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The extracellular matrix (ECM) plays a prominent role in ovarian function by participating in processes such as cell migration, proliferation, growth, and development. Although some of these signaling processes have been characterized in the mouse, the relative quantity and distribution of ECM proteins within developing follicles of the ovary have not been characterized. This study uses immunohistochemistry and real-time PCR to characterize the ECM components type I collagen, type IV collagen, fibronectin, and laminin in the mouse ovary according to follicle stage and cellular compartment. Collagen I was present throughout the ovary, with higher concentrations in the ovarian surface epithelium and follicular compartments. Collagen IV was abundant in the theca cell compartment with low-level expression in the stroma and granulosa cells. The distribution of collagen was consistent throughout follicle maturation. Fibronectin staining in the stroma and theca cell compartment increased throughout follicle development, while staining in the granulosa cell compartment decreased. Heavy staining was also observed in the follicular fluid of antral follicles. Laminin was localized primarily to the theca cell compartment, with a defined ring at the exterior of the follicular granulosa cells marking the basement membrane. Low levels of laminin were also apparent in the stroma and granulosa cell compartment. Taken together, the ECM content of the mouse ovary changes during follicular development and reveals a distinct spatial and temporal pattern. This understanding of ECM composition and distribution can be used in the basic studies of ECM function during follicle development, and could aid in the development of in vitro systems for follicle growth.  相似文献   

Summary The distribution of collagen types I, III, IV, and of fibronectin has been studied in the human dermis by light and electron-microscopic immunocytochemistry, using affinity purified primary antibodies and tetramethylrhodamine isothiocyanate-conjugated secondary antibodies. Type I collagen was present in all collagen fibers of both papillary and reticular dermis, but collagen fibrils, which could be resolved as discrete entities, were labeled with different intensity. Type III collagen codistributed with type I in the collagen fibers, besides being concentrated around blood vessels and skin appendages. Coexistence of type I and type III collagens in the collagen fibrils of the whole dermis was confirmed by ultrastructural double-labelling experiments using colloidal immunogold as a probe. Type IV collagen was detected in all basement membranes. Fibronectin was distributed in patches among collagen fibers and was associated with all basement membranes, while a weaker positive reaction was observed in collagen fibers. Ageing caused the thinning of collagen fibers, chiefly in the recticular dermis. The labeling pattern of both type I and III collagens did not change in skin samples from patients of up to 79 years of age, but immunoreactivity for type III collagen increased in comparison to younger skins. A loss of fibronectin, likely related to the decreased morphogenetic activity of tissues, was observed with age.  相似文献   

Summary The distribution of various extracellular matrix components was studied in frozen sections of embryonic (14–18 days) and early postnatal (birth and 4 days post parturn) dorsal mouse skin using monospecific antibodies and indirect immunofluorescence. Basement membrane zone components — type IV collagen, laminin and heparan sulphate proteoglycan — were found to be uniformly and unchangingly distributed along the dermal-epidermal junction. In contrast, the distribution of interstitial matrix components — types I and III collagen, and fibronectin — was heterogeneous and varied with the stages of hair development. Collagens became sparse and were eventually completely removed from the prospective dermal papilla and from a one-cell-thick sheath of dermal cells around hair buds. They remained absent from the dermal papilla throughout hair organogenesis. Fibronectin was always present around dermal papilla cells and was particularly abundant along the dermal-epidermal junction of hair rudiments, as well as underneath hair buds. In contrast, in interfollicular skin, collagens accumulated in increasing density, while fibronectin became progressively sparser. It thus appears that interstitial collagens and fibronectin are distributed in a manner which is related to hair morphogenesis. In morphogenetically active regions, collagen density is low, while that of fibronectin is high. Conversely, in histologically stabilized zones, collagen is abundant and fibronectin is sparse. This microheterogeneous distribution of interstitial collagens and of fibronectin might thus constitute part of the morphogenetic message that the dermis is known to transmit to the epidermis during the development of skin and of cutaneous appendages.  相似文献   

Changes in the extracellular matrix of haemodynamically stressed blood vessel walls were studied by immunofluorescence histochemistry in venous-pouch aneurysms fashioned on the site of the common carotid artery of nine sheep. Tissues from the thickened walls of the experimental aneurysms were examined from 11 to 98 months post-operatively for changes in the distribution of the basement membrane components type IV collagen, laminin, nidogen and fibronectin. In the younger aneurysms, there was an increase of the basement membrane components in the thickened area. Very little basement membrane was detected in older aneurysms. Diffuse staining for fibronectin was noted in aneurysms of all ages. Thick deposits of basement membrane material were observed in calcified tissues. The changes in the matrix proteins were similar to alterations occurring during the development of atherosclerosis in human vascular tissue.  相似文献   

