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While we know that food neophobia in nonhuman primates is affected by social factors, little is known about how palatability, and specifically sugar content, might ameliorate a monkey's hesitancy to eat a novel food. It is likely that an innate preference for sweet substances would alter an animal's typical neophobic response. To test this, I presented nine male rhesus macaques with novel foods that contained a low, high, or no amount of sugar. As expected, the monkeys exhibited a neophobic response to the no-sugar novel foods but not to the high-sugar novel foods. Previous research on food neophobia may need to be reevaluated in light of the effects of sugar content on the neophobic response.  相似文献   

The paternity of 202 of 220 offspring of rhesus monkeys housed in six separate half-acre field cages at the California Primate Research Center was determined by genetic marker techniques. Reproductive success of the adult males was statistically significantly correlated (r = 0.76, P <0.0005) with rank. Marked systematic changes in reproductive success were, however, observed for two adult males during the three years covered by this study. Based upon these results and those of another study, it is argued that changes in rank position typically follow, rather than precede, changes in reproductive success.  相似文献   

One of the prime concerns at zoos and at primate breeding facilities is to maintain genetic variability. This can be accomplished by avoiding inbreeding. It is relatively easy to assess genetic variability and the level of inbreeding by using pedigree information and genetic markers. In this study we used genetic markers controlled by 6 independent polymorphic loci (GPI, PGD, CA2, MPI, DIA1, Tf) to ascertain genetic variation in two captive and one wild population of rhesus monkeys. Two other loci ADA and NP were also examined and found to be monomorphic in the three populations. F-statistics and contingency chi-square analyses indicated that there was significant genetic differentiation among the populations. We also found that the mean heterozygosities were very similar in the three populations, in spite of the diverse breeding strategies. These data are important because rhesus monkeys are frequently used for biomedical research; and the genetic markers provide useful information for genetic management of captive colonies of nonhuman primates. © 1992 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Long-tailed and rhesus macaques are widely used in biomedical research; therefore, the known blood group is important. METHODS: The human-type ABO blood group was determined in wild or semi-wild long-tailed and rhesus macaques in Thailand. A total of 729 long-tailed and 160 rhesus macaques from 20 localities were temporarily caught. RESULTS: The frequency profiles of blood groups, calculated by averaging the frequency of each troop in long-tailed and rhesus macaques, were AB > O > B > A at 29.6%, 27.4%, 27.2%, and 15.8%, and B > AB > A > O at 39.6%, 33.4%, 18.2%, and 8.8%, respectively. Irrespective of locality, the frequencies were AB > O > B > A of 29.6%, 28.0%, 24.4%, and 18.0%, and AB > B > A > O of 37.5%, 28.7%, 26.9%, and 6.9%, respectively, for all long-tailed and rhesus macaques. The frequency profile of blood groups in Thai rhesus macaques was somewhat similar to that in the parapatric long-tailed macaques; however, it was different from other rhesus populations where only group B was detected. CONCLUSIONS: Our data support the hypothesis that Indochinese rhesus macaques are hybrids between rhesus and long-tailed macaques in the past.  相似文献   

Abstract: Research on human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection is compromised by the obvious limitation in having for study only virus-infected individuals or those exposed to the virus. Steps involved in transmission or pathogenesis require planned experimentation. The identification of animal models of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) has therefore been helpful for evaluating phases of HIV pathogenesis. Of the seven subgenera of lentiviruses now recognized, two share the characteristics with HIV of a T cell tropism and the associated loss of CD4+ cells in the host associated with disease: the feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) and the simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) (Table 1). The other animal lentiviruses grow best in macrophages and their infection generally reflects clinical sequellae of infection of this cell type. This review addresses those features of SIV, HIV, and SHIV infections of non-human primates that illustrate the importance of the animal models of AIDS.  相似文献   

