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Keratinase Production by Newly Isolated Antarctic Actinomycete Strains   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Summary The ability of actinomycete strains newly isolated from Antarctic soils to produce keratinolytic enzymes during growth on sheep wool waste was investigated. The strains which displayed highest keratinase activity and identified as Streptomyces flavis 2BG (mesophilic) and Microbispora aerata IMBAS-11A (thermophilic) were selected for a more detailed analysis. The addition of starch to the growth medium affected keratinase secretion by both strains. After 5 days of cultivation, a 6-fold increase in keratinase activity of strain 11A was observed in the presence of 11 g starch/l and a 9-fold increase in keratinase activity of the strain 2BG in the presence of 5 g starch/l. The results obtained showed that both newly isolated strains are very promising for effective processing of native keratinous wastes. To our knowledge, this is the first report of Antarctic actinomycete strains that were able to grow on keratin-containing wastes by producing keratinolytic enzymes.  相似文献   

A carbazole-utilizing bacterium was isolated by enrichment from petroleum-contaminated soil. The isolate, designated Sphingomonas sp. strain XLDN2-5, could utilize carbazole (CA) as the sole source of carbon, nitrogen, and energy. Washed cells of strain XLDN2-5 were shown to be capable of degrading dibenzofuran (DBF) and dibenzothiophene (DBT). Examination of metabolites suggested that XLDN2-5 degraded DBF to 2-hydroxy-6-(2-hydroxyphenyl)-6-oxo-2,4-hexadienic acid and subsequently to salicylic acid through the angular dioxygenation pathway. In contrast to DBF, strain XLDN2-5 could transform DBT through the ring cleavage and sulfoxidation pathways. Sphingomonas sp. strain XLDN2-5 could cometabolically degrade DBF and DBT in the growing system using CA as a substrate. After 40 h of incubation, 90% of DBT was transformed, and CA and DBF were completely removed. These results suggested that strain XLDN2-5 might be useful in the bioremediation of environments contaminated by these compounds.  相似文献   

Cells of Mycoplasma hominis growing in laboratory media for the first time were observed by phase contrast and identified by their reaction to homologous antiserum.  相似文献   

目的:检测由中国新分离碱性耐热芽孢杆菌[1]产生的粗木聚糖酶的酶活。方法:通过DNS法测定粗木聚糖酶的酶活。结果:实验表明,以橡树木聚糖为底物培养的新分离菌株在30-50℃处理2h酶活不丧失。其中,XJU-1菌株在60、70和80℃时粗酶酶活分别丧失是最初酶活的1.54%、19.09%和72.59%;而XJU-80的粗酶酶活分别是3.59%、26.43%和72.59%。两个菌株产生的粗木聚糖酶的最适pH是7.5-8.0。将该粗酶在pH 7.0-9.0(50℃)处理24h后,酶活几乎均降低最初酶活的18%。结论:由XJU-1和XJU-80产生的木聚糖酶是生化领域有用的嗜碱耐热酶。  相似文献   

Microbial transformation of cholic acid and chenodeoxycholic acid by anaerobic mixed cultures of human fecal microorganisms was investigated, and the results were examined in relation to the bile acid transforming activities of 75 bacterial strains isolated from the same fecal cultures. The reactions involved in the mixed cultures were dehydrogenation and dehydroxylation of the 7α-hydroxy group in both primary bile acids and epimerization of the 3α-hydroxy group in all metabolic bile acids. Extensive epimerization of the 7α-hydroxy group of chenodeoxycholic acid yielding ursodeoxycholic acid was also demonstrated by certain fecal samples. 7α-Dehydrogenase activity was widespread among the fecal isolates (88% of 16 facultative anaerobes and 51% of 59 obligate anaerobes), and 7α-dehydroxylase activity was revealed in one of the isolates, an unidentified gram-positive nonsporeforming anaerobic bacterium. 3α-Epimerization was effected by seven strains assigned to Eubacterium lentum, which were also active for 3α- and 7α-dehydrogenations. No microorganism accounting for 7α-epimerization was recovered among the isolates. Splitting of conjugated bile acid was demonstrated by the majority of obligate anaerobes but the activity was rare among facultative anaerobes.  相似文献   

