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A generic design of Type I polyketide synthase genes has been reported in which modules, and domains within modules, are flanked by sets of unique restriction sites that are repeated in every module [1]. Using the universal design, we synthesized the six-module DEBS gene cluster optimized for codon usage in E. coli, and cloned the three open reading frames into three compatible expression vectors. With one correctable exception, the amino acid substitutions required for restriction site placements were compatible with polyketide production. When expressed in E. coli the codon-optimized synthetic gene cluster produced significantly more protein than did the wild-type sequence. Indeed, for optimal polyketide production, PKS expression had to be down-regulated by promoter attenuation to achieve balance with expression of the accessory proteins needed to support polyketide biosynthesis.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli is an attractive candidate as a host for polyketide production and has been engineered to produce the erythromycin precursor polyketide 6-deoxyerythronolide B (6dEB). In order to identify and optimize parameters that affect polyketide production in engineered E. coli, we first investigated the supply of the extender unit (2S)-methylmalonyl-CoA via three independent pathways. Expression of the Streptomyces coelicolor malonyl/methylmalonyl-CoA ligase (matB) pathway in E. coli together with methylmalonate feeding resulted in the accumulation of intracellular methylmalonyl-CoA to as much as 90% of the acyl-CoA pool. Surprisingly, the methylmalonyl-CoA generated from the matB pathway was not converted into 6dEB. In strains expressing either the S. coelicolor propionyl-CoA carboxylase (PCC) pathway or the Propionibacteria shermanii methylmalonyl-CoA mutase/epimerase pathway, methylmalonyl-CoA accumulated up to 30% of the total acyl-CoA pools, and 6dEB was produced; titers were fivefold higher when strains contained the PCC pathway rather than the mutase pathway. When the PCC and mutase pathways were expressed simultaneously, the PCC pathway predominated, as indicated by greater flux of 13C-propionate into 6dEB through the PCC pathway. To further optimize the E. coli production strain, we improved 6dEB titers by integrating the PCC and mutase pathways into the E. coli chromosome and by expressing the 6-deoxyerythronolide B synthase (DEBS) genes from a stable plasmid system.S. Murli and J. Kennedy contributed equally to this work  相似文献   

Cytochrome P450 CYP6D1 from the house fly is important in the detoxication of xenobiotics and in resistance to pyrethroid insecticides. In house fly microsomes CYP6D1 requires cytochrome b5 for the metabolism of some substrates, such as benzo[a]pyrene, but does not require cytochrome b5 for the metabolism of other substrates such as methoxyresorufin. To examine the molecular mechanisms involved in its metabolism of pyrethroids and other substrates, a system for the heterologous expression of CYP6D1 in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae was developed. Heterologous CYP6D1 can be inducibly expressed by culture in media with galactose as the sole carbon source, and is successfully inserted into the yeast microsomes. CYP6D1 is enzymatically active, as measured by methoxyresorufin-O-demethylation, indicating that CYP6D1 is able to interact with yeast P450 reductase. However, CYP6D1 expression did not result in measurable benzo[a]pyrene hydroxylation, suggesting that CYP6D1 cannot interact with yeast cytochrome b5, or that there is insufficient cytochrome b5 in the yeast microsomes to support this CYP6D1-mediated activity. Some suggestions are made for improving the yeast microsomal oxidoreductase environment in order to optimize CYP6D1 function.  相似文献   

The Candida albicans GFA1 gene encoding glucosamine-6-phosphate synthase, an enzyme of cell wall biosynthesis pathway in fungi and bacteria, recently an object of interest as a target for the chemotherapy of systemic mycoses, was PCR amplified and cloned to an Escherichia coli expression vector pET23b. The activity of the enzyme in the lysates from the overproducing E. coli strain was approximately 50–100 times higher than in the lysates from the control E. coli strain. This abundant overproduction allows to purify milligram amounts of the enzyme to homogeneity.  相似文献   

Unusual polyketide synthases (PKSs), that are structurally type I but act in an iterative manner for aromatic polyketide biosynthesis, are a new family found in bacteria. Here we report the cloning of the iterative type I PKS gene chlB1 from the chlorothricin (CHL) producer Streptomyces antibioticus DSM 40725 by a rapid PCR approach, and characterization of the function of the gene product as a 6-methylsalicyclic acid synthase (6-MSAS). Sequence analysis of various iterative type I PKSs suggests that the resulting aromatic or aliphatic structure of the products might be intrinsically determined by a catalytic feature of the paired KR-DH domains in the control of the double bond geometry. The finding of ChlB1 as a 6-MSAS not only enriches the current knowledge of aromatic polyketide biosynthesis in bacteria, but will also contribute to the generation of novel polyketide analogs via combinatorial biosynthesis with engineered PKSs.  相似文献   

cDNA-encoding pyranose 2-oxidase (P2O) from Trametes pubescens was sequenced and cloned into Escherichia coli strain BL21/DE3 on a multicopy plasmid under the control of trc promoter. The synthesis of P2O was studied in a batch culture in M9-based mineral medium: the enzyme was synthesized constitutively at 28 °C in amount corresponding to 8% of the cell soluble protein (0.6 U mg−1). Only small portion of P2O (11%) was in the form of non-active inclusion bodies. Purified recombinant enzyme has similar physico-chemical and kinetic parameters with other P2Os. When compared to the expression of p2o of Trametes ochracea, a ratio of the mature enzyme to inclusion bodies found in the same E. coli host at 28 °C is as much as nine times higher. The finding makes the enzyme from T. pubescens preferable for the large-scale production by recombinant bacteria. The difference in amino acid sequences of the P2O from T. ochracea and T. pubescens may explain the favourable trait of the latter enzyme regarding protein folding.  相似文献   

