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The article is devoted to extending the applicability of the probe diagnostics to the range of higher pressures of the plasma-forming gas by taking into account the effect of the probe shadow on the anode. The probe current–voltage characteristic in the diffuse plasma of a dense gas in a strong electric field was measured, and the influence of the probe potential and probe current on the dimensions of the probe shadow on the anode was studied experimentally. The experiments were carried at different currents of a steady-state glow discharge and different velocities of the gas flow through the discharge. The plasma-forming gas was nitrogen at a pressure of P = 100 Torr.  相似文献   

The hypothesis that reactions associated with intracellular membranes enjoy a kinetic advantage from a reduced dimensionality for diffusion is inconsistent with available data on lateral diffusion rates, membrane-substrate affinities, and endogenous concentrations of enzymes and their aqueous substrates.  相似文献   

The dimensionality of diffusion may markedly affect the rate and economy of diffusion controlled reactions. Moreover, the degree of dependence of the steady state rate of these reactions on the concentration of each of the two reacting species is also dictated by the dimensionality and it ranges from linear dependence in the three dimensional case to a nearly square dependence in the one dimensional case. These theoretical observations emerge from a direct analysis of the steady state diffusion controlled rates which are derived here using a simple straightforward approach. This approach is based on the conjecture that in the steady state the rate of diffusional encounters between the two reaction partners equals to the sum of the encounter rates of two independent processes which are obtained by alternately immobilizing one of the reaction partners while the other partner diffuses freely. Unlike Smoluchowski's classical approach, the presented point of view permits to obtain in a unified fashion reaction rates for all dimensionalities.  相似文献   

Possible configurations of current filaments in Z-pinch and tokamak plasmas are analyzed. A thin current-carrying beam injected in a plasma should be surrounded by a halo of countercurrents, in which case the resulting configuration may resemble a tubular structure. A.B. Kukushkin and V.A. Rantsev-Kartinov pointed out the existence of specific plasma structures of the squirrel-cage type and interpreted them as “wild cables of solid-state nanotubes.” It is shown that these structures can also be attributed to the fundamental mode of the conventional magnetic filamentation in the form of a “hexagonal parquet.” Also, a study is made of the phenomena governing the pattern of plasma structures, namely, tearing filamentation, two types of longitudinal beam bunching, and self-organization of the filaments.  相似文献   

The forward and reverse rates of the overall reaction catalyzed by the ATP synthase in intact rat heart mitochondria, as measured with 32P, were compared with the rates of two partial steps, as measured with 18O. Such rates have been measured previously, but their relationship to one another has not been determined, nor have the partial reactions been measured in intact mitochondria. The partial steps measured were the rate of medium Pi formation from bound ATP (in state 4 this also equals the rate of medium Pi into bound ATP) and the rate of formation of bound ATP from bound Pi within the catalytic site. The rates of both partial reactions can be measured by 31P NMR analysis of the 18O distribution in Pi and ATP released from the enzyme during incubation of intact mitochondria with highly labeled [18O]Pi. Data were obtained in state 3 and 4 conditions with variation in substrate concentrations, temperature, and mitochondrial membrane electrical potential gradient (delta psi m). Although neither binding nor release of ATP is necessary for phosphate/H2O exchange, in state 4 the rate of incorporation of at least one water oxygen atom into phosphate is approximately twice the rate of the overall reaction rate under a variety of conditions. This can be explained if the release of Pi or ATP at one catalytic site does not occur, unless ATP or Pi is bound at another catalytic site. Such coupling provides strong support for the previously proposed alternating site mechanism. In state 3 slow reversal of ATP synthesis occurs within the mitochondrial matrix and can be detected as incorporation of water oxygen atoms into medium Pi even though medium [32P]ATP does not give rise to 32Pi in state 3. These data can be explained by lack of translocation of ATP from the medium to the mitochondrial matrix. The rate of bound ATP formation from bound Pi at catalytic sites was over twice the rate of the overall reaction in both states 4 and 3. The rate of reaction at the catalytic site is considerably less sensitive to the decrease in membrane potential and the concentration of medium ADP than is the rate of medium ATP formation. This supports the view that the active catalytic site is occluded and proceeds at a rapid rate which is relatively independent of delta psi m and of media substrates.  相似文献   