The presence and distribution of laminin, type IV collagen, and fibronectin were analyzed in the facial primordia and developing primary palates of chick embryos from stages of development corresponding to maxillary process formation and primary palate closure. Frozen sections through the maxillary process and roof of the stomodeum were prepared for indirect immunofluorescence employing a biotin-avidin system using monoclonal antibodies against laminin, type IV collagen, and fibronectin. Light microscopic examination of sections stained with antibodies against type IV collagen revealed a much stronger fluorescent signal in the roof of the stomodeum than in the maxillary process at all stages examined. Regional differences in signal intensity and staining patterns were noted within the maxillary process; for example, the lateral surface of the maxillary process displayed a much less intense signal at most stages examined than the inferior and medial surfaces. The signal from sections of the maxillary process stained with laminin was much stronger than the signal from the same tissues stained with collagen. Regional differences in signal intensity within the maxillary process were minimal in sections stained with antibodies to laminin, in contrast to the differences seen in sections stained with antibodies to type IV collagen. Differences in signal intensity between the maxillary process and the roof of the stomodeum with laminin were slight. Sections stained with antibody to fibronectin displayed intense staining throughout the mesenchyme in both the maxillary process and the roof of the stomodeum. From comparison of the data of type IV collagen and laminin, the following hypothesis is proposed. In structures which undergo rapid change in form, such as the facial primordia, collagen distribution and/or organization is altered to a much greater extent than laminin, which is more uniformly distributed and which may be required for structural support of other developmentally regulated macromolecules. Where tissue morphology must be maintained, such as the roof of the stomodeum, the concentration and organization of type IV collagen is maintained in a manner that confers stability to these regions.  相似文献   

The distribution of certain basement membrane (BM) components including type IV collagen, laminin, BM proteoglycan, and fibronectin was studied in developing mouse molar teeth, using antibodies or antisera specific for these substances in indirect immunofluorescence. At the onset of cuspal morphogenesis, type IV collagen, laminin, and BM proteoglycan were found to be present throughout the basement membranes of the tooth. Fibronectin was abundant under the inner enamel epithelium at the region of differentiating odontoblasts and also in the mesenchymal tissues. After the first layer of predentin had been secreted by the odontoblasts at the epithelial-mesenchymal interface, laminin remained in close association with the epithelial cells whereas type IV collagen, BM proteoglycan, and fibronectin were distributed uniformly throughout this area. Later when dentin had been produced and the epithelial cells had differentiated into ameloblasts, basement membrane components disappeared from the cuspal area. These matrix components were not detected in dentin while BM proteoglycan and fibronectin were present in predentin. The observed changes in the collagenous and noncollagenous glycoproteins and the proteoglycan appear to be closely associated with cell differentiation and matrix secretion in the developing tooth.  相似文献   

Summary The cytotrophoblastic cell columns and trophoblastic shell of macaque placentas accumulate progressively greater amounts of intercellular material during early gestation. We studied the composition of this material in placentas collected from 22–34 days of gestation by using immunoperoxidase techniques directed to the extracellular matrix molecules fibronectin, type IV collagen, and laminin. These antigens co-localized within the intercellular deposits at all stages studied. At day 22 the proximal cell columns were composed of cells with narrow interstices and which lacked immunoreactivity for the 3 antigens. Distally the cells were vacuolated and the intercellular spaces increased in size and contained dense matrix deposits. The trophoblastic shell consisted of closely packed, non-vacuolated cytotrophoblast cells with only a delicate meshwork of matrix. By day 27 the matrix deposits of the distal cell columns increased markedly in size. The trophoblastic shell contained larger numbers of vacuolated cells and was occupied by accumulations of matrix. By 34 days the matrix deposits of the cell columns expanded substantially along the longitudinal axes of the columns. These deposits were often continuous with a matrix-dense, cell-deficient layer in the trophoblastic shell. This matrix-rich zone lay between a cellular layer adjacent to the intervilous space and a similar, but discontinuous, cell layer that formed the junctional zone with the endometrium.  相似文献   

Structural components of the organic bone matrix were located by immunohistochemical techniques in fresh-frozen sections of normal and dysplastic bone. Fine and coarse birefringent fibers were identified as separate and distinctive features in the extracellular matrix by antibodies raised against human collagen Type III. The glycoprotein tenascin was located on a proportion of the fibers in a characteristic beaded pattern, which was absent in dysplastic bone. The fibers originated in the periosteum or in the fibrous stroma of the marrow cavity and were oriented with regard to both the spatial and the lamellar organization of the bone. The disposition and composition of the fibers suggests that they form a preliminary framework on which intramembranous bone modeling proceeds, and that the specific location of tenascin on the fibers in normal developing membrane bone may be important in determining the alignment of the bone tissue. Epitopes recognized by the collagen Type I and fibronectin antibodies were demonstrated throughout the mineralized matrix, but their incorporation into the collagen "Type III" fibers was evident only outside the mineralized matrix.  相似文献   

