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Bacterial translation initiation factor IF2 complexed with GTP binds to the 30S ribosomal subunit, promotes ribosomal binding of fMet‐tRNA, and favors the joining of the small and large ribosomal subunits yielding a 70S initiation complex ready to enter the translation elongation phase. Within the IF2 molecule subdomain G3, which is believed to play an important role in the IF2‐30S interaction, is positioned between the GTP‐binding G2 and the fMet‐tRNA binding C‐terminal subdomains. In this study the solution structure of subdomain G3 of Geobacillus stearothermophilus IF2 has been elucidated. G3 forms a core structure consisting of two β‐sheets with each four anti‐parallel strands, followed by a C‐terminal α‐helix. In line with its role as linker between G3 and subdomain C1, this helix has no well‐defined orientation but is endowed with a dynamic nature. The structure of the G3 core is that of a typical OB‐fold module, similar to that of the corresponding subdomain of Thermus thermophilus IF2, and to that of other known RNA‐binding modules such as IF2‐C2, IF1 and subdomains II of elongation factors EF‐Tu and EF‐G. Structural comparisons have resulted in a model that describes the interaction between IF2‐G3 and the 30S ribosomal subunit.  相似文献   

Bacterial translation initiation factor IF2 is a multidomain protein that is an essential component of a system for ensuring that protein synthesis begins at the correct codon within a messenger RNA. Full-length IF2 from Escherichia coli and seven fragments of the protein were expressed, purified, and characterized using nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and circular dichroism (CD) methods. Interestingly, resonances of the 6 kD IF2N domain located at the extreme N terminus of IF2 can be clearly identified within the NMR spectra of the full-length 97-kD protein. (15)N NMR relaxation rate data indicate that (1) the IF2N domain is internally well ordered and tumbles in solution in a manner that is independent of the other domains of the IF2 protein, and (2) the IF2N domain is connected to the C-terminal regions of IF2 by a flexible linker. Chemical shifts of resonances within the isolated IF2N domain do not significantly differ from those of the corresponding residues within the context of the full-length 97-kD protein, indicating that IF2N is a structurally independent unit that does not strongly interact with other regions of IF2. CD and NMR data together provide evidence that Domains I-III of IF2 have unstructured and flexible regions as well as substantial helical content; CD data indicate that the helical content of these regions decreases significantly at temperatures above 35 degrees C. The features of structurally well-ordered N- and C-terminal domains connected by a flexible linker with significant helical content are reminiscent of another translation initiation factor, IF3.  相似文献   

IF2 is one of three bacterial translation initiation factors that are conserved through all kingdoms of life. It binds the 30S and 50S ribosomal subunits, as well as fMet-tRNAf(Met). After these interactions, fMet-tRNAf(Met) is oriented to the ribosomal P-site where the first amino acid of the nascent polypeptide, formylmethionine, is presented. The C-terminal domain of Bacillus stearothermophilus IF2, which is responsible for recognition and binding of fMet-tRNAf(Met), contains two structured modules. Previously, the solution structure of the most C-terminal module, IF2-C2, has been elucidated by NMR spectroscopy and direct interactions between this subdomain and fMet-tRNAf(Met) were reported. In the present NMR study we have obtained the spectral assignment of the other module of the C-terminal domain (IF2-C1) and determined its solution structure and backbone dynamics. The IF2-C1 core forms a flattened fold consisting of a central four-stranded parallel beta-sheet flanked by three alpha-helices. Although its overall organization resembles that of subdomain III of the archaeal IF2-homolog eIF5B whose crystal structure had previously been reported, some differences of potential functional significance are evident.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of the free form of IF1 from Mycobacterium tuberculosis has been determined at 1.47 Å resolution. The structure adopts the expected OB fold and matches the high structural conservation among IF1 orthologues. In order to further explore the function of Mtb-IF1, we built a model of its interaction with the 30S ribosomal subunit based on the crystal structure of the complex from Thermus thermophilus. The model suggests that several functionally important side chain residues undergo large movements while the rest of the protein in complex shows only very limited conformational change as compared to its form in solution.  相似文献   

