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Short and thick fibers were observed on the outer surface of the yeast phase of Paracoccidioides brasiliensis, and long and thin fibers were seen on the inner surface. The long fibers disappear with chitinase treatment and are composed of chitin. The short fibers disappear under alkali treatment and are composed of alpha-glucan. Comparisons with alpha-(1 --> 3)-glucan isolated from Aspergillus niger and Polyporus betulinus and with chitin from fungal origin support our point of view.  相似文献   

The difference between the budding process of Paracoccidioides brasiliensis and Blastomyces dermatitidis is reported herein. A characteristic feature in P. brasiliensis is that the optical density of the cell wall increases at the site where budding begins and at the neck of the dividing cell, whereas B. dermatitidis does not undergo this alteration. The neck which is formed between the mother and daughter cell at the site of division is much wider in B. dermatitidis than in P. brasiliensis. The bud scar in P. brasiliensis appears as a truncated cone, the top of which is covered only by the inner layer of the cell wall; in comparison, in B. dermatitidis the bud scar exhibits a flattened surface covered by the cell wall. Both fungi show an increase in the number of mitochondria and infoldings of the cytoplasmic membrane at the site of separation, which indicates that at this site there is an increase of metabolic activity.  相似文献   

The thermally induced changes in the cell wall polysaccharides of Blastomyces dermatitidis strain BD64, which produces a yeastlike form (Y form) at 37 C and a mycelial form (M form) at 20 C, were examined. The cell walls of the Y and M forms contained 36 and 51% of hexoses, respectively. The M-form cell wall contained glucose, galactose, and mannose in a molar ratio of 1:0.1:0.2. The Y-form cell wall contained mainly glucose and a very small amount of galactose and mannose. The glucans of the cell wall of the Y form consisted of about 95% alpha-glucan and 5% beta-glucan, whereas those of the M-form cell wall consisted of about 60% alpha-glucan and 40% beta-glucan.  相似文献   

A comparative study of the mycelial phase of Paracoccidioides brasiliensis and Blastomyces dermatitidis reveals that both fungi are very much alike, containing multiple nuclei and nuclear pores, mitochondria, ribosomes, scarce endoplasmic reticulum, intracytoplasmic membrane systems, glycogen, and vacuoles. Shadowed cell walls show fine fibrillar surfaces that contrast with those in the yeast phase. The intracytoplasmic membrane system is continuous with the plasma membrane and is similar to bacterial mesosomes. Granules with light cores and dark rims are observed in the plasma membrane. Live hyphae growing inside a dead hypha are found much more frequently in immersed cultures than in solid-medium cultures, suggesting that breakage of the hypha could elicit this phenomenon.  相似文献   

Isolation and chemical analyses of the cell walls of the yeast (Y form) and mycelial forms (M form) of Paracoccidioides brasiliensis and Blastomyces dermatitidis revealed that their chemical composition is similar and depends on the form. Lipids, chitin, glucans, and proteins are the main constituents of the cell walls of both forms of these fungi. There is no significant difference in the amount of lipids (5 to 10%) and glucans (36 to 47%) contained by the two forms. In both fungi, the Y form has a larger amount of chitin (37 to 48%) than the M form (7 to 18%), whereas the M form has a larger amount of proteins (24 to 41%) than the Y form (7 to 14%). Several properties of the glucan of P. brasiliensis were studied. Almost all of the glucan in the Y form was soluble in 1 n NaOH, was weakly positive in the periodic acid-Schiff reaction, was not hydrolyzed by snail digestive juice, and had alpha-glycosidic linkage. Glucans of the M form were divided into alkali-soluble (60 to 65%) and alkali-insoluble (35 to 40%) types. The alkali-soluble glucan was similar to that of the Y form; the alkali-insoluble glucan was positive in the periodic acid-Schiff reaction and was hydrolyzed by snail digestive juice.  相似文献   

