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ABSTRACT. Experimental evidence has been gathered to show that the life cycle of the myxozoan gallbladder parasite Zschokkella nova Klokacewa, 1914, which infects the fish Carassius carassius , has a complex life cycle with alternation of two hosts (fish and Oligochaeta) and two developmental phases (myxosporean and actinosporean). The gut epithelium of the oligochaete, Tubifex tubifex , exposed experimentally to Z. nova , obtained from C. carassius , became infected with organisms resembling Actinosporea. The spore structure and cube-like network of the interconnected spores is reminiscent of Siedleckiella silesica Janiszewska, 1952, although the spores are very different in size and number of sporoplasm nuclei. The life cycle of Z. nova resembles that of the whirling disease agent Myxosoma cerebralis described by Wolf and Markiw, which also alternates between fish and oligochaete hosts.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. The alternating myxosporean and actinosporean stages of the myxozoan parasitc Myxobolus cerebralis (Hofer 1903) from its salmonid fish and aquatic oligochaete hosts, respectively, were compared for sequence homology of the small subunit (18S) ribosomal RNA genes. A 99.8% similarity between the sequences of these two stages was substantially greater than that of M. cerebralis compared to two other Myxobolus sp. from salmonid fish. Our results are the first molecular evidence confirming the alternating stages initially described by Wolf and Markiw [25] for the life cycle of M. cerebralis but found in two different taxonomic classes (Myxosporea and Actinosporea) are indeed forms of the same organism. Sequencing of rRNA genes of the actinosporean stage followed by development of specific primers for DNA amplification of the myxosporean stage, as in our study, should be applied to solve other myxozoan life cycles. Additionally, these approaches will in the future provide useful diagnostic reagents for the detection and study of this important group of fish pathogens.  相似文献   

The community of myxosporeans and actinosporeans inhabiting a typical Scottish highland stream and the outflow area of an adjacent salmon hatchery was analysed on the basis of their 18S rDNA sequences. Nine myxosporeans belonging to the genera Sphaerospora, Chloromyxum, Zschokkella, Myxidium, Hoferellus and Myxobilatus were identified from mature spores in different organs of the fish species present. Twelve actinosporean types belonging to the collective groups of neoactinomyxum, aurantiactinomyxon, raabeia, echinactinomyxon and synactinomyxon were found to be released from oligochaete worms collected from sediments. Twenty of the 21 sequences obtained from these myxozoans are new entries to the myxozoan database, and the genera Chloromyxum, Hoferellus and Myxobilatus were entered for the first time. Study of the molecular relationships between the different taxa and with other myxozoan sequences available showed that the myxosporeans inhabiting the urinary system clearly cluster together, independently of host species or spore morphology. However, the sequences of the two Sphaerospora species encountered show considerable differences from other members of this group and all other freshwater myxosporeans, and they were found to occupy an ancestral marine position. Three actinosporeans, i.e. Neoactinomyxum eiseniellae, Aurantiactinomyxon pavinsis and Raabeia 'type 3' were found to represent alternate life cycle stages of Chloromyxum sp., Chloromyxum truttae and Myxidium truttae, respectively (approximately 1400 identical base pairs each). Three other actinosporeans encountered (two echinactinomyxon and one raabeia type) showed over 92% sequence identity with myxosporeans from GenBank, whereas all other actinosporeans formed a closely related group devoid of any known myxosporeans.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Thin sections of the following stages of Trypanosoma avium were examined in the electron microscope: Trypomastigote forms from the blood of a bird, large epimastigote forms developing from the former after 2 hours in vitro, small epimastigote and metacyclic trypomastigote forms developing after longer periods of cultivation in vitro. The general structure of all stages was similar to that which is already well known for the genus, with the following points being of particular interest: (1) In the large trypomastigote and epimastigote forms, and possibly also in the smaller forms, the flagellar sheath was attached to the pellicle, at least in places. In the large trypomastigote forms, this resulted in the drawing out of a “fin” or ridge of cytoplasm, particularly in the mid-region of the body, to form a true undulating membrane. (2) At least some of the individuals in the blood of a bird have 2 basal bodies, one of which is aflagellate, altho these individuals rarely if ever divide. The large epimastigote forms into which they transform in vitro develop 4 basal bodies (2 flagellate and 2 aflagellate) before dividing. (3) The chondriome is well-developed in all stages, extending thruout the body, even to the tip of the elongated posterior end of the form in the avian host. (4) A short cytostome, leading from the flagellar pocket, was seen in the hematozoic (blood-inhabiting) trypomastigote form but not in other stages. (5) It is suggested that the forward movement of the kinetoplast and basal body during the transformation from trypomastigote to epimastigote form is mediated by localized cytoplasmic movement, resulting in the “rolling-up” of the organism's hind end. It is further suggested that protein synthesis is reduced or even suppressed entirely in the small epi- and trypomastigote forms appearing at the end of the developmental cycle in vitro or in the insect host, such synthesis recommencing rapidly after re-entry into the vertebrate.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS The fine structure of sporogonic stages of Nosema parkeri Krinsky, a microsporidan from the argasid tick, Ornithodoros parkeri Cooley, is described. Developmental changes in the spore coat and cytoplasmic organelles are discussed. As a sporoblast transforms into a spore, the organelles become more compact and the membranes surrounding them appear to become more taut. It is suggested that the polaroplast complex is involved in fluid transport during development of the spore. Organelles in the mature spore include 2 contiguous nuclei enveloped in a lattice containing ribosome-like particles, a polaroplast complex composed of laminar and saccular regions, and a coiled tubular polar filament attached to a polar sac. Sporogonic stages do not appear to have mitochondria, Golgi apparatus, or a posterior vacuole. The fine structure of the spore of N. parkeri is very similar to that of species of Nosema found in insects, crustaceans, and trematodes.  相似文献   

