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Fluctuating asymmetry (FA) represents small, random variation from symmetry and can be used as an indicator of plant susceptibility to herbivory. We investigated the effects of FA of two oak species, Quercus laevis and Q. geminata, and the responses of three herbivore guilds: leaf miners, gallers, and chewers. To examine differences in FA and herbivory between individuals, 40 leaves from each tree were collected, and FA indices were calculated. To examine differences in FA and herbivory within-individuals, we sampled pairs of mined and unmined leaves for asymmetry measurements. Differences in growth of leaf miners between leaf types were determined by tracing 50 mines of each species on symmetric leaves and asymmetric leaves. Asymmetric leaves contained significantly lower concentrations of tannins and higher concentrations of nitrogen than symmetric leaves for both plant species. Both frequency of asymmetric leaves on plants and levels of asymmetry positively influenced the abundance of Brachys, Stilbosis and other leaf miners, but no significant relationship between asymmetry and herbivory was observed for Acrocercops. Brachys and Stilbosis mines were smaller on asymmetric leaves, but differences in mine survivorship between symmetric and asymmetric leaves were observed only for Stilbosis mines. This study indicated that leaf miners might use leaf FA as a cue to plant quality, although differential survivorship among leaf types was not observed for all species studied. Reasons for the different results between guilds are discussed.  相似文献   

Between-tree variation in the terpenoid composition in the foliage of six species of Eucalyptus was investigated in relation to its effects on herbivory by Christmas beetles (Anoplognathus spp.). All six eucalypt species showed considerable intraspecific variation in terpenoid composition; the cineole content ranged from 13% to 78% of the total oil in different E. melliodora trees, from 0% to 67% in E. conica, 3% to 79% in E. sideroxylon, 1% to 76% in E. camaldulensis, 3% to 60% in E. rubida and 20% to 79% in E. blakelyi. Levels of defoliation by Christmas beetles of nine E. melliodora and eight E. conica trees were quantified from frass traps placed under each tree, and were used to confirm the reliability of visual ratings of defoliation. Defoliation was assessed visually for all six species and was found to be unrelated to the total amount of terpenoids in the foliage of each tree, but strongly associated with the percentage of cineole in the terpenoid mixture. Levels of most terpenoid components were significantly inter-correlated, so it was not possible to determine which components directly affected defoliation. The dominant Christmas beetle at all sites was A. montanus.  相似文献   

Leaf trichome variation was studied in a population of Wigandia urens (Hydrophyllaceae) in relation to water availability, diversity of herbivorous insects, and grazing rates. Plants of W. urens have glandular and urticant (stinging hairs) trichomes, and it is possible to distinguish two types of leaves: smooth leaves with only glandular trichomes and bristly leaves with both types of trichomes. Density of urticant trichomes was negatively correlated with weekly mean precipitation. Fourteen species of insects in five different orders feed on leaves of W. urens throughout the year. Grazing rates varied according to type and age of leaves. Grazing rates were lower in smooth than bristly young leaves but the rates were similar for mature leaves. Secondary metabolites, screened using qualitative methods, showed similar classes of compounds in both types of leaves. Bristly leaves had significantly higher concentrations of nitrogen, phosphorous and water and these nutritional differences were well correlated with the differences in grazing rates between bristly and smooth leaves.  相似文献   

Summary We manipulated soil fertility and insect attack for two species of Eucalyptus in natural stands of subalpine woodland on shallow, infertile granitic soils. E. pauciflora and E. stellulata responded in similar ways to simultaneous insecticide and fertilizer treatments. Eliminating herbivorous insects produced the largest changes — improved plant growth, increased leaf N and P, and reduced leaf specific density. Fertilizer regime modified some leaf properties, but had little effect on tree growth. E. stellulata trees were initially shorter than E. pauciflora, but grew faster without herbivores; by the end of the experiment both species were the same size when herbivores were removed. Foliage N and P levels increased most in trees with the most balanced fertilizer addition (NPK), and increased in all trees protected from insects, regardless of fertilizer regime. In this system, herbivorous insects exacerbated the effects of nutrientpoor soils, and may affect dominance of Eucalyptus species in mature forests.  相似文献   