Details of the sequential morphological changes occurring during yeastlike to mycelial-form conversion of the dimorphic pathogen Paracoccidioides brasiliensis are described and illustrated by photomicrographs. Conversion of yeastlike to hyphal morphology was initiated by changing the temperature of incubation from 37 to 23 C. Production by the parent yeastlike cells of elongated buds developing into hyphae started to be conspicuous after 24 hr of incubation at 23 C. After 120 hr of incubation, growth was almost exclusively filamentous. Direct transformation of parent yeastlike cells into hyphae was not observed. Dry weight increased continuously during the conversion process in spite of the gradual disappearance of the parent yeastlike cells. Concurrent studies showed that changes in ribonucleic acid and deoxyribonucleic acid content per unit dry weight are about the same whether the yeastlike cells are undergoing conversion at 23 C or growing normally at 37 C, and that deoxyribonucleic acid synthesis is apparently required for bud formation in both cases.  相似文献   

In soil extract agar and in Bennett medium abundant aleuriospores ofParacoccidioides brasiliensis have been observed. The possibility that these spores could be the infecting elements for man is discussed.
Resumen Se han observado abundantes aleuriosporas deParacoccidioides brasiliensis en agar extracto de tierra y en medio de Bennett. Se discute la posibilidad de que éstas esporas puedan ser los elementos que infectan al hombre.

Porosity of the Yeast Cell Wall and Membrane   总被引:19,自引:7,他引:12  
The limiting sizes of molecules that can permeate the intact cell wall and protoplast membrane of Saccharomyces cerevisiae were determined from the inflection points in a triphasic pattern of passive equilibrium uptake values obtained with a series of inert probing molecules varying in molecular size. In the phase identified with the yeast protoplast, the uptake-exclusion threshold corresponded to a monodisperse ethylene glycol of molecular weight = 110 and Einstein-Stokes hydrodynamic radius (r(ES)) = 0.42 nm. In the cell wall phase, the threshold corresponded to a polydisperse polyethylene glycol of number-average molecular weight ( M(n)) = 620 and average radius (r(ES)) = 0.81 nm. The third phase corresponded to complete exclusion of larger molecules. The assessment of cell wall porosity was confirmed by use of a second method involving analytical gel chromatographic analyses of the molecular weight distribution for a single polydisperse polyglycol before and after uptake by the cells, which indicated a quasi-monodisperse threshold for the cell wall of M(n) = 760 and r(ES) = 0.89 nm. The results were reconciled with two situations in which much larger protein molecules previously have been reported able to penetrate the yeast cell wall.  相似文献   

Paracoccidioides brasiliensis causes one of the most prevalent systemic mycoses in Latin America--paracoccidioidomycosis. It is a dimorphic fungus that undergoes a complex transformation in vivo, with mycelia in the environment producing conidia, which probably act as infectious propagules upon inhalation into the lungs, where they transform to the pathogenic yeast form. This transition is readily induced in vitro by temperature changes, resulting in modulation of the composition of the cell wall. Notably, the polymer linkages change from beta-glucan to alpha-glucan, possibly to avoid beta-glucan triggering the inflammatory response. Mammalian oestrogens inhibit this transition, giving rise to a higher incidence of disease in males. Furthermore, the susceptibility of individuals to paracoccidioidomycosis has a genetic basis, which results in a depressed cellular immune response in susceptible patients; resistance is conferred by cytokine-stimulated granuloma formation and nitric oxide production. The latency period and persistence of the disease and the apparent lack of efficacy of humoral immunity are consistent with P. brasiliensis existing as a facultative intracellular pathogen.  相似文献   

The purified red yeast cell wall lytic enzyme of Penicillium lilacinum No. 2093 has a potent saccharifying activity against cell walls, but the living cell lytic activity of it is considerably lower than that of the culture filtrate. Therefore, the living cell lytic factors in the culture filtrate were examined. The alkaline protease of Pen. lilacinum played an important role for living cell lysis. The synergistic effect on living cell lysis was also detected, when acid proteases from various origins were combined with the cell wall lytic enzyme. These results indicated that the protein layers of red yeast cell surface inhibited the action of a glycanase,cell wall lytic enzyme, and the protein molecule contributed to retain the rigid structure of the wall.  相似文献   

