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Units activity of anterolateral area of rabbits motor cortex, realizing instrumental food-acquisition behaviour was studied at acute injection of ethanol and in control experiments (injection of physiological solution) in order to compare possible ethanol effects on the motor area of the cortex with effects revealed by us earlier at studying the activity of the limbic cortex units in the same experimental conditions. It was shown that after ethanol injection the number of active units and the pattern of the motor cortex units specialization in contrast to the limbic one remained constant. Nevertheless, composition of the motor cortex units involved in subserving the behaviour changed because of recruitment [correction of recrutation] of one cells (from V-VI layers of the cortex) in this process and exclusion of other ones (from II-IV layers). The value of activation frequency ratio to the frequency of the background of the involved units increased.  相似文献   

Behavioural specialization was analyzed of hypothalamic and limbic neurones, with their activity recorded in rabbits during food-acquisition behaviour. The neurones with activity changed during staying of the animal in a definite place of the cage or during behavioural acts, characteristic of a specific behaviour in the cage, are considered as specialized in relation to the most "new" systems, acquired by the rabbit directly during learning of the given behaviour. Neurones with the activity changed with rabbit's turns, i.e. connected with behavioural acts, which the rabbit has not specially learnt, are considered specialized in relation to more "old" inborn systems. Neurones, in which no constant connection with any part of the studied behaviour was observed, are related to the most "ancient" systems. Comparison of the number of hypothalamic and limbic neurones of different groups showed that in the cortex there were some more neurones specialized in relation to behavioural acts, which were formed directly during learning of the rabbit in the experimental cage.  相似文献   

In experiments on rabbits trained to instrumental food procuring behaviour it was cleared up, which changes of activity of neurones of the limbic cortical area corresponded to disturbances of this behaviour (increase in time of realization and in the number of errors) caused by intraperitoneal injection of 12% ethanol solution in a dose of 1 g/kg. In comparison with control (administration of isotonic solution), the number of active cells singled out in the microelectrode track was reduced by 1/3; the pattern of behavioural specialization of neurones involved in provision of the disturbed behaviour was changed. The content of neurones of the most recent systems formed during animals learning instrumental behaviour, decreased from 27 to 11%, and of neurones providing for realization of systems formed at previous stages of individual development increased from 18 to 36%.  相似文献   

Singleunit activity of anterolateral area of motor cortex in rabbits subjected to chronic ethanol treatment was recorded to study interconnections of neuronal mechanisms of newly formed instrumental alcohol-acquisition behavior (IAB) and previously formed food-acquisition behavior (IFB). Adult animals were trained to perform IFB in experimental cage equipped with two food boxes and two pedals situated in the corners of the cage. Food was presented automatically in a food box after the pressing of an appropriate pedal. Same rabbits after 9 mo. of chronic alcohol treatment were trained to perform IAB in the same experimental cage (gelatin capsules filled with 15% ethanol solution were placed into the food box instead of food). Activity of 121 units of anterolateral area of motor cortex was studied. Each unit discharges were analysed in IAB as well as in IFB. The data obtained testifies that neuronal sets subserving IAB and IFB overlap but not completely. 44 "common" neurons permanently activated in both behaviors and 3 neurons specifically activated in each of behaviors (one in IAB and two in IFB) were found. We consider the formation of IAB as systemogenesis that is related to the consolidation processes: the formation of new neuronal specializations and to the accommodative re-consolidation: modification of early specialized cells ("common"). It is shown in the Discussion that present experiments help us not only understand interconnections of neuronal mechanisms of newly formed IAB and early formed IFB but also provide an additional insight into the nature of similarity between neuronal mechanisms of long-term memory and long-lived modifications resulting from repeated drug exposure.  相似文献   

The present study was aimed to investigate the neural activity during competitor relationships in the social interactions and operant feeding behaviour. In experiments on three pairs of rabbits the activity of 32 sensory-motor cortex neurones were analyzed. 21 neurones were found specialized relatively to different acts of social behaviour. They did not participate in provision for "individual" types of behaviour.  相似文献   