IF3C is the C-terminal domain of Escherichia coli translation initiation factor 3 (IF3) and is responsible for all functions of this translation initiation factor but for its ribosomal recycling. To map the number and nature of the active sites of IF3 and to identify the essential Arg residue(s) chemically modified with 2,3-butanedione, the eight arginine residues of IF3C were substituted by Lys, His, Ser and Leu, generating 32 variants that were tested in vitro for all known IF3 activities. The IF3-30S subunit interaction was inhibited strongly by substitutions of Arg99, Arg112, Arg116, Arg147 and Arg168, the positive charges being important at positions 116 and 147. The 70S ribosome dissociation was affected by mutations of Arg112, Arg147 and, to a lesser extent, of Arg99 and Arg116. Pseudo-initiation complex dissociation was impaired by substitution of Arg99 and Arg112 (whose positive charges are important) and, to a lesser extent, of Arg116, Arg129, Arg133 and Arg147, while the dissociation of non-canonical 30S initiation complexes was preserved at wild-type levels in all 32 mutants. Stimulation of mRNA translation was reduced by mutations of Arg116, Arg129 and, to a lesser extent, of Arg99, Arg112 and Arg131 whereas inhibition of non-canonical mRNA translation was affected by substitutions of Arg99, Arg112, Arg168 and, to a lesser extent, Arg116, Arg129 and Arg131. Finally, repositioning the mRNA on the 30S subunit was affected weakly by mutations of Arg133, Arg131, Arg168, Arg147 and Arg129. Overall, the results define two active surfaces in IF3C, and indicate that the different functions of IF3 rely on different molecular mechanisms involving separate active sites.  相似文献   

Complexes of 30 S subunits and [14C]IF3 were allowed to react with the protein cross-linking reagents, N,N′-p-phenylenedimaleimide or dimethylsuberimidate. Non-cross-linked IF3 was removed from the complex by centrifugation in a buffer containing a high salt concentration, and the total protein was extracted from the pelleted particles. The mixture of cross-linked products was analyzed by radioimmunodiffusion with antisera prepared against all of the individual 30 S ribosomal proteins. Radioactivity was found in the precipitin bands formed with antisera against ribosomal proteins S1, S11, S12, S13, S19 and S21. The results show that IF3 was present in covalent cross-linked complexes containing those 30 S ribosomal proteins and imply that they comprise or are near the binding site for initiation factor IF3.  相似文献   

The influence in vivo of mutated forms of translation initiation factor (IF1) on the expression of the lacZ or 3A' reporter genes, with different initiation and/or +2 codons, has been investigated. Reporter gene expression in these infA(IF1) mutants is similar to the wild-type strain. The results do not support the longstanding hypothesis that IF1 could perform discriminatory functions while blocking the aminoacyl-tRNA acceptor site (A-site) of the ribosome. One cold-sensitive IF1 mutant shows a general overexpression, in particular at low temperatures, of both reporter genes at the protein but not mRNA level.  相似文献   

Hydroxyl radical footprinting and directed probing from Fe(II)-derivatized IF3 have been used to map the interaction of IF3 relative to 16S rRNA and tRNA(Met)(f) in the 30S ribosomal subunit. Our results place the two domains of IF3 on opposite sides of the initiator tRNA, with the C domain at the platform interface and the N domain at the E site. The C domain coincides with the location of helix 69 of 23S rRNA, explaining the ability of IF3 to block subunit association. The N domain neighbors proteins S7 and S11 and may interfere with E site tRNA binding. Our model suggests that IF3 influences initiator tRNA selection indirectly.  相似文献   

The hepatitis C virus (HCV) genomic RNA contains an internal ribosome entry site (IRES) in its 5′ untranslated region, the structure of which is essential for viral protein translation. The IRES includes a predicted pseudoknot interaction near the AUG start codon, but the results of previous studies of its structure have been conflicting. Using mutational analysis coupled with activity and functional assays, we verified the importance of pseudoknot base pairings for IRES-mediated translation and, using 35 mutants, conducted a comprehensive study of the structural tolerance and functional contributions of the pseudoknot. Ribosomal toeprinting experiments show that the entirety of the pseudoknot element positions the initiation codon in the mRNA binding cleft of the 40S ribosomal subunit. Optimal spacing between the pseudoknot and the start site AUG resembles that between the Shine–Dalgarno sequence and the initiation codon in bacterial mRNAs. Finally, we validated the HCV IRES pseudoknot as a potential drug target using antisense 2′-OMe oligonucleotides.  相似文献   

Initiation factor IF-3 is required in addition to IF-1 and IF-2 for maximal initial rate of poly(U)-directed binding of AcPhe-tRNA to 30S ribosomal subunits of E. coli. Incubation periods longer than 10 sec, by which time the reaction is virtually over, progressively obscure the requirement for IF-3 in AcPhe-tRNA binding. IF-3 also stimulates the poly(A, G, U)-directed binding of fMet-tRNA to the 30S ribosomal subunit, but in this case, significant stimulation can still be observed even with extended incubation. These results indicate that IF-3 functions similarly in the translation of synthetic mRNA, as it does with natural mRNA, participating in ribosome dissociation and in the formation of the initiation complex from the 30S ribosomal subunit.  相似文献   

