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Estimates have been made of the amounts of 3,5,3'-triiodothyrone (T3) and 3,3',5'-triiodothyronine (rT3) derived from peripheral deiodination of thyroxine (T4) in young pigs. Two methods were used. The first depended on the assumption that deiodination occurs at the same rate in normal animals and in thyroidectomized animals on T4 replacement therapy. The second on the assumption that T3 and rT3 are secreted in the same proportions as they occur in thyroglobulin. The first method arguably gives the better estimate which is that 87% of circulating T4 is monodeiodinated to T3 and rT3. Peripheral conversion accounts for 76 and 69% of the circulating T3 and rT3, respectively.  相似文献   

1. Resting VO2 at 22.7 degrees C was 0.217 +/- 0.007 ml O2/g/hr in Nauphoeta cinerea of 0.51 +/- 0.008 g body mass. 2. Whole animal resting metabolic rate for 11 cockroach species scaled allometrically: VO2 = 0.261 M0.776. 3. Allometry of resting VO2 among cockroach species is similar to that in vertebrates, and is consistent with models based on both "elastic similarity" and "biological similitude."  相似文献   



The purpose of this study is to examine that not only the relationship of the resting metabolic rate (RMR) and cardiorespiratory fitness(VO2peak), but also the comparison between measured and predicted results of RMR in obese men.


60 obese men (body fat>32%) were recruited for this study. They did not participate in regular exercising programs at least 6 months. The RMR was measured with indirect calorimetry and predicted RMR using Herris-Benedicte equation. The cardiorespiratory fitness was determined by directly measuring the oxygen consumption (VO2peak) during the exercise on the treadmill.


The significance for the difference between the measured results and predicted result of RMR were tested by paired t-test. Correlation of measured date was obtained by Pearson correlation coefficient. The value of predicted RMR and measured RMR were significantly different in these obese subjects. (p < 0.001). The difference between RMR cardiorespiratory fitness and cardiorespiratory fitness showed significant correlation (r=0.67, p < 0.05).


The current formulas of predicted RMR have limited the evaluation of measured RMR for Korean obese men. Therefore, this study suggests that new formula should be designed for Korean in order to obtain more accurate results in obese.  相似文献   

Resting energy expenditure (REE) values after consuming chicken essence tablets were significantly higher than those observed after consuming skim milk protein tablets (control trial). The increased thermogenic effects continued at least for a period of one hour and gradually decreased towards the baseline. The REE values during control treatment did not show such an augmented response.  相似文献   

The protein kinase activity of right and left ventricular cytosol fractions has been determined in a group of 3,5,3′-triiodothyronine (T3) treated and control rats over a period of 7 days.The ventricular weights of the T3 treated group had increased much more quickly than the control group by the third day. By the seventh day the rate of growth of the ventricles was the same as the controls. The protein kinase activity of the T3 treated group increased significantly after three days. After seven days of treatment the protein kinase activity returned to control levels.  相似文献   

Stimulation of sulfation by T31 in chick embryo cartilage was blocked when actinomycin D or camptothecin was added to the incubation medium together with the T3. When either inhibitor was added 2 hr after the T3, the stimulation was not affected. The results suggest that there is an early step in the action of T3 that involves synthesis of a stable species of RNA that is larger than 5S. α-Amanitin had no effect on the stimulation of sulfation by T3, although it inhibited synthesis of poly(A)-rich RNA almost completely. This suggests that the action of T3 is not associated with increased synthesis of RNA by RNA polymerase II. We conclude that the stimulation of sulfation by T3 involves synthesis of a species of RNA that is larger than 5S but is not a messenger.  相似文献   

Andre D 《Obesity (Silver Spring, Md.)》2007,15(5):1337; author reply 1337-1337; author reply 1338