The effect of acute administration is significantly more prominent in the limbic (cingulate) than in the motor cortex [9]. We proposed that the limbic cortex is more sensitive also to chronic ethanol treatment (CET). It was shown that morphology as well as neuronal activity of the limbic cortex changed greatly after the CET [7]. The missing link of testing the above proposition was a comparison of the obtained data with the results of the experimental study of CET influence on the motor cortex. Morphology of the anterolateral motor cortex and activity of its neurons in the instrumental food-acquisition behavior were studied in 6 male rabbits after CET (9 months). It was found that the limbic cortex was modified morphologically and functionally to a significantly greater extent than the motor cortex. We consider the fact that in the limbic cortex of a healthy individual there are many neurons, which for a while cease their discharges after the acute ethanol administration, to be among the most important reasons for this difference. Such-like repeated activity interruptions in the course of CET impair the performance of the systems incorporating these neurons. In such a way ethanol prevents all neurons, especially the mentioned ones, from receiving adequate metabolic supply that is necessary for their survival and functioning.  相似文献   

The activity of neurones in the motor cortex, caudate nucleus, putamen and globus pallidus was studied during elaboration of motor conditioned reflexes to time in rabbits, treated with 1-amphetamine and haloperidol. Mechanisms of reproduction of cells trace activity in the reflex to time at the omission of trials, reacted to 1-amphetamine by increasing the intensity of reactions in the motor cortex and inactivation in putamen cells. The curve of dynamics of intensity changes of trace discharges in the course of a series of trials omissions remained unaltered only in motor cortex; in the other structures it significantly differed from the norm of intact animals. Haloperidol depressed the mechanisms of reproduction of trace reactions of the globus pallidus cells, and made them almost fully inactive in the motor cortex; the putamen neurones reacted to haloperidol by an increase of trace reactions intensity. Against the background of the animal chronic 1-amphetamine intoxication, haloperidol normalized the dynamics and intensity of trace activity. "Therapeutic" effect of haloperidol was most distinctly expressed in the motor cortex and putamen cells, less--in the caudate nucleus and was completely absent in the globus pallidus.  相似文献   

On alert animals the change was studied of the neuronal activity of the sensorimotor cortical area of cats brain in dependence on the level of differentiation of the components of simultaneous heteromodal complex stimulus. According to the character of this dependence and a number of other parameters two groups of neurones were singled out in the sensorimotor cortex. It was shown that parameters of reactions of all recorded neurones of the sensorimotor cortex to the positive conditioned signal were the first established after consolidation of the animal conditioned motor activity. In the course of elaboration following parameters changed: expressiveness, intensity, duration and value of latency. Reactions of neurones of both groups to the inhibitory stimuli were stabilized only after consolidation of the habit of differentiation. Responses of the first group neurones changed only by the pattern of discharge, while the responses of the second group neurones could change by expressiveness of response, its sign, duration and value of latency. Oscillations of the differentiation level after finishing of the elaboration of inhibitory conditioned reactions affected only the responses of the second group neurones to complex components.  相似文献   

The recovery of the visual function of rats throughout two weeks after deprivation period (keeping animals in dark chambers for 8 weeks from their birth) leads to a significant normalization of the activity level of glutomatedehydrogenase in the neurones of the III and V layers of the motor cortex. The changes of the enzyme activity in the neurones are accompanied by a diminution of their sizes. The obtained data together with the results of the previous studies (Busnuk, 1976), suggest that the elimination of the visual impulse activity in the early ontogenesis exerts a specific and reversible influence on the morpho-chemical differentiation of neurones both in the visual and in the motor cortical areas. The functional factors determining the direction of changes in the studied parameters of cortical neurones during deprivation and in the rate of their normalization during recovery of the visual function are discussed.  相似文献   

The chemical sensitivity was studied of the neurones of cats visual cortex at successive stages of food-procuring instrumental behaviour, formed in conditions of intraventricular administration of the blocker of protein synthesis the cyclohexamide. Animals with cyclohexamide had a low chemical sensitivity of the cortical neurones to microionophoretically applied solutions of acetylcholine and noradrenaline. In comparison with the intact animals, in animals with cyclohexamide the number of neurones reacting with change of the impulse activity at the stages of instrumental behaviour as well as the number of areactive cells, did not depend on the nature of the applied neurotransmitter.  相似文献   

