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The transfer of an intravenous does of 59Fe from plasma to milk in the lactating rat was a rapid process which accelerated exponentially with time until a plateau was reached 2 to 4 hours after injection. This transfer of iron involved little participation of the iron in the mammary gland pool. Also, neither the lactoferrin of the milk whey nor the iron-carrier molecule of the casein played a specific role in the iron transfer process. The present results show that the total percentage of plasma 59Fe transferred to the milk and sucklings in the lactating rat is much more than those values reported in lactating rabbits (Tarvydas, Jordan and Morgan, 1968) and sows (Hansard, 1965).  相似文献   

Quantitative relationships between physical parameters of sucking, milk transfer and the duration of amenorrhoea were examined in normal mother-baby pairs under exclusive breastfeeding. Sucking pressures were recorded twice on the second and once on the fifth month after birth, during complete breastfeeding episodes, by means of a catheter attached to the nipple and connected to a pressure transducer, the signals of which were analysed by computer. Babies were weighed before and after each sucking episode to estimate milk transfer. In the first nursing episode after noon, 2-month-old babies sucked from 140 to > 800 times during 4-15 min from the first breast, obtaining from 20 to > 100 g milk. The physical parameters of sucking and milk transfer exhibited high inter-individual but low intra-individual variabilities. There were significant differences in the physical parameters of sucking and milk transfer efficiency between first and second breast and between the second and fifth months after birth. Milk transfer efficiency was inversely correlated with time occupied by non-sucking pauses > or = 1.5 s, and was directly correlated with mean intersuck intervals in the first breast and with duration of the sucking episode, number of sucks, mean pressure and area under the pressure curve in the second breast. There was no correlation between the physical parameters of sucking and duration of lactational amenorrhoea (n = 62). However, significantly more mothers had amenorrhoea lasting > 180 days among those whose babies spent a longer proportion of the nursing episode in non-sucking pauses > or = 1.5 s. This finding indicates that sensory stimulation of the nipple produced during a nursing episode by stimuli other than sucking itself may have an important role in sustaining lactational amenorrhoea. It is concluded that nursing episodes have a complex structure that allows the development of a breastfeeding phenotype in each mother-baby pair, exhibiting important inter-individual variability. The present analysis does not support the contention that this source of variability accounts for the variability in the duration of lactational amenorrhoea.  相似文献   

Polyunsaturated fatty acids in maternal plasma and in breast milk   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
In order to explain processes underlying the transfer of fatty acids from the maternal compartment into human milk, the lipid content and the fatty acid composition of maternal plasma and milk have been analyzed in breastfeeding mothers at 1 day and 3 months of lactation.The rise in milk lipids occurring during the study period was concomitant with a fall in plasma total fat content, mainly due to the decrease of triglycerides. Significant correlations between plasma and milk fatty acids at the two time points were observed only for linoleic (LA, 18:2 n-6) and (alpha;-linolenic acid (alpha LNA, 18:3 n-3), while for arachidonic (AA, 20:4 n-6) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA, 22:6 n-3) correlations were found only at one day and 3 months, respectively.These data suggest that levels of the n-6 and n-3 18C polyunsaturated fatty acids in milk are closely dependent on their concentrations in maternal plasma, in turn related with the dietary intake, while the accumulation of AA and DHA in milk is the result of a sequence of transfer and metabolic processes.  相似文献   

The concept that there are physiologic mechanisms to homeostatically regulate plasma fluoride concentrations has been supported by results in the literature suggesting an inverse relationship between plasma fluoride levels and the absorption of the ion from the gastrointestinal tract of the rat. The validity of the relationship was questioned because of possible problems in the experimental design. The present work used four different methods to evaluate the effect of plasma fluoride levels on the absorption of the ion in rats: (i) the percentage of the daily fluoride intake that was excreted in the urine; (ii) the concentration of fluoride in femur epiphyses; (iii) the net areas under the time-plasma fluoride concentration curves after intragastric fluoride doses; and (iv) the residual amounts of fluoride in the gastrointestinal tracts after the intragastric fluoride doses. None of these methods indicated that plasma fluoride levels influence the rate or the degree of fluoride absorption. It was concluded that, unless extremely high plasma fluoride levels are involved (pharmacologic or toxic doses), the absorption of the ion is independent of plasma levels. The results provide further evidence that plasma fluoride concentrations are not homeostatically regulated.  相似文献   