Karban R 《Oecologia》2007,153(1):81-88
Deciduous leaf fall is thought to be an adaptation that allows plants living in seasonal environments to reduce water loss and damage during unfavorable periods while increasing photosynthetic rates during favorable periods. Observations of natural variation in leaf shedding suggest that deciduous leaf fall may also allow plants to reduce herbivory. I tested this hypothesis by experimentally manipulating leaf retention for Quercus lobata and observing natural rates of herbivory. Quercus lobata is primarily deciduous although individuals show considerable natural variation in leaf retention. Oak saplings with no leaves through winter experienced reduced attack by cynipid gall makers the following spring. This pattern was consistent with the positive correlation between natural leaf persistence and gall numbers. These cynipids do not overwinter on the leaves that trees retain through winter, although they appear to use persistent leaves as oviposition cues. If these results are general for woody plants in continental temperate habitats, they suggest that an important and unrecognized consequence of deciduous leaf shedding may be a reduction in herbivore damage, and that this effect should be included in models of deciduous and evergreen behavior.  相似文献   

Zavala  J.A.  Scopel  A.L.  Ballaré  C.L. 《Plant Ecology》2001,156(2):121-130
Replicated field experiments with large plastic filters were carried outin Buenos Aires (Argentina, 34° S) to study the impacts of current levelsofsolar UV-B radiation ( 315 ) on soybean(Glycine max L.) crops and their interactions with chewinginsects, in particular the soybean worm Anticarsiagemmatalis Hübner (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). Solar(near-ambient)UV-B induced changes in the leaves that reduced their attractiveness toA. gemmatalis larvae in laboratory choicebioassays. When the A. gemmatalis larvae were forced toconsume leaves from field plots that received solar UV-B, they grew slightlyless rapidly and suffered more mortality than their counterparts fed withleavesfrom plots covered with polyester films that excluded the UV-B component ofsunlight. Exposure of the larvae themselves to ambient UV-B under a soybeancanopy during the feeding trials did not lower their life expectancy. At thewhole canopy level, we found that solar UV-B exclusion resulted in a two-foldincrease in the number of leaf lesions inflicted by various species of chewinginsects that naturally invaded the field plots. Leaves from canopies exposed tosolar UV-B showed significantly higher levels of soluble phenolics and lowerlevels of lignin than leaves that developed in canopies covered by polyesterfilms. No differences in specific leaf mass, leaf nitrogen or hemicellulosecontent were detected between the control and the solar-UV-B exclusiontreatments. Our results are consistent with the idea that present-day solar UV-B has an important regulatory influence on the interactions between plants and phytophagous insects.  相似文献   

Irrigation effects on whole-plant sap flow and leaf-level water relations were characterised throughout a growing season in an experimental olive (Olea europaea L.) orchard. Atmospheric evaporative demand and soil moisture conditions for irrigated and non-irrigated olive trees were also monitored. Whole-plant water use in field-grown irrigated and rain fed olive trees was determined using a xylem sap flow method (compensation heat-pulse velocity). Foliage gas exchange and water potentials were determined throughout the experimental period. Physiological parameters responded diurnally and seasonally to variations in tree water status, soil moisture conditions and atmospheric evaporative demand. There was a considerable degree of agreement between daily transpiration deduced from heat-pulse velocity and that determined by calibration using the Penman–Monteith equation in the field. Summer drought caused decreasing leaf gas exchange and water potentials, and a progressive increase in hydraulic conductance (stronger in non-irrigated than irrigated trees), probably attributable to modifications in hydraulic properties at the soil-root interface. Negligible hysteresis, attributable to low plant capacitance, was observed in the relationship between leaf water potential and sap flow. A proportional decrease in maximum daily leaf conductance with increasing vapour pressure deficit was observed, while mean daytime canopy stomatal conductance decreased with the season. As a result, plant water use was limited and excessive drought stress prevented. Non-irrigated olive trees recovered after the summer drought, showing a physiological behaviour similar to that of irrigated trees. In addition to physiological and environmental factors, there are endogenous keys (chemical signals) influencing leaf level parameters. Olive trees are confirmed to be economical and sparing users of soil water, with an efficient xylem sap transport, maintenance of significant gas exchange and transpiration, even during drought stress.  相似文献   

T. M. Aide 《Oecologia》1991,88(4):511-514
Summary Synchronous leaf production has been proposed as a mechanism to reduce herbivore damage to young leaves by satiating herbivores. To test this hypothesis, I measured leaf production, leaf survivorship, and herbivore damage on juveniles of Gustavia superba (H.B.K.) Berg (Lecythidaceae), in two sites in Central Panama. Leaves were produced throughout the year, but there were peaks in leaf production at the beginning of the wet scason. Plants that produced leaves synchronously with conspecifics received significantly less damage than plants that produced leaves out of synchrony, and high levels of leaf damage were correlated with shorter leaf lifetimes. These data suggest that plant phenology can influence risks of herbivory.  相似文献   

