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Because leucokinins stimulate diuresis in some insects, we wished to identify the neurosecretory cells in Manduca sexta that might be a source of leucokinin-like neurohormones. Immunostaining was done at various stages of development, using an antiserum to leucokinin IV. Bilateral pairs of neurosecretory cells in abdominal ganglia 3–7 of larvae and adults are immunoreactive; these cells project via the ipsilateral ventral nerves to the neurohemal transverse nerves. The immunoreactivity and size of these lateral cells greatly increases in the pharate adult, and this change appears to be related to a period of intensive diuresis occurring a few days before adult eclosion. Relationships of these neurons to cells that are immunoreactive to a M. sexta diuretic hormone were also investigated. Diuretic hormone and leucokinin immunoreactivity are co-localized in the lateral neurosecretory cells and their neurohemal projections. A median pair of leucokinin-immunoreactive, and a lateral pair of diuretic hormone-immunoreactive neurons in the larval terminal abdominal ganglion project to neurohemal release sites within the cryptonephridium. The immunoreactivity of these cells is lost as the cryptonephridium is eliminated during metamorphosis. This loss appears to be related to the change from the larval to adult pattern of diuresis.  相似文献   

The prothoracicotropic hormone (PTTH), which stimulates ecdysteroid synthesis in the prothoracic glands, is produced, in the dorso-lateral protocerebrum of Manduca sexta, by paired peptidergic neurons, the lateral neurosecretory cell group III (L-NSC III). Our study revealed ultrastructural features of L-NSC III, identified by immunogold labeling, and compared developing and diapause states. In developing and early-diapause pupae, L-NSC III soma ultrastructure is similar and is characterized by numerous clusters of neurosecretory granules (NSG) and an extensive trophospongium formed by satellite-glial cells. However, as diapause progresses, the ultrastructure changes, with the NSG becoming concentrated into large clusters separated by highly organized rough endoplasmic reticulum. Most conspicuous is a substantial reduction in the number of Golgi complexes and the glial trophospongium, and the presence of stacked plasma membrane separating the glia and neuron somata. The deep-diapause soma also has abundant glycogen deposits and autophagic vacuoles. With diapause termination, this morphology reverts to the nondiapause ultrastructure within three days, i.e. just before PTTH release that evokes development to the adult. During PTTH release the abundance of NSG in the soma does not change, suggesting that NSG depletion in the perikarya is not a marker for neurosecretion by the L-NSC III.  相似文献   

In the tobacco hornworm moth, Manduca sexta, vitellogenin (Vg) is a very high-density (1.29 g/ml) phosphoglycolipoprotein containing 13% lipids, 3% carbohydrates, and 0.6% protein-bound phosphorus. Vitellogenin (Mr~500,000) has two apoproteins designated apoVg-l (Mr 177,000 ± 3,600) and apoVg-ll (Mr45,000 ± 5,000). ApoVg-l and apoVg-II can be dissociated with 6 M guanidine HCI and separated from each other by gel permeation chromatography. Immunoblotting experiments using antibodies against the apoproteins showed that apoVg-l and apoVg-II antigens were immunologically distinct polypeptides. Antibodies against Vg reacted only with apoVg-l. Antibodies against Vg and apoVg-l reacted with Vg in double immunodiffusion experiments, whereas antibodies against apoVg-II did not. These results suggest that in the native Vg molecule, apoVg-II is positioned inside the molecule away from the aqueous environment. Only apoVg-I contained covalently bound carbohydrate as shown by fluorescein isothiocyanateconjugated concanavalin A, periodate-Schiff reagent, and in vivo labeling with 3H-Man. In vivo labeling with 32P-inorganic phosphate and chemical determination showed that apoproteins of both Vg and vitellin contain covalently bound phosphate groups.  相似文献   