8二甲基异戊烯基柚皮素(8DN)作为生产黄酮类药物淫羊藿苷的重要前体,在医药合成领域具有重大应用潜力。由于其合成路径及相关基因的复杂性,目前主要通过饲喂8DN的直接前体(柚皮素、异黄腐酚等)的方式合成8DN,而在生物体内全合成8DN的研究工作还未见报道。为了实现8DN在酿酒酵母体内的生物全合成,通过组合筛选8DN前体物柚皮素合成所需的多种外源基因(TAL、4CL、CHS、CHI),获得30株柚皮素生产菌,发现不同来源的基因组合使柚皮素产量的具有明显差异(0.37~22.33mg/L)。并且利用Delta位点将较优的基因组合整合至酵母基因组,实现了稳定的柚皮素高产菌株(Sy BE_Sc02050031)构建。在此基础上进一步导入带有苦参来源的异戊烯基转移酶基因(N8DT)多拷贝质粒,实现8DN合成的完整反应过程,8DN的摇瓶发酵产量达到36.7μg/L。另外,通过关键限速酶N8DT的序列优化策略,发现截断定位信号肽序列的N8DT明显提高了从柚皮素到8DN这一关键反应的催化效果,8DN的产量提高到52.6μg/L(144.2%)。首次在酿酒酵母中成功构建高产8DN的生物全合成路径,为在微生物体内合成其他黄酮类天然产物提供了参考,具有重要的指导意义。  相似文献   

Transfer of bacteria/yeast shuttle plasmids from Escherichia coli into the yeast species Kluyveromyces lactis, Pichia angusta (Hansenula polymorpha), and Pachysolen tannophilus has been accomplished, presumably through inter-kingdom conjugal transfer. Plasmid pEK2 was transferred into a K. lactis mutant to complement trp auxotrophy, while plasmid YEp13 was mobilized into and complemented P. angusta and P. tannophilus Leu- auxotrophs. Plasmid DNA in the recipient strains was detected by transformation of E. coli with crude yeast cell extracts. Freely replicating plasmids without detectable alterations as well as plasmids with rearrangements were recovered from yeast transconjugants.  相似文献   

ATP-硫酸化酶(ATPS,EC2.7.7.4)是一种可逆催化ATP和SO42-反应生成腺嘌呤-5′-磷酸硫酸(APS)和焦磷酸盐(PPi)的酶,已经用于焦测序反应。以酿酒酵母(Saccharomyces cerevisias,CICC1202)基因组DNA为模板,用PCR扩增得到ATPS基因,并克隆到原核表达质粒pET28a( ),得到重组表达质粒pET28a( )-ATPS,在IPTG诱导下,携带pET28a( )-ATPS的大肠杆菌BL21(DE3)表达分子量约为60kD的带有His标签的ATPS酶,经镍亲和层析和超滤两步纯化后,可得到电泳纯级ATPS,比活达5.1×104u/mg,并成功应用于焦测序反应中。  相似文献   

Neutral trehalase from Neurospora crassa was expressed in Escherichia coli as a polypeptide of 84 kDa in agreement with the theoretical size calculated from the corresponding cDNA. The recombinant neutral trehalase, purified by affinity chromatography exhibited a specific activity of 80–150 mU/mg protein. Optima of pH and temperature were 7.0 and 30 °C, respectively. The enzyme was absolutely specific for trehalose, and was quite sensitive to incubation at 40 °C. The recombinant enzyme was totally dependent on calcium, and was inhibited by ATP, copper, silver, aluminium and cobalt. KM was 42 mM, and Vmax was 30.6 nmol of glucose/min. The recombinant protein was phosphorylated by cAMP-dependent protein kinase, but not significantly activated. Immunoblotting with polyclonal antiserum prepared against the recombinant protein showed that neutral trehalase protein levels increased during exponential phase of N. crassa growth and dropped at the stationary phase. This is the first report of a neutral trehalase produced in E. coli with similar biochemical properties described for fungi native neutral trehalases, including calcium-dependence.  相似文献   