The effect of dexamethasone on the synthesis and degradation of type IV collagen was studied in human fibrosarcoma cells, HT-1080. A dexamethasone concentration as low as 0.1 microM markedly increased collagen synthesis in HT-1080 cells labelled with [14C]proline. The increase in type IV collagen synthesis was not specific, since total protein synthesis was also increased. Further studies indicated that part of the increase was due to an increase in the specific radioactivity of the intracellular proline pool, after dexamethasone treatment. In fact, with dexamethasone concentrations of 0.1-10 microM the relative collagen synthesis was decreased, indicating that synthesis of other protein was increased more than that of type IV collagen. This was also confirmed by measuring the relative amount of type IV collagen RNA by using recombinant plasmid cDNA specific for the human procollagen pro alpha l (IV) RNA. The results indicated that relative collagen synthesis and the relative amount of type IV collagen messenger RNA was decreased similarly, indicating that dexamethasone affected type IV collagen synthesis at the pre-translational level. The dexamethasone-induced effect on total protein and collagen synthesis was maximal after 12-24 h. Dexamethasone induced a marked accumulation of collagen into the cell layer, leading to diminished deposition of soluble collagen into the medium. Since bacterial-collagenase treatment of the cell layer drastically decreased the collagen content of the dexamethasone-treated cells, this indicates that dexamethasone caused an accumulation of collagen into the extracellular matrix of the cell layer. In contrast, the amount of fibronectin was markedly increased in the medium. Dexamethasone decreased the type IV collagen-degrading activity in HT-1080 cells. The HT-1080 cells contained glucocorticoid receptors, as demonstrated by two different methods: by a whole-cell binding assay and by using a cytosol-gel-filtration method. The number of specific binding sites was similar to that in human skin fibroblasts. In conclusion, glucocorticoids affect the metabolism of type IV collagen and fibronectin in HT-1080 cells, and, since these cells contain specific glucocorticoid receptors, the effects are apparently receptor-mediated.  相似文献   

The mechanism of fibronectin (FN) assembly and the self-association sites are still unclear and contradictory, although the N-terminal 70-kDa region ((I)1-9) is commonly accepted as one of the assembly sites. We previously found that (I)1-9 binds to superfibronectin, which is an artificial FN aggregate induced by anastellin. In the present study, we found that (I)1-9 bound to the aggregate formed by anastellin and a small FN fragment, (III)1-2. An engineered disulfide bond in (III)2, which stabilizes folding, inhibited aggregation, but a disulfide bond in (III)1 did not. A gelatin precipitation assay showed that (I)1-9 did not interact with anastellin, (III)1, (III)2, (III)1-2, or several (III)1-2 mutants including (III)1-2KADA. (In contrast to previous studies, we found that the (III)1-2KADA mutant was identical in conformation to wild-type (III)1-2.) Because (I)1-9 only bound to the aggregate and the unfolding of (III)2 played a role in aggregation, we generated a (III)2 domain that was destabilized by deletion of the G strand. This mutant bound (I)1-9 as shown by the gelatin precipitation assay and fluorescence resonance energy transfer analysis, and it inhibited FN matrix assembly when added to cell culture. Next, we introduced disulfide mutations into full-length FN. Three disulfide locks in (III)2, (III)3, and (III)11 were required to dramatically reduce anastellin-induced aggregation. When we tested the disulfide mutants in cell culture, only the disulfide bond in (III)2 reduced the FN matrix. These results suggest that the unfolding of (III)2 is one of the key factors for FN aggregation and assembly.  相似文献   

We have determined the nucleotide and amino acid sequences of mouse alpha 2(IV) collagen which is 1707 amino acids long. The primary structure includes a putative 28-residue signal peptide and contains three distinct domains: 1) the 7 S domain (residues 29-171), which contains 5 cysteine and 8 lysine residues, is involved in the cross-linking and assembly of four collagen IV molecules; 2) the triple-helical domain (residues 172-1480), which has 24 sequence interruptions in the Gly-X-Y repeat up to 24 residues in length; and 3) the NC1 domain (residues 1481-1707), which is involved in the end-to-end assembly of collagen IV and is the most highly conserved domain of the protein. Alignment of the primary structure of the alpha 2(IV) chain with that of the alpha 1(IV) chain reported in the accompanying paper (Muthukumaran, G., Blumberg, B., and Kurkinen, M. (1989) J. Biol. Chem. 264, 6310-6317) suggests that a heterotrimeric collagen IV molecule contains 26 imperfections in the triple-helical domain. The proposed alignment is consistent with the physical data on the length and flexibility of collagen IV.  相似文献   

