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与在正常重力条件培养下的对照相比,经回转器水平回转处理的人参细胞鲜重和干重均增加,人参皂苷含量提高10%左右。在去Ca2 培养基上生长的人参愈伤组织细胞,经回转器水平回转3周后,人参皂苷含量约为正常重力条件下培养细胞的2倍。另外,在试验范围内,如果培养基中起始钙离子浓度越高,则其培养的人参细胞中人参皂苷含量越低。  相似文献   

重力对地球上生物的生长、发育、代谢及繁殖等具有重要影响.植物细胞的重力敏感性已被众多研究所证明,在空间微重力环境或地面模拟微重力环境下,植物表现特殊的微重力反应.微重力或模拟微重力会对植物体生长产生一系列的影响.综述微重力及模拟微重力对植物生长的影响,并对近期这一领域的研究进行了概括.  相似文献   

外源人参皂苷对人参种子萌发和幼根抗氧化酶活性的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
研究不同浓度外源人参皂苷(人参总皂苷,人参二醇组皂苷,人参三醇组皂苷, Rb族,Rb3,Re共4种皂苷混合物和两种单体皂苷)对人参种子萌发,幼苗根长、鲜重,幼根中抗氧化酶活性和MDA含量的影响.结果表明:所测试人参皂苷对人参种子萌发、人参幼苗根长生长和幼根鲜重增加均具有抑制化感效应,且抑制程度均随处理浓度的升高而增强;对人参幼根中抗氧化酶活性方面,不同浓度人参总皂苷,人参二醇组皂苷,人参三醇组皂苷处理后,人参根系中SOD,POD和CAT活性均有明显提高,呈现出各酶活性随浓度升高而逐渐增强的效应;人参皂苷Rb族处理后,SOD活性在低中浓度处理时,与对照差别不大,中高浓度处理后低于对照,POD活性在中高浓度处理后显著提高,高浓度处理后活性降幅较大难以恢复到对照水平,CAT活性均低于对照;人参皂苷Rb3处理后,SOD活性均低于对照水平,POD活性在低浓度处理时与对照相当,中高浓度处理后显著低于对照水平,CAT活性逐渐降低,在低中浓度处理时略高于对照,高浓度处理后低于对照水平;人参皂苷Re处理后,SOD和POD活性均显著低于对照.人参幼根中MDA含量均随着处理浓度的增加而升高.  相似文献   

人参皂苷与生态因子的相关性   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
环境条件影响中药材活性成分的形成和积累.利用各种数学统计分析方法探讨影响人参皂苷积累的生态因子,提高人参品质.人参样品采自人参道地产区(主产区)吉林、辽宁、黑龙江三省5年生栽培人参,同时采集采样点处的土壤样品.超高效液相(UPLC)色谱法分析了不同产区9种人参皂苷(Rg1、Re、Rf、Rg2、Rb1、Rc、Rb2、Rb3、Rd)的含量;利用“中药材产地适宜性分析地理信息系统”的生态因子空间数据库,获得采样区包括温度、水分、光照等10个生态因子数据;按土壤理化性质常规方法测定土壤样品中的有效硼、有效铁等微量元素和速效氮、速效钾等有效养分.对人参有效成分含量与土壤养分进行典型相关性分析发现,土壤中的有效硼、有效铁、速效氮与人参皂苷含量呈显著正相关,即适当提高土壤中有效硼、有效铁和速效氮的含量可以促进人参皂苷成分的积累,土壤水分与所测人参皂苷含量(Rb3除外)呈显著正相关,速效磷(P)、pH、速效锌(Zn)与各人参皂苷含量呈弱相关;人参皂苷与气候因子相关分析表明,温度(年活动积温、年平均气温、7月最高气温、7月平均气温、1月最低气温、1月平均气温)与人参皂苷含量呈显著负相关,其中与药典中人参含量测定项下的人参皂苷Rg1、Re、Rb1负相关尤为显著(r>0.6),说明在一定温度范围内,人参皂苷是随着温度的降低而升高的,即适当低温有利于人参皂苷有效成分的积累;海拔与人参皂苷Rc、Rb2、Rb3含量呈显著正相关(r>0.6),即相对较高的海拔可以促进这3种成分的积累;而年均降水量、年相对湿度和年均日照时数与人参皂苷相关不显著.通过主成分分析(PCA)、典型相关分析、排序等统计方法,考察不同产地样品中人参皂苷含量与生态因子间的相关性,研究结果揭示了温度在人参的主要活性成分-皂苷类形成中起决定性作用,在一定的温度范围内,温度越低越有利于人参皂苷的积累;阐明了土壤中的有效硼、有效铁、速效氮与人参皂苷含量成正相关.研究结果提示在人参实践生产中可以通过适当低温处理,增施硼、铁、氮肥等农艺措施来调控人参皂苷含量.  相似文献   

