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Mexico - the northernmost country of Latin America - has long been thought to have an unusually low prevalence of Chagas disease compared with other Latin American countries. This has seemed unusual because of the large number of vector species and subspecies reported from the country, and the social and ecological conditions that seem to parallel those in other countries where Chagas disease is recognized as a major public health priority. This review seeks to clarify the question, and suggests that the epidemiological, parasitological, and entomological pattern of Chagas disease in Mexico may also parallel that of other endemic regions, but has been masked by poor awareness of the disease both at local and institutional levels.  相似文献   

Cysticercosis, caused by Taenia solium larva is a major public health problem, especially in the developing world and neurocysticercosis (NCC) is considered to be the most common parasitic infestation of the central nervous system. NCC is identified as the single most common cause of community acquired active epilepsy; 26.3% to 53.8% active epilepsy cases in the developing world including India and Latin America are due to NCC. It is also becoming more common in the developed world because of increased migration of people with the disease or Taenia solium carriers and frequent travel to the endemic countries. It is estimated that three quarters of the estimated 50 million people with active epilepsy live in the poor countries of the world. Recent Indian studies using neuroimaging techniques suggest that the disease burden in India surpasses many other developing countries. Hence it is important to know the epidemiology, pathogenesis and diagnostic criteria so as to assess the disease burden and adopt interventional strategies for its control. Literature search was done for this review with special emphasis on Indian studies to create awareness about the disease in India, since cysticercosis is preventable and potentially eradicable.  相似文献   

Malaria is the world's most important tropical parasitic disease. Malaria is a public health problem today in more than 90 countries. Worldwide prevalence of the disease is estimated to be in the order of 300-500 million clinical cases each year. Malaria is endemic in a total of 101 countries and territories. In Romania, malaria does not represent an important public health problem. In 1999, there were reported a total number of 32 malaria cases in Romanian people. 78% from these recognized as etiological agent Pl. falciparum. The malaria cases imported from Turkey (5) have had as etiological agent Pl. vivax. The most affected age group is between 21-50 years and a distribution by profession shows that sailor personnel accounts for 65.6% of all cases. Africa remains the most important endemic region from where the malaria cases in Romanian people are imported. An adequate chemoprophylaxis is not, yet, easy to obtain for Romanian people who are travelling abroad in endemic countries because of the lack of specific drugs (especially for resistant forms of Pl. falciparum). Even if the Romanian Ministry of Health had elaborated orders regarding malaria and Cloroquine is the usual drug administered, as chemoprophylaxis, to Romanian people who travel abroad, in each year in our country appears around 30-60 imported malaria cases. That is the cause why Romanian Ministry of Health wants to solve this problem which is the major cause of the malaria cases in Romanian people.  相似文献   

Taenia solium is a cestode parasitic of humans and pigs that strongly impacts on public health in developing countries. Its larvae (cysticercus) lodge in the brain, causing neurocysticercosis, and in other tissues, like skeletal muscle and subcutaneous space, causing extraneuronal cysticercosis. Prevalences of these two clinical manifestations vary greatly among continents. Also, neurocysticercosis may be clinically heterogeneous, ranging from asymptomatic forms to severely incapacitating and even fatal presentation. Further, vaccine design and diagnosis technology have met with difficulties in sensitivity, specificity and reproducibility. Parasite diversity underlying clinical heterogeneity and technological difficulties is little explored. Here, T. solium genetic population structure and diversity was studied by way of random amplified polymorphic DNA in individual cysticerci collected from pigs in Madagascar and two regions in Mexico. The amplification profiles of T. solium were also compared with those of the murine cysticercus Taenia crassiceps (ORF strain). We show significant genetic differentiation between Madagascar and Mexico and between regions in Mexico, but less so between cysticerci from different localities in Mexico and none between cysticerci from different tissues from the same pig. We also found restricted genetic variability within populations and gene flow was estimated to be low between populations. Thus, genetic differentiation of T. solium suggests that different evolutionary paths have been taken and provides support for its involvement in the differential tissue distribution of cysticerci and varying degrees of severity of the disease. It may also explain difficulties in the development of vaccines and tools for immunodiagnosis.  相似文献   

