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We have used the polymerase chain reaction to amplify cDNA from expressed bovine major histocompatibility complex class I genes. Sequences obtained from transmembrane and cytoplasmic domains were used to identify the number of expressed alleles. Data from three animals suggest that there are four major expressed alleles, representing the products of two (or more) loci. We have also demonstrated the presence of an alternatively spliced mRNA, which has been observed in five animals. The alternative splicing removes exon 7 (the major site of class I phosphorylation), which predicts a truncated molecule with a cytoplasmic portion 16 amino acids shorter than usual. This phenomenon was detected for only a single class I allele within each individual. Correspondence to: S. A. Ellis.  相似文献   

A vector is described for the expression of genomic or cDNA copies of bovine major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I genes in transfected mouse Ltk cells. Class I gene fragments are amplified by the polymerase chain reaction, using primers in conserved parts of exon 2 and the 3′-untranslated region of the gene. Amplified class I gene fragments can then be subcloned into the expression vector, pBoLA-21, which contains the necessary 5′-and 3′-sequences for correct expression. The vector was tested by subcloning and expressing genomic and cDNA clones.  相似文献   

A 37-kb cosmid containing two complete major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I chain loci from the opossum Monodelphis domestica was isolated, fully sequenced, and characterized. This sequence represents the largest contiguous genomic sequence reported for the MHC region of a nonplacental mammal. Based on particular conserved amino acid residues, and limited expression analyses, the two MHC-I loci, designated ModoUB and ModoUC, appear to encode functional MHC-I molecules. The two coding regions are 98% identical at the nucleotide level; however, their promoter regions differ significantly. Two CpG islands present in the cosmid sequence correspond to the two coding regions. Twelve microsatellites and six retroelements were also present in the cosmid. The retroelements share highest sequence homology to the CORE–SINE family of retroelements. Due to high sequence identity, it is very likely that ModoUB and ModoUC loci are products of recent gene duplication that occurred less than 4 million years ago.  相似文献   

Major histocompatibility complex (MHC) genes encode proteins in the acquired immune response pathway that often show distinctive selection-driven patterns in wild vertebrate populations. We examined genetic variation and signatures of selection in the MHC class I alpha 1 (A1)- and alpha 2 (A2)-domain encoding exons of two frog congeners [Agalychnis callidryas (n?=?20) and A. lemur (n?=?20)] from a single locality in Panama. We also investigated how historical demographic processes may have impacted MHC genetic diversity by analyzing a neutral mitochondrial marker. We found that both MHC domains were highly variable in both species, with both species likely expressing three loci. Our analyses revealed different signatures of selection between the two species, most notably that the A. callidryas A2 domain had experienced positive selection while the A2 domain of A. lemur had not. Diversifying selection acted on the same number of A1 and A2 allelic lineages, but on a higher percentage of A1 sites compared to A2 sites. Neutrality tests of mitochondrial haplotypes predominately indicated that the two species were at genetic equilibrium when the samples were collected. In addition, two historical tests of demography indicated both species have had relatively stable population sizes over the past 100,000 years; thus large population size changes are unlikely to have greatly influenced MHC diversity in either species during this time period. In conclusion, our results suggest that the impact of selection on MHC diversity varied between these two closely related species, likely due to a combination of distinct ecological conditions and past pathogenic pressures.  相似文献   

At least two loci encode polymorphic class I MHC antigens in the horse   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary. Six monoclonal antibodies and ten alloantisera were used to precipitate cell surface molecules of approximately 44kDa (class I MHC antigens) from radiolabelled equine peripheral blood lymphocytes. All ten antisera were raised against antigens of a single donor horse (horse 0834, ELA-A2,-A2). Four methods of producing antisera were compared: one or two pregnancies, skin allografting, and skin grafting followed by pregnancy. Immunization by pregnancy appeared to produce antibodies against class I products only, while skin grafting raised antibodies to class II antigens as well. Nine of the antisera were raised across an entire MHC haplotype barrier, while one recipient carried the ELA-A2 antigen of the donor. The pregnancy antiserum raised across this barrier probably identifies a second polymorphic class I locus in the horse. Sequential immunoprecipitation using this antiserum in the first stage and an anti-MHC haplotype antiserum or monoclonal antibody reagent in the second stage supported this hypothesis. Gene products of this second ELA class I locus are immunogenic in pregnancy.  相似文献   