The geneCAL1 (also known asCDC43) ofSaccharomyces cerevisiae encodes the subunit of geranylgeranyl transferase I (GGTase I), which modifies several small GTPases. Biochemical analyses of the mutant enzymes encoded bycall-1, andcdc43-2 tocdc43-7, expressed in bacteria, have shown that all of the mutant enzymes possess reduced activity, and that none shows temperature-sensitive enzymatic activities. Nonetheless, all of thecall/cdc43 mutants show temperature-sensitive growth phenotypes. Increase in soluble pools of the small GTPases was observed in the yeast mutant cells at the restrictive temperature in vivo, suggesting that the yeast prenylation pathway itself is temperature sensitive. Thecall-1 mutation, located most proximal to the C-terminus of the protein, differs from the othercdc43 mutations in several respects. An increase in soluble Rholp was observed in thecall-1 strain grown at the restrictive temperature. The temperature-sensitive phenotype ofcall-1 is most efficiently suppressed by overproduction of Rholp. Overproduction of the other essential target, Cdc42p, in contrast, is deleterious incall-1 cells, but not in othercdc43 mutants or the wild-type strains. Thecdc43-5 mutant cells accumulate Cdc42p in soluble pools andcdc43-5 is suppressed by overproduction of Cdc42p. Thus, several phenotypic differences are observed among thecall/cdc43 mutations, possibly due to alterations in substrate specificity caused by the mutations.  相似文献   

Polyketides are secondary metabolites with diverse biological activities. Polyketide synthases (PKS) are often encoded from genes clustered in the same genomic region. Functional analyses and genomic studies show that most fungi are capable of producing a repertoire of polyketides. We considered the potential of Ceratocystidaceae for producing polyketides using a comparative genomics approach. Our aims were to identify the putative polyketide biosynthesis gene clusters, to characterize them and predict the types of polyketide compounds they might produce. We used sequences from nineteen species in the genera, Ceratocystis, Endoconidiophora, Davidsoniella, Huntiella, Thielaviopsis and Bretziella, to identify and characterize PKS gene clusters, by employing a range of bioinformatics and phylogenetic tools. We showed that the genomes contained putative clusters containing a non-reducing type I PKS and a type III PKS. Phylogenetic analyses suggested that these genes were already present in the ancestor of the Ceratocystidaceae. By contrast, the various reducing type I PKS-containing clusters identified in these genomes appeared to have distinct evolutionary origins. Although one of the identified clusters potentially allows for the production of melanin, their functional characterization will undoubtedly reveal many novel and important compounds implicated in the biology of the Ceratocystidaceae.  相似文献   

Summary The Escherichia coli recA protein coding region was ligated into an extrachromosomally replicating yeast expression vector downstream of the yeast alcohol dehydrogenase promoter region to produce plasmid pADHrecA. Transformation of the wild-type yeast strains YNN-27 and 7799-4B, as well as the recombination-deficient rad52-t C5-6 mutant, with this shuttle plasmid resulted in the expression of the bacterial 38 kDa RecA protein in exponential phase cells. The wild-type YNN27 and 7799-4B transformants expressing the bacterial recA gene showed increased resistance to the toxic effects of both ionizing and ultraviolet radiation. RecA moderately stimulated the UV-induced mutagenic response of 7799-4B cells. Transformation of the rad52-t mutant with plasmid pADHrecA did not result in the complementation of sensitivity to ionizing radiation. Thus, the RecA protein endows the yeast cells with additional activities, which were shown to be error-prone and dependent on the RAD52 gene.  相似文献   

During periods of water deficit, plants accumulate late embryogenesis-abundant (LEA) proteins which are thought to protect cells from stresses associated with dehydration. One of these genes, le25, is expressed in tomato leaves and roots in response to water deficit and abscisic acid accumulation. To study the function of this protein and to test the effect of overproduction of the LE25 protein in Saccharomyces cerevisiae (Sc), a recombinant plasmid in which le25 is expressed under the control of the GAL1 promoter was constructed. The content of LE25 was high in Sc cells transformed with the recombinant plasmid. The transformant exhibited several stress-tolerant phenotypes. Growth of the transformant in a medium with 1.2 M NaCl was improved, as compared to a control strain. While the control strain showed a long lag phase of 40 h, le25-expressing cells showed a shortened lag phase of 10 h. However, no growth improvement was observed in a medium with 2 M sorbitol. In addition, the transformant had an increased survival rate after freezing stress, but not after high-temperature stress. These results, together with its predicted secondary structure, may indicate that LE25 functions as an ion scavenger.  相似文献   

【目的】本研究旨在确认链霉菌Streptomyces rubellomurinus ATCC 31215来源芳香聚酮化合物(gombapyrones, GOMs)的生物合成基因簇(biosynthetic gene cluster, BGC),并对其生物合成途径进行推导。【方法】对链霉菌S. rubellomurinus ATCC 31215进行大规模发酵及提取分离,得到GOM-B和GOM-D;以三烷基取代芳香聚酮生物合成途径保守存在的P450单氧化酶的蛋白序列作为探针,在GOMs产生菌S. rubellomurinus基因组中进行BLAST搜索获得潜在的GOMs生物合成基因簇(gom BGC);通过对gom BGC中的聚酮合成酶(polyketide synthase, PKS)结构基因进行同框缺失突变,对突变株发酵产物进行高效液相色谱-质谱(highperformanceliquidchromatography-massspectrometry,HPLC-MS)分析以确认gomBGC与GOMs的产生相关;基于生物信息学分析,推导GOM-B的生物合成途径。【结果】从S. rubell...  相似文献   

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