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The enzyme phosphomannomutase/phosphoglucomutase (PMM/PGM) from P. aeruginosa is required for the biosynthesis of two bacterial exopolysaccharides: alginate and lipopolysaccharide (LPS). Both of these molecules play a role in the virulence of P. aeruginosa, an important human pathogen known for its ability to develop antibiotic resistance and cause chronic lung infections in cystic fibrosis patients. The crystal structure of PMM/PGM shows that the enzyme has four domains, three of which have a similar three-dimensional fold. Residues from all four domains of the protein contribute to the formation of a large active site cleft in the center of the molecule. Detailed information on the active site of PMM/PGM lays the foundation for structure-based inhibitor design. Inhibitors of sufficient potency and specificity should impair the biosynthesis of alginate and LPS, and may facilitate clearance of the bacteria by the host immune system and increase the efficacy of conventional antibiotic treatment against chronic P. aeruginosa infections.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of Pseudomonas aeruginosa fucose-specific lectin LecB was determined in its metal-bound and metal-free state as well as in complex with fucose, mannose and fructopyranose. All three monosaccharides bind isosterically via direct interactions with two calcium ions as well as direct hydrogen bonds with several side-chains. The higher affinity for fucose is explained by the details of the binding site around C6 and O1 of fucose. In the mannose and fructose complexes, a carboxylate oxygen atom and one or two hydroxyl groups are partly shielded from solvent upon sugar binding, preventing them from completely fulfilling their hydrogen bonding potential. In the fucose complex, no such defects are observed. Instead, C6 makes favourable interactions with a small hydrophobic patch. Upon demetallization, the C terminus as well as the otherwise rigid metal-binding loop become more mobile and adopt multiple conformations.  相似文献   

Thiopurine S-methyltransferase (TPMT) modulates the cytotoxic effects of thiopurine prodrugs such as 6-mercaptopurine by methylating them in a reaction using S-adenosyl- l-methionine as the donor. Patients with TPMT variant allozymes exhibit diminished levels of protein and/or enzyme activity and are at risk for thiopurine drug-induced toxicity. We have determined two crystal structures of murine TPMT, as a binary complex with the product S-adenosyl- l-homocysteine and as a ternary complex with S-adenosyl- l-homocysteine and the substrate 6-mercaptopurine, to 1.8 and 2.0 A resolution, respectively. Comparison of the structures reveals that an active site loop becomes ordered upon 6-mercaptopurine binding. The positions of the two ligands are consistent with the expected S N2 reaction mechanism. Arg147 and Arg221, the only polar amino acids near 6-mercaptopurine, are highlighted as possible participants in substrate deprotonation. To probe whether these residues are important for catalysis, point mutants were prepared in the human enzyme. Substitution of Arg152 (Arg147 in murine TPMT) with glutamic acid decreases V max and increases K m for 6-mercaptopurine but not K m for S-adenosyl- l-methionine. Substitution at this position with alanine or histidine and similar substitutions of Arg226 (Arg221 in murine TPMT) result in no effect on enzyme activity. The double mutant Arg152Ala/Arg226Ala exhibits a decreased V max and increased K m for 6-mercaptopurine. These observations suggest that either Arg152 or Arg226 may participate in some fashion in the TPMT reaction, with one residue compensating when the other is altered, and that Arg152 may interact with substrate more directly than Arg226, consistent with observations in the murine TPMT crystal structure.  相似文献   

In isoleucyl-tRNA synthetase (IleRS), the "editing" domain contributes to accurate aminoacylation by hydrolyzing the mis-synthesized intermediate, valyl-adenylate, in the "pre-transfer" editing mode and the incorrect final product, valyl-tRNA(Ile), in the "post-transfer" editing mode. In the present study, we determined the crystal structures of the Thermus thermophilus IleRS editing domain complexed with the substrate analogues in the pre and post-transfer modes, both at 1.7 A resolution. The active site accommodates the two analogues differently, with the valine side-chain rotated by about 120 degrees and the adenosine moiety oriented upside down. The substrate-binding pocket adjusts to the adenosine-monophosphate and adenosine moieties in the pre and post-transfer modes, respectively, by flipping the Trp227 side-chain by about 180 degrees . The substrate recognition mechanisms of IleRS are characterized by the active-site rearrangement between the two editing modes, and therefore differ from those of the homologous valyl and leucyl-tRNA synthetases from T.thermophilus, in which the post-transfer mode is predominant. Both modes of editing activities were reduced by replacements of Trp227 with Ala, Val, Leu, and His, but not by those with Phe and Tyr, indicating that the aromatic ring of Trp227 is important for the substrate recognition. In both editing modes, Thr233 and His319 recognize the substrate valine side-chain, regardless of the valine side-chain rotation, and reject the isoleucine side-chain. The T233A and H319A mutants have detectable editing activities against the cognate isoleucine.  相似文献   

