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Rabbits were immunized with human or bovine albumin at different intervals after birth and antibody formation was studied by haemagglutination of red cells sensitized with the relevant antigen. The intraperitoneal injection of antigen in amounts of 5 mg. induced antibody formation in some litters 16–20 days after immunization, if the animals were over three days old when immunized. In younger rabbits the same dose induced tolerance. Even when different methods of enhancing the effect of the antigen (Freund’s adjuvant, Al (OH)3, antigen-conjugated red cells, immune precipitates) or very small doses of antigen were used, antibody formation was still not detected before the 20th day of life. The use of131I-BSA did not demonstrate the immune phase of elimination of the antigen during 17 days after administration of the antigen, even in rabbits immunized 14 days after birth. The relationship of antibody formation to the induction of tolerance and the difference in the response of newborn rabbits to immunization with the different types of antigen is discussed.  相似文献   

Changes in bioenergetics were studied in mitochondria isolated from skeletal muscles of rats in the course of experimental trichinosis. In fortified media supporting oxidative phosphorylation, oxygen uptake with succinate was greatly enhanced, while the oxidation of glutamate and of malate plus pyruvate was manifold inhibited. The protective effect of BSA added was negligible in this case.  相似文献   

Bullheads Cottus gobio, first found in the River Utsjoki, an Arctic river in Finland, in 1979, were sampled at six sites in August 1991 (two of these sites were also sampled previously in June and July 1991). Mean total length (LT) of C. gobio was 45 mm (n= 1080 fish). Overall, there were slightly more females than males, with males larger than females (mean LT males 52·1 and females 47·6 mm). Prevalence of infection with plerocercoids of Schistocephalus cotti varied from 20·0 to 43·0% over the six sites in August. Juvenile C. gobio had a prevalence of infection of 3·5% whereas in mature fish prevalence was consistently higher in females than in males (38·8 v. 20·1%). There was one plerocercoid per infected juvenile C. gobio. In mature fish the mean number varied between 1·3 and 1·8: 49% had one worm per fish, 38% two or three worms and 13% had four to eight plerocercoids. In juvenile C. gobio, S. cotti were randomly distributed (overdispersion index 1·10), whereas occurrence was slightly aggregated in the LT groups 40–59 and ≥60 mm (overdispersion indices both 1·90). Mean mass of infected fish was higher in all LT groups compared to uninfected C. gobio. After removal of plerocercoids, mean mass of fish tissue remaining was lower compared with uninfected fish for the two LT groups 40–59 and ≥ 60 mm, but higher in C. gobio <40 mm LT. Prevalence and mean intensity of infection over the 3 months did not differ either for the two sites individually or the pooled data. Mean mass of both uninfected and infected fish increased over this period, and were both highest in August as was the mean worm burden. There was, however, no difference in Fulton’s condition factor at any time. Mean mass of plerocercoids in C. gobio of ≥40 mm LT increased significantly comparing June and July with August. Comparison of backcalculated LT of infected and non‐infected bullheads of different age‐groups did not show any significant differences in growth at any age. In each parasite infrapopulation as the number of worms increased so their mean mass decreased significantly but at the same time the total mass of worms in the fish host remained more or less constant in relation to length. Aggregation of parasites in the fish population was low, as the majority were infected by one S. cotti plerocercoid. Gonad development was suppressed in infected C. gobio.  相似文献   

炭疽杆菌芽胞在炭疽免疫中发挥基本作用。实验中以炭疽活芽胞疫苗为原形,建立了制备灭活和裂解炭疽芽胞的方法,研究了各种灭活和裂解炭疽芽胞疫苗不同浓度、不同剂次免疫家兔的抗芽胞和毒素IgG应答,总结分析了各种灭活和裂解炭疽芽胞疫苗用于新疫苗成分之一的可能性。甲醛灭活炭疽芽胞疫苗设芽胞浓度2.5×108剂量组、5×108剂量组、1×109剂量组,于0、4、8周时3次免疫。在3剂免疫后血清抗炭疽芽胞IgG水平持续升高,首次免疫后4、8、12周时家兔血清中抗芽胞IgG几何平均滴度可达到600~16000。裂解炭疽芽胞疫苗的制备和动物免疫中,只采取了2.5×108芽胞浓度,两剂免疫,免疫时间为0、4周。在首次免疫后4、8、12周时家兔血清中抗芽胞IgG几何平均滴度分别为362、776和388。各时间点采集的家兔血清未能测出或只测出极微量的抗炭疽毒素IgG。通过上述研究认为,以裂解炭疽芽胞抗原作为炭疽疫苗成分之一,其抗原性和免疫原性是适宜的;免疫剂量可以设定为2.5×108芽胞浓度上下;免疫次数可定为2剂间隔1个月。  相似文献   


The natural distribution of the parasite Skrjabingylus nasicola was surveyed in 1492 stoats from New Zealand’s National Parks. Infestation was rare in the young, so distribution was expressed as frequency of occurrence of skulls containing nematodes in samples of stoats more than 6 months old. Conservative estimates of incidence ranged from 0 to 37% in 27 local subsamples with at least 6 adults and subadults (mean 10%, n = 1005), sometimes varying substantially across short distances. Incidence was highest in beech forest and scrub/grassland habitats with annual rainfall less than 1600 mm. Subadult males (6–10 months old) were infested as frequently as adult males (older than 10 months), and there was no difference in incidence between the sexes. Worms recovered from 97 infested stoats occurred equally often in either side of the skull; were more often large (i.e., probably female) at all intensities of infestation; and numbered 1–73 per infested stoat (mean 12.9 in females, 14.2 in males; difference not significant). There was no evidence that infested stoats were smaller or lighter than uninfested onces.  相似文献   

