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Variants in the EDNRB, KIT, MITF, PAX3 and TRPM1 genes are known to cause white spotting phenotypes in horses, which can range from the common white markings up to completely white horses. In this study, we investigated these candidate genes in 169 horses with white spotting phenotypes not explained by the previously described variants. We identified a novel missense variant, PAX3:p.Pro32Arg, in Appaloosa horses with a splashed white phenotype in addition to their leopard complex spotting patterns. We also found three novel variants in the KIT gene. The splice site variant c.1346+1G>A occurred in a Swiss Warmblood horse with a pronounced depigmentation phenotype. The missense variant p.Tyr441Cys was present in several part‐bred Arabians with sabino‐like depigmentation phenotypes. Finally, we provide evidence suggesting that the common and widely distributed KIT:p.Arg682His variant has a very subtle white‐increasing effect, which is much less pronounced than the effect of the other described KIT variants. We termed the new KIT variants W18–W20 to provide a simple and unambiguous nomenclature for future genetic testing applications.  相似文献   

The presence of a high nevus number is the strongest phenotypic predictor of melanoma risk. Here, we describe the results of a three‐stage study directed at identifying risk variants for the high nevus phenotype. At the first stage, 263 melanoma cases from Barcelona were genotyped for 223 single‐nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in 39 candidate genes. Seven SNPs in the PAX3 gene were found to be significantly associated with nevus number under the additive model. Next, the associations for seven PAX3 variants were evaluated in 1217 melanoma cases and 475 controls from Leeds; and in 3054 healthy twins from TwinsUK. Associations with high nevus number were detected for rs6754024 (P values < 0.01) in the Barcelona and Leeds datasets and for rs2855268 (P values < 0.01) in the Barcelona and the TwinsUK sets. Associations (P values < 0.001) in the opposite direction were detected for rs7600206 and rs12995399 in the Barcelona and TwinsUK sets. This study suggests that SNPs in PAX3 are associated with nevus number, providing support for PAX3 as a candidate nevus gene. Further studies are needed to examine the role of PAX3 in melanoma susceptibility.  相似文献   

KIT mutations have been detected in different cancer subtypes, including melanoma. The gene also has been extensively studied in farm animals for its prominent role in coat color. The present work aimed at detecting KIT variants in a porcine model of cutaneous melanoma, the melanoblastoma‐bearing Libechov Minipig (MeLiM). By sequencing exons and intron borders, 36 SNPs and one indel were identified. Of 10 coding SNPs, three were non‐synonymous mutations, likely to affect the protein conformation. A promising variant, located in exon 19 (p.Val870Ala), was genotyped in a MeLiM × Duroc cross, and an association analysis was conducted on several melanoma‐related traits. This variant showed a significant association with melanoma development, tumor ulceration and cutaneous invasion. In conclusion, although the KIT gene would not be a major causal gene for melanoma development in pig, its genetic variation could be influencing this trait.  相似文献   

Equine osteochondrosis (OC) is a frequent developmental orthopaedic disease with high economic impact on the equine industry and may lead to premature retirement of the animal as a result of chronic pain and lameness. The genetic background of OC includes different genes affecting several locations; however, these genetic associations have been tested in only one or few populations, lacking the validation in others. The aim of this study was to identify the genetic determinants of OC in the Spanish Purebred horse breed. For that purpose, we used a candidate gene approach to study the association between loci previously implicated in the onset and development of OC in other breeds and different OC locations using radiographic data from 144 individuals belonging to the Spanish Purebred horse breed. Of the 48 polymorphisms analysed, three single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) located in the FAF1, FCN3 and COL1A2 genes were found to be associated with different locations of OC lesions. These data contribute insights into the complex gene networks underlying the multifactorial disease OC, and the associated SNPs could be used in a marker‐assisted selection strategy to improve horse health, welfare and competitive lifespan.  相似文献   