No evidence of fetal DNA persistence in maternal plasma after pregnancy   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Short- and long-term persistence of fetal DNA in maternal plasma has been investigated. Short-term persistence at very low concentration was detected in 47 out of 105 women within two days after delivery. Twelve out of 13 samples re-tested within three days scored negative. No long-term persistence was detected in 172 women who had previous sons or abortions. Molecular microchimerism due to circulating fetal DNA persisting from previous pregnancies should not hamper non-invasive plasma-based prenatal testing.  相似文献   

Although B cells capable of synthesizing IgG and IgM have been identified in human milk, only IgA synthesis is measured in vitro. These data suggest that milk lymphocyte differentiation is a regulated process and that there may be a specific milk cell factor capable of stimulating differentiation of IgA-bearing B cells. To investigate this possibility lymphocyte/ macrophages from early (≤5 days) and late (≥8 days) milk were incubated and subsequently small aliquots of their cell-free culture media were added to peripheral blood lymphocyte cultures. The release of IgA, IgG, and IgM by the blood lymphocytes in culture was quantitated using double-antibody (Ab) competitive radioimmunoassays. The cell-free media from early (colostral) milk cell cultures significantly stimulated (P < 0.0001) IgA synthesis and had no effect on the production of IgG or IgM. There was no effect on immunoglobulin production when the milk cell supernate came from cells isolated from more mature milk. Therefore, it is postulated (i) that a soluble mediator(s) of immunologic regulation is released by human milk cells, (ii) that this factor(s) at least in part, explains the peculiar immunologic behavior of human milk cells in vitro, (iii) that this factor(s) is released in greater amounts by colostral cells than by cells in mature milk, and (iv) that human colostrum may play a role in affecting active local immunity in the gastrointestinal tract of the recipient newborn.  相似文献   

A nursing mother was given haloperidol 5 mg twice daily for puerperal psychosis and continued to breast feed under hospital supervision. Despite considerable amounts of haloperidol being secreted in the breast milk (up to 23.5 micrograms/l), the infant was apparently not sedated, fed well, and continued to thrive. The findings suggest that maternal ingestion of haloperidol for short periods has no deleterious effect on the infant''s development.  相似文献   

The flavours contained in a mammalian mother's milk can exert a marked influence on her offspring's proximate suckling behaviour and later preferences. The aim of this study was to establish a reliable analytical procedure to characterise the mammary transfer of selected volatile constituents of maternal food from non-pregnant and recently parturient ewes. Six known volatile compounds, most representative of cumin aroma (α-pinene, γ-terpinene, cuminaldehyde, p-cymene, limonene and cineole), were traced in the blood and milk of ewes fed with cumin seeds, using liquid-liquid extraction combined with gas chromatography-specific ion monitoring mass spectrometry. Among the six cumin odour markers, only one, p-cymene, was transfered in quantifiable amounts into the venous plasma. The other cumin markers could only be detected as traces corresponding to amounts lower that the limit of quantification. In milk, four of the cumin markers could be detected, and two of these were quantified.  相似文献   

In a study of breast milk collected into sterile bottles rinsed in 1% hypochlorite solution the hypochlorite solution adherent to the sides of the bottles apparently caused a large reduction in bacterial contamination of the milk after storage at 4 degrees C for up to four hours. Heating expressed breast milk at 62.5 degrees C for five minutes destroyed over 90% of the Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, and group B beta-haemolytic streptococci inoculated into the milk samples. Rinsing collecting bottles with hypochlorite solution may be valuable in collecting milk with a low bacterial content for human-milk banks. Furthermore, the currently accepted pasteurisation time of 30 minutes may be excessive.  相似文献   

