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The effects of very intensive exploitation on a roach stock over 5 years are estimated. The total roach catch of the mass removal carried out with trawls was 507 metric tons (195 kg ha−1, 54% of the total catch). According to the virtual population analysis the biomass of the stock has decreased from 180 kg ha−1 in 1989 to c . 50 kg ha−1 in 1993. The production of the stock has fallen from 64 to 33 kg ha−1. The stock is dominated by younger age groups than before the mass removal. The future development of the stock is predicted by considering different levels of natural and fishing mortality. If the exploitation is stopped totally after 1993, roach biomass is predicted to double in 3 years. A constant fishing mortality rate of 0.3 (yearly catches 45–50 metric tons) would prevent the recovery of the stock, providing that 1–year–old and older roaches are exploited.  相似文献   

Fish production in Oued Sebaou, a seasonal river in North Algeria   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Fish were sampled by electrofishing at three contiguous sites 26 km from the source of Oued Sebaou, a seasonal river in North Algeria. River discharge ranges from 300 m3s−1 in the peak of the rainy season to 0.1 m3s−1 at the end of the dry season. Extensive gravel extraction from the river bed takes place during the dry season.
Two species were recorded at each site: Barbus callensis , which is heavily fished locally, and Anguilla anguilla . The three sample maximum likelihood Zippin method was used to estimate mean density and standing crops, which were: barbel, 452 fish ha−1, 5.33 kg ha−1; eels, 149 fish ha−1, 3.04 kg ha−1. Estimated average biomass and production were: barbel, 2.31 kg ha−1, 4.27 kg ha−1 year−1; eels, 1.51 kg ha−1, 2.60 kg ha−1 year−1.  相似文献   

The population biology of pike in two gravel pit lakes of contrasting habitat type were studied. The density of pike (1 + and over) in November 1987 in the Main Lake was 7.7 fish ha−1 (19 kg ha−1) and in St Peter's was 71 fish ha'(53 kg ha−1). The age distribution showed that recruitment was consistent in St Peter's but variable in the Main Lake. The main factor causing this difference in recruitment is abundance of aquatic vegetation. Survival up to November 1987 of 0-group pike in the Main Lake was 0.00175% from potential egg deposition, producing 6.6 fish ha−1 (0.83 kg ha−1). In St Peter's survival was 0.00315%, producing 23 fish ha−1 (3.04 kg ha 1).  相似文献   

Gizzard shad are primarily detritivorous in Acton Lake, a 253-ha impoundment in southwestern Ohio, U.S.A. To determine the magnitude of sediment utilization by the gizzard shad population in Acton Lake. I used data on population density and age structure, daily ration, and feeding selectivity in estimating the mass of sediments processed by shad daily from April through November. At densities of 4595–10 645 fish ha−1(wet weight biomass = 90–121 kgha 1), gizzard shad could process 3.8–23.0 kg of dry sediments ha−1 day 1. On average throughout the growing season, gizzard shad could process a dry mass of sediments each day equivalent to 13% of shad wet weight biomass. Because of the high rate of sedimentation (> 700 kg dry sediment ha−1 day−1) in Acton Lake, gizzard shad can process < 4% of the freshly deposited sediments each day, and therefore are likely to have little effect on benthic community dynamics in the system.  相似文献   

Scales were valid for age determination of pike-cichlid Crenicichla lepidota Heckel in two Brazilian streams, since, for every age-class, annual rings (annuli) were formed once a year, in August. Back-calculated Jengths-for-age coincided with those obtained by inspecting the monthly length-frequency distributions. Only 11 reproductive females were captured (length range 9.6–16 cm, age 1+ and 2 + ) and their fecundity ( F ) increased with fish length ( L ) according to: F= 2.4027 L2.3631. Average annual density and biomass in four localities of Zanga do Campus were 2194, 1676, 1824 and 1071 individuals ha−1 and 17.2, 12.1, 13.8 and 18.7 kg ha−1and about 1000 individuals ha−1 and 8.5 kg ha−1 in three combined sites of Zanga do Barbará. The annual production ranged between 18.5 and 32.7 kg ha−1 a −1 in the first stream and 8.7 kg ha −1a −1 in the other. Feeding tactics differed between streams and age-classes (0+ v . 1+/2+). In winter, the 0+ age-class in Zanga do Campus fed mainly upon Ephemeroptera (Baetidae) but in other months also fed on zooplankton. In winter, these age-classes in Zanga do Barbara preyed upon benthic species but the contribution of different taxa varied between months. In January, these fish preyed exclusively upon Chydoridae and fish. The effects of a severe drought (November-February) upon these parameters are discussed.  相似文献   