The flatworm Taenia solium causes human and pig cysticercosis. When cysticerci are established in the human central nervous system, they cause neurocysticercosis, a potentially fatal disease. Neurocysticercosis is a persisting public health problem in rural regions of Mexico and other developing countries of Latin America, Asia, and Africa, where the infection is endemic. The great variability observed in the phenotypic and genotypic traits of cysticerci result in a great heterogeneity in the patterns of molecules secreted by them within their host.This work is aimed to identify and characterize cysticercal secretion proteins of T. solium cysticerci obtained from 5 naturally infected pigs from Guerrero, Mexico, using 2D-PAGE proteomic analysis. The isoelectric point (IP) and molecular weight (MW) of the spots were identified using the software ImageMaster 2D Platinum v.7.0. Since most secreted proteins are impossible to identify by mass spectrometry (MS) due to their low concentration in the sample, a novel strategy to predict their sequence was applied. In total, 108 conserved and 186 differential proteins were identified in five cysticercus cultures. Interestingly, we predicted the sequence of 14 proteins that were common in four out of five cysticercus cultures, which could be used to design vaccines or diagnostic methods for neurocysticercosis. A functional characterization of all sequences was performed using the algorithms SecretomeP, SignalP, and BlastKOALA. We found a possible link between signal transduction pathways in parasite cells and human cancer due to deregulation in signal transduction pathways. Bioinformatics analysis also demonstrated that the parasite release proteins by an exosome-like mechanism, which could be of biological interest.  相似文献   

Typhoid fever was the scourge of 19th- and early 20th-century armies. During the Spanish-American War (1898) and the Anglo-Boer War (1899- 1902), typhoid killed more soldiers than enemy bullets. Walter Reed and his coworkers investigated the cause of the typhoid epidemics in the U.S. Army camps and concluded that, next to human contact, the housefly (Musca domestica) was the most active agent in the spread of the disease. British medical officers in South Africa, facing even worse typhoid epidemics, reached the same conclusion. The experiences of the American and British armies finally convinced the medical profession and public health authorities that these insects conveyed typhoid. The housefly was now seen as a health menace. Military and civilian sanitarians waged fly-eradication campaigns that prevented the housefly's access to breeding places (especially human excrement), and that protected food and drink from contamination. Currently, M. domestica is recognized as the mechanical vector of a wide variety of viral, bacterial, and protozoal pathogens. Fly control is still an important public health measure in the 21st century, especially in developing countries.  相似文献   

Epilepsy is one of the most common neurological disorders, while neurocysticercosis caused by Taenia solium infection of the central nervous system currently represents the leading cause of secondary epilepsy in Central and South America, East and South Asia, and sub-Saharan Africa. As a result of increased migration from these endemic regions, neurocysticercosis and subsequent epilepsy are becoming a growing public health problem in developed countries as well. In order to determine the prevalence of T. solium infection in patients with epilepsy in Croatia, a retrospective serological study was conducted. A total of 770 serum samples were tested for the presence of T. solium IgG antibodies using a commercial qualitative enzyme immunoassay. The Western blot technique was used as a confirmatory test for the diagnosis. The overall seroprevalence rate of T. solium infection in patients with clinically proven epilepsy was 1.5%. Although the results have shown that infection with this tapeworm is rare in Croatia, this study hopes to increase awareness about the importance of preventive measures and benefits of accurate and timely diagnosis. Intervention measures for infection control are crucial, namely sanitation improvement, control of domestic pig-breeding, detailed meat inspection, detection and treatment of tapeworm carriers, hand washing and health education.  相似文献   