Division of the life cycle of Cnidaria (except for Anthozoa) into two independent generations, polypoid and medusoid, i.e., metagenesis, is considered to be unjustified. Like other Metazoa, their life cycle can be divided into three periods: embryonic, postembryonic, and definitive, i.e., according to the age [9, 10]. An important feature of Cnidaria is the transition of some postembryonic stages to the sedentary mode of life. As in other animals, this change results in a substantial reduction in organismic integrity and an anarchical type of cell division. Some researchers [3, 5, 7] regard this type of cell division as original. However, the anarchical type of cell division itself is secondary and, for this reason, cannot be ancestral to other types. The statement that the spiral type of cell division originated from the pseudo-spiral type also arouses serious criticism. The spiral type is caused by a change in the structure of the blastomere ooplasm rather than the appropriate arrangement of blastomeres.  相似文献   

Cephalic sense organs of Heterodera glycines males were examined in detail by electron microscopy. Each amphid basically consists of an amphidial gland, a nerve bundle, and an amphidial duct. The amphidial gland consists of a microvillous region, and laterally is closely associated with a large secretory cell. The nerve bundle penetrates the microvillous region, and further anteriorly individual nerve processes (dendrites) separate from one another, thus forming a sensilla pouch which is enveloped by the microvillous region of the gland. Anterior to the pouch, the cilia-like dendrites converge as they enter and eventually terminate in the amphidial duct. Heterodera glvcines males have the innervation basis for a full complement of sixteen papillae, although surface manifestations are present for only six minute inner labial papillae. In addition, four outer labial and four cephalic receptors terminate beneath the surface, and another two dendrite pairs end further posteriorly beneath the basal plate of the cephalic framework. Papillary receptors which terminate beneath the surface are probably mechanoreceptive, whereas inner labial papillae have pore-like openings to the exterior and may be chemoreceptive. Amphids and papillae of H. glycines are fundamentally similar to those of Meloidogyne incognita, although certain striking differences exist.  相似文献   

