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The effect of various treatments on the Sudanophilia of the mineralizing fronts of hard tissues has been examined. We have shown that a variety of organic solvents. but not all lipid unmasking protocols. expose Sudanophilic lipids at the mineralizing fronts of dentine, enamel matrix, bone and cartilage by the extraction of a substance which is not Sudanophilic. A variety of organic solvents, but not all extraction protocols. abolish Sudanophilia at the mineralizing fronts of bone and cartilage. The present study indicates that only solvent mixtures containing methanol abolished Sudanophilia at the mineralizing fronts of dentine and enamel matrix.  相似文献   

A staining method is described using thionin, for undecalcified deacrylated bone sections. RNA is stained purplish violet, allowing still active osteoblasts to be distinguished from lining cells. Staining intensity of mineralized bone is related to the degree of mineralization. Mineralizing fronts and cement lines are visualized clearly. Lamellae show an alternate pattern. Histomorphometric parameters such as osteon thickness and interstitial bone thickness can be measured without using polarized light. The mineralizing front can be assessed and expressed as a percentage of the osteoblast-covered interface between osteoid and mineralized bone. The stain is also useful for qualitative assessment of metabolic bone disease. Thionin stained sections can be kept for at least one year when stored hi the dark at 7 C.  相似文献   

On the basis of well preserved specimens from the Lower Silurian of the Tarim Basin, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region and Shiqian County, Guizhou Province, People's Republic of China we describe in detail the histological structure of sinacanthid spines, the only known remains of a group of fishes common in Silurian strata from China. The sinacanthids have previously been assigned either to the acanthodians or to the chondrichthyans. The spine structure is composed of an outer layer of atubular dentine and an inner layer of globular calcified cartilage, and the nature and distribution of these tissues indicates that the spines were formed as a result of interaction between the endoskeleton and dermoskeleton. The tissue distribution and style of growth described herein places the sinacanthids crownwards of the placoderms, and possibly within the total group Chondrichthyes. However, before they can be firmly placed within a phylogenetic scheme, further evidence is required both on the general anatomy of sinacanthids and on the nature of chondrichthyan apomorphies.  © 2005 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2005, 144 , 379–386.  相似文献   

NF-KB受体活化剂配体(receptor activator for NF-KB ligand,RANKL)是调节破骨细胞生成的重要因子,它可在骨髓基质细胞中表达。矿化液(含10书mol/L地塞米松、10mmol/LB.甘油磷酸钠、50ug/ml L-抗坏血酸)能够诱导骨髓基质细胞向成骨细胞分化,为探讨矿化液及其主要成分地塞米松对大鼠原代骨髓基质细胞表达RANKL的影响,采用矿化液培养原代大鼠骨髓基质细胞48h,通过免疫荧光染色观察RANKL的表达变化。结果显示矿化液和地塞米松在短期内均能增强鼠骨髓基质细胞RANKL的表达,提示地塞米松促进破骨细胞形成的分子机制可能与骨髓基质细胞RANKL表达的改变密切相关。  相似文献   

The outer armour of fossil jawless fishes (Heterostraci) is, predominantly, a bone with a superficial ornament of dentine tubercles surrounded by pores leading to flask-shaped crypts (ampullae). However, despite the extensive bone present in these early dermal skeletons, damage was repaired almost exclusively with dentine. Consolidation of bone, by dentine invading and filling the vascular spaces, was previously recognized in Psammolepis and other heterostracans but was associated with ageing and dermal shield wear (reparative). Here, we describe wound repair by deposition of dentine directly onto a bony scaffold of fragmented bone. An extensive wound response occurred from massive deposition of dentine (reactionary), traced from tubercle pulp cavities and surrounding ampullae. These structures may provide the cells to make reparative and reactionary dentine, as in mammalian teeth today in response to stimuli (functional wear or damage). We suggest in Psammolepis, repair involved mobilization of these cells in response to a local stimulatory mechanism, for example, predator damage. By comparison, almost no new bone is detected in repair of the Psammolepis shield. Dentine infilling bone vascular tissue spaces of both abraded dentine and wounded bone suggests that recruitment of this process has been evolutionarily conserved over 380 Myr and precedes osteogenic skeletal repair.  相似文献   

Methods of measuring tissue area from images of longitudinal thin tooth sections have been used to assess sexual dimorphism in the permanent dentition. The aim of this study was to demonstrate the extent of sexual dimorphism within the coronal tissue proportions of permanent mandibular canines and premolars, using area measurements of the enamel and dentine-pulp core. The sample consisted of embedded "half-tooth" sections from 45 individuals, all of known age-at-death and sex, collected from the St. Thomas' Anglican Church historic (1821-1874) cemetery site in Belleville, ON, Canada. The relative dentine-pulp area of the third premolars and canines displayed high levels of sexual dimorphism, as well as statistically significant mean differences between the sexes. The male canines and premolars have significantly more dentine than their female counterparts, as well as relatively more dentine with respect to overall crown size. The female canines and premolars have significantly more enamel relative to overall crown area than those of the males. These results suggest that relative area measures of crown tissues are more predictable measures of sexual dimorphism than absolute measures, and tissue proportions may remain constant despite intrasex variation in overall tooth crown size.  相似文献   