Human monkeypox     
Human monkeypox, occurring in the tropical rainforest of west and central Africa, is regarded as the most important orthopoxvirus infection for epidemiological surveillance during the post-smallpox era. This disease, first recognized in Za?re in 1970 resembles smallpox clinically but differs epidemiologically. Clinical features, their evolution and sequelae of monkeypox could be compared with discrete ordinary or modified type of smallpox. A case-fatality rate of 14% has been observed but some cases can be exceedingly mild or atypical and may easily remain undetected and unreported. Pronounced lymphadenopathy has been the only clinical feature found commonly in monkeypox but not in smallpox. Fifty-seven cases of human monkeypox have occurred since 1970, in the tropical rainforests in six west and central African countries, the majority of them (45) being reported from Za?re. The disease appears to be more frequent in dry season. Children below ten years of age comprise 84% of the cases. Smallpox vaccination protects against monkeypox. Clusters of cases have been observed in certain areas within countries and within affected households. Human-to-human spread has possibly occurred seven times. No cases of possible tertiary spread were observed. The secondary attack rate among susceptible close household contacts was 10%, among all susceptible contacts 5%. This is much lower than that occurring with smallpox, which is between 25-40%. The limited avidity of monkeypox virus for human beings indicates that monkeypox is probably a zoonosis, although the animal reservoir(s) have not yet been identified. The low transmissibility, resulting in low frequency of disease in man indicates that monkeypox is not a public health problem. Human monkeypox has been a relatively newly recognized disease. Studies are in progress to identify the natural cycle of monkeypox virus and to define better its clinical and epidemiological characteristics. Special surveillance is maintained in endemic areas with the aim to provide assurance that in spite of waning immunity of the human population following cessation of the smallpox vaccination, the disease does not constitute a potential danger to man.  相似文献   

Chagas' disease or American trypanosomiasis is a parasitic zoonosis which constitutes and important public health problem in most of the Latin American countries. According to the development of socio-political events in the world, it is possible at present to speak of rural-periurban Chagas' disease and urban Chagas' disease. Rural-periurban Chagas' disease. In its endemo-enzootic condition it is distributed in vast areas from Mexico in the north and Argentina and Chile in the south. It is calculated that the population at risk is about 90 million persons, not less than 16-18 million are Trypanosoma cruzi infected and approximately 38% of these present or have presented pathology caused by the parasite. Organs most frequently affected: heart, esophagus and colon. The corresponding biological vectors are hematophagus triatomid bugs, with greater than 100 species synantropic (st) or sylvatic (sv), existing between parallels 41 N. and 46 S., but only about 36, which have been found infected, have some relationship with man because their adaptation to human dwelling. The human parasitose is less extended due to the fact that the vectors of the region are predominantly sv. The known reservoirs are more than 180 species of terrestrial mammals: domestic, st and sv. Man is possibly the most important. Some available relevant epidemiological information is summarized as follows: Additionally, some autochthonous cases of T. cruzi human infection have been registered in the United States, Trinidad-Tobago, Guyana and Belize. Moreover, infected vectors and/or sv reservoirs have been observed in almost a dozen of Caribbean countries. Urban Chagas' disease. As a consequence of possible better salaries and many other motivations, in the last decades there have been significant and constant migrations from rural to urban areas in many Latin American countries. This situation has facilitated the dissemination of T. cruzi infection through infected reservoirs--mostly humans--and/or passively transported infected vectors. In most of the cases these rural-urban migrations occur in chagasic endemic areas within a same country or in neighbouring ones; in others, the migration can involve countries where Chagas' disease does not exist, transmission being via blood transfusion or placental. According to some estimates, with a mean rate of 1.5% chagasic infected blood donors the minimum risk of T. cruzi transmission is nearly 12.5-25.0% when the volumen of transfused blood is 500 ml.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

We examined actual and perceived weight in nationally representative cohorts of adults in Mexico (n = 9,527) and the United States (n = 855) using data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (waves 2001-2006) and Mexican National Health and Nutrition Survey (2006). Actual weight was assessed by health technicians using BMI and perceived weight was collected through self-report. The prevalence of overweight or obesity (OO) in Mexican women was 72% and in Mexican-American women was 71%. OO Mexican-American women were more likely than OO Mexican women to label themselves as "overweight" (86% vs. 64%, P < 0.001), and this difference was significant while controlling for socio-demographic and weight-related variables. Among OO women from both populations, those who had been told by a health provider that they were OO were much more likely to perceive themselves as such (odds ratio = 5.3; 95% confidence intervals: 3.8-7.3). Significantly fewer OO women in Mexico than in the United States (13% vs. 42%, P < 0.0001) recalled having been screened for obesity by their health care provider. Weight misperceptions were common in both populations but more prevalent in Mexico, and low screening by health providers may be an important contributor to poor weight control in both countries.  相似文献   



The ongoing epidemiological transition in Mexico minimizes the relative impact of neurocysticercosis (NC) on public health. However, hard data on the disease frequency are not available.


