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Social interaction occurs in bats. In a group of 10 Megaderma lyra (seven female and two male adults, as well as one female juvenile) held in captivity, two stereotyped flying behaviour patterns —the ‘grumbling flight’ and the ‘song flight’ — were observed and studied. The ‘grumbling flight’ is a social interaction in flight between at least two Megaderma lyra in which ‘grumble sequences’ are emitted. This behaviour is triggered by stress or arising aggression, and presumably attempts to avoid agonistic interactions with dangerous physical contact. The song flight was exclusively displayed by the dominant male bat and only directed at the non-lactating female members of the group, with a preference to alien females. This behaviour is composed of three behavioural stages, each accompanied by a specific ‘song strophe’. The song flight presumably aims at bonding the females to the male. During the grumbling flight and the song flight, M. lyra emits communication sounds in the ultrasonic range. The sounds consist of simple elements (FMdown, FMup, CF), and are similar to types of sounds emitted for echolocation by various bat species.  相似文献   

We studied development of prey capture, under captive conditions, on five newly weaned Indian false vampire bats Megaderma lyra. We tested the hypothesis that the young bats are able to improve the ability of hunting by trial and error. An additional hypothesis was that their rate of prey consumption and method of handling prey improve with age. We separated the juveniles from their mothers and observed them individually at different ages. At 58 d of age, M. lyra roosted 2 m above floor level, flew down only towards moving frogs, landed >1 m away from them and returned to roosts without showing attempt to capture. At day 60, bats roosted at 50‐cm heights, landed approx. 1 m away from frogs and moved towards them. Although bats intercepted frogs, their attempts to capture were still unsuccessful. At day 62, bats landed <1 m from frogs, made similar attempts and most of them were successful. Bats carried frogs, roosted at heights of 100 cm and started consuming. Numbers of jumps made by frogs and attempts made by bats during successful captures decreased with increase in age of bats. Furthermore, the distance between landing sites of bats and places where frogs stayed during landings decreased with advancement of age. Until 75 d of age, M. lyra devoured frogs with legs‐first on significantly more occasions. After 75 d, most of the consumptions started with heads of frogs, similar to adults. Duration of feeding on single frogs was significantly longer compared with that of mothers until young were 75‐d old. The study revealed that juveniles were inefficient on localization, rate of consumption, and handling prey at earlier ages (e.g. 60 d). They became efficient on these behavioural components at later age, i.e. after 75 d. Thus, the results were in accordance with both the hypotheses. Bats did not respond to stationary frogs.  相似文献   

Carbonic anhydrase-related protein XI (CA-RP XI) is a member of the α-carbonic anhydrase family (encoded by the gene CA-11), which has lost features of the active site required for enzymatic activity. Using PCR, we amplified CA-11 from genomic DNA of the bat Megaderma lyra. To elucidate the gene structure, we sequenced PCR products and compared their sequences with genomic and mRNA sequences known from human and domestic pig. We identified and sequenced eight introns in the bat CA-11. Five introns (introns 3–7) are located in identical or similar positions in other members of the vertebrate α-carbonic anhydrase gene family. Two 5′ introns and one 3′ intron are located in the regions of little or no sequence similarity with other members of the gene family. The low sequence similarity and additional introns suggest a separate evolutionary origin for the 5′ and 3′ portions of the CA-RP XI gene.  相似文献   

2004年12月10日,在广西南宁地区马山县金伦洞捕到2只雄性印度假吸血蝠(Megaderma lyra:Megadermatidae,Chiroptera),分析其中的胃容物,发现有蝙蝠的残遗物,包括牙齿、后足、骨骼、毛发(棕黄色);未发现昆虫残遗物。通过对残遗物中牙齿(上颌齿式:的鉴定,与蝙蝠科鼠耳蝠属(Myotis)的齿式一致,因此确定印度假吸血蝠捕食了鼠耳蝠属的蝙蝠。  相似文献   

The hemoglobin of the Indian false vampire Megaderma lyra contains only one component. In this paper, we are presenting its primary structure. The globin chains were separated by high-performance liquid chromatography and the sequences determined by automatic liquid and gas phase Edman degradation of the chains and their tryptic peptides, as well as of the prolyl-peptides obtained by acid hydrolysis of the Asp-Pro bond in the alpha- and beta-chains. The alpha-chains show 23 and the beta-chains 20 exchanges compared with the human alpha- and beta-chains, respectively. In the alpha-chains, three exchanges involved alpha 1/beta 1 contacts. In the beta-chains one heme-and three alpha 1/beta 1 contacts are exchanged. The functional and systematic aspects of these replacements are discussed.  相似文献   