 Analysis of cattle major histocompatibility complex (MHC) (BoLA) class I gene expression using serological and biochemical methods has demonstrated a high level of polymorphism. However, analysis of class I cDNA sequences has failed to produce conclusive evidence concerning the number and nature of expressed genes. Such information is essential for detailed studies of cattle immune responses, and to increase our understanding of the mechanisms of MHC evolution. In this study a selective breeding programme has been used to generate a number of MHC homozygous cattle expressing common serologically defined class I specificities. Detailed analysis of five class I haplotypes was carried out, with transcribed class I genes identified and characterized by cDNA cloning, sequence analysis, and transfection/expression studies. Surface expression of the gene products (on lymphocytes) was confirmed using monoclonal antibodies of defined BoLA specificity. Phylogenetic analysis of available transcribed cattle MHC class I sequences revealed complex evolutionary relationships including possible evidence for recombination. The study of individual haplotypes suggests that certain groupings of related sequences may correlate with loci, but overall it was not possible to define the origin of individual alleles using this approach. The most striking finding of this study is that none of the cattle class I genes is consistently expressed, and that in contrast to human, haplotypes differ from one another in both the number and composition of expressed classical class I genes. Received: 15 February 1999 / Revised: 23 June 1999  相似文献   

Molecular cloning of bovine class I MHC cDNA   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
Two cDNA cloned from a Hereford cow B cell line (BL-3) have allowed the determination of the complete coding region for two class I molecules encoded by the bovine MHC (BoLA). The predicted protein sequences have all the features expected of expressed class I molecules that present peptide Ag to cytotoxic T cells. Comparison with class I molecules from other species strongly suggests these cDNA are derived from different genes and provides evidence for the existence of a second expressed class I BoLA locus. The BoLA proteins show greater similarity to HLA than to H-2 molecules, correlating with the cross-reactions of W6/32 and other murine anti-HLA-A,B,C mAb with BoLA molecules. The basis for the W6/32 epitope and the preferential association of H-2 class I H chains with bovine beta 2-m is examined.  相似文献   

The genomic sequences of 15 horse major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I genes and a collection of MHC class I homozygous horses of five different haplotypes were used to investigate the genomic structure and polymorphism of the equine MHC. A combination of conserved and locus-specific primers was used to amplify horse MHC class I genes with classical and nonclassical characteristics. Multiple clones from each haplotype identified three to five classical sequences per homozygous animal and two to three nonclassical sequences. Phylogenetic analysis was applied to these sequences, and groups were identified which appear to be allelic series, but some sequences were left ungrouped. Sequences determined from MHC class I heterozygous horses and previously described MHC class I sequences were then added, representing a total of ten horse MHC haplotypes. These results were consistent with those obtained from the MHC homozygous horses alone, and 30 classical sequences were assigned to four previously confirmed loci and three new provisional loci. The nonclassical genes had few alleles and the classical genes had higher levels of allelic polymorphism. Alleles for two classical loci with the expected pattern of polymorphism were found in the majority of haplotypes tested, but alleles at two other commonly detected loci had more variation outside of the hypervariable region than within. Our data indicate that the equine major histocompatibility complex is characterized by variation in the complement of class I genes expressed in different haplotypes in addition to the expected allelic polymorphism within loci.  相似文献   

Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) analyses were used to order 16 bacterial artificial chromosomes (BAC) clones containing loci from the bovine lymphocyte antigen (BoLA) class I and III regions of bovine chromosome 23 (BTA23). Fourteen of these BACs were assigned to chromosomal band locations of mitotic and pachytene chromosomes by single- and dual-colour FISH. Dual-colour FISH confirmed that class II DYA is proximal to and separated from BoLA class I genes by approximately three chromosome bands. The FISH results showed that tumour necrosis factor alpha (TNFA), heat shock protein 70 (HSP70.1) and 21 steroid dehydrogenase (CYP21) are closely linked in the region of BTA23 band 22 along with BoLA class I genes, and that male enhanced antigen (MEA) mapped between DYA and the CYP21/TNFA/HSP70.1 gene region. All BAC clones containing BoLA class I genes mapped distal to CYP21/TNFA/HSP70.1 and centromeric to prolactin (PRL). Myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein (MOG) was shown to be imbedded within the BoLA class I gene cluster. The cytogenetic data confirmed that the disrupted distribution of BoLA genes is most likely the result of a single large chromosomal inversion. Similar FISH results were obtained when BoLA DYA and class I BAC clones were mapped to discrete chromosomal locations on the BTA homologue in white-tailed deer, suggesting that this chromosomal inversion predates divergence of the advanced ruminant families from a common ancestor.  相似文献   

