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SYNOPSIS. The zebra mussel, Dreissena polymorpha (Pallas), wasintroduced into North America in 1986. Initial North American(N.A.) studies suggested that physiological responses variedbetween N.A. and European populations. However, literature reviewindicates agreement on most aspects of physiological adaptationincluding: respiratory responses; hypoxia/anoxia tolerance;salinity limits; emersion tolerance; freezing resistance; environmentalpH limits; calcium limits; starvation responses; and bioenergeticpartitioning. The main differences among N.A. and European musselsappear to be elevated upper thermal limits and temperaturesfor optimum growth among N.A. populations. N.A. zebra musselsprobably originated from the northern shore of the Black Seain the warmest portion of the mussel's European range. However,most European physiological data come from northern Europe wherepopulations may be adapted to colder temperatures. Alternatively,N.A. research suggests that mussels may have a capacity forseasonal temperature acclimatization such that responses recordedin warmer N.A. waters may be different from those recorded innorthern Europe even after short-term laboratory acclimation.Studies of genetic variation and physiological response amongEuropean and N.A. D. polymorpha populations are required toelucidate the basis for physiological differentiation. Recentlyevolved D. polymorpha has poor resistance adaptations comparedto unionacean and sphaeriid bivalves with longer freshwaterfossil histories. Poor resistance adaptations make it less suitedfor stable habitats, instead, its high fecundities, early maturity,and rapid growth are adaptations to unstable habitats whereextensive resistance adaptations are of little value.  相似文献   

Though a great deal of research focuses on the range expansion and presence of adult zebra mussels, there is still a need to understand the processes of larval settlement and how that relates to adult populations. There is evidence that marine bivalves preferentially settle on filamentous substrates such as hydroid colonies and algae; however, similar studies are rare in freshwater systems. We examined the importance of filamentous substrate for the settlement of the zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha) larvae by deploying PVC settlement plates with and without polypropylene filaments in the Bark River for a 6-week period. Larval supply was monitored weekly. Our results suggest that artificial filaments facilitated recruitment, primarily by increasing surface area available for attachment. Mussels on artificial filaments were significantly smaller in size than mussels attached to filamentous or control plate surfaces, providing some evidence that mussels may detach from filamentous substrate after initial settlement. This study adds to our general understanding about the role of filamentous substrates in the process of larval settlement and suggests that substrates colonized by filamentous epibionts may face increased risk of fouling by zebra mussels. An erratum to this article is available at .  相似文献   

Cytogenetic characterization of D. polymorpha was carried out using banding techniques such as C-banding, fluorochrome CMA3 and silver nitrate treatment. The diploid chromosome number of both investigated D. polymorpha forms (typical and albinotic) was the same 2n = 32 (NF = 56). The karyotype consisted of 5 pairs of metacentric, 7 pairs of submetacentric and four pairs of subtelo-acrocentric chromosomes. Ag-NORs were located in the telomeric position on the largest subtelo-acrocentric chromosome pair. C banding patterns indicate many sites of constitutive heterochromatin mainly located in the telomeric regions and interstitially in some chromosomes. CMA3-sites were observed in almost all chromosomes; apart from the Ag-NORs sites, they were located terminally on the chromosome arms and interstitially on three chromosome pairs. Sixteen chromosomes could be counted at the diakinesis stage of meiosis. No differences in banding chromosome patterns were found neither between both analyzed forms of D. polymorpha nor between males and females.  相似文献   

Dudakova  D. S.  Dudakov  M. O.  Kurashov  E. A.  Anokhin  V. M. 《Biology Bulletin》2021,48(9):1452-1461
Biology Bulletin - In May 2019, the invasive mollusk Dreissena polymorpha (Pallas, 1771) was found in Volkhov Bay of Lake Ladoga by means of an unmanned underwater vehicle. The age of some mollusks...  相似文献   