Summary Serotonin-immunoreactivity is mapped in wholemounts and slices of the suboesophageal ganglion (SOG) of larval Manduca sexta by means of immunocytochemistry. An extensive meshwork of serotonin-immunoreactive nerve fibres on some peripheral nerves of the SOG has been demonstrated. This meshwork appears to belong to a serotonergic neurohemal system, probably supplied by two pairs of bilateral serotonin-immunoreactive neurons with big cell bodies on the dorsal side near the midline in the mandibular neuromere. Intracellular recording and staining revealed their physiology and morphology. These neurons produce long lasting (50 msec) action potentials, which suggest that they are neurosecretory cells. Two pairs of bilateral serotonin-immunoreactive interneurons similar to those of other insects are stained in the labial and maxillar neuromeres, but not in the mandibular neuromere. Their ventrolaterally located cell bodies project through a ventral commissure into the contralateral hemiganglion and then cross back again through a dorsal commissure. The axons project into the contralateral circumoesophageal connective.  相似文献   

The glial cells of the prothoracic ganglion of the hawk moth Manduca sexta were studied in histological sections of several postembryonic stages and classified according to cell morphology, size, staining properties, and topographical relationships. In general, each glial cell type was found to be confined to one of the major ganglionic domains and each of these domains (i.e., perineurium, cell body rind, glial cover of the neuropil, and neuropil) was found to comprise specific cell types. Some types of glia were recognized in both larval and later stages, but other types were found exclusively from late pupal stages. It is proposed that the higher morphological diversity expressed by the glia of the pharate adult is attained by differentiation of new cell types during metamorphosis. Before the differentiation of new cell types, extensive cell death and cell proliferation seem to occur within some glial subpopulations.  相似文献   

A monoclonal antibody, directed against an H+ translocating V-ATPase of the midgut of Manduca sexta, has been used for immunolocalization studies in ovarian follicles and testes of Manduca sexta. In testes, no distinct staining above background levels was observed. In vitellogenic follicles, V-ATPase immunoreactivity first appears in the cytoplasm of the trophocytes and then in the oocyte, but by far the strongest reaction is present in the region of the oolemma during endocytosis. All types of follicle cells surrounding both the oocyte and the trophocyte compartments show a distinct positive reaction. In the cylindrical follicle cells surrounding the oocyte, the immunoreactivity is clearly restricted to the basal part. Our results suggest an important role for V-ATPase in vitellogenin uptake in Manduca, similar to that suggested on electro-physiological grounds in Hyalophora cecropia. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Summary Serotonin-immunoreactive neurons in the median protocerebrum and suboesophageal ganglion of the sphinx moth Manduca sexta were individually reconstructed. Serotonin immunoreactivity was detected in 19–20 bilaterally symmetrical pairs of interneurons in the midbrain and 10 pairs in the suboesophageal ganglion. These neurons were also immunoreactive with antisera against DOPA decarboxylase. All major neuropil regions except the protocerebral bridge are innervated by these neurons. In addition, efferent cells are serotonin-immunoreactive in the frontal ganglion (5 neurons) and the suboesophageal ganglion (2 pairs of neurons). The latter cells probably give rise to an extensive network of immunoreactive terminals on the surface of the suboesophageal ganglion and suboesophageal nerves. Most of the serotonin-immunoreactive neurons show a gradient in the intensity of immunoreactive staining, suggesting low levels of serotonin in cell bodies and dendritic arbors and highest concentrations in axonal terminals. Serotonin-immunoreactive cells often occur in pairs with similar morphological features. With one exception, all serotonin-immunoreactive neurons have bilateral projections with at least some arborizations in identical neuropil areas in both hemispheres. The morphology of several neurons suggests that they are part of neuronal feedback circuits. The similarity in the arborization patterns of serotonin-immunoreactive neurons raises the possibility that their outgrowing neurites experienced similar forces during embryonic development. The morphological similarities further suggest that serotonin-immunoreactive interneurons in the midbrain and suboesophageal ganglion share physiological characteristics.Abbreviations CNS central nervous system - DDC DOPA decarboxylase - LAL lateral accessory lobe - SLI serotonin-like immunoreactivity - SOG suboesophageal ganglion - VLP ventro-lateral protocerebrum  相似文献   

