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The anterior-posterior (AP) stability of the knee is an important aspect of functional performance. Studies have shown that the stability increases when compressive loads are applied, as indicated by reduced laxity, but the mechanism has not been fully explained. A test rig was designed which applied combinations of AP shear and compressive forces, and measured the AP displacements relative to the neutral position. Five knees were evaluated at compressive loads of 0, 250, 500, and 750 N, with the knee at 15° flexion. At each load, three cycles of shear force at ±100 N were applied. For the intact knee under load, the posterior tibial displacement was close to zero, due to the upward slope of the anterior medial tibial surface. The soft tissues were then resected in sequence to determine their role in AP laxity. After anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) resection, the anterior tibial displacement increased significantly even under load, highlighting its importance in stability. Meniscal resection further increased displacement but also the vertical displacement increased, implying the meniscus was providing a buffering effect. The PCL had no effect on any of the displacements under load. Plowing cartilage deformation and surface friction were negligible. This work highlighted the particular importance of the upward slope of the anterior medial tibial surface and the ACL to AP knee stability under load. The results are relevant to the design of total knees which reproduce anatomic knee stability behavior.  相似文献   

The envelope of passive knee joint motion   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
The purpose of this study is to create an accurate experimental database for the passive (in vitro) freedom-of-motion characteristics of the human knee joint on a subject to subject basis, suitable for the verification and enhancement of mathematical knee-joint models. Knee-joint specimens in a six degree-of-freedom motion rig are moved through flexion under several combinations of external loads, including tibial torques, axial forces and AP-forces. Euler rotation angles and translation vectors, describing the relative, spatial motions of the joint are measured using an accurate Roentgen Stereo Photogrammetric system. Conceptually the joint is considered as a two degrees-of-freedom of motion mechanism (flexion-tibial rotation), whereby the limits of internal and external tibial rotation are defined at torques of +/- 3 Nm. The motion pathways along these limits are defined as the envelopes of passive knee joint motion. It is found that these envelope pathways are consistent and hardly influenced by additional axial forces up to 300 N and AP-forces of 30 N. Within the envelope of motion, however, the motion patterns are highly susceptible to small changes in the external load configuration. It is shown that the external tibial rotation during extension ('screw-home mechanism') is not an obligatory effect of the passive joint characteristics, but a direct result of the external loads. Anatomical differences notwithstanding, the inter-individual discrepancies in the motion patterns of the four specimens tested, showed to be relatively small in a qualitative sense. Quantitative differences can be explained by small differences in the alignment of the coordinate systems relative to the joint anatomy and by differences in rotatory laxity.  相似文献   

The mechanics of the knee joint in relation to normal walking   总被引:21,自引:1,他引:20  

This article introduces a new method to represent bone surface geometry for simulations of joint contact. The method uses the inner product of two basis functions to provide a mathematical representation of the joint surfaces. This method guarantees a continuous transition in the direction of the surface normals, an important property for computation of joint contact. Our formulation handles experimental data that are not evenly distributed, a common characteristic of digitized data of musculoskeletal morphologies. The method makes it possible to represent highly curved surfaces, which are encountered in many anatomical structures. The accuracy of this method is demonstrated by modeling the human knee joint. The mean relative percentage error in the representation of the patellar track surface was 0.25% (range 0-1.56%) which corresponded to an absolute error of 0.17mm (range 0-0.16mm).  相似文献   