The invasion of the freshwaters of Belarus by the zebra mussel, Dreissena polymorpha (Pallas), began at least 200 years ago by the opening of shipping canals linking the Black Sea and Baltic Sea drainage basins. However, zebra mussels have invaded only 93 (16.8%) of 553 studied lakes; at least 20 of these lakes were invaded within in the past 30 years. Zebra mussels were found disproportionately in lakes that were mesotrophic, larger, and had some commercial fishing. Although larger lakes have more intensive fisheries with larger catches, the intensity of the fishery and average catch did not affect the probability of zebra mussel invasion. Zebra mussels were not found in dystrophic lakes (10% of the lakes studied), probably due to their low pH and calcium content. Zebra mussels became locally extinct in one lake due to anthropogenic eutrophication and pollution. Many ecologically suitable lakes have yet to be invaded, which suggests that natural vectors of overland dispersal, e.g., waterfowl, have been ineffective in Belarus. Thus, future spread of this species will continue to depend on human activities such as commercial fishing.  相似文献   

In the Modrac Reservoir, loaded with coal separation suspended material, rapid development of the zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha) took place from at least 1987. It is probably the first distinguished “infection” for this part of Balkan Peninsula, caused by this organism. Horizontal and vertical distribution of this mussel, at 15 different reservoir profiles, had been investigated.  相似文献   

The zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha, Pallas, 1771) is one of the most invasive species of freshwater bivalves, due to a combination of biological and anthropogenic factors. Once this species has been introduced to a new area, individuals form dense aggregations that are very difficult to remove, leading to many adverse socioeconomic and ecological consequences. In this study, we identified, tested, and validated a new set of polymorphic microsatellite loci (also known as SSRs, Single Sequence Repeats) using a Massive Parallel Sequencing (MPS) platform. After several pruning steps, 93 SSRs could potentially be amplified. Out of these SSRs, 14 were polymorphic, producing a polymorphic yield of 15.05%. These 14 polymorphic microsatellites were fully validated in a first approximation of the genetic population structure of D. polymorpha in the Iberian Peninsula. Based on this polymorphic yield, we propose a criterion for establishing the number of SSRs that require validation in similar species, depending on the final use of the markers. These results could be used to optimize MPS approaches in the development of microsatellites as genetic markers, which would reduce the cost of this process.  相似文献   

Kinetics of uptake, partitioning and elimination of cadmium were investigated in experimental studies with the freshwater mussel, Dreissena polymorpha. The radioactive cadmium isotopes 109Cd and 115Cd were used as tracers. Shells, soft parts and body fluid of the mussel exhibited considerable differences in accumulation and elimination. Accumulation factors up to more than 70,000 were calculated for the periostracum, whereas accumulation factors for the whole mussels ranging up to 3,000 were calculated. The shells bound a great deal of cadmium, but only loosely, and the metal could be readily eliminated after transfer to uncontaminated water. In contrast, no significant amounts of the cadmium incorporated in the soft parts were eliminated. The results indicate that the major portion of cadmium in the soft parts is strongly bound and cannot be eliminated by exchange processes.  相似文献   

Increased water clarity associated with zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha) populations may favor benthic algal primary production in freshwater systems previously dominated by pelagic phytoplankton production. While zebra mussel-mediated water clarity effects on benthic primary production have been implicated in published reports, few production estimates are available. This study estimates benthic primary production in Oneida Lake, NY before and after zebra mussel invasion (1992), using measured photosynthetic parameters ( , αB and β) from sampled benthic algal communities. In the summers of 2003 and 2004, primary production was measured as O2 evolution from algal communities on hard (cobble) and soft (sediment) substrate from several depths. We also backcast estimates of benthic primary production from measurements of light penetration since 1975. Estimates of whole-lake epipelic and epilithic algal primary production showed a significant (4%) increase and exhibited significantly less interannual variability subsequent to the establishment of zebra mussels. We applied our model to two lakes of differing trophic status; the model significantly overestimated benthic primary production in a hypereutrophic lake, but there was no significant difference between the actual and predicted primary production values in the oligotrophic lake. The hypereutrophic lake had higher zebra mussel densities than Oneida (224 vs. 41 per sample respectively). Though total community respiration (measured in total darkness) was factored into our model predictions of production, our model may need modification when heterotrophic respiration is a large portion of total community metabolism.  相似文献   

