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Brazilian Nellore cattle (Bos indicus) have been selected for growth traits for over more than four decades. In recent years, reproductive and meat quality traits have become more important because of increasing consumption, exports and consumer demand. The identification of genome regions altered by artificial selection can potentially permit a better understanding of the biology of specific phenotypes that are useful for the development of tools designed to increase selection efficiency. Therefore, the aims of this study were to detect evidence of recent selection signatures in Nellore cattle using extended haplotype homozygosity methodology and BovineHD marker genotypes (>777 000 single nucleotide polymorphisms) as well as to identify corresponding genes underlying these signals. Thirty‐one significant regions (< 0.0001) of possible recent selection signatures were detected, and 19 of these overlapped quantitative trait loci related to reproductive traits, growth, feed efficiency, meat quality, fatty acid profiles and immunity. In addition, 545 genes were identified in regions harboring selection signatures. Within this group, 58 genes were associated with growth, muscle and adipose tissue metabolism, reproductive traits or the immune system. Using relative extended haplotype homozygosity to analyze high‐density single nucleotide polymorphism marker data allowed for the identification of regions potentially under artificial selection pressure in the Nellore genome, which might be used to better understand autozygosity and the effects of selection on the Nellore genome.  相似文献   

Short read sequencing of diploid individuals does not permit the direct inference of the sequence on each of the two homologous chromosomes. Although various phasing software packages exist, they were primarily tailored for and tested on human data, which differ from other species in factors that influence phasing, such as SNP density, amounts of linkage disequilibrium (LD) and sample sizes. Despite becoming increasingly popular for other species, the reliability of phasing in non‐human data has not been evaluated to a sufficient extent. We scrutinized the phasing accuracy for Drosophila melanogaster, a species with high polymorphism levels and reduced LD relative to humans. We phased two D. melanogaster populations and compared the results to the known haplotypes. The performance increased with size of the reference panel and was highest when the reference panel and phased individuals were from the same population. Full genomic SNP data and inclusion of sequence read information also improved phasing. Despite humans and Drosophila having similar switch error rates between polymorphic sites, the distances between switch errors were much shorter in Drosophila with only fragments <300–1500 bp being correctly phased with ≥95% confidence. This suggests that the higher SNP density cannot compensate for the higher recombination rate in D. melanogaster. Furthermore, we show that populations that have gone through demographic events such as bottlenecks can be phased with higher accuracy. Our results highlight that statistically phased data are particularly error prone in species with large population sizes or populations lacking suitable reference panels.  相似文献   

Establishing corridors of connecting habitat has become a mainstay conservation strategy to maintain gene flow and facilitate climate‐driven range shifts. Yet, little attention has been given to ascertaining the extent to which corridors will benefit philopatric species, which might exhibit localized adaptation. Measures of genetic connectivity and adaptive genetic variation across species’ ranges can help fill this knowledge gap. Here, we characterized the spatial genetic structure of Cunningham's skink (Egernia cunninghami), a philopatric species distributed along Australia's Great Dividing Range, and assessed evidence of localized adaptation. Analysis of 4,274 SNPs from 94 individuals sampled at four localities spanning 500 km and 4° of latitude revealed strong genetic structuring at neutral loci (mean FST ± SD = 0.603 ± 0.237) among the localities. Putatively neutral SNPs and those under divergent selection yielded contrasting spatial patterns, with the latter identifying two genetically distinct clusters. Given low genetic connectivity of the four localities, we suggest that the natural movement rate of this species is insufficient to keep pace with spatial shifts to its climate envelope, irrespective of habitat availability. In addition, our finding of localized adaptation highlights the risk of outbreeding depression should the translocation of individuals be adopted as a conservation management strategy.  相似文献   