The neotropical vampire bats (Desmodus rotundus) echolocate using ultrasonic pulses like those of the Latin American phyllostomatid bats. In this paper the orally produced echolocation sounds of Desmodus are analysed and the performance of the echolocation system is studied in two-choice training experiments on two vampire bats. Ability to detect objects is relatively limited; both animals were capable of discerning the presence of a 1 cm wide metal strip at a distance of 50 cm, but they failed with 0.5 cm wide strips. The ultrasonic pulses produced at a distance of 50 cm appear to sample an area with a diameter of 2.5 to 3.0 cm (i. e., the solid angle tested with each pulse is 3° to 3° 40′ in extent).  相似文献   

The present study investigated whether and to which extent temporal integration in bats is influenced by echolocation behavior. One way to quantify temporal integration is to measure the detection threshold for a pair of short tone pips as a function of the temporal separation between the pips. To asses the effect of preceding sonar emission on temporal integration in the bat, Megaderma lyra, the detection thresholds of identical subjects were measured in a passive as well as in an active paradigm. In the passive paradigm, the presentation of the pip pairs was independent of the bats' sonar emissions; in the active paradigm, the presentation was triggered by the bats' sonar emissions. In both cases, the bats showed a very short integration time in the range of 100-200 micros. Moreover, the comparison of the active and passive results within each bat revealed no systematic differences in the two measuring paradigms. These results indicate that temporal integration is not influenced by echolocation. Simulations with a computer model of cochlear filtering based on measurements of M. lyra cochlear tuning suggest that the perceptual temporal integration is dominated by the integration of the cochlear filters.  相似文献   

For a gleaning bat hunting prey from the ground, rustling sounds generated by prey movements are essential to invoke a hunting behaviour. The detection of prey-generated rustling sounds may depend heavily on the time structure of the prey-generated and the masking sounds due to their spectral similarity. Here, we systematically investigate the effect of the temporal structure on psychophysical rustling-sound detection in the gleaning bat, Megaderma lyra. A recorded rustling sound serves as the signal; the maskers are either Gaussian noise or broadband noise with various degrees of envelope fluctuations. Exploratory experiments indicate that the selective manipulation of the temporal structure of the rustling sound does not influence its detection in a Gaussian-noise masker. The results of the main experiment show, however, that the temporal structure of the masker has a strong and systematic effect on rustling-sound detection: When the width of irregularly spaced gaps in the masker exceeded about 0.3 ms, rustling-sound detection improved monotonically with increasing gap duration. Computer simulations of this experiment reveal that a combined detection strategy of spectral and temporal analysis underlies rustling-sound detection with fluctuating masking sounds.  相似文献   

To study variation of infestations by the bat fly Raymondia lobulata (Diptera: Streblidae) on the greater false vampire bat Megaderma lyra (Chiroptera: Megadermatidae), we captured individual bats at their day roost in the south of India and recorded their rate of infestation continuously for a year. All examined bats (n = 72 individuals, 202 captures) were infested with parasites (n = 3,008). However, the recorded intensity of infestation (range 1-33) was gender-related and statistically higher in females than in males (F(1, 200) = 304.45, P < 0.001). Furthermore, pregnant and lactating females had greater parasite loads than non-reproductive females and males (F(1, 63) = 23.34, P < 0.001 and F(1, 37) = 78.07, P < 0.001, respectively). No significant differences were observed between males either during mating and non-mating periods or breeding and non-breeding seasons. Analysis of the relationship between parasite infestation and the reproductive status of bats revealed that pregnant and lactating females with pups were more vulnerable hosts for parasites. Our results also suggest a well-developed coevolutionary strategy for synchronized reproduction within the host-parasite relationship and add to our understanding of how host sex and reproductive status shape the dynamics of parasitism.  相似文献   

In complexity, the mammalian nasal fossa is unparalleled among vertebrates. Although total nasal epithelial surface areas (SA) have been reported for numerous mammals, detailed quantitative reports on individual structures exist for few mammals. Here, we examine mucosal distribution in the nasal fossa of the greater false vampire bat, Megaderma lyra (Megadermatidae, Chiropera). The SA of the left nasal fossa of one adult Megaderma was measured in serial histological sections; the development of the nasal fossa was assessed using three fetal specimens. The nasal fossa of Megaderma has seven ethmoturbinals and multiple smaller interturbinals between them, all bearing olfactory mucosa. Nearly half of the total olfactory SA of the nasal fossa lines these turbinals; the remainder lines recesses and parts of the medial (septal) and lateral walls of the nasal fossa. The maxilloturbinal is diminutive, and the nasoturbinal is absent. Volumetric measurements of the fetal and adult vomeronasal organ suggest age-related reduction. Thirty-five percent of the nasal fossa is lined with olfactory mucosa, within the range reported previously for chiropterans. In Megaderma the frontal recess contributes little to total nasal SA (2% of all olfactory SA). This represents a significant departure in morphology compared to other mammals, including some bats, in which the frontal recess is much larger. The significance of the emphasis in olfactory SA distribution to central or more peripheral (paranasal) spaces could be investigated using a large sample of phylogenetically diverse mammals, such as bats. This study emphasizes the need for more histological detail to further such studies.  相似文献   