Ultrathin sectioning and cryofracture of fibrouskerite, sampled from 1.8–1.75 billion year old Volynsediments (Ukraine), revealed in bacteria-like bodies thepresence of structures similar to sheath, cell wall,periplasm, cytoplasm, septum, membranes, intramembraneparticles, poly--hydroxybutyrate inclusions. On thestrength of these data and also the fatty acid profilesof these microfossils, we concluded that fibrous keritesare biogenic formations, namely fossilized bacterial mats.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. The sexual life cycle of the hemogregarine Hepatozoon mocassini was studied in Aedes aegypti , an experimental mosquito host, using transmission electron microscopy. Gamonts were observed leaving the host snake erythrocyte as early as 30 min after mosquitoes ingested infected blood, and some gamonts had penetrated the gut epithelial cells by this time. Six hours post-feeding, gamonts were identified within cells of the abdominal fat body. Twenty-four hours post-feeding, gamonts were often entrapped within the peritrophic membrane, but were no longer observed within the gut wall. Parasites pairing up in syzygy and undergoing sexual differentiatioe were observed within fat cells at this time, and by 48 hours post-feeding, well-developed macro- and microgametocytes as well as microgametes were discernible. Developing zygotes observed 3 days post-feeding were enclosed within a panoitophorous vacuole. By day 6, multinucleate oocysts with crystalloid bodies in the cytoplasm were seen. Sporazoites developing within sporocysts appeared by day 12. Seventeen days post-feeding, mature oocysts with sporocysts containing approximately 16 sporozoites were observed upon dissection of mosquitoes. Large crystalloid bodies no longer bound by rough endopbsmic reticulum were located anterior and posterior to the sporozoite nucleus. Free sporozoites were not observed.  相似文献   

Photosynthetic activity, the content of various photosynthetic pigments, and the chloroplast ultrastructure were examined in the leaves of cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) and pea (Pisum sativum L.) plants of different ages grown under red light (600–700 nm, 100 W/m2). In pea leaves tolerant to red-light irradiation, chloroplast ultrastructure did not essentially change. In the first true leaves of cucumber plants susceptible to red-light irradiation, we observed a considerable increase in the number and size of plastoglobules, the appearance of chloroplasts lacking grana or containing only infrequent grana, and stromal thylakoids. In the upper leaves of 22-day-old cucumber plants, the chloroplast structure was essentially similar to that of the control chloroplasts in white light, and we therefore suppose that these plants have acclimated to red light.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Ichthyosporidium sp. Schwartz, 1963, apparently identical with the type species, I. giganteum (Thélohan, 1895) Swarczewsky, 1914, was studied with the electron microscope. Only late stages, a mature cyst containing sporulation stages and a cyst in the terminal (necrotic) stage were observed. The cyst, originating from host tissue, is a highly organized structure that is integrated with the surrounding connective tissue by means of numerous conspicuous processes. It is interpreted as essentially a manifestation of a defensive reaction of the host that is elicited by the parasite and then used to its advantage. Eventually the cyst dies and disintegrates. This type of cyst, peculiar among those associated with microsporidia, may be regarded as a distinctive character of the poorly defined genus Ichthyosporidium. Other observations let to an hypothesis which reconciles several different views regarding the identity of the Golgi complex. According to this new interpretation, these different views concern different aspects af the total complex. When all such views are integrated, a “classical Golgi” can be recognized in the presporoblastic stages and the “primitive Golgi” concept disappears. This “classical Golgi” then becomes highly modified during spore morphogenesis, giving rise to many of the internal organelles that are peculiar to the spore.  相似文献   