Slow electromagnetic solitons in electron-ion plasmas   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A set of nonlinear differential equations that describe moving relativistic solitons is investigated analytically and solved numerically. The influence of the ion motion on the soliton structure is investigated. It is demonstrated that, depending on the propagation velocity, relativistic solitary waves can occur in the form of bright solitons, dark solitons, or collisionless electromagnetic shock waves. In the limit of a low propagation velocity, a dark soliton can trap the ions and accelerate them. In the case of a bright soliton, the effects of ion dynamics limit the soliton amplitude. The constraint on the maximum amplitude is related to either the breaking of ion motion or the intersection of electron trajectories. The soliton breaking provides a new mechanism for ion and electron acceleration in the interaction of high-intensity laser pulses with plasmas.  相似文献   

Waves in the ion cyclotron range of frequency are efficiently used to produce and heat magnetic mirror plasmas. In relatively low-density (lower than 1018 m?3) plasmas, the fast Alfvén eigenmodes are formed in radial and axial directions and the excitation of these modes is strongly affected by the density. The slow Alfvén waves are also effectively used for plasma heating. The ion temperature above 10 keV is achieved, which is confirmed by the detection of fusion neutrons. The excitation of Alfvén eigenmodes is studied in the GAMMA 10 tandem mirror.  相似文献   

The problem of the evolution of a perturbation in a dusty plasma and its transformation into a nonlinear wave structure is considered. A computational method that allows one to solve the set of nonlinear evolutionary equations describing variable-charge dust grains, Boltzmann electrons, and inertial ions is developed. Exact steady-state solutions corresponding to ion-acoustic shock structures associated with anomalous dissipation originating from dust grain charging are found taking into account the effect of electron and ion charge separation. The role of this effect increases with the speed of the shock. The evolutions of an initial soliton (which is a steady-state wave solution in a plasma containing dust grains with a constant charge) and an initially immobile perturbation with a constant increased ion density are investigated. In a charge-varying dusty plasma, the soliton evolves into a nonsteady shock wave structure that propagates at a constant speed and whose amplitude decreases with time. The initially immobile perturbation with a constant increased ion density evolves into a shock structure similar to a steady-state shock wave. In the latter case, the compression shock wave is accompanied by a rarefaction region (dilatation wave), which finally leads to the destruction of the shock structure. The solution of the problem of the evolution of a perturbation and its transformation into a shock wave in a charge-varying dusty plasma opens up the possibility of describing real phenomena (such as supernova explosions) and laboratory and active space experiments.  相似文献   

High-frequency extensions of magnetorotational instability driven by the Velikhov effect beyond the standard magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) regime are studied. The existence of the well-known Hall regime and a new electron inertia regime is demonstrated. The electron inertia regime is realized for a lesser plasma magnetization of rotating plasma than that in the Hall regime. It includes the subregime of nonmagnetized electrons. It is shown that, in contrast to the standard MHD regime and the Hall regime, magnetorotational instability in this subregime can be driven only at positive values of dlnΩ/dlnr, where Ω is the plasma rotation frequency and r is the radial coordinate. The permittivity of rotating plasma beyond the standard MHD regime, including both the Hall regime and the electron inertia regime, is calculated. Published in Russian in Fizika Plazmy, 2008, Vol. 34, No. 8, pp. 736–745.  相似文献   