The MHC class I molecule plays an important role in immune response, pathogen recognition and response against vaccines and self- versus non-self-recognition. Studying MHC class I characteristics thus became a priority when dealing with Aotus to ensure its use as an animal model for biomedical research. Isolation, cloning and sequencing of exons 1–8 from 27 MHC class I alleles obtained from 13 individuals classified as belonging to three owl monkey species (A. nancymaae, A. nigriceps and A. vociferans) were carried out to establish similarities between Aotus MHC class I genes and those expressed by other New and Old World primates. Six Aotus MHC class I sequence groups (Ao-g1, Ao-g2, Ao-g3, Ao-g4, Ao-g5 and Ao-g6) weakly related to non-classical Catarrhini MHC were identified. An allelic lineage was also identified in one A. nancymaae and two A. vociferans monkeys, exhibiting a high degree of conservation, negative selection along the molecule and premature termination of the open reading frame at exon 5 (Ao-g5). These sequences high conservation suggests that they more likely correspond to a soluble form of Aotus MHC class I molecules than to a new group of processed pseudogenes. Another group, named Ao-g6, exhibited a strong relationship with Catarrhinis classical MHC-B-C loci. Sequence evolution and variability analysis indicated that Aotus MHC class I molecules experience inter-locus gene conversion phenomena, contributing towards their high variability.  相似文献   

Screening of a bovine yeast artificial chromosome (YAC) library revealed two clones which contain most of the class II genes of the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) known to date. The YACs were mapped by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) and characterized for the class II genes they contain. We found that the classic class II genes BoLA- DQA, -DQB, -DRA, and -DRB3 are located at BTA 23q21 and the non-classic class II genes DYA, DIB, LMP2, LMP7, TAP2, BoLA-DOB, -DMA, -DMB, and -DNA are located at BTA 23q12-->q13. These two different mapping locations confirm and extend previous findings of a gross physical distance between classic and non-classic MHC class II genes in cattle.  相似文献   

The nucleotide sequence of bovine MHC class IIDQB andDRB genes   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
The nucleotide sequences of most of the exons and parts of the introns of twoBoLA-DQB genes and twoBoLA-DRB genes have been determined. The structure of these genes is very similar to that of human major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II genes. The twoDQB genes probably represent true alleles. Based on the exons sequenced, bothDQB genes and one of theDRB genes seem to be functional. The otherDRB gene is a pseudogene; stopcodons are found in the exons encoding the second and transmembrane domain and, furthermore, a 2 base pair (bp) deletion has occured in the leader exon which places the initiation start codon out of frame. Also in this pseudogene, an almost perfect inverted repeat of 200 bp is found flanking the exon encoding the first domain, which might have been the result of a duplication/inversion event. The sequences presented in this paper do not contain any repetitions. Therefore, DNA fragments containing these sequences can be used as homologous bovine probes in restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis to study disease association in cattle.The nucleotide sequence data reported in this paper have been submitted to the GenBank nucleotide sequence database and have been assigned the accession numbers M30002–M30014. Address correspondence and offprint requests to: M. A. M. Groenen.  相似文献   

The salmonid MHC class I: more ancient loci uncovered   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
An unprecedented level of sequence diversity has been maintained in the salmonid major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I UBA gene, with between lineage AA sequence identities as low as 34%. The derivation of deep allelic lineages may have occurred through interlocus exon shuffling or convergence of ancient loci with the UBA locus, but until recently, no such ancient loci were uncovered. Herein, we document the existence of eight additional MHC class I loci in salmon (UCA, UDA, UEA, UFA, UGA, UHA, ULA, and ZE), six of which share exon 2 and 3 lineages with UBA, and three of which have not been described elsewhere. Half of the UBA exon 2 lineages and all UBA exon 3 lineages are shared with other loci. Two loci, UGA and UEA, share only a single exon lineage with UBA, likely generated through exon shuffling. Based on sequence homologies, we hypothesize that most exchanges and duplications occurred before or during tetraploidization (50 to 100 Ma). Novel loci that share no relationship with other salmonid loci are also identified (UHA and ZE). Each locus is evaluated for its potential to function as a class Ia gene based on gene expression, conserved residues and polymorphism. UBA is the only locus that can indisputably be classified as a class Ia gene, although three of the eight loci (ZE, UCA, and ULA) conform in three out of four measures. We hypothesize that these additional loci are in varying states of degradation to class Ib genes.  相似文献   

Genomic characterization of MHC class I genes of the horse   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  

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