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How predators impact on prey population dynamics is still an unsolved issue for most wild predator–prey communities. When considering vertebrates, important concerns constrain a comprehensive understanding of the functioning of predator–prey relationships worldwide; e.g. studies simultaneously quantifying ‘functional’ and ‘numerical responses’ (i.e., the ‘total response’) are rare. The functional, the numerical, and the resulting total response (i.e., how the predator per capita intake, the population of predators and the total of prey eaten by the total predators vary with prey densities) are fundamental as they reveal the predator’s ability to regulate prey population dynamics. Here, we used a multi-spatio-temporal scale approach to simultaneously explore the functional and numerical responses of a territorial predator (Bonelli’s eagle Hieraaetus fasciatus) to its two main prey species (the rabbit Oryctolagus cuniculus and the red-legged partridge Alectoris rufa) during the breeding period in a Mediterranean system of south Spain. Bonelli’s eagle responded functionally, but not numerically, to rabbit/partridge density changes. Type II, non-regulatory, functional responses (typical of specialist predators) offered the best fitting models for both prey. In the absence of a numerical response, Bonelli’s eagle role as a regulating factor of rabbit and partridge populations seems to be weak in our study area. Simple (prey density-dependent) functional response models may well describe the short-term variation in a territorial predator’s consumption rate in complex ecosystems.  相似文献   

We studied the joint evolution of predator body size and prey-size preference based on dynamic energy budget theory. The predators’ demography and their functional response are based on general eco-physiological principles involving the size of both predator and prey. While our model can account for qualitatively different predator types by adjusting parameter values, we mainly focused on ‘true’ predators that kill their prey. The resulting model explains various empirical observations, such as the triangular distribution of predator–prey size combinations, the island rule, and the difference in predator–prey size ratios between filter feeders and raptorial feeders. The model also reveals key factors for the evolution of predator–prey size ratios. Capture mechanisms turned out to have a large effect on this ratio, while prey-size availability and competition for resources only help explain variation in predator size, not variation in predator–prey size ratio. Predation among predators is identified as an important factor for deviations from the optimal predator–prey size ratio.  相似文献   

The functional feeding response forms of piscivorous fishes used in multispecies and ecosystem modeling have been questioned because they were mostly conjectural or solely based on laboratory studies. Here, we investigate the functional feeding response of seven species of piscivorous fishes on four species of their prey from the northeast US continental shelf using field data that spans 30 years. Our study confirmed that Holling’s types II and III functional responses are the most common functional responses for piscivorous fishes in this region. However, our analyses also revealed that differences exist between piscivorous fishes’ functional responses, and, therefore, combining functional responses of piscivores is probably not appropriate in multispecies and ecosystem modeling. In the absence of specific predator–prey functional responses, we suggest that, for cruising, actively attacking predators, a type II functional response is slightly preferable; for a sedentary, ambush predator, a type III functional response is slightly preferable; at low prey densities for a generic fish predator, a type III functional response should be used; and at moderate to high prey densities, either should work sufficiently. Because we have shown that the functional response of a particular predator to individual prey species varies, these relationships must be further evaluated as we continue to develop and employ multispecies and ecosystem modeling.  相似文献   

We present a Bayesian method for functional response parameter estimation starting from time series of field data on predator–prey dynamics. Population dynamics is described by a system of stochastic differential equations in which behavioral stochasticities are represented by noise terms affecting each population as well as their interaction. We focus on the estimation of a behavioral parameter appearing in the functional response of predator to prey abundance when a small number of observations is available. To deal with small sample sizes, latent data are introduced between each pair of field observations and are considered as missing data. The method is applied to both simulated and observational data. The results obtained using different numbers of latent data are compared with those achieved following a frequentist approach. As a case study, we consider an acarine predator–prey system relevant to biological control problems.  相似文献   