Functional neuroimaging research provides detailed observations of the response patterns that natural sounds (e.g. human voices and speech, animal cries, environmental sounds) evoke in the human brain. The computational and representational mechanisms underlying these observations, however, remain largely unknown. Here we combine high spatial resolution (3 and 7 Tesla) functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) with computational modeling to reveal how natural sounds are represented in the human brain. We compare competing models of sound representations and select the model that most accurately predicts fMRI response patterns to natural sounds. Our results show that the cortical encoding of natural sounds entails the formation of multiple representations of sound spectrograms with different degrees of spectral and temporal resolution. The cortex derives these multi-resolution representations through frequency-specific neural processing channels and through the combined analysis of the spectral and temporal modulations in the spectrogram. Furthermore, our findings suggest that a spectral-temporal resolution trade-off may govern the modulation tuning of neuronal populations throughout the auditory cortex. Specifically, our fMRI results suggest that neuronal populations in posterior/dorsal auditory regions preferably encode coarse spectral information with high temporal precision. Vice-versa, neuronal populations in anterior/ventral auditory regions preferably encode fine-grained spectral information with low temporal precision. We propose that such a multi-resolution analysis may be crucially relevant for flexible and behaviorally-relevant sound processing and may constitute one of the computational underpinnings of functional specialization in auditory cortex.  相似文献   

Two West Indian names inOperculina are briefly discussed and compared with the Old WorldO. turpethum (L.) S. Manso. The conclusions are made thatO. triquetra (Vahl) H. Hallier is a taxonomic synonym ofO. turpethum and thatO. ventricosa (Bertero) Peter may best be considered a variety ofO. turpethum. Typification ofOperculina is discussed, and it is found that, although S. Manso had a mixed concept ofO. turpethum, this species must be the type of the genus.  相似文献   

Bats modify the structure and emission pattern of their calls to cope with the functional constraints of a given echolocation situation. As a consequence, the flexibility in sonar call use affects the potential niche use of a species. The present paper addresses call use in Megaderma lyra, a species with a short, broadband multiharmonic basic call, in typical orientation situations, when emerging from and re-entering a day roost, in cruising flight and when passing through vegetation, and during the pursuit of tethered, flying insects. While call duration and emission rate were adapted to the four orientation situations, call spectral composition was similar in these situations, except that bats emitted calls containing more harmonics when re-entering the roost. These moderate call modifications may be accounted for by the observation that M. lyra stayed close to landscape elements even in open habitats. Although M. lyra is a typical gleaner, all tested bats approached flying insects, guided by sonar calls of significantly decreasing duration and pulse interval, and of increasing sweep rate. Before capture, peak frequency was lowered from call to call. The spontaneous approaches towards flying insects with systematic changes in call pattern suggest regular aerial hunting in this species.  相似文献   

Vampire squid (Vampyroteuthis infernalis) are considered phylogenetic relics with cephalopod features of both octopods and squids. They lack feeding tentacles, but in addition to their eight arms, they have two retractile filaments, the exact functions of which have puzzled scientists for years. We present the results of investigations on the feeding ecology and behaviour of Vampyroteuthis, which include extensive in situ, deep-sea video recordings from MBARI''s remotely operated vehicles (ROVs), laboratory feeding experiments, diet studies and morphological examinations of the retractile filaments, the arm suckers and cirri. Vampire squid were found to feed on detrital matter of various sizes, from small particles to larger marine aggregates. Ingested items included the remains of gelatinous zooplankton, discarded larvacean houses, crustacean remains, diatoms and faecal pellets. Both ROV observations and laboratory experiments led to the conclusion that vampire squid use their retractile filaments for the capture of food, supporting the hypothesis that the filaments are homologous to cephalopod arms. Vampyroteuthis'' feeding behaviour is unlike any other cephalopod, and reveals a unique adaptation that allows these animals to spend most of their life at depths where oxygen concentrations are very low, but where predators are few and typical cephalopod food is scarce.  相似文献   

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