An 835 base pair (bp) fragment of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) was sequenced to characterize genetic variation within and among 1,053 samples comprising five regional populations each of longtail macaques (Macaca fascicularis) and rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta), and one sample each of Japanese (M. fuscata) and Taiwanese (M. cyclopis) macaques. The mtDNA haplotypes of longtail macaques clustered in two large highly structured clades (Fas1 and Fas2) of a neighbor-joining tree that were reciprocally monophyletic with respect to those representing rhesus macaques, Japanese macaques, and Taiwanese macaques. Both clades exhibited haplotypes of Indonesian and Malaysian longtail macaques widely dispersed throughout them; however, longtail macaques from Indochina, Philippines, and Mauritius each clustered in a separate well-defined clade together with one or a few Malaysian and/or Indonesian longtail macaques, suggesting origins on the Sunda shelf. Longtail macaques from Malaysia and Indonesia were far more genetically diverse, and those from Mauritius were far less diverse than any other population studied. Nucleotide diversity between mtDNA sequences of longtail macaques from different geographic regions is, in some cases, greater than that between Indian and Chinese rhesus macaques. Approximately equal amounts of genetic diversity are due to differences among animals in the same regional population, different regional populations, and different species. A greater proportion of genetic variance was explained by interspecies differences when Japanese and Taiwanese macaques were regarded as regional populations of rhesus macaques than when they were treated as separate species. Rhesus macaques from China were more closely related to both Taiwanese and Japanese macaques than to their own conspecifics from India.  相似文献   

Using weight and skinfold thickness to calculate relative body fat, the fat content of 21 captive female rhesus macaques was estimated. Although age and. pregnancy had no effect on fat, rank was significant, especially during winter, with high-rank females having the highest fat scores. Rank therefore has a significant effect on the health of captive animals and may also affect the health of individuals in feral groups.  相似文献   

D. J. Melnick 《Genetica》1987,73(1-2):117-135
Primates, as long-lived, iteroparous, socially complex mammals, offer the opportunity to assess the effects of behavior and demography on genetic structure. Because it is difficult to obtain tissue samples from wild primate populations, research in this area has largely been confined to terrestrial and semi-terrestrial old world monkeys (e.g., rhesus and Japanese macaques, vervets and several subspecies of baboons). However, these species display a multi-male, multi-female social structure commonly found in many other primate and non-primate mammals. Electrophoretic analyses of blood proteins from individually recognized and/or marked wild Himalayan rhesus monkeys, themselves the subject of long-term behavioral and demographic research, have begun to reveal the genetic consequences of such phenomena as social group fission, malelimited dispersion, non-consanguineous mating patterns, and agonistically defined male dominance.Specifically, rhesus social groups, consisting primarily of clusters of maternal relatives, appear to be nonrandom samples of a population's genotypes and genes. The genetic effects of social group fission are highly dependent on each group's size, demographic structure, and average degree of relatedness. In all cases fission contributes to the degree of intergroup genetic differentiation. Male-limited dispersion appears both to retard genetic differentiation between social groups and to lead to mating patterns that result in an avoidance of consanguinity. Groups, therefore, appear to be genetically outbred.Comparing these results with studies of other free-ranging or wild cercopithecines allows several generalizations: (a) genetic variation seems to be evenly distributed throughout each local population of multi-male social groups; (b) social groups, however, because they contain clusters of relatives, are distinctive in their specific frequencies of genes; (c) the degree of genetic differentiation between a population's social groups, because of the effects of social group fission and non-deterministic forms of male dispersal, is somewhat greater than expected on the basis of migration rates alone; and (d) the asymmetrical pattern of dispersion with respect to sex effectively precludes inbreeding in any one social group or the population as a whole. These observations have important implications for understanding the unusually rapid rates of evolution among the primates.  相似文献   

Gene frequency distributions in subdivided populations are affected by migration of individuals between groups. This paper considers the effects of such migration on blood protein allele frequency distributions in social groups of the Cayo Santiago rhesus macaque colony. Gene frequencies for complete social groups and their migrant and natal segments were analyzed at four points within a four year period in the colony's history. Gene frequencies varied between the migrant segments of different groups. Gene frequencies of migrant segments of particular groups also varied substantially with time. Usually, but not always, the presence of migrants in groups reduced the levels of inter-group gene frequency differentiation. We suggest that our findings are explained by a model in which the recruitment of immigrants into social groups is largely random with respect to individual genotypes. Such a model implies that migration contributes to both stochastic and directed changes in gene frequencies in rhesus and similarly substructured populations.  相似文献   

The genetic variations of 35 individuals of the Shimokita A1 troop of mainland Japanese macaques,Macaca fuscata fuscata, which live at the northern end of the habitat of the species, were investigated using 33 electrophoretically detectable blood protein loci. Among the loci examined, six were polymorphic. The average heterozygosity per individual was calculated as 0.0442. This was the highest value among all troops of Japanese macaques so far investigated. The mainland macaques of the Shimokita A1 troop were more differentiated genetically from other mainland macaque troops than were Yaku macaques, the subspeciesM. f. yakui.  相似文献   

