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贫困与生态环境问题呈现强烈的相关性,为避免旅游扶贫重点村发展落入"贫困陷阱",有效地评价其生态脆弱性成为开展旅游扶贫和精准脱贫的重要前提。然而,当前鲜有将旅游扶贫与生态环境问题置于同一分析框架内,开展乡村旅游扶贫重点村生态脆弱性及其驱动因子研究的成果。以福建省472个全国乡村旅游扶贫重点村为样本,基于"成因-结果"模型构建生态脆弱性评价指标体系,采用空间主成分分析法测算样本生态脆弱性指数,并深入分析其空间分异与驱动因子。结果显示:重点村生态脆弱性指数平均值为4.84,总体处于轻度脆弱;30 m×30 m栅格单元生态脆弱性呈零散分布格局,空间分异不显著;极度和重度生态脆弱村主要分布在三明市、宁德市、南平市和龙岩市,并在宁德市和三明市形成3处高度脆弱核心区;餐饮和床位数、旅游基础设施状况、土壤侵蚀强度、人口密度、多年平均降水量、坡度、休闲农业园面积等为生态脆弱性主要驱动因子。  相似文献   

<正>厦门大学的彭兆荣教授,同时兼任中国人类学学会副秘书长,几年前他著写的《旅游人类学》一书,深度讨论了乡村文化旅游的问题。与我们一见面,他就开宗明义:"现在我们文化物种的消失程度和速度远远高于生物物种。全球都在关注生物物种的消亡,而文化物种的消失却没有得到足够的关注。"带着这样的视角和忧患,他与我们做了一次涉及乡村旅游终极问题的访谈,这里摘录其中的一部分。  相似文献   

自1868年瑞士科学家米歇尔第一次在人体细胞里发现了核酸以来,百余年间,有关核酸研究的进展日新月异。  相似文献   

小麦是现今世界上最重要的粮食作物之一,有1/3以上人口以小麦为主食。小麦种植面积和总产量均居世界第一位。在中国,其重要性也仅次于水稻。 小麦起源于亚洲西部。今天所种植的普通小麦是由三种野生小麦经过两次的天然远缘杂交和经历了9000多年的自然选择和人工选择而形成的。考古学家在9000年以前中东地区古墓里发现了人类最时种植的小麦,这是一种一个小穗只结一粒种子的小麦,所谓一粒小麦。  相似文献   

安惟 《植物杂志》2010,(11):32-35
2010年10月4日,诺贝尔奖评审委员会在瑞典首都斯德哥尔摩宣布,英国生理学家罗伯特·爱德华兹因在体外受精技术方面的特殊成就,获得2010年诺贝尔生理学或医学奖。  相似文献   

淮沙 《生命世界》2010,(8):72-75
<正>在人类漫长的历史中,疾病和瘟疫的肆虐记载不绝于书。公元1世纪罗马帝国每日死亡人数达万余人的可怕瘟疫,14世纪中叶造成欧洲大约一半人口死亡的鼠疫都是如此可怕。直到19世纪中期,虽然近代科学有了很大发展,但医学的发展却似乎相对滞后。  相似文献   

安徽古代盛行炼丹,早在西汉时淮南王刘安就在寿春(今寿县)聚集数千名宾客研讨学问,写下了很多著作,刘安等人还从事炼丹。传世的《淮南子》和《淮南万毕术》中就提到了汞、铅、丹砂、曾青、雄黄等炼丹物质及其变化,其中关于“曾青得铁则化为铜”的记载,即天然硫酸铜溶液与铁接触,铁能取代硫酸铜里的铜,就是现代的金属置换反应,也是我国后来“胆水炼铜法”的理论基础,据《郡国志》、《广舆记》、《江南通志》、《嘉庆合肥县志》等书记载,汉末中国炼丹  相似文献   

害虫综合治理(Integratedpestmanagement,IPM)中的"Integrated"除了综合的意思,其实更多表述的是"整合"。在进行害虫防治时,不能将各个措施简单地综合应用,而应在充分了解各种措施之间相互作用的基础上,将其整合成一个系统(整体),更好地服务于害虫管理。本文基于国内外害虫管理的进展与实践,论述了近年来害虫管理发展的4种理念更新、4项策略演变和3大技术革新,提出了害虫管理优先方案5个步骤,指出了整合过程的5个层次及11个科学问题,强调害虫管理应本着"预防为主、生态优先、综合治理"的植保方针,秉持"生态、有效、经济、简便"技术原则,重点从综合走向整合,构建我国不同区域特色的害虫管理生态工程,开展害虫整合治理,达到经济可行、生态可持续、社会可接受的目的。  相似文献   

在位于牛背梁国家森林公园一侧的"红庙河农家乐"用餐时,发现有一位戴眼镜、很斯文的小伙子在忙着上菜,对人非常和蔼,很有礼貌。一开始大家都以为是掌柜的儿子在帮忙,就随口和他聊天,没想到他就是此农家乐的掌柜,有一个比较传统的名字——郑传家,在攀谈中,更让我们惊异的是他居然是大学本科毕业生,曾任职于华为公司,2011年初选择回乡接手父母经营了多年的"农家乐"。他的经历吸引了我们,我们邀请他和我们聊聊,小伙子略带腼腆地接受了我们的邀请。  相似文献   

郭建崴 《化石》2009,(2):4-10
为了给本期《化石》杂忠准备封面照片,我享受了一次特殊的旅游,赴号称“世界恐龙谷”的“中国云南禄丰恐龙国家地质公园”拍照。  相似文献   