Three fragmentary molars of Kuehneotherium from Wales were progressively abraded by grinding and studied by scanning electron microscopy. A fourth molar was reduced to small blocks, thin sections of which were examined by transmission electron microscopy. Enamel showed a 'preprismatic' pattern, consisting of columns of crystals disposed as pinnae but not separated by an interprismatic substance. No enamel tubules were observed. Incremental lines were present. Inner dentine was permeated by numerous tubules not surrounded by peritubular dentine but a peripheral dentine layer adjacent to the enamel-dentine junction was atubular. Calcified deposits were occasionally observed in the lumen of dentine tubules, some of which were interpreted here as dentinal sclerosis consecutive to masticatory wear.  相似文献   

We investigate the nonlinear properties of dentine from the upper canines of coyotes Canis latrans with bending tests. With the results we predict the behavior of whole canines under load. Coyote dentine is not homogeneous but is stronger and more ductile farther away from the pulp cavity. The modulus of rupture (MOR) first increases and then declines with distance from the pulp cavity. Our analysis of the composite nature of dentine produced by these gradients indicates that there may be an adaptive explanation with the composite having nearly the strength of the strongest dentine and a work of fracture greater than even the most ductile dentine. Coyote dentine is considerably stronger than human dentine. In coyotes, the peak MOR, a measure of bending strength, is 480 MPa, compared with a maximum of 225 MPa for human dentine. This value is about the same as the weakest coyote dentine that we found near the pulp cavity. Finally, enamel plays, at most, a small role in the bending strength of the whole tooth. Our results indicate that enamel under tension adds little to strength, but we cannot dismiss a small role for enamel in compression.  相似文献   

Nasal cartilage cells from 21-day-old rat fetuses were cultured at high density in the presence of ascorbic acid and β-glycerophosphate over a 12-day period. Immediately after plating, the cells exhibited a fibroblastic morphology, lost their chondrocyte phenotype and expressed type I collagen. On day 3, clusters of enlarged polygonal cells were found. These cell clusters synthetised type II collagen and formed an alcian-blue-positive matrix. The following days, a progressive increase in the number of cells positive for type 11 collagen was noted and, on day 8, typical cartilaginous nodules were formed. These nodules increased in size and number, spreading outward, laying down a dense matrix which mineralized. Light and electron microscopy observations of cross-sections of nodules confirmed the cartilaginous nature of this tissue formed in vitro with typical chondrocytes embedded in a hyaline matrix. Furthermore, at the electron microscopic level, matrix vesicles were seen in extracellular matrix associated with the initiation of mineralization. Typical rod-like crystals were present in the intercellular spaces along the collagen fibers. These results indicated that in a specific environment, dedifferentiated chondrocytes were able to redifferentiate and to form nodular structures with morphological ultrastructure of calcified cartilage observed in vivo.  相似文献   

For improving the theory of gradient microstructure of cartilage/bone interface, human distal femurs were studied. Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM), histological sections and MicroCT were used to observe, measure and model the microstructure of cartilage/bone interface. The results showed that the cartilage/bone interface is in a hierarchical structure which is composed of four different tissue layers. The interlocking of hyaline cartilage and calcified cartilage and that of calcified cartilage and subchondral bone are in the manner of “protrusion-pore” with average diameter of 17.0 μm and 34.1 μm respectively. In addition, the cancellous bone under the cartilage is also formed by four layer hierarchical structure, and the adjacent layers are connected by bone trabecula in the shape of H, I and Y, forming a complex interwoven network structure. Finally, the simplified structure model of the cartilage/bone interface was proposed according to the natural articular cartilage/bone interface. The simplified model is a 4-layer gradient biomimetic structure, which corresponds to four different tissues of natural cartilage/bone interface. The results of this work would be beneficial to the design of bionic scaffold for the tissue engineering of articular cartilage/bone.  相似文献   

Zinc and fluorides are capable of modifying the process of bone formation and mineralization. Statistically significant differences have been revealed in the content of zinc and fluorides between structures of the femur in chicken. The content of zinc in compact bone remained constant during the first 50 d of life. Lower and less stable contents were found in spongy bone and bone marrow. The content of fluorides in compact bone was higher than in spongy bone. The lowest concentrations of zinc and fluorides were found in articular cartilage and were further reduced at the end of observation. Correlations revealed between the content of zinc and fluorides point to structural and functional relationships between these elements in various parts of the bone.  相似文献   

Studies of dental macrowear can be useful for understanding masticatory and ingestive behavior, life history, and for inferring dietary information from the skeletal material of extinct and extant primates. Such studies to date have tended to focus on one or two teeth, potentially missing information that can be garnered through examination of wear patterns across the tooth row. Our study measured macrowear in the postcanine teeth of three sympatric cercopithecid species from the Taï Forest, Côte d'Ivoire (Cercocebus atys, Procolobus badius, and Colobus polykomos), whose diets have been well‐described. Inter‐specific analyses suggest that different diets and ingestive behaviors are characterized by different patterns of wear across the molar row, with Cercocebus atys emphasizing tooth use near P4‐M1, P. badius emphasizing a large amount of tooth use near M2‐M3, and Colobus polykomos exhibiting wear more evenly across the postcanine teeth. Information regarding differential tooth use across the molar row may be more informative than macrowear analysis of isolated teeth for making inferences about primate feeding behavior. Am J Phys Anthropol 150:655–665, 2013. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

A multidiscriplinary study was carried out during the summer of 1982 in the area of the Ushant tidal front at the entrance of the English Channel. The stratified water masses (West of the front) and the mixed water masses (East of it) are characterized with respect to their main physical, chemical and biological properties and a comparative budget of organic carbon is presented. Several physiological, biochemical or taxonomical indices of phytoplankton and zooplankton populations are investigated. The effects of the tidal regime on space-time variability and nutrient enrichment are emphasized.  相似文献   

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