Spectral analysis (ACG and gSP) of the impulse activity of the neurones of the old rabbits sensorimotor cortex allowed to reveal a trace recruitment of the rhythm--CR analogue to time--in after-action f rhythmic stimulation. Connection was established between the number of presented series of periodic electrocutaneous stimulation and expressiveness of the trace rhythm recruitment depending on the animals age. Trace rhythm recruitment took place slower in old animals (54-56 months) than in young ones (up to 1 year), chiefly in 2-3 experimental days after 2-4 series of rhythmic stimulation and was preserved in a small percent of cases the next day after stimulation. In the background activity of a number of neurones an initial periodicity was discovered, which was intensified under the influence of stimulation by another frequency, or the initial rhythm was extinguished, and stimulation rhythm was reproduced. Periodical stimulation in very old animals (66-85 months) practically did not evoke plastic reconstructions of the cortical neurones. Under the influence of the stimulation a non-specific trace increase of the frequency of neurones background activity of the old animals was observed. The revealed characteristics of plastic neurones properties may testify to projected disturbances of mnestic processes at definite age stages of normal aging.  相似文献   

In conditions of stereotaxic fixation, noradrenaline microionophoresis and stimulation of the lateral hypothalamus acted in the same sense on impulse activity of 35 and 37% of the neurones in the reticular formation of satiated rabbits, in joint action increasing the number of cells with distribution of intervals characteristic of alimentary motivational excitation. Microionophoresis of acetylcholine to the neurones of the orbital cortex in freely behaving rabbits reshaped the impulse activity of 57% of cells in accordance with the pattern of discharge activity characteristic of alimentary motivational excitation. Such excitation, natural as well as artificially evoked, widens polychemical properties of the neurones of the reticular formation and, on the contrary, narrows polychemical properties of the nerve cells of the orbital cortex.  相似文献   

In experiments on alert rabbits neuronal activity of the motor and visual cortical areas was studied in behavioural acts (BA) of grasping of a piece of plastics (P) and carrot (C) from consequently presented cups of the feeder; the animal had an opportunity to seize a C piece only after grasping and taking away from the previous cup the P piece. "Visual environment" in which BA were realized were identical; P and C pieces were identical in form and visual characteristics. Records were made of unit activity (201 cells), animal's movements (photoelectric method), EMG of the m. masseter; in parallel videorecords of behaviour were carried out. BA of P and C pieces grasping were identical in electromyo- and actographic characteristics; motor composition of these BA did not differ. 61 neurones were activated in both BA, 5--only in BA of P piece grasping, 22--only in BA of C piece grasping, i. e. 30% of neurones were activated only in one of the compared BA. Characteristics of activations, appearing in both acts could be significantly different: different frequency, connection with different stages of the compared BA. The obtained data are determined by changes of the motor and receptive fields of neurones in one BA in comparison to another, and are considered as an evidence supporting the suggestion that appearance of cortical neurones' activations in behaviour depends on BA goal and is not strictly determined by the parameters of movements and environment.  相似文献   

In conditions of complex food-acquisition behaviour of rabbits, a study was made of the influence of microiontophoretically administered acetylcholine and L-glutamate, putative mediators, on the activity of single cortical neurons. It was found that the drugs changed the total frequency of neurons firing and their activations, related to certain behavioral acts, components of the complex behaviour. They did not change the pattern of neuron spike activity within the limits of the entire food-acquisition behaviour. On the basis of these facts and published data on the influence of microiontophoretically administered acetylcholine and L-glutamate on neuronal metabolism, it is suggested that the hierarchic organization of behaviour is reflected in the organization of metabolic processes in cortical neurons.  相似文献   