The effects of intensive fishing and fish recruitment on the nutrient excretion rate by a planktivorous roach Rutilus rutilus stock in Lake Vesijärvi were estimated using a bioenergetics model. The values were compared with those given by the model assuming that no mass removal occurred or that the mass removal ceased after 2 years. According to the model, during June-August 1989 phosphorus (P) excretion by the pelagic roach stock corresponded to 18% of the annual external P loading and showed a maximum of 0.4 mg m−2 day−1. As a result of mass removal, the maximum daily P excretion declined to 0.18 mg m−2 by 1990 and to 0.10 mg m−2 by 1992. The reduction was due to the lower number of roach, while the excretion rates of individual fish were unaffected. A 2-year mass removal would have temporarily reduced the P excretion rate, but in 1991 and 1992 the highest daily excretion rates would have been doubled compared with values after the 4-year mass removal. Assuming no fishing mortality, interannual differences were diminished and the excretion rates in 1991 and 1992 were 2.5 times higher than the values after the 4-year mass removal. The results suggest that nutrient recycling by fish stocks may be affected substantially by fisheries management. However, the effects are dependent on the timing of fishing due to the variations in the year class strength of fish. In Lake Vesijärvi the reduction in nutrient excretion was amplified coincidentally by the natural variation in recruitment of the roach stock.  相似文献   

Fish production in the Jarama River, Central Spain   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Fish production was estimated at three sites on the Jarama River, a small, typical upland river in Central Spain. Population estimates were made by the successive removal method of electrofishing. The same six species were recorded at each of the sites: Chondrostoma polylepis, Barbus barbus bocagei, Leuciscus cephalus pyraenaicus, Salmo trutta m. fario, Gobio gobio and Cobitis paludicola , with the first three species always dominant. Density, biomass, production (assuming that No is the total number of eggs spawned), and available production were, respectively: 13502-85776 ind. ha−1, 178.6–221.3 kg ha−1, 221.7–583.6 kg ha−1 yr−1, 118.1–271.9 kg ha−1 yr−1. Production estimates based on mortality curves were 7.9–19.5% (mean: 13.7) lower than those based on estimated from the number of eggs laid. Production per unit of area was highest at the widest and deepest site. Brown trout production contributed only 2–4% of the total production for all sites.  相似文献   

A method of estimating the population density of bream in Tjeukemeer (21.3 km2) using 16 690 introduced fish (fin-clipped and opercular tagged) is described. Gill nets of the winter fishery proved to be a more effective method of sampling the population for marked fish than fyke nets. The population density of bream (⋝25 cm) was estimated to be 180 000. There was no significant difference between the estimates derived from fin-clipped and opercular tagged fish. The growth rate of bream in Tjeukemeer (L=41 cm) is poor compared with that of bream in other waters, due to its high density and the scarcity of zoobenthos available to it.
The production of bream (I–XV) is estimated to be 34 kg ha−1 of which 25% is contributed by two (1959, 1963) strong year classes. Of a total biomass of 37.5 kg ha−1 available to the fishery in 1969 only 2.7 kg ha−l was removed as yield. The average P/B ratio for the population was low (0.39). It is concluded that a major flow of energy to bream is through zooplankton.  相似文献   

A method of estimating the population density of roach in Tjeukemeer (21.3 km2) using 20 529 introduced fin-clipped fish is described. Fyke nets proved to be an effective method of sampling the population for marked fish during the spawning season. A total of 20 277 roach were processed during the recapturing period. The population density of roach (⋝ 14 cm) was estimated to be 1 246 458. The growth rate of roach in the lake although relatively poor (von Bertalanffy's L ∞ for males and females, 22 and 26 cm respectively) for the species was similar to that recorded in three other Friesian lakes. The mortality rate of males was higher than that of females. Logarithmic length-weight regression analyses showed that the value of the coefficient varied both within and between the sexes, that of females being higher (range 3.03–3.375) than that of males (range 2.76–3.254). Seasonal changes in the size of the coefficient were due to a disproportionate loss of gonad weight in larger fish. The fecundity of the population was comparatively high for the species.
The total production of the population was estimated to be 95 hg ha−1 of which 39 kg ha−1 was contributed by fry. In older (⋝ IV) fish the production of females (12 kg ha−1) exceeded that (2 kg ha−1) of males, due to differences in their growth and mortality rates. The relatively poor performance of roach in Tjeukemeer, in terms of biomass and production was due to a scarcity of zoobenthos and competition from other species offish. There is no evidence either from this study or the literature that the productive potential of roach in lakes is high, even though macrophytes and detritus can be consumed in significant amounts.  相似文献   