The effects on mouse liver cells of laminin, fibronectin and type IV collagen, all of which are the main matrix of the basement membrane, were studied. Laminin, a glycoprotein isolated from cultures of rat yolk sac carcinoma cells, promoted the attachment of mouse fetal liver cells to laminin-coated dishes, but did not have a strong influence upon the attachment of normal adult liver cells. On the other hand, fibronectin which was purified from mouse plasma promoted the attachment of adult liver cells but not that of fetal liver cells. The number of neonatal liver cells attached to the surfaces coated was intermediate between those of fetal and adult liver cells in each matrix. DNA synthesis and cell proliferation during the culture of full-term fetal liver cells in laminin-coated dishes were higher than those in fibronectin- or type IV collagen-coated dishes. The amount of alpha-fetoprotein secreted in the laminin-coated dishes was more than in other groups. No differences in secretion of albumin into media, however, were observed in either group. These results suggest that laminin may be necessary for cell growth, tissue organization and cell differentiation during the normal development of liver in vivo.  相似文献   

A bone- and cartilage-forming mouse tumor, induced by transforming salivary epithelial cells with polyoma virus, contained large quantities of collagen. Two types of collagen molecules were isolated which had different solubilities in salt. One was type I collagen with a chain composition [α1(I)]2 α2 and the other was an unusual form of type I collagen with a chain composition [α1(I)]3. This would appear to be the first in vivo demonstration of α1 type I trimer.  相似文献   

The localization of different classes of alcohol dehydrogenases (ADH) in the brain is of great interest because of their role in both ethanol and retinoic acid metabolism. Conflicting data have been reported in the literature. By Northern blot and enzyme activity analyses only class III ADH has been detected in adult brain specimens, while results from riboprobe in situ hybridization indicate class I as well as class IV ADH expression in different regions of the rat brain. Here we have studied the expression patterns of three ADH classes in adult rat, mouse and human tissues using radioactive oligonucleotide in situ hybridization. Specificity of probes was tested on liver and stomach control tissue, as well as tissue from class IV ADH knock-out mice. Only class III ADH mRNA was found to be expressed in brain tissue of all three investigated species. Particularly high expression levels were found in neurons of the red nucleus in human tissue, while cortical neurons, pyramidal and granule cells of the hippocampus and dopamine neurons of substantia nigra showed moderate expression levels. Purkinje cells of cerebellum were positive for class III ADH mRNA in all species investigated, whereas granular layer neurons were positive only in rodents. The choroid plexus was highly positive for class III ADH, while no specific signal for class I or class IV ADH was detected. Our results thus support the notion that the only ADH expressed in adult mouse, rat and human brain is class III ADH.  相似文献   

Rotary shadowing electron microscopy was used to examine complexes formed by incubating combinations of the basement membrane components: type IV collagen, laminin, large heparan sulfate proteoglycan and fibronectin. Complexes were analyzed by length measurement from the globular (COOH) domain of type IV collagen, and by examination of the four arms of laminin and the two arms of fibronectin. Type IV collagen was found to contain binding sites for laminin, heparan sulfate proteoglycan and fibronectin. With laminin the most frequent site was centered approximately 81 nm from the carboxy end of type IV collagen. Less frequent sites appeared to be present at approximately 216 nm and approximately 291 nm, although this was not apparent when the sites were expressed as a fraction of the length of type IV collagen to which they were bound. For heparan sulfate proteoglycan the most frequent site occurred at approximately 206 nm with a less frequent site at approximately 82 nm. For fibronectin, a single site was present at approximately 205 nm. Laminin bound to type IV collagen through its short arms, particularly through the end of the lateral short arms and to heparan sulfate proteoglycan mainly through the end of its long arm. Fibronectin bound to type IV collagen through the free end region of its arms. Using a computer graphics program, the primary laminin binding sites of two adjacent type IV collagen molecules were found to align in the "polygonal" model of type IV collagen, whereas with the "open network" model, a wide meshed matrix is predicted. It is proposed that basement membrane may consist of a lattice of type IV collagen coated with laminin, heparan sulfate proteoglycan and fibronectin.  相似文献   

The localization and the secretion of type IV collagen in synovial capillaries have been investigated by detecting the antigenic determinant of the major triple helix of human type IV collagen. Type IV collagen was indicated to be localized mainly in the lamina densa of basement membranes (BM) and to be secreted by both endothelial cells and pericytes. The pericytes secreted this collagen to both surfaces facing endothelial cells and the interstitial connective tissue. On the contrary, the direction of type IV collagen secretion by the endothelial cells was strictly confined to one side, namely towards the surface facing the BM. The absence of the antigenic determinant in rough endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi apparatus of the endothelial cells and pericytes indicated that the major triple helix of type IV collagen is mainly formed in the secretory vesicles after budding from the Golgi apparatus.  相似文献   

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