Extinction of top-predator in a three-level food-chain model   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
 In this paper we extend the Lyapunov functions, constructed by A. Ardito and P. Ricciardi for predator–prey system [1], to the three level food chain models. We first consider a general three-level food-chain model. A criterion for the extinction of top predator will be given. Then we restrict our attentions to the case in which the prey is of logistic growth and predators have Holling’s type II functional responses. Received: 10 October 1997  相似文献   

J. M. Jeschke  R. Tollrian 《Oecologia》2000,123(3):391-396
In this study, we show that the protective advantage of a defence depends on prey density. For our investigations, we used the predator-prey model system Chaoborus-Daphnia pulex. The prey, D. pulex, forms neckteeth as an inducible defence against chaoborid predators. This morphological response effectively reduces predator attack efficiency, i.e. number of successful attacks divided by total number of attacks. We found that neckteeth-defended prey suffered a distinctly lower predation rate (prey uptake per unit time) at low prey densities. The advantage of this defence decreased with increasing prey density. We expect this pattern to be general when a defence reduces predator success rate, i.e. when a defence reduces encounter rate, probability of detection, probability of attack, or efficiency of attack. In addition, we experimentally simulated the effects of defences which increase predator digestion time by using different sizes of Daphnia with equal vulnerabilities. This type of defence had opposite density-dependent effects: here, the relative advantage of defended prey increased with prey density. We expect this pattern to be general for defences which increase predator handling time, i.e. defences which increase attacking time, eating time, or digestion time. Many defences will have effects on both predator success rate and handling time. For these defences, the predator’s functional response should be decreased over the whole range of prey densities. Received: 15 September 1999 / Accepted: 23 December 1999  相似文献   

The functional response is a key element in predator–prey models as well as in food chains and food webs. Classical models consider it as a function of prey abundance only. However, many mechanisms can lead to predator dependence, and there is increasing evidence for the importance of this dependence. Identification of the mathematical form of the functional response from real data is therefore a challenging task. In this paper we apply model-fitting to test if typical ecological predator–prey time series data, which contain both observation error and process error, can give some information about the form of the functional response. Working with artificial data (for which the functional response is known) we will show that with moderate noise levels, identification of the model that generated the data is possible. However, the noise levels prevailing in real ecological time-series can give rise to wrong identifications. We will also discuss the quality of parameter estimation by fitting differential equations to such time-series.  相似文献   

Protozoa are key components of a wide range of ecosystems, but ecological models that incorporate these microbes often suffer from poor parameterisation, specifically of top-level predator loss rates. We (1) suggest that top-level predator mortality is prey-dependent, (2) provide a novel approach to assess this response, and (3) illustrate the ecological relevance of these findings. Ciliates, Paramecium caudatum (prey) and Didinium nasutum (predator), were used to evaluate predator mortality at varying prey levels. To assess mortality, multiple (>100) predators were individually examined (in 2-ml wells), daily (for 3 days), between 0 and 120 preys ml−1. Data were used to determine non-linear mortality and growth responses over a range of prey abundances. The responses, plus literature data were then used to parameterise a predator–prey model, based on the Rosenzweig–MacArthur structure. The model assessed the impact of variable and three levels of constant (high, average and low) mortality rates on P. caudatum–D. nasutum population dynamics. Our method to determine variable mortality rate revealed a strong concave decline in mortality with increasing prey abundance. The model indicated: (1) high- and low-constant mortality rates yielded dynamics that deviate substantially from those obtained from a variable rate; (2) average mortality rate superficially produced dynamics similar to the variable rate, but there were differences in the period of predator–prey cycles, and the lowest abundance of prey and predators (by ~2 orders of magnitude). The differences between incorporating variable and constant mortality rate indicate that including a variable rate could substantially improve microbial-based ecological models.  相似文献   