The populations of tench from two gravel pit lakes of contrasting habitat type were studied. The population density of tench from St Peter's Lake, which has abundant aquatic vegetation was 176 individuals ha−1 (102.2 kg ha−1) compared to 0.3 individuals ha−1 (0.5 kg ha−1) in the Main Lake which has very little aquatic vegetation. The results of ageing tench by scales, opercular bones and otoliths were compared; all three structures gave similar results up to 9 years of age, but thereafter there were difficulties in ageing using scales and care was needed in counting annuli. The oldest tench caught was 15 years old. Growth of male and female tench was similar and fitted the von Bertalanffy model; for female tench L = 573 mm, K =0.122 and for male tench L = 586 mm, K =0.114. Recruitment was variable and strong year classes occurred in years with warm summers.  相似文献   

The sardine Limnothrissa miodon was very patchily distributed in Lake Kariba in 1981–1983 and its mean biomass was 59 23 kg ha−1, declining from 90–91 kg ha−1 in 1981 to 38–66 kg ha−1 in 1983. In addition, the mean size of the fish fell from 55–2 mm in 1981 to 49–9 mm in 1983. These changes are attributed to the effects of drought and reduced river flows as well as to the high level of commercial fishing for this species. There was a correlation between commercial catches and biomass estimates which allowed estimation of biomass in previous years from fishing statistics. Fishing effort appeared to be a major influence on sardine abundance: total biomass in 1985 was about 10% of what it was in 1974 when the fishery began. When expressed in terms of unit area, as is usual for African lakes, the pelagic biomass appeared to be greater in Lake Tanganyika, where Limnothrissa is endemic, than in Lake Kariba, although there is little difference in their primary productivity, but consideration in terms of volume rather than area shows that this was not the  相似文献   

American sycamore ( Platanus occidentalis L.) seedlings were grown in the field under different urea-nitrogen fertilization regimes to identify physiological variables that characterize the growth response. Treatments included fertilization at the beginning of the growing season with 50, 150, 450 kg N ha−1, fertilization 3 times each at 37.5 kg N ha−1 and unfertilized control. The greatest aboveground biomass accumulation (3× that of control) occurred in plots fertilized with 450 kg N ha−1, but nearly as much growth occurred when 37.5 kg N ha−1 was added periodically. Photosynthesis, chlorophyll concentrations and growth increased rapidly after the midseason application of 37.5 kg N ha−1 but not after the late-season application. Although nitrogen fertilization increased leaf area per plant, leaf nitrogen concentration did not differ between treatments. There was no evidence to indicate that fertilization extended the physiologically active season or increased susceptibility to drought or cold. Sycamore leaves accumulated sucrose and mannose in response to water stress in all treatments. Photosynthetic pigment concentrations and net photosynthetic rate were the most sensitive indicators of growth response to nitrogen fertilization in the first growing season. Careful timing (based on physiological indicators) of low level applications of nitrogen fertilizer can optimize growth.  相似文献   

SUMMARY. 1. Dissolved organic matter (DOM) was measured at 8h intervals over a 1 year period in a stream draining 51 ha of moorland with peaty soils.
2. DOM concentrations increased with increasing stream discharge from low flow values of 0–3 mg 1−1 to maximum values of 30 mg 1−1. There were also seasonal differences of up to 13mgl−1 between August (maximum) and February, and differences of about 2.5 mg l−1 between rising and falling stage samples.
3. Seasonal variation was closely related to mean temperature.
4. Total loss over the year was 168 kg ha−1 DOM (84 kg ha−1 C), larger than previous estimates for upland sites.  相似文献   

Sven Jonasson 《Ecography》1982,5(4):367-375
The amount of organic matter and phytomass is estimated on three types of shrub tundras in northern Sweden. The organic matter ranges from 23600 kg ha−1 on a dry dwarf birch tundra rich in dwarf shrubs, to 59600 kg ha−1 on a moist moss-rich dwarf birch-willow tundra. The phytomass reaches a peak of 14700 kg ha−1 on a mesic dwarf birch tundra, compared with 9230 and 8660 kg/ha−1 on the dry and moist sites. The belowground share of the phytomass decreases from 68% on the dry site to 54 and 47% on the mesic and moist tundras. Some adaptive advantages of belowground storage as well as of different life- and growthforms in different vegetational regions and local environments are discussed. Broad scale regional connections with tundra vegetation in other parts of Scandinavia and the Soviet Union are proposed, based on similarities in phytomass, distribution of plant groups, life- and growthforms. It is shown that the north Swedish tundra has many features in common with the subarctic shrub tundra in the USSR.  相似文献   

SUMMARY. 1. Population size, survival and recruitment were estimated from mark—recapture data at frequent intervals.
2. Two types of mortality were identified: (1) moult-associated—an intense but short duration mortality, and (2) overwinter mortality, which operated at a lower estimated weekly rate but over some 30 weeks.
3. Population size reached a mid-summer peak as recruitment into the catchable size classes occurred. Thereafter numbers declined slowly to the end of the growth season, followed by an overwinter decline of some 50% of total.
4. Annual production was estimated at 196.5 kg wet wt ha−1 in 1977, 116.8 kg wet wt ha−1 in 1978 and 87.79 kg wet wt ha−1 in 1979.  相似文献   

