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Selvaraj S  Gromiha MM 《Proteins》2004,55(4):1023-1035
Understanding the folding pathways of proteins is a challenging task. The Phi value approach provides a detailed understanding of transition-state structures of folded proteins. In this work, we have computed the hydrophobicity associated with each residue in the folded state of 16 two-state proteins and compared the Phi values of each mutant residue. We found that most of the residues with high Phi value coincide with local maximum in surrounding hydrophobicity, or have nearby residues that show such maximum in hydrophobicity, indicating the importance of hydrophobic interactions in the transition state. We have tested our approach to different structural classes of proteins, such as alpha-helical, SH3 domains of all-beta proteins, beta-sandwich, and alpha/beta proteins, and we observed a good agreement with experimental results. Further, we have proposed a hydrophobic contact network pattern to relate the Phi values with long-range contacts, which will be helpful to understand the transition-state structures of folded proteins. The present approach could be used to identify potential hydrophobic clusters that may form through long-range contacts during the transition state.  相似文献   

Theories of protein folding often consider contributions from three fundamental elements: loops, hydrophobic interactions, and secondary structures. The pathway of protein folding, the rate of folding, and the final folded structure should be predictable if the energetic contributions to folding of these fundamental factors were properly understood. alphatalpha is a helix-turn-helix peptide that was developed by de novo design to provide a model system for the study of these important elements of protein folding. Hydrogen exchange experiments were performed on selectively 15N-labeled alphatalpha and used to calculate the stability of hydrogen bonds within the peptide. The resulting pattern of hydrogen bond stability was analyzed using a version of Lifson-Roig model that was extended to include a statistical parameter for tertiary interactions. This parameter, x, represents the additional statistical weight conferred upon a helical state by a tertiary contact. The hydrogen exchange data is most closely fit by the XHC model with an x parameter of 9.25. Thus the statistical weight of a hydrophobic tertiary contact is approximately 5.8x the statistical weight for helix formation by alanine. The value for the x parameter derived from this study should provide a basis for the understanding of the relationship between hydrophobic cluster formation and secondary structure formation during the early stages of protein folding.  相似文献   

A method is described to objectively identify hydrophobic clusters in proteins of known structure. Clusters are found by examining a protein for compact groupings of side chains. Compact clusters contain seven or more residues, have an average of 65% hydrophobic residues, and usually occur in protein interiors. Although smaller clusters contain only side-chain moieties, larger clusters enclose significant portions of the peptide backbone in regular secondary structure. These clusters agree well with hydrophobic regions assigned by more intuitive methods and many larger clusters correlate with protein domains. These results are in striking contrast with the clustering algorithm of J. Heringa and P. Argos (1991, J Mol Biol 220:151-171). That method finds that clusters located on a protein's surface are not especially hydrophobic and average only 3-4 residues in size. Hydrophobic clusters can be correlated with experimental evidence on early folding intermediates. This correlation is optimized when clusters with less than nine hydrophobic residues are removed from the data set. This suggests that hydrophobic clusters are important in the folding process only if they have enough hydrophobic residues.  相似文献   

Protein structure can be viewed as a compact linear array of nearly standard size closed loops of 25-30 amino acid residues (Berezovsky et al., FEBS Letters 2000; 466: 283-286) irrespective of details of secondary structure. The end-to-end contacts in the loops are likely to be hydrophobic, which is a testable hypothesis. This notion could be verified by direct comparison of the loop maps with Kyte and Doolittle hydropathicity plots. This analysis reveals that most of the ends of the loops are hydrophobic, indeed. The same conclusion is reached on the basis of positional autocorrelation analysis of protein sequences of 23 fully sequenced bacterial genomes. Hydrophobic residues valine, alanine, glycine, leucine, and isoleucine appear preferentially at the 25-30 residues distance one from another. These observations open a new perspective in the understanding of protein structure and folding: a consecutive looping of the polypeptide chain with the loops ending primarily at hydrophobic nuclei.  相似文献   