Since little is known about the effect of selenium on the fatty acid profiles (FAP) of human breast milk, the purpose of this study was to measure the effect of habitual dietary selenium (Se) intake on this profile in plasma and breast milk. Subjects were lactating women from three locations in China where habitual selenium intakes are extremely low (Xichang), adequate (Beijing), or extremely high (Enshi). Plasma and milk samples were obtained within seven days of parturition (early samples) or within eighteen months postpartum (mature samples) and analyzed for selenium concentration, glutathione peroxidase (Gpx) activity and FAP. Plasma and milk selenium concentrations were significantly lower in the samples from women from Xichang and significantly higher in those from Enshi when compared to those from Beijing. Plasma Gpx activity, however, was higher in samples from Beijing than Xichang or Enshi. In contrast, the early breast milk samples had similar Gpx activity regardless of location. The mature samples, however, followed the same trend as plasma with the samples obtained from the women in Beijing having the highest activity. Of the unsaturated fatty acids examined, the concentration of linoleic acid, 18:2(n-6), in both plasma and milk was greater in the samples from Beijing when compared to those from Xichang or Enshi. Thus dietary selenium appears to influence the fatty acid composition in human breast milk, but influences Gpx activity only in mature milk samples.  相似文献   

P. C. Bagnell  H. A. Ellenberger 《CMAJ》1977,117(9):1047-1048
A 6-week-old breast-fed infant had obstructive jaundice and hepatomegaly. When a dry-cleaning solvent, tetrachloroethylene, was detected in the mother''s milk and blood, breast-feeding was discontinued. Rapid clinical and biochemical improvement followed. The child grew normally and had normal liver function during 2 years of follow-up.  相似文献   

Horseradish- and chloro-peroxidase catalyzed oxidation of sulfides have been investigated. Thioanisoles were oxygenated to the corresponding sulfoxides by such peroxidases at the expense of H2O2. Dealkylation was observed only in the chloroperoxidase-dependent oxidations of p-methoxy- and p-iso-propoxy-thioanisoles. The experiments with 18O-labeled H2O2 indicated that an oxygen atom of H2O2 is incorporated into the sulfoxides. These research lead to the conclusion that compound I or II is capable of acting as an oxygen donor as well as an electron acceptor.  相似文献   

The adjustments in total fluoride concentration in plasma, bones, liver, and muscle were examined when rats were given a diet of very low fluoride content following a dietary regimen of elevated fluoride intake. The animals received a diet containing 34 ppm of fluoride and water with 50 ppm added fluoride in the 28-day initial period and in the depletion period they were given a diet containing only 0.21 ppm of fluoride and distilled water. The findings indicated a 12-fold increase in the fluoride content of the humeri after 28 days of high-flurodie intake with a greater increment by the epiphyses than by the diaphyses. During 21 days of the depletion period the skeletal fluoride was reduced by only 7.7% indicating a marked retention of fluoride during processes of bone remodeling and growth. The plasma, muscle, and liver total fluoride contents were significantly increased at the end of the period of high-fluoride intake, but these concentrations were found to be restored to base-line levels in 3-7 days of the depletion period. By comparison of the distribution of total fluoride with injected radiofluoride between tissue and plasma waters, it was concluded that muscle and liver contain bound fluoride that does not exchange completely with ionic fluoride.  相似文献   