Potted two-year-old lemon trees [Citrus limon (L.) Burm. f.], cv. Verna grafted on sour orange (C. aurantium L.) rootstock, growing in greenhouse, were subjected to drought for 33 d. Control plants were daily irrigated at field capacity. Values of sap flow (SF) were compared with transpiration (E) rates measured gravimetrically. The results underlined the robustness and high sensitivity of the compensation heat-pulse technique for estimating transpiration on a wide range of SF. Good direct correlations between E and SF rates on an instantaneous and daily basis were obtained in both treatments. On a daily basis, a common calibration curve can be used for both irrigation treatments. On an instantaneous basis, changes in SF were matches by similar changes in E in both treatments, although the relationships between these parameters presented different intercepts in each treatment. Sap flow rates were influenced by weather conditions in trees growing in non-limiting soil water conditions. This makes it possible to evaluate the significance of any sap flow measurement in relation to the reference value calculated for the vapour pressure deficit at the time the measurement was taken.This research was supported by Ministerio de Educacion y Ciencia (MEC), (CICYT/FEDER AGL2003-9387-C05-02 and AGL2004-0794-C03-02), and PETRI (PTR1995-0693-OP-02-01) grants to the authors. M.F. Ortuno was a recipient of a Program I3P research fellowship from CSIC.  相似文献   

A species ofSporothrix was consistently isolated from leaf spots and serious shoot infections on a clone ofEucalyptus grandis in Northern Natal, South Africa. The fungus was morphologically distinct from other species in the genus and is consequently described as a new taxon,S. eucalypti. Sporothrix eucalypti was shown to be highly virulent in pathogenicity tests on a number ofE. grandis clones. Significant differences amongst susceptibility of clones were also detected in these tests.Sporothrix eucalypti represents a new pathogen ofEucalyptus that has the potential to cause substantial damage to this host in South Africa and probably elsewhere in the world.  相似文献   

Summary Herbivory can alter the balance between sources and sinks within a plant, and changes in the source-sink ratio often lead to changes in plant photosynthetic rates. We investigated how feeding by three insect herbivores affected photosynthetic rates and growth of goldenrod (Solidago altissima). One, a phloem-sap feeding aphid (Uroleucon caligatum), creates an additional sink, and the other two, a leaf-chewing beetle (Trirhabda sp.) and a xylem-sap feeding spittlebug (Philaenus spumarius) both reduce source supply by decreasing leaf area. Plants were grown outside in large pots and insects were placed on them at predetermined densities, with undamaged plants included as controls. All insects were removed after a 12-day feeding period. We measured photosynthetic rates both of damaged leaves and of undamaged leaves that were produced after insect removal. Photosynthetic rates per unit area of damaged leaves were reduced by spittlebug feeding, but not by beetle or aphid feeding. Conductance of spittlebugdamaged leaves did not differ from controls, but internal carbon dioxide concentrations were increased. These results indicate that spittlebug feeding does not cause stomatal closure, but impairs fixation within the leaf. Effects of spittlebug feeding on photosynthetic rates persisted after the insects were removed from the plants. Photosynthetic rates per unit area of leaves produced after insect removal on spittlegug-damaged plants were lower than control levels, even though the measurements were taken 12 days after insect removal. The measurement leaf on spittlebugdamaged plants was reduced in area by 27% relative to the controls, but specific leaf area (leaf area/leaf weight) was increased by 18%. Because of the shift in specific leaf area, photosynthetic rates were also examined per unit leaf weight, and when this was done there were no significant differences between control and spittlebug-damaged plants. Beetle and aphid feeding had no effects on the photosynthetic rate of the leaves produced after insect removal. Plant relative growth rates (in terms of height) were reduced by spittlebugs during the period that the insects were feeding on the plants. Relative growth rates of spittlebug-damaged plants were increased above control levels after insect removal, but these plants were still shorter than controls 17 days after insect removal. Beetles and aphids did not affect plant relative growth rates or plant height. Feeding by both spittlebugs and beetles reduced leaf area, and the effect of the spittlebug was more severe than that of the beetle. These results show that effects of herbivory on photosynthetic rates cannot be predicted simply by considering changes in the source-sink ratio, and that spittlebug feeding is more damaging to the host plant than beetle or aphid feeding.  相似文献   