The domain is a fundamental unit of protein structure. Numerous studies have analyzed folding patterns in protein domains of known structure to gain insight into the underlying protein folding process. Are such patterns a haphazard assortment or are they similar to sentences in a language, which can be generated by an underlying grammar? Specifically, can a small number of intuitively sensible rules generate a large class of folds, including feasible new folds? In this paper, we explore the extent to which four simple rules can generate the known all‐β folds, using tools from graph theory. As a control, an exhaustive set of β‐sandwiches was tested and found to be largely incompatible with such a grammar. The existence of a protein grammar has potential implications for both the mechanism of folding and the evolution of domains.  相似文献   

For apparently two-state proteins, we found that the size (number of folded residues) of a transition state is mostly encoded by the topology, defined by total contact distance (TCD) of the native state, and correlates with its folding rate. This is demonstrated by using a simple procedure to reduce the native structures of the 41 two-state proteins with native TCD as a constraint, and is further supported by analyzing the results of eight proteins from protein engineering studies. These results support the hypothesis that the major rate-limiting process in the folding of small apparently two-state proteins is the search for a critical number of residues with the topology close to that of the native state.  相似文献   

Favrin G  Irbäck A  Wallin S 《Proteins》2004,54(1):8-12
Z(SPA-1) is an engineered protein that binds to its parent, the three-helix-bundle Z domain of staphylococcal protein A. Uncomplexed Z(SPA-1) shows a reduced helix content and a melting behavior that is less cooperative, compared with the wild-type Z domain. Here we show that the difference in folding behavior between these two sequences can be partly understood in terms of an off-lattice model with 5-6 atoms per amino acid and a minimalistic potential, in which folding is driven by backbone hydrogen bonding and effective hydrophobic attraction.  相似文献   

We have collected the kinetic folding data for non-two-state and two-state globular proteins reported in the literature, and investigated the relationships between the folding kinetics and the native three-dimensional structure of these proteins. The rate constants of formation of both the intermediate and the native state of non-two-state folders were found to be significantly correlated with protein chain length and native backbone topology, which is represented by the absolute contact order and sequence-distant native pairs. The folding rate of two-state folders, which is known to be correlated with the native backbone topology, apparently does not correlate significantly with protein chain length. On the basis of a comparison of the folding rates of the non-two-state and two-state folders, it was found that they are similarly dependent on the parameters that reflect the native backbone topology. This suggests that the mechanisms behind non-two-state and two-state folding are essentially identical. The present results lead us to propose a unified mechanism of protein folding, in which folding occurs in a hierarchical manner, reflecting the hierarchy of the native three-dimensional structure, as embodied in the case of non-two-state folding with an accumulation of the intermediate. Apparently, two-state folding is merely a simplified version of hierarchical folding caused either by an alteration in the rate-limiting step of folding or by destabilization of the intermediate.  相似文献   

A critical step in the folding pathway of globular proteins is the formation of a tightly packed hydrophobic core. Several mutational studies have addressed the question of whether tight packing interactions are present during the rate-limiting step of folding. In some of these investigations, substituted side chains have been assumed to form native-like interactions in the transition state when the folding rates of mutant proteins correlate with their native-state stabilities. Alternatively, it has been argued that side chains participate in nonspecific hydrophobic collapse when the folding rates of mutant proteins correlate with side-chain hydrophobicity. In a reanalysis of published data, we have found that folding rates often correlate similarly well, or poorly, with both native-state stability and side-chain hydrophobicity, and it is therefore not possible to select an appropriate transition state model based on these one-parameter correlations. We show that this ambiguity can be resolved using a two-parameter model in which side chain burial and the formation of all other native-like interactions can occur asynchronously. Notably, the model agrees well with experimental data, even for positions where the one-parameter correlations are poor. We find that many side chains experience a previously unrecognized type of transition state environment in which specific, native-like interactions are formed, but hydrophobic burial dominates. Implications of these results to the design and analysis of protein folding studies are discussed.  相似文献   