Density-dependent processes are critical for regulating species’ populations, and piscivory of coral-reef fishes is frequently density dependent. However, the mechanism driving this density-dependent mortality is poorly understood, but may be caused by changes in a predator’s feeding rate at different prey densities (its functional response). An aquarium experiment replicated in winter and summer examined the functional response after 22 and 47 h of Cephalopholis cruentata feeding on Halichoeres pictus. With the exception of summer data after 47 h (density-independent mortality), mortality was inversely density dependent across all prey densities and increased with higher summer temperatures. The absence of an asymptotic pattern of inverse density-dependent mortality was caused by type II (summer) or dome-shaped type IV (winter) functional responses, with the benefits of schooling likely to cause the low mortality rates at higher prey densities. Predators’ functional responses may underlie the inverse density-dependent mortality reported in field studies of aggregating fishes.  相似文献   

Traits affecting ecological interactions can evolve on the same time scale as population and community dynamics, creating the potential for feedbacks between evolutionary and ecological dynamics. Theory and experiments have shown in particular that rapid evolution of traits conferring defense against predation can radically change the qualitative dynamics of a predator–prey food chain. Here, we ask whether such dramatic effects are likely to be seen in more complex food webs having two predators rather than one, or whether the greater complexity of the ecological interactions will mask any potential impacts of rapid evolution. If one prey genotype can be well-defended against both predators, the dynamics are like those of a predator–prey food chain. But if defense traits are predator-specific and incompatible, so that each genotype is vulnerable to attack by at least one predator, then rapid evolution produces distinctive behaviors at the population level: population typically oscillate in ways very different from either the food chain or a two-predator food web without rapid prey evolution. When many prey genotypes coexist, chaotic dynamics become likely. The effects of rapid evolution can still be detected by analyzing relationships between prey abundance and predator population growth rates using methods from functional data analysis.  相似文献   

To investigate how complex food-webs can develop through repeated evolutionary diversification, a predator–prey model was analyzed. In the model, each individual has two traits: trait x as a predator and trait y as a prey. These traits constitute a two-dimensional phenotype space, in which the whole group of individuals are represented as a phenotype distribution. Predator–prey interactions among the phenotypes are determined by their relative positions in the phenotype space. Each phenotypic cluster was treated as a species. Each species evolves in y to escape from predation, while it evolves in x to chase their prey. Analytical investigation provided two predictions. First, coupled evolutionary diversifications of y and x may occur when the x of predators have caught up with their prey’s y, which may be repeated. Second, complex food-webs may develop when species’ competitive strengths are kept similar within the communities. If the functional response is close to the ratio-dependent response, the competitive strengths of all species are similar when the relationship between predators and prey corresponds to the ideal free distribution (IFD). These predictions were confirmed by numerical simulations. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article doi:() contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Guy Beauchamp 《Oecologia》2009,161(3):651-655
Despite its fundamental relevance to many ecological processes in predator–prey relationships, the functional response, which relates predator intake rate to prey density, remains difficult to document in the field. Here, I document the functional response of semipalmated sandpipers (Calidris pusilla) foraging on a burrowing amphipod Corophium volutator during three field seasons at the peak of fall migration in the upper Bay of Fundy (New Brunswick, Canada). I gathered data during the ebbing tide when all sandpipers are highly motivated to feed after a lengthy hide-tide fast. As birds follow the receding tideline, foragers encounter prey at different densities and do not aggregate in the richest food patches. Results show that intake rate increased at a decreasing rate with Corophium density, yielding a type II functional response typical of many shorebird species. Intake rate decreased in the later stages of migration stopover at a time where preferred prey items have been shown to occur at lower densities due to prior depletion. At this period of lower prey availability, intake rate also decreased with sandpiper density providing evidence for interference at low prey density. The results illustrate the fact that the functional response may not be unique but instead vary as a function of the type of competitive relationship among foragers.  相似文献   