On the hypothesis that prostaglandins and other eicosanoids mediate nodulation responses to bacterial infections in insects, we describe an intracellular phospholipase A2 (PLA2) in homogenates prepared from hemocytes collected from the tobacco hornworm, Manduca sexta. PLA2 hydrolyzes fatty acids from the sn-2 position of phospholipids. Some PLA2s are thought to be the first and rate-limiting step in biosynthesis of prostaglandins and other eicosanoids. The hemocyte PLA2 activity was sensitive to hemocyte homogenate protein concentration (up to 250 μg protein/reaction), pH (optimal activity at pH 8.0), and the presence of a Ca2+ chelator. Like PLA2s from mammalian sources, the hemocyte PLA2 was inhibited by the phospholipid analog oleyoxyethyl phosphorylcholine. Whereas most intracellular PLA2s require Ca2+ for catalytic activity, some PLA2s, including the hemocyte enzyme, are Ca2+-independent. The hemocyte PLA2 exhibited a preference for arachidonyl-associated substrate over palmitoyl-associated substrate. These findings show that M. sexta hemocytes express a PLA2 that shows a marked preference for hydrolyzing arachidonic acid from phospholipids. The biological significance of this enzyme relates to cellular immune responses to bacterial infections. The hemocyte PLA2 may be the first biochemical step in synthesis of the eicosanoids that mediate cellular immunity in insects. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The antennae of the sphinx moth Manduca sexta are multimodal sense organs, each comprising three segments: scape, pedicel, and flagellum. Each antenna is moved by two systems of muscles, one controlling the movement of the scape and consisting of five muscles situated in the head capsule (extrinsic muscles), and the other system located within the scape (intrinsic muscles) and consisting of four muscles that move the pedicel. At least seven motoneurons innervate the extrinsic muscles, and at least five motoneurons innervate the intrinsic muscles. The dendritic fields of the antennal motoneurons overlap one another extensively and are located in the neuropil of the antennal mechanosensory and motor center. The density of motoneuronal arborizations is greatest in the lateral part of this neuropil region and decreases more medially. None of the motoneurons exhibits a contralateral projection. The cell bodies of motoneurons innervating the extrinsic muscles are distributed throughout an arching band of neuronal somata dorsal and dorsolateral to the neuropil of the antennal mechanosensory and motor center, whereas the cell bodies of motoneurons innervating the intrinsic muscles reside mainly among the neuronal somata situated dorsolateral to that neuropil. Received: 30 March 1996 / Accepted: 23 June 1996  相似文献   

Summary We have used a cytochemical technique to investigate the distribution of acetylcholinesterase (AChE) activity in the antenna of the sphinx moth Manduca sexta. High levels of echothiophate-insensitive (presumably intracellular) AChE activity were found in six different types of antennal receptors localized in specific regions of the three antennal segments of the adult moth. Mechanosensory organs in the scape and pedicel, the Böhm bristles and Johnston's organ, are innervated by AChE-positive neurons. In each annulus of the antennal flagellum, AChE-positive neurons are associated with six sensilla chaetica and a peg organ, probably a sensillum styloconicum. At least 112 receptor neurons (8–10 per annulus) innervating the intersegmental membranes between the 14 distalmost annuli also exhibit high levels of echothiophate-resistant AChE. In addition, each annulus has more than 30 AChE-positive somata in the epidermis of the scale-covered (back) side of the flagellum, and 4 AChE-positive somata reside within the first annulus of the flagellum. Since none of the olfactory receptor neurons show a high level of echothiophateresistant AChE activity, and all known mechanoreceptors are AChE-positive, apparently intracellular AChE activity in the antenna correlates well with mechanosensory functions and is consistent with the idea that these cells employ acetylcholine as a neurotransmitter.  相似文献   

The microstructure of the feeding activity of tobacco hornworm caterpillars (Manduca sexta Johansson) on tomato leaf was examined by means of an automated cafeteria. In this device each activity of the caterpillar generates a characteristic slow electrical change which can be recorded. The apparatus is therefore both accurate and sensitive. Examination of the activity records indicated that larger animals ate more than smaller ones by increasing both bite frequency and the lengths of meals. Meal frequency did not increase. Correlations amongst a variety of measures indicated that there was regulation of feeding both between and within meals.  相似文献   