The influence of white rats immunization by a covalent conjugate of serum albumin with sydnophen on the seizure activity in the single and repeated injections of pentylenetetrazole was investigated. The immunization lowered the seizure activity in single injections of threshold doses, (60 mg/kg) of pentylenetetrazole. The repeated daily injections of the drug in subthreshold doses (30 mg/kg) inhibited the process of "kindling" effects formation.  相似文献   

The pre-treatment of biological extracts with the aim of detecting very low-abundance proteins generates complexity requiring a proper fractionation. Therefore the success of identifying all newly detectable species depends on the selected fractionation methods.In this context and starting from a human serum, where the dynamic concentration range was reduced by means of a preliminary treatment with a combinatorial hexapeptide ligand library, we fractionated the sample using a novel method based on the differences in isoelectric points of proteins by means of Solid-State Buffers (SSB) associated with cation exchangers. The number of fractions was limited to four and was compared to a classical anion exchange method generating the same number of fractions.What was observed is that when using SSB technology the protein redundancy between fractions was significantly reduced compared to ion exchange fractionation allowing thus a better detection of novel species. The analysis of trypsinized protein fractions by nanoLC-MS/MS confirmed that the SSB technology used is more discriminant than anion exchange chromatography fractionation.A sample fractionation by SSB after the reduction of dynamic concentration range can be accomplished without either adjustment of pH and ionic strength or protein concentration and cleanup. Both advantages over either classical chromatography or isoelectric fractionations allow approaching the discovery of markers of interest under easier conditions applicable in a variety of fields of investigation.  相似文献   

Hemidactylus frenatus is an Asian gecko that has spread pantropically to become one the world's most widespread reptiles. It has been established in Australia for approximately 50 years, but the last two decades have seen massive range expansion across settled areas of northern and eastern Australia; and this spread continues at pace. Disturbingly, H. frenatus is increasingly being detected in natural habitats in Australia, in some cases at high densities. Despite rampant spread, there has been little concern regarding the potential impact of this species on native geckos or natural systems more broadly. This is surprising given that Australia is a centre of gecko origin and diversity, and that H. frenatus has had well documented detrimental impacts on geckos in other parts of its introduced range. Here I review the biology and global distribution of H. frenatus, plot its spread in Australia over the five decades since establishment, and review the research on invasive populations of this species overseas and in Australia to assess potential impacts. I argue that Australia should be more concerned about H. Frenatus because: (i) it is spreading rapidly across northern, eastern and central Australia; (ii) it can invade natural habitats; (iii) it is a very strong competitor and may out‐compete Australian geckos in some situations; and (iv) it carries novel parasites that may impact native reptile species. Hemidactylus frenatus is here to stay and represents a potential threat to Australia's diversity and ecology. A key question is the degree to which it will invade natural habitats and what its impacts will be in these. Research is required to assess the current and potential impacts of H. frenatus in Australia so as to determine how these can be managed and the level of investment warranted.  相似文献   

Local and systemic immune response was studied in 3 groups of rabbits immunized and reimmunized 190 days later with S. typhimurium double-marker attenuated strain 1,771 and doses ranged from 20.10(9) to 0.2.10(9) cells. Another group of rabbits was immunized with extract (hydroxylammine) vaccine. It was found that the attenuated strain persisted for considerable time in the gut, and induced pronounced and continuous immune response as measured by the passive hemagglutination test. The serum antibody response had the character of a secondary one with switching on the synthesis of IgM to IgG already after basic immunisation. By the Coombs' technique it was shown that specific immunoglobulins demonstrated in feces were secretory antibodies of the class IgA (SIgA). The immune response developed after reimmunization was still more vigorous and prolonged pointing to an immune memory existance. It was possible to obtain well manifested immunity with the lowest dose. The extract vaccine revealed only weak and transitory serum and intestinal antibody levels without SIgA appearance. The results obtained in this setup make S. typhimurium 1771 a perspective candidate for a live vaccine.  相似文献   

Diagnosis of an Argentinean population of Nacobbus sp. infecting sweet pepper (lamuyo) was carried out including morphology, scanning electron microscopy, and molecular studies. In light of our morphometric, molecular and host-range results, we consider the studied population to belong to N. aberrans s. l., and by host range tests the population is assigned to the "sugar beet group." ITS-PCR analysis on individual male and immature female specimens of this population yielded amplification products of approximately 922 bp. RFLP profiles and sequencing of the ITS region revealed that, in addition to the host group, the present population can be assigned to the "Argentina 2" group. Disease development and histopathology were investigated with glasshouse observations using tomato, pepper, sugar beet and potato seedlings exposed to nematode infection for 45 days at 28 ± 2°C. Histopathology of tomato roots confirmed that all immature stages and young females and males are migratory, whereas mature females are obligate sedentary endoparasites. Rather than syncytia, large regions of cortical necrosis and cavities were detected in tomato swellings infected by juveniles. However, syncytia were associated only with adult females. Large root galls, hyperplasia, abnormal proliferation of lateral roots and asymmetry of root structure were common anatomical changes induced by the nematode feeding in tomato roots.  相似文献   

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