The theoretical interpretation of recent experiments on the time evolution of the temperature in freely expanding, ultracold plasma clouds released from a magneto-optical trap is discussed. The most interesting result of those experiments was the asymptotic behavior T e t −(1,2±0.1), instead of the behavior proportional to t −2, which was expected for a rarefied monatomic gas in the inertial expansion stage. It is shown that such a substantially slower temperature fall can be well explained by the specific properties of the equation of state of ultracold plasma with a large Coulomb coupling parameter; whereas the heat release in inelastic processes (in particular, three-body recombination) turns out to be relatively unimportant in the first approximation. This conclusion is confirmed by approximate analytic estimates from the model of virializing the energies of charged particles and also by the results of ab initio computer simulations; moreover, the computations demonstrate that the law of decrease in the electron temperature is established very rapidly, when the virialization criterion begins to be satisfied only to within a factor of order unity.  相似文献   

A study is made of the optical emission spectra of a plasma produced under the action of a microwave beam with a field amplitude of about 3 kV/cm on a metal-dielectric mixture at atmospheric pressure. In the initial stage of the discharge, the plasma is localized in microscale sites at the target surface, the characteristic size of the glowing regions in the target plane being less than 1 mm. In this stage, the target material is evaporated and atomic spectral lines with excitation energies of up to 6–8 eV are emitted. The population temperature of the excited levels, which was determined from the intensity ratios of atomic spectral lines, can be interpreted as the temperature of the atmospheric-pressure plasma. The temperatures determined from different pairs of lines belonging to the same or different elements (Cu, Mo, Li, Fe) fall within the range 7000–9000 K. In the later stage of the discharge, when the characteristic plasma size reaches a few centimeters, no atomic lines are present in the spectrum, which corresponds to a Planckian continuum with a temperature of 2400–3200 K.  相似文献   

Drift instability in dusty plasma due to plasma density inhomogeneity and inhomogeneities of dust distributions in densities and charges is studied analytically. An explicit general expression for the growth rate of instability is derived. It is found that the growth rate of the dissipative drift instability is substantially enhanced and the threshold of the instability is lowered in the presence of dust.  相似文献   

An analysis of impurity behavior in tokamak plasmas with the use of the observation results on impurity emission shows that it is necessary to distinguish between the ion dynamics (for example, ion transport) and ion kinetics, i.e., the processes related to the motion of ions on the charge states and/or excited states due to atomic processes in plasma. This paper presents a systematic analysis of the kinetics of impurity chargestate distributions and the related effects, as well as their typical scales and conditions for their observation. The quantitative analysis is performed in terms of the lowest moments of charge-state distributions such as the average charge m and dispersion D. Analytic approaches to solving charge-state kinetic equations are considered. An approach based on the symmetry properties of the kinetic matrix is proposed for the first time. The simplest types of impurity charge-state kinetics and the most important limiting cases are considered. A detailed analysis of the nonstationary behavior of the function of the moments D(m) of the charge-state distribution is presented. A quantitative analysis of the available experimental and model charge-state distributions of C, O, Ne, and Ar impurities in the JET, DIII-D, TORE SUPRA, ALCATOR-C, TEXTOR, PLT, TFR, and DAMAVAND tokamaks is performed in terms of the moments D(m). It is shown that the moments D(m)of the model charge-state distributions of the above impurities in the plasma core are essentially insensitive to the empirical diffusion coefficient. The equivalent curves D(m) obtained for the plasma periphery can be attributed to the convective fluxes of ionizing and/or recombining impurity ions.  相似文献   

It is shown that, in the presence of many grains embedded in a plasma, any two grains with the same charge sign can attract each other. The attraction is caused by collective effects. Both the strength of attraction and the distance at which the attraction is located depend on the average dust density. In the limit of strong collective interaction, the potential energy of interaction is found to be equal to the Coulomb interaction with an amplitude periodically changing its sign at a sequence of interdust distances. The condition for collective effects to dominate lead to a threshold condition that is fulfilled in existing experiments. The effect of collective attraction is applied for the physical interpretation of the observed phenomenon of the formation of dust crystals in laboratory experiments.  相似文献   

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