In the single-joint torque exertion task, which has been widely used to control muscle activity, only the relevant joint torque is specified. However, the neglect of the neighboring joint could make the procedure unreliable, considering our previous result that even monoarticular muscle activity level is indefinite without specifying the adjacent joint torque. Here we examined the amount of hip joint torque generated with knee joint torque and its influence on the activity of the knee joint muscles. Twelve healthy subjects were requested to exert various levels of isometric knee joint torque. The knee and hip joint torques were obtained by using a custom-made device. Because no information about hip joint torque was provided to the subjects, the hip joint torque measured here was a secondary one associated with the task. The amount of hip joint torque varied among subjects, indicating that they adopted various strategies to achieve the task. In some subjects, there was a considerable internal variability in the hip joint torque. Such variability was not negligible, because the knee joint muscle activity level with respect to the knee joint torque, as quantified by surface electromyography (EMG), changed significantly when the subjects were requested to change the strategy. This change occurred in a very systematic manner: in the case of the knee extension, as the hip flexion torque was larger, the activity of mono- and biarticular knee extensors decreased and increased, respectively. These results indicate that the conventional single knee joint torque exertion has the drawback that the intersubject and/or intertrial variability is inevitable in the relative contribution among mono- and biarticular muscles because of the uncertainty of the hip joint torque. We discuss that the viewpoint that both joint torques need to be considered will bring insights into various controversial problems such as the shape of the EMG-force relationship, neural factors that help determine the effect of muscle strength training, and so on.  相似文献   

A biomechanical and hydrodynamic theoretical model has been developed in order to calculate the knee joint load during underwater knee extension exercises. The hydrodynamic force has been evaluated within the framework of a strip-theory approach, when a blunt rectangular resistive device is applied proximally to the shank to increase its frontal area. Analytical expressions of the patellar tendon force (F(PT)), the axial (phi(n)) and the shear (phi(t)) component of the tibiofemoral joint load have been derived as a function of joint angle (theta), angular velocity (theta ), angular acceleration (theta ), resistive device density, length (L(x)), width (L(z)) and thickness, and average hydrodynamic drag and added mass coefficients. An inverse dynamic problem has been solved, assuming for theta and theta a dependence on theta consistent with the experimental kinematic data available in the literature. The results highlight that the characteristics of the resistive device and the level of muscular activation can be adjusted reciprocally in order to control the peak value of F(PT), phi(n) and phi(t), and the position of these peaks within the joint range of motion (ROM). No anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) stress is observed (phi(t)>0) over the whole ROM, independent of the level of muscular activation, for a light resistive device with L(x) < or = 0.3 m and L(z) < or = 0.4 m. This work highlights that aquatic exercises can be usefully and safely implemented in the rehabilitation program following ACL surgery, and whenever it is important to avoid excessive shear joint forces that constrain the tibial plateau anterior translation with respect to the femur.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to estimate the tibiofemoral joint force in deep flexion to consider how the mechanical load affects the knee. We hypothesize that the joint force should not become sufficiently large to damage the joint under normal contact area, but should become deleterious to the joint under the limited contact area. Sixteen healthy knees were analyzed using a motion capture system, a force plate, a surface electromyography, and a knee model, and then tibiofemoral joint contact forces were calculated. Also, a contact stress simulation using the contact areas from the literature was performed. The peak joint contact forces (M +/- SD) were 4566 +/- 1932 N at 140 degrees in rising from full squat and 4479 +/- 1478 N at 90 degrees in rising from kneeling. Under normal contact area, the tibiofemoral contact stresses in deep flexion were less than 5 MPa and did not exceed the stress to damage the cartilage. The contact stress simulation suggests that knee prosthesis having the contact area smaller than 200 mm2 may be problematic since the contact stress in deep flexion would become larger than 21 MPa, and it would lead damage or wear of the polyethylene.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to evaluate retropatellar contact characteristics at different angles of flexion of the knee joint. To this end, 6 cadaveric legs were examined using pressure sensitive film (Fuji Prescale type "super low") at angles of flexion of 45 degrees, 60 degrees, 90 degrees and 120 degrees both in neutral rotation and 10 degrees internal and external rotation of the femur in the same knee joints. A force of 140 N was applied to both the vastus medialis and lateralis, and a comparison made with a medially and a laterally dominating muscle force. The contact areas decreased with increasing angles of flexion. The medially dominating muscle traction increased the contact area. Comparison between internal and external rotation revealed a decrease in contact area on internal rotation. The pressure measurements were comparable in all loading situations. Comparison between neutral and medial traction revealed significant differences in contact area, pressure and force. The influence of femoral rotation showed no significant difference. A comparison of the different angles of flexion revealed only few significant differences. To prevent the development of retropatellar arthrosis, maximum contact areas are necessary. The study has shown an advantage for medially dominating muscle traction, and external rotation of the femur.  相似文献   