2,3-Butanediol dehydrogenase (BDH) catalyzes the NAD-dependent redox reaction between acetoin and 2,3-butanediol. There are three types of homologous BDH, each stereospecific for both substrate and product. To establish how these homologous enzymes possess differential stereospecificities, we determined the crystal structure of l-BDH with a bound inhibitor at 2.0 Å. Comparison with the inhibitor binding mode of meso-BDH highlights the role of a hydrogen-bond from a conserved Trp residue192. Site-directed mutagenesis of three active site residues of meso-BDH, including Trp190, which corresponds to Trp192 of l-BDH, converted its stereospecificity to that of l-BDH. This result confirms the importance of conserved residues in modifying the stereospecificity of homologous enzymes.  相似文献   

Transportin 1 (Trn1) is a transport receptor that transports substrates from the cytoplasm to the nucleus through nuclear pore complexes by recognizing nuclear localization signals (NLSs). Here we describe four crystal structures of human Trn1 in a substrate-free form as well as in the complex with three NLSs (hnRNP D, JKTBP, and TAP, respectively). Our data have revealed that (1) Trn1 has two sites for binding NLSs, one with high affinity (site A) and one with low affinity (site B), and NLS interaction at site B controls overall binding affinity for Trn1; (2) Trn1 recognizes the NLSs at site A followed by conformational change at site B to interact with the NLSs; and (3) a long flexible loop, characteristic of Trn1, interacts with site B, thereby displacing transport substrate in the nucleus. These studies provide deep understanding of substrate recognition and dissociation by Trn1 in import pathways.  相似文献   

Xylanase A from the phytopathogenic bacterium Erwinia chrysanthemi is classified as a glycoside hydrolase family 30 enzyme (previously in family 5) and is specialized for degradation of glucuronoxylan. The recombinant enzyme was crystallized with the aldotetraouronic acid β-D-xylopyranosyl-(1→4)-[4-O-methyl-α-D-glucuronosyl-(1→2)]-β-D-xylopyranosyl-(1→4)-D-xylose as a ligand. The crystal structure of the enzyme-ligand complex was solved at 1.39 ? resolution. The ligand xylotriose moiety occupies subsites -1, -2 and -3, whereas the methyl glucuronic acid residue attached to the middle xylopyranosyl residue of xylotriose is bound to the enzyme through hydrogen bonds to five amino acids and by the ionic interaction of the methyl glucuronic acid carboxylate with the positively charged guanidinium group of Arg293. The interaction of the enzyme with the methyl glucuronic acid residue appears to be indispensable for proper distortion of the xylan chain and its effective hydrolysis. Such a distortion does not occur with linear β-1,4-xylooligosaccharides, which are hydrolyzed by the enzyme at a negligible rate. DATABASE: Structural and experimental data are available in the Protein Data Bank database under accession number 2y24 [45].  相似文献   

Aromatic amino acids are protein building blocks and precursors to a number of plant natural products, such as the structural polymer lignin and a variety of medicinally relevant compounds. Plants make tyrosine and phenylalanine by a different pathway from many microbes; this pathway requires prephenate aminotransferase (PAT) as the key enzyme. Prephenate aminotransferase produces arogenate, the unique and immediate precursor for both tyrosine and phenylalanine in plants, and also has aspartate aminotransferase (AAT) activity. The molecular mechanisms governing the substrate specificity and activation or inhibition of PAT are currently unknown. Here we present the X‐ray crystal structures of the wild‐type and various mutants of PAT from Arabidopsis thaliana (AtPAT). Steady‐state kinetic and ligand‐binding analyses identified key residues, such as Glu108, that are involved in both keto acid and amino acid substrate specificities and probably contributed to the evolution of PAT activity among class Ib AAT enzymes. Structures of AtPAT mutants co‐crystallized with either α‐ketoglutarate or pyridoxamine 5′‐phosphate and glutamate further define the molecular mechanisms underlying recognition of keto acid and amino acid substrates. Furthermore, cysteine was identified as an inhibitor of PAT from A. thaliana and Antirrhinum majus plants as well as the bacterium Chlorobium tepidum, uncovering a potential new effector of PAT.  相似文献   