Chen J  Wang J  Wang W 《Proteins》2004,57(1):153-171
To explore the role of entropy and chain connectivity in protein folding, a particularly interesting scheme, namely, the circular permutation, has been used. Recently, experimental observations showed that there are large differences in the folding mechanisms between the wild-type proteins and their circular permutants. These differences are strongly related to the change in the intrachain connectivity. Some results obtained by molecular dynamics simulations also showed a good agreement with the experimental findings. Here, we use a topology-based free-energy functional method to study the role of the chain connectivity in folding by comparing features of transition states of the wild-type proteins with those of their circular permutants. We concentrate our study on 3 small globular proteins, namely, the alpha-spectrin SH3 domain (SH3), the chymotrypsin inhibitor 2 (CI2), and the ribosomal protein S6, and obtain exciting results that are consistent with the available experimental and simulation results. A heterogeneity of the interaction energies between contacts for protein CI2 and for protein S6 is also introduced, which characterizes the strong interactions between contacts with long loops, as speculated from experiments for protein S6. The comparison between the folding nucleus of the wild-type proteins and those of their circular permutants indicates that chain connectivity affects remarkably the shapes of the energy profiles and thus the folding mechanism. Further comparisons between our theoretical calculated phi(th) values and the experimental observed phi(exp) values for the 3 proteins and their permutants show that our results are in good agreement with experimental ones and that correlations between them are high. These indicate that the free-energy functional method really provides a way to analyze the folding behavior of the circular-permuted proteins and therefore the folding mechanism of the wild-type proteins.  相似文献   

Baussand J  Deremble C  Carbone A 《Proteins》2007,67(3):695-708
Several studies on large and small families of proteins proved in a general manner that hydrophobic amino acids are globally conserved even if they are subjected to high rate substitution. Statistical analysis of amino acids evolution within blocks of hydrophobic amino acids detected in sequences suggests their usage as a basic structural pattern to align pairs of proteins of less than 25% sequence identity, with no need of knowing their 3D structure. The authors present a new global alignment method and an automatic tool for Proteins with HYdrophobic Blocks ALignment (PHYBAL) based on the combinatorics of overlapping hydrophobic blocks. Two substitution matrices modeling a different selective pressure inside and outside hydrophobic blocks are constructed, the Inside Hydrophobic Blocks Matrix and the Outside Hydrophobic Blocks Matrix, and a 4D space of gap values is explored. PHYBAL performance is evaluated against Needleman and Wunsch algorithm run with Blosum 30, Blosum 45, Blosum 62, Gonnet, HSDM, PAM250, Johnson and Remote Homo matrices. PHYBAL behavior is analyzed on eight randomly selected pairs of proteins of >30% sequence identity that cover a large spectrum of structural properties. It is also validated on two large datasets, the 127 pairs of the Domingues dataset with >30% sequence identity, and 181 pairs issued from BAliBASE 2.0 and ranked by percentage of identity from 7 to 25%. Results confirm the importance of considering substitution matrices modeling hydrophobic contexts and a 4D space of gap values in aligning distantly related proteins. Two new notions of local and global stability are defined to assess the robustness of an alignment algorithm and the accuracy of PHYBAL. A new notion, the SAD-coefficient, to assess the difficulty of structural alignment is also introduced. PHYBAL has been compared with Hydrophobic Cluster Analysis and HMMSUM methods.  相似文献   

We demonstrate that chain length is the main determinant of the folding rate for proteins with the three-state folding kinetics. The logarithm of their folding rate in water (k(f)) strongly anticorrelates with their chain length L (the correlation coefficient being -0.80). At the same time, the chain length has no correlation with the folding rate for two-state folding proteins (the correlation coefficient is -0.07). Another significant difference of these two groups of proteins is a strong anticorrelation between the folding rate and Baker's "relative contact order" for the two-state folders and the complete absence of such correlation for the three-state folders.  相似文献   