Utilization of multiple putatively neutral DNA markers for inferring evolutionary history of species population is considered to be the most robust approach. Molecular population genetic studies have been conducted in many species of Anopheles genus, but studies based on single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) data are still very scarce. Anopheles minimus is one of the principal malaria vectors of Southeast (SE) Asia including the Northeastern (NE) India. Although population genetic studies with mitochondrial genetic variation data have been utilized to infer phylogeography of the SE Asian populations of this species, limited information on the population structure and demography of Indian An. minimus is available. We herewith have developed multilocus nuclear genetic approach with SNP markers located in X chromosome of An. minimus in eight Indian and two SE Asian population samples (121 individual mosquitoes in total) to infer population history and test several hypotheses on the phylogeography of this species. While the Thai population sample of An. minimus presented the highest nucleotide diversity, majority of the Indian samples were also fairly diverse. In general, An. minimus populations were moderately substructured in the distribution range covering SE Asia and NE India, largely falling under three distinct genetic clusters. Moreover, demographic expansion events could be detected in the majority of the presently studied populations of An. minimus. Additional DNA sequencing of the mitochondrial COII region in a subset of the samples (40 individual mosquitoes) corroborated the existing hypothesis of Indian An. minimus falling under the earlier reported mitochondrial lineage B.  相似文献   

Despite being a major international crop, our understanding of the wheat genome is relatively poor due to its large size and complexity. To gain a greater understanding of wheat genome diversity, we have identified single nucleotide polymorphisms between 16 Australian bread wheat varieties. Whole‐genome shotgun Illumina paired read sequence data were mapped to the draft assemblies of chromosomes 7A, 7B and 7D to identify more than 4 million intervarietal SNPs. SNP density varied between the three genomes, with much greater density observed on the A and B genomes than the D genome. This variation may be a result of substantial gene flow from the tetraploid Triticum turgidum, which possesses A and B genomes, during early co‐cultivation of tetraploid and hexaploid wheat. In addition, we examined SNP density variation along the chromosome syntenic builds and identified genes in low‐density regions which may have been selected during domestication and breeding. This study highlights the impact of evolution and breeding on the bread wheat genome and provides a substantial resource for trait association and crop improvement. All SNP data are publically available on a generic genome browser GBrowse at www.wheatgenome.info .  相似文献   

Linkage disequilibrium (LD) is the nonrandom association of alleles at two markers. Patterns of LD have biological implications as well as practical ones when designing association studies or conservation programs aimed at identifying the genetic basis of fitness differences within and among populations. However, the temporal dynamics of LD in wild populations has received little empirical attention. In this study, we examined the overall extent of LD, the effect of sample size on the accuracy and precision of LD estimates, and the temporal dynamics of LD in two populations of bighorn sheep (Ovis canadensis) with different demographic histories. Using over 200 microsatellite loci, we assessed two metrics of multi‐allelic LD, D′, and χ′2. We found that both populations exhibited high levels of LD, although the extent was much shorter in a native population than one that was founded via translocation, experienced a prolonged bottleneck post founding, followed by recent admixture. In addition, we observed significant variation in LD in relation to the sample size used, with small sample sizes leading to depressed estimates of the extent of LD but inflated estimates of background levels of LD. In contrast, there was not much variation in LD among yearly cross‐sections within either population once sample size was accounted for. Lack of pronounced interannual variability suggests that researchers may not have to worry about interannual variation when estimating LD in a population and can instead focus on obtaining the largest sample size possible.  相似文献   

With the access to draft genome sequence assemblies and whole‐genome resequencing data from population samples, molecular ecology studies will be able to take truly genome‐wide approaches. This now applies to an avian model system in ecological and evolutionary research: Old World flycatchers of the genus Ficedula, for which we recently obtained a 1.1 Gb collared flycatcher genome assembly and identified 13 million single‐nucleotide polymorphism (SNP)s in population resequencing of this species and its sister species, pied flycatcher. Here, we developed a custom 50K Illumina iSelect flycatcher SNP array with markers covering 30 autosomes and the Z chromosome. Using a number of selection criteria for inclusion in the array, both genotyping success rate and polymorphism information content (mean marker heterozygosity = 0.41) were high. We used the array to assess linkage disequilibrium (LD) and hybridization in flycatchers. Linkage disequilibrium declined quickly to the background level at an average distance of 17 kb, but the extent of LD varied markedly within the genome and was more than 10‐fold higher in ‘genomic islands’ of differentiation than in the rest of the genome. Genetic ancestry analysis identified 33 F1 hybrids but no later‐generation hybrids from sympatric populations of collared flycatchers and pied flycatchers, contradicting earlier reports of backcrosses identified from much fewer number of markers. With an estimated divergence time as recently as <1 Ma, this suggests strong selection against F1 hybrids and unusually rapid evolution of reproductive incompatibility in an avian system.  相似文献   