微重力对石刁柏根尖组织和细胞中钙水平及分布的影响   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
徐继  阎田  赵琦 《生物物理学报》1999,15(2):381-386
用焦锑酸钾沉淀法进行了组织和细胞中游离钙的化学定位。用光学显微镜和透射电镜观察石刁柏幼苗在太空飞行后Ca2+沉淀颗粒在根尖组织和细胞内的分布。结果表明,太空飞行15天后,Ca2+在各组织内的分布情况与地面对照无明显差异,但Ca2+的含量明显低于对照。Ca2+在细胞内不同区域的分布在飞行和对照样品中差异十分明显,对照细胞中Ca2+集中在液泡内,其它细胞器中很少见到。飞行幼苗的根尖细胞,液泡中Ca2+很少,并向液泡膜集结,液泡膜内侧和细胞质中的Ca2+明显增多。细胞壁中的Ca2+较对照有明显增加,高尔基体中也有少量钙存在。本文着重讨论了飞行幼苗根尖中Ca2+在细胞内重新分布的可能作用。  相似文献   

利用微波技术分别对人参皂苷粗品及人参皂苷转化发酵液进行处理,探讨微波处理对人参皂苷生物转化效果的影响。实验结果通过高效液相色谱分析显示,经微波处理后,人参皂苷峰几乎消失,苷元峰突出,表明微波处理对人参皂苷的转化效果显著。并确定微波的最佳处理条件为微波功率30W,辐射60s。  相似文献   

人参总皂苷对K562细胞STAT3表达的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:研究人参总皂苷(TSPG)体外作用k562细胞后STAT3蛋白在细胞中的表达、分布情况和STAT3通路在K562细胞分化中的作用和相关机制.方法:TSPG(200μg/ml)体外作用K562细胞不同时间,采用免疫细胞化学法、ELISA法、Western blotting法、激光共聚焦法检测K562细胞中STAT3表达、分布情况.结果:6h胞浆内STAT3蛋白吸光度0.306±0.038,12h降为0.170±0.037,之后逐渐回升,胞核内变化趋势则相反;免疫细胞化学法显示TSPG作用细胞12h,胞浆内呈浅棕色,胞核内呈深棕色;Westernblotting法检测列STAT3与β-actin吸光度比值胞浆内12h最低,胞核内最高;共聚焦观察TSPG作用细胞12h,胞浆内绿色荧光标记减少,核内绿色荧光标记增多,与红色细胞核颜色叠加呈现橙色.结论:TSPG作用K562过程中,能诱导STAT3由浆向核内转移,提示TSPG可能在JAK-STAT信号转导通路中,对促进K562细胞向成熟方向分化发挥重要作用.  相似文献   

