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中国的松干蚧   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
松干蚧是在松树枝干上为害的珠蚧科(Margarodidae)、松蚧属(Matsucoccus)的蚧虫。关于我国松干蚧的种类和经济意义,在解放前一无所知。解放后,首先在山东崂山地区发现松干蚧为害严重,才开始进行防治研究。文化大革命以后,群众性的科学实验运动蓬勃发展,对于松干蚧的防治研究通过各地协作,进展很快。我们得到全国松干蚧防治研究协作组的帮助,研究了各地的标本,使我们对于我国松干蚧的种类有了一些了解。现将  相似文献   

松干蚧种群变动和生物防治   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
松干蚧是松树主要害虫之一,其中以日本松干蚧(Matsucoccus matsumurae Kuwana)为害最严重。1973年南京地区松干蚧猖獗发生。我院校园连片的马尾松(Pinus massonianaLamb.)和千头赤松[Pinus densiflora f.umbraculifera(Mayr) Beissner]等也暴发了此虫,当时曾作为江苏省松干蚧防治会议的现场。但是,直到 1978年 3月,原来这些松干蚧大发生的松树,未发现有因松干蚧为害致死现象;相反,他们长势愈来愈旺,松干蚧数量也降低到稳定水平。整个群落趋于稳定。除我院以外,南京市晓庄林场,溧阳县东方红林场等也有此现象。尤其是后者,松干蚧分布面积千亩以上,部分地区种群密度很大,但是也没有  相似文献   

陈桃源 《昆虫知识》2000,37(6):344-346
条毒蛾 Lymantria dissoluta Swinhoe是马尾松的重要食叶害虫 ,曾在广西、湖南多次成灾。安微省全椒县 1 978年首次发现 ,1 980年成灾达 1 33.3hm2 ,1 989年成灾 2 0 0 0 hm2 ,1 996年成灾 2 0 0 hm2 ,成为继马尾松毛虫之后的第二大松林食叶害虫。自 1 980年起 ,孤山林场对该虫发生特点做了连续系统的调查和分析 ,并进行了防治试验 ,结果报道如下。1 发生特点的调查分析1 .1 条毒蛾消长历经猖獗、低落、稳定 3个阶段1 980年 ,孤山林场条毒蛾成灾 1 33.3hm2 ,最高单株虫口 1 90 0多头 ,最低 93头 ,防治后虫口迅速下降 ,少部分林地因该虫发…  相似文献   

应用粉炮防治松毛虫,是我区在防治林业害虫上的一项新方法。过去用人工喷粉防治松毛虫,劳动强度大,树高难以喷杀,为了改变这种状况,1969年冬,我们和合浦炮竹厂组成“三结合”试验小组,进行研制粉炮防治松毛虫工作。在毛主席革命路线指引下,经过反复实践,不断总结经验,制造成功了杀虫粉炮。 这种粉炮具有如下优点:一是制做简单,适宜大搞群众运动,林场、公社用简陋的工具就可以制做;二  相似文献   

我省当前防治松毛虫主要采用人工防治法,根据农村劳力紧张情况和松毛虫的特性,究竟以那一虫期最为有效还没有得出结论。最近我们在津市林场和益阳衡龙山林场进行了初步探索。 5月中旬至下旬正是越冬代松毛虫产卵盛期,卵  相似文献   

红点唇瓢虫生物学及其对防治介壳虫的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
红点唇瓢虫Chilocorus Kuwanae Silverstri是一种国内广布的多食性的蚧虫天敌,据调查饲养结果,已知它可捕食5科27种蚧虫。该虫具有较强的觅食和捕食能力,具有较高的繁殖力,并能建立比较稳定的种群。通过多次田间释放和保护利用的试验,对蚧虫的控制效果均在94%以上,是防治多种蚧虫_的有效天敌。作者于1978—1982年,对此虫进行了较系统的研究。此文是有关结果的一个简报。  相似文献   