Encephalitozoon hellem is a new human microsporidian isolated from corneal biopsies and conjunctival scrapings of three AIDS patients and cultured in Madin Darby canine kidney (MDCK) cells. Encephalitozoon hellem and Encephalitozoon cuniculi display different protein profiles with sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and unique antibody binding patterns with murine antisera against Western blots of each organism. Developmental stages of E. hellem in culture are similar to E. cuniculi. Meronts are 1.3–2.7 μm in diameter, develop within a parasitophorous vacuole adjacent to the vacuolar membrane, divide by binary fission, and contain one or two discrete nuclei. Sporonts measure 2 × 3 μm, separate from the vacuolar membrane, and have a thickened outer membrane. Sporoblasts display a tri-layered wall and possess the earliest recognized polar filaments. Mature spores measure 1 × 1.5 μm and are more electron-dense than other stages. Each spore contains a single nucleus, a polar tubule with four to nine coils, thin electron-dense exospore and thick, electron-lucent endospore. Although E. hellem and E. cuniculi differ biochemically and immunologically, their fine structure and development are indistinguishable.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Ochromonas danica has an unusually flexible cell surface capable of producing projections of varying sizes and shapes: large projections, 340–360 nm long, and small projections, 50–110 nm long. These projections have been demonstrated by transmission and scanning electron microscopy; some of them may break off into the medium and be the source of extracellular membranes and vesicles reported in the cell-free O. danica growth medium. Ruthenium red stained the acid mucopolysaccharide layer just outside the cell surface as well as small blebs at the cell surface. The Golgi complex of O. danica, Ochromonas malhamensis, Ochromonas sociabilis and Ochromonas sp. produced small coated vesicles which may move toward and fuse with the plasma membrane. The role of the several vesicles is unknown but possible functions are discussed.  相似文献   

Amphids, and the cephalic and labial papillae of Meloidogyne incognita males were examined in detail by electron microscopy. Each amphid basically consists of an amphidial gland, a nerve bundle and an amphidial duct. The gland is a broad microvillous organ with a narrow anterior process, which is closely associated with the amphidial duct. A posterior process of the gland contains secretory organelles and proceeds along the esophagus with the lateral cephalic nerve bundle. The nerve bundle penetrates the broad portion of the gland and, subsequently, individual nerve processes (dendrites) separate from one another, thus forming the sensilla pouch which is enveloped by the gland. Anterior to the pouch, the dendrites converge as they enter and eventually terminate in the amphidial duct. The external opening of the duct is a broad slit which separates the cheek, the outermost part of the lateral lip, from the remainder of the lip region. M. incognita males have six inner labial papillae and four outer cephalic papillae which are each innervated by two and one cilia, respectively. In labial papillae, the cilia appear to terminate at the base of a pore opening, whereas in cephalic papillae each cilium terminates beneath the labial cuticle.  相似文献   

Structure of the head and cervical region of Ceramonema carinatum (Chromadorida: Ceramonematidae) was described from transmission electron microscopy of serial transverse and longitudinal sections of two females. An unbroken massive cortical layer encompasses the head, except where three thin liplets surround the mouth. A large flask-shaped buccal cavity, with simpler less dense cuticle identical with that of the pharynx, abuts the body cuticle just within the mouth. Myoepithelial ceils constituting the buccal and pharyngeal regions were described. Sixteen head sensilla, the amphids, and dorsal and ventral internal sensilla were identified and described, each with associated sheath and socket cells. Ultrasturcture of the head was compared with that of other nematodes. Arrangement of sensilla resembled that of Monhysterida and Rhabditida with some significant variations, such as prominent longitudinally arranged intracellular organelles containing many microtubules associated with the amphids. The buccal cavity was almost entirely pharyngeal in character. A well-developed system of structural fibrils and abundant hemidesmosomes were notable features.  相似文献   