西洋参冠瘿组织培养及其人参皂苷Re和人参皂苷Rg1的产生   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
考察了培养基组成、培养时间、接种量、pH值、肌醇浓度等对冠瘿组织生长及其人参皂苷含量的影响 ;用HPLC检测了冠瘿组织中人参皂苷Re和人参皂苷Rg1 的含量。高压纸层析电泳证实 ,根癌农杆菌Ti质粒上的T DNA片段已整合进入植物细胞核基因组中。在考察的 6种培养基中 ,White培养基最适合人参皂苷Rg1 的累积(0 0 95 % ) ,MS培养基最适合人参皂苷Re的累积 (0 194 % )。以MS为基本培养基培养 36d、32d时人参皂苷Re和人参皂苷Rg1 累积含量最高 (分别为 0 14 7%和 0 0 6 1% ) ;接种量为 4g、2g (FW flask) ,有利于人参皂苷Re和人参皂苷Rg1的累积 ;培养基pH 5 8时人参皂苷Re含量最高 (0 184 % ) ,培养基pH 5 6时人参皂苷Rg1 累积量最高 (0 0 5 4 % ) ;肌醇浓度为 0 0 5g L时 ,能促进人参皂苷Re合成 (0 182 % ) ,浓度为 0 30g L时 ,有利于人参皂苷Rg1 累积 (0 0 5 5 % )。  相似文献   

为了明确从现蕾、开花到结实过程中的人参生殖器官中各单体皂苷含量的动态变化,应用HPLC法测定了人工栽培的五年生人参不同时期生殖器官中的人参单体皂苷Rb1、Rb2、Rb3、Rc、Rd、Re、Rg1和Rg3的含量。结果显示:从现蕾到果实成熟的过程中,人参单体皂苷Rb1、Rb2、Rb3、Rc、Rd、Re、Rg1和Rg3的含量的平均值分别为0.643%,0.189%,1.026%,1.014%,1.941%,8.381%,0.724%和0.041mg.g-1。从现蕾到果实成熟的过程中,人参单体皂苷Rb1含量的最高值在7月16日,单体皂苷Rb3、Rc、Rd和Rg1含量的最高值在7月11日,单体皂苷Rb2和Rg2含量的最高值在8月7日。  相似文献   

模拟微重力条件对植物幼苗生长的影响   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
赵瑞  刘敏 《植物生理学报》2000,26(3):201-205
与正常重力下生长的植物幼苗对照相比,在竖直平面内径回转器连续做120h圆周回转的草莓和香石竹幼苗的生长状况发生如下变化:(1)株高和叶片数有所增加;(2)草莓的叶绿素含量降低47.5%,香石竹叶绿素含量增加4.3%;(3)回转后两种幼苗的叶绿素的主要吸收峰位不变,而每个峰位吸收强度有所增加;(4)两思苗的叶片快速荧光动力学参数,回转后除CA/F0外,Fv/Fo、Fv/Fm和T1/2均有提高;(5)  相似文献   

Fertilized eggs of chicken and quail were incubated under the simulated microgravity condition provided by a clinostat. The number of Primordial Germ Cells (PGCs) was counted in early embryogenesis, and the reproductive capacity of quail hatched following the simulated microgravity was investigated.Simulated microgravity caused significant decline of PGCs in the blood of early chicken embryos and in the gonads. The numbers of spermatogonia in the hatchling testis were also fewer than those in the control groups. Therefore, simulated microgravity may retard gonadial development and reduce the reproductive capacity.  相似文献   

We have established cell-suspension cultures of mountain ginseng (Panax ginseng G A. Mayer), and have attempted to increase the yield of saponin by manipulating our processing method and culturing factors (e.g., media strengths; the presence of plant growth regulators or sucrose; ratios of NO+ 3/ NH- 4). Maximum biomass yield was obtained in media containing 2,4-D. However, saponin productivity was much higher in a medium comprising either IBA or NAA; 7.0 mg/L IBA was optimal for promoting both cell growth (10.0 g/L dry weight) and saponin production (7.29 mg/g DW total ginsenoside). Although the addition of cytokinins (BA and kinetin) did not affect cell growth, the level of saponin (particularly in the Rb group) was enhanced when the media were supplemented with either 0.5 mg/L BA or 0.5 mg/L kinetin. Half- and full-strength MS media were equally suitable for inducing both biomass as well as saponin production. We also investigated the effect of various concentrations of sucrose and nitrogen, and found that 30 g/L sucrose enhanced biomass yield as well as saponin content However, further increases (i.e., up to 70 g/L) led to a decrease in saponin accumulation and biomass production. Maximum growth and saponin productivity were reported from treatments with an initial nitrogen concentration of 30 mM. In general, the amount of saponin increased when the test media had high NO+ 3/ NH- 4 ratios; in fact, saponin production was greatest when nitrate was the sole nitrogen source.  相似文献   