The tidemark of the chondro-osseous junction of the normal human knee joint   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Summary The chondro-osseous junction includes the junction between calcified and non-calcified cartilage matrices often referred to as the tidemark. A detailed knowledge of the structure, function and pathophysiology of the chondro-osseous junction is essential for an understanding both of the normal elongation of bones and of the pathogenesis of osteoarthrosis. In this study the molecular anatomy of the tidemark was studied using histochemical techniques, including lectin histochemistry, on blocks of normal cartilage from human knee joints. The tidemark stained with H&E, picro-sirius red, toluidine blue, safranin O and methyl green, but not with alcian blue in the presence of magnesium chloride at 0.05 M or above. It stained with only four lectins, those from Datura stramonium, Maclura pomifera, Erythrina crystagalli and Helix pomatia, out of the 19 used. Therefore, it is rich in collagen and contains hyaluronan, but appears to lack the glycosaminoglycans of conventional proteoglycans and it expresses a very limited and distinctive lectin staining glycoprofile, which is probably attributable to specific glycoproteins. In addition, the tidemark had a distinct microanatomical trilaminate appearance. From all of these results it is clear that this part of the chondro-osseous junctional region is chemically more complex and distinctive than has previously been described.  相似文献   

Recruitment of knee joint ligaments   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
On the basis of earlier reported data on the in vitro kinematics of passive knee-joint motions of four knee specimens, the length changes of ligament fiber bundles were determined by using the points of insertion on the tibia and femur. The kinematic data and the insertions of the ligaments were obtained by using Roentgenstereophotogrammetry. Different fiber bundles of the anterior and posterior cruciate ligaments and the medial and lateral collateral ligaments were identified. On the basis of an assumption for the maximal strain of each ligament fiber bundle during the experiments, the minimal recruitment length and the probability of recruitment were defined and determined. The motions covered the range from extension to 95 degrees flexion and the loading conditions included internal or external moments of 3 Nm and anterior or posterior forces of 30 N. The ligament length and recruitment patterns were found to be consistent for some ligament bundles and less consistent for other ligament bundles. The most posterior bundle of each ligament was recruited in extension and the lower flexion angles, whereas the anterior bundle was recruited for the higher flexion angles. External rotation generally recruited the collateral ligaments, while internal rotation recruited the cruciate ligaments. However, the anterior bundle of the posterior cruciate ligament was recruited with external rotation at the higher flexion angles. At the lower flexion angles, the anterior cruciate and the lateral collateral ligaments were recruited with an anterior force. The recruitment of the posterior cruciate ligament with a posterior force showed that neither its most anterior nor its most posterior bundle was recruited at the lower flexion angles. Hence, the posterior restraint must have been provided by the intermediate fiber bundles, which were not considered in the experiment. At the higher flexion angles, the anterior bundles of the anterior cruciate ligament and the posterior cruciate ligament were found to be recruited with anterior and posterior forces, respectively. The minimal recruitment length and the recruitment probability of ligament fiber bundles are useful parameters for the evaluation of ligament length changes in those experiments where no other method can be used to determine the zero strain lengths, ligament strains and tensions.  相似文献   

Synovial capsule in cats is extensively innervated by a network with axonal diameter ranging from 0.6-3 microns according to its position and neuropeptide content. Nerve markers such as Neuron Specific Enolase (NSE) and Neurofilament triplet protein (NF) could be observed only when the axonal fibre attained a critical diameter of over the 3 microns limit. The relatively thick fibres (1-3 microns) show positive immunoreactivity for Substance P (SP), 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT), and Vasoactive Intestinal Peptide (VIP), and seldom coreact with NSE and NF, whereas, the thinnest fibres (0.6-0.8 microns) characterized to contain either Methionine or Leucine Enkephalin (M-Enk, L-Enk) did not coreact positively with axonal markers. We found that different anesthetics may effect variably the immunoreactivity of some neuropeptides (SP, L-Enk, 5-HT) while others (VIP, M-Enk) remained unaffected. Based on our data and the few reported ones in the pertinent literature, it is judged that urethane is the anesthetic of choice in experimental studies of neuropeptides. Our findings of isolated positive immunoreactive cell bodies to enkephalin in synovia might suggest the presence of intrinsic relay system, where the enkephalin acts as suppressor of SP and VIP release from the sunovium nerve terminals. Such a local inter-relationship between different neuropeptide systems might have a practical role on the understanding of the pathogenesis of different arthritic processes as well as therapeutic strategy in the future.  相似文献   