Reeders  H. H.  Bij de Vaate  A. 《Hydrobiologia》1990,200(1):437-450
In the evaluation of the role of lake restoration programmesin situ measurements of the filtration rate of the freshwater musselDreissena polymorpha have been performed in Lake Wolderwijd, The Netherlands. The filtration rate mainly depends on the suspended matter content of the water, and shows an inverse exponential relationship with this factor. The filtration activity is temperature indifferent between approx. 5 and 20 °C. At low temperatures the filtration rate drops abruptly, at high temperatures gradual inhibition occurs. The filtration rate shows a sigmoidal relation with the length of the mussel. The largestD. polymorpha have a diminished filtration rate compared to animals of smaller size. This might be a degenerative feature of the oldest mussels. In Lake Wolderwijd a population density of 675 per m2 is required to compensate phytoplankton growth by grazing. Manipulation of the size of the population can be executed by adding suitable substrates for the mussel.  相似文献   

The freshwater zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha) owes a large part of its success as an invasive species to its ability to attach to a wide variety of substrates. As in marine mussels, this attachment is achieved by a proteinaceous byssus, a series of threads joined at a stem that connect the mussel to adhesive plaques secreted onto the substrate. Although the zebra mussel byssus is superficially similar to marine mussels, significant structural and compositional differences suggest that further investigation of the adhesion mechanisms in this freshwater species is warranted. Here we present an ultrastructural examination of the zebra mussel byssus, with emphasis on interfaces that are critical to its adhesive function. By examining the attached plaques, we show that adhesion is mediated by a uniform electron dense layer on the underside of the plaque. This layer is only 10-20 nm thick and makes direct and continuous contact with the substrate. The plaque itself is fibrous, and curiously can exhibit either a dense or porous morphology. In zebra mussels, a graded interface between the animal and the substrate mussels is achieved by interdigitation of uniform threads with the stem, in contrast to marine mussels, where the threads themselves are non-uniform. Our observations of several novel aspects of zebra mussel byssal ultrastructure may have important implications not only for preventing biofouling by the zebra mussel, but for the development of new bioadhesives as well.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Unlike other freshwater bivalves that survive formonths in deionized water, Dreissena polymorpha requires minimalconcentrations of Na, K, Mg, and Cl in the bathing medium forlong-term survival. Although ion transport rates are higherin D. polymorpha compared to other freshwater bivalves, theytend to have lower blood solute concentrations. D. polymorphahas an unusually "leaky" epithelium with a high paracellularpermeability to solutes. Thus, even with high transport rates,it may not be possible for zebra mussels to retain higher bloodsolutes because of the extensive passive loss of ions. Undera hyperosmotic stress, D. polymorpha will rapidly osmoconform(about 12 hr) due primarily to the diffusion of solutes andpartially to the osmotic loss of water. D. polymorpha is notcapable of surviving an imbalance of Na/K in the external medium.In the absence of K the cells will tend to lose volume to achieveisosmotic balance with the blood, but the animals usually diewithin a few days. If D. polymorpha is exposed to excess K inthe environment (1 mM), they will accumulate K in the blood.If the K enters the cells, cellular volume would expand dueto increase in osmolyte concentration, yet, if K remains inthe blood, there will be an electrochemical imbalance. In eithercase, the animal cannot survive much longer than a day. WhenNa and K are present in the medium in a balanced combinationapproximated by artificial seawater (ASW), D. polymorpha willsurvive an acute transfer to 100 mosm ASW indefinitely (months).Our preliminary studies have shown that D. polymorpha will toleratestep-wise acclimation to solutions >250 mosm provided thechanges in salinity do not exceed 50–100 mosm. Freshwaterbivalves, unlike the marine bivalves, have limited free aminoacids in their body fluids and must rely on inorganic ions forosmotic regulation. The free amino acids serve as an importantosmolyte buffer for volume regulation when an animal experiencesan environment of changing salinity. The inability of Dreissena,and perhaps other freshwater bivalves, to tolerate hyperosmoticallyinduced dehydration may be due, in part, to the inability toaccumulate or retain sufficient intracellular K to facilitateregulatory volume adjustments.  相似文献   