Midgut mitochondria from fifth larval instar Manduca sexta exhibited a transhydrogenase that catalyzes the following reversible reaction: NADPH + NAD(+) <--> NADP(+) + NADH. The NADPH-forming transhydrogenation occurred as a nonenergy- and energy-linked activity. Energy for the latter was derived from the electron transport-dependent utilization of NADH or succinate, or from Mg++-dependent ATP hydrolysis by ATPase. The NADH-forming and all of the NADPH-forming reactions appeared optimal at pH 7.5, were stable to prolonged dialysis, and displayed thermal lability. N,N'-dicyclohexylcarbodiimide (DCCD) inhibited the NADPH --> NAD(+) and energy-linked NADH --> NADP(+) transhydrogenations, but not the nonenergy-linked NADH --> NADP(+) reaction. Oligomycin only inhibited the ATP-dependent energy-linked activity. The NADH-forming, nonenergy-linked NADPH-forming, and the energy-linked NADPH-forming activities were membrane-associated in M. sexta mitochondria. This is the first demonstration of the reversibility of the M. sexta mitochondrial transhydrogenase and, more importantly, the occurrence of nonenergy-linked and energy-linked NADH --> NADP(+) transhydrogenations. The potential relationship of the transhydrogenase to the mitochondrial, NADPH-utilizing ecdysone-20 monooxygenase of M. sexta is considered.  相似文献   

We report on phospholipase A2 (PLA2) activity in homogenates prepared from fat bodies of the tobacco hornworm Manduca sexta. PLA2 activity is responsible for hydrolyzing fatty acids from the sn-2 position of phospholipids. The rate of hydrolysis increased with increasing homogenate protein concentration up to ~? 320 μg protein/ml reaction volume. Higher protein concentrations did not appreciably increase the rate of PLA2 activity. As seen in some, but not all PLA2s from mammalian sources, hydrolyzing activity increased linearly with time. The fat body activity was sensitive to pH (optimal activity at pH 8–9) and temperature (optimal activity at ~?40°C). The activity was associated with fat body rather than hemolymph, because no activity was detected in cell-free serum. The fat body PLA2 activity differs from the majority of PLA2s with respect to calcium requirements. Whereas most PLA2s are calcium-independent. A few others are known to require submicromolar calcium concentrations. The fat body activity appears to be calcium independent. These data show that a PLA2 activity that can hydrolyze arachidonic acid from the sn-2 position of phospholipids is associated with the tobacco hornworm fat body. The biological significance of this activity relates to biosynthesis of eicosanoids. Pharmacological inhibition of PLA2 impairs the ability of this insect to respond to bacterial infections. Since the impairment can be reversed by treatment with exogenous arachidonic acid, the PLA2 activity may be an important step in eicosanoid biosynthesis. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Nodule formation is the predominant insect cellular defense reaction to bacterial challenges, responsible for clearing the largest proportion of infecting bacteria from hemolymph circulation. Hemocyte spreading behavior is a critical step in the nodulation process. It has been suggested that eicosanoids mediate several steps in the process. However, the influence of eicosanoids on hemocyte spreading has not been investigated in detail. To test the hypothesis that eicosanoids mediate hemocyte spreading behavior, I treated larvae of the tobacco hornworm, Manduca sexta, with eicosanoid biosynthesis inhibitors and later assessed plasmatocyte elongation on glass slides. Plasmatocytes from larvae treated with dexamethasone did not elongate to the extent of plasmatocytes from untreated control larvae. The dexamethasone effect on plasmatocyte elongation was expressed in a dose-dependent manner and was reversed by injecting dexamethasone-treated larvae with the eicosanoid-precursor fatty acid, arachidonic acid. Palmitic acid, which is not substrate for eicosanoid biosynthesis, did not reverse the influence of dexamethasone on plasmatocyte elongation. Finally, plasmatocytes from larvae treated with a range of eicosanoid biosynthesis inhibitors did not elongate to the extent of plasmatocytes from control larvae. Plasmatocyte width did not appear to be influenced in this study. These findings strongly support the idea that insect plasmatocyte elongation is influenced by eicosanoids.  相似文献   