Threespine stickleback populations are model systems for studying adaptive evolution and the underlying genetics. In lakes on the Haida Gwaii archipelago (off western Canada), stickleback have undergone a remarkable local radiation and show phenotypic diversity matching that seen throughout the species distribution. To provide a historical context for this radiation, we surveyed genetic variation at >1000 single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) loci in stickleback from over 100 populations. SNPs included markers evenly distributed throughout genome and candidate SNPs tagging adaptive genomic regions. Based on evenly distributed SNPs, the phylogeographic pattern differs substantially from the disjunct pattern previously observed between two highly divergent mtDNA lineages. The SNP tree instead shows extensive within watershed population clustering and different watersheds separated by short branches deep in the tree. These data are consistent with separate colonizations of most watersheds, despite underlying genetic connections between some independent drainages. This supports previous suppositions that morphological diversity observed between watersheds has been shaped independently, with populations exhibiting complete loss of lateral plates and giant size each occurring in several distinct clades. Throughout the archipelago, we see repeated selection of SNPs tagging candidate freshwater adaptive variants at several genomic regions differentiated between marine–freshwater populations on a global scale (e.g. EDA, Na/K ATPase). In estuarine sites, both marine and freshwater allelic variants were commonly detected. We also found typically marine alleles present in a few freshwater lakes, especially those with completely plated morphology. These results provide a general model for postglacial colonization of freshwater habitat by sticklebacks and illustrate the tremendous potential of genome‐wide SNP data sets hold for resolving patterns and processes underlying recent adaptive divergences.  相似文献   

Domestication in the near eastern region had a major impact on the gene pool of humpless taurine cattle (Bos taurus). As a result of subsequent natural and artificial selection, hundreds of different breeds have evolved, displaying a broad range of phenotypic traits. Here, 10 Eurasian B. taurus breeds from different biogeographic and production conditions, which exhibit different demographic histories and have been under artificial selection at various intensities, were investigated using the Illumina BovineSNP50 panel to understand their genetic diversity and population structure. In addition, we scanned genomes from eight breeds for signatures of diversifying selection. Our population structure analysis indicated six distinct breed groups, the most divergent being the Yakutian cattle from Siberia. Selection signals were shared (experimental P‐value < 0.01) with more than four breeds on chromosomes 6, 7, 13, 16 and 22. The strongest selection signals in the Yakutian cattle were found on chromosomes 7 and 21, where a miRNA gene and genes related to immune system processes are respectively located. In general, genomic regions indicating selection overlapped with known QTL associated with milk production (e.g. on chromosome 19), reproduction (e.g. on chromosome 24) and meat quality (e.g. on chromosome 7). The selection map created in this study shows that native cattle breeds and their genetic resources represent unique material for future breeding.  相似文献   