M. Aslam  L. A. Hunt 《Planta》1978,141(1):23-28
Co2 exchange and transpiration rates of the flag leaves of four spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cultivars, namely Glenlea, Neepawa, Opal and Kolibri, were compared using infra-red gas-analysis technique. The plants were grown in a controlled environment under an 18-h photoperiod, with day and night temperatures of 20 and 15° C, respectively. The time course of the CO2-exchange rate (CER) of the flag leaf differed among cultivars. CER began to decrease rapidly some 2 weeks after ear emergence in Glenlea, Neepawa and Kolibri, but only after 4 weeks in Opal. The decline in CER of Glenlea, Neepawa and Opal was continuous throughout the period of grain development whereas in Kolibri CER was maintained at a constant level between the 4th and 6th weeks after ear emergence. The transpiration rates of the flag leaves of the 4 cultivars did not change markedly until 6–7 weeks after ear emergence, indicating that the reduction in CER was not primarily a response to increased stomatal resistance to the diffusion of CO2. Removing the ear of the main shoot of intact plants failed to depress CER of the subtending flag leaf until 5 weeks after ear removal. Removing the ears of all the tillers of plants in which all but 3 tillers had been removed at ear emergence did not depress CER until 4 weeks after ear emergence, but removal of the ear of the main shoot of plants where all the tillers had been removed at ear emergence reduced the CER of the flag leaf 2 weeks after ear removal. Removal of tillers at ear emergence had a marked effect on the time course of CER and transpiration rates of the flag leaf. Both CER and transpiration rates of a 4-tiller plant were maintained at a higher level throughout ear development as compared to those of a one-tiller plant. The transpiration rate of the flag leaf of Glenlea increased during the later part of the life of the leaf even for one-tiller plants with no ear, indicating that such a stomatal response may be part of the normal course of leaf aging and not a response to a feedback stimulus from the ear.  相似文献   

Field experiments were conducted to determine growth and yield responses ofPisum sativum L. to defoliation by adultSitona lineatus (L.). Seedlings grown under conventional (moldboard plowed) and conservation (chisel plowed) tillage treatments were infested for a 1-week period with 0, 1 and 8 weevils per plant at two times: at 75% field emergence and 1 week later. After the early infestation, defoliation for the control, low and high weevil densities was about 0,15 and 50%, respectively, while defoliation after the late infestation was about 0, 10 and 35%. An undercompensatory growth response was observed in one experiment after seedlings were subjected to moderate levels of early defoliation. Exact compensation was observed in two experiments after early infestations of low and highSitona densities.Sitona defoliation reduced the number of pods per plant and pod length in two experiments. However, seed biomass was never significantly reduced. Averaged over all experiments, reduction in seed biomass due to highSitona densities was 10 and 5% for early and late infestations, respectively. Tillage treatments did not affectPisum compensatory growth response, although yield components were sometimes greater in conservation tillage than in conventional tillage, possibly due to slightly greater soil moisture in the conservation tillage plots.  相似文献   

Stenberg JA  Witzell J  Ericson L 《Oecologia》2006,148(3):414-425
In this paper, we introduce the coevolution-by-coexistence hypothesis which predicts that the strength of a coevolutionary adaptation will become increasingly apparent as long as the corresponding selection from an interacting counterpart continues. Hence, evolutionary interactions between plants and their herbivores can be studied by comparing discrete plant populations with known history of herbivore colonization. We studied populations of the host plant, Filipendula ulmaria (meadow sweet), on six islands, in a Bothnian archipelago subject to isostatic rebound, that represent a spatio-temporal gradient of coexistence with its two major herbivores, the specialist leaf beetles Galerucella tenella and Altica engstroemi. Regression analyses showed that a number of traits important for insect-plant interactions (leaf concentrations of individual phenolics and condensed tannins, plant height, G. tenella adult feeding and oviposition) were significantly correlated with island age. First, leaf concentrations of condensed tannins and individual phenolics were positively correlated with island age, suggesting that plant resistance increased after herbivore colonization and continued to increase in parallel to increasing time of past coexistence, while plant height showed a reverse negative correlation. Second, a multi-choice experiment with G. tenella showed that both oviposition and leaf consumption of the host plants were negatively correlated with island age. Third, larvae performed poorly on well-defended, older host populations and well on less-defended, younger populations. Thus, no parameter assessed in this study falsifies the coevolution-by-coexistence hypothesis. We conclude that spatio-temporal gradients present in rising archipelagos offer unique opportunities to address evolutionary interactions, but care has to be taken as abiotic (and other biotic) factors may interact in a complicated way.Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is available for this article at and is accessible for authorized users.  相似文献   