Peng Y  Sartini D  Pozzi V  Wilk D  Emanuelli M  Yee VC 《Biochemistry》2011,50(36):7800-7808
Nicotinamide N-methyltransferase (NNMT) catalyzes the N-methylation of nicotinamide, pyridines, and other analogues using S-adenosyl-l-methionine as donor. NNMT plays a significant role in the regulation of metabolic pathways and is expressed at markedly high levels in several kinds of cancers, presenting it as a potential molecular target for cancer therapy. We have determined the crystal structure of human NNMT as a ternary complex bound to both the demethylated donor S-adenosyl-l-homocysteine and the acceptor substrate nicotinamide, to 2.7 ? resolution. These studies reveal the structural basis for nicotinamide binding and highlight several residues in the active site which may play roles in nicotinamide recognition and NNMT catalysis. The functional importance of these residues was probed by mutagenesis. Of three residues near the nicotinamide's amide group, substitution of S201 and S213 had no effect on enzyme activity while replacement of D197 dramatically decreased activity. Substitutions of Y20, whose side chain hydroxyl interacts with both the nicotinamide aromatic ring and AdoHcy carboxylate, also compromised activity. Enzyme kinetics analysis revealed k(cat)/K(m) decreases of 2-3 orders of magnitude for the D197A and Y20A mutants, confirming the functional importance of these active site residues. The mutants exhibited substantially increased K(m) for both NCA and AdoMet and modestly decreased k(cat). MD simulations revealed long-range conformational effects which provide an explanation for the large increase in K(m)(AdoMet) for the D197A mutant, which interacts directly only with nicotinamide in the ternary complex crystal structure.  相似文献   

The structure of the tetrameric Pseudomonas aeruginosa lectin I (PA-IL) in complex with galactose and calcium was determined at 1.6 A resolution, and the native protein was solved at 2.4 A resolution. Each monomer adopts a beta-sandwich fold with ligand binding site at the apex. All galactose hydroxyl groups, except O1, are involved in a hydrogen bond network with the protein and O3 and O4 also participate in the co-ordination of the calcium ion. The stereochemistry of calcium galactose binding is reminiscent of that observed in some animal C-type lectins. The structure of the complex provides a framework for future design of anti-bacterial compounds.  相似文献   

The poly(ADP-ribose)polymerases Tankyrase 1/2 (TNKS/TNKS2) catalyze the covalent linkage of ADP-ribose polymer chains onto target proteins, regulating their ubiquitylation, stability, and function. Dysregulation of substrate recognition by Tankyrases underlies the human disease cherubism. Tankyrases recruit specific motifs (often called RxxPDG "hexapeptides") in their substrates via an N-terminal region of ankyrin repeats. These ankyrin repeats form five domains termed ankyrin repeat clusters (ARCs), each predicted to bind substrate. Here we report crystal structures of a representative ARC of TNKS2 bound to targeting peptides from six substrates. Using a solution-based peptide library screen, we derive a rule-based consensus for Tankyrase substrates common to four functionally conserved ARCs. This 8-residue consensus allows us to rationalize all known Tankyrase substrates and explains the basis for cherubism-causing mutations in the Tankyrase substrate 3BP2. Structural and sequence information allows us to also predict and validate other Tankyrase targets, including Disc1, Striatin, Fat4, RAD54, BCR, and MERIT40.  相似文献   

Peptidyl-tRNA hydrolase (Pth) cleaves the ester bond between the peptide and the tRNA of peptidyl-tRNA molecules, which are produced by aborted translation, to recycle tRNA for further rounds of protein synthesis. Pth is ubiquitous in nature, and its enzymatic activity is essential for bacterial viability. We have determined the crystal structure of Escherichia coli Pth in complex with the tRNA CCA-acceptor-TΨC domain, the enzyme-binding region of the tRNA moiety of the substrate, at 2.4 Å resolution. In combination with site-directed mutagenesis studies, the structure identified the amino acid residues involved in tRNA recognition. The structure also revealed that Pth interacts with the tRNA moiety through the backbone phosphates and riboses, and no base-specific interactions were observed, except for the interaction with the highly conserved base G53. This feature enables Pth to accept the diverse sequences of the elongator-tRNAs as substrate components. Furthermore, we propose an authentic Pth:peptidyl-tRNA complex model and a detailed mechanism for the hydrolysis reaction, based on the present crystal structure and the previous studies’ results.  相似文献   