Sperm are among the most variable cells in nature. Some of this variation results from nonadaptive errors in spermatogenesis, but many species consistently produce multiple sperm morphs, the adaptive significance of which remains unknown. Here, we investigate the evolution of dimorphic sperm in Lepidoptera, the butterflies and moths. Males of this order produce both fertilizing sperm and a secondary, nonfertilizing type that lacks DNA. Previous organismal studies suggested a role for nonfertilizing sperm in sperm competition, but this hypothesis has never been evaluated from a molecular framework. We combined published data sets with new sequencing in two species, the monandrous Carolina sphinx moth and the highly polyandrous monarch butterfly. Based on population genetic analyses, we see evidence for increased adaptive evolution in fertilizing sperm, but only in the polyandrous species. This signal comes primarily from a decrease in nonsynonymous polymorphism in sperm proteins compared to the rest of the genome, suggesting stronger purifying selection, consistent with selection via sperm competition. Nonfertilizing sperm proteins, in contrast, do not show an effect of mating system and do not appear to evolve differently from the background genome in either species, arguing against the involvement of nonfertilizing sperm in direct sperm competition. Based on our results and previous work, we suggest that nonfertilizing sperm may be used to delay female remating in these insects and decrease the risk of sperm competition rather than directly affect its outcome.  相似文献   

Insights into the genetic characteristics of a species provide important information for wildlife conservation programs. Here, we used the OvineSNP50 BeadChip developed for domestic sheep to examine population structure and evaluate genetic diversity of snow sheep (Ovis nivicola) inhabiting Verkhoyansk Range and Momsky Ridge. A total of 1,121 polymorphic SNPs were used to test 80 specimens representing five populations, including four populations of the Verkhoyansk Mountain chain: Kharaulakh Ridge–Tiksi Bay (TIK,= 22), Orulgan Ridge (ORU,= 22), the central part of Verkhoyansk Range (VER,= 15), Suntar‐Khayata Ridge (SKH,= 13), and Momsky Ridge (MOM,= 8). We showed that the studied populations were genetically structured according to a geographic pattern. Pairwise FST values ranged from 0.044 to 0.205. Admixture analysis identified = 2 as the most likely number of ancestral populations. A Neighbor‐Net tree showed that TIK was an isolated group related to the main network through ORU. TreeMix analysis revealed that TIK and MOM originated from two different ancestral populations and detected gene flow from MOM to ORU. This was supported by the f3 statistic, which showed that ORU is an admixed population with TIK and MOM/SKH heritage. Genetic diversity in the studied groups was increasing southward. Minimum values of observed (Ho) and expected (He) heterozygosity and allelic richness (Ar) were observed in the most northern population—TIK, and maximum values were observed in the most southern population—SKH. Thus, our results revealed clear genetic structure in the studied populations of snow sheep and showed that TIK has a different origin from MOM, SKH, and VER even though they are conventionally considered a single subspecies known as Yakut snow sheep (Ovis nivicola lydekkeri). Most likely, TIK was an isolated group during the Late Pleistocene glaciations of Verkhoyansk Range.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to quantify the extent of linkage disequilibrium (LD) on bovine chromosomes 19 and 29 and to study the pattern of selection signatures in beef and dairy breeds (Angus and Holstein) of Bos taurus. The extent of LD was estimated for 370 and 186 single nucleotide polymorphism markers on BTA19 and 29 respectively using the square of the correlation coefficient (r(2)) among alleles at pairs of loci. A comparison of the extent of LD found that the decline of LD followed a similar pattern in both breeds. We observed long-range LD and found that LD dissipates to background levels at a locus separation of about 20 Mb on both chromosomes. Along each chromosome, patterns of LD were variable in both breeds. We find that a minimum of 30 000 informative and evenly spaced markers would be required for whole-genome association studies in cattle. In addition, we have identified chromosomal regions that show some evidence of selection for economically important traits in Angus and Holstein cattle. The results of this study are of importance for the design and application of association studies.  相似文献   