Anaerobic cometabolic conversion of benzothiophene was studied with a sulfate-reducing enrichment culture growing with naphthalene as the sole source of carbon and energy. The sulfate-reducing bacteria were not able to grow with benzothiophene as the primary substrate. Metabolite analysis was performed with culture supernatants obtained by cometabolization experiments and revealed the formation of three isomeric carboxybenzothiophenes. Two isomers were identified as 2-carboxybenzothiophene and 5-carboxybenzothiophene. In some experiments, further reduced dihydrocarboxybenzothiophene was identified. No other products of benzothiophene degradation could be determined. In isotope-labeling experiments with a [13C]bicarbonate-buffered culture medium, carboxybenzothiophenes which were significantly enriched in the 13C content of the carboxyl group were formed, indicating the addition of a C1 unit from bicarbonate to benzothiophene as the initial activation reaction. This finding was consistent with the results of earlier studies on anaerobic naphthalene degradation with the same culture, and we therefore propose that benzothiophene was cometabolically converted by the same enzyme system. Groundwater analyses of the tar-oil-contaminated aquifer from which the naphthalene-degrading enrichment culture was isolated exhibited the same carboxybenzothiophene isomers as the culture supernatants. In addition, the benzothiophene degradation products, in particular, dihydrocarboxybenzothiophene, were significantly enriched in the contaminated groundwater to concentrations almost the same as those of the parent compound, benzothiophene. The identification of identical metabolites of benzothiophene conversion in the sulfate-reducing enrichment culture and in the contaminated aquifer indicated that the same enzymatic reactions were responsible for the conversion of benzothiophene in situ.  相似文献   

Kartchner Caverns is an oligotrophic subterranean environment that hosts a wide diversity of actively growing calcite speleothems (secondary mineral deposits). In a previous study, we demonstrated that bacterial communities extracted from these surfaces are quite complex and vary between formations. In the current study, we evaluated the influence of several environmental variables on the superficial bacterial community structure of 10 active formations located in close proximity to one another in a small room of Kartchner Caverns State Park, Arizona, USA. Physical (color, dimensions) and chemical (elemental profile and organic carbon concentration) properties, as well as the DGGE-based bacterial community structure of the formations were analyzed. While elemental concentration was found to vary among the formations, the differences in the community structure could not be correlated with concentrations of either organic carbon or any of the elements evaluated. In contrast, the locations of formations within a distinct region of the cave as well as the relative location of specific formations within a single room were found to have a significant influence on the bacterial community structure of the formations evaluated. Interestingly, Canonical Correspondence Analysis suggests an association between the observed drip pathways (drip lines) feeding the formations (as determined by the patterns of soda straws and small stalactites that reveal water flow patterns) and the bacterial community structure of the respective formations. The results presented here indicate that a broad range of formations fed by a diversity of drip sources must be sampled to fully characterize the community composition of bacteria present on the surfaces of calcite formations in carbonate caves.  相似文献   

Noble-rotted grapes are colonized by complex microbial populations. I isolated pigment-producing Metschnikowia strains from noble-rotted grapes that had antagonistic activity against filamentous fungi, yeasts, and bacteria. A red-maroon pigment was formed from a diffusible colorless precursor released by the cells into the medium. The conversion of the precursor required iron and could occur both in the cells (red colonies) and in the medium (red halos around colonies). The intensity of pigmentation was correlated with the intensity of the antimicrobial activity. Mutants that did not form pigment also lacked antifungal activity. Within the pigmented halos, conidia of the sensitive fungi did not germinate, and their hyphae did not grow and frequently lysed at the tips. Supplementation of the medium with iron reduced the size of the halos and the inhibition zones, while it increased the pigment accumulation by the colonies. The iron-binding agent tropolone had a similar effect, so I hypothesize that pigmented Metschnikowia isolates inhibit the growth of the sensitive microorganisms by pigment formation, which depletes the free iron in the medium. As the pigment is a large nondiffusible complex produced in the presence of both low and high concentrations of ferric ions, the proposed mechanism is different from the mechanisms operating in microbes that release siderophores into the environment for iron acquisition.  相似文献   