Constancy of connection between the activity of limbic cortex neurones and food-procuring behaviour was studied on rabbits during prolonged unit records. Comparison of activity in the first and the second halves of records was conducted according to the mean frequency during each stage of recording, the mean frequency in each of 10 selected acts of cyclic behaviour and also the probability of activation presence in these acts. It was shown, that behavioural specialization, determined by the criterion of presence of 100% cell activation in specific acts, did not change during recording. The volume of changes in the connection of neurone activity to behaviour in the process of record greatly depended on conditions of recording; at constant mean frequency of neurone activity during the whole time of recording the volume of these changes was minimal.  相似文献   

In alert rabbits the activity of the motor cortex neurones was recorded with simultaneous application of acetylcholine to them in the process of defensive conditioning. Conditioned reorganization, mainly of activation type, were found in 60% of neurones. In most cases conditionally reacting cells were sensitive to acetylcholine. Ionophoretic application of the transmitter promoted the formation of conditioned neuronal responses and increased them in comparison with conditioned reactions evoked in absence of acetylcholine. It is supposed that the influence of acetylcholine on conditioned cellular process is realized due to its action on the state of excitability of the cortical neurones.  相似文献   

运动过程的网络逻辑——从离子通道到动物行为   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
GRILLNER Sten 《生命科学》2008,20(5):695-701
为了揭示神经网络在脊椎动物运动中所行使的内在功能,作者开发了七鳃鳗这种低等脊椎动物模型。在这套系统中,不仅可以了解到运动模式生成网络以及激活此网络的命令系统,同时还可以在运动中研究方向控制系统和变向控制系统。七鳃鳗的神经系统有较少的神经元,而且运动行为中的不同运动模式可以由分离的神经系统所引发。模式生成神经网络包括同侧的谷氨酸能中间神经元和对侧的抑制性甘氨酸能中间神经元。网络中的突触连接、细胞膜特性和神经递质都也已经被鉴定。运动是由脑干区域的网状脊髓神经元所引起,而这些神经元又是被问脑和中脑分离的一些运动命令神经元群所控制。因此,运动行为最初是由这两个“运动核心”所启动。而这两个运动核心被基底神经节调控,基底神经节即时地做出判断是否允许下游的运动程序启动。在静止情况下基底神经节的输出核团维持对下游不同运动核心的抑制作用,反之则去除抑制活化运动核心。纹状体和苍白球被认为是这个运动抉择系统的主要部件。根据“霍奇金一贺胥黎”模型神经元开发了这套网络模型,不同的细胞具有各自相应的不同亚型的钠、钾、钙离子通道和钙依赖的钾通道。每个模型神经元拥有86个不同区域模块以及其对应的生物学功能,例如频率控制、超极化等等。然后根据已有实验证据,利用突触将不同的模型神经元相连。而系统中的10000个神经元大致和生物学网络上的细胞数量相当。突触数量为760000。突触类型有AMPA、NMDA、glycine型。有了这样大规模的模型,不仅可以模拟肌节与肌节之间的神经网络,还可以模拟到由基底神经节开始的行为起始部分。此外,这些网络模拟还被用于一个神经机械学模型来模拟包含有推进和方向控制部分的真实运动。  相似文献   

Spike reactions of motor cortex neurons to tactile and electrocutaneous stimulation of a forelimb were studied in aged (6-7-year old) rabbits. As compared with young adult animals, the neuronal reactions to afferent stimuli were rarely recorded in the motor cortex of aged rabbits (66.7 and 50%, respectively). The activation manifested in increasing firing rate over its spontaneous level was less intensive than in young animals. The neuronal reactions of aged animals were characterized by the slower activation with longer latencies and slower development of spike responses. The parameters of slow activation could be partly corrected by the iontophoretic application of acetylcholine to the soma region. Neuronal inhibition recorded in the motor cortex of aged rabbits was not markedly changed compared to inhibition reactions in young animals. It is suggested that impairment of the functional state of dendrites in aging is responsible for the changes observed.  相似文献   

Somatotopic organization of the body representation in the motor cortex of the cat's brain and a high degree of differentiation in the organization of associative projections between the motor and the somatosensory cortex was shown by means of retrograde transport of horse-radish peroxidase. Pyramid and stellate neurones of the second and the third cortical layers participate in the formation of these projections and interconnections.  相似文献   

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