The arteriolo-venular anastomoses (AVA) in the synovial membrane of the knee joint of fetuses (40), corpses of persons at various age (120) and dogs (30) have been studied by means of the impregnation method after V. V. Kupriyanov. In the synovial membrane shunts and semishunts are revealed. The AVA localize in composition of the deep vascular network of the synovial membrane. They are dynamic structures. The occurrence of their disclosure and their structure depend on the age factor.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of moment of antagonistic muscle on the resultant joint moment during isokinetic eccentric and concentric efforts of the knee extensors. Ten males performed maximum eccentric and concentric knee extension and flexion efforts on a Biodex dynamometer at 0.52 rad · s−1 (30° · s−1). Electromyographic (EMG) activity of vastus medialis and biceps femoris (hamstrings) was also recorded. The antagonistic moment of the hamstrings was determined by recording the integrated EMG (iEMG)/moment relationship at different levels of muscle effort. The iEMG/moment curves were fitted using second-degree polynomials. The polynomials were then used to predict the antagonistic moment exerted by the hamstrings from the antagonist iEMG. The antagonistic moment had a maximum of 42.92 Nm and 28.97 Nm under concentric and eccentric conditions respectively; paired t-tests indicated that this was a significant difference (P < 0.05). These results indicate that the resultant joint moment of knee extensors is the result of both agonist and antagonist muscle activation. The greater antagonist muscle activity under concentric activation conditions may be partly responsible for the lower resultant joint concentric moment of knee extensors compared with the corresponding eccentric activation. The antagonist moment significantly affects comparisons between the isokinetic moments and agonist EMG and in vitro force measurements under different testing (muscle action and angular velocity) conditions. Accepted: 25 February 1997  相似文献   

A planar model of the knee joint to characterize the knee extensor mechanism   总被引:10,自引:4,他引:6  
A simple planar static model of the knee joint was developed to calculate effective moment arms for the quadriceps muscle. A pathway for the instantaneous center of rotation was chosen that gives realistic orientations of the femur relative to the tibia. Using the model, nonlinear force and moment equilibrium equations were solved at one degree increments for knee flexion angles from 0 (full extension) to 90 degrees, yielding patellar orientation, patellofemoral contact force and patellar ligament force and direction with respect to both the tibial insertion point and the tibiofemoral contact point. The computer-derived results from this two-dimensional model agree with results from more complex models developed previously from experimentally obtained data. Due to our model's simplicity, however, the operation of the patellar mechanism as a lever as well as a spacer is clearly illustrated. Specifically, the thickness of the patella was found to increase the effective moment arm significantly only at flexions below 35 degrees even though the actual moment arm exhibited an increase throughout the flexion range. Lengthening either the patella or the patellar ligament altered the force transmitted from the quadriceps to the patellar ligament, significantly increasing the effective moment arm at flexions greater than 25 degrees. We conclude that the levering action of the patella is an essential mechanism of knee joint operation at moderate to high flexion angles.  相似文献   

The exposed knee joint poses a challenge to the reconstructive surgeon. The currently popular approach to the repair of exposed knee joints is use of muscle flaps. However, this leaves the patient with a deficit. We have therefore begun using the fasciocutaneous flap as an initial approach to this problem. In seven patients, aged 28 to 74 years, fasciocutaneous flaps have been the reconstructive procedure of choice for repair of exposed knee joints. One patient with a very large open wound required a concomitant medial gastrocnemius muscle flap. One minor wound separation occurred in a paraplegic patient with severe spasm. No other complications occurred. Follow-up ranged from 3 to 12 months, with good success in wound closure. An approach to small and intermediate wounds is presented in which the V-Y technique is used to obviate the need for skin grafting of the donor site.  相似文献   

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