Resting metabolic rate in southern catfish of 2 and 5 day fasting groups were significantly higher than that of the 15 day fasting group ( P  < 0·05). After feeding, peak metabolic rate of specific dynamic action (SDA) of the 15 day fasting group was significantly lower than that of the 2 and 5 day fasting groups ( P  < 0·05). The duration of the SDA of the 15 day fasting group was significantly longer than that of the 2 day fasting group ( P  < 0·05) and the SDA coefficient of the 15 day fasting group was significantly lower than that of the 2 day fasting group ( P  < 0·05).  相似文献   

The influence of a sandy substrate on the estimation of the resting metabolic rate of juvenile sole was determined using a static type of respirometer. Oxygen consumption of fish deprived of sand was almost double that of fish provided with sand.  相似文献   

Objective: This study examined the repeatability of measuring resting metabolic rate (RMR) in preschool children and the effect of different calculation protocols. Research Methods and Procedures: Eleven children (4 females and 7 males) participated in the project. They were recruited through advertisements in local schools and community centers. Resting metabolic rate was measured on 3 occasions over a 2‐week period, each after an overnight fast and each lasting ~20 to 25 minutes. Results were compared using repeated‐measures ANOVA to check for repeatability, and a number of methods of calculating RMR were assessed. Results: Repeatability of RMR measurements was good (coefficient of variation of replicates, 6.8%), with no significant difference between days of measurement. The lowest RMR measurement was obtained when the first 10 minutes were excluded and periods during which large activity was observed were excluded. This measurement was, on average, 4% lower than averaging the measurements after the first 5 minutes, including body movements. Discussion: This study suggests that RMR can be measured in preschool children and that the best method for calculating RMR in these subjects is to exclude periods when large body movements occur and the first 10 minutes of the measurement period. Only a single measurement of RMR is needed to obtain a reliable estimate.  相似文献   

Rats of both sexes were either cold acclimated (6 +/- 1 degree C) or treated with thyroxine (T4) or 3,5,3'-triiodothyronine (T3) (500 micrograms/kg body wt daily s.c. for 3 weeks). Wet weight, total proteins, lipids and nucleic acids in the interscapular brown adipose tissue (IBAT) were measured. Values obtained with T4 treatment were similar to those obtained with T3 treatment. T3 is the main thyroidal hormone in the rat and it is formed from T4 deiodination in liver and kidney. As T4-treated rats have not received T3 directly and its IBAT has a similar composition to that of T3-treated rats, it is concluded that peripheral T4 deiodination is governed by the plasma T4 levels. Total proteins and DNA content were similar in cold-acclimated and T3- or T4-treated rats, which is interpreted as thyroidal hormones having an action at these levels.  相似文献   

J Segal 《Biochemistry》1988,27(7):2586-2590
3,5,3'-Triiodothyronine (T3) produced a rapid and transient increase in 45Ca uptake and cytoplasmic free calcium concentration in rat thymocytes, which is the most rapid effect of T3 in this system. This effect was manifested in cells suspended in medium containing 1 mM calcium. The T3 effect on 45Ca uptake was evident at 15-30 s, reached maximum at 30-60 s, and returned to control values at 5 min. The T3 effect on cytoplasmic free calcium concentration was seen after 30 s, reached maximum at 7 min, and returned to control values after 24 min. In cells suspended in Ca2+-free medium, T3 produced a similar rapid increase in 45Ca uptake, which was sustained for at least 60 min, but T3 failed to change cytoplasmic free calcium concentration. Alprenolol (10 microM) blocked the stimulatory effects of T3 on these two functions in a similar fashion. From these results, I suggest that in rat thymocytes T3 influences cellular calcium economy through a biphasic mechanism in which T3 first increases calcium uptake which, in turn, is followed by a release of calcium from intracellular pool(s), resulting in a further increase in cytoplasmic free calcium concentration and the activation of Ca2+ -regulated systems. Moreover, the present study provides further support for the postulate that in the rat thymocyte calcium serves as the first messenger for the plasma membrane-mediated stimulatory effects of T3 on several metabolic functions.  相似文献   