All clinical records from patients admitted in the Instituto Nacional de Neurologia y Neurocirugia (INNN) at Mexico City in 1994 and 2004 were revised. The frequencies of hospitalized NC patients in neurology, neurosurgery and psychiatry services, as well as NC mortality from 1995 through 2009, were retrieved. Statistical analyses were made to evaluate possible significant differences in frequencies of NC patients'' admission between 1994 and 2004, and in yearly frequencies of NC patients'' hospitalization and death between 1995 and 2009.

Principal Findings

NC frequency in INNN is not significantly different in 1994 and 2004. Between these two years, clinical severity of the cases diminished and the proportion of patients living in Mexico City increased. Yearly frequencies of hospitalization in neurology and psychiatry services were stable, while frequencies of hospitalization in neurosurgery service and mortality significantly decreased between 1995 and 2009.


Our findings show a stable tendency of hospital cases during the last decade that should encourage to redouble efforts to control this ancient disease.  相似文献   

Tuberculosis still represents a major public health problem, especially in low-resource countries where the burden of the disease is more important. Multidrug-resistant and extensively drug drug-resistant tuberculosis constitute serious problems for the efficient control of the disease stressing the need to investigate resistance to first- and second-line drugs. Conventional methods for detecting drug-resistance in Mycobacterium tuberculosis are slow and cumbersome. The most commonly used proportion method on L?wenstein-Jensen medium or Middlebrook agar requires a minimum of 3-4 weeks to produce results. Several new approaches have been proposed in the last years for the rapid and timely detection of drug-resistance in tuberculosis. This review will address phenotypic culture-based methods for rapid drug susceptibility testing in M. tuberculosis.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The Global Programme to Eliminate Lymphatic Filariasis, launched following World Health Assembly Resolution 50.29 (WHA 50.29), has been facilitated in its progress by new research findings, drug donations, the availability of diagnostic tools, disability management strategies to help those already suffering and the development of partnerships. The strategy recommended by the World Health Organization of annual treatment with a two-drug combination has proved safe. DISCUSSION: Using different approaches in several countries the elimination of lymphatic filariasis (LF) has been demonstrated to be feasible during earlier decades. These successes have been largely overlooked. However, the programme progress since 2000 has been remarkable - upscaling rapidly from 2 million treatments in 2000 to approximately 60 million in 2002. Around 34 countries had active programmes at the end of 2002. It is anticipated that there will be further expansion - but this will be dependent on additional resources becoming available. The programme also provides significant opportunities for other disease control programmes to deliver public health benefits on a large scale. Few public health programmes have upscaled so rapidly and so cost-effectively (<$0.03/treatment in some Asian settings) - one country treating 9-10 million people in a day (Sri Lanka). The LF programme is arguably the most effective pro-poor public health programme currently operating which is based on country commitment and partnerships supported by a global programme and alliance. Tables are provided to summarize programme characteristics, the benefits of LF elimination, opportunities for integration with other programmes and relevance to the Millennium Development Goals. SUMMARY: Lymphatic filariasis elimination is an "easy-to-do" inexpensive health intervention that provides considerable "beyond filariasis" benefits, exemplifies partnership and is easily evaluated. The success in global health action documented in this paper requires and deserves further support to bring to fruition elimination of lymphatic filariasis as a public health problem and health benefits to poor people. A future free of lymphatic filariasis will reduce poverty and bring better health to poor people, prevent disability, strengthen health systems and build partnerships.  相似文献   

Histoplasmosis is a frequent health problem in Latin American countries, but the fact that it is not a reportable disease prevents reliable estimates of its real incidence and impact on public health. Epidemiologic and clinical data remain patchy in general, and in some countries the information available is very limited. Histoplasmosis has a significant public health impact in susceptible populations such as immunosuppressed individuals, in whom the disease is associated with poor outcomes. Limited availability of diagnostic tools in many regions of Latin America is an additional problem, as many patients are already severely ill by the time of the diagnosis. Efforts are therefore necessary to ensure early diagnosis and appropriate treatment, limit the severity of the disease manifestations, and reduce morbidity and mortality. This paper reviews important aspects of the epidemiology of histoplasmosis, the most clinically significant endemic mycosis in Latin America.  相似文献   