It is well known that a predator has the potential to regulate a prey population only if the predator responds to increases in prey density and inflicts greater mortality rates. Predators may cause such density-dependent mortality depending on the nature of the functional and numerical responses. Yet, few studies have examined the relationship between the addition of refuges and the characteristic of functional response fits. We investigated whether addition of a refuge changed the type of functional response exhibited by Dermestes ater on Musca domestica, comparing the inherent ability of D. ater to kill houseflies in the absence and in the presence of refuge. An additional laboratory experiment was also carried out to assess handling and searching times exhibited by D. ater. Logistic regression analyses revealed a type III functional response for predator–prey interaction without refuge, and results were described by the random predator equation. The mean number of prey killed did not differ between experimental habitats, indicating that the addition of refuge did not inhibit predation. However, predators that interacted with prey without refuge spent less time searching for prey at higher densities, increasing predatory interaction. We concluded that this interaction may be weak, because data from experiments with refuge fitted poorly to models. However, the high variability and the nonsignificance of the data from the experiment with refuge show the importance of refuge for promoting spatial heterogeneity, which may prevent prey extinction.  相似文献   

It is well known that a predator has the potential to regulate a prey population only if the predator responds to increases in prey density and inflicts greater mortality rates. Predators may cause such density-dependent mortality depending on the nature of the functional and numerical responses. As spiders are usually faced with a shortage of prey, the killing behavior of the spider Nesticodes rufipes at varying densities of Musca domestica was examined here through laboratory functional response experiments where spiders were deprived of food for 5 (well-fed) or 20 days (hungry). An additional laboratory experiment was also carried out to assess handling time of spiders. The number of prey killed by spiders over 24- and 168-h periods of predator–prey interaction was recorded. Logistic regression analyses revealed the type II functional response for both well-fed and hungry spiders. We found that the lower predation of hungry spiders during the first hours of experimentation was offset later by an increase in predation (explained by estimated handling times), resulting in similarity of functional response curves for well-fed and hungry spiders. It was also observed that the higher number of prey killed by well-fed spiders over a 24-h period of spider–prey interaction probably occurred due to their greater weights than hungry spiders. We concluded that hungry spiders may be more voracious than well-fed spiders only over longer time periods, since hungry spiders may spend more time handling their first prey items than well-fed spiders.  相似文献   

Several studies have shown that prey and predator body size may affect the outcome of predator–prey interactions. However, few studies have taken in account the changes on predator–prey interactions over 24 h. In a tropical freshwater system I evaluated how predator and prey size, and their diel rhythm in activity influenced the interaction between Physalaemus pustulosus tadpoles and dragonfly larvae. Tadpoles of different size classes were exposed to two size classes of the dragonfly larvae Rhionaeschna spec. Feeding trials were conducted during day and night. Tadpole activity showed a diel rhythm and affected size-selective predation of the smallest dragonfly larvae, but not of the larger ones. Predator and prey size had a significant effect on the prey survivorship and prey size had a significant effect on the preference of the predator. The interaction between both factors was significant, indicating that they did not operate independently. I conclude that the predator–prey interactions between odonate larvae and anuran tadpoles were mainly affected by the size of the prey and the predator, and less by the diel activity pattern of the prey.  相似文献   

The current paper deals with the mathematical models of predator–prey system where a transmissible disease spreads among the predator species only. Four mathematical models are proposed and analysed with several popular predator functional responses in order to show the influence of functional response on eco-epidemic models. The existence, boundedness, uniqueness of solutions of all the models are established. Mathematical analysis including stability and bifurcation are observed. Comparison among the results of these models allows the general conclusion that relevant behaviour of the eco-epidemic predator–prey system, including switching of stability, extinction, persistence and oscillations for any species depends on four important parameters viz. the rate of infection, predator interspecies competition and the attack rate on susceptible predator. The paper ends with a discussion of the biological implications of the analytical and numerical results.  相似文献   