White spotting phenotypes in horses can range in severity from the common white markings up to completely white horses. EDNRB, KIT, MITF, PAX3 and TRPM1 represent known candidate genes for such phenotypes in horses. For the present study, we re‐investigated a large horse family segregating a variable white spotting phenotype, for which conventional Sanger sequencing of the candidate genes’ individual exons had failed to reveal the causative variant. We obtained whole genome sequence data from an affected horse and specifically searched for structural variants in the known candidate genes. This analysis revealed a heterozygous ~1.9‐kb deletion spanning exons 10–13 of the KIT gene (chr3:77,740,239_77,742,136del1898insTATAT). In continuity with previously named equine KIT variants we propose to designate the newly identified deletion variant W22. We had access to 21 horses carrying the W22 allele. Four of them were compound heterozygous W20/W22 and had a completely white phenotype. Our data suggest that W22 represents a true null allele of the KIT gene, whereas the previously identified W20 leads to a partial loss of function. These findings will enable more precise genetic testing for depigmentation phenotypes in horses.  相似文献   

White spotting phenotypes in horses are highly valued in some breeds. They are quite variable and may range from the common white markings up to completely white horses. EDNRB, KIT, MITF, PAX3 and TRPM1 represent known candidate genes for white spotting phenotypes in horses. For the present study, we investigated an American Paint Horse family segregating a phenotype involving white spotting and blue eyes. Six of eight horses with the white‐spotting phenotype were deaf. We obtained whole‐genome sequence data from an affected horse and specifically searched for structural variants in the known candidate genes. This analysis revealed a heterozygous ~63‐kb deletion spanning exons 6–9 of the MITF gene (chr16:21 503 211–21 566 617). We confirmed the breakpoints of the deletion by PCR and Sanger sequencing. PCR‐based genotyping revealed that all eight available affected horses from the family carried the deletion. The finding of an MITF variant fits well with the syndromic phenotype involving both depigmentation and an increased risk for deafness and corresponds to human Waardenburg syndrome type 2A. Our findings will enable more precise genetic testing for depigmentation phenotypes in horses.  相似文献   

Identification of the polymorphisms controlling quantitative traits remains a challenge for plant geneticists. Multiparent advanced generation intercross (MAGIC) populations offer an alternative to traditional linkage or association mapping populations by increasing the precision of quantitative trait loci (QTL) mapping. Here, we present the first tomato MAGIC population and highlight its potential for the valorization of intraspecific variation, QTL mapping and causal polymorphism identification. The population was developed by crossing eight founder lines, selected to include a wide range of genetic diversity, whose genomes have been previously resequenced. We selected 1536 SNPs among the 4 million available to enhance haplotype prediction and recombination detection in the population. The linkage map obtained showed an 87% increase in recombination frequencies compared to biparental populations. The prediction of the haplotype origin was possible for 89% of the MAGIC line genomes, allowing QTL detection at the haplotype level. We grew the population in two greenhouse trials and detected QTLs for fruit weight. We mapped three stable QTLs and six specific of a location. Finally, we showed the potential of the MAGIC population when coupled with whole genome sequencing of founder lines to detect candidate SNPs underlying the QTLs. For a previously cloned QTL on chromosome 3, we used the predicted allelic effect of each founder and their genome sequences to select putative causal polymorphisms in the supporting interval. The number of candidate polymorphisms was reduced from 12 284 (in 800 genes) to 96 (in 54 genes), including the actual causal polymorphism. This population represents a new permanent resource for the tomato genetics community.  相似文献   

Equine osteochondrosis is a developmental joint disease that is a significant source of morbidity affecting multiple breeds of horse. The genetic variants underlying osteochondrosis susceptibility have not been established. Here, we describe the results of a genome‐wide association study of osteochondrosis using 90 cases and 111 controls from a population of Dutch Warmblood horses. We report putative associations between osteochondrosis and loci on chromosome 3 (BIEC2‐808543; = 5.03 × 10?7) and chromosome 10 (BIEC2‐121323; = 2.62 × 10?7).  相似文献   