Fibroblast growth factors interact with appropriate endothelial cell (EC) surface receptors and initiate intracellular signal cascades, which participate in modulating blood vessel growth. EC, upon exposure to basic fibroblast growth factors (bFGFs) undergo profound functional alterations, which depend on their actual sensitivity and involve gene expression and de novo protein synthesis. We investigated the effects of bFGF on signaling pathways of EA.hy926 cells in different environments. EC were cultured under normal gravity (1 g) and simulated microgravity (micro g) using a three-dimensional (3D) clinostat. Microgravity induced early and late apoptosis, extracellular matrix proteins, endothelin-1 (ET-1) and TGF-beta(1) expression. Microgravity reduced eNOS mRNA within 24 h. Moreover, a six- to eightfold higher amount of IL-6 and IL-8 was secreted within 24 h micro g. In addition, microgravity induced a duplication of NF-kappaB p50, while p65 was quadrupled. At 1 g, bFGF application (4 h) reduced ET-1, TGF-beta(1) and eNOS gene expression. After 24 h, bFGF enhanced fibronectin, VEGF, Flk-1, Flt-1, the release of IL-6, IL-8, and TGF-beta(1). Furthermore, bFGF promoted apoptosis, reduced NFkB p50, but enhanced NFkB p65. After 4 h micro g, bFGF decreased TGF-beta(1), eNOS, and ET-1 gene expression. After 24 h micro g, bFGF elevated fibronectin, Flk-1 and Flt-1 protein, and reduced IL-6 and IL-8 compared with vehicle treated micro g cultures. In micro g, bFGF enhanced NF-KappaB p50 by 50%, Bax by 25% and attenuated p65, activation of caspase-3 and annexin V-positive cells. bFGF differently changes intracellular signals in ECs depending whether it is applied under microgravity or normal gravity conditions. In microgravity, bFGF contributes to protect the EC from apoptosis.  相似文献   

The effects of carbon dioxide supply within the range of 1–5 % (along with purified air), on cell culture of Panax ginseng were investigated in a balloon type bubble bioreactor containing 4 dm3 of Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium supplemented with 7.0 mg dm−3 indolebutyric acid, 0.5 mg dm−3 kinetin and 30 g dm−3 sucrose. A 1 % CO2 supply was found beneficial for the production of cell mass; however, increasing CO2 concentration to 2.5 and 5 % decreased the biomass accumulation. CO2 enrichment was not beneficial for saponin production and 1, 2.5, and 5 % CO2 supply resulted in decrease in saponin accumulation up to 11.6, 19.5, and 50.6 %, respectively.  相似文献   

The effects of oxygen supply within the range 20.8–50% (using pure oxygen and air), on cell cultures of Panax ginseng were investigated in a balloon-type bubble bioreactor (5 L capacity, containing 4 L Murashige and Skoog medium, supplemented with 7.0 mg L−1 indolebutyric acid, 0.5 mg L−1 kinetin and 30 g L−1 sucrose). A 40% oxygen supply was found to be optimal for the production of both cell mass and saponin yielding values of 12.8 g (DW) L−1, 4.5 mg (g DW)−1 on day 25, respectively. Low (20.8%, 30%) and high (50%) oxygen concentration supplies were unfavorable to cell growth and saponin accumulation. The results indicate that oxygen supplementation to bioreactor-based ginseng cultures was beneficial for biomass accumulation and saponin production.  相似文献   

Adding fungal elicitors to the Panax ginseng cell suspension cultures, the biosynthesis of saponin was obviously induced, the total productivity of saponin in cultures could increase more than 30% of the control. During elicitation, the accumulation patterns of saponin in suspension cultured cells were changed, the culture time for maximum biosynthesis of saponin was shortened 2-4 days comparing with that of the control, and about 80% of biosynthetic saponin in elicited cells was secreted into medium, meanwhile the uptake for sucrose in medium of cells was enhanced, and the disturbing of pH in medium was observed, which predicated that an ion exchange occurred between elicited cells and medium.  相似文献   