Duda  V. I.  Danilevich  V. N.  Suzina  N. E.  Shorokhova  A. P.  Dmitriev  V. V.  Mokhova  O. N.  Akimov  V. N. 《Microbiology》2004,73(3):341-349
The electron microscopic examination of thin sections of cells of the yeasts Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Pichia pastoris and the gram-positive bacteria Micrococcus luteus and Bacillus subtilis showed that cell treatment with the chaotropic salts guanidine hydrochloride (6 M) and guanidine thiocyanate (4 M) at 37°C for 3–5 h or at 100°C for 5–6 min induced degradative processes, which affected almost all cellular structures. The cell wall, however, retained its ultrastructure, integrity, and rigidity, due to which the morphology of cells treated with the chaotropic salts did not change. High-molecular-weight DNA was localized in a new cell compartment, the ectoplasm (a peripheral hydrophilic zone). The chaotropic salts destroyed the outer and inner membranes and partially degraded the outer and inner protein coats of Bacillus subtilis spores, leaving their cortex (the murein layer) unchanged. The spore core became accessible to stains and showed the presence of regions with high and low electron densities. The conditions of cell treatment with the chaotropic salts were chosen to provide for efficient in situ PCR analysis of the 16S and 18S rRNA genes with the use of oligonucleotide primers.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Physarum polycephalum is classified presently as a sarcodinid in the class Eumycetozoea. It produces a sclerotial dormant stage consisting of a crustose deposit containing nucleated spherules of cytoplasm enclosed within a honey-comb-like matrix of organic walls. When rehydrated, the sclerotium reverts to a plasmodium: 1) the spherules become increasingly vacuolated, 2) electron-dense granules become dispersed within expanding vacuoles, and 3) pseudopodial extensions develop from the periphery of the spherule cytoplasm, penetrating the fragmenting walls, and making interconnections with surrounding spherules, eventually leading to a fully reticulated plasmodium. Six stages are identified during reversion from sclerotium to plasmodium in laboratory cultures, and their successive appearance was mapped over time. The six stages are: 1) sclerotial stage with crenulated nuclei, 2) cytoplasmic activation with smooth nuclear envelopes, 3) initiation of pseudopodial protrusions, 4) pseudopodial penetration into or across walls, 5) cytoplasmic interconnections among spherules with wall disintegration, and 6) fully formed cytoplasmic network as plasmodium. Cytochrome c oxidase activity, expressed per unit protein content of the homogenate, remains fairly constant throughout the developmental sequence, whereas acid phosphatase activity, expressed per unit protein concentration, is somewhat lower in the sclerotium than in subsequent stages of development after hydration.  相似文献   

Phylogeographic perspectives incorporating multiple classes of characters, especially those relating to sexual signals, are promising for the elucidation of recent evolutionary mechanisms driving speciation. Here, forest frogs were used as a model system to access distinct stages in the process of evolutionary differentiation. We studied 280 individuals assigned to three species: Allobates paleovarzensis, A. nidicola and A. masniger. Samples were collected at 20 localities arranged in two study systems, along the middle Amazon and the lower Madeira Rivers, in Central Amazonia. Mantel tests, analyses of molecular variance, and the spatial distribution of haplogroups indicated that the distribution of genetic variability, as inferred from a mitochondrial DNA marker, was determined by a combination of isolation-by-distance effects and the transposition of large Amazonian rivers. These two factors had contrasting relative influences in each of the study systems, which also differed regarding the estimated time of the major cladogenetic events. Pronounced population genetic structure was observed. However, multivariate discriminant function analyses revealed that the phenotypic (morphological and acoustic) divergence was loosely related with genetic differentiation and did not successfully predict assignment of individuals to genetic groups. The observed distribution of genetic variability showed the important role of genetic drift in the diversification of the mitochondrial marker studied. The phenotypic conservatism among populations was surprising in view of the high genetic structuring observed, and indicates a prevailing role of stabilizing selective forces in the process of sexual signal and morphological differentiation.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Fine structure and development of Encephalitozoon cuniculi from rabbits were studied in rabbit choroid plexus (CP) cell cultures and were compared to hamster and mouse microsporida. Sporoplasms had a single limiting membrane and contained a large nucleus. Proliferative forms (schizonts) had double outer membranes, the outermost being associated with the formation of the limiting membrane of vacuoles formed within the host cell cytoplasm. These organisms were often binucleate and divided to form sporonts. Sporonts divided once to form 2 sporoblasts which developed into electron-dense spores. Spores had a thick, 3-layered wall and contained a polar filament. The developmental cycle of E. cuniculi in rabbit CP cultures progressed rapidly. Sporoplasms were observed in host cells at 3 hr postinoculation (PI). By 24 hr PI proliferative forms were associated with host cell cytoplasmic vacuoles which contained developing organisms. Mature spores were present in vacuoles by 2 days PI, indicating that the life cycle in the CP system is ∼ 48 hr. The fine structure and the sequential developmental cycle of the mouse and hamster isolates were observed to be identical to those of the rabbit isolate and different from those of the genus Nosema. It is proposed, therefore, that the 3 organisms represent the same species, Encephalitozoon cuniculi.  相似文献   

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