We herein describe the realization of a genome‐wide association study for scrotal hernia and cryptorchidism in Norwegian and Belgian commercial pig populations. We have used the transmission disequilibrium test to avoid spurious associations due to population stratification. By doing so, we obtained genome‐wide significant signals for both diseases with SNPs located in the pseudo‐autosomal region in the vicinity of the pseudo‐autosomal boundary. By further analyzing these signals, we demonstrate that the observed transmission disequilibria are artifactual. We determine that transmission bias at pseudo‐autosomal markers will occur (i) when analyzing traits with sex‐limited expression and (ii) when the allelic frequencies at the marker locus differ between X and Y chromosomes. We show that the bias is due to the fact that (i) sires will preferentially transmit the allele enriched on the Y (respectively X) chromosome to affected sons (respectively daughters) and (ii) dams will appear to preferentially transmit the allele enriched on the Y (respectively X) to affected sons (respectively daughters), as offspring inheriting the other allele are more likely to be non‐informative. We define the conditions to mitigate these issues, namely by (i) extracting information from maternal meiosis only and (ii) ignoring trios for which sire and dam have the same heterozygous genotype. We show that by applying these rules to scrotal hernia and cryptorchidism, the pseudo‐autosomal signals disappear, confirming their spurious nature.  相似文献   

Introgressive hybridization between native and introduced species is a growing conservation concern. For native cutthroat trout and introduced rainbow trout in western North America, this process is thought to lead to the formation of hybrid swarms and the loss of monophyletic evolutionary lineages. Previous studies of this phenomenon, however, indicated that hybrid swarms were rare except when native and introduced forms of cutthroat trout co‐occurred. We used a panel of 86 diagnostic, single nucleotide polymorphisms to evaluate the genetic composition of 3865 fish captured in 188 locations on 129 streams distributed across western Montana and northern Idaho. Although introgression was common and only 37% of the sites were occupied solely by parental westslope cutthroat trout, levels of hybridization were generally low. Of the 188 sites sampled, 73% contained ≤5% rainbow trout alleles and 58% had ≤1% rainbow trout alleles. Overall, 72% of specimens were nonadmixed westslope cutthroat trout, and an additional 3.5% were nonadmixed rainbow trout. Samples from seven sites met our criteria for hybrid swarms, that is, an absence of nonadmixed individuals and a random distribution of alleles within the sample; most (6/7) were associated with introgression by Yellowstone cutthroat trout. In streams with multiple sites, upstream locations exhibited less introgression than downstream locations. We conclude that although the widespread introduction of nonnative trout within the historical range of westslope cutthroat trout has increased the incidence of introgression, sites containing nonadmixed populations of this taxon are common and broadly distributed.  相似文献   

Guanzhong (= 321) and Boer (= 191) goat breeds were used to detect single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the coding regions of the prolactin receptor (PRLR) gene by DNA sequencing and PCR‐RFLP. Two SNPs (c.1457G>A and c.1645G>A) were identified that caused amino acid variations p.Ser485Asn and p.Val548Met respectively. Statistical results indicated that the c.1457G>A and c.1645G>A SNPs were significantly associated with litter size in Boer and Guanzhong goat breeds. Further analysis revealed that combined genotype C4 (GGGG) and haplotype G‐G were better than the others for litter size in both goat breeds. These results might contribute to goat genetic resources and breeding.  相似文献   

The conservation of unique populations of animals is critical in order to preserve valuable genetic diversity and, where populations are free‐living, maintain their irreplaceable influence upon habitat ecology. An accurate assessment of genetic diversity and structure within and between populations is crucial in order to design and implement conservation strategies in natural and domesticated species. Moreover, where it is possible to identify relic populations that are related to a structured breed an ideal opportunity presents itself to model processes that reveal historical factors that have shaped genetic diversity. The origins of native UK mountain and moorland ponies are uncertain, but they may have directly descended from prehistoric populations and potentially harbour specific adaptations to the uplands of Britain and Ireland. To date, there have been no studies of population structure and genetic diversity present within a free‐living group of ponies in the Carneddau mountain range of North Wales. Herein, we describe the use of microsatellites and SNPs together with analysis of the mitochondrial control region to quantify the extent and magnitude of genetic diversity present in the feral Carneddau pony and relate this to several recognised British and Irish pony breeds. Our results establish that the feral Carneddau ponies represent a unique and distinctive population that merits recognition as a defined population and conservation priority. We discuss the implications for conservation of this population as a unique pool of genetic diversity adapted to the British uplands and potentially of particular value in maintaining the biodiversity of these habitats.  相似文献   