Summary Some early reports have claimed that the Mongolian gerbil is a diurnal rodent, but we found it to be active both night and day, being more active at night. A circadian rhythm was found both in locomotory activity under laboratory conditions and in average daily metabolic rate (ADMR).The ADMR of the Mongolian gerbil observed at 20° C in our study was 2.921 ml O2/g·h which was near the value expected from Grodzinski's equation (ADMR=19.94 W-0.50).Both ADMR and RMR were found to be negatively correlated with ambient temperature, with the slope of the regression line for ADMR being less than that for RMR. These two lines intersected at 20° C, lower below 20° C.According to Grodzinski, the ADMR is usually lower than RMR, but in our study the ADMR was found to be lower than the RMR only below 20° C, which suggests that the ambient temperature acts differently on ADMR and RMR. The temperature-dependent variation of both ADMR and RMR as well as their differences should be taken into account in the estimation of the productivity of animal population.  相似文献   

Objective: It is unclear if resting metabolic rate (RMR) and spontaneous physical activity (SPA) decrease in weight‐reduced non‐obese participants. Additionally, it is unknown if changes in SPA, measured in a respiratory chamber, reflect changes in free‐living physical activity level (PAL). Research Methods and Procedures: Participants (N = 48) were randomized into 4 groups for 6 months: calorie restriction (CR, 25% restriction), CR plus structured exercise (CR+EX, 12.5% restriction plus 12.5% increased energy expenditure via exercise), low‐calorie diet (LCD, 890 kcal/d supplement diet until 15% weight loss, then weight maintenance), and control (weight maintenance). Measurements were collected at baseline, Month 3, and Month 6. Body composition and RMR were measured by DXA and indirect calorimetry, respectively. Two measures of SPA were collected in a respiratory chamber (percent of time active and kcal/d). Free‐living PAL (PAL = total daily energy expenditure by doubly labeled water/RMR) was also measured. Regression equations at baseline were used to adjust RMR for fat‐free mass and SPA (kcal/d) for body weight. Results: Adjusted RMR decreased at Month 3 in the CR group and at Month 6 in the CR+EX and LCD groups. Neither measure of SPA decreased significantly in any group. PAL decreased at Month 3 in the CR and LCD groups, but not in the CR+EX group, who engaged in structured exercise. Changes in SPA in the chamber and free‐living PAL were not related. Discussion: Body weight is defended in non‐obese participants during modest caloric restriction, evidenced by metabolic adaptation of RMR and reduced energy expenditure through physical activity.  相似文献   

1. A general hypothesis is presented to explain interspecific differences in size-independent resting metabolic rate. This hypothesis is based on a presumed trade-off between a low resting metabolism and adaptations of metabolism during activity.
2. With such a trade-off, selection to reduce resting metabolism is less intense in active species than in species where resting metabolism constitutes a large proportion of the daily metabolic costs. Those animals that spend more energy on activity should therefore have a higher resting metabolic rate than animals that spend less energy on activity.
3. A literature review reveals that flying insects have higher resting metabolic rates than species that use energetically less demanding types of locomotion.
4. Insects producing acoustic advertisement signals can be shown to have higher mass-independent resting metabolic rates than closely related species without this energetically demanding behaviour.
5. Literature data on vertebrate resting metabolic rates are also consistent with the presented hypothesis: the more energy animals spend on activity, the higher the mass-independent resting metabolic rate.  相似文献   

Harmful parasite infestation can cause energetically costly behavioural and immunological responses, with the potential to reduce host fitness and survival. It has been hypothesized that the energetic costs of infection cause resting metabolic rate (RMR) to increase. Furthermore, under terminal investment theory, individuals exposed to pathogens should allocate resources to current reproduction when life expectancy is reduced, instead of concentrating resources on an immune defence. In this study, we activated the immune system of Tenebrio molitor males via insertion of nylon monofilament, conducted female preference tests to estimate attractiveness of male odours and assessed RMR and mortality. We found that attractiveness of males coincided with significant down‐regulation of their encapsulation response against a parasite‐like intruder. Activation of the immune system increased RMR only in males with heightened odour attractiveness and that later suffered higher mortality rates. The results suggest a link between high RMR and mortality and support terminal investment theory in T. molitor.  相似文献   

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