Coccidioidomycosis, also known as San Joaquin Valley Fever, is an endemic mycosis restricted to the American deserts, caused by the ascomycete Coccidioides spp. In 2000 it was estimated that more than 100,000 cases of the disease took place in the United States, and that these numbers have been rising over time. The current impact of this disease in Mexico is unknown, but the available data suggest that an increase of the incidence of this mycosis in California and Arizona might have the same impact in Mexican nearby States. These two USA States both have a bioclimatic pattern similar to the nearby Mexican States endemic for coccidioidomycosis. The main objective of this study was to collect the available information on the historical and epidemiological research done in Mexico to assess the impact of the disease and to evaluate whether the disease have a tendency to increase in the endemic areas and if this grow could represent a problem of public health in Mexico. We have conducted an extensive search on this topic in Health institutions and Academic facilities of California, Arizona and Mexico. After analyzing the scarce Mexican records we found that: 1) the main studies conducted in Mexico are limited to the northern desert areas of the country, mainly in the states of Sonora, Coahuila, Nuevo Leon and the Baja California peninsula; 2) until 1994 an increase of coccidioidomycosis in Mexico was noted; and 3) we found that Mexico shares a similar epidemiological data as that reported in the United States. For instance, the most affected groups in Mexico were children under 5 years-old and adults over 45 years-old. The collective information suggests the need to implement joined organized efforts and multi-institutional collaboration to clarify the current situation of this important endemic disease of North America to administer a viable early detection plan of this mycosis in Mexico.  相似文献   

BackgroundScabies is recognised as a major public health problem in many countries, and is responsible for significant morbidity due to secondary bacterial infection of the skin causing impetigo, abscesses and cellulitis, that can in turn lead to serious systemic complications such as septicaemia, kidney disease and, potentially, rheumatic heart disease. Despite the apparent burden of disease in many countries, there have been few large-scale surveys of scabies prevalence or risk factors. We undertook a population-based survey in Fiji of scabies and impetigo to evaluate the magnitude of the problem and inform public health strategies.ConclusionsAs far as we are aware, this is the first national survey of scabies and impetigo ever conducted. We found that scabies occurs at high levels across all age groups, ethnicities, and geographical locations. Improved strategies are urgently needed to achieve control of scabies and its complications in endemic communities.  相似文献   

Human gnathostomiasis is a food-born parasitic disease of relative importance in many countries in Southeast Asia. It is caused by several species of nematodes of the genus Gnathostoma. In Mexico is an emerging public health problem since 1970, when first cases were reported. Until today, larval morphometric characters that have been proposed to differentiate between the three species of Gnathostoma present in this country, are not satisfactory. Recently, the presence of advanced third-stage larvae AdvL3 (infective form for humans) in freshwater fishes from Pantanos de Centla, Tabasco. was recorded but their specific identity was not clarified . Examination of four species of freshwater fishes from the same locality revealed that three of them: Petenia splendida (n=58), Cichlasoma managuense (n=35) and Gobiomorus dormitor (n=9) were infected by 15 AdvL3 of Gnathostoma binucleatum. Specific identity was obtained comparing the internal transcribed spacer 2 (ITS2) of the ribosomal DNA with sequences reported in Genbank. This is the first record of G. binucleatum in P. splendida and G. dormitor from Tabasco and the first specific determination of the parasite in the locality.  相似文献   