The aim of the present work was to investigate the alterations in nitric oxide synthase (NOS) expression and nitrate and nitrite (NOx) content of different arteries from simulated microgravity rats. Male Wistar rats were randomly assigned to either a control group or simulated microgravity group. For simulating microgravity, animals were subjected to hindlimb unweighting (HU) for 20 days. Different arterial tissues were removed for determination of NOS expression and NOx. Western blotting was used to measure endothelial NOS (eNOS) and inducible NOS (iNOS) protein content. Total concentrations of NOx, stable metabolites of nitric oxide, were determined by the chemiluminescence method. Compared with controls, isolated vessels from simulated microgravity rats showed a significant increase in both eNOS and iNOS expression in carotid arteries and thoracic aorta and a significant decrease in eNOS and iNOS expression of mesenteric arteries. The eNOS and iNOS content of cerebral arteries, as well as that of femoral arteries, showed no differences between the two groups. Concerning NOx, vessels from HU rats showed an increase in cerebral arteries, a decrease in mesenteric arteries, and no change in carotid artery, femoral artery and thoracic aorta. These data indicated that there were differential alterations in NOS expression and NOx of different arteries after hindlimb unweighting. We suggest that these changes might represent both localized adaptations to differential body fluid redistribution and other factors independent of hemodynamic shifts during simulated microgravity.  相似文献   

Simulated microgravity within the NASA High Aspect Rotating-Wall Vessel (HARV) provides a quiescent environment to culture fragile insect cells. In this vessel, the duration of stationary and death phase for cultures of Spodoptera frugiperda cells was greatly extended over that achieved in shaker-flask controls. For both HARV and control cultures, S. frugiperda cells grew to concentrations in excess of 1 x 10(7) viable cells ml-1 with viabilities greater than 90%. In the HARV, stationary phase was maintained 9-15 days in contrast to 4-5 days in the shaker flask. Furthermore, the rate of cell death was reduced in the HARV by a factor of 20-90 relative to the control culture and was characterized with a death rate constant of 0.01-0.02 day-1. Beginning in the stationary phase and continuing in the death phase, there was a significant decrease in population size in the HARV versus an increase in the shaker flask. This phenomenon could represent cell adaptation to simulated microgravity and/or a change in the ratio of apoptotic to necrotic cells. Differences observed in this research between the HARV and its control were attributed to a reduction in hydrodynamic forces in the microgravity vessel.  相似文献   

Ten male volunteers underwent a period of prolonged bed rest. Four subjects performed exercise countermeasures 2-3 times per week, while 6 subjects received no countermeasures. After bed rest plantarflexor force declined significantly (P < 0.001) in both exercise (-42%) and control (-55%) groups. The internal architecture of the gastrocnemius medialis (GM) muscle was significantly altered. This was associated with a reduction in fascicle shortening during isometric contraction. Exercise countermeasures partially mitigated the loss of muscle force and function following 90 days of bed rest.  相似文献   

Effects of preparations of saponin mixture and isolated ginsenosides, extracted from the root of Panax ginseng, on plasma corticotropin (ACTH) and corticosterone concentrations in rats were determined by the radioimmunoassay and competitive protein binding method. When ginseng saponin mixture was administered to rats intraperitoneally, plasma ACTH and corticosterone increased significantly 30, 60 and 90 min after the treatment. The kinetic pattern of the increase in plasma ACTH was almost parallel to that in plasma corticosterone. Isolated ginsenoside, protopanaxadiol or protopanaxatriol glycoside, also increased plasma corticosterone. The ginseng-induced increase in plasma corticosterone was suppressed by pretreatment with dexamethasone. Thus the ginseng saponin was found to act on the hypothalamus and/or hypophysis primarily, and stimulated ACTH secretion which resulted in increased synthesis of corticosterone in the adrenal cortex.  相似文献   

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