Cells have developed an incredible machinery to facilitate the insertion of membrane proteins into the membrane. While we have a fairly good understanding of the mechanism and determinants of membrane integration, more data is needed to understand the insertion of membrane proteins with more complex insertion and folding pathways. This review will focus on marginally hydrophobic transmembrane helices and their influence on membrane protein folding. These weakly hydrophobic transmembrane segments are by themselves not recognized by the translocon and therefore rely on local sequence context for membrane integration. How can such segments reside within the membrane? We will discuss this in the light of features found in the protein itself as well as the environment it resides in. Several characteristics in proteins have been described to influence the insertion of marginally hydrophobic helices. Additionally, the influence of biological membranes is significant. To begin with, the actual cost for having polar groups within the membrane may not be as high as expected; the presence of proteins in the membrane as well as characteristics of some amino acids may enable a transmembrane helix to harbor a charged residue. The lipid environment has also been shown to directly influence the topology as well as membrane boundaries of transmembrane helices—implying a dynamic relationship between membrane proteins and their environment.  相似文献   

The bacterial immunity proteins Im7 and Im9 fold with mechanisms of different kinetic complexity. Whilst Im9 folds in a two-state transition at pH 7.0 and 10 degrees C, Im7 populates an on-pathway intermediate under these conditions. In order to assess the role of sequence versus topology in the folding of these proteins, and to analyse the effect of populating an intermediate on the landscape for folding, we have determined the conformational properties of the rate-limiting transition state for Im9 folding/unfolding using Phi(F)-value analysis and have compared the results with similar data obtained previously for Im7. The data show that the rate-limiting transition states for Im9 and Im7 folding/unfolding are similar: both are compact (beta(T)=0.94 and 0.89, respectively) and contain three of the four native helices docked around a specific hydrophobic core. Significant differences are observed, however, in the magnitude of the Phi(F)-values obtained for the two proteins. Of the 20 residues studied in both proteins, ten have Phi(F)-values in Im7 that exceed those in Im9 by more than 0.2, and of these five differ by more than 0.4. The data suggest that the population of an intermediate in Im7 results in folding via a transition state ensemble that is conformationally restricted relative to that of Im9. The data are consistent with the view that topology is an important determinant of folding. Importantly, however, they also demonstrate that while the folding transition state may be conserved in homologous proteins that fold with two and three-state kinetics, the population of an intermediate can have a significant effect on the breadth of the transition state ensemble.  相似文献   

Many single-domain proteins exhibit two-state folding kinetics, with folding rates that span more than six orders of magnitude. A quantity of much recent interest for such proteins is their contact order, the average separation in sequence between contacting residue pairs. Numerous studies have reached the surprising conclusion that contact order is well-correlated with the logarithm of the folding rate for these small, well-characterized molecules. Here, we investigate the physico-chemical basis for this finding by asking whether contact order is actually a composite number that measures the fraction of local secondary structure in the protein; viz. turns, helices, and hairpins. To pursue this question, we calculated the secondary structure content for 24 two-state proteins and obtained coefficients that predict their folding rates. The predicted rates correlate strongly with experimentally determined rates, comparable to the correlation with contact order. Further, these predicted folding rates are correlated strongly with contact order. Our results suggest that the folding rate of two-state proteins is a function of their local secondary structure content, consistent with the hierarchic model of protein folding. Accordingly, it should be possible to utilize secondary structure prediction methods to predict folding rates from sequence alone.  相似文献   

In order to examine how the stabilization of thermophilic proteins affects their folding, we have characterized the folding process of Thermus thermophilus ribonuclease H using circular dichroism, fluorescence, and pulse-labeling hydrogen exchange. Like its homolog from Escherichia coli, this thermophilic protein populates a partially folded kinetic intermediate within the first few milliseconds of folding. The structure of this intermediate is similar to that of E.coli RNase H and corresponds remarkably well to a partially folded form that is populated at low levels in the native state of the protein. Proline isomerization appears to partly limit the folding of the thermophilic but not the mesophilic protein. Lastly, unlike other thermophilic proteins, which unfold much more slowly than their mesophilic counterparts, T.thermophilus RNase H folds and unfolds with overall rates similar to those of E.coli RNase H.  相似文献   