目的 探讨贫困地区医护人员对精准健康扶贫政策的知晓率情况以及对知晓率影响因素分析。方法 在文献分析和专家讨论基础上设计调查问卷,开展现场调查。利用SPSS19.0软件对数据进行统计分析。结果 仅有26.0%医护人员表示对目前健康扶贫及相关政策较为了解,但有近40%的人对其当前的精准健康扶贫政策感到不满意。logistic回归分析结果显示,“所在医院是否有上级医院帮扶”“所在医院是否帮扶下级乡镇卫生院”“所在医院对长期服务基层的员工是否有优惠政策倾斜”3个因素对医护人员精准健康扶贫政策满意度水平认知有影响。结论 医护人员对精准健康扶贫政策认知度和满意度尚有提高的空间。从供给方角度出发,从医院方面出发,完善上下级帮扶政策、建立紧密型县乡村一体化健康扶贫结构;创新管理模式,为长期服务基层的员工提供优惠政策倾斜,是提高精准健康扶贫效果的可行选择。  相似文献   

Conventional kinesin, a homodimeric motor protein that transports cargo in various cells, walks limpingly along microtubule. Here, based on our previously proposed partially coordinated hand-over-hand model, we present a new mechanism for the limping behaviors of both wild-type and mutant kinesin homodimers. The limping is caused by different vertical forces acting on the heads in two successive steps during the processive movement of the dimer. From the model, various theoretical results, such as the dependences of the mean dwell time and dwell time ratio on the coiled-coil length and on the external load as well as the effect of vertical force on velocity, are in good agreement with previous experimental results. We predict that a high degree of limping will correlate strongly with a high sensitivity of ATP turnover rate to upwards force.  相似文献   

Kinesin is a dimeric motor with twin catalytic heads joined to a common stalk. Kinesin molecules move processively along microtubules in a hand-over-hand walk, with the two heads advancing alternately. Recombinant kinesin constructs with short stalks have been found to “limp”, i.e., exhibit alternation in the dwell times of successive steps. Limping behavior implies that the molecular rearrangements underlying even- and odd-numbered steps must differ, but the mechanism by which such rearrangements lead to limping remains unsolved. Here, we used an optical force clamp to measure individual, recombinant dimers and test candidate explanations for limping. Introducing a covalent cross-link into the stalk region near the heads had no effect on limping, ruling out possible stalk misregistration during coiled-coil formation as a cause. Limping was equally unaffected by mutations that produced 50-fold changes in stalk stiffness, ruling out models where limping arises from an asymmetry in torsional strain. However, limping was enhanced by perturbations that increased the vertical component of load on the motor, including increases in bead size or net load, and decreases in the stalk length. These results suggest that kinesin heads take different vertical trajectories during alternate steps, and that the rates for these motions are differentially sensitive to load.  相似文献   

Noma (necrotizing ulcerative stomatitis, stomatitis gangrenosa, or cancrum oris) is a devastating orofacial gangrene that occurs mainly among children. The disease has a global yearly incidence of 140,000 cases and a mortality rate of approximately 90 percent. Patients who survive noma generally suffer from its sequelae, including serious facial disfigurement, trismus, oral incontinence, and speech problems. The medical history of noma indicates that the disease was already known in classical and medieval civilizations in Europe. In the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, Dutch chirurgeons clearly described noma as a clinical entity and realized that the popular name "water canker" was not sufficient, because this quickly spreading ulceration in the faces of children was different from "cancer." In the eighteenth century, awareness that noma is related to poverty, malnutrition, and preceding diseases such as measles increased in northwestern Europe. In the first half of the nineteenth century, extensive surgical procedures were described for the treatment of the sequelae of noma. At the end of that century, noma gradually disappeared in the Western world because of economic progress, which gave the poorest in society the opportunity to feed their children sufficiently. Only in the twentieth century were effective drugs (sulfonamides and penicillin) against noma developed, as well as adequate surgical treatment for the sequelae of noma. These modes of treatment remain inaccessible for the many present-day victims of noma because of their extreme poverty. The only truly effective approach to the problem of noma throughout the world is prevention, namely, combating the extreme poverty with measures that lead to economic progress. In the meantime, medical doctors in the Western world should not forget their own history and ignore this global health problem; rather, they should face "the face of poverty" with the eyes of mercy and concern suited to their profession.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Within the Philippines areas endemic for lymphatic filariasis are in regions with the highest incidence of poverty. Out of a total of 79 provinces, 39 have a higher poverty incidence than the national average and 30 of these 39 provinces are endemic for lymphatic filariasis. DISCUSSION: Recognizing that provinces endemic for lymphatic filariasis (LF) are also the poorest provinces, the elimination of lymphatic filariasis in these areas presents significant opportunities to reduce poverty and inequalities in health. The implementation of an effective national programme for the elimination of lymphatic filariasis will provide means for sustainable development at national, local and community levels. SUMMARY: The elimination of lymphatic filariasis as a public health problem is a 20-year strategic plan for the world community, with the vision of all endemic communities free of transmission of lymphatic filariasis by 2020 and with the commitment to ensure the delivery of quality technologies and human services to eliminate lymphatic filariasis worldwide through a multi-stakeholder global alliance of all endemic countries. This global goal of elimination of lymphatic filariasis is a significant opportunity for partnerships - a world with less poverty through sustainable development and free from the scourge of lymphatic filariasis.  相似文献   

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