L-carnosine is a bioactive dipeptide (beta-alanyl-L-histidine) present in mammalian tissues, including the central nervous system, and has potential neuroprotective and neurotransmitter functions. In mammals, two types of L-carnosine-hydrolyzing enzymes (CN1 and CN2) have been cloned thus far, and they have been classified as metallopeptidases of the M20 family. The enzymatic activity of CN2 requires Mn(2+), and CN2 is inhibited by a nonhydrolyzable substrate analog, bestatin. Here, we present the crystal structures of mouse CN2 complexed with bestatin together with Zn(2+) at a resolution of 1.7 A and that with Mn(2+) at 2.3 A CN2 is a homodimer in a noncrystallographic asymmetric unit, and the Mn(2+) and Zn(2+) complexes closely resemble each other in the overall structure. Each subunit is composed of two domains: domain A, which is complexed with bestatin and two metal ions, and domain B, which provides the major interface for dimer formation. The bestatin molecule bound to domain A interacts with several residues of domain B of the other subunit, and these interactions are likely to be essential for enzyme activity. Since the bestatin molecule is not accessible to the bulk water, substrate binding would require conformational flexibility between domains A and B. The active site structure and substrate-binding model provide a structural basis for the enzymatic activity and substrate specificity of CN2 and related enzymes.  相似文献   

The outer membrane (OM) of Gram-negative bacteria, which consists of lipopolysaccharides (LPS) in the outer leaflet and phospholipids (PLs) in the inner leaflet, plays a key role in antibiotic resistance and pathogen virulence. The maintenance of lipid asymmetry (Mla) pathway is known to be involved in PL transport and contributes to the lipid homeostasis of the OM, yet the underlying molecular mechanism and the directionality of PL transport in this pathway remain elusive. Here, we reported the cryo-EM structures of the ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporter MlaFEBD from P. areuginosa, the core complex in the Mla pathway, in nucleotide-free (apo)-, ADP (ATP + vanadate)- and ATP (AMPPNP)-bound states as well as the structures of MlaFEB from E. coli in apo- and AMPPNP-bound states at a resolution range of 3.4–3.9 Å. The structures show that the MlaFEBD complex contains a total of twelve protein molecules with a stoichiometry of MlaF2E2B2D6, and binds a plethora of PLs at different locations. In contrast to canonical ABC transporters, nucleotide binding fails to trigger significant conformational changes of both MlaFEBD and MlaFEB in the nucleotide-binding and transmembrane domains of the ABC transporter, correlated with their low ATPase activities exhibited in both detergent micelles and lipid nanodiscs. Intriguingly, PLs or detergents appeared to relocate to the membrane-proximal end from the distal end of the hydrophobic tunnel formed by the MlaD hexamer in MlaFEBD upon addition of ATP, indicating that retrograde PL transport might occur in the tunnel in an ATP-dependent manner. Site-specific photocrosslinking experiment confirms that the substrate-binding pocket in the dimeric MlaE and the MlaD hexamer are able to bind PLs in vitro, in line with the notion that MlaFEBD complex functions as a PL transporter.  相似文献   

The type III secretion system (T3SS) of Pseudomonas aeruginosa is a key virulence determinant whose expression is induced by polyamine signals from mammalian host. SpuD and SpuE were postulated to be spermidine-preferential binding proteins, which regulate the polyamine content in this bacterial pathogen. In this study, we found that SpuD is a putrescine-preferential binding protein, while SpuE binds to spermidine exclusively. We have determined the crystal structures of SpuD in free form and in complex with putrescine and SpuE in free form and in complex with spermidine. Upon ligand binding, SpuD and SpuE undergo an "open-to-closed" conformational switch with the resultant closed ligand-bound forms, SpuD-putrescine and SpuE-spermidine, similar to their Escherichia coli counterparts PotF-putrescine and PotD-spermidine, respectively. Structural comparison suggested that two aromatic residues, Trp271 of SpuE and Phe273 of SpuD in segment II region, are the key structural determinants for putrescine/spermidine recognition specificity. Mutagenesis combined with isothermal titration calorimetry showed that substitution of Trp271 by Phe enabled SpuE to gain substantial binding affinity for putrescine, while replacement of Phe273 by Trp reduced the binding affinity of SpuD toward putrescine by 250-fold. Altogether, these results revealed the molecular mechanism governing polyamine recognition specificity by SpuD and SpuE and provide the basis for further structural and functional studies of polyamine signal importation system in P. aeruginosa.  相似文献   