Discovering local adaptation, its genetic underpinnings, and environmental drivers is important for conserving forest species. Ecological genomic approaches coupled with next‐generation sequencing are useful means to detect local adaptation and uncover its underlying genetic basis in nonmodel species. We report results from a study on flowering dogwood trees (Cornus florida L.) using genotyping by sequencing (GBS). This species is ecologically important to eastern US forests but is severely threatened by fungal diseases. We analyzed subpopulations in divergent ecological habitats within North Carolina to uncover loci under local selection and associated with environmental–functional traits or disease infection. At this scale, we tested the effect of incorporating additional sequencing before scaling for a broader examination of the entire range. To test for biases of GBS, we sequenced two similarly sampled libraries independently from six populations of three ecological habitats. We obtained environmental–functional traits for each subpopulation to identify associations with genotypes via latent factor mixed modeling (LFMM) and gradient forests analysis. To test whether heterogeneity of abiotic pressures resulted in genetic differentiation indicative of local adaptation, we evaluated Fst per locus while accounting for genetic differentiation between coastal subpopulations and Piedmont‐Mountain subpopulations. Of the 54 candidate loci with sufficient evidence of being under selection among both libraries, 28–39 were Arlequin–BayeScan Fst outliers. For LFMM, 45 candidates were associated with climate (of 54), 30 were associated with soil properties, and four were associated with plant health. Reanalysis of combined libraries showed that 42 candidate loci still showed evidence of being under selection. We conclude environment‐driven selection on specific loci has resulted in local adaptation in response to potassium deficiencies, temperature, precipitation, and (to a marginal extent) disease. High allele turnover along ecological gradients further supports the adaptive significance of loci speculated to be under selection.  相似文献   

The Korean Hanwoo cattle have been intensively selected for production traits, especially high intramuscular fat content. It is believed that ancient crossings between different breeds contributed to forming the Hanwoo, but little is known about the genomic differences and similarities between other cattle breeds and the Hanwoo. In this work, cattle breeds were grouped by origin into four types and used for comparisons: the Europeans (represented by six breeds), zebu (Nelore), African taurine (N'Dama) and Hanwoo. All animals had genotypes for around 680 000 SNPs after quality control of genotypes. Average heterozygosity was lower in Nelore and N'Dama (0.22 and 0.21 respectively) than in Europeans (0.26–0.31, with Shorthorn as outlier at 0.24) and Hanwoo (0.29). Pairwise FST analyses demonstrated that Hanwoo are more related to European cattle than to Nelore, with N'Dama in an intermediate position. This finding was corroborated by principal components and unsupervised hierarchical clustering. Using genome‐wide smoothed FST, 55 genomic regions potentially under positive selection in Hanwoo were identified. Among these, 29 were regions also detected in previous studies. Twenty‐four regions were exclusive to Hanwoo, and a number of other regions were shared with one or two of the other groups. These regions overlap a number of genes that are related to immune, reproduction and fatty acid metabolism pathways. Further analyses are needed to better characterize the ancestry of the Hanwoo cattle and to define the genes responsible to the identified selection peaks.  相似文献   

Substantial increases of linkage disequilibrium (LD) both in magnitude and in range have been observed in recently admixed populations such as African-American (AfA). On the other hand, it has also been shown that LD in AfAs was very similar to that of African. In this study, we attempted to resolve these contradicting observations by conducting a systematic examination of the LD structure in AfAs by genotyping a sample of AfA individuals at 24,341 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) spanning almost the entire chromosome 21, with an average density of 1.5 kb/SNP. The overall LD in AfAs is similar to that in African populations and much less than that in European populations. Even when the ancestry-informative markers (AIMs) were used, extended LD in AfA was found to be limited to certain magnitude range (0.2 < or = r(2) < or = 0.8) and certain distance range, that is, between-marker distance more than 200 kb. Furthermore, the inclusion of AfA individuals with predominant African ancestry was found to reduce the overall magnitude of LD. Elevation of LD in the AfA population, compared with its parental populations, can only be observed at the markers with large allele frequency differences between 2 parental populations at limited scenario. AfA individuals of wholly African ancestry contribute little to the extended LD in the AfA population, and further genotyping or association analysis conducted using only admixed individuals may lead to higher statistical power and possibly reduced cost.  相似文献   