拟白须眉蚧Kuwanaspispseudoleucaspis(Kuwana)是危害我县毛竹的一种主要蚧虫,农民称该虫为“竹虱”。1984年我县丁甲桥乡北川村有32.67ha毛竹林受该虫危害,毛竹枯死率为3.9%;1986年槐坎乡仰峰村有20ha毛竹林受危害,毛竹枯死率达20%;1993年小浦林场寺齐有2.67ha毛竹林受到危害,通过及时采取内吸农药涂竿防治,取得了较好的效果,控制了该由的危害。现将防治情况作一小结。通过几年来的观察,拟白须眉价在我县一年发生2代,以受精雌成虫越冬,第一代着由盛期在6月上旬,第二代若虫盛期在8月中下旬。1993年9月3日,我门对小浦林…  相似文献   

赵彦民  郭丽萍 《昆虫知识》1998,35(4):209-212
柿树真绵蚧Eupulrinariacitricola(Kuwana)的报道在国内尚属首次。近年来该虫在河北省部分柿产区日趋严重,成为柿树的一种重要害虫。该虫在当地1年发生1次。以2龄若虫在当年生枝条上越冬,第二年3月上旬越冬虫体复苏,4月20~25日成虫交配,5月20~25日雌成虫产卵,6月10~20日若虫孵化后,固定在叶片上越夏,9月下旬越夏若虫蜕皮进入2龄,并转移到当年生枝条上越冬。农药防治结果表明:久效磷、氧乐果等有机内吸剂的防治效果很好,防治的最佳时间是6月中旬。该虫在当地的主要天敌有红点瓢虫ChilocoruskuwanaeSilvestri、黑缘红瓢虫C.rubidusHope和一种寄生蜂。  相似文献   

赭色松毛虫Dendrolimus kikuchii Matsumura是马尾松、黄山松和海岸松的大害虫。近年来我场对此虫的生活习性进行了研究,还利用虫卵对松毛虫赤眼蜂Trichogramma dendrolimi Matsumura进行了繁殖试验。现将结果整理如下:  相似文献   

马尾松毛虫自然种群生命表   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
易明生 《昆虫知识》1990,27(3):151-152
<正> 马尾松毛虫Dendrolimus punctatus Walker是马尾松的主要害虫,大发生过后,林木如同火烧,严重影响马尾松的生长。笔者于1983年在华云山天池林场对马尾松毛虫自然种群生命表进行了研究,旨在为马尾松毛虫的预测预报提供资料。  相似文献   

松梢蚧   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
松梢蚧又称松针蚧,是同翅目珠蚧科松蚧属专寄生在松树针叶上的害虫。由于它发生起始于松树梢头的新针叶,有些地区的群众称它为松梢蚧,表达了它发生的特点。松树受害严重的可使枝梢上的针叶大部脱落,影响松树生长。 在我国浙江早已发现中华松梢蚧(Matsucoccus sinensis Chen)。Ferris(1950)重新描述了在昆明云南松上采到的所谓中华松梢蚧。我们研究了从昆明采集的标本,发现它不是中华松梢蚧,而是一个新种。Ferris的鉴定和重新描述,很容易引起对中华松梢蚧的误解。  相似文献   

Mc Gregor , William H. Davis (Clemson Coll., Clemson, S.C.), and Paul J. Kramer . Seasonal trends in rates of photosynthesis and respiration of loblolly pine and white pine seedlings. Amer. Jour. Bot. 50(8): 760–765. Illus. 1963.—Seasonal trends in the rates of photosynthesis and respiration of potted loblolly and white pine seedlings were studied by measuring CO2 exchange with an infra-red gas analyzer at intervals during a year. The seedlings were kept out-of-doors, but measurements were made indoors at 25 C and 4000 ft-c of light. Beginning in February, the rate of photosynthesis per plant of both species increased, reaching a peak in mid-September for loblolly pine and in mid-July for white pine and then declining rapidly after mid-September for both species. The spring increase began before new needles emerged and the autumn decline was not accompanied by appreciable loss of foliage. The respiration rate of loblolly pine increased steadily throughout the year. Respiration of white pine increased until mid-May and then remained fairly constant through the remainder of the year. Maximum rate of photosynthesis per unit of fascicle length occurred in July for the white pine and in May for the loblolly pine, and rates declined after September in both species. Respiration rate per unit of fascicle length showed a marked increase as spring growth began in April, then decreased to a minimum in September and increased during the winter in both species. Total chlorophyll per seedling reached a maximum in September for both species and declined slightly during winter. Total chlorophyll per unit of fascicle length increased in the spring, declined slightly in midseason, and increased again in September. Photosynthesis per unit of chlorophyll reached a maximum in May for loblolly pine and in July for white pine. Stem elongation of white pine was 88% completed by May 15. On the same date, stem elongation of loblolly pine was only 42% completed.  相似文献   