Tadpoles of Sphaerotheca breviceps raised in the laboratory from the egg stage, and hence lacking prior experience of a predator or its odors, were tested to examine their responses to a predator’s (tadpoles of Hoplobatrachus tigerinus) water-borne chemical cues. The stimulus solution was obtained following 24 h of rearing tadpoles of H. tigerinus (one tadpole per 200 mL water) that were not fed during this period. Upon exposure to the stimulus solution the activity of S. breviceps tadpoles decreased by about 90% within 5 min. Their resting period increased significantly over baseline activity, whereas the swimming period, distance traversed, and swimming spurts declined. However, whenever a test tadpole moved, its swimming velocity was high in response to stimulus solution. The antipredatory responses declined with increase in time of storage of the stimulus solution, indicating decay of the predator’s chemical cues. The findings suggest that (1) antipredator defense strategies of S. breviceps do not require prior experience of predators, (2) the predator’s chemical cues are labile in nature, and (3) the response of prey tadpoles to such cues is similar to reported behavior of anuran tadpoles in response to real predators and alarm cues.  相似文献   

We investigate the feeding responses of the red fox (Vulpes vulpes) at a regional scale to different densities of European wild rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) in central–southern Spain. Rabbit abundance indices were obtained in 86 localities during summer 2002. The diet of the fox was studied by analysis of 114 scats collected in 47 of these localities. The feeding response of the fox was examined by a representation of the dry weight percent of rabbit in the diet as a function of the abundance of rabbits; this used data only from those localities where at least 3 scats were collected (70 fox scats from 18 localities). We evaluated the relationship between rabbit abundance and the diversity of the diet of the fox. The feeding patterns of red foxes approximated to Holling’s type III functional response, typical of opportunistic predators. There was a negative relationship between the diversity of the fox’s diet and the abundance of rabbits. Therefore, the fox apparently behaves as a facultative predator, feeding on rabbits when they are abundant and shifting to other prey (and hence a more diverse diet) when rabbits are scarce. These findings are the first step towards understanding the potential role of red foxes in regulating rabbit populations in central–southern Spain.  相似文献   

Prey stage preference of female Kampimodromus aberrans (Oudemans) (Phytoseiidae) at constant densities of different stages of Tetranychus urticae Koch (Tetranychidae), functional response types and parameters of the predator females to the varying densities of eggs, larvae, protonymphs and deutonymps of T. urticae were determined in order to establish its potential for the mite biological control. Experiments were conducted at 25 ± 1°C, 65 ± 10% RH and 16:8 (L:D) photoperiod. Our results indicated that the predator consumed significantly more prey larvae than other prey stages. Functional response type of predator was determined by a logistic regression model. The predator exhibited a Type II response on all prey stages. The attack rate (α) and handling time (T h ) coefficients of a Type II response were estimated by fitting a “random-predator” equation to the data. The lowest estimated value α and the highest value of T h (including digestion) were obtanined for the predator feeding on deutonmph. The lowest value of T h were obtained for the predator feeding on prey larvae, but the attack rate value obtained on larva wasn’t different than that obtained on egg and protonymph. According to our results, K. aberrans could be an efficient biological control agent of T. urticae at least at low prey densities. However, further field based studies are needed to draw firm conclusions.  相似文献   

Despite the potential impact on prey fitness and predator–prey interactions, most studies of predation risk ignore physiological responses and their dependence upon food level and sex. Therefore, we reared male and female larvae of the damselfly Lestes viridis under predator stress (dragonfly larvae) at high and low food levels, and subsequently scored for important variables of insect immune defence (i.e. phenoloxidase) and antioxidant defence [i.e. superoxide dismutase, and catalase (CAT)]. Under predation risk, larvae did not decrease growth rate or immune defence, and only slightly reduced food intake in the high food treatment, probably because of time stress, i.e. little time available to complete the larval development. However, larvae facing predator stress did show an upregulation of antioxidant enzymes. This upregulation was dependent upon food level for CAT and both food level and sex for SOD, consistent with energetic constraints and sex differences in the link between longevity and adult fitness. Our results illustrate that predator stress can influence life history, behavioural and physiological responses differentially and in a context-dependent way. This implies that non-consumptive physiological effects of predators on their prey show independent yet similar complexities in behavioural and life history response variables. In general, our results advocate that mechanistic studies on predator–prey interactions may benefit from including physiological variables.  相似文献   

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