Discovered in 1909, Chagas disease was progressively shown to be widespread throughout Latin America, affecting millions of rural people with a high impact on morbidity and mortality. With no vaccine or specific treatment available for large-scale public health interventions, the main control strategy relies on prevention of transmission, principally by eliminating the domestic insect vectors and control of transmission by blood transfusion. Vector control activities began in the 1940s, initially by means of housing improvement and then through insecticide spraying following successful field trials in Brazil (Bambui Research Centre), with similar results soon reproduced in S?o Paulo, Argentina, Venezuela and Chile. But national control programmes only began to be implemented after the 1970s, when technical questions were overcome and the scientific demonstration of the high social impact of Chagas disease was used to encourage political determination in favour of national campaigns (mainly in Brazil). Similarly, large-scale screening of infected blood donors in Latin America only began in the 1980s following the emergence of AIDS. By the end of the last century it became clear that continuous control in contiguous endemic areas could lead to the elimination of the most highly domestic vector populations - especially Triatoma infestans and Rhodnius prolixus - as well as substantial reductions of other widespread species such as T. brasiliensis, T. sordida, and T. dimidiata, leading in turn to interruption of disease transmission to rural people. The social impact of Chagas disease control can now be readily demonstrated by the disappearance of acute cases and of new infections in younger age groups, as well as progressive reductions of mortality and morbidity rates in controlled areas. In economic terms, the cost-benefit relationship between intervention (insecticide spraying, serology in blood banks) and the reduction of Chagas disease (in terms of medical and social care and improved productivity) is highly positive. Effective control of Chagas disease is now seen as an attainable goal that depends primarily on maintaining political will, so that the major constraints involve problems associated with the decentralisation of public health services and the progressive political disinterest in Chagas disease. Counterbalancing this are the political and technical cooperation strategies such as the "Southern Cone Initiative" launched in 1991. This international approach, coordinated by PAHO, has been highly successful, already reaching elimination of Chagas disease transmission in Uruguay, Chile, and large parts of Brazil and Argentina. The Southern Cone Initiative also helped to stimulate control campaigns in other countries of the region (Paraguay, Bolivia, Peru) which have also reached tangible regional successes. This model of international activity has been shown to be feasible and effective, with similar initiatives developed since 1997 in the Andean Region and in Central America. At present, Mexico and the Amazon Region remain as the next major challenges. With consolidation of operational programmes in all endemic countries, the future focus will be on epidemiological surveillance and care of those people already infected. In political terms, the control of Chagas disease in Latin America can be considered, so far, as a victory for international scientific cooperation, but will require continuing political commitment for sustained success.  相似文献   

Environmental sanitation is experiencing a reawakening with concerted drives at control of water and atmospheric pollution, mosquito and rodent control, and improvement in restaurant sanitation. Communicable disease control efforts are being intensified.With prolongation of life, chronic diseases are assuming increasing importance as public health problems. Maintenance of standards of hospitals and provision for more adequate hospital facilities are also receiving attention. Mental health and chronic alcoholism are being considered as a public health problem.With all these new trends emphasizing prevention of disease, increasing teamwork between physicians in private practice and in public health practice is being manifested. Preventive medicine and public health are now a recognized specialty in medicine.  相似文献   

Amebiasis is an endemic disease and a public health problem throughout Mexico, although the incidence rates of amebic liver abscess (ALA) vary among the geographic regions of the country. Notably, incidence rates are high in the northwestern states (especially Sonora with a rate of 12.57/100,000 inhabitants) compared with the central region (Mexico City with a rate of 0.69/100,000 inhabitants). These data may be related to host genetic factors that are partially responsible for resistance or susceptibility. Therefore, we studied the association of the HLA-DRB1 and HLA-DQB1 alleles with resistance or susceptibility to ALA in two Mexican populations, one each from Mexico City and Sonora. Ninety ALA patients were clinically diagnosed by serology and sonography. Genomic DNA was extracted from peripheral blood mononuclear cells. To establish the genetic identity of both populations, 15 short tandem repeats (STRs) were analyzed with multiplexed PCR, and the allelic frequencies of HLA were studied by PCR-SSO using LUMINEX technology. The allele frequencies obtained were compared to an ethnically matched healthy control group (146 individuals). We observed that both affected populations differed genetically from the control group. We also found interesting trends in the population from Mexico City. HLA-DQB1*02 allele frequencies were higher in ALA patients compared to the control group (0.127 vs 0.047; p= 0.01; pc= NS; OR= 2.9, 95% CI= 1.09-8.3). The less frequent alleles in ALA patients were HLA-DRB1*08 (0.118 vs 0.238 in controls; p= 0.01; pc= NS; OR= 0.42, 95% CI= 0.19-0.87) and HLA-DQB1*04 (0.109 vs 0.214; p= 0.02; pc= NS; OR= 0.40, 95% CI= 0.20-0.94). The haplotype HLA-DRB1*08/-DQB1*04 also demonstrated a protective trend against the development of this disease (0.081 vs. 0.178; p=0.02; pc=NS; OR= 0.40, 95% CI= 0.16-0.93). These trends suggest that the prevalent alleles in the population of Mexico City may be associated with protection against the development of ALA.  相似文献   

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