Delta smelt Hypomesus transpacificus infected with Mycobacterium spp. swam significantly more slowly (mean ± s.e ., 24±5 ± 1·2 cm s −1) than uninfected fish (30·0 ± 1·7 cm s −1). Differences in swimming performance were not attributable to differences in fish size ( L s or wet mass), condition factor or laboratory holding duration. Similar proportions of non-fatigue-related swimming failure among the uninfected and infected fish indicated that mycobacteriosis did not affect the willingness of delta smelt to swim in the flume. Level of infection, measured for the dominant M. chelonae pathogen using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), did not affect critical swimming velocity.  相似文献   

During this study, anglers caught over 580 kg of fish, comprising over 29 500 individuals of 14 species. Nine times as many gudgeon, Gobio gobio , as roach, Rutilus rutilus , were caught. Gudgeon represented 35.94% of the total catch weight compared with 44.64% for roach. The mean total catch per man-hour was 8.9 fish and the mean catch rate was 176 g per man-hour. Population estimates for fish longer than 12 cm for all species other than gudgeon and bleak, Alburnus alburnus , gave fish densities of 0.21 fish m−2, the roach population was 0.15 m−2, and that for dace Leuciscus leuciscus , 0.02 m−2. The population density for all sizes of all species caught was estimated to be 2.25 fish m−2.
The fish biomass available to the angler was 447 kg ha−2. The rate of exploitation of the fishery over the period of sampling was high at 17%, representing an annual exploitation rate of 94%.  相似文献   

Minnows Phoxinus phoxinus , studied 30 years after the first record of the species in the subalpine Lake Øvre Heimdalsvatn, Norway, ≥55 mm L T, were estimated to have densities of c . 4.7 kg ha−1 (120 000 fish) in June 1999 and 2.1 kg ha−1 (63 000 fish) in June 2000. The population was characterized by low individual growth, delayed age of maturity and lived longer when compared to values reported in a previous study in the early phase of its establishment, and other values reported in the literature. Most minnows reached sexual maturity at 4–5 years and >55 mm L T. Although the estimated annual survival of minnows >55 mm was low ( S =0.2), ages up to 13 years were recorded. Despite a moderate increase in the population size during the last 20 years, the present reduction in individual growth, followed by delayed age of maturity, suggested the existence of density-dependent effects on the population dynamics of the minnows. The minnows were restricted to the littoral zone and near bottom areas. A vertical or horizontal expansion in habitat use was probably prevented by the presence of piscivorous brown trout Salmo trutta .  相似文献   

Spatio-temporal variations in the structure, density, biomass and production rates of fish were assessed in the neotropical River Ubatiba (Serra do Mar, southeast Brazil). Electrofishing techniques and the length-frequency method were shown to be reliable for the assessment of (ish numbers and production rates in these running waters of medium conductivity. Eighteen fish species of small size and prolonged spawning period were broadly distributed throughout the river catchment. Over the year, the assemblage structure was persistent along the river. Water column omnivore and algae/detritivore species dominated in density (15086-70330 ind. ha−1), whereas three omnivores and a piscivorous species accounted for 70% of the production (51.5-250.4 kg ha−1 yr−1). Comparison of production rates among, tropical, temperate and Mediterranean stream fish assemblages indicate lower rates in tropical streams and an inverse relationship between production and species diversity, lower production rates in high-diversity tropical streams vs higher rates in low-diversity Mediterranean streams, with intermediate rates in temperate streams of intermediate diversity.  相似文献   

Smelt, flounder, eel, three-spined stickleback, twaite shad, ruffe and herring were the major species among 62 forming the fish community of the Elbe estuary. Species richness, species diversity, evenness and total fish biomass decreased in the upstream direction. Total abundance was greatest during summer. Salinity was the most significant physico-chemical factor affecting species richness and total fish biomass, whereas water temperature was the best predictor of total abundance. Marine fish species decreased with decreasing salinity, while the freshwater species roach and ide were absent at salinities > 15‰. Bream, blue bream, white bream, perch and pikeperch occurred more frequently in shallow marginal regions with lower current velocities, while herring and other marine species occurred closer to the deep central regions with high current velocities. Annual and seasonal variations of the community structure mainly reflected in population dynamics of smelt, flounder, twaite shad, three-spined stickleback and eel, especially those of 0-age smelt. Populations of smelt and ruffe and their importance in the fish community increased between 1989 and 1992, while those of twaite shad and eel decreased. At oxygen concentrations <3 mg I1, smelt and flounder were rare, but eels were at their maximum at 3.5 mg I−1. Changes of species composition and fish abundance were closely related to daytime and tidal cycle.  相似文献   

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