Summary At the culmination of each molt, the larval tobacco hornworm exhibits a pre-ecdysis behavior prior to shedding its old cuticle at ecdysis. Both pre-ecdysis and ecdysis behaviors are triggered by the peptide, eclosion hormone (EH). Pre-ecdysis behavior consists of rhythmic abdominal compressions that loosen the old larval cuticle. This behavior is robust at larval molts, but at the larval-pupal molt the only comparable behavior consists of rhythmic dorso-ventral flexions of the anterior body. These flexions appear to be an attenuated version of the larval pre-ecdysis behavior because (1) they show the same EH dependence, and (2) the motor patterns recorded from EH treated, deafferented larval and pupal preparations are similar except that the pupal pattern is much weaker. Both patterns are characterized by rhythmic, synaptically-driven bursts of action potentials in motoneurons MN-2 and MN-3, which occur synchronously in all segments. However, the synaptic drive to the motoneurons and their resultant levels of activity are reduced during the pupal pre-ecdysis motor pattern, especially in posterior abdominal segments. Although the dendritic arbors of both motoneurons regress somewhat during the larval-pupal transformation, this does not appear to be the primary source of diminished synaptic drive because regression is greatest in the segments in which synaptic inputs remain the strongest. The developmental weakening of the pre-ecdysis motor pattern thus may be due to changes at the interneuronal level.Abbreviations A2, A3... abdominal segments 2, 3, etc. - ALE anterior lateral external muscle - day L3 third day of the 5th larval instar - day P0 the day of pupal ecdysis - DN a anterior branch of the dorsal nerve - EH eclosion hormone - HPLC high performance liquid chromatography - TP tergopleural muscle  相似文献   

Sixteen species of Nicotiana were examined for resistance to second instar larvae of the tobacco hornworm, Manduca sexta (L.). The tests were designed so as to discriminate between antibiosis and nonpreference. High levels of antibiosis resistance were observed in several wild species such as N. gossei and species in the Repandae section. Several other species, such as N. excelsior, showed antibiosis that appeared to be due to a different mechanism than the alkaloid-trichome exudate based resistance of the above species. The data indicate that these species of Nicotiana may be used as a new source of resistance to larvae of M. sexta.
D'espèces sauvages de Nicotiania comme nouvelle source de résistance du tabac à Manduca sexta
Résumé La résistance aux chenilles de second stade de Manduca sexta L. a été examinée chez seize espèces de Nicotiana. Les essais ont été conçus pour distinguer absence d'appétance et antibiose. Plusieurs espèces sauvages comme N. gossei et les espèces de la section Repandae ont présenté un niveau élevé d'antibiose. D'autres espèces, comme N. excelsior ont présenté une antibiose vraisemblablement due à un mécanisme différent de la résistance des espèces précédentes provoquée par un exsudat alcaloïde des trichomes. Les résultats indiquent que ces espèces de Nicotiana peuvent être utilisées comme nouvelle source de résistance aux chenilles de M. sexta.