Recently, a novel family of methyltransferases was identified in plants. Some members of this newly discovered and recently characterized methyltransferase family catalyze the formation of small-molecule methyl esters using S-adenosyl-L-Met (SAM) as a methyl donor and carboxylic acid-bearing substrates as methyl acceptors. These enzymes include SAMT (SAM:salicylic acid carboxyl methyltransferase), BAMT (SAM:benzoic acid carboxyl methyltransferase), and JMT (SAM:jasmonic acid carboxyl methyltransferase). Moreover, other members of this family of plant methyltransferases have been found to catalyze the N-methylation of caffeine precursors. The 3.0-A crystal structure of Clarkia breweri SAMT in complex with the substrate salicylic acid and the demethylated product S-adenosyl-L-homocysteine reveals a protein structure that possesses a helical active site capping domain and a unique dimerization interface. In addition, the chemical determinants responsible for the selection of salicylic acid demonstrate the structural basis for facile variations of substrate selectivity among functionally characterized plant carboxyl-directed and nitrogen-directed methyltransferases and a growing set of related proteins that have yet to be examined biochemically. Using the three-dimensional structure of SAMT as a guide, we examined the substrate specificity of SAMT by site-directed mutagenesis and activity assays against 12 carboxyl-containing small molecules. Moreover, the utility of structural information for the functional characterization of this large family of plant methyltransferases was demonstrated by the discovery of an Arabidopsis methyltransferase that is specific for the carboxyl-bearing phytohormone indole-3-acetic acid.  相似文献   

The calnexin cycle is a process by which glycosylated proteins are subjected to folding cycles in the endoplasmic reticulum lumen via binding to the membrane protein calnexin (CNX) or to its soluble homolog calreticulin (CRT). CNX and CRT specifically recognize monoglucosylated Glc1Man9GlcNAc2 glycans, but the structural determinants underlying this specificity are unknown. Here, we report a 1.95-Å crystal structure of the CRT lectin domain in complex with the tetrasaccharide α-Glc-(1→3)-α-Man-(1→2)-α-Man-(1→2)-Man. The tetrasaccharide binds to a long channel on CRT formed by a concave β-sheet. All four sugar moieties are engaged in the protein binding via an extensive network of hydrogen bonds and hydrophobic contacts. The structure explains the requirement for glucose at the nonreducing end of the carbohydrate; the oxygen O2 of glucose perfectly fits to a pocket formed by CRT side chains while forming direct hydrogen bonds with the carbonyl of Gly124 and the side chain of Lys111. The structure also explains a requirement for the Cys105–Cys137 disulfide bond in CRT/CNX for efficient carbohydrate binding. The Cys105–Cys137 disulfide bond is involved in intimate contacts with the third and fourth sugar moieties of the Glc1Man3 tetrasaccharide. Finally, the structure rationalizes previous mutagenesis of CRT and lays a structural groundwork for future studies of the role of CNX/CRT in diverse biological pathways.  相似文献   

Protein tyrosine phosphatase 1B (PTP1B) displays a preference for peptides containing acidic as well as aromatic/aliphatic residues immediately NH(2)-terminal to phosphotyrosine. The structure of PTP1B bound with DADEpYL-NH(2) (EGFR(988)(-)(993)) offers a structural explanation for PTP1B's preference for acidic residues [Jia, Z., Barford, D., Flint, A. J., and Tonks, N. K. (1995) Science 268, 1754-1758]. We report here the crystal structures of PTP1B in complex with Ac-ELEFpYMDYE-NH(2) (PTP1B.Con) and Ac-DAD(Bpa)pYLIPQQG (PTP1B.Bpa) determined to 1.8 and 1.9 A resolution, respectively. A structural analysis of PTP1B.Con and PTP1B.Bpa shows how aromatic/aliphatic residues at the -1 and -3 positions of peptide substrates are accommodated by PTP1B. A comparison of the structures of PTP1B.Con and PTP1B.Bpa with that of PTP1B.EGFR(988)(-)(993) reveals the structural basis for the plasticity of PTP1B substrate recognition. PTP1B is able to bind phosphopeptides by utilizing common interactions involving the aromatic ring and phosphate moiety of phosphotyrosine itself, two conserved hydrogen bonds between the Asp48 carboxylate side chain and the main chain nitrogens of the pTyr and residue 1, and a third between the main chain nitrogen of Arg47 and the main chain carbonyl of residue -2. The ability of PTP1B to accommodate both acidic and hydrophobic residues immediately NH(2)-terminal to pTyr appears to be conferred upon PTP1B by a single residue, Arg47. Depending on the nature of the NH(2)-terminal amino acids, the side chain of Arg47 can adopt one of two different conformations, generating two sets of distinct peptide binding surfaces. When an acidic residue is positioned at position -1, a preference for a second acidic residue is also observed at position -2. However, when a large hydrophobic group occupies position -1, Arg47 adopts a new conformation so that it can participate in hydrophobic interactions with both positions -1 and -3.  相似文献   

《Molecular cell》2022,82(9):1643-1659.e10
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