The effect of short-term flooding was examined in 2-year-old apricot trees (Prunus armeniaca cv. Búlida). Six apricot trees of similar appearance were submitted to two treatments: three were irrigated daily, while the others were flooded for a period of 50 h by submerging the pots in plastic water tanks. The trees were removed from the water, drained and then placed in the same conditions as the control plants. A decrease in transpiration in the flooded trees with respect to the control plants was evident. The daily pattern of soil O2 concentration and plant hydraulic resistance followed a similar trend during the flooding. However, this relationship was not maintained throughout the experiment, since the O2 values increased rapidly when the waterlogging ceased, while plant hydraulic resistance only recovered at the end of the experiment when the original root system, damaged by flooded conditions, was replaced with new roots. In flooded trees, the midday leaf water potential decreased progressively from the beginning of flooding, but gradually recovered when the waterlogging ceased. Leaf conductance values of treated plants were slow to recover, reaching values of the control plants 8 days after the leaf water potential had recovered. The close relationship observed during most of the experiment between the leaf water parameters, leaf conductance and plant hydraulic conductance indicate that hydraulic messages are likely to play a dominant role in co-ordinating the observed responses of the shoot.  相似文献   

Whole-canopy measurements of water flux were used to calculate stomatal conductance (g s ) and transpiration (E) for seedlings of western water birch (Betula occidentalis Hook.) under various soil-plant hydraulic conductances (k), evaporative driving forces (ΔN; difference in leaf-to-air molar fraction of water vapor), and soil water potentials (Ψs). As expected, g s dropped in response to decreased k or ΨS, or increased ΔN(> 0.025). Field data showed a decrease in mid-day g s with decreasing k from soil-to-petiole, with sapling and adult plants having lower values of both parameters than juveniles. Stomatal closure prevented E and Ψ from inducing xylem cavitation except during extreme soil drought when cavitation occurred in the main stem and probably roots as well. Although all decreases in g s were associated with approximately constant bulk leaf water potential (ψl), this does not logically exclude a feedback response between ΨL and g s . To test the influence of leaf versus root water status on g s , we manipulated water status of the leaf independently of the root by using a pressure chamber enclosing the seedling root system; pressurizing the chamber alters cell turgor and volume only in the shoot cells outside the chamber. Stomatal closure in response to increased ΔN, decreased k, and decreased ΨS was fully or partially reversed within 5 min of pressurizing the soil. Bulk ΨL remained constant before and after soil pressurizing because of the increase in E associated with stomatal opening. When ΔN was low (i.e., < 0.025), pressurizing the soil either had no effect on g s , or caused it to decline; and bulk ΨL increased. Increased Ψl may have caused stomatal closure via increased backpressure on the stomatal apparatus from elevated epidermal turgor. The stomatal response to soil pressurizing indicated a central role of leaf cells in sensing water stress caused by high ΔN, low k, and low ΨS. Invoking a prominent role for feedforward signalling in short-term stomatal control may be premature.  相似文献   

We measured diurnal changes in photosynthetic rate, transpiration rate, stomatal conductance and water use efficiency in three species of herbaceous climbing plants (Luffa cylindrica, Trichosanthes kirilowii and Dioscorea opposita) exposed to two intensities of UV-B radiation: 3.0 μw cm?2 (R1) and 8.0 μw cm?2 UV-B (R2) radiation under ambient growth conditions. Responses differed per species and per treatment. In Luffa all values increased compared to the Control in both treatments, except for stomatal conductance in R2. In Trichosanthes photosynthetic rates and water use efficiency increased, while the transpiration rates decreased under both treatments, and stomatal conductance was lower in R1. In Dioscorea photosynthetic rates and water use efficiency decreased under both treatments, while the transpiration rates and stomatal conductance increased. The results suggested that to some extent increased UV-B radiation was beneficial to the growth of L. cylindrica and T. kirilowii, but detrimental to D. opposita.  相似文献   