Translation initiation factor eIF5B promotes GTP-dependent ribosomal subunit joining in the final step of the translation initiation pathway. The protein resembles a chalice with the α-helix H12 forming the stem connecting the GTP-binding domain cup to the domain IV base. Helix H12 has been proposed to function as a rigid lever arm governing domain IV movements in response to nucleotide binding and as a molecular ruler fixing the distance between domain IV and the G domain of the factor. To investigate its function, helix H12 was lengthened or shortened by one or two turns. In addition, six consecutive residues in the helix were substituted by Gly to alter the helical rigidity. Whereas the mutations had minimal impacts on the factor's binding to the ribosome and its GTP binding and hydrolysis activities, shortening the helix by six residues impaired the rate of subunit joining in vitro and both this mutation and the Gly substitution mutation lowered the yield of Met-tRNA(i)(Met) bound to 80S complexes formed in the presence of nonhydrolyzable GTP. Thus, these two mutations, which impair yeast cell growth and enhance ribosome leaky scanning in vivo, impair the rate of formation and stability of the 80S product of subunit joining. These data support the notion that helix H12 functions as a ruler connecting the GTPase center of the ribosome to the P site where Met-tRNA(i)(Met) is bound and that helix H12 rigidity is required to stabilize Met-tRNA(i)(Met) binding.  相似文献   

Poly(U)-dependent polyphenylalanine synthesis is completely dependent on the presence of ribosomal protein S1. Polysomes generated under the direction of poly(U) contain approximately one molecule of S1 per ribosome. Isolation of 30 S ribosomes from poly(U)-generated polysomes by a procedure requiring a low concentration of Mg2+ (0·25 mM) results in loss of S1. S1 is probably also required for the phage RNA-dependent binding of formylmethionyl-tRNA. The data are discussed in relation to current concepts of the functional aspects of ribosome heterogeneity.  相似文献   

The initiation factor IF3 is platinated with trans-diamminedichloroplatinum(II) and cross-linked to Escherichia coli 30S ribosomal subunit. Two cross-linking sites are unambiguously identified on the 16S rRNA: a major one, in the region 819-859 in the central domain, and a minor one, in the region 1506-1529 in the 3'-terminal domain. Specific features of these sequences together with their particular location within the 30S subunit lead us to postulate a role for IF3, that conciliates topographical and functional observations made so far.  相似文献   

The bacterial translational GTPases (initiation factor IF2, elongation factors EF-G and EF-Tu and release factor RF3) are involved in all stages of translation, and evidence indicates that they bind to overlapping sites on the ribosome, whereupon GTP hydrolysis is triggered. We provide evidence for a common ribosomal binding site for EF-G and IF2. IF2 prevents the binding of EF-G to the ribosome, as shown by Western blot analysis and fusidic acid-stabilized EF-G.GDP.ribosome complex formation. Additionally, IF2 inhibits EF-G-dependent GTP hydrolysis on 70 S ribosomes. The antibiotics thiostrepton and micrococcin, which bind to part of the EF-G binding site and interfere with the function of the factor, also affect the function of IF2. While thiostrepton is a strong inhibitor of EF-G-dependent GTP hydrolysis, GTP hydrolysis by IF2 is stimulated by the drug. Micrococcin stimulates GTP hydrolysis by both factors. We show directly that these drugs act by destabilizing the interaction of EF-G with the ribosome, and provide evidence that they have similar effects on IF2.  相似文献   

Eukaryotic translation initiation factor eIF2B, the guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF) for eIF2, catalyzes conversion of eIF2·GDP to eIF2·GTP. The eIF2B is composed of five subunits, α, β, γ, δ and ε, within which the ε subunit is responsible for catalyzing the guanine exchange reaction. Here we present the crystal structure of the C-terminal domain of human eIF2Bε (eIF2Bε-CTD) at 2.0-Å resolution. The structure resembles a HEAT motif and three charge-rich areas on its surface can be identified. When compared to yeast eIF2Bε-CTD, one area involves highly conserved AA boxes while the other two are only partially conserved. In addition, the previously reported mutations in human eIF2Bε-CTD, which are related to the loss of the GEF activity and human VWM disease, have been discussed. Based on the structure, most of such mutations tend to destabilize the HEAT motif.  相似文献   