Berlyn , Graeme P. (Yale U., New Haven, Conn.) Developmental patterns in pine polyembryony. Amer. Jour. Bot. 49(4): 327–333. Illus. 1962.—An investigation of multiple-embryo development in pine was undertaken. The occurrence of 4 embryos per mature seed was found in approximately one third of the seeds of Pinus lambertiana and Pinus cembra examined and in a few seeds of Pinus strobus. These embryos were derivatives of the 4 embryo-initial cells of the apical tier of the proembryo. There was a progressive reduction in size and development of embryos in a given seed, the embryo furthest from the micropyle being the largest and most differentiated. However, in many cases, histogenesis proceed even when embryo size was significantly arrested. All 4 embryos in some seeds were viable in vitro, but rarely did more than one embryo germinate in vivo. This may be associated with the more rapid reactivation of the largest embryo. Variation in the extent of multiple-embryo development reflects the apparently indeterminate pattern of competition within an embryo system.  相似文献   

We used restriction fragment analysis of chloroplast, nuclear, and mitochondrial DNA to study phylogeny in the genus Pinus. Total genomic DNA of 18 to 19 pine species that spanned 14 of the 15 subsections in the genus was cut with 8 restriction enzymes, blotted, and then probed with up to 17 cloned DNA fragments—which were mostly from the chloroplast genome of Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii [Mirb.] Franco). A total of 116 shared characters, the majority representing single point mutations, were subjected to Wagner and Dollo parsimony analyses, coupled with bootstrapping and construction of consensus trees. The hard (subgenus Pinus) and soft pines (subgenus Strobus) were distinct. The soft pines in section Parrya, represented by P. longaeva, edulis, monophylla, and gerardiana, were the group closest to the hypothesized root of the genus. They were also more diverse and more closely related to the hard pines than were their descendents in section Strobus, represented by P. koraiensis, albicaulis, griffithii, and lambertiana, all of which were remarkably similar. Except for a strong clade involving P. canariensis and pinea (section Ternatae), the hard pines were weakly differentiated. The high similarity within the most speciose groups of pines (sections Strobus and Pinus) suggests that the bulk of the genus radiated relatively recently. In contrast to a recent classification, P. leiophylla was not associated with section Ternatae; instead, it appears to belong in section Pinus, and showed a high similarity to P. taeda of subsection Australes. Subsection Oocarpae, represented by P. oocarpa and radiata, appears to be a natural group, and is related to subsection Contortae, represented by P. contorta. More extensive restriction fragment studies will yield many new insights into evolution in the genus. Other methods, however, such as DNA sequencing or fine structure analysis of restriction site mutations, are likely to be necessary for rooting pine phylogenies with respect to other coniferous genera, and for estimating divergence times.  相似文献   

The transfer of energy to and from a Ponderosa pine branch involves solar radiation, thermal radiation from the ground, atmosphere, and surroundings, thermal emission by the branch, and free convection in still air and forced convection in wind. It is necessary to know the actual surface area of the branch, the effective area for absorbing sunlight, the effective area for absorbing long wave thermal radiation and for emission, and the free and forced convection coefficients. These parameters were determined using a solid silver casting of a Ponderosa pine branch suspended in an evacuated radiation chamber and in a wind tunnel. The actual surface area of the branch was determined by means of an electrolytic technique. Numerical examples are given of the evaluation of the temperature of a live branch based on energy transfer considerations. Comparison is made to our earlier work on spruce and fir.  相似文献   

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