The recent development of Pacific oyster (Crassostrea gigas) SNP genotyping arrays has allowed detailed characterisation of genetic diversity and population structure within and between oyster populations. It also raises the potential of harnessing genomic selection for genetic improvement in oyster breeding programmes. The aim of this study was to characterise a breeding population of Australian oysters through genotyping and analysis of 18 027 SNPs, followed by comparison with genotypes of oyster sampled from Europe and Asia. This revealed that the Australian populations had similar population diversity (HE) to oysters from New Zealand, the British Isles, France and Japan. Population divergence was assessed using PCA of genetic distance and revealed that Australian oysters were distinct from all other populations tested. Australian Pacific oysters originate from planned introductions sourced from three Japanese populations. Approximately 95% of these introductions were from geographically, and potentially genetically, distinct populations from the Nagasaki oysters assessed in this study. Finally, in preparation for the application of genomic selection in oyster breeding programmes, the strength of LD was evaluated and subsets of loci were tested for their ability to accurately infer relationships. Weak LD was observed on average; however, SNP subsets were shown to accurately reconstitute a genomic relationship matrix constructed using all loci. This suggests that low‐density SNP panels may have utility in the Australian population tested, and the findings represent an important first step towards the design and implementation of genomic approaches for applied breeding in Pacific oysters.  相似文献   

The case‐control study was designed to investigate the genetic effects of interferon‐gamma (IFN‐γ) rs2069727 and rs1861494 polymorphisms on ankylosing spondylitis (AS) susceptibility in a Chinese Han population. Blood samples were collected from 108 AS patients and 110 healthy controls. IFN‐γ polymorphisms were genotyped by polymerase chain reaction‐restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR‐RFLP). Hardy‐Weinberg equilibrium (HWE) test was performed in control group. Odds ratios (OR) with 95% confidence intervals (95% CI) were calculated using chi‐square test to evaluate the association between AS susceptibility and IFN‐γ polymorphisms, and the results were adjusted by logistic regressive analysis. The frequency of rs2069727 CC genotype was much higher in cases than that in controls, suggested its significant association with increased AS risk (adjusted OR = 5.899, 95% CI = 1.563‐22.261; P = .009). In addition, C allele also showed close association with increased risk of AS (adjusted OR = 2.052, 95% CI = 1.286‐1.704, P  = 0 .003). While the genotype and allele frequencies of IFN‐γ rs1861494 polymorphism were not significantly different between patients and controls (P  > 0.05 for all), IFN‐γ rs2069727 polymorphism is significantly associated with increased AS risk in a Chinese Han Population.  相似文献   

This study investigated the polymorphisms of GNRH1 and GDF9 genes in 641 goats of three breeds: Xinong Saanen, Guanzhong and Boer. Two allelic variants were identified in the GNRH1 gene (JN645280:g.3548A>G and JN645281:g.3699G>A) and one allelic variant was found in the GDF9 gene (JN655693:g.4093G>A). Furthermore, g.4093G>A was a missense mutation (p.Val397Ile of GDF9). Results of an association analysis indicated that SNPs g.3548A>G and g.4093G>A had significant effects on litter size (< 0.05). The combination genotypes of SNPs g.3548A>G, g.3699G>A and g.4093G>A also affected litter size with the C5 genotype having the highest litter size in the first, third, fourth and average parity. Hence, the biochemical and physiological functions, together with the results obtained in our investigation, suggest that the GNRH1 and GDF9 genes could serve as genetic markers for litter size in goat breeding.  相似文献   

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