Conventional leaching methods for manganese (Mn) recovery require strong acids and are threatening to the environment. Alternatively, the use of microbes for Mn recovery is environment friendly in nature. The present investigation compares the capacity of pure and mixed cultures of native bacterial strains for bioleaching of low-grade Mn ores. The ability of the isolated microorganisms to recover Mn was evaluated in shake flasks for 20 days under optimized conditions of pulp density (2%), sucrose concentration (2 g/100 mL), initial pH 6.5, and 30°C incubation temperature. In pure culture form, Acinetobacter sp. MSB 5 (70%) was found to have a higher bioleaching potential than Lysinibacillus sp. MSB 11 (67%). Mixed culture of Acinetobacter sp. MSB 5 and Lysinibacillus sp. MSB 11 was found to perform better than the pure cultures with 74% extraction of Mn. The presence of mixed culture increased the dissolution rate and the recovery percentage of Mn. The respective growth pattern of the cultures was in synchronization to their Mn bioleaching performances. This study underlines the importance of mixed cultures and Mn solubilizing activity of native bacterial strains for efficient Mn biorecovery.  相似文献   

This article presents a research study on carbonate formation in solid and liquid media by Thalassospira sp., Halomonas sp., Bacillus pumilus, and Pseudomonas grimontii, four bacterial strains isolated from sediments and deep seawater. As part of this study, we analyzed carbonic anhydrase activity, pH, adsorption of calcium and magnesium ions, and total organic and inorganic carbon. The geochemical program PHREEQC was also used to calculate the mineral saturation indexes in all the cultures. The minerals formed were studied with X-ray diffraction, X-ray dispersive energy microanalysis, and scanning electron microscopy. In addition, all four bacterial strains were found to induce carbonate precipitation and to have carbonic anhydrase activity. Sterile control experiments did not precipitate carbonate. In solid M1 and B4 media, all of the strains precipitated magnesium calcite, whereas in the liquid media, they precipitated different percentages of magnesium calcite, aragonite, and monohydrocalcite. In both cases, small amounts of amorphous precipitates were also produced. This article discusses carbonate formation and the possible role played by metabolic activity, bacterial surfaces and carbonic anhydrase in this process. Finally, the results obtained lead to a hypothesis regarding the importance of carbonate precipitation for the survival of bacteria populations in certain habitats.  相似文献   

For the industrial production of bacterial cellulose from sucrose in static cultures, the possibility of a high rate of cellulose production was investigated. An Acetobacter strain, S-35, which had been isolated from a grape, was selected from 1500 isolates. This strain was found to produce a large amount of cellulose from either glucose or fructose. Using this strain, high cellulose production rates of 3.3g/liter/d or 40g/m2/d from sucrose were seen in static culture.  相似文献   

Five polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB)-degrading bacteria were tested for the ability to differentiate between the enantiomers of four atropisomeric PCB congeners (2,2′,3,6-tetra-CB; 2,2′,3,3′,6-penta-CB; 2,2′,3,4′,6-penta-CB; and 2,2′,3,5′,6-penta-CB) after growth in the presence of tryptone-soytone, biphenyl, carvone, or cymene. Enantioselectivity was shown to vary with respect to strain, congener, and cosubstrate.  相似文献   

Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy were used to study the metabolism of deuterated n-alkanes (C6 to C12) and 1-13C-labeled n-hexane by a highly enriched sulfate-reducing bacterial culture. All substrates were activated via fumarate addition to form the corresponding alkylsuccinic acid derivatives as transient metabolites. Formation of d14-hexylsuccinic acid in cell extracts from exogenously added, fully deuterated n-hexane confirmed that this reaction was the initial step in anaerobic alkane metabolism. Analysis of resting cell suspensions amended with 1-13C-labeled n-hexane confirmed that addition of the fumarate occurred at the C-2 carbon of the parent substrate. Subsequent metabolism of hexylsuccinic acid resulted in the formation of 4-methyloctanoic acid, and 3-hydroxy-4-methyloctanoic acid was tentatively identified. We also found that 13C nuclei from 1-13C-labeled n-hexane became incorporated into the succinyl portion of the initial metabolite in a manner that indicated that 13C-labeled fumarate was formed and recycled during alkane metabolism. Collectively, the findings obtained with a sulfate-reducing culture using isotopically labeled alkanes augment and support the previously proposed pathway (H. Wilkes, R. Rabus, T. Fischer, A. Armstroff, A. Behrends, and F. Widdel, Arch. Microbiol. 177:235-243, 2002) for metabolism of deuterated n-hexane by a denitrifying bacterium.  相似文献   

The ability of the strictly anaerobic sulfate-reducing bacterium Desulfobacula toluolica (strain Tol2) to cometabolically degrade p-toluidine (p-methylaniline) while using toluene as the primary source of carbon and energy has been studied. This organism has been shown to modify and degrade toluidine in dense cell suspensions when no other source of carbon and energy is added. The metabolism led to the formation of a variety of metabolites. From these metabolites a biphenyl-like compound as well as phenylacetic acid have been identified by means of HPLC/MS techniques. The probable conversion of p-toluidine to p-aminophenylacetic acid and phenylacetic acid as dead end products suggested that this organism initiates p-toluidine degradation by the carboxylation of the methyl group. If this could be validated in further experiments, it would be the first time that a toluidine was carboxylated at the methyl moiety by an anaerobic, sulfate-reducing bacterium. Received: 6 March 1998 / Accepted: 3 April 1998  相似文献   

We describe the combined application of microsensors and molecular techniques to investigate the development of sulfate reduction and of sulfate-reducing bacterial populations in an aerobic bacterial biofilm. Microsensor measurements for oxygen showed that anaerobic zones developed in the biofilm within 1 week and that oxygen was depleted in the top 200 to 400 μm during all stages of biofilm development. Sulfate reduction was first detected after 6 weeks of growth, although favorable conditions for growth of sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB) were present from the first week. In situ hybridization with a 16S rRNA probe for SRB revealed that sulfate reducers were present in high numbers (approximately 108 SRB/ml) in all stages of development, both in the oxic and anoxic zones of the biofilm. Denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) showed that the genetic diversity of the microbial community increased during the development of the biofilm. Hybridization analysis of the DGGE profiles with taxon-specific oligonucleotide probes showed that Desulfobulbus and Desulfovibrio were the main sulfate-reducing bacteria in all biofilm samples as well as in the bulk activated sludge. However, different Desulfobulbus and Desulfovibrio species were found in the 6th and 8th weeks of incubation, respectively, coinciding with the development of sulfate reduction. Our data indicate that not all SRB detected by molecular analysis were sulfidogenically active in the biofilm.  相似文献   

Various mechanisms have been demonstrated to be operative in bacterial adhesion to surfaces, but whether bacterial adhesion to surfaces can ever be captured in one generally valid mechanism is open to question. Although many papers in the literature make an attempt to generalize their conclusions, the majority of studies of bacterial adhesion comprise only two or fewer strains. Here we demonstrate that three strains isolated from a medical environment have a decreasing affinity for substrata with increasing surface free energy, whereas three strains from a marine environment have an increasing affinity for substrata with increasing surface free energy. Furthermore, adhesion of the marine strains related positively with substratum elasticity, but such a relation was absent in the strains from the medical environment. This study makes it clear that strains isolated from a given niche, whether medical or marine, utilize different mechanisms in adherence, which hampers the development of a generalized theory for bacterial adhesion to surfaces.  相似文献   

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