western Australia. Poecilorhynchus perplexus n. g., n. sp. is placed in the Eutetrarhynchidae Guiart, 1927 because it is characterised by an elongate, acraspedote scolex with two oval bothria, the absence of bothrial pits, elongate bulbs, the presence of gland-cells within the bulbs and prebulbar organs, retractor muscles inserting at the base of each bulb and an acraspedote strobila. It can be distinguished from all other genera in this family by its possession of a poeciloacanthous typical armature, with a chainette composed of two longitudinal files of uncinate hooks on the external tentacular surface.  相似文献   

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