In the current study, 160 pathogenic strains of Fusarium oxysporum collected from tomato, eggplant and pepper were studied. Eighteen inter‐primer binding site (iPBS)‐retrotransposon primers were used, and these primers generated 205 scorable polymorphic bands. The number of polymorphic bands per primer varied between 9 and 19, with a mean of 11 bands per primer. The highest polymorphism information content (PIC) value was determined as 0.27, and the lowest was 0.05. The unweighted pair‐group method with arithmetic averages (UPGMA) dendrogram including a heat map revealed that the 160 pathogenic strains of F. oxysporum were divided into two main clusters. The first cluster mainly included F. oxysporum f. sp. capsici (FOC) and F. oxysporum f. sp. melongenae (FOMG) isolates. The second cluster mainly comprised F. oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici (FOL) and F. oxysporum f. sp. radicis lycopersici (FORL) isolates. The highest percentage of loci in significant linkage disequilibrium (LD) was detected for FOL, whereas the lowest level of LD was found for FOC, and 95.2%, 99.4%, 99.1% and 97.4% of the relative kinship estimates were less than 0.4 for FOL, FOMG, FORL and FOC, respectively. LD differences were detected among formae speciales, and LD was higher in FOL as compare to FOC species. The findings of this study confirm that iPBS‐retrotransposon markers are highly polymorphic at the intraspecific level in Fusarium spp.  相似文献   

Identifying recent positive selection signatures in domesticated animals could provide information on genome response to strong directional selection from domestication and artificial selection and therefore could help in identifying mutations responsible for improved traits. We used genotyping data generated using Illumina's BovineSNP50 Genotyping BeadChips to identify selection signatures in the Blonde d'Aquitaine breed, a well‐muscled French beef breed. For this purpose, we employed a hidden Markov model‐based test, which detects selection by studying local variations in the allele frequency spectrum along the genome, within a single population. Three regions containing selective sweeps were identified. Annotation of genes located within these regions revealed interesting candidate genes. For example, myostatin (also known as GDF8), a known muscle growth factor inhibitor, is located within the selection signature region found on chromosome 2. In addition, we have identified chromosomal regions that show some evidence of selection within QTL regions for economically important traits. The results of this study could help to better understand the mechanisms related to the selection of the Blonde d'Aquitaine breed.  相似文献   

Knowledge about population structure and connectivity of waterfowl species, especially mallards (Anas platyrhynchos), is a priority because of recent outbreaks of avian influenza. Ringing studies that trace large‐scale movement patterns have to date been unable to detect clearly delineated mallard populations. We employed 363 single nucleotide polymorphism markers in combination with population genetics and phylogeographical approaches to conduct a population genomic test of panmixia in 801 mallards from 45 locations worldwide. Basic population genetic and phylogenetic methods suggest no or very little population structure on continental scales. Nor could individual‐based structuring algorithms discern geographical structuring. Model‐based coalescent analyses for testing models of population structure pointed to strong genetic connectivity among the world's mallard population. These diverse approaches all support the conclusion that there is a lack of clear population structure, suggesting that the world's mallards, perhaps with minor exceptions, form a single large, mainly interbreeding population.  相似文献   

Chinese pigs have been undergoing both natural and artificial selection for thousands of years. Jinhua pigs are of great importance, as they can be a valuable model for exploring the genetic mechanisms linked to meat quality and other traits such as disease resistance, reproduction and production. The purpose of this study was to identify distinctive footprints of selection between Jinhua pigs and other breeds utilizing genome‐wide SNP data. Genotyping by genome reducing and sequencing was implemented in order to perform cross‐population extended haplotype homozygosity to reveal strong signatures of selection for those economically important traits. This work was performed at a 2% genome level, which comprised 152 006 SNPs genotyped in a total of 517 individuals. Population‐specific footprints of selective sweeps were searched for in the genome of Jinhua pigs using six native breeds and three European breeds as reference groups. Several candidate genes associated with meat quality, health and reproduction, such as GH1, CRHR2, TRAF4 and CCK, were found to be overlapping with the significantly positive outliers. Additionally, the results revealed that some genomic regions associated with meat quality, immune response and reproduction in Jinhua pigs have evolved directionally under domestication and subsequent selections. The identified genes and biological pathways in Jinhua pigs showed different selection patterns in comparison with the Chinese and European breeds.  相似文献   

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