The European population of Greater Scaup Aythya marila has experienced an alarming, ~60% decline in numbers over the last two decades. The brackish lagoons of the Odra River Estuary (ORE) in the south-western Baltic Sea, represent an important area for the species during the non-breeding season in Europe. The lagoons regularly support over 20 000 Scaup, with peaks exceeding 100 000 (38%–70% of the population wintering in NW Europe and the highest number recorded in April 2011–105 700). In the ORE, Scaup feed almost exclusively on the non-native Zebra Mussel Dreissena polymorpha. This mussel was present in the ORE already in the 19th century and continues to be superabundant. Using the results of 22 Scaup censuses (November to April 2002/2003 to 2013/2014) from the whole ORE (523 km2 of water), we show that Scaup flocks follow areas with the greatest area of occurrence and biomass of the Zebra Mussel, while areas with low mussel densities are ignored. The numbers of Scaup in the ORE are primarily related to the area of Zebra Mussel occurrence on the lagoon’s bottom (km2) in a non-linear fashion. Zebra Mussels were absolutely prevalent (97% of biomass) in the digestive tracts of birds unintentionally by-caught in fishing nets (n = 32). We estimate that Scaup alone consume an average of 5 400 tons of Zebra Mussels annually, which represents 5.6% of the total resources of the mussel in the ORE. Our results provide a clear picture of the strong dependence of the declining, migratory duck species on the non-native mussel, its primary food in the ORE. Our findings are particularly important as they can form the basis for the conservation action plan aimed at saving the north-western European populations of Scaup.  相似文献   

Mihuc  Timothy B.  Battle  Juliann M.  Mihuc  Janet R.  Bryan  C. Fred 《Hydrobiologia》1999,392(2):121-128
Zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha) seasonal colonization patterns, growth and habitat preferences were determined in a sub-tropical floodplain river at the southern edge of its distribution in North America during 1995–96 (Atchafalaya River Basin, Louisiana). Zebra mussel movement into subtropical areas represents a major frontier for this species worldwide. The onset of adult zebra mussel colonies occurred when the minimum daily temperature dropped below 31 °C and dissolved oxygen levels rose above 6.5 mg l-1 in the fall. By mid-winter, mussel populations were established at lateral distances >10 km from the main river channel. Mussel growth occurred throughout the winter with an increase in growth in April and May. Adult mortality occurred during May–August as dissolved oxygen levels declined and minimum daily temperature warmed above 29 °C in the floodplain and 32.5 °C in riverine sites. Limiting factors responsible for the seasonal pattern include temperature and dissolved oxygen tolerances experienced during summer months in the ARB. Summer water conditions apparently preclude establishment of resident zebra mussel populations in the Atchafalaya floodplain. Naturally occurring seasonal patterns in temperature and dissolved oxygen in floodplain rivers may have implications for the expansion of this exotic mollusk in warmwater systems with source colonies restricted to mainstem rivers and seasonal sinks in floodplain regions. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