This study assessed if mature leaves of Laguncularia racemosa were able to demonstrate salt secretion, and if the magnitude of secretion was a function of soil salinity. Thus, salinity influence on the osmolality of leaf tissue, xylem sap and leaf secretion was assessed in field and glasshouse experiments. As salinity increased, solutes were accumulated in sufficient quantity to decrease osmotic potential over the whole range of water potential. In the field, xylem osmolality (mol m–3) increased with salinity from 32.4±2.9 at 17 to 38.2±0.6 at 28. Similarly, in the glasshouse, xylem sap osmolality (mol m–3) increased from 33.4±1.8 (15) to 40.6±1.5 (30). Changes in Na+ concentration explained about 51–58% of increase in xylem osmolality. Rates of secretion (mmol m–2 day–1) in the field increased from 0.80±0.12 (17) to 1.16±0.14 (28), and in the glasshouse the secretion increased from 0.73±0.07 (15) to 1.25±0.07 (30). The Na+ accounted for 40–53% of total secretion. This study presented evidence of the capability of mature leaves of L. racemosa to secrete salt for the first time, and that the rates of secretion were enhanced as soil salinity increased.  相似文献   

To estimate whole-tree water use when employing sap flow measurements, integration of the sap flux density (F d) over the sapwood area is needed. Accordingly, it is necessary to obtain information on the characteristics of stem water transportation such as spatial variations in F d and the active xylem area in the stem cross-section. Although evergreen oak trees with radial-porous wood represent a major component of secondary forests in western Japan, detailed information on their stem water transportation characteristics remains unclear. In the present study, we used the heat dissipation method (Granier method) to conduct measurements of azimuthal and radial variations in the F d of Quercus glauca Thunb. ex Murray, a representative evergreen broad-leaved tree in western Japan. Further, by analyzing the anatomy of the xylem structure, we examined why F d varies spatially in the stem cross-section. By using a dye solution injected into a radial hole bored into the tree trunk, we confirmed that the entire stem is hydroactive. We also compared the spatial variations in F d and water conductivity per xylem area (K s) which were estimated by using the observed vessel diameters and their density over the stem cross-section and Hagen–Poiseuille’s law. Azimuthal and radial variations in F d reached about 60 and 50% of the maximum values, respectively, and could be explained by spatial variation in K s. As a result, we obtained statistical parameters describing the spatial variation in F d in Q. glauca and determined that whole-tree water use estimated from measurements in one direction had at most ±20% potential errors for studied trees.  相似文献   

党宏忠  杨文斌  李卫  刘世增  张友焱 《生态学报》2015,35(15):5110-5120
利用热扩散技术,对绿洲农田防护林新疆杨(Populus alba L.var.pyramidalis)大树边材5个深度处(1、2、3、5 cm和8 cm)的液流速率(Js)开展了连续两年的监测,结果表明:(1)以标准长度2 cm的探针测得的液流速率(Js-2)为参照,形成层下1、3、5、8 cm处的液流速率(Js-1,Js-3,Js-5,Js-8)与Js-2间具有显著的相关性,回归系数分别为0.24—0.27、1.18—1.61、0.81—1.64和0.38—0.75,液流速率最大的位点在形成层下3—5 cm处,液流速率最小的位点在最外侧(1 cm)或最内侧(8 cm)处,径向差异明显。边材不同深处的液流传输具有较一致的日变化过程。(2)在同步观测的5项气象要素中,大气水汽压亏缺(VPD)和太阳辐射(Ra)与Js的回归系数均较大,是驱动液流进程的主导气象要素。大气蒸发潜力(ET0)集合了多种气象要素的信息,具有与Ra一致的日变化进程(启动、峰值时刻相同),可作为分析液流昼、夜过程的综合气象变量。(3)新疆杨边材中五个深度处Js的峰值时刻基本相同(Js-1的峰值较其它层次提前4—123 min),均明显滞后于Ra(时滞)并提前于VPD,在7月份的晴天,ET0、Js和VPD峰值出现的时刻分别大致在12:30、14:00和15:00。新疆杨时滞的大小存在有规律的季节变化,从6到10月份,Js与ET0峰值的时滞(ΔJ-E)逐渐增加,变化在70—110 min(2011)、70—128 min(2012)之间,但VPD与Js峰值的时滞(ΔJ-V)逐渐降低,变化在73—20 min(2011)、63—8 min(2012)之间,这表明在生长季的早期,热量因子(Ra)对新疆杨液流变化的驱动较强,而在生长季的末期,大气水汽因子VPD的驱动效应更突出。  相似文献   

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