The [14C] moiety from [3H]UDP[14C]glucose was incorporated by intact cotton fibers into hot water soluble, acetic-nitric reagent soluble and insoluble components, and chloroform-methanol soluble lipids; the [3H] UDP moiety was not incorporated. The 3H-label can be exchanged rapidly with unlabeled substrate in a chase experiment. The cell wall apparent free space of cotton fibers was in the order of 30 picomoles per milligram of dry fibers; 25 picomoles per milligram easily exchanged and about 5 picomoles per milligram more tightly adsorbed. At 50 micromolar UDPglucose, 70% of the [14C]glucose was found in the lipid fraction after both a short labeling period and chase. The percent of [14C]glucose incorporated into total glucan increased slightly with chase, but the fraction of total glucans incorporated into insoluble acetic-nitric reagent (cellulose) did increase within a 30-minute chase period. The data supports the concept that glucan synthesis, including cellulose, as well as the synthesis of steryl glucosides, acetylated steryl glucosides, and glucosyl-phosphoryl-polyprenol from externally supplied UDPglucose occurs at the plasma membrane-cell wall interface. The synthase enzymes for such synthesis must be part of this interfacial membrane system.  相似文献   

Nearly all the amino group-producing activity of the autolysate of cells of Saccharomyces sake was recovered in the cell wall fraction obtained from the autolysis residue. The activity of the cell wall fraction was not lost even after repeated use.

The proteolytic activity of the fraction was not solubilized by incubation with detergents, disruption with cell mill or by freezing and thawing method, but was solubilized to some extent by incubation with a commercial yeast cell-lytic enzyme preparation.

The cell wall fraction hydrolysed casein to about 50%. When casein was previously treated with certain proteinases, more than 60% was digested. The activity of the fraction was significantly increased by the addition of Zn2+ while it was decreased by several proteolytic enzyme inhibitors. The interesting fact was that in the presence of EDTA the cell wall fraction showed only carboxypeptidase-like activity, and attacked the oxidized insulin B-chain to release two amino acids from the carboxyl terminal in known order.  相似文献   

Cytosolic proteinases were assayed in both morphological phases of Paracoccidioides brasiliensis. Preparations from the mycelial phase were more active in vitro than those from the yeast cells. Optimal proteinase activities for both phases occurred at pH's between 6.0 and 9.0, and at 45°C. Gelatin-SDS-PAGE electrophoresis separated several bands (58–112 kDa) in mycelial preparations; a single band (70 kDa) was seen in yeast preparations. Enzymatic activities were inhibited by antipain, phenyl methyl sulfonyl fluoride (PMSF), and chymostatin, suggestive of serine proteinases. Partial inhibition of the mycelial enzymes by ethylene diamine tetraacetic acid (EDTA), 1,10-phenanthroline, and iodoacetamide, also suggested the presence of cysteine- and metallo-proteinases. The enzymatic activity increased in preparations extracted from yeast cells transforming to mycelia, and decreased in preparations obtained from the reverse process. Received: 29 September 1997 / Accepted: 19 February 1998  相似文献   

We have studied the physiological and morphological features of 17 isolates ofParacoccidioides brasiliensis in order to define their phenotypes. The isolates were cultured at room temperature on potato dextrose agar (PDA, Difco) slants for mycelial growth and in 1% dextrose brain heart infusion agar (BHIA, Difco) at 37°C for the study of yeast forms. Most mycelial and yeast forms grew well between pH 5.6–9.4. In their response to osmotic pressure the isolates were separated in three groups: intolerant, intermediate and tolerant. They also varied in carbohydrate assimilation tests, which indicated important metabolic variation. No clear differences were observed in phenol oxidase tests, KNO3, starch, casein and arbutin assimilation tests. Only 1 of the isolates, Bt-19, had gelatinase activity. No correlation was observed between the above differences and virulence. Two patterns of growth were observed in the mycelial cultures, glabrous and cottonous, the latter being correlated with increased virulence for ddY mice. Most yeast forms grew as cerebriform colonies, but Pb-HC and Bt-19 colonies had a cobblestone-like surface.  相似文献   

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