One of the useful biological tools for environmental management is the measurement of biomarkers whose changes are related to the exposure to chemicals or environmental stress. Since these responses might vary with different contaminants or depending on the pollutant concentration reached in the organism, the support of bioaccumulation data is needed to prevent false conclusions. In this study, several persistent organic pollutants -- 23 polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) congeners, 11 polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), six dichlorodiphenyltricholroethane (DDT) relatives, hexachlorobenzene (HCB), chlorpyrifos and its oxidized metabolite -- and some herbicides (lindane and the isomers alpha, beta, delta; terbutilazine; alachlor; metolachlor) were measured in the soft tissues of the freshwater mollusc Zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha) from 25 sampling sites in the Italian portions of the sub-alpine great lakes along with the measure of ethoxyresorufin dealkylation (EROD) and acetylcholinesterase (AChE) activity. The linkage between bioaccumulation and biomarker data allowed us to create site-specific environmental quality indexes towards man-made chemicals. This classification highlighted three different degrees of xenobiotic contamination of the Italian sub-alpine great lakes: a high water quality in Lake Lugano with negligible pollutant levels and no effects on enzyme activities, an homogeneous poor quality for Lakes Garda, Iseo and Como, and the presence of some xenobiotic point-sources in Lake Maggiore, whose ecological status could be jeopardized, also due to the heavy DDT contamination revealed since 1996.  相似文献   

One of the useful biological tools for environmental management is the measurement of biomarkers whose changes are related to the exposure to chemicals or environmental stress. Since these responses might vary with different contaminants or depending on the pollutant concentration reached in the organism, the support of bioaccumulation data is needed to prevent false conclusions. In this study, several persistent organic pollutants — 23 polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) congeners, 11 polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), six dichlorodiphenyltricholroethane (DDT) relatives, hexachlorobenzene (HCB), chlorpyrifos and its oxidized metabolite — and some herbicides (lindane and the isomers α, β, δ; terbutilazine; alachlor; metolachlor) were measured in the soft tissues of the freshwater mollusc Zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha) from 25 sampling sites in the Italian portions of the sub-alpine great lakes along with the measure of ethoxyresorufin dealkylation (EROD) and acetylcholinesterase (AChE) activity. The linkage between bioaccumulation and biomarker data allowed us to create site-specific environmental quality indexes towards man-made chemicals. This classification highlighted three different degrees of xenobiotic contamination of the Italian sub-alpine great lakes: a high water quality in Lake Lugano with negligible pollutant levels and no effects on enzyme activities, an homogeneous poor quality for Lakes Garda, Iseo and Como, and the presence of some xenobiotic point-sources in Lake Maggiore, whose ecological status could be jeopardized, also due to the heavy DDT contamination revealed since 1996.  相似文献   

1. The zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha) is an aquatic nuisance species that invaded Ireland around 1994. We studied the invasion of the zebra mussel combining field surveys and genetic studies, to determine the origin of invasion and the vector of introduction. 2. Field surveys showed that live zebra mussels, attached to the hulls of pleasure boats, were transported from Britain to Ireland. These boats were lifted from British waters onto trailers, transported to Ireland by ferry and lifted into Irish waters within a day. Length‐frequency distributions of dead and living mussels on one vessel imported 3 months earlier revealed a traumatic occurrence caused by the overland, air‐exposed transportation. Results show that a large number of individuals survived after re‐immersion in Irish waters and continued to grow. 3. Zebra mussels from populations in Ireland, Great Britain, the Netherlands, France and North America, were analysed using amplified fragment length polymorphisms (AFLP)‐fingerprinting to determine the origin of the Irish invasion. Phylogenetic analysis revealed that Irish and British mussels clustered closely together, suggesting an introduction from Britain. 4. Ireland remained un‐invaded by the zebra mussel for more than 150 year. The introduction of the zebra mussel to Ireland occurred following the abolition of value added tax in January 1993 on imported second‐hand boats from the European Union (UK and continental Europe). This, together with a favourable monetary exchange rate at that time, may have increased the risk of invasion of the zebra mussel.  相似文献   

The paper includes data on species composition of chironomid larvae which were encountered in the mantle cavity of zebra mussels (Dreissena polymorpha) within 7 waterbodies in the Republic of Belarus. All were found to be free‐living species commonly present in periphyton and/or benthos. A long‐term study of the seasonal dynamics of these larvae in Dreissena did not reveal any typical pattern. Our data suppose that chironomids do not have an obligate association with zebra mussels and possibly enter their mantle cavity inadvertently. (© 2005 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

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