A hydrophobic cluster forms early in the folding of dihydrofolate reductase   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The rapid kinetic phase that leads from unfolded species to transient folding intermediates in dihydrofolate reductase from Escherichia coli was examined by site-directed mutagenesis and by physicochemical means. The absence of this fluorescence-detected phase in the refolding of the Trp-74Phe mutant protein strongly implies that this early phase in refolding can be assigned to just one of the five Trp residues in the protein, Trp-74. In addition, water-soluble fluorescence quenching agents, iodide and cesium, have a much less significant effect on this early step in refolding than on the slower phases that lead to native and native-like conformers. These and other data imply that an important early event in the folding of dihydrofolate reductase is the formation of a hydrophobic cluster which protects Trp-74 from solvent.  相似文献   

Describing the whole story of protein folding is currently the main enigmatic problem in molecular bioinformatics study. Protein folding mechanisms have been intensively investigated with experimental as well as simulation techniques. Since a protein folds into its specific 3D structure from a unique amino acid sequence, it is interesting to extract as much information as possible from the amino acid sequence of a protein. Analyses based on inter-residue average distance statistics and a coarse-grained Gō-model simulation were conducted on Ig and FN3 domains of a titin protein to decode the folding mechanisms from their sequence data and native structure data, respectively. The central region of all domains was predicted to be an initial folding unit, that is, stable in an early state of folding. This common feature coincides well with the experimental results and underscores the significance of the β-sandwich proteins' common structure, namely, the key strands for folding and the Greek-key motif, which is located in the central region. We confirmed that our sequence-based techniques were able to predict the initial folding event just next to the denatured state and that a 3D-based Gō-model simulation can be used to investigate the whole process of protein folding.  相似文献   

Proteins consisting of repeating amino acid motifs are abundant in all kingdoms of life, especially in higher eukaryotes. Repeat-containing proteins self-organize into elongated non-globular structures. Do the same general underlying principles that dictate the folding of globular domains apply also to these extended topologies? Using a simplified structure-based model capturing a perfectly funneled energy landscape, we surveyed the predicted mechanism of folding for ankyrin repeat containing proteins. The ankyrin family is one of the most extensively studied classes of non-globular folds. The model based only on native contacts reproduces most of the experimental observations on the folding of these proteins, including a folding mechanism that is reminiscent of a nucleation propagation growth. The confluence of simulation and experimental results suggests that the folding of non-globular proteins is accurately described by a funneled energy landscape, in which topology plays a determinant role in the folding mechanism.  相似文献   

A Nicholls  K A Sharp  B Honig 《Proteins》1991,11(4):281-296
We demonstrate in this work that the surface tension, water-organic solvent, transfer-free energies and the thermodynamics of melting of linear alkanes provide fundamental insights into the nonpolar driving forces for protein folding and protein binding reactions. We first develop a model for the curvature dependence of the hydrophobic effect and find that the macroscopic concept of interfacial free energy is applicable at the molecular level. Application of a well-known relationship involving surface tension and adhesion energies reveals that dispersion forces play little or no net role in hydrophobic interactions; rather, the standard model of disruption of water structure (entropically driven at 25 degrees C) is correct. The hydrophobic interaction is found, in agreement with the classical picture, to provide a major driving force for protein folding. Analysis of the melting behavior of hydrocarbons reveals that close packing of the protein interior makes only a small free energy contribution to folding because the enthalpic gain resulting from increased dispersion interactions (relative to the liquid) is countered by the freezing of side chain motion. The identical effect should occur in association reactions, which may provide an enormous simplification in the evaluation of binding energies. Protein binding reactions, even between nearly planar or concave/convex interfaces, are found to have effective hydrophobicities considerably smaller than the prediction based on macroscopic surface tension. This is due to the formation of a concave collar region that usually accompanies complex formation. This effect may preclude the formation of complexes between convex surfaces.  相似文献   

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