The diffuse pollution by fission and activation products following nuclear accidents and weapons testing is of major public concern. Among the nuclides that pose a serious risk if they enter the human food chain are the cesium isotopes 137Cs and 134Cs (with half-lives of 30 and 2 years, respectively). The biogeochemical cycling of these isotopes in forest ecosystems is strongly affected by their preferential absorption in a range of ectomycorrhiza-forming basidiomycetes. An even more widely distributed group of symbiotic fungi are the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi, which colonize most herbaceous plants, including many agricultural crops. These fungi are known to be more efficient than ectomycorrhizas in transporting mineral elements from soil to plants. Their role in the biogeochemical cycling of Cs is poorly known, in spite of the consequences that fungal Cs transport may have for transfer of Cs into the human food chain. This report presents the first data on transport of Cs by these fungi by use of radiotracers and compartmented growth systems where uptake by roots and mycorrhizal hyphae is distinguished. Independent experiments in three laboratories that used different combinations of fungi and host plants all demonstrated that these fungi do not contribute significantly to plant uptake of Cs. The implications of these findings for the bioavailability of radiocesium in different terrestrial ecosystems are discussed.  相似文献   

The presence of a complex of the copper-containing protein ceruloplasmin (Cp) with lactoferrin (Lf) in breast milk (BM) is shown for the first time. In SDS-free polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE), electrophoretic mobility of Cp in BM is lower than that of plasma Cp, coinciding with the mobility of the complex obtained upon mixing purified Cp and Lf. Affinity chromatography of delipidated BM on Cp-Sepharose resulted in retention of Lf. SDS-PAGE of the 0.3 M NaCl eluate revealed a single band with Mr ∼ 78,000 that has the N-terminal amino acid sequence of Lf and reacts with antibodies to that protein. Synthetic peptides R-R-R-R (the N-terminal amino acid stretch 2–5 in Lf) and K-R-Y-K-Q-R-V-K-N-K (the C-terminal stretch 29–38 in PACAP 38) caused efficient elution of Lf from Cp-Sepharose. Cp-Lf complex from delipidated BM is not retained on the resins used for isolation of Cp (AE-agarose) and of Lf (CM-Sephadex). Anionic peptides from Cp-(586–597), (721–734), and (905–914)—provide an efficient elution of Cp from AE-agarose, but do not cause dissociation of Cp-Lf complex. When anti-Lf is added to BM flowed through CM-Sephadex, Cp co-precipitates with Lf. Cp-Lf complex can be isolated from BM by chromatography on CM-Sephadex, ethanol precipitation, and affinity chromatography on AE-agarose, yielding 98% pure complex. The resulting complex Cp-Lf(1: 1) was separated into components by chromatography on heparin-Sepharose. Limited tryptic hydrolysis of Cp obtained from BM and from blood plasma revealed identical proteolytic fragments. Published in Russian in Biokhimiya, 2006, Vol. 71, No. 2, pp. 208–215.  相似文献   

The transfer of free cholesterol from [3H]cholesterol-labelled plasma lipoproteins to cultured human lung fibroblasts was studied in a serum-free medium. The uptake of [3H]cholesterol depended upon time of incubation, concentration of lipoprotein in the medium, and temperature. Modified (reduced and methylated) low-density lipoprotein (LDL), which did not enter the cells by the receptor pathway, gave a somewhat lower transfer rate than unmodified LDL, but if the transfer values for native LDL were corrected for the receptor-mediated uptake of cholesterol the difference was eliminated. The initial rates of transfer of [3H]cholesterol from LDL and high-density lipoprotein (HDL) were of the same order of magnitude (0.67 +/- 0.05 and 0.75 +/- 0.06 nmol of cholesterol/h per mg of cell protein, respectively) while that from very-low-density lipoprotein (VLDL) was much lower (0.23 +/- 0.02 nmol of cholesterol/h per mg) (means +/- S.D., n = 5). The activation energy for transfer of cholesterol from reduced, methylated LDL to fibroblasts was determined to be 57.5 kJ/mol. If albumin was added to the incubation medium the transfer of [3H]cholesterol was enhanced, while that of [14C]dipalmitoyl phosphatidylcholine was decreased compared with the protein-free system. The results demonstrate that, in spite of its low water solubility, free cholesterol can move from lipoproteins to cellular membranes, probably by aqueous diffusion. We propose that physicochemical transfer of free cholesterol may be a significant mechanism for net uptake of the sterol into the artery during atherogenesis.  相似文献   

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