In the current model of translation initiation by the scanning mechanism, eIF1 promotes an open conformation of the 40S subunit competent for rapidly loading the eIF2·GTP·Met-tRNAi ternary complex (TC) in a metastable conformation (POUT) capable of sampling triplets entering the P site while blocking accommodation of Met-tRNAi in the PIN state and preventing completion of GTP hydrolysis (Pi release) by the TC. All of these functions should be reversed by eIF1 dissociation from the preinitiation complex (PIC) on AUG recognition. We tested this model by selecting eIF1 Ssu mutations that suppress the elevated UUG initiation and reduced rate of TC loading in vivo conferred by an eIF1 (Sui) substitution that eliminates a direct contact of eIF1 with the 40S subunit. Importantly, several Ssu substitutions increase eIF1 affinity for 40S subunits in vitro, and the strongest-binding variant (D61G), predicted to eliminate ionic repulsion with 18S rRNA, both reduces the rate of eIF1 dissociation and destabilizes the PIN state of TC binding in reconstituted PICs harboring Sui variants of eIF5 or eIF2. These findings establish that eIF1 dissociation from the 40S subunit is required for the PIN mode of TC binding and AUG recognition and that increasing eIF1 affinity for the 40S subunit increases initiation accuracy in vivo. Our results further demonstrate that the GTPase-activating protein eIF5 and β-subunit of eIF2 promote accuracy by controlling eIF1 dissociation and the stability of TC binding to the PIC, beyond their roles in regulating GTP hydrolysis by eIF2.  相似文献   

Heterotrimeric a/eIF2alphabetagamma (archaeal homologue of the eukaryotic translation initiation factor 2 with alpha, beta and gamma subunits) delivers charged initiator tRNA (tRNAi) to the small ribosomal subunit. In this work, we determined the structures of aIF2gamma from the archaeon Sulfolobus solfataricus in the nucleotide-free and GDP-bound forms. Comparison of the free, GDP and Gpp(NH)p-Mg2+ forms of aIF2gamma revealed a sequence of conformational changes upon GDP and GTP binding. Our results show that the affinity of GDP to the G domain of the gamma subunit is higher than that of Gpp(NH)p. In analyzing a pyrophosphate molecule binding to domain II of the gamma subunit, we found a cleft that is very suitable for the acceptor stem of tRNA accommodation. It allows the suggestion of an alternative position for Met-tRNA i Met on the alphagamma intersubunit dimer, at variance with a recently published one. In the model reported here, the acceptor stem of the tRNAi is approximately perpendicular to that of tRNA in the ternary complex elongation factor Tu-Gpp(NH)p-tRNA. According to our analysis, the elbow and T stem of Met-tRNA i Met in this position should make extensive contact with the alpha subunit of aIF2. Thus, this model is in good agreement with experimental data showing that the alpha subunit of aIF2 is necessary for the stable interaction of aIF2gamma with Met-tRNA i Met.  相似文献   

M Laughrea  J Tam 《Biochemistry》1991,30(48):11412-11420
We have studied the effect of the binding of ribosomal protein S1 and initiation factor IF3 on the accessibility of nucleotide residues 584-1506 in the small subunit of the Escherichia coli ribosome. Protein S1 strongly decreases RNase V1 attack at G1164, in hairpin 40 of the 3' major domain, and weakly decreases DMS attack at C1302, in the central loop of the 3' major domain, and at A1503, in the 3' minor domain. It also weakly increases the DMS reactivity of A1004, in the 3' major domain, and of A901, in the central domain. Factor IF3 strongly decreases RNase V1 attack (but not dimethyl sulfate attack) at A1408, in the decoding site, and weakly protects A1500, in the 3' minor domain and near the colicin E3 cleavage site. Neomycin does not interfere with this effect of IF3, but IF3 interferes with the protective effect of neomycin against dimethyl sulfate attack at A1408.  相似文献   

Two analogs of the anticodon arm of yeast tRNAPhe (residues 28-43), in which G43 was replaced by the photoreactive nucleosides 2-azidoadenosine and 8-azidoadenosine, have been used to create 'zero-length' cross-links to ribosomal components at the peptidyl-tRNA binding site (P site) of 30 S subunits from the Escherichia coli ribosome. To prepare the analogs, 2-azidoadenosine and 8-azidoadenosine bisphosphates were first ligated to the 3' end of the anticodon-containing dodecanucleotide ACmUGmAAYA psi m5CUG from yeast tRNAPhe. The trinucleotide CAG was then joined to the 5' end of the resulting tridecanucleotide in a subsequent ligation. Both analogs bound to poly(U)-programmed 30 S subunits with affinities similar to that of the unmodified anticodon arm from yeast tRNAPhe. Irradiation of noncovalent complexes containing the photolabile analogs, poly(U) and 30 S ribosomal subunits with 300 nm light led to the covalent attachment of the anticodon arms to proteins S13 and S19. Further analysis revealed that S13 accounted for about 80%, and S19 for about 20%, of the cross-linked material. Labeling of these two proteins with 'zero-length' cross-linking probes provides useful information about the location and orientation of P site-bound tRNA on the ribosome and permits a test of recently proposed models of the three-dimensional structure of the 30 S subunit.  相似文献   

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