Summary Computer-assisted neuroanatomical methods have been used to demonstrate unique identities of the glomeruli of the antennal lobes (ALs) in males of the sphinx moth Manduca sexta. The glomerular neuropil consists of the male-specific macroglomerular complex, which comprises two closely apposed bulky subunits, and 64±1 ordinary glomeruli arrayed in a shell around a central region of coarse neuropil. Computergenerated maps show the exact locations of all glomeruli and adjacent groups of neuronal somata in a constant Cartesian coordinate system, such that these can be accurately identified in any individual. The glomeruli belong to three classes according to the number and type of identification criteria they satisfy. The larger class comprises glomeruli (n=44) identified only in the computer-generated maps on the basis of their relative positions. The other two classes include glomeruli that were also identified in sections, either directly from their proximity to readily identifiable structures and their shape and size (n=10, including the labial-palp-pit-organ (LPO) glomerulus), or indirectly from their positions relative to the former (n=9). Two very small glomeruli were present in only one AL, demonstrating the existence of anomalous glomeruli, whereas another glomerulus had no homologue in both ALs of one individual. The true number of ordinary glomeruli (per male AL) was thus estimated to be 64. The uncertainty in delineating some glomeruli might affect this number without implying modification of the homologies proposed. The locations of tracts and cell groups, both within and near the AL, are also invariant with respect to glomeruli, as shown in the computer maps. The methods employed are general and might be useful to researchers in related fields. The results obtained call for more attention to the precise geometry of neural structures.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that the larval epidermis of the tobacco hornworm, Manduca sexta, contains a 29 kDa nuclear protein (JP29) that binds pothoaffinity analogs of juvenile hormone (JH), but does not bind JH I with high affinity. We now find that JP29 is also associated with the insecticyanin granules, and we show that JP29 mRNA is regulated in a complex fashion by both 20-hydroxyecdysone (20E) and JH. Studies with day 2 fourth instar larval epidermis in vitro showed that a molting concentration 12 μg/ml) of 20E caused the disappearance of JP29 mRNA, irrespective of the presence or absence of JH; this effect was dependent on the concentration of 20E (ED50=200 ng/ml). The reappearance of JP29 mRNA around the time of ecdysis required the presence of JH at head capsule slippage (HCS), since little appeared in larvae allatectomized about 6 h before HCS unless JH I was applied at the time of HCS. Maintenance of JP29 mRNA in fifth instar epidermis also required the continued presence of JH in both isolated abdomens and in vitro. Culture of either day 1 or day 2 fifth instar epidermis without hormones for 24 h caused decline of JP29 mRNA, which was accelerated by 20E in a concentration-dependent manner (ED50 = 30 and 10 ng/ml 20E respectively). When day 2 epidermis was exposed to 500 ng/ml 20E for 24 h to cause pupal commitment, JP29 mRNA disappeared. Neither methoprene nor JH I (in either the presence or the absence of the esterase inhibitor O-ethyl, S-phenyl phosphamidethiolate [EPPAT]) was able to prevent this loss, although both slowed its rate. The mRNA for the larval cuticle protein LCP14 was found to be regulated similarly to that for JP29 by 20E, but differently by JH. The JP29 protein was relatively long-live, persisting after the disappearance of its mRNA for at least 19 h during the larval molt and for more than 24 h in vitro. Although trace amounts of JP29 are found for the first 12 h after pupal ecdysis, injection of 5 μg JH II into pupae during the critical period to cause the synthesis of a second pupal cuticle had no effect on the amount of JP29 present. Thus, although the presence of JP29 in larval epidermis is associated with and dependent on JH, high amounts are not associated with the “status quo” action of JH on the pupa. The role of this protein consequently remains obscure. Arch. Insect Biochem. Physiol. 34:409–428, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

We determined the changes in hemocyte titer and in the abundance of hemocyte types of the tobacco hornworm Manduca sexta during the fourth and fifth larval stadium and the beginning of the pupal stadium. As we analyzed the samples of individual insects at daily intervals, we were able to correlate phenotypical features, body weight, as well as total protein content and lysozyme activity in the hemolymph with the observations on hemocytes. In the course of the fifth larval stadium, the hemocyte titer decreased slightly and declined further after pupation. Using calculated values for total hemocyte numbers, females had about five times and males three times more hemocytes in the circulating population at the beginning of the wandering stage (in the middle of the fifth larval stadium) than immediately after the last larval--larval molt (from the fourth to the fifth larval stadium). This sexual difference was mainly due to an increase in the number of plasmatocytes, which was more prominent in females than in males. Granular cells were dominant in early fifth larval stadium while plasmatocytes were the most abundant cells in pupae. Oenocytoids and spherule cells disappeared during the wandering stage. Lysozyme activity in the hemolymph rose to a maximum during the wandering stage, with females having lysozyme values twice as high as those for males. These changes in lysozyme activity, however, did not correlate with the increase of total hemolymph protein titer which occurred already at the beginning of the wandering stage. We postulate that changes in hemocyte titers are under direct hormonal control, which has to be proven in future experiments.  相似文献   

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