The amygdala and autism: implications from non-human primate studies   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Brothers (1990 ) has proposed that the amygdala is an important component of the neural network that underlies social behavior. Kemper and Bauman (1993 ) identified neuropathology in the amygdala of the postmortem autistic brain. These findings, along with recent functional neuroimaging data, have led Baron-Cohen et al. (2000 ) to propose that dysfunction of the amygdala may be responsible, in part, for the impairment of social behavior that is a hallmark feature of autism. Recent data from studies in our laboratory on the effects of amygdala lesions in the adult and infant macaque monkey do not support a fundamental role for the amygdala in social behavior. If the amygdala is not essential for the component processes of social behavior, as seems to be case in both non-human primates and selected patients with bilateral amygdala damage, then it is unlikely to be the primary substrate for the impaired social behavior of autism. However, damage to the amygdala does have an effect on a monkey's response to normally fear-inducing stimuli, such as snakes, and removes a natural reluctance to engage novel conspecifics in social interactions. These findings lead to the conclusion that an important role for the amygdala is in the detection of threats and mobilizing an appropriate behavioral response, part of which is fear. Interestingly, an important comorbid feature of autism is anxiety ( Muris et al. 1998 ). If the amygdala is pathological in subjects with autism, it may contribute to their abnormal fears and increased anxiety rather than their abnormal social behavior.  相似文献   

Abstract: To address the question of how cell turnover is affected by retroviral infections, we used the telomeric terminal restriction fragments (TRFs) as markers of cell replicative history and measured their length in macaques infected with chimeric simian-human immunodeficiency viruses (SHIVs). The TRF lengths of mononuclear cells in 104 samples, including longitudinal samples from nine cynomolgus and ten pig-tailed macaques infected with SHIV, and in samples from 26 uninfected macaques, were quantitated by an improved method, based on two-dimensional calibration of DNA sizes, pulsed field electrophoresis, and high-resolution Southern blot images. The average TRF lengths of peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) from uninfected pig-tailed (14.9 ± 1.6 kbp) and cynomolgus (14.1 ± 1.8 kbp) macaques were about 3 and 5 kbp longer than those of human infants and 30-year-old adults, respectively. The rate of TRF length shortening in infected pig-tailed macaques was significantly (P = 0.035) higher (2.2-fold) than in uninfected monkeys. The TRFs in SHIV-infected cynomolgus monkeys, which, in general, had lower viral loads than pig-tailed macaques, shortened on average more rapidly (1.6-fold) than in uninfected animals, but the difference was not statistically significant. The TRFs of mononuclear cells from the lymph nodes of two rapidly progressing SHIV-infected macaques that developed AIDS and died also shortened in parallel but somewhat more rapidly than in the PBMCs. These results suggest that the rate of PBMC turnover in macaques could be increased several-fold during infections by immunodeficiency viruses, likely due to immune activation by SHIV antigens.  相似文献   

目的为了进一步确证SHIV-KB9感染中国恒河猴的病毒浓度范围,测试动物对病毒的适应性,明确该动物模型的可重复性。方法实验前采集猴血清并进行血清学检查。选出4只无SIV、STLV、SRV/D和B病毒感染的恒河猴,分别用10倍系列稀释的病毒液静脉感染实验猴,使用流氏细胞术、血常规、病毒分离、DNA-PCR和RT-PCR等方法确定实验猴是否被感染,以及感染后恒河猴体内病毒复制和免疫细胞损伤情况。结果实验猴的血浆病毒载量、病毒分离结果、CD4+/CD8+比值和CD4+T细胞数等证实,4.8×105 copies/mL以上浓度的SHIV-KB9病毒液能成功感染中国恒河猴。结论本研究进一步明确了SHIV-KB9感染中国恒河猴的有效病毒浓度范围,确定了SHIV-KB9病毒感染中国恒河猴的病毒学、免疫学的测定指标,成功的建立了SHIV-KB9/中国恒河猴动物模型。  相似文献   

Teeth-baring in a large captive rhesus monkey group (Macaca mulatta) was observed over a 30-month period. Its directional consistency among adults was significantly higher than that of aggression. The unidirectionality was so extreme that the facial display must be seen as a formal status indicator; ie, a signal of which the direction is independent of short-term contextual variation. As such, it seems adapted for communication about the state of the relationship. Formal dominance relationships among adults could be arranged in a hierarchy which approached perfect linearity. Focal observations demonstrated that teeth-baring was associated with withdrawal. It was uncommon among foraging monkeys, perhaps because dominant animals paid less attention to their subordinates in this context. The speed of rank acquisition by young females, in terms of received teeth-baring, was highest among peers and lowest against the group's old matriarchs. The age at which dominance over unrelated adult females was achieved correlated negatively with the amount of affiliative contact with these females. This translates into a positive correlation between bonding and rank establishment, indicating that dominance processes may be indistinguishable from social integration.  相似文献   

We conducted a multilocus enzyme electrophoresis (MLEE) study to assess the genetic structure of the nitrogen-fixing bacteria Rhizobium etli bv. phaseoli . We analysed the genetic variation at 10 enzyme-encoding chromosomal loci of 482 isolates from root nodules of Phaseolus vulgaris and P. coccineus bean plants. The isolates were obtained from six traditionally managed agricultural plots in two localities in the State of Puebla, in Central Mexico. The total mean genetic diversity ( H E) for the six plots was 0.531. Among the 482 isolates collected, 126 distinctive multilocus genotypes (electrophoretic types [Ets]) were obtained, and approximately half of the isolates are represented by five widespread ETs. A significant degree of genetic differentiation among the six plots ( G ST = 0.072) and between the two localities ( G ST = 0.022) was detected. The main part of the observed variability (70%) was found among the isolates within the plants. The cluster analysis revealed two deeply diverging lineages, separated at a genetic distance of 0.7. When a multilocus linkage disequilibrium analysis was performed at different hierarchical levels, we found significant linkage disequilibrium, but when the analysis was performed for the genotypes within the two diverging lineages, we found evidence of recombination. We propose for R. etli bv. phaseoli a reticulated and epidemic genetic structure, in which few genotypes increase in frequency to produce numerically dominant clones, and genetic exchange occurs mainly among genotypes within each lineage.  相似文献   

Population structure of many marine organisms is spatially patchy and varies within and between years, a phenomenon defined as chaotic genetic patchiness. This results from the combination of planktonic larval dispersal and environmental stochasticity. Additionally, in species with bi‐partite life, postsettlement selection can magnify these genetic differences. The high fecundity (up to 500,000 eggs annually) and protracted larval duration (12–24 months) and dispersal of the southern rock lobster, Jasus edwardsii, make it a good test species for chaotic genetic patchiness and selection during early benthic life. Here, we used double digest restriction site‐associated DNA sequencing (ddRADseq) to investigate chaotic genetic patchiness and postsettlement selection in this species. We assessed differences in genetic structure and diversity of recently settled pueruli across four settlement years and between two sites in southeast Australia separated by approximately 1,000 km. Postsettlement selection was investigated by identifying loci under putative positive selection between recently settled pueruli and postpueruli and quantifying differences in the magnitude and strength of the selection at each year and site. Genetic differences within and among sites through time in neutral SNP markers indicated chaotic genetic patchiness. Recently settled puerulus at the southernmost site exhibited lower genetic diversity during years of low puerulus catches, further supporting this hypothesis. Finally, analyses of outlier SNPs detected fluctuations in the magnitude and strength of the markers putatively under positive selection over space and time. One locus under putative positive selection was consistent at both locations during the same years, suggesting the existence of weak postsettlement selection.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effects of water troughs on nonhuman primates housed in a captive environment. Two groups of rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta) were exposed to water-filled troughs under three conditions: (1) standing water, (2) running water, and (3) a replication of standing and running water with novel objects. The effects of water exposure were assessed using a pretest phase (baseline), test phase (trough present), and posttest phase (baseline) design for each of the three conditions. Standing water produced different effects from running water. Monkeys were more active in the presence of standing water (higher levels of exploration and lower levels of social contact and grooming) than during baseline observations. In contrast, they were significantly more passive during the running water condition (higher levels of social contact) than baseline. Neither physical condition nor responses to dominance testing varied systematically over phases or between conditions. Tool use was observed during the standing water phases of Conditions 1 and 3. Three females from one group used a variety of cup-like containers as drinking utensils. A larger number of animals used the trough to soak chow prior to ingestion, and virtually all of the animals used the trough as a drinking source. These results suggest that exposure to water sources may elicit a broad spectrum of species-typical activity and may be a simple and inexpensive way to enrich the environment of captive rhesus monkeys. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Sera from seven species of monkeys and apes were electrophoresed in starch gels for examining their serum transferrin variations. A single transferrin component was observed in 130 individuals ofMacaca fuscata, while other three macaque species showed multiple components of transferrin. The transferrin ofMacaca fuscata was electrophoretically